over the satellite-to-earth channel · 7/16/2020  · excess noise we then consider a lower bound...

Post on 30-Aug-2020






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Feasibility Assessment For Practical Continuous Variable Quantum Key DistributionOver The Satellite-to-Earth Channel

S. P. Kish1, E. Villasenor1, R. Malaney1, K. A. Mudge2 and K. J. Grant21School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication,

University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia.2Defence Science and Technology Group, Edinburgh, SA 5111, Australia.

(Dated: August 25, 2020)

Currently, quantum key distribution (QKD) using continuous variable (CV) technology has onlybeen demonstrated over short-range terrestrial links. Here we attempt to answer whether CV-QKDover the much longer satellite-to-Earth channel is feasible. To this end, we first review the conceptsand technologies that will enable CV-QKD over the satellite-to-Earth channels. We then consider, inthe infinite key limit, the simplest-to-deploy QKD protocols, the coherent state (CS) QKD protocolwith homodyne detection and the CS-QKD protocol with heterodyne detection. We then focuson the CS-QKD protocol with heterodyne detection in the pragmatic setting of finite keys, wherecomplete security against general attacks is known. We pay particular attention to the relevantnoise terms in the satellite-to-Earth channel and their impact on the secret key rates. In systemset-ups where diffraction dominates losses, we find that the main components of the total excessnoise are the intensity fluctuations due to scintillation, and the time-of-arrival fluctuations betweensignal and local oscillator. We conclude that for a wide range of pragmatic system models, CS-QKDwith information-theoretic security in the satellite-to-Earth channel is feasible.


Quantum key distribution (QKD) providesinformation-theoretic secure key distribution be-tween two parties. Local data sent by a sender, Alice,is encrypted using a key that is guaranteed by quantummechanics to be securely shared only with the receivingparty, Bob. QKD is mainly implemented using opticaltechnology, making it ideal for secure key distributionover a high bandwidth free-space optical (FSO) link.

In discrete variable (DV) QKD applied over fibre thequantum information is usually encoded in a DV of a sin-gle photon (e.g. time-bin qubit), with a secure range oforder 400 km [1]. However, recently, DV-based QKDusing polarization as the DV was demonstrated in afree-space satellite-to-ground channel up to a distanceof 1200 km [2]. In [2], a quantum link was establishedfrom the low-Earth-orbit (LEO) Micius satellite to theXinglong ground station. This exciting development isa major step towards realizing global scale secure quan-tum communications using low-orbit satellites. Indeed,quantum communication through satellite channels is an-ticipated to be one of the core technologies enabling theso-called quantum internet [3].

However, it is uncertain whether DV or continuousvariable (CV) multiphoton technologies (or a combina-tion of CV-DV) will prevail in free-space optical quan-tum communication. CV protocols have the advantageof high-rate, efficient and cost-effective detection (usinghomodyne and heterodyne detectors) in comparison tothe sophisticated and expensive single-photon detectorsused for DV protocols. CV-QKD is also perhaps morecompatible with current classical wireless communica-

tions technologies. Initially, CV-QKD was proposed withdiscrete and Gaussian encoding of squeezed states [4–7].Thereafter, Gaussian-modulated CV-QKD with coherentstates was soon developed [8–10].

The simplest-to-deploy CV-QKD protocols are theGG02 protocol introduced in 2002 by Grosshans andGrangier using a homodyne detector [9, 10], and itsheterodyne variant (“the no-switching” protocol) [11].These both involve preparation of a coherent state (CS)using Gaussian modulation [7, 8]. More specifically, thequadratures X and P of the coherent state are randomlymodulated according to a Gaussian distribution [8]. Inthis paper, we refer to GG02 and the no-switching proto-col as the CS-Hom protocol and CS-Het protocol, respec-tively. We state them as the CS-QKD protocols whenwe refer to them collectively. The CS-QKD protocolshave been successfully deployed in fibre with non-zeroquantum keys distributed over distances of order 100 km[8, 12, 13].

The question we address in this work is whether thesimplest-to-deploy CV-QKD protocols, namely the CS-QKD protocols, will be viable in a real-world LEOsatellite-to-Earth channel. Although extensive theoret-ical work on CV-QKD through terrestrial FSO channelshas been done in recent years, e.g. [14–21], the onlyreal-world FSO deployment of any CV-QKD protocol hasbeen over the short distance of 460 m [22]. The largerlosses due to diffraction over the much longer satellite-to-Earth channel (as well as disparate turbulence effects)[23], render any extrapolation of the results in [22] farfrom obvious. This is compounded by the fact that [22]deployed a different form of CV-QKD, namely, a CS uni-dimensional CV-QKD protocol.

Our contributions in this work can be summarized asfollows. We identify the most important factors con-tributing to the total excess noise of the CS-QKD proto-














cols in the satellite-to-Earth channel. We pay particularattention to the noise contributions arising from scintilla-tion and contributions arising from time-of-arrival fluctu-ations between the transmitted local oscillator (LO) andthe quantum signal. Using our determination of the totalexcess noise we then consider a lower bound on the securekey rates anticipated for the CS-QKD protocols deployedover the satellite-to-Earth channel. We will consider se-cure rates in the asymptotic signalling limit for both ofthe CS-QKD protocols, and in the finite key limit for theCS-Het protocol.1

The rest of this work is as follows. In Section II wereview the security models required for calculating thesecret key rate of the CS-QKD protocols in a lossy chan-nel. In Section III we introduce the system model of theCS-QKD protocols in the satellite-to-Earth channel, andreview well-known contributions to the total excess noisefrom the channel and detectors. In Section IV, we simu-late the relative intensity fluctuations and time-of-arrivalfluctuations. In Section V, we investigate the impact onthe secret key rate of each noise term. In Section VI,we discuss the security of the CS-QKD protocols in thesatellite-to-Earth channel and discuss alternative proto-cols. In Section VII, we discuss our work in the contextof other CV-QKD protocols. Finally, we conclude andsummarize our findings in Section VIII.


In our security model of the CS-QKD protocols in thesatellite-to-Earth channel, we assume the eavesdropperEve has full access to the quantum channel and per-forms the most general (coherent) attack. The generalattack is when Eve prepares an optimal global ancillastate, which may not necessarily be separable. Eve canprepare any ancillary states to interact with the signalstates and make measurements. In particular, Eve canhave access to a quantum memory, which can store thesignal states until she learns information during the clas-sical post-processing. In our security model, we performthe analysis in the entanglement based (EB) version ofthe CS-QKD protocols, even though in deployment wewill assume the equivalent prepare and measure (PM)schemes [24, 25]. In deployment, it is straightforward toconvert measurements from one scheme to the other [24].

Information-theoretic security against the general at-tack for the CS-QKD protocols was proven in the asymp-totic limit where an infinite key was assumed [26]. Thegeneral attack was proven to reduce to the collective at-tack using the de Finetti representation theorem for in-finite dimensions [27]. However, in practice, we need to

1 Currently, a formal proof of security in the finite limit for theCS-Hom protocol is unavailable.

consider the secret key rate in the finite limit which canonly be ε-secure, where ε is the probability of failure.Information-theoretic security of the CS-Hom protocol inthe finite regime is still an open question. However, byexploiting a new Gaussian de Finetti reduction method,a composable security proof against general attacks forthe CS-Het protocol was recently proven [28].

