our right to be and do

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Our right to be and do

Barriers to Employment for People

with Neurological Conditions

A report by The Working Life Project and

Network Employment

Funded by the European Social Fund through

Merseyside Expanding Horizons. Research

conducted by Paradigm.

March 2003



This research would not have happened without the support and contribution

of several people.

Thanks to Nicola Daley, Colin Goodwin, Brian Simpson, Peter Kinsella, Pam

Wilkinson, The admin team at Network Employment, The Glaxo Neurological

Centre staff, Brian Bennett at Radical, Julie Olsen, Rebecca Beckwith, the co-

researchers David Britt, Bob Deus and Sue Brooks-Macdonald, the

professionals at The Walton Centre and employers across Merseyside who

took part in this project, and finally, the research participants with neurological

conditions that gave their time, energy and were willing to share their stories.


Section 1 - Introduction

This report is about the employment experiences of people with neurological

conditions. It is the result of a partnership between The Working Life Project

and Network Employment who provide employment advice and support to

people with neurological conditions across Merseyside. It has been funded by

the European Social Fund through Merseyside Expanding Horizons and the

research was carried out by Paradigm, an independent training and

consultancy organisation.

The belief in this research began with a shared question – what is it that

stands in the way of the people we support gaining and retaining jobs? Is it

the employment ‘system’, or employers, is it health and other professionals or

people themselves – or a combination of factors or others unknown?

Although we may make assumptions about what we believe the barriers to be,

it is people themselves and those involved in supporting or employing them

that need to be listened to.

Our modest aims for this research were to achieve a clearer indication of

where to focus and channel the resources of the two projects – Network

Employment and The Working Life Project. What we uncovered was a

complex and compelling picture of people fighting desperately for their right to

be and do.

Being and doing

“The capacity to work is an important part of a person’s self-esteem. Work contributes to shaping the person”1

Being able to work, create, be part of something and contribute to others is a

fundamental part of life, and is intrinsically linked to who we are and how we

feel about ourselves2,3,4. Some research has even suggested that our


physical well-being is linked to whether we are meaningfully occupied5. Paid

employment is one example of how we can meet our human desire to

construct and ‘do’. However, despite recent research showing a rise in the

number employers employing disabled people (65%), there are still concerns

about the lack of active encouragement of disabled applicants, employer’s

lack of knowledge and awareness about disability discrimination and the

number and type of adjustments made to workplaces to make them

accessible to disabled people6.

The barriers to employment for disabled people in general have been

explored, for example in the 1994 study ‘Working Through Barriers’7. In this

investigation a group of disabled people listed the main barriers they face in

looking for, or being in, employment as: ‘the benefit system, transport, lack of

information and advice, attitudes of employers, physical environment in the

workplace, level of qualification and skill’.

Similarly, in the more recent publication, ‘Disabled for Life’4, key barriers to

employment were described as financial (relating to benefits, uncertainty

about income), personal (type and severity of impairment and self perception

of capabilities), external (relating to knowledge, awareness or availability of

employment) and social (social attitudes and discrimination). Within this study

a significant number of disabled participants (37 per cent) claimed to have

experienced some kind of prejudice or unfair treatment in the workplace and

many people felt they had experienced prejudice during the application


Neurological Conditions – finding a definition

It is from this backdrop of experiences of disabled people that we set out to

investigate the experiences of people with neurological conditions. However,

finding a definition for the umbrella term, ‘neurological conditions’, was to be

our first difficulty.


A definition of neurological conditions given by the Neurological Alliance

states that,

“Neurological conditions result from abnormal function or damage (caused by illness or injury) to the brain, spinal column or nerves. They have various causes, many of which are not yet known.”8

The more familiar causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain/spinal injury,

epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and motor neurone disease but the range extends to

include conditions such as CJD, Guillain Barre Syndrome and Rett syndrome.

The common features of neurological conditions described by Hewer9 are;

that they are large in number, there are few that are totally curable, they are

associated with many symptoms, they are a major cause of disability and

account for a high proportion of severely disabled people under the age of 65

and there are many adverse effects that can be reduced.

In addition neurological conditions can affect people at different stages in life.

They can be present from birth or have a sudden onset due to illness or injury,

and whilst some conditions may stabilise or improve, others can cause a rapid

or prolonged deterioration of a person’s quality of life.

With potential for such a wide scope of employment experiences, based on

very different conditions and/or very different presenting symptoms and

severity of impairment, we set out to include anyone in the project who had

been given a diagnosis of ‘neurological condition’ but acknowledged that this

would be a diverse group of people. We took our lead from the fact that the

two projects are services set up to support people with ‘neurological



Section 2 - Methodology

Outline of the project

The project used a combination of research methods and involved three main

groups of people – people with neurological conditions, professionals involved

in supporting people with neurological conditions and employers. The

employer group was then split into those that we knew had employed a

person with a neurological condition and were already linked to either Network

Employment or The Working Life Project, and an equal number of employers

whose history of employing disabled people or not was unknown to us. These

were roughly matched in type and size of businesses to those in the first

group. Each group was sent questionnaires which, although covering similar

issues, were tailored to their particular standpoint. We followed up some

people with semi-structured interviews based on the major themes emerging

from the questionnaires.

