p a g e | 1 thessalonians 4:13-18 death and the rapture

Post on 25-Dec-2021






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1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Death and the Rapture

Good morning Church, it is wonderful to be here with

you all.

This morning we are going to continue our study of 1

Thessalonians, we will finish chapter 4.

Let us pray…

Now, chapter 4 has brought a change in direction from

the Apostle Paul to the young church in Thessalonica.

In the first three chapters, Paul was defending his own

character against the accusations being made about

him because of his quick departure out of their city.

Paul, here in this chapter is now exhorting and

correcting the young believers there in the church.

Remember, when Paul could take it no longer, wanting

to know the state of the church in the upper region of


Paul sent young Timothy to see how they were holding

up under such severe persecution.

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Timothy brought back word to Paul, and explained not

only was there still a church in Thessalonica, but the

church was thriving.

Their love was abounding, and in fact, they loved Paul,

and still respected his authority.

Timothy brought back word that they still were weak

in a few areas, regarding their sexual purity, and their

idea of how to work as Christians, and we spent the

last couple of weeks learning from Paul’s corrective

teaching in those two areas.

Now, Paul will address another point of confusion for

these young believers.

They had misunderstood Paul, regarding the return of

Jesus, and the rapture of the church, and they had

questions regarding those of their brethren who had


Perhaps the persecution of the Christians in

Thessalonica had begun to take the lives of many of

their loved ones.

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Paul will now explain to them the hope that the

believer in Jesus Christ has.

He will present the reality of the resurrection of the

saints, and speak of the imminent return of Christ.

This next portion of scripture is one of the most

important eschatological passages in the New

Testament regarding the rapture.

All throughout this letter to the Thessalonians Paul has

made mention to the Rapture and Christ’s coming, and

here Paul will give incredible detail to the

pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

Now, also remember, these young believers grew up

under the Greek philosophies, and all of this would be

very new to them, and perhaps that is why it took two

letters from Paul to clear up their confusion.

Their former pagan worldview had no hope or

assurance of the afterlife.

So first, Paul will answer their wondering hearts about

the death of their loved ones, and if those who died

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before the rapture would be handicapped in anyway

when this imminent event would take place…

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4:13…

The Comfort of Christ's Coming

4:13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren,

concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you

sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we

believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will

bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

Paul not sugar coating his words here, very bluntly he

says he does not want them to be ignorant concerning

those who had fallen asleep.

Now this term or idiom ‘sleep’ is a similar word Jesus

used for the death of Lazarus in John 11:11-14 Where

Jesus explains….

"Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake

him up." 12 Then His disciples said, "Lord, if he sleeps

he will get well." 13 However, Jesus spoke of his death,

but they thought that He was speaking about taking

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rest in sleep. 14 Then Jesus said to them plainly,

"Lazarus is dead.”

This sleep does not apply to our spirit or soul, but only

these earthy tents, these fleshly vessels.

You see it is our body that sleeps in death.

Now Paul is assuring the Thessalonians that death is

not a concern for sorrow for those in Christ.

Christ has defeated death in a great spectacle on the

cross, and those who put their faith in Him, have a

similar hope of their own resurrection.

Paul to the Corinthian church gives much detail into

this hope of the resurrection.

He explains that because Christ rose again, those who

put their faith in Him, will also partake in a resurrection

to life.

1 Corinthians 15:20-23 But now Christ is risen from the

dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have

fallen asleep. 21 For since by man came death, by Man

also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in

Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

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In this hope, we can understand that our loved ones

who have proceeded us in death have this hope as


You see death for the believer brings sorrow, but it is

the sorrow of saying goodbye before a long trip

knowing we will see them again, but perhaps not for a

long time.

Truly, goodbyes still bring grief but our grief is coupled

with the hope of a reunion where we will never again

say goodbye.

Does this mean that those believers who have died are

currently in some sort of soul sleep awaiting the

resurrection of the saints?