A. Asymptotic limit

In this section, we review the well-known secret keyrates under general attacks in the asymptotic limit(which always provides key rates higher than those ob-tained under general attacks in the finite limit). Wewill follow the formalism provided in [29] and referencestherein. The covariance matrix describing the Gaussianmodulated coherent state sent from Alice (A) to Bob (B)has the form,

γAB =

(aI cσzcσz bI

), (1)

where I = diag(1, 1) is the unity matrix andσz = diag(1,−1) is the Pauli matrix. For the Gaus-sian modulated CS-QKD protocols, the coefficients of thecovariance matrix are

a = VA + 1,

b = VB =ηdT

µ(VA + χ(T, ηd) + 1),

c =



√V 2A + 2VA,


where VA is Alice’s modulation variance of the quadra-ture operators, VB is Bob’s measured quadrature vari-ance, 0 ≤ T ≤ 1 is the transmissivity of the channel, andηd is the detector quantum efficiency.2 The CS-Hom andCS-Het protocols correspond to µ = 1 and µ = 2, respec-tively. The term χ(T, ηd) is defined as all noise termsother than vacuum noise, expressed in vacuum units. Inthe literature it is common to distinguish between noise,χd(ηd), arising from the detector and noise, χch(T ), aris-ing from the channel transmission where [29],

χ(T, ηd) = χch(T ) +χd(ηd)

T, (3)

and where χch(T ) is given by

χch(T ) =1− TT

+ ξch. (4)

2 We implicitly assume in all calculations that the vacuum noiseis normalized to 1 by setting ~ = 2.


Here, ξch is the channel excess noise from various sourcesand (1− T )/T is due to channel loss. χd(ηd) is given by

χd(ηd) =µ− ηdηd


, (5)

where ξd is the detector excess noise and (µ − ηd)/ηd isnoise due to detector losses.

The secret key rate3 against general attacks (inbits/pulse) under reverse reconciliation in the asymptoticlimit (infinite key length) is given by [29–31]

K = βIAB − SBE , (6)

where IAB is the mutual information between Alice andBob, 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 is the reconciliation efficiency, and SBEis the upper bound to the Holevo information betweenEve and Bob. In this work we will only consider reversereconciliation where Bob sends correction information toAlice who corrects the bit values in the key (derived fromher quadrature measurement) [32]. The mutual informa-tion IAB for the CS-QKD protocol is given by

IAB =µ


VA + 1 + χ(T, ηd)

1 + χ(T, ηd). (7)

Note that from this point forward, we simplify thenomenclature with χ(T, ηd) := χ, χch(T ) := χch andχd(ηd) := χd. Note also, the mutual information be-comes

IAB =µ


ηdTµ (VA + ξch) + ξd + 1ηdTµ (ξch) + ξd + 1

, (8)

and in the limit T → 0, IAB(T→0) = µ2 log2


= 0, as

expected.We use the trusted model throughout the paper, where

Eve can only have access to the channel excess noise χch.Consequently, in the Holevo information shared betweenEve and Bob in (9), we only consider χch. Eve’s infor-mation after Bob’s measurement is the upper bound onthe Holevo information,

SBE = S(E)− S(E|B), (9)

where S(E) is the von Neumann entropy of Eve’s statebefore the measurement on mode B (Bob’s mode) andS(E|B) is conditioned on Bob’s measurement outcome.Eve is assumed to purify the transmitted state AB re-sulting in a pure Gaussian state. It was shown that fora given covariance matrix describing a Gaussian state,Gaussian attacks are the most optimal attacks that min-imize the key rates [33]. Therefore, Eve’s entropy is

S(AB) = G(λ1 − 1

2) +G(

λ2 − 1

2), (10)

3 When we refer to “secret key rate” in this paper, we actuallymean a lower bound on the rate.

where G(x) = (x+ 1) log2 (x+ 1)− x log2 x and λ1,2 arethe symplectic eigenvalues of the covariance matrix γAB .For CS-QKD protocols, these are given by [29]

λ1,2 =

√A′ ±

√A′2 − 4B′


A′ = (VA + 1)2(1− 2T ) + 2T + T 2(VA + 1 + χch),

B′ = T 2((VA + 1)χch + 1)2,


and the entropy S(E|B) is

S(E|B) = G(λ3 − 1

2) +G(

λ4 − 1

2) +G(

λ5 − 1

2), (12)

where λ3,4,5 are the symplectic eigenvalues of the con-ditional covariance matrix characterizing the state afterBob’s measurement. The eigenvalues λ3,4 are given by,

λ3,4 =

√C ′ ±

√C ′2 − 4D′

2, (13)

where for the CS-Hom protocol C ′ and D′ are given by

C ′hom =A′χd + (VA + 1)

√B′ + T (VA + 1 + χch)

T (VA + 1 + ξ),

D′hom =√B′VA + 1 +


T (VA + 1 + χ),


respectively, and for the CS-Het protocol C ′ and D′ aregiven by

C ′het =1

T 2(VA + 1 + χ)[A′χ2

d +B′ + 1

+ 2χd((VA + 1)√B′ + T (VA + 1 + χch))

+ 2T (V 2A + 2VA)],

D′het =

(VA + 1 +


T (VA + 1 + χ)




respectively. Note, λ5 = 1 for both protocols. Using (6)and (10)-(15), it is then straightforward to calculate thesecret key rate in the asymptotic limit.

B. Finite key size effects

We now consider the practical security of the CS-QKDprotocols using finite-size analysis. We will assume thesmall finite processing errors associated with the Gaus-sian modulation of the coherent states can be ignored.We do note, however, that an information-theoretic val-idation of this assumption does not yet exist [34]. In thesecurity analysis, we consider the Gaussian collective at-tacks with ε-security that was first introduced in [35, 36]and extended to general attacks in [28, 37–39]. In theinfinite limit, the knowledge of the relevant parameters


are exact, but in the finite limit, the parameters are es-timated with a finite precision. This precision is relatedto the probability εPE the true values are not inside theconfidence interval calculated from the parameter esti-mation procedure [35, 36]. In the finite limit, the secretkey rate in bits/pulse is given by [37, 38]

K =n


BE ]−√n

N∆AEP (n)− 2



2ε, (16)

where ε is the total failure probability of the protocol,SεPE

BE is the upper bound of the Holevo information takinginto consideration the finite precision of the parameterestimation, N is the total number of symbols sent, andn = N − ne, where ne is the number of symbols used forparameter estimation. ∆AEP (n) is given by [37, 38]

∆AEP (n) = (d+ 1)2 + 4(d+ 1)√


+ 2 log2(2/(ε2εs)) + 4εsd/(ε√n),


where d is the discretization parameter4 and εs is asmoothing parameter corresponding to the speed of con-vergence of the smooth min-entropy. In the finite-sizeregime, one is limited to ε-security where ε = εEC +2εs+εPA + εPE , where εPA is the failure probability of theprivacy amplification procedure, and εEC is the failureprobability of the error correction. The parameters εsand εPA can be optimized computationally [35].

