oxford english 8b chapter six speaking class five grade eight songjiang (group) no.2 junior middle...

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Oxford English 8B

Chapter Six Speaking

Class Five Grade Eight

Songjiang (Group) No.2 Junior Middle School

Teacher: Sun Na

We need water!

Ask and answer:

A: What do you need water for?

B: We need water for washing our hands.

A: What will happen if we don’t

have water?

B: If we don’t have water,

... will ... /… won’t be able to …

What do we need water for …What do we need water for …

Without water, … will/won’t be Without water, … will/won’t be able to… able to…

at home in a factory

in a restaurant in a hospital

We need water for … at home.We need water for … at home.

Without water, … will/won’t be able Without water, … will/won’t be able to…to…

watering plants

mopping the floor

keep fish

We need water for … in a factory.We need water for … in a factory.

Without water, … will/won’t be Without water, … will/won’t be able to…able to…

manufacturing/ֽmænju`fæktſә/ 制造,加工

cleaning machines

serving customers

We need water for … in a We need water for … in a restaurant.restaurant.

Without water, … will/won’t be Without water, … will/won’t be able to…able to…

cleaning equipment /i`kwipmәnt/ 设备

cleaning bedding

bathing patients

We need water for … in a hospital.We need water for … in a hospital.

Without water, … will/won’t be Without water, … will/won’t be able to…able to…

Role play :

Do a survey about the importance of water

A: an interviewer

B: an ordinary person

C: a factory owner

D: a restaurant owner

E: a hospital manager




A: Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? B, C , D & E: Yes, go ahead. A: What jobs do you do? B/C/D/E: I’m a/an … A: What do you need water for? B/C/D/E: We need water for … A: Do you think it is important to you? B: Yes, of course. It is very important because if we do not have water, …will / won’t … C/D/E: Without water,

A: Well, thank you very much.

A: an interviewerB: an ordinary person D: a restaurant ownerC: a factory owner E: a hospital manager


Guessing game:1. ___ of all the water on Earth is fresh water.

A. 30% B. 10% C. 3%

2. We can only use ___ of fresh water on Earth.

A. 10% B. 20% C. 30%

3. ___ countries are lacking in water.

A. 20 B. 40 D. 80

4. ___ cities in China haven’t got enough water.

A. 100 B. 300 C. 600

5. 1 litre of motor oil can pollute _____ litres of drinking water.

A. 1,125,000 B. 125,000 C. 1,250

6. If you leave the water running while you brush your teeth, the water you waste is enough to fill ___ cans of soft drinks.

A. 25 B. 45 C. 65

7. A dripping tap will waste as much as ____ glasses of water every day.

A. 5 B. 65 C. 125

Water is precious, like liquid gold.

We must save water!

How to save me?

First, we can … Next, we can reuse the water to … (Then,… After that, …)

4L 50L 30L








Please use 200L of water to do these things as many as you can.

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