owbc scrapbooks chap2

Post on 24-May-2015






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Katrina and Destry begin their life together. They have children and face many challenges.


An Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge

By: EveningSky

Chapter 2: Babies and Magic

After Destry and I’s wedding, the rest of the day wasn’t very romantic or exciting. We were far from

being able to afford a honeymoon and we had so much to do regardless. As per Evening’s instructions,

I went ahead and took my dream career in Journalism in the paper. Destry could become an Education

Minister without regret after all. He continued skilling and I continued my cuisine hobby.

Although our day was not the most romantic, our night was. We celebrated being

newlyweds the usual way.

My tummy started to grow as Destry’s kept on growing. It was nice to have someone around to

experience first-time pregnancies together.

There wasn’t much to say about pregnancy. We sat around and ate a lot of grilled cheese. Both

Destry and I were constantly tired as well.

One morning when we were both quite far along in our pregnancies, I heard Destry crying out. By

the time I got out of bed though, he had already had our new alien daughter. I don’t know how he

managed to give birth but he didn’t really want to talk about it. I guess I don’t blame him.

I cautiously walked up to her and spoke, “Hello little one.” She squirmed. She was so cute! I looked

up at Destry. “What are we going to name her, Destry?”

“How about Midnight?”

“That’s lovely!”

Aside from the occasional diaper change, having a baby to take care of wasn’t as bad as I thought it

would be. However, with the rate my pregnancy was going, it wouldn’t be long until another baby

was on the way.

I was taking out the trash when I felt a searing pain in my stomach. At first I thought something was

wrong with me but then I realized the baby was coming. Destry made it out just in time to see the

birth. It was hard giving birth but also answered a lot of questions I had about it. Destry was excited

to see our baby he also cheered me on.

Since she was the first in the OWBC name scheme, we named her Blair.

Along with the 2 new babies also came more flamingos. Destry briefly contemplated the logic of


Now that we had two little ones to take care of, we were responsible for a lot more. Life wasn’t all

about us anymore. Two new lives depended on us.

When Destry came home without a job the next day, it was devastating, but we had to move on and

get do the best we could.

Luckily for us, there was a job in the Education career track advertised in the paper. Finally, I

thought, though I assumed this might be a little late. We were aging but we wanted to continue our

legacy with Knowledge.

Late that night, I figured I wanted to complete another part of my generation (that honestly didn’t

need to be completed but it was something I wanted). I called Rishell and asked her if she could teach

me that path of light. I wanted to become a good witch after all. Rishell took out her want and said

some words. I started to feel a tingling throughout my whole body. All of a sudden, I was rising into

the air.

The next thing I knew, I was a witch! I knew how to cast some basic spells but Rishell explained

that I would need to make reagents in order to do this. She handed me a cauldron so that I could make

the reagents and a spellbook so that I could study my path and learn more spells! I cast my first spell.

I felt the power of my words as I said, “Beautificus Locus.” I felt as if my will caused starlight to rain

down upon my house. Rishell congratulated me on my new spell. She even wanted to make sure that

my children were doing alright. She picked up Blair and held her close, singing to her. I was thankful

I had chosen the path of light.

The next thing I knew, it was Midnight’s birthday. I was so excited to have an excuse to throw a

party! I invited Evening over because she hadn’t seen me since the wedding. I wanted to make sure

she knew I was doing alright.

~For some reason, my game glitched and made Katrina the highest virtue. I’m sure it’s not a hack because I’ve removed the harmful ones and I have turned other people into witches in my other neighborhood and this has not happened. My game just loves this family I guess. The rules of Witchery Good Time don’t say she has to reach max virtueness, just be good.~

For this special occasion, we had cake. Just so Midnight could blow out the candles and

our guests would have something to eat other than our hard-earned grilled cheese.

Everyone was excited to see Midnight grow up as Destry cradled her, helped her blow out

the candles and grow up.

Turns out, the guests didn’t care for the cake and Destry almost ate a piece (the grilled

cheese sim himself) so we never had cake again.

Midnight grew up into a toddler. Little did I know what lay ahead of us. Toddler days are some of

the most trying. I would greatly suggest getting a dog bed to let your toddler sleep on. Sounds cruel

but they like them a lot more than cribs and you don’t have to be awake all day and night just to put

them in bed or let them out.

Midnight’s hair grew out funny. It was almost as if she teleported to a stylist, got her hair braided

and teleported back instantaneously. It wasn’t terrible but it looked strange on her. So Destry went to

take out the braids while I talked to Evening.