Following the first two stages we held a focus workshop for people with

neurological conditions to present back the findings so far and define the

issues more clearly. A final developmental workshop was held with people

with neurological conditions and employer and professional representatives,

to share ideas and create possible strategies to overcome the issues raised

throughout the previous stages of the research.

Participatory Approach

Although the project had been designed and commissioned by people in

professional roles we adopted a participatory research model and recruited

three co-researchers who have or have had a neurological condition. These

three individuals had diverse backgrounds and all experienced a different

neurological condition. They were involved in all stages following the initial


proposal, from preparing the application for ethical approval to the final report.

In particular the co-researchers influenced the design of the questionnaire and

the way in which the interviews and workshops were carried out.


The questionnaires were developed as a means to narrowing down the broad

area of barriers to employment and were based on what disabled people had

said in earlier studies about barriers they had experienced.

We knew that our questionnaires were insufficient in themselves to thoroughly

investigate this area but we needed basic information around which to

develop the interviews and focus groups. Each of the questionnaires sought

information about the respondent and their views on what the barriers to

employment are for people with neurological conditions, or what they thought

about people with neurological conditions as employees. We sent out 386

questionnaires in total and had 100 responses. 42 were responses from

people with neurological conditions, 49 from professionals and a very low 9

responses from employers.


The interview stage was a time for us to listen deeper to the issues that were

raised during the questionnaires. Each respondent to the questionnaire could

indicate whether they would be willing to be interviewed. 57 people initially

agreed to interviews. When contacted some people then decided to withdraw

from the project and some we could not contact. As a result, 39 people were

interviewed (21 people with neurological conditions, 13 professionals and 5


Focus Groups

The first focus group was designed to consolidate what we had learned during

the research so far. 10 people with neurological conditions came and


expressed their views on the results so far and helped to define some of the

key themes.

In designing the project we had included a developmental dimension –

wanting not only to find out what the barriers are, but to explore ideas for

overcoming them. This final stage of the project gave an opportunity to be

creative and productive with our thoughts. Ideas were generated and

proposed as potential pilot projects. 12 people came – 10 people with

neurological conditions, 1 employer and 1 professional.


Section 3 - Key Findings

This section presents the key findings from the different perspectives we

gained by involving people with neurological conditions, professionals and

employers. Under each major theme we present the findings from each


Key findings

Across all the subgroups key themes were;

Barriers to employment

The neurological condition itself

The person’s own perception of their condition and resulting


Attitudes of employers and colleagues

Lack of confidence or motivation

System issues

Things that help

Family and friends

Understanding and supportive employers

Self-determination and belief

The Glaxo Neurological Centre

About support

DEAs and employment service, employers and some health

professionals can be unhelpful

The Glaxo Neurological Centre, some health professionals and

some DEAs can be helpful

The support available is limited and uncoordinated


More information and advice is needed across the board on the

support available

Theme 1 - Barriers to employment

People with neurological conditions said…

The majority of people with neurological conditions had experienced some

form of barrier to employment, whether they were currently employed or not.

There were examples of discrimination, lack of understanding and support

and a feeling of having to ‘fight the system’. People were incredibly open and

honest about the situations they faced, often with little knowledge about what

their rights were and who could help them.

The neurological condition

The people with neurological conditions we interviewed ranged from being

employed, medically retired, unemployed, volunteering and off sick. There

was also wide variation in how long people had been diagnosed with their

condition and what disabilities they had been left with.

Many people said their condition itself was a barrier to employment, and

restricted them from doing certain jobs. In particular, people commented on

difficulties with short term memory, reduced powers of concentration, impaired

cognitive skills, and fatigue. Some people felt they had lost jobs as a result of

these things and for others it stands in the way of career progression:

“You find you’re at a crossroads. I had something terrible happening to me

and then I found myself without a job”

“it’s going to be harder for me to diversify my career with a disability”.


However, people whose disability was ‘invisible’ equally face prejudice for not

‘displaying’ obvious symptoms of their condition:

“Because it’s invisible it’s a barrier – people don’t understand”

“If you look outwardly normal people think you’re fine”.


Many people said the negative attitudes of their employers and colleagues

and their unwillingness to support them or understand their condition is a

huge barrier to employment. Alarming accounts were provided of the

difficulties in fighting for adaptations and modifications to working

environments or practices, and consequent labelling as ‘trouble makers’.