To account for the finite statistics and obtain the valueof SεPE

BE , the previous covariance matrix (2) for Alice andBob becomes [35, 36],




(VA + 1)I√



√V 2A + 2VAσz√



√V 2A + 2VAσz (Tmin

2 (VA + ξmax) + 1 + ξd))I



where Tmin and ξmax are the minimum and maximumvalues of T and ξch, respectively.

The confidence intervals for T and ξch can be calcu-lated from known distributions of the estimators5 t andσ2 to obtain the lower value of the T interval given by[35, 36],

Tmin =

(t− zεPE/2




, (19)

and the higher value of the ξch interval given by,

ξmax =

(σ2 + zεPE/2


2√ne− 1− ξd

)/t2, (20)

4 d is the bits of precision encoded by the symbol. In this work,we set d = 5 as in [38].

5 In a real-world deployment the maximum-likelihood estimatorscan be computed from the measurement data to determine Tminand ξmax [35, 36].

where zεPE/2 satisfies 1 − erf(zεPE/2/√

2) = εPEand erf(x) is the error function defined as

erf(x) = 2√π

∫ x0e−t

′2dt′. From a theoretical per-

spective and what we do in this work, we can set theexpectation values of the estimators to

E[t] =√ηdT ,

E[σ2] = Tηdξch + 1 + ξd.(21)

Using these values, we can compute Tmin and ξmax. Todetermine SεPE

BE in (16) for the CS-Het protocol, we usethese values in equations (9)-(13) and (15)(i.e. settingT = Tmin and ξch = ξmax in equations (3)-(5)). The mu-tual information IAB in (16) is calculated as done beforein (7) using T and ξch. Putting all this together, to cal-culate the secret key rate with finite size effects in (16),we make use of the aforementioned quantities SεPE

BE , IAB ,and ∆AEP (n) in (17).

In going from optimal Gaussian collective attacks togeneral attacks, only the CS-Het protocol is ε′-secure

against general attacks with ε′ = κ4

50 ε, where [28]

κ = max1, n(dA + dB)(1 + 2√


+ (ln(8/ε)/n)(1− 2√


where dA and dB are the average photon numbers of Al-ice and Bob’s modes respectively, and k is the numberof modes [28]. However, κ ≈ n and thus ε ≈ 50

n4 ε′. We

choose ε′ = 10−9 and number of symbols used for param-eter estimation6 ne = n = 1012 which can be obtained inminutes for a source pulse rate of 100 MHz. To obtainthe secret key rate under general attacks, it is enough toanalyze the security against Gaussian collective attackswith ε = 10−55 and εEC = εs = εPA = εPE [28].


We present our system model in Fig. 1. Essentially,a Gaussian modulated coherent state is prepared onthe satellite (Alice) and measured at the ground station(Bob) using homodyne or heterodyne detection. At Al-ice’s location in a LEO satellite at altitude H, a stronglaser source generates a coherent state which is dividedby an asymmetrical beamsplitter into the local oscilla-tor (LO) and the signal path. The laser source generatespulses at central frequency ω0 of width τ0 and a repetitionrate frep. The laser beam is collimated by a transmitteraperture of diameter DT . The amplitude and phase cor-responding to X and P quadratures in the signal pathare Gaussian modulated with the Gaussian distributioncentred at 〈X〉 = 〈P 〉 = 0 with variance VA.

6 In the rest of the paper, unless stated otherwise, we choose ne =n = 1012, implying n/N = 0.5.


Atmosphericchannel𝑇, 𝜉!"

𝜉# , 𝜂#


𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑂𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 (𝐿𝑂)


Δ𝑡 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒚𝒏𝒆 𝑜𝑟𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒚𝒏𝒆 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟

(𝑋$, 𝑃$)𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒



FIG. 1: The PM CS-QKD protocols in the satellite-to-Earth channel. A local oscillator (LO) is sent with the signal by Alicewhich passes through a lossy channel of transmissivity T and channel excess noise ξch. Bob receives the signal and the LOwhich he uses to perform the homodyne or heterodyne detection. The former is represented by a XB quadrature measurement(blue), and the latter by two balanced beamsplitters (purple) and two quadrature measurements (blue XB and purple PB). Theheterodyne/homodyne detector efficiency is ηd and the detector excess noise ξd. An entirely equivalent EB scheme is available.

The LO is then multiplexed with the signal (in a differ-ent polarization mode) and sent to Bob. Both the LO andsignal are received by an aperture of diameter DR. Usingthe LO, Bob monitors the transmissivity T which has aprobability density function PDF PAB(T ) of the channel.The PDF is integrated up to a maximum possible value ofT = Tmax. In general, the form of this PDF is a functionof many atmospheric parameters, the transceiver aper-tures, and the distance between the transceivers. In theuplink (Earth-to-satellite) deep fades in the transmis-sivity can be anticipated, largely due to beam wanderand beam deformation [40]. In this work, we adopt set-tings where the losses in the satellite-to-Earth channelare dominated by diffraction effects alone. That is, weassume the transmissivity is a constant. As we discusslater, reasonable receiver/transmitter apertures rendersuch an assumption reasonable in the downlink channel.7

However, it is worth noting here that additional supportfor a constant transmissivity in the downlink comes fromthe phase-screen simulations of [41], which show highly-peaked transmissivity PDFs.8

In the CS-Hom protocol, Bob randomly chooses to ei-ther measure the quadratures X or P with the homodynedetector and later announces to Alice which quadraturehe measured. In the CS-Het protocol, Bob measures bothX and P using two detectors at the output of a balancedbeamsplitter.

7 Even in cases where non-constant transmissivity is present, chan-nel post-selection using the LO can render a subset of the chan-nels to lie within an effective constant transmissivity window.QKD rates can then be approximated via summation of ratesarising from these subsets.

8 Note the QKD key rates of [41] are based on the use of an LOgenerated directly at the receiver (not one transmitted with thesignal), and therefore cannot be directly compared with the keyrates reported here.

A. Noise Components

As shown in (3), we separated the noise due to thechannel χch and the detector χd. Bob’s variance9 VB ofthe quadrature operator in (2) using the definitions in(4) and (5) is

VB =ηdT

µ(VA + χch +


+ 1)


µ(VA + ξch +


) + 1


µ(VA + ξ) + 1,


where we define the total excess noise as

ξ := ξch +µξdηdT

. (24)

The channel excess noise10 is [24, 42, 43]

ξch = ξta + ξRIN,Atmos + ξBackground + ξmod

+ ξRIN,LO + ξRIN,Signal,(25)

where the contributions above are the time-of-arrivalfluctuations ξta, relative intensity noise (RIN) due to theatmosphere ξRIN,Atmos, background noise ξBackground,modulation noise ξmod, RIN of the LO ξRIN,LO, and RINof the signal ξRIN,Signal. We refer the reader to Table Ifor a description of these noise components. We note

9 In the limit of T → 0, Bob’s variance of the quadrature operatorreduces to 1 + ξd as expected.

10 The channel excess noise is defined with respect to the input,and is thus multiplied by the transmissivity T and ηd in thecovariance matrix.


that the time-of-arrival fluctuations ξta and RIN due tothe atmosphere, ξRIN,Atmos, have not been determined inthe satellite-to-Earth channel. An analysis of these twoexcess noise components is discussed in the next section.

