packetv® views education specification sheet

Post on 06-Nov-2014






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What is PackeTV® Views?It’s an application that lets you manage multiple account types and roles to simplify IPTV content access, maintenance, and publishing. It runs directly in the browser, and maps IPTV media sources using a fully qualified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).What does PackeTV® Views do? It makes the viewing and sharing of IPTV content easier and more cost-effective. It provides a friendly, configurable UI to curate, store, publish, and control IPTV content. It offers multiple administrator and viewer categories for granular control. How does it work?Content is stored in the cloud to minimize enduser hosting and storage requirements, and allow fast and dependable access to stored content. The software as a service (SaaS) model minimizes client set-up and expenses – saving you money on deployment, maintenance, and server hardware.Who is it for? PackeTV® Views is ideal for any school, organization or business that relies on video streaming to communicate and educate. Teachers, trainers and technologists from K-12, community colleges, universities, government and corporations finally have an easy way to simply the process of delivering dynamic digital content. PackeTV® Views allows you to quickly and efficiently customize your digital stream for any audience. You choose the channels that you wish to reach your users. Channels can containuser-created or curated content, or a combination of the two. Channel lists and user groups can be created easily. Targeted feeds to reach each user group can then be developed. The daunting world of digital education content can be efficiently and cleanly conquered with this simple management solution.


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