Not at all….

2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, yes, well pleased

rather to be absent from the body and to be present

with the Lord.

You see the moment this flesh dies, my brain activity

ceases, and my heart no longer beats, my soul then

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departs, and is immediately with Jesus, awaiting my

resurrected Body.

Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 explains this first Body,

the one through Adam is like a seed.

It will one day go down into the ground, and from

death, an incorruptible body will bloom forth.

Understand when you look at a flower, and all of its

beauty and intricate detail, and the wonderful

fragrance that comes forth from it, understand that a

flower was once was a dead, lifeless seed first.

It was not until it was buried in death, that it

resurrected into that new glorious flower.

That imagery is how Paul describes the hope of the

person who has died in Christ.

Death is a gateway to a better you, an eternal you, one

that is no longer bound to the effects of the curse.

Where for all eternity you will bear the beauty and

fragrance of Christ.

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Paul said in 1 Cor. 13:12 For now we see in a mirror,

dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but

then I shall know just as I also am known.

Currently, we are only a blurry image of what we will

be then, when we are known fully and purely.

One day, God will raise up those bodies that sleep and

they will wake up in the resurrection.

Now, the sad reality of the unbeliever is the Bible

never refers to their death as sleep.

For the person who dies without knowing Jesus as

their Savior, there is no rest, no peace, no comfort, and

constant turmoil and anguish.

Only those who die in Faith are assured of this rest,

and resurrection to life.

Jesus Himself separated the two different afterlives

when He said in John 5:24-29 "Most assuredly, I say to

you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who

sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into

judgment, but has passed from death into life. 25

Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and

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now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of

God; and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father

has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have

life in Himself, 27 and has given Him authority to

execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.

28 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in

which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29

and come forth — those who have done good, to the

resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to

the resurrection of condemnation.

You see the believer’s body will be resurrected into

eternal life, and the unbeliever into judgment.

Now notice there in verse 14, Paul gives the reality of

our loved ones who proceeded us in death, because

Jesus died and rose again, those who have died in

Christ, will return with Him.

Your loved ones who died in Christ are not in a holding

place, or a suspended reality until the resurrection,

even while waiting for their own resurrection they are

present with Jesus, that is their soul.

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Many believe when Christ comes for the church, and

we are translated up into the sky, that our loved ones

will be there to meet us with Christ.

It is in this moment, when our new Bodies will be given

to us.

Paul speaking about the Rapture in 1 Corinthians

explains it like this…

1 Cor. 15:51-55 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall

not all sleep, but we shall all be changed — 52 in a

moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last

trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will

be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this

mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this

corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal

has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass

the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in


55 "O Death, where is your sting?

O Hades, where is your victory?"

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Notice, when the rapture trumpet sounds, the dead

bodies will first be raised in their new form to eternally

join their souls.

And then we too will be changed, in a moment, in the

twinkling of an eye, or more better understood, the

blink of an eye.

Blink your eyes right now, that fast, this will happen.

So it seems currently, the dead in Christ, their souls are

in some temporary form with Christ until this event

where they are reunited with their eternal abode.

Some have suggested that the death of the believer

immediately brings them into eternity, or a time

without time, so they could very well already be

resurrected, because after death time does not exist.

Now, it may be so, all we can be assured of, is that one

day if death does not take us first, the rapture will take

us up into this time, where we will receive our eternal


Understand this truth this morning, if you here this

morning and you believe that Jesus died and rose

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again, and you have confessed Him as your Savior,

there is no worldly sorrow that can overtake your soul.

The truth of these passages are a great comfort.

That means that if right now, Christ came for His

church, and we were, in the blink of an eye, taken up,

there we would be united with Christ, and reunited

with all our loved ones.

My father-in-law, my grandmothers, a grandfather, 4

children lost in the womb I have never known, and

many others will be a part of this great reunion in the


This hope Paul is preaching here, was spoken by Jesus

Himself to the disciples who were experiencing sorrow

as well.