Similarly, the detector excess noise11 is [24, 44–48]

ξd = vel + ξADC + ξoverlap + ξLO + ξLeak (26)

where the noise contributions listed are the electronicnoise vel, analogue-digital converter noise ξADC , detectoroverlap ξoverlap, LO subtraction noise ξLO, and LO-to-signal leakage ξLeak. We refer the reader to Table I for afuller description of these noise components.


In the following section, we use the atmospheric chan-nel to determine the channel excess noise contributionsfrom the intensity fluctuations of the LO and the time-of-arrival fluctuations between the LO and signal. Typicalvalues from the literature of each noise contribution (aswell as our calculations) are summarised in Table II.

A. Relative intensity - Local oscillator

We follow the procedure presented in [24] to derive thecontribution to the channel excess noise from the vari-ations in the intensity of the LO, in the context of thesatellite-to-Earth channel. At Bob, the signal and LOare mixed on a balanced beamsplitter. Photo-detectorsat the outputs measure the intensity and are subtractedto obtain the quadrature measurement. The differencein the number operator describes this measurement

∆nB = |αLO|(cos(θ)X + sin(θ)P ), (27)

where |αLO| is the coherent amplitude and θ is the phaseof the quadrature measurement. It is clear that oscil-lations in the amplitude |αLO| of the LO will introducean additional excess noise to the protocol. Assumingfor simplicity we intend to measure the X quadrature(θ = 0). Then the difference in number operator is

reduced to ∆nB = |αLO|X. Since the fluctuations inintensity and the quadratures are independent randomvariables, then the variance of the difference in numberoperator is proportional to the variance of both LO andquadrature operator,

Var(∆nB) = Var(|α|LOX) (28)

= 〈|αLO|2〉〈X2〉 − 〈|αLO|〉2〈X〉2

= 〈|αLO|2〉VA= (Var(|αLO|) + 〈|αLO|〉2)VA, (29)

11 The detector excess noise is defined with respect to the outputand hence T and ηd cancel out in the covariance matrix.

since 〈X〉 = 0 and Var(|αLO|) = 〈|αLO|〉2 − 〈|αLO|2〉 isdetermined by the intensity fluctuations of the LO andVA denotes the variance of the quadrature without con-sidering the effects of the variation of intensity in the LO(i.e. Alice’s modulation variance). To derive the variance

in the measurement of the X quadrature considering allthe effects, we rewrite Var(∆nB) assuming a constantintensity LO with amplitude 〈|αLO|〉, and that the RINin the quadrature measurement is characterized by thevariance VRIN,LO(X).

Var(∆nB) = Var(〈|αLO|〉X)

= 〈|αLO|〉2Vtotal(X)

= 〈|αLO|〉2(VA + VRIN,LO(X)). (30)

where Vtotal(X) is the total variance including VA andthe variance of the quadrature operator due to the RINof the LO. Comparing both (29) and (30) we get

〈|αLO|〉2VRIN,LO(X) = Var(|αLO|)VA. (31)

Finally, the resulting noise component is

ξRIN =Var(|αLO|)〈|αLO|〉2

VA. (32)

We identify two main sources in the fluctuations ofthe intensity of the LO. One is the fluctuations inher-ent to the laser when it is generated and the secondis the fluctuations caused by the atmospheric fadingchannel. Since these two random effects are indepen-dent, then the noise component due to intensity fluc-tuations of the LO becomes the sum of the two con-tributions ξRIN = ξRIN,LO + ξRIN,Atmos. In [24] thenoise term12 due to the fluctuations of the laser is de-rived and given for a realistic setup with commonly avail-able lasers. The contribution to the total excess noise isξRIN,LO ≈ 0.00035VA. In Table II, ξRIN,LO is shown fora modulation variance of VA = 5.

Analysing ξRIN,Atmos, we note that the intensity of theLO is measured over the aperture used by the receiver.That is, we consider the total power P over the aperturesurface D,

PD =

∫∫D|I(x, y)|2dxdy, (33)

where I(x, y) is the irradiance of the LO expressedin Cartesian coordinates with the aperture centred at

(x, y) = (0, 0). In (32), the term V ar(|αLO|)〈|αLO〉2

is the nor-

malized intensity variance known as the scintillation in-dex σ2

SI . We can quantify the scintillation index averaged

12 ξRIN,LO = 14RINLO × BLO × VA where RINLO = 1.4 ×

10−7Hz−1 is the RIN and BLO = 10 KHz is the optical band-width of the LO [24].


ξch Channel excess noise component Description

ξta Time-of-arrival fluctuations ξta is the noise component due to the differential modifications betweensignal and LO pulses in the satellite-to-Earth channel. Predictions forthis noise component in a terrestrial free-space channel were made in [51],but not for the satellite-to-Earth channel. We will quantify this noisecomponent in the next section.

ξRIN,Atmos RIN of LO due to atmosphere ξRIN,Atmos is the noise component due to the scintillation caused by at-mospheric fluctuations. We will quantify this noise in the next section.

ξRIN,LO RIN of the LO The noise term ξRIN,LO is due to the power fluctuations of the laser beforemodulation. This noise component is an intrinsic noise that depends onthe parameters of the laser [24].

ξmod Modulation noise The noise term ξmod is due to the voltage fluctuations in the modulationof the coherent state at Alice [42]. The signal generator translates bitinformation to a voltage which is amplified to drive the modulator [24].The phase of the quadrature is proportional to the applied voltage. Subse-quently, the voltage deviation introduced by the signal generator introducesmodulation noise.

ξBackground Background noise Part of the channel excess noise for the satellite-to-Earth channel is photonleakage from the background ξbackground to the quantum signal and LO[43].

ξRIN,Signal RIN of the signal Excess noise due to power fluctuations of the laser translates to the RINof the signal ξRIN,Signal. This noise component is proportional to theabsolute power variance for a given optical bandwidth of the signal laser[24]. In comparison to the RIN of the LO due to the laser, the RIN of thesignal is conisderably smaller [24].

ξd Detector excess noise component

vel Electronic noise The term vel is electronic noise that is due to other noise sources of thedetector including thermal noise and clock jitter affecting the detector.Shot-noise-limited homodyne measurement requires sufficient LO power toreduce the effect of the electronic noise by increasing the signal-to-noiseratio (SNR) [24, 44].

ξADC Analogue-digital converter (ADC)quantization noise

ξADC is due to digitizing the output voltage, required by all CV-QKDsystems [24, 45, 46]. This noise term can be suppressed by increasing thenumber of bits.