Several people with MS shared experiences of having to battle for access to a

cooler work room to help manage their condition. Other people felt their

employers had made false assumptions about their condition – in the case of

someone with epilepsy this meant they had tried to wrongly manage a

seizure. All these situations had led to more anxiety which was often cited as

a factor that made some neurological conditions worse.

Some people said they felt their colleagues resented them because of their

condition. A few people said they thought their colleagues were concerned

about the impact it might have to their workloads and that people assumed

they weren’t “pulling their weight”.

Considerable ignorance about neurological conditions had been

demonstrated by many employers and colleagues. Unsurprisingly this gave

rise to concerns that employers consider people with neurological conditions

as ‘stupid’ or confuse their diagnosis with a mental illness. In one case even

asking for support created feelings of inadequacy:

“I asked for help once but they made me feel like an imbecile. I don’t want my

illness to define me.”


Lack of confidence and motivation

The returned questionnaires indicated that most people felt a lack of

confidence or self esteem was a barrier for them in employment and this issue

was followed up during the interviews. People said that their lack of

confidence sometimes came through having to fight for what they needed,

such as changes to their work environments. The frustration caused by trying

to change situations also affected the motivation to look for work:

“My motivation has been taken out of me little by little with all the jobs I was

going for and not getting anywhere.”

A big cause of concern was the unpredictability of a person’s condition and

how this can affect day to day confidence levels and feelings of adequacy.

Several people talked about their fears and anxieties about when their

condition would deteriorate and then how they would rebuild their confidence

following a relapse:

“After you’ve had a really bad relapse you lose your confidence and no-one

else can give you your confidence back.”

People had found ways of coping with these issues and cited familiar

situations, family, friends and the right conditions in work as things that help:

“I feel like a new person. Partly because I’ve been diagnosed and I can deal

with it and partly because things have been put in place at work.”

Many people said they felt very confident about working and knew their skills,

abilities and value in the workplace. A few people said they had felt over-

confident about what they could do and this had caused them problems with


taking on too much. In some cases people were hoping that either the right

work environment or meeting the right employer would enable them to live up

to their expectations.

The system

It is difficult to describe the sense of ‘us versus the system’ that came across

throughout the interviews, suffice it to say that no-one said bureaucracy, rules,

regulations, legislation, the benefits system, systems and structures helped.

Despite government legislation about the rights of disabled people in

employment, people shared experiences of their employers doing the

minimum that was required of them. In addition, for some people, even

getting the minimum had been a battle and had taken a long time. One

person we interviewed was still waiting for his employer to decide what would

happen with his job and felt that deliberations were ‘going round in circles’.

Some people also felt they hadn’t been given the right information when they

were diagnosed about how to protect their jobs and navigate their way

through employment:

“I didn’t know what to ask for. The leaflet you get, they’re all uplifting stories

that are the exception to the rule – it lulls you into a false sense of security, I

think that’s really wrong. There are no guidelines at all about what you need

to protect yourself.”

Health and safety legislation was cited as an inflexible barrier that

automatically excluded some people from certain jobs and created fears for

employers about how an employee with a neurological condition might


“I’ve applied for loads of jobs, teaching, training, social work, nursing – but

when I’ve put epilepsy down you don’t hear anything.”


In some cases people said they thought managers were fearful of litigation.

The benefits systems was also seen as a barrier – both in the difficulty some

people have with understanding the changes and the prospect of losing

benefits with no confidence in a job lasting.

Professionals said…

Although we had approached professionals in a variety of roles during the

questionnaire stage, we only received returns from professionals in ‘health’ or

medical services. This should be taken into account throughout the reading of

this report. We were also unfortunately unable to include professionals from a

major provider of support and rehabilitation for people with neurological

conditions as they decided, as an organisation, not to take part in this

research. All the professionals involved in this project therefore are either

based at, or connected to, The Walton Centre for Neurology and

Neurosurgery in Liverpool.

The overwhelming view of professionals was that people with neurological

conditions face incredibly resistant barriers to employment. They gave a

perspective on what support is being offered and how they might be helping.

The majority of professionals we spoke to thought people with neurological

conditions have the potential to be good employees – and some professionals

saw employees with neurological conditions as the same as any other


“I don’t see them as any different from anybody else.”

Many professionals acknowledged that a person’s condition and their level of

disability are factors in whether a person can perform well in a particular job.

The wide spectrum of possible outcomes of a neurological condition from ‘no

disability’ to ‘functionless unaided’ would then have an affect on a person’s

ability to work and the impact they might have in a workplace:


“Employers are not meant to be altruistic, they have a business to run. Some

seriously disabled people are unemployable or present unreasonable hazards

to themselves and/or others in employment situations.”

In some cases professionals thought people with neurological conditions had

the potential to be better employees as they may have a sense of something

to prove, and are possibly more likely to value the opportunity after many

rejections and negative experiences. Several professionals also expressed

concern that a wealth of skills and abilities would be lost if people with

neurological conditions were not able to gain or retain employment.