Jesus just revealed He was going to die, and they were

greatly troubled.

Jesus assured them John 14:1-3 "Let not your heart be

troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In

My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not

so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for

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you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will

come again and receive you to Myself; that where I

am, there you may be also.

Jesus will come again, and where He is we will be also.

This is the Word of Jesus, and this is the hope and

anticipation of every believer in every era of Grace, we

live expecting this promise to be fulfilled.

Jesus never gave a date, and God’s Word purposely

leaves every generation of Christians believing in His

imminent return.

You see, if we live everyday with this understanding

that Christ could come, and honestly put that hope at

the forefront of our thinking, we would live faithful as

servants living in anticipation of their Master’s return.

You see this understanding of Christ’s imminent or

sudden return should have provoked the Thessalonians

to live pure lives and to work diligently unto the Lord.

So Paul will continue on with his comfort and

correction, and remind them these things are true not

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by his own understanding, but this is Jesus’ assurance

to His church…

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that

we who are alive and remain until the coming of the

Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.

Paul reassures the Thessalonians that their loved ones,

who are asleep, will precede them during this event.

But notice here, Paul says we who are alive and remain

until the coming of the Lord.

Paul was even convinced that he could be taken up in

the rapture of the church, he says “we.” Who are alive

and remain.

Paul had no idea that the church era would continue

on for another 2000 years.

Again, it seems as though God intended for every era

of the church to live as though Jesus’ return was soon.

Now, many today are like the wicked servant Jesus

portrayed in His parable of the Faithful and Evil


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Matt 24:48-51 But if that evil servant says in his heart,

'My master is delaying his coming,' 49 and begins to

beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the

drunkards, 50 the master of that servant will come on

a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour

that he is not aware of, 51 and will cut him in two and

appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There

shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Since the Master has delayed His coming for these

many centuries, some have gotten complacent in their


Understand, today more than ever, Jesus can come for

His church, and even if, His coming is delayed, even

passed our generation, none of us in this room will

escape death.

Death is a reality none of us can escape, it is a fact of

life, the only escape from death is to be alive when

Christ comes for His Church.

Heb. 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once,

but after this the judgment

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Understand, if you are thinking you have more time in

your life before the Rapture to live as you please, for

your own pleasure.

You might not be respecting the reality of death


James put it this way…

James 4:13-14 Come now, you who say, "Today or

tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a

year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; 14

whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.

For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for

a little time and then vanishes away.

You are not promised tomorrow, everyone will meet

death at some point.

Warren Wiersbe tells of a gravestone he once read in

England, that cleverly read:

“Pause, my friend, as you walk by: As you are now, so

once was I. As I am now, so you will be. Prepare, my

friend, to follow me!”

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Understand Christian, this understanding is healthy,

one way or another, we will be accountable for our

lives we live here on earth, one day this life will cease,

and there we will be in eternity.

If you are waiting to surrender your life to Jesus,

Wisdom would caution otherwise.

Today would be the best day for your salvation.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

So, Paul assures that those who have died before the

Rapture will be risen first then he explains the play-by-

play of how this event will unfold…

16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with

a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the

trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

Paul explains that Jesus Himself, our Lord, will descend

from the very place the Apostles once saw Him ascend


From heaven, Jesus Himself will first shout, and then

the voice of an archangel will chime in, with the

trumpet of God blowing intently.

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This will be the signal of the Rapture of the church, and

how ominous it will be.

The graves of all of those who are in Christ will be

emptied, all the ashes of the dead in Christ, the

molecules of the dead Saints from centuries past, will

in this moment be changed, a metamorphosis will take


The dead seed of corruption will be turned into the

flower of incorruption.

The same voice that raised Lazarus from the dead…

That Omnipotent Voice of the Son of God, who once

declared John 11:43 "Lazarus, come forth!"