ξoverlap Pulse overlap The finite response time of the balanced homodyne/heterodyne detectorcauses an electrical pulse overlap ξoverlap [47]. Large peak powers forshorter pulses can saturate the diodes, causing a non-linear response. Thiscan be suppressed by ensuring 1

τ20 f2rep

>> 1, where τ0 is the pulse width.

ξLO LO fluctuations during subtraction The incomplete subtraction of the output signals by the homo-dyne/heterodyne detector introduces the noise component ξLO [24, 47].

ξLeak Leakage noise Part of the total excess noise is the photon leakage from the LO to the signalwhen the signal is multiplexed with the LO [44, 47]. This term largelydepends on the system design. However, in the polarization-frequency-multiplexing scheme, this is assumed negligible [48].

TABLE I: Noise components of the total excess noise ξ of CS-QKD the satellite-to-Earth channel.

over the aperture surface D with diameter DR

σ2SI(DR) =

〈P 2D〉

〈PD〉2− 1. (34)

Then the ξRIN,Atmos noise component can be rewrittenas

ξRIN,Atmos = σ2SI(DR)VA. (35)

The value of σ2SI(DR) can be obtained for weak atmo-

spheric turbulence by using the atmospheric models pre-sented in the Appendix, and calculating the first andsecond-order statistical moments of the irradiance [49].The result is

σ2SI(DR) = 8.70k7/6(H − h0)5/6 sec11/6(ζ)

× Re

∫ H





16H+ i

h− h0H − h0







where k = ω0/c is the wavenumber of the laser frequencyω0 (c is the speed of light), ζ is the zenith angle, H is thealtitude of the satellite at zenith angle ζ = 0, h0 = 0 kmis the altitude of the receiver ground station, and C2

n(h)is the refractive index structure of the atmosphere (seeAppendix). In Fig. 2 we present the values of σ2



Parameter Ref.

ξch Channel excess noise 0.0186; 0.0126ξta Time-of-arrival fluctuations 0.006 This paperξRIN,Atmos RIN of LO due to atmosphere 0.01; 0.003 This paperξRIN,LO Relative intensity noise of LO 0.0018 [24]ξmod Modulation noise 0.0005 [42]ξBackground Background noise 0.0002 [43]ξRIN,Signal Relative intensity noise of signal < 0.0001 [24]

ξd Detector noise 0.0133vel Electronic noise 0.013 [44, 47]ξADC Analogue-digital converter noise 0.0002 [45, 46]ξoverlap Detector overlap < 0.0001 [47]ξLO LO subtraction noise < 0.0001 [24, 47]ξLeak LO to signal leakage < 0.0001 [44, 47, 48]

TABLE II: Excess noise break-down affecting satellite-to-Earth CS-QKD during daylight.

FIG. 2: Aperture averaged scintillation index for differentreceiver aperture diameters and zenith angles.

for different receiver aperture diameters and zenith an-gles. We see the importance of using a large aperture inthe receiver, since not only is it essential for increasingthe transmissivity of the channel but also to reduce thefluctuations on intensity which translates to excess noise.The values of ξRIN,Atmos are calculated for the receiveraperture diameter DR = 1 m and DR = 3 m at ζ = 60

and altitude H = 500 km are given in Table II. Theseare ξRIN,Atmos = 0.01 and 0.004, respectively. For therest of this paper, unless otherwise specified, we use theformer value for DR = 1 m.

B. Time-of-arrival fluctuations

Now we derive the pulse deformations due to trans-mission through the satellite-to-Earth channel, used inthe calculation of the time-of-arrival fluctuations of ourTable II. In [50] an analysis based on the mutual coher-ence function (MCF) is made, where the two-frequency

MCF is defined by the average of all ensemble of pulses(see equations (11)-(28) in [50]). The MCF representsthe product of the free space optical fields and the tur-bulence factor based on the first and second-order Rytovapproximation. Since LEO satellites are positioned at ahigh enough altitude we can treat the propagation of thewave as in the far-field regime. In this regime the waveas seen by the receiver corresponds to a plane wave.

In the far-field regime corresponding to the Fresnel pa-rameter Ω = ω0W

20 /(2Lc) << 1 where W0 is the beam-

waist, L is the total distance travelled by the pulse, andc is the speed of light. The beam-waist is determined bythe transmitter aperture diameter which is a fundamen-tal system parameter, as it dominates over many of theeffects occurring during optical propagation. The tempo-ral mean intensity in the far-field regime is obtained byaveraging over the bandwidth of the MCF at the sameradial position and time. From [50], the result is

〈I(r, L, t′)〉 ≈ τ20τ1

(W 2



)2τ20 [(1 + ω2

0τ20 ) + (W0r/Lc)


τ1[τ20 + (W0r/Lc)2]5/2

× exp

− ω2

0τ20 (W0r/Lc)


2[τ20 + (W0r/Lc)2]

× exp

−2(t′ − L/c− r2/2Lc)2



where t′ is the time, r the radial coordinate over thewavefront of the pulse, τ0 is the initial pulse width, andthe broadened pulse width τ1 is

τ1 =√τ20 + 8α,

α =0.391(1 + 0.171δ2 − 0.287δ5/3)ν1 sec(ζ)

c2, (37)

and where ν1 is the following integral (which we evaluatenumerically),

ν1 =

∫ H


C2n(h)L0(h)5/3dh. (38)


FIG. 3: Ratio of pulse broadening as a function of initial pulsewidth and for different zenith angles.

Here δ = L0

l0where L0 and l0 denote the outer and inner

scales, respectively. The inner and outer scales are intro-duced alongside the atmospheric model described in theAppendix. Any optical pulse sent thought through theatmosphere, will incur deformations due to variations ofthe refractive index of atmospheric turbulence. To fullyanalyse the pulse deformations we consider two effects;the broadening of the pulse, and the changes on the time-of-arrival of the pulse. Both of these effects are charac-terised by the value of τ1. First, the broadening of thepulse will cause an attenuation of the average light in-tensity of the received signal by a factor of τ0/τ1 [51]. InFig. 3 we show the ratio τ0/τ1 as a function of τ0 for thesatellite-to-Earth channel with the parameters specifiedabove. We see that the pulse broadening becomes con-siderable only for pulse widths τ0 < 0.1 ps. However, fora pulse width τ0 = 130 ps commonly used in CV-QKDsystems consistent with a 100 MHz repetition rate [44],the pulse broadening effect is negligible.

The second and more relevant effect is the variationof the time-of-arrival ta at the detector between the sig-nal and the LO pulses. As shown in [52], the statis-tical properties of the time-of-arrival are obtained fromthe temporal statistical moments of the complex enve-lope describing the pulse. The analysis shows that thetime-of-arrival mean and variance equal 〈ta〉 = L/c and

σ2ta =


4 , respectively. In satellite-to-Earth CS-QKD,the fluctuations of the time-of-arrival caused by the at-mospheric channel contribute to the total excess noise asan additional amount [51]

ξta = 2VAω20(1− ρta)σ2

ta, (39)

where ρta is the timing correlation coefficient betweenLO and the signal. We set the correlation coefficient be-tween signal and LO to ρta = 1 − 10−13 as in [51]. Thenoise component due to time-of-arrival fluctuations (39)

increases with the pulse width τ1. In Table II, we deter-mine the value for this noise component to be ξta = 0.006for a pulse width of τ0 = 130 ps and central frequencyω0 = 2π × 200 THz (corresponding to a wavelength of1550 nm).