The neurological condition

The majority of professionals interviewed said the person’s condition could be

a barrier to employment. This could be due to not having control over the

condition, the limitations the condition may impose or a result of personality

changes such as aggression, brought on by some conditions. Again there

was recognition of the difficulties faced if the condition was ‘invisible’:

“Some problems are caused by the condition not being visible…. they can’t

see your head spinning or the extreme tiredness that comes over you, in their

view you look normal.”


Many professionals thought employers are unsupportive towards people with

neurological conditions and have little understanding of individual conditions.

Employers are possibly then less likely to employ someone because of their

condition and the assumptions they make about what implications it would

have on their business:

“In this day and age people will not employ anybody they think might be a

drain on their resources or profit.”


Other professionals expressed the belief that the employer’s lack of

understanding about a person’s condition might mean they don’t provide the

support someone needs:

“The environments people work in and the people there could disable them

more than the illness itself.”

Lack of confidence

As with the responses from people with neurological conditions, the majority

of professionals thought lack of self confidence could be a barrier to


“Low self esteem is a barrier for anyone, combined with a neurological

condition this makes an enormous impact.”

There were a number of comments about society’s perception of disabled

people – seeing the condition rather than the person - and the effect this could

have on a person’s self-confidence. In addition, if people continually face the

negative attitudes of employers and colleagues their self belief and

confidence is gradually eroded:

“The person with the condition may develop low self esteem because they

stop believing in themselves, after this happens any small knock or tap can

have a further negative effect upon them, taking them even lower.”

Similarly to people with neurological conditions, the unpredictable nature of

some conditions and how their employers may react to deterioration in

performance or absences, was seen as a potential cause of loss of self-

confidence. It some situations guilt and self-consciousness about not being

able to support colleagues also creates low self esteem. Some professionals

said that lack of self confidence meant people were less likely to ask for the


help and support they needed, and thus they are trapped in a cycle where

they lose more confidence as they struggle to continue without support:

“The nature of a person’s condition may make them feel more vulnerable

about being independent as they may feel less self assured about asking for

guidance and help”

Lack of support

Unlike people with neurological conditions, the professionals we spoke to

focused on lack of support from employers as a barrier, rather than general

‘system’ issues and bureaucratic barriers. Amongst the problems cited by this

group were lack of suitable transport and architectural or environment barriers

which create inaccessible workplaces. One professional suggested that

although employers may genuinely want to help, some adaptations and

modifications may be financially or structurally impractical for them to provide.

The system

We sought the views of professionals about the issue of finance to people

with neurological conditions who are working/receiving benefits. Many

professionals said the benefits system has a negative impact on people. This

is due to the complexity involved in some of the paperwork and negotiating

the system to get what you are entitled to. Many professionals also said it

could have an adverse effect on people looking for work and make them

complacent. Some professionals thought there were disincentives to working

when levels of benefits are above what a person could earn.

A few professionals said people may look for low paid or part time work so

their benefits are not affected but this would often restrict the type of work a

person could pursue. One professional commented on the lack of creative

options around this issue:


“There’s no half way solution, they can’t dip their toe in employment and not

lose all their benefits.”

There is a concern that people could return to work and lose their benefits and

then be faced with a major deterioration in their condition. Regaining their

benefits may be time consuming and difficult, with no guarantee they would

have the same level again.

There were some comments about the feelings people have about claiming

benefits and a suggestion that some people may not make claims as a denial

of their disability and the ‘stigma’ of accepting financial support.

Employers said…

Employers (although few in number) talked about their feelings about

employing a person with a disability, how inadequately prepared they were

and what would help them take steps to change the situation.

All of the employers who responded to the questionnaires said they felt

people with neurological conditions had the potential to be good employees.

Employers at interview recognised that the right support and advice would be

crucial in determining whether this would be the case. Some employers knew

there was a vast difference in neurological conditions and the varying levels of

disability they could present, and there was some creative thinking expressed

as to the type of skills and experience a person with a neurological condition

could offer a workplace.

One employer presented an honest view of the difficulties employers may feel

when an employees’ condition has deteriorated and their performance is

affected. Knowing how to manage this situation without causing distress or

offence would take a great deal of sensitivity and may deter employers from

employing a disabled person in the first place.


The condition

Some of the employers identified a person’s condition as a potential barrier to

employment. There were some comments that the characteristics generally

expected and valued within the workforce are sometimes impaired by a

person’s condition and that in some cases attention span may be more limited

that ‘non-neurologically impaired’ people.


Many of the employers considered the general ignorance in society about

neurological conditions and disability is a barrier to employment for people

with neurological conditions. One employer said she felt applicants may try to

hide their condition from fear of what potential employers might think.