And the dead man presented himself alive and obeyed

the command, the same Voice will one day give the

command for all who died in Christ, to come forth.

Some have said, if Jesus on that day Lazarus was risen,

didn’t call him by name, all the dead that day would

have come forth.

Such is the authority and sovereignty of the Lord Jesus

Christ. Walvoord

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But Lazarus was only raised to life in his mortal body,

to eventually die again, but at the shout that initiates

the Rapture, all the dead in Christ will receive their

immortal bodies in a split second.

Also, a trumpet blast will be part of this ominous


In Numbers 10, the Trumpet blast was used for various

signals among God’s people, one of which was to

gather the people of God to the Lord at the tabernacle.

The trumpet was also used to signal the armies for

battle, as well as to announce feasts and celebrations.

Now it is unknown if the unbeliever will hear this signal

as well, if so they will we overwhelmed to the core.

For us this will be the trumpet blast of gathering to the


But for the wicked men on earth, the signal will be that

of a Holy War about to take place on the earth like

never seen before in history.

Perhaps in the unregenerate ears it will hear this

defining sound.

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Now there are many trumpets in regards to the End


Paul called this Trumpet of the Rapture 1 Cor. 15:52

…the last trumpet

That is the last trumpet of this age, that will usher in

the next age…

This trumpet is separate from the trumpets of God’s

Wrath in Revelation, and very different from the

seventh Trumpet that ushers the final moments of the


The Rapture Trumpet is a gathering to God.

The Revelation Trumpets are judgements.

There is another place in the New Testament that

speaks of a trumpet of gathering, yet this one is found

at the end of the Tribulation where Jesus explains of

the Son of Man…

Matt 24:31 That He will send His angels with a great

sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His

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elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to

the other.

This is an earthly gathering of the Believing Jews at the

end of the Tribulation.

Some people lump all these trumpet blasts together,

and when you do that, it greatly complicates things.

But understand that there would be no hope for the

Thessalonian believers if they were being taught that it

would be at the end of the tribulation that they would

be raptured.

Paul clearly is teaching that at any moment this last

trumpet of our era will signal the heavenly gathering of

the church and those who have died in the church era.

Since I was a child, I have dreamed about this event,

and the thrill and chills of hearing the signal, and in a

moment, everything in our reality being changed for all


It is such a glorious hope, such an overwhelming hope.

What problem are you experiencing today that would

not be solved by this signal, and you being raptured?

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Nothing in our life scales to this reality.

Even my little Sofia, I try to talk with her about this

reality, because I love to hear through a child’s faith

what hope we have.

She told me on Friday after I asked her if she was

hoping Jesus came today for us.

She replied after a pause and a thought, “I hope He

comes on Sunday when we are worshipping, so we can

just keep worshipping when we are with Him.”

Can you believe that? A six year old has a better

understanding then her father sometimes.

And you know as we see the meaning of the word that

we get our word rapture from next, we can begin to

understand why a child can understand so clearly

things we adults dull with our thinking.

17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught

up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord

in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Now this is where we get the word rapture from.

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The Latin word for ‘caught up’ is the Greek Word

‘harpazo’, which has the meaning ‘to snatch up.’

Now the Latin translation is rapturo, where we get our

English word Rapture.

So when you hear people say the word rapture is not

in the Bible, you can now explain it to them, they can

call it the ‘Caught Up,” or “Snatch Up,” or whatever

they want, but the event is in the Word.

You see after the dead in Christ are resurrected, in the

moment after, the blinking of an eye, those of us who

remain shall be caught up together with them in the

clouds where we will meet Jesus in the air.

Understand, this is not Jesus’ Second coming, that will

take place 7 years after this moment.

The Rapture of the Church will culminate in the air,

Jesus when He returns to establish His Kingdom will

come back to this earth.

The prophet Zechariah explains His feet will touch this

earth and enter into Jerusalem after splitting the

Mount of Olives in Two.