The LO generated by Alice must have sufficient in-tensity at Bob such that he can perform a hetero-dyne/homodyne measurement. Typically, 108 photonsper pulse are required at Bob’s side. With a 100 MHzpulse repetition rate and pulse width of 130 ps, the re-quired LO average power for a 20 dB channel loss (a typ-cial loss considered here) at Alice’s side is 130 mW (at1550 nm). We have chosen the repetition rate to coincidewith current detector technology [44]. There are readilyavailable coherent laser sources with these specifications.We assume the ground station has a state-of-the-art ho-modyne detector as in [47].

In Fig. 4 we compare the noise components contri-bution for daylight operation. As T gets smaller, theterm µξd

ηdTin (24) would dominate, but for the purpose of

this figure, we compare each noise component on equalfooting by setting T = 1 and ηd = 1. In this figure, weadopt the following values for the noise components. Theelectronic noise vel = 0.013 is the dominant noise compo-nent. The next dominant noise component is the relativeintensity noise due to the atmosphere. For the purposeof the noise analysis, we assume the realistic scenario,where the satellite zenith angle is ζ = 60 (which is suffi-cient for a 2−3 minutes flyby [2]), a transmitter aperturediameter of DT = 0.3 m and a receiver aperture diameterof DR = 1 m with an altitude H = 500 km, implying arelative intensity noise of ξRIN,atmos = 0.01.

The next dominant noise component is the time-of-arrival fluctuations. We set the correlation coefficientbetween signal and LO to ρta = 1 − 10−13 as in [51].Fig. 3 suggests that for pulse widths τ0 > 0.1 ps, thepulse broadening due to weak turbulence is negligibleand τ1 ≈ τ0. Thus, the excess noise due to time-of-arrivalfluctuations is ξta = 0.006. As expected, this noise com-ponent doesn’t depend on the receiver aperture diameter.

Furthermore, ξRIN,LO is 6% of the total excess noise.ADC noise is negligible (1%) as part of the detector noisecomponent. All other noises ξRIN,Signal, ξLO and ξLeakare less than 1% of the total excess noise with the excep-tion of the modulation noise which is 2% [24]. Therefore,the predicted channel excess noise is ξch = 0.0186 andthe detector excess noise ξd = 0.0133.

DR H ζ ηd β VA τ0 λ ξch ξd1 m 500 km 60o 0.95 0.95 5 130 ps 1550 nm 0.0186 0.0133

TABLE III: System parameters.


Other noise1%

ADC noise1%

Background noise1%

Modulation noise



Time-of-arrival fluctuations


RIN Atmosphere31%

Electronic noise40%

FIG. 4: Pie chart of noise contributions to ξ = ξch + µξdηdT

for CS-Hom protocol (µ = 1) in the satellite-to-Earth channel for

daylight operation. We have used values from Table II with laser pulse width τ0 = 130 ps and state-of-the-art homodynedetector specifications with NLO = 108. The dominant noise term is the electronic noise at 40%, followed by RIN due to theatmosphere at 31%, the time-of-arrival fluctuations at 19% and the RIN of the LO at 6%.


In Fig. 5 we calculate the secret key rate in the asymp-totic limit against the transmissivity T for both CS-Homand CS-Het protocols using the parameters in Table III.Unless otherwise specified, for the rest of the paper, weuse the parameters in Table III. The transmissivity onthe x-axis is converted to units of dB using the formula−10 × log10 T . We compare the channel excess noisesof ξch = 0 and that of our specified satellite-to-Earthchannel. For the chosen parameter values, correspond-ing to a realistic experimental scenario, the differencein the secret key rate between CS-Hom and CS-Het isonly evident at low loss in which the CS-Het protocolperforms marginally better. The modulation varianceVA is an adjustable parameter that can be optimized tomaximize the secret key rate with the total excess noiseand transmissivity [24]. However, in atmospheric chan-nels the transmissivity can fluctuate (although here weassume not) and the optimal value of VA at one timemay not be the optimal value at another time. Unlessthe goal is to maximize the secret key rate each run, ad-ditional resources to optimize VA are not necessary. Inour system, we choose a value of VA = 5 which is in therange of optimality for the values of transmissivity in thesatellite-to-Earth channel.

In Fig. 6 we calculate the secret key rate in the fi-nite case against the transmissivity T . As seen in Fig. 6for the CS-Het protocol, the loss that can be tolerated(compared to the asymptotic limit) is less in the finitesize regime for n = 1010 and n = 1012. In this samefigure, we compare the key rates for collective and gen-

eral attacks using the failure probability ε = 10−9 andε = 10−55 (ε′ = 10−9), respectively. It is evident that thegeneral attack does not tolerate as much loss. Note it isstraightforward to convert all key rate into units of bits/sby multiplying by the laser pulse repetition frequency.13

In Table IV the individual impact of each noise termon the secret key rate under collective Gaussian attacksis shown14 in the finite size regime with n = 1012.

The background noise during daylight is approximately1% of the total excess noise for 1550 nm light (0.0002)[43]. In DV-QKD, background noise from daylight canbe mitigated using small spatial filtering coupled withadvanced adaptive optics [54]. It was noted in [3] thatoptical systems used in CV-QKD could also use smallspectral bandwidth. Consequently, the background noisecan be filtered, allowing for daylight operation. DaylightCV technology was demonstrated in [55], but there areno corresponding studies for CV-QKD.

We find that the background noise component during

13 In real-world crytopgraphy it is the key rate in bits/s that is ulti-mately of interest. However, conversion from bits/pulse to bit/smust consider the time to decode the finite, but very large, blocklengths (multiplying by the pulse repetition rate is only formallyvalid when the reconciliation time is zero). Optimisation of thebit/s key rate can be non-trivial in some circumstances [53].

14 Note in our calculations we have assumed that the transmissiv-ity remains constant over the block length. Receiving a blocklength of 1012 from a 100MHz source would require minutes oftransmission time. For block lengths larger than 1010 it is likelythat the impact of satellite motion on transmissivity would needto be considered within the calculations unless a correspondinghigher-rate source was utilised.


Parameter Description Value KK0

@ 10 dB KK0

@ 20 dB KK0

@ 30 dB

ξch Channel excess noise 0.0186 0.75 0.63 0.00ξta Time-of-arrival fluctuations 0.006 0.91 0.87 0.00ξRIN,Atmos Relative intensity noise due to atmosphere 0.01 0.85 0.79 0.00ξBackground Background noise 0.0002 1.00 1.00 0.93ηd Detector efficiency 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95vel Electronic noise 0.013 0.99 0.99 0.81

TABLE IV: Individual impact of each noise term on secret key rate under collective Gaussian attacks relative to ideal caseof no noise with K in the finite size regime (i.e. the ratio K

K0= 1 for no impact and K

K0= 0 for maximum impact). Other

parameter values: n = 1012, ε = 10−9, modulation variance VA = 5 and reconciliation efficiency β = 0.95.