Negative attitudes and a lack of understanding from both employers and

colleagues about a person’s condition were seen as an issue by the majority

of employers we spoke to, and a symptom of devaluing disabled people:

“There may be an issue if they felt they weren’t being integrated or accepted

as part of the organisation. I think it’s [negative attitudes] to do with the whole

ethos of the organisation, if it’s [the organisation] valuing people then it

shouldn’t occur.”

One of the reasons given for why this may be happening was the fear of

employers and colleagues about how to act and react:

“The fear factor, the unknown – do we need to treat people differently, or do

anything special? How do we treat people with neurological conditions? Do

we even need to be aware of them? I think all of these can create barriers – a

lack of knowledge and understanding from the employer.”


Finally, some of the employers said that there is a general lack of creative

thinking about the possibilities and problems of employing a disabled person,

particularly around the adjustments and adaptations they could make to a

person’s job specification and/or working environment and practice.

Lack of confidence

This issue was not greatly discussed by many of the employers although a

few employers thought an individual’s perception of their abilities and

limitation would be a barrier. In particular, there was a feeling that some

people were reluctant to take opportunities because they did not want to

expose themselves to failure. Another view was that people need to adopt a

‘realistic attitude to their own capabilities’ rather than over-estimate what they

can do and thereby set themselves up to fail and risk losing their job.

Lack of Support

Some of the employers we spoke to said it is not only the lack of support but a

general reluctance by employers to provide support that is a barrier to people.

This could be caused by the lack of funding opportunities available to adapt

workplaces or an employer’s lack of knowledge about what funding is


One of the employers raised the issue of health and safety but stated she felt

it was not the guidelines themselves that are a barrier, but any individual’s

interpretation of the rules and regulations to the disadvantage of disabled



It is perhaps unsurprising that each of the groups we involved in the project

shared concerns and issues about what the barriers to employment are for

people with neurological conditions but it adds weight and value to the themes


we have presented. However, it is apparent that each group holds a slightly

different standpoint.

People with neurological conditions were by far the most negative about the

limitations of having their condition, whereas both some professionals and

some employers said they don’t see any difference between a person with a

neurological condition being a good employee and anybody else. For people

with neurological conditions, is this then a result of living with their condition or

living with the disabling barriers they face in trying to work?

For those without the experience it is difficult to understand how it feels to

face prejudice on a daily basis. The combined frustration and weariness that

develops from the constant battle to establish the optimum conditions for work

without being too much of a ‘nuisance’ is powerfully communicated by the

people who took part in this project. The non-financial rewards that work

provides, self esteem, sense of purpose and of making a contribution,

gradually eroded by the fight to get or keep a job. Unsurprisingly,

professionals held a similar view – but quite unexpected was that employers

involved were acutely aware of the impact their negative attitudes have on


The comment that lack of self esteem is an issue for us all – and is only

compounded by a neurological condition - was insightful to the fears we all

have about how well we perform and what other people think of us. The

unpredictable nature of many neurological conditions means this is an on-

going reality for many people and their subsequent regrets about of lost skills

and abilities after deterioration are impossible to imagine. In addition,

confidence building is unlikely to happen when people face ignorance and

lack of support.

When questioned about what support is available to people in this area,

professionals described a mixed and sparse picture, which seemed to rely on

a person’s ability to seek out and demand help – something that is particularly

difficult for those feeling low or disempowered. Potential sources are;


Rehabilitation services – although “not suitable for everyone”

Social services


Information and advice from volunteer organisations

Patient support groups

Whilst one professional said the chances of a person accessing support

around building self-esteem and confidence is “next to none”, another felt it

was beyond the realms of his role to worry about:

“I don’t have any dealings with support. They go out of the door and don’t


Finally, the bureaucratic and system barriers people face seem to be a

symptom of the attitudes people have about disability generally. The

determining factor to people working, or accessing the right support within

work, hinges on the individual employer/professional, and their interpretation

of their role, and the rules and regulations that guide them.


Theme 2 – Things that make a difference

People with neurological conditions said…

Family and friends

An overwhelming majority of people said the invaluable support of family

and/or friends helped them to cope with all the barriers they faced. This was

through the knowledge that the supporters were on hand and were offering

reassurances that they are loved, valued and respected for the things they

can do. In some cases, more practical help was also provided.

Some people said they had got jobs through contacts of their family or friends

– a personal link had overcome the prejudice, fear and assumptions of an

unknown employer. Other people said help with filling out applications forms

and guiding through medical appointments came from family members.

Self determination

A spirit of self determination ran through many of the stories we heard, people

overcoming difficult situations through shear self-belief:

“What helps me through? My own gumption. My own will not to let it defeat


Feelings of wanting to prove abilities and continuing to fight for things through

personal motivation were common.

Many people had channelled their energy into self-development. Some had

joined college courses learning new skills or had attended confidence building


courses. People said concentrating on achievements through hobbies eased

the frustration and gave them a sense of self-worth. A number of people had

opted to work as volunteers saying it gave them a way of working which had

less stress attached to it, offered easily adaptable workloads, had no

implications to their benefits and enabled them to make a valued contribution.