~Midnight is really beautiful. I was surprised! She is a scorpio:• 10 Neat• 4 Outgoing• 10 Active• 10 Playful• 1 Grouchy~

Although we did have some quiet moments to our nights, Midnight was a tough toddler. She was

always too tired to be potty trained when she had to go potty. She was also always getting into


It was around the time I started my novel and started to think toddlers were going to be a bit of a

hassle when my baby girl Blair grew up into one. Although I wanted to throw a party, both Destry and

I had our hands full with Midnight and had so much to do ourselves. Plus, after throwing out that last

cake and hearing horror stories about how birthday parties turned out after cake, we decided it might

be best to just celebrate as a family, as short as the celebration was.

Blair got her hair styled! She was such a cute toddler!

~Blair is cute. I’m wondering how much of her chubby cheeks are baby fat though. She is a cancer:

• 9-Neat• 6-Outgoing• 4-Active• 3-Serious• 7-Nice~

Although we were busy, Destry and I aimed to tech our children what we could. They learned how

to walk, talk and were potty-trained well (thankfully!)

When we were off doing our own thing, they were always playing with their toys.

Before we knew it, our little Midnight became a child!

I maxed my cuisine enthusiasm and Midnight tried to be the best big sister she could to Blair. She

comforted Blair at the oddest times. Yet, she was not yet old enough to properly take care of her sister.

I hoped the would keep this attitude for years to come as I was counting on her to look after her other

siblings in her teenage years.

As I continued working on my novel, the days flew by. Next, it was my baby girl Blair who turned

into a child. I was sad to see her days as a little one were over but happy that the hardest part of taking

care of her were over. That same night, I noticed I was starting to show. I was pregnant again.

Destry was such a good father. Watching him teach Midnight how to dance one night sent an

overwhelming feeling of happiness through me. I was glad I had chosen him to be my husband and

help me raise my children. I was thankful that my children would not only learn from the best, (two

Knowledge sims) but also from someone so loving and kind.

It was easier to get stuff done when Midnight and Blair became children. I worked hard on my

novel. So hard that my computer gave out and I had to fix it (the next day after noon). Also some

crazy person knocked one of our flamingos down one night. I just picked it up the next morning. It

was no problem.

I also finally finished my novel. A kind lady named Marylena Hamiton came to give it to me.

With all the extra free time I had since the kids had become children, I built a secret room to study

magic and learn robotics. I was just working on some Toy Robots which were bringing in a bit of

money when…

I felt a familiar pain. Oh no! Not here not here! “DESTRY!” I screamed. He didn’t hear me because

he was asleep. It was in the confines of my new magical and robotic room that I gave birth to Ophelia,

our third little girl.

I was worried that she would be trapped in that room forever but I found a way to get her out,

somehow. I was so thankful that my baby girl would be able to see the outside world.

The next day was going pretty well. I got promoted. Destry and I had some time to ourselves.

Until I heard someone opening the front door.

My heart leapt. “Destry,” I whisper-yelled, “we forgot to install a burglar alarm!!”

Destry, extremely tired after the long, hard day had already drifted off to sleep. I leapt out of bed to

find the burglar stealing Destry’s telescope! The telescope he used to be abducted! The very telescope

that is the reason for Midnight’s existence!

I picked up the phone right away and called the police.

The policeman came quickly but he was too late. The burglar had already stolen our wedding arch!

What the hell is a burglar going to do with our wedding arch? I was so upset! I spent good money on

that just so our children could get married under the same arch and it was now all for nothing! The

policeman kicked the burglar’s butt! However, it did not save our wedding arch or Destry’s telescope.

The insurance company gave us money for it but it wasn’t what we wanted.

Although they caught the burglar and took him to jail, I still felt really awful. To make matters

worse, I wasn’t feeling too hot.

Destry was upset that we got robbed but he didn’t let it get him down. One look at Ophelia and he

was super happy.

The kids got on with their usual homework and pranking each other. Midnight was pretty

competitive and always tried to win at pranking her sister. Blair was just as sweet as her father. In

fact, she enjoyed her studies almost as much as he did.

After Ophelia was born and in preparation for the new baby, we laid 6 more flamingos out on the


~I will admit that I forgot to lay the flamingos out until the robber came. It was only one day I forgot though and I put out the flamingos for the next child as punishment and compensation. They will be out there 3 days longer than they need to be but I felt really bad for forgetting. They really don’t get kicked all that much surprisingly enough.~

Destry was moving on up the career ladder as well.

Midnight and Blair were always so cute as children.

Midnight just loved to play and Blair would always

greet Destry when he came home from a hard day at

work. Not to mention, their grades were phenomenal.

We wanted to get them into private school as soon as

possible. We just didn’t have a nice enough house yet.

We had heard only sims whose parents’ houses have a

great environment and whose parents make great meals

get into private school.

Before I knew it my little Ophelia was beginning to grow.