FIG. 5: Secret key rate in the asymptotic limit plotted againsttransmissivity for CS-Hom (red) vs. CS-Het (blue) for differentchannel excess noises ξch = 0 (solid) and our chosen satellite-to-Earth channel (dashed).






FIG. 6: Secret key rate in the finite limit for the CS-Het pro-tocol for collective and general attacks plotted against trans-missivity for different n = 1010 (dotted line), n = 1012 (solidline) and the asymptotic limit (dashed line).

daylight in CS-QKD in the satellite-to-Earth channel hasa negligible impact on the secret key rate, in agreementwith [43]. For night-time operation, the secret key ratewould be unchanged with ξBackground < 10−7. Thus, thesecret key rate in Fig. 6 is a lower bound, and night-time operation would improve the key rates, but is notessential.

We consider how increasing the size of the receiveraperture improves the secret key rates under general at-tacks. For a larger receiver aperture of DR = 3 m, weobtain a smaller channel excess noise of ξch = 0.0126 anddetector excess noise of ξd = 0.0133. At the transmissiv-ity T = 15 dB, a secret key rate of 2.6× 10−3 bits/pulseis attained under general attacks for this larger receiveraperture. T = 15 dB is readily achievable in the satellite-to-Earth channel using this larger receiver aperture. Forexample, for the transmitter aperture of DT = 0.3 m attransceiver separation 1200 km the beam width at theground is 12 m (and a diffraction-limited divergence of10 µrad), giving a diffraction loss of 22 dB for receiveraperture DR = 1 m (see discussion below for Micius).Extrapolating from these parameters, the receiver aper-ture diameter of DR = 2.3 m gives a diffraction loss of15 dB. For this receiver aperture of DR = 2.3 m, thechannel excess noise is ξch = 0.015 and a secret key rateof 2.4×10−3 bits/pulse is attained under general attacks.

We consider how the secret key rate changes with thesystem parameters in Table III. For example, doublingthe pulse period to τ0 = 260 ps, will give a channel ex-cess noise of ξch = 0.033. However, the secret key rate isbarely changed (i.e. 1.0× 10−3 bits/pulse). We also findthat from VA = 2 to VA = 8, the result doesn’t signifi-cantly change. Hence, this main result is not sensitive tothe parameters we have chosen for the figures.

As we grew close to the completion of our study, twoother works appeared; one [39] that can be made appli-cable to satellite-to-Earth channels and one [56] directlyapplicable to these channels. Different from our study,these latter works had a focus on the large-scale fadingeffects on the QKD key rates, and different excess noisecontributions. They, therefore, apply to different systemmodels than the diffraction-only loss models we exploredhere. However, collectively the works of [39, 56] and oursillustrate clearly that CV-QKD in the satellite-to-Earthchannel is feasible.

Although our focus has been to demonstrate the viabil-ity of the CS-QKD protocols in satellite-to-Earth chan-nel, it is perhaps interesting to compare our results di-rectly with Micius. In our calculations of the secretkey rates, we have assumed that transmissivity is con-


stant.15 That is, transmissivity fluctuations due to at-mospheric turbulence and beam-wandering are assumedsmall in comparison to diffraction losses [57]. As justmentioned above, in the Micius satellite QKD experi-ment, the satellite-to-Earth channel loss due to diffrac-tion was 22 dB at a maximum distance of 1200 km witha transmitter aperture of DT = 0.3 m, a far-field diver-gence of 10 µrad and receiver aperture of DR = 1 m [2].Additional loss occurred via atmospheric absorption andturbulence (3 to 8 dB), and loss due to pointing error(< 3 dB). This gave an average total loss of 30 ± 3 dB.In calculations of the Micius QKD key rate, the failureprobability was set to ε = 10−9 which gave a key rate of1.38 × 10−5 bits/pulse. In comparison, for our CS-Hetprotocol at the same security setting and same losses wefind zero key rate under general attacks. It is only forlosses less than 25 dB that we find non-zero rates undergeneral attacks. We do caution however, that direct com-parisons of these two very different technologies (DV vs.CV) are limited in value because the security assump-tions are different. We also point out the Micius secu-rity analysis disregards information leakage due to side-channel imperfections [2]. Other assumptions underpin-ning the Micius key rate are discussed in [58]. However,to be fair, we have also overlooked some assumptions thatunderpin our CV-QKD analysis. The most important ofthese are in regard to the LO - an issue we discuss next.


A. Attacks

An underlying assumption implicit in key rates we havedetermined for the CS-QKD protocols is that the trans-mission of the LO through the satellite-to-Earth channelis secure and not interfered with. However, clearly thisassumption is suspect as an eavesdropper can in principleobtain access to the LO, modify the channel, and subse-quently obtain information on the quantum key. Here webriefly discuss this important caveat. We mention somespecific attacks and some countermeasures.

Equal-amplitude attack. In this attack, Eve interceptsboth the LO and quantum signal and performs homo-dyne detections on both [59]. Eve produces two squeezedstates with the same intensity level. Bob cannot discoverthe attack because the expected noise is less than theshot noise level. When Bob compares the difference in his

15 The statistical nature of the turbulence only manifests itself inour calculations through the excess noise contributions. In par-ticular, this is through the impact of scintillation on ξRIN,Atmosand on the random refractive index perturbations on ξta. Underthe assumption of diffraction-only losses, the constant transmis-sivity T of the channel is determined via the system parameters,DT , DR and L. Of course, these parameters must be set so thatthe diffraction-only loss assumption is a reasonable one.

measurement with Alice’s prepared state to the thresholdfrom theoretical security proofs, he mistakenly confirmsthe channel is secure [32, 60]. Eve has therefore com-promised the channel. However, this security loopholecan be solved if Bob can monitor the fluctuations in theintensity of the LO [61].Wavelength attack. In this attack, Eve modifies the

intensity transmission of Bob’s beamsplitter by chang-ing the wavelength of the light from Alice. This wave-length attack deems the final keys insecure. However, itwas shown in [62], that adding a simple wavelength filterrandomly before measuring the intensity of the LO canprevent this attack.Calibration attack. The device calibration routine of

the LO is susceptible to an intercept-resend attack. Inthis attack, Eve manipulates the LO pulses to change theclock pulses used for detection [63]. More specifically, Evechanges the shape of the LO pulse which consequentlyinduces a delay in the clock trigger. The homodyne de-tection will measure a lower intensity. Therefore, therewill be a decrease in the response slope between the vari-ance of the homodyne detection and the LO power. Asa result, the shot noise will be overestimated and the ex-cess noise underestimated [64]. Countermeasures to thisattack involves monitoring the shot noise in real time.

B. Local local oscillators

Motivated by these security loopholes, there has re-cently been a focus on using true local oscillators or locallocal oscillators (LLO). In such systems, two lasers areused, one at Alice for generating the quantum signal andanother at Bob for the LLO. Reference pulses are sentwith the signals which are used to calibrate the phase off-set in the LLO [45, 65–67]. However, the phase offset de-rived from the reference pulses is limited by quantum un-certainty, and the two lasers necessarily introduce somephase drift. In comparison to optical fibre, no phase com-pensation method exists for the LLO in FSO channelswhere additional phase noise due to atmospheric turbu-lence is expected [68], but these are not insurmountableissues. Despite their intuitive appeal over LO schemes,attack strategies against LLO schemes do exist. In onesuch attack recently proposed [69], Eve intercepts the ref-erence pulse and estimates the phase drift using Bayesianalgorithms. Consequently, the excess noise is biased tomask an intercept-resend attack and a beam-splitter at-tack.

In general, any pilot symbol scheme (e.g. referencepulses) is always subject to manipulation by an adver-sary, and therefore susceptible to attacks outside thescope of current security proofs [31]. Formal securityanalyses that account for the optimal general attack onboth quantum signals and pilot symbols are needed toclose this security gap. An alternative approach wouldbe the use of a system that avoids the use of any refer-ence signals at all for the phase referencing. Only by this


means do the assumptions underpinning formal securityproofs for the CV-QKD protocols we have discussed hereremain intact. Recent work along these lines is givenin [70] where publicly announced raw key values are in-voked to determine the phase offsets to be applied to theLLO. However, currently even this type of phase deter-minations for the LLO are not formally proven secure -an issue that hopefully will be addressed in forthcomingworks.


In our work, we have deliberately focused on the fea-sibility of the simplest-to-deploy CS-QKD protocols overthe satellite-to-Earth channel for which composable se-curity is known. The reason for choosing the simplest-to-deploy CS-QKD protocols was two-fold. First, earlyCV-based satellites will certainly deploy one of these pro-tocols, if not both. Second, if the easiest-to-deploy pro-tocols were shown to lead to close-to-zero key rates thenmore sophisticated protocols (with likely lower key rates)would likely be not interesting.

Our work largely focused on the on CS-Het protocolfor which composable security in the finite key limit (i.e,a deployable scenario) is known. However, it is worthmentioning that other CV-QKD protocols exist for whichcomposable security in the finite limit is also known,such as two-mode squeezed state CV-QKD protocol [71].These other protocols in the finite-key setting are gener-ally either more difficult to deploy or have lower expectedkey rates, relative to CS-Het.

An approach to preventing side-channel attacksagainst detectors is available via CV measurementdevice-independent (CV MDI-QKD) protocols. Thesetypes of CV-QKD protocols allow for untrusted devicesthat act as relays. Interestingly, formal proofs of secu-rity in the finite regime are known for CV MDI-QKD[38, 72, 73]. An improvement to this protocol, thecoherent-state-based “Twin-Field” (TF)-QKD protocol(an extension of [74]), has been recently proposed, e.g.[75, 76] and proof-of-principle experiments carried out inoptical fibre [77]. Information-theoretic security in thefinite regime for coherent state TF-QKD has also beenproposed [78]. However, we do note that in scenarios

where the untrusted relay is a satellite being served in theuplink, both MDI-QKD and TF-QKD will suffer lossessubstantially larger than the downlink losses. Phase ref-erencing between the uplink signals sent from Alice andBob (and authentication of each pulse so referenced - atthe cost of key consumption), and phase compensation ofthe signals traversing the different FSO uplink channels,must also be included. All these issues will reduce thefinal key rate.


In this work, we investigated the feasibility of thesimplest-to-deploy CV-QKD protocols, the CS-QKD pro-tocols, over the satellite-to-Earth channel. We reviewedthe security of these two protocols, as well as the com-ponents of the total excess noise most relevant to thesatellite-to-Earth channel. Through new calculations wethen determined that the most important sources of noisein our protocols over the satellite-to-Earth channel wasthe relative intensity noise due to the atmosphere, andthe time-of-arrival fluctuations between the signal andLO. We next focused on the CS-QKD protocol with het-erodyne detection in the deployable setting of a finite keyregime. Given reasonable transceiver aperture sizes, andassuming diffraction as the only source of loss, we foundthat reasonable QKD key rates under general attackscan be anticipated. We, therefore, concluded that CV-QKD with information-theoretic security in the satellite-to-Earth channel is entirely feasible. In closing, we notedour information-theoretic security assumes that the LO issecured from manipulation by an adversary. Future use-ful work in this area could include formal security proofsof finite-limit CS-QKD with homodyne detection, andformal proofs of security under LO (or reference pulse)attacks.


This research was a collaboration between the Com-monwealth of Australia (represented by the Defence Sci-ence and Technology Group) and the University of NewSouth Wales through a Defence Science Partnershipsagreement.

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Appendix: Atmospheric models

Turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere is caused byrandom variation in temperature and pressure. Thesevariations alter the air’s refractive index both spatiallyand temporally, distorting any optical waves propagat-ing through the atmosphere. Distortions of the pulsestransmitted such as beam deformation and beam wan-dering are one of the main sources of photon loss in thechannel. To model the effects of the turbulent atmo-sphere on the optical signals we use Kolmogorov’s theoryof turbulent flow [79]. The strength of the turbulence ischaracterized by the refractive index structure parame-ter, C2

n. Kolmogorov’s theory is based upon the insightthat turbulence is induced by eddies in the atmosphere.The scale of the turbulence can be characterised by aninner-scale l0, and an outer-scale L0 [49]. Eddies with asize lower than the inner-scale cannot exist since the tur-bulence at such scales is dissipated into the atmosphereas heat. The outer-scale denotes the upper-bound to theeddy size and is the scale at which energy is injected intothe turbulence.

To model the atmospheres vertical profile of the refrac-tive index structure parameter, we use the widely usedHufnagel-Valley model [80],

C2n(h) = 0.00594(v/27)2(10−5h)10 exp(−h/1000) (40)

+ 2.7× 10−16 exp(−h/1500) +A exp(−h/100),

with h the altitude in meters, v = 21 the rms wind-speed (m/s), and A = 1.7 × 10−14 the nominal value ofC2n(0) at the ground. Additionally, measurements made

of the scintillation suggest the outer scale L0 changeswith the altitude according to the empirical Coulman-Vernin profile [81]

L0(h) =4

1 +(h−85002500

)2 . (41)

Finally, the inner scale is assumed to directly propor-tional to the outer scale l0 = δL0, with δ = 0.005 [50].

To describe the fluctuations of the refractive index weuse a spectral density function [82]

Φφ(κ) = 0.49r−5/30


(κ2 + κ20)11/6

, (42)

with κ the radial spatial frequency on a plane orthogonalto the propagation direction, κm = 5.92/l0, κ0 = 2π/L0,and r0 the Fried parameter for a vertical propagationlength [49]

r0 =

(0.423k2 sec(ζ)

∫ H



)−3/5, (43)

where h0 and H correspond to the lower and upper alti-tudes of the propagation path.

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