Understanding and supportive employers

By far the most crucial factor that determined good or bad work experiences

was the support and understanding (or lack of it) from employers and

colleagues. Only a few people had good experiences to share, and described

situations where their job has been tailored to them, or was adapted after they

were diagnosed with their condition:

“I now have a job I can do at my own pace, in my own time.”

Only a minority of people involved in the project had actual examples of

having their job specifications modified, adaptations to their workspaces,

flexible working hours and flexible working practices. Good relationships with

line managers were particularly important in these scenarios and their

encouragement and support was immensely valued:

“My boss now, he’s great – he tells me what to do and shows me how to do it.

If I need it he’ll show me again. He’s a fantastic boss.”

An important aspect of this support for one person interviewed was the

reassurance that she could be open and frank about her condition. She feels

she can admit to her manager when she is feeling low rather than struggling

to cope.

Finally, many people said colleagues can provide tremendous support:

“They didn’t see me as the weakest link. It would have been easy to resent

me but they didn’t.”


The Glaxo Neurological Centre

A source of support and advice for nearly all the people interviewed was The

Glaxo Neurological Centre in Liverpool. This houses a number of support

groups for various neurological conditions and projects. Many people

mentioned The Working Life Project specifically for the advice and support it

had given them about employment issues. People also said it gave them a

chance to meet other people in similar situations, access to self-development

courses and counselling services.

Professionals said…

Family and friends

Most of the professionals said families were ‘key’ in the support of a relative

with a neurological condition. However, as much as this could be positive

there were several concerns expressed about the potentially negative

influence a family could have:

“The role of the family is key. The downside might be that they are over-

protective, presenting the patient with additional barriers to overcome.”

“Families provide key support when it is good. But well meaning or mistaken

support, like wrapping people up in cotton wool is equally counterproductive.”

Many professionals said they felt families were naturally very worried and

therefore tended to overprotect or ‘smother’ their relatives, limiting what the

person could then do. Many professionals said this could be avoided if

families were given ‘specialist’ training and education about their relative’s

condition and how they could become effective enablers. They should be


encouraged to “let them show their capabilities” and informed about the ways

they can be part of supporting change for disabled people.

A few professionals shared concerns about the impact a neurological

condition can have on family life and the role a primary carer adopts. It was

felt by one person that if the carer becomes dependent either financially or

emotionally on that role – drawing their own self-esteem from the situation,

they can be reluctant for their relative to become more independent.

Self determination

Little was said by professionals on the importance of a person’s self-

determination in overcoming barriers. A few people commented that some

people, ‘battle on regardless’ of the barriers they face and, whilst some people

are happy to give in to their condition, “others are all the more determined to

prove that they can do the job.” One professional said she felt having a

positive self image and sense of worth helped people in employment.

Understanding and supportive employers

Professionals were in agreement with people with neurological conditions

about how critical understanding and supportive employers are to removing

barriers to employment. Many professionals talked of the power employers

have to reassure their employees and ease their self doubt:

“People need sympathetic understanding related to their disability and to feel

that they are still worthwhile employees.”

There were a number of comments about the need to raise awareness of

neurological conditions amongst employers and colleagues and the public in

general. Some professionals said educating employers about how to support

an employee with a neurological condition could prevent people losing their



“Educating employers whilst a diagnosis was being made would help.”

A few people suggested the difficulties may be in knowing where to go for that

help and support:

“If you don’t know what you’re looking for you don’t know where to go.”

Again, as with people with neurological conditions, some professionals said a

trusting and supportive relationship between employer and employee was

essential for an honest disclosure of the problems a person may be facing,

and a ‘frank discussion’ about what support is needed.

Accessible jobs and workplaces

Amongst the comments about supportive and understanding employers,

many professionals listed practical changes employers could offer that would

help people. These included;

Sensory adaptations like large print

Adaptations to transport facilities, car parking

Flexible hours

Working from home

Rest breaks

Different seating

Job modification

Access to buildings/toilets etc

Employers support for health and safety issues

One professional had a radical suggestion that employers should make these

changes anyway, thereby being truly inclusive and welcoming to all

prospective employees.


“Rather than making special changes to accommodate a disabled person,

these could already be in place as a matter of course.”

Employers said…

Understanding and supportive employers

All the employers we spoke to said people needed the right support within

their workplace. Some of the employers gave creative and sensitive

examples of how they had supported previous employees. There were many

comments about the importance of tailoring support to people’s individual


“Job specifications need to be modified to accommodate individuals with

limitations. Applicants need support specific to their needs.”

A few of the employers said honesty was important and one employer raised

an interesting perspective on this saying honesty was required from the

employer in “defining what the job demands and assessing the person’s level

of performance.”