~Ophelia looks a lot like her sister Blair (I hope this isn’t first born syndrome). They both have their mother’s eyes and hair color. Her personality is a bit different though. She is a taurus:

• 9 Neat• 7 Outgoing• 4 Active• 8 Playful• 4 Nice~

Ophelia was a smart toddler who learned to talk very quickly and was also calm on the potty. After a

rough time with two toddlers it was nice to have only one to have to pay attention to and Ophelia did

have more attention. She had two older sisters after all.

Blair enjoyed painting a lot. She even was invited into the local Arts and Crafts club. Her picture

“Sunset” was enjoyed by all of us.

I was in the bathroom when I felt a familiar pain. Could it be? I thought to myself as Midnight rushed in after hearing me call out, “Baby!” in between groans of pain. Could this be it? My last child.

Blair and Destry rushed in. Destry was shocked. “I can’t believe our last child is coming!”

Midnight interrupted him, “It better be a boy! I want a brother! I have too many stupid sisters!”

Blair squealed with disagreement. If I hadn’t been occupied, I probably would have glared at Midnight.

Destry answered her, “Midnight! You should apologize to Blair. Your sisters are actually quite smart.” Then he mumbled to me, “Although, it would be nice not to be the only man in the house.”

I could do nothing but chuckle a little. Even Evening told me she would like to see more variety.

As soon as the baby was born, we heard Ophelia crying in the other room. Blair went to go check on


“What is it? What is it?!?!” asked Midnight excitedly, “It better be a boy! This house is too girly!”

Destry glared at her.

“It…it’s a baby girl,” I said.

“No!” cried Midnight.

“Wow! Wow now it’s only one to five!” Destry chuckled.

We named her Ocean.

Midnight, after seeing her exclaimed, “Well at least I can pick on her.”

~Ocean after a song by my favorite band, Sugar Glyder, named Ocean.~

After Destry talked to Midnight about how she shouldn’t disrespect her sisters, Midnight apologized

to Blair.

“I’m sorry, Blair,” Midnight told her, “I’m only going to be a child for a little longer so let’s hang

out.” The two went fishing in our new pond.

We also had more flamingos join us.

Things were going well. We had such loveable and loving daughters. There wasn’t much more we

could ask for.

That was when Midnight grew up into a teenager. I threw a party for her birthday but she couldn’t

wait. She said she just wanted to go out on her own.

Immediately after she grew up, she ran to her room and was in there for a few hours. I called her to

come out of her room and to the party but she refused. She said she didn’t like the way she looked and

told me to go away.

~Midnight is a Pleasure sim with a secondary Romance aspiration. Woo Hoo!Her lifetime want is to Become a Game Designer and her predestined hobby is sports.I guess she’ll be playing a lot of sports games.~

I was catching up with Evening when Midnight entered. It was bad enough that she was wearing a

shirt that was too short for her but she had also completely ruined her hair and her face! She looked

like a clown. Evening and I stopped in our tracks and stared aghast at her appearance.

What should I do? What should I do? I thought, I can’t let her go out looking like this! She needs to

go in her room wash her face and wash out that dye in her hair! My friends will think I let my children

dress like hookers!

I knew I had to convince her at least redo her makeup.

I approached her cautiously, slowly and calmly speaking to her. “Midnight…”

“What?!?” she proclaimed defensively, “I know this outfit is ugly! I’m going to take care of it. It

was the only thing I could find that fit me!”

“That’s good but…”

“But what?!?”

“I think you would look more presentable if you went and washed your face first…and got that dye

out of your hair.”

“Are you saying you don’t approve of how I look?!?

“Let me tell you something, mother. I know you’re not my real mother. I know I am the spawn of

dad and some alien. So you can’t tell me what to do! I’m out of here!”

With that, Midnight stormed out of the house. I wasn’t sure where she went but I was quite worried.

I don’t know why her attitude had changed all of a sudden. It was like she was completely against me.

I was only trying to make sure that she looked decent and nobody would try to take advantage of her

or make fun of her because of the way she looked.

I needed to talk to Destry.

“Katrina what is it? You look so upset!” Destry said with a concerned look.

“Midnight just ran out! You should have seen her! She was made up to look like a prostitute! She chopped off all her hair and highlighted it bright red! Her shirt was too small, it was showing her belly! I don’t know what to do Destry! I tried to talk with her calmly about it. I tried to tell her she shouldn’t go out looking like that and she told me I can’t tell her what to do because…get this…I’m not her biological mother! Like her real mother…or whatever would come down here and take care of her. Either way, I don’t want something bad to happen to her, Destry. I’m worried! What are we going to do?”

“She’s a teenager now, Katrina. We need to give her a little freedom. I’ll talk to her when she gets home.”

“But what if she doesn’t come home?”

“If she’s not home in a couple of hours, we’ll go out and get find her.”

“Hey Midnight Wow! You’ve grown up!”

“I know I have, you like?”

“You’ve always been stunning! What’s up? Why did you want to meet with me?”

“It didn’t work, Pong! Katrina’s had another girl!”

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