paddy madden continues his series of ... - school earth ed

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Cúrsaí Teagaisc

62 InTouch January/February 2013

SamplesIgneous Basalt, granite, obsidian, pumice

Sedimentary Limestone, shale, sandstone, gypsumMetamorphic Marble, slate, quartzite, schist

Background information

Rocks are naturally occurring solids made up ofone or more minerals. All these are found in theearth’s crust.

Igneous rock They form when molten rock calledmagma cools. When this happens externally, themagma (now called lava), hardens into basalt,pumice or obsidian (extrusive rocks). When themagma cools slowly under the surface it changesinto granite (intrusive rock)

Sedimentary rocks Most are made fromsediments deposited by water and compacted intolayers called strata e.g. sandstone. Limestone isformed from the squashed remains of living thingssuch as shellfish and micro-organisms. It formedunder shallow, warm seas that covered most ofthe country 350 million years ago.Limestone is the most common rock in Irelandfollowed by sandstone.

Metamorphic rocks These are formed from theabove by heat and pressure. Limestone canchange into marble and shale into slate.

IndoorsStimulus statement: I brush my teeth with the re-

mains of a creature that lived at the time of thedinosaurs! (chalk, a pure limestone made fromtiny creatures is used in toothpaste).

Chain of reasoning: Where do you get your calci-um from? (milk) Where does the milk get its cal-cium from? (cow) Where does the cow get its cal-cium from? (grass) Where does the grass get itscalcium from? (soil) Where does the soil get itscalcium from? (limestone rock) So? The calciumin our bones was once part of the earth’s crust.Indeed all the minerals in our bodies were oncein the rocks that form the earth’s crust. (

All schools received a pack of six common rocksfrom TCD (See Sample enquiry questions to ask about these rocks:� Name the rock? How hard is it? Scratch with fin-

gernail = hardness of two. Scratch with coin =hardness of three. Scratch with sandpaper =hardness of eight.

� Use a small magnifying glass to answer: Is itmade from smaller bits? Is it shiny? Does it soakup water? Does it feel heavy for its size? Is it ig-neous, sedimentary or metamorphic? What is itused for?

Classroom observation: What’s made from rock?glass (quartz sand); classroom ‘chalk’ (gypsum);plaster (do.); mortar and concrete are made from

cement (limestone and clay); pottery (clay); pencil (graphite).

Demonstrate how sedimentary rock is made bytilting a two litre bottle (with the top part re-moved) at a 45˚angle and filling it with layers offlour, pasta, beans, sugar, coffee etc.

Make fossils. Three kinds: Body: actual teeth,bones etc.; Trace: signs of a creature e.g. foot-prints; Imprint: cast and mould. A mould fossil isa hollow shape in a rock which resembles thecreature that has dissolved. A cast fossil occurswhen this hollow fills up with minerals thatharden into a three dimensional shape of thecreature.

Method: Mix Plaster of Paris in a plastic tub withwater. Get some plasticine and press a shell firmly into it. Remove the shell. This is a mouldfossil. Now daub the impression lightly withVaseline. Make a collar out of a strip of paper.Place it around the plasticine. Secure with paperclip. Pour in Plaster of Paris and allow it to hard-en. Remove to display cast fossil.

OutdoorsIdentify the rocks in the school grounds. Visit a

local graveyard to identify headstone rocks andlichens.

Visit the Botanic Gardens to view the rock map ofIreland. Look for fossils in the recreated Burrenlandscape.

Ask a local quarry to supply the school with a largeboulder of the rock found there.

Zoom in on rocksActive learning indoors and outdoors

Eanáir/Feabhra – Fócas ar CharraigeachaPaddy Madden continues his series of SESE tips

Rock display

Basalt Old red sandstone

Erratic rockRock strata

Ammonite fossilAuthor & pupils from Scoil Aine, Raheny

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Teaching Matters

InTouch January/February 2013 63

Useful websites� Downloadable books, geological map of Ireland, activity sheets.� Excellent for interactive whiteboard on 3 different types.� Volcanoes� Interactive

whiteboard lessons on erosion, rocks at home.� Using

sweets etc. to investigate rock types.�

process_revl.shtml. Freeze-thaw weathering.�

soils.shtml/ Rocks and Soil worksheet.

� Interactivewhiteboard tests properties of rocks.

� Sayings about rocks.

Useful books� Written in Stone (1995) by Pádhraig S Kennan (Geological Survey of Ireland)� Rocks Minerals and Fossils (2001) by Barbara Taylor

PacksRock and Fossil sets from SciChem(formerly Shaw Scientific). Ph:014504077 for catalogue.

Rocks through the agesFlint Hunters/Gatherers (Mesolithic)

Porcellanite; Stone Walls; Megalithic tombs First Farmers (Neolithic)Copper and Tin; Stone Circles Bronze Age People

Stone Forts; Ogham Stones Iron Age PeopleStone Churches; Towers; High Crosses Early Christian People

Stone Castles; Monasteries; Walled Towns Normans Stone Tower Houses Medieval People

Big Houses; Cottages Landlords and Tenants

Paddy Madden lectures on SESE inMarino Institute of Education. He is theauthor of two books on school gardening,Go Wild at School and The SchoolGarden – What to do and when to do

it. Available from . Podcaston teaching about spring: Programme 129 on Buíochas do Marie Whelton,MIE, don aistriúchán.

Strand Unitscovered this month

EnvironmentalAwareness andCare, Materials,Living Things, Nat-ural Environments,Continuity andChange over Time.

Literacy/litearthacht� Igneous rock/Bruthchar-

raig: Rock formed fromthe cooling of moltenmagma and lava. Carraiga cruthaíodh nuair a bhímagma agus laibhe leáiteá bhfuarú.

� Sedimentary rock/Carraigdhríodair: Rock formedfrom layers of sedimentwhich have hardened.Carraig a cruthaíodh óghreamairí de dhríodair abhí tar éis a bheith cru-aite.

� Metamorphic rock/Carraig mheiteamorfach:Rock formed when sedi-mentary and igneousrocks were subjected toheat and pressure insidethe earth. Carraig acruthaíodh nuair atháinig athrú arbhruthcharraig, nó archarraig dhríodair, debharr teasa agus brúlaistigh de screamh andomhain.

� Limestone/Aolchloch: Asedimentary rock whichformed when organic re-mains such as shells andcorals were compressed.Carraig dhríodair acruthaíodh tar éis do shli-ogáin agus do choiréil abheith comhbhrúite.

� Granite/Eibhear: A gran-ular, igneous rock. Car-raig ghráinneach atá inabruthcharraig.

� Fossil/Iontaise: The pre-served remains or tracesof ancient life. Iarsmaíagus rianta buanaithe debheathra ársa.

Jurassic coast,Lyme Regis

Poulnabrone Dolmen, the Burren, County Clare

Burren landscape

Rock map inBotanic Gardens

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