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Zechariah 14:4 And in that day His feet will stand on

the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the

east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two,

The Rapture will be a worldwide event, whereas the

second coming will be geographically centered in


Understand they are two separate events; one is the

signal that the other is seven years coming, after God’s

Wrath is poured out on rebellious mankind.

Now this is the point of transformation for us, at the

Rapture of the Church, those who are asleep, and

those of us who remain, Paul explains of this event in 1

Corinthians 15:53 For this corruptible must put on

incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

God in this moment will seize us up, and in the process

our molecular structure will be changed into our

heavenly eternal bodies, in the likeness of Jesus.

This event is biblical, and is the very next thing on the

prophetic calendar, the church is to live understanding

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that at any moment the Rapture of the Church can

take place.

(From Wiersbe’s Commentary) Now the Greek Scholar

Dr. Kenneth S. Wuest says this word ‘harpazo’ has five

different meanings, each of these meanings of ‘caught

up’ really add a special reality to this event.

The first meaning is to “catch away speedily.”

We will be caught away in the blinking of an eye.

This means we should live each moment of our lives in

this fallen world as though our redemption draws nigh.

The second meaning is “To seize by force.”

Satan has worked tirelessly with his army of vial

creatures and demonic hordes to deceive man.

And his main method of deception, is to promote this

world and to cause men to have a love affair with this


He is constantly working to persuade us to live for this

life and forsake the next.

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Some believers will have to be seized by force, as their

hearts are drawn to their endeavors here.

This is why a child’s heart is so pure with this idea of

the Rapture, they have only known this world for a few

short years.

Us astute adults have somewhat grown fond of this

place, and perhaps have found certain comforts here

very attractive.

Perhaps some believers will be literally dragged away

from this world.

The third meaning of ‘harpazo’ is “To claim for one’s

own self.”

In this understanding, we see the viewpoint from

Jesus’ perspective, as He comes and claims His own

bride for Himself.

The fourth meaning is “To move to a new place.”

Remember Jesus promised the disciples that He was

leaving to go and prepare a place for them.

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And in this moment, every Christian will get their keys

to their eternal home.

Phil 3:20-21 For our citizenship is in heaven, from

which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord

Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body that

it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to

the working by which He is able even to subdue all

things to Himself.

In that moment, we will move to our new home.

The last and fifth meaning is “To rescue from danger.”

Immediately after the disappearance of millions of

Christ followers, the world will be in disarray and they

will look to a charismatic world leader, who will be

used to usher in the final seven years.

The rapture is a rescue mission to save the believers

from the terrible time of the Tribulation.

As Paul already commended this church in chapter 1,

as they 1 Thess. 1:10 …wait for His Son from heaven,

whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who

delivers us from the wrath to come.

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We are not appointed to wrath, but will be rescued.

So all five meanings really add to the doctrine of the


Look at the last part of verse 17 with me please.

1 Thess. 4:17

And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Christian, this morning meditate on this truth, know

and understand the reality of all that your faith means

to you this morning.

May it be death, or may it be in the Rapture, we will

always be with the Lord.

Now, take what Paul has said this morning, these

Inspired Words.

The hope found in this text this morning, and now

apply it to your life.

What if today is your last day here on earth, what if

tomorrow the rapture was to take place, what if you

only had one day to live?

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How would the decisions you are faced with right now

be impacted?

Look at the person next to you right now, what if this

was the last day you had with them?

You know none of us are promised tomorrow.

I hear Jessica my wife pleading with young moms often

times, telling them, “you only get one shot at raising

these children, and then it is over, and the life you

raised them in will impact them for the rest of their


Our culture lives so flippantly as though we had 900

years to live this life.

But we get one shot at it, some have a shorter time

than others, none of us know for sure when our time is


Now, understand all that Paul has taught this morning,

what he is trying to get across to the Thessalonian


He is trying to get them to understand that death, and

the imminent return of Christ is the not to be feared

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among God’s people, Paul gives them a great comfort,

but also this understanding should stir the church up

into godly living.