Colleagues were seen by some employers to be a good source of support,

however, as articulated by people with neurological conditions, it is important

that this is well managed to prevent colleagues becoming resentful:

“Colleagues must not feel they have to ‘carry’ a disabled person, which could

lead to resentment and lack of co-operation. There needs to be preparation

and education of the entire workforce to ease a new disabled employee into

the workplace.”

One employer spoke openly about the need for employers to be supportive to

their employee in addressing any health and safety issues. However, rather


than this process becoming one of the bureaucratic barriers people face, she

offered an insightful view on how this could be done:

“There’s room to work within the processes that are available. It’s about

knowing the parameters we can work within – sometimes we’re quite limited

in our thinking though.”

Accessible jobs and workplaces

Finally, as with professionals some employers commented on practical steps

that they could take to minimise barriers for people with neurological

conditions such as “adopting flexible working practices” and providing a

“physical environment conducive to the individual”. One employer recognised

that this is not necessarily a one-off task, but should remain on their

managerial agenda:

“Employers need to frequently review their employment situation in their

company to ensure that the adequate support is provided for disabled



Quite naturally family and friends provide immense personal support to people

with neurological conditions. The different perspectives given by

professionals highlight the sometimes complex, and not always positive forms

this can take. However, in the absence of easy to access, resource-full,

struggle-free alternative support, families and friends continue to be vital –

practically, and more importantly, emotionally.

It seems that both professionals and employers seem to have a good grasp

on the factors that help people overcome barriers to employment but we shall

discuss the difficulties they may have in accessing and therefore providing

this support in the next section. The importance of raising awareness and


educating employers came through from both of these groups. However, it

would be important to consider ‘how’ this is done – despite the potential

positive effects some people might feel uncomfortable being made an

‘example’ within their workplace.

The most common experience from people with neurological conditions was a

negative experience within employment. It seems therefore that enlightened

employers are rare. If this is the case, the call from professionals and

employers for people to be honest about their conditions is a difficult request

to fulfil. If you have previously lost your job or faced continual struggles

because you were honest, is it not tempting to hide or ‘play down’ your

condition next time?

Lastly, some people shared good experiences where they had found

fantastically supportive employers. These stories came from people with

different neurological conditions, different levels of disability and different

predictability of their conditions – which despite all the potential barriers,

shows it can be done!


Theme 3 – Current available support

People with neurological conditions said…

About professionals that provide support

The group of professionals identified by most people with neurological

conditions as the most helpful were health professionals:

“All the ones I’ve seen have been really great. I’ve felt really at ease with


Some named particular consultants or specialist nurses who had provided

very good advice, information and support. One person named the Brain

Injury Rehabilitation Centre at Rathbone Hospital as invaluable to her:

“they were really good people, everyone there were angels as far as I was


Many comments were made about the support of General Practitioners. Most

of these were positive although a few people said their doctor either didn’t

understand the support they needed or they had difficulty getting to see the

same doctor twice:

“My Doctor has been fantastic – he knows who I need to contact.”

Many people said The Glaxo Neurological Centre and The Working Life

Project were the most helpful professionals they had met, and some people


said the professionals at Network Employment, a supported employment

agency, had helped them.

Some people said they had very unhelpful and unconstructive contact with

professionals providing support. In particular, although a few people said they

had some useful and helpful contact with a Disability Employment Adviser, the

majority complained of the lack of support they had received from DEAs and

the Employment Service:

“I’ve tried employment advisers but I’ve never had any luck out of them. I

thought I’d try and sort it out myself.”

“The disability officer at the job centre was more eager to brush me off the

books than help me get a job. I need help but I don’t know where to turn to

get it.”

“Certain individuals within the employment service have been less than


Some people said that individual Occupational Therapists and

Physiotherapists had been unhelpful. A few people had been disappointed by

the lack of help from their consultant, General Practitioner or social worker.

Professionals said…

About professionals that provide support

Many professionals of various disciplines said that health professionals did

not have the time, resources or scope in their role to provide this sort of

support. There were some comments about doctors in particular:

“Doctors can be inconsiderate and impersonal.”


One person said doctors can have an impact on a person’s self-esteem or

confidence as they are not concerned with the “whole” person, but the

condition they treat. A few people thought doctors could be over-protective

and encourage patients to remain out of work by presenting the ‘right’ reports

(those that present the disabled person as unable to work) or repeating sick

notes indiscriminately.

Some people thought other health professionals such as nursing staff and

therapists were unhelpful if they haven’t got a good understanding of the

neurological condition. A few people said the attitudes and beliefs of health

professionals about a person’s condition could have a powerful effect on

discouraging a person from seeking a return to employment – and raises

concerns about the difference knowledge and education makes:

“If they [health professionals] act in this way, what must the behaviour of the

members of the public be like?”

However, some professionals cited complementary therapists who provide

“more positive reinforcement” and specialist nurses who “show there is life

after diagnosis” as helpful health professionals.

