p akistan s ustainable t ransport (pakstran) p roject, ciu-s indh yar muhammad (component manager)

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Pakistan Sustainable Transport (PAKSTRAN)

Project, CIU-Sindh

Yar Muhammad (Component Manager)

Baseline of CIU-Sindh

Besides Available Master Plan for Mass Transit, Karachi 2030, The Mass Trnasit projects could not implemented due to non existence dedicated Institutional Framework for implementation of such endevours.

Establishment of Sindh Mass Transit Authority is under process. Hopefully this will be on surface in near future. Meawhile, the work on BRT priority corridors are in progress.

Planned Mass Transit Corridors - KTIP(Karachi Transportation Improvement Project)

Objectives of PAKSTRAN

The objective of the project is to reduce the growth of the energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector in Pakistan, while simultaneously improving urban environmental conditions and improving Pakistan’s trade competitiveness by 1) creating an enabling investment environment for sustainable urban transport; 2) creating an institutional and policy framework that is supportive of urban transit development;


30th Consultation sessions/Meetings have been organized by CIU-Sindh in NED UET and in CIU-office as well.

CIU Sindh has played a active role in Legislation/Regulation work of Transport Sector.

CIU Sindh has played active role in legal matter’s of Transport Sector.

CIU Sindh organized a consultative workshop in NED on 11th September on roles of Transport & Mass Transit Department, Transport Authorities, KMC/Traffic Engineering etc. (Focusing mostly on regulatory aspects) for Refining/Re defining the same.


CIU Sindh has played an active role in imparting Training sessions in Judicial Academy to the officer’s of Transport Department.

CIU Sindh organized One week’s articulated training from (2 to 8 December) under capacity development program of "Transport officers, Motor Vehicle examiner’s traffic police officer’s, bus drivers and road users at NED and at DIG Traffic office.

Targets for 2015

Integration Study for all 4 priority Corridors

Flood Profing: PEQs and Carbon Emission for Selected BRT Corridors

Inclusive Design, Command and Control Centre

Think and think againor get ready to spend time in traffic jams rather at home


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