With this understanding at the forefront of our hearts

and minds, we should choose to live a certain way.

Remember, the unruly believers that Paul was

correcting had chosen abandonment to their duties as


You see the expectation of the Rapture is not to

provoke irrational choices.

It makes our obedience to God’s Word have deeper


You see we are not to react to Jesus’ soon return as a

demonic cult would, and abandon our lives, quit our

lives, or to isolate ourselves form the world.

In Thessalonica many quit life, for which they were


But true Christianity, living with this hope of the soon

return of Christ, keeps us motivated and focused in our

daily lives.

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You see with the understanding that Christ can come

tomorrow, or even understanding the uncertainty of

life, it gives our lives deeper meaning.

You know, when I drive Sof and Lola to school, when

this thought is at the forefront of my mind, my

conversation with them is deeper and more


I try to talk about heavenly things, I try to help them

understand that Jesus is with them throughout the

day, our conversation is filled with Jesus.

When I walk them to class, I grab their little hands, I try

most days, to cherish those little hands, I try most days

to hold those hands as if it was the last time I was to

ever hold them.

When I drive to the office, to work throughout the

week, when this thought is at the forefront of my

mind, work is not a burden, I understand that God has

called me to work, and provide for my family.

He has blessed me with the co-workers to work

alongside with, to do life with.

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When our lives are assessed through the lens of the

reality that soon we will always be with Jesus, it brings

perspective to our lives.

You see, God is watching for faithfulness in His

servants, obedience.

Men, when Christ comes for His church, will He find

you loving your wife like He has loved the church?

Or will He find you hoping for more time?

When He comes, will He find you wives respecting your


Maybe you are thinking, “Yeah Pastor, I hope the

Rapture comes, to save me from that man I married.”

That is the wrong the thinking, this idea of tomorrow

not being promised to us, should change the way we

love those around us.

You know, the early church lived with this expectation

that soon Jesus would come, and it revolutionized the


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Every Revival in church History has had this

understanding that Christ could come at any moment.

You know what it did? It deepened the relationships in

the church.

You know the early church grew leaps and bounds,

with almost no evangelism.

You know what the hallmark of that first church was?

It was love and fellowship.

The church grew almost with no human endeavor, no

crusades, no door-to-door ministry, nothing of man’s


They were under such persecution, they could not rent

out the Coliseum and do a crusade.

And it was because they loved each other as if it was

their last day with one another, their numbers swelled.

Think about what the early church consisted of, the

model put forth in the New Testament.

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Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the

apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of

bread, and in prayers.

They were not doing huge outreaches, the testimony

of their love for one another drew others in.

The Christian Church had become a hospital for every

sort of person, rich, poor, Jew, Gentile, slaves and all

came together, in love and unity, with an eternal hope.

Acts 2:46-47 So continuing daily with one accord in the

temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they

ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47

praising God and having favor with all the people. And

the Lord added to the church daily those who were

being saved.

You see with this Holy anticipation and hope set before

them, they were able to see their fellow human, and

they were able to see past their prejudices and

differences, and they were able to set aside their

shortcomings and they were able to love one another


P a g e | 35

This understanding of Christ’s soon return, brought

every Christian duty into the right perspective, and all

their relationships were viewed through this lens.

Really, what grudge, or unforgiveness that you are

harboring this morning holds any value, if you truly

believed tomorrow could not come?

If we are honest this morning, if we look honestly at

our life’s pursuit, many of us perhaps have become

pretty attached to this world and its system.

This thought, of always being with the Lord, is usually

far from our thinking.

It might even be a bothersome thought.

I have even had a Christian tell me they do not want to

attend the church, because we teach the rapture, and

they have so much they want to do with their life

before this takes place.

As if, I stopped teaching it the reality would go away.

What does that thought, of being Raptured provoke in

your heart this morning?

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Listen church, to the last verse of this chapter.

18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

You see it is not supposed to be a burden to know that

soon we will be with Jesus eternally, it should be a


You know we need to be continually reminded of these

truths, to keep the proper perspective in this life.

One day, sooner than later, we will always be with the


We have this blink of a life, to get it right, to love as we

are called to love, to make every opportunity count for

the Lord.

I know, at the end of my father-in-law’s life, I learned a

lot from him on what mattered in life.

He would tell me often, how now that he was at the

end of his life, he wished that he could hold his

grandbabies hands, and walk down the way with them,

and just listen to them talk.

He hoped to one day walk again to accomplish this.

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This was a great man’s wish at the end of his life.

He had no pursuit of riches in mind, no longing for

more stuff to buy, no lust he wanted fulfilled, he just

wanted to be with his family and friends those he

loved, and he wanted to talk about heaven, he had so

many questions and so much anticipation.

It was those kinds of things that were important to

him, those were the things that mattered to him

knowing that he would soon be with Jesus.

What would be important to you today, if tomorrow

you would be in the presence of Jesus Christ?

What would you do differently, how would you live?

Church, that is how we are to live.

Go from church today holding your wife’s hand like

you may never get to again in this life.

Go from church today spending time with your

mother’s as though today was the last day to honor

her like Christ called you too.

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Go from church today and forgive that person you

have harbored bitterness for all those years,

remember we are going to be forgiven by the same

measure we forgive in this life.

If you breathe your last breath tomorrow, what will be

your measure of forgiveness that would be bestowed

upon you?

This comfort and perspective changes every reality we

have as believers.

Be inspired to love your children today with the idea,

that every embrace might be the last, every

conversation might be your last chance to instill in

them a saving faith.

Go forth this week, with a new appreciation for your

job, or your unfair boss, knowing that God has blessed

you with provision for your family.

Work at your job as though that day would be the last

witness you were leaving behind on what a Christian

Work ethic looks like.

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This week, love the stranger that crosses your path,

understanding that it might be your last chance before

you enter into glory.

You see this is why we comfort each other with this

reminder of the soon coming of the Lord.

This idea is why the first church was so fruitful, they

took advantage of every opportunity to live life to the

fullest, not selfishly, but in their demonstration of love.

Church, this would change the whole dynamic of our

Christian living, may we comfort one another, and

remind one another of this reality of Christ’s imminent


Lastly, this comfort Paul put forth this morning, gives

us all a hope, for those of us who have had to say

goodbye to loved ones.

Maybe you are here today on Mother’s Day, and you

hate this day, because your mother is gone to be with

the Lord.

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Rest in the assurance of God’s Word this morning,

death for a Christian is only a temporary goodbye, not

a permanent goodbye.

One day, as my little Sof puts it, the Rapture will

happen, and in that moment, Papa Tony, GG, her dogs

Jaxon and Rocky, and her siblings lost in the womb will

be waiting.

And perhaps her imagination is not very far from the

truth of God’s Word.

Church, what a hope that is before us this morning.

Man’s most feared enemy, Death, has been defeated

by Christ our King, and those who have put their faith

in Him share in His victory.

Death is not to be feared among God’s People, it is

only a graduation into eternity.

If you don’t have this hope this morning, please don’t

wait another day, you are here for a reason this


God brought you here to make the most important

decision of your life.

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Today you have the opportunity to receive salvation.

Please come forward during this last song, and pray

with one of the pastors or elders that will be up front,

to ask Jesus to become Lord of your life, to repent of

your sins, and receive freely the Grace He desires to

shower your life with.

And you too can immediately share in this living hope.

Also, I know Mother’s day is difficult for many, if you

are troubled this morning, please bring your troubles

to Jesus, and come forward and receive prayer and


These men will be up here to pray with you whatever

your prayer needs are this morning.

Let us pray….

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