Most professionals knew of The Glaxo Neurological Centre and some

mentioned the project worker for The Working Life Project as a valuable

source of support:

“He’s taken away the anxiety about work with people individually. He gets to

know their circumstances and expectations.”

A few professionals said DEAs or the Job Centres were not providing a useful

service to people with neurological conditions and equally, human resources

staff within organisations that “don’t fully understand the condition an

individual may have”.


One person saw past the varied labels and roles professionals may have as

being the key factor in whether they were helpful or not, and suggested it is

down to each individual’s personality and qualities. Helpful professionals are


“people with ‘people’ or communication skills of whatever profession.”

Finally, one professional suggested politicians were responsible for the lack of

support people experienced:

“Who’s least helpful? No one professional group stands out – politicians

maybe, yeah politicians, thinking about it.”

Support available

Professionals also commented on their own lack of knowledge of support

services for people with neurological conditions around employment issues.

The majority of professionals said there was little available support and many

1 Johansson, U and Berbspang, B. (2001). Predicting return to work after brain injury using occupational therapy assessments. Disability and Rehabilitation, 23 (11), 474-480.2

? Chaplin, J.E. and Thompson, P.J. (2001). Employment. The National Society for Epilepsy Electronic Library. Accessed at www.e-epilepsy.org.uk on 22/08/02.

3 Thompson, P.J. (2001). Psychosocial aspects of epilepsy. The National Society for Epilepsy Electronic Library. Accessed at www.e-epilepsy.org.uk on 22/08/02.

4 Grewal, I., Joy, S., Lewis, J., Swales, K. and Woodford, K. (2002). ‘Disabled for life?’ attitudes towards, and experiences of, disability in Britain. Leeds: HMSO.

5 Ross, C. and Mirowsky, J. (1995). Does employment affect health? Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 36, 230-243.

6 Goldstone, C. and Meager, N. (2002) Barriers to employment for Disabled People. DWP Report. London: HMSO.

7 Swindon Living Options and The Spastics Society for the Employment Service and Wiltshire Committee for the Employment of Disabled People. (1994). Working Through Barriers. London: The Spastics Society.


8 The Neurological Alliance. (2002). Levelling Up: Standards of care for people with a neurological condition. London: The Neurological Alliance.

9 Hewer, R.L. (1997). The Economic impact of neurological illness on the health and wealth of the nation and of individuals. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 63 (1), 19-23.


gave examples of people they knew that had experienced immense difficulty

trying to get support. An important observation was that not only was support

lacking, but the little there is seems to be managed in a dysfunctional way:

“There is limited help and a lack of anyone co-ordinating the help.”

Some professionals said the law provided a structure to the support people

are entitled to, particularly the Disability Discrimination Act. But rather than

this acting to protect people’s right’s, there was a feeling that this could be

manipulated by individual employers to suit themselves:

“the legislation on paper appears very supportive but in practice the individual

employer or line manager is key and can get away with prejudicial conduct in

spite of the legal framework.”

A few professionals said employers ignored their responsibilities to employ

disabled people or filled their ‘quota’ with the ‘least disabled’. One

professional commented that if people experienced discrimination this is both

difficult and costly to redress.

Professionals did list a number of sources of support available to people


College programmes that prepare people to go back to work

Access to Work – “to purchase equipment”

Support groups


Occupational Health Officers

However, there were many comments about how difficult it is for people to

find out what is available to them and how they can access it.

Employers said…


Support available

The majority of employers said there was little or nothing in the way of support

for people with neurological conditions in employment, and a few said there

may be support but they had no knowledge of it. There was concern that

information “doesn’t seem to be getting through” to employers. One employer

was able to list a number of sources she felt offered support to people which

included Network Employment, DEAs and the Job Centres. Having taken the

initiative and linked herself with an independent consultant to advise the

organisation on disability equality issues, she had discovered a wealth of


“There is a whole mechanism there to support you if you express interest, but

I’m not sure if it’s strong enough if you’re not expressing interest yourself.”

However, there is the feeling shared by professionals, that this lacks co-

ordination and clarity making it hard to access the right information:

“with so many agencies it’s hard to pick your way through.

Most of the employers we spoke to commented on the general lack of support

they felt in issues relating to employing disabled people. Some suggested

that there should be more low effort information readily available, for everyone

involved - a “‘how to’ for employers, colleagues, people themselves.”

Some employers were aware of the implications of government legislation

about employing disabled people in their organisation, and felt it had a

regulatory effect on employers’ behaviour. There was concern though that

this alone does not mean employers’ are genuinely changing their practice. It

was questioned whether legislation only encourages employers to:


“Create situations where the appropriate box is ticked without real

commitment to providing meaningful employment and support.”

One employer who works for a large organisation shared developments they

were making towards offering greater support to disabled applicants. This

involves offering pre-employment counselling and training, guaranteed

interviews for disabled applