outline-part 1 my background engineer-scientist science and types of evidence big bang problems...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Outline-Part 1My Background Engineer-Scientist

Science and types of EvidenceBig Bang Problems

Young Earth EvidenceWorld Order and Bias

Part 2Evolution Definitions, DNAOxygen in the Atmosphere

Man’s History, RacesEvolution and Variation in Kinds


The Big Bang happened (by chance) and then came the first life, ape and then man.

singularity a singularity


Georgia Purdom Ph.D. Molecular GeneticsDuane Gish Ph.D. BiochemistryDavid Menton Ph.D. Cell BiologyDonald Chittick Ph.D. Physical ChemistryDanny Faulkner Ph.D. AstronomyTom Greene Ph.D. AstronomyJason Lisle Ph.D. AstrophysicsRussell Humphreys Ph.D. PhysicsDon DeYoung Ph.D. PhysicsTerry Mortenson Ph.D. History of GeologyJohn Baumgardner Ph.D. GeophysicsBob Compton Ph.D. Physiology, DVMAndy McIntosh Ph.D. Combustion TheoryJohn Johnson Ph.D. MathematicsTommy Mitchell M.D.Andrew Snelling Ph.D. GeologyEmil Silvestru Ph.D. GeologyEsther Su Ph.D. BiochemistryDavid DeWitt Ph.D. Neuroscience

Creation Scientists-AIG





Historical Science 01159

(Beliefs/Interpretationsabout the past)


Hundreds of Processes 00816

Some Old Earth-Big Bang Problems

• Recession of the Moon-1.5”/yr• Magnetic fields of planets declining• Exact Precise Inflation of universe needed• Spiral galaxies not wound up• Young comets evident^• Red Shifts analysis indicate we are near the

center of the universe*• The unique patterns of galaxy shapes and

clusters is not likely from an explosion#


Comets are made of ice. Every time they pass near the sun, some of this ice is blasted away and the comet loses mass. A comet could orbit for a maximum of about 100,000 years before it completely runs out of material.

Evolutionist astronomers realize this and must believe that new comets replace vanished ones. They imagine that a hypothetical “Oort cloud” provides a vast reservoir of new comets.

Halley’s comet (Lick Observatory)

(Mt Wilson image)

Fine Tuned Order

• The sun, earth and moon size, energies and locations balanced

• 50 constants of Physics finely balanced

• Ecosystem balance

• The probability of this occurring by chance is very remote

Summary, Bias

• Historical Science uses many assumptions

• There are many holes and inconsistencies and it is unlikely this all occurred by chance

• Movie: Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed

• Scientific Journals- Part of AIG and ICR

Summary Part 1

I have provided a brief introduction to the creation and evolution topic:

For more info: www.AnswersinGenesis.org

www.icr.org -Institute for Creation Research

Outline-Part 1My Background Engineer-Scientist

Science and types of EvidenceBig Bang Problems

Young Earth EvidenceWorld Order and Bias

Part 2Evolution Definitions, DNAOxygen in the Atmosphere

Man’s History, RacesEvolution and Variation in Kinds

Definitions*• Microevolution= small changes in species

We all believe

• Macroevolution= molecules to man evolution and tree of all life

Only evolutionist’s believe

• Biblical Kinds allow for variation in kinds

• DNA is huge mental information code

• Biogenesis= Life only comes from life

Q 574b GittThere is no known natural law through which matter

can give rise to information, neither is any

physical process or material phenomenon

known that can do this.

Q 574b

Q 574a GittA code system is always the result of a mental process (it requires an intelligent origin or inventor)… It should be emphasized that matter as such is unable to generate any

code. All experiences indicate that a thinking being voluntarily

exercising his own free will, cognition, and creativity, is

required. Q 574a

Wild dogs 1


African wild dog

Arctic fox

Argentine gray fox

Black-backed jackal

Blanford’s fox

Bat-eared fox

Bush dog

Wild dogs

Miller’s Experiment

If I could synthesize life…3

“The only trend in the recent literature is the suggestion of far more oxygen in the early atmosphere than anyone imagined.”

“The only trend in the recent literature is the suggestion of far more oxygen in the early atmosphere than anyone imagined.”

Thaxton (Ph.D Chemistry), Bradley (Ph.D. Materials Science), Olsen (Ph.D. Geochemistry), The Mystery of Life’s Origin, 1992, p. 80.

Thaxton (Ph.D Chemistry), Bradley (Ph.D. Materials Science), Olsen (Ph.D. Geochemistry), The Mystery of Life’s Origin, 1992, p. 80.

Oxygen and Life

No Oxygen and Life


Crispy CrittersCrispy Critters

One Generation

Summary Part 2

Difference Between Micro and Macro Evolution

DNA is an Complex Information Code, O2 in Atm. I have provided a brief introduction to the

creation and evolution topic and Biblical Kinds:For more info: www.AnswersinGenesis.orgwww.icr.org -Institute for Creation Research

Summary, Bias

• Historical Science uses many assumptions

• There are many holes and inconsistencies and it is unlikely this all occurred by chance

• Movie: Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed

• Haeckel falsification

• Lyell false report Niagara falls erosion

• Archaeoraptor, Pakicetus, Peppered Moths,

Haeckel's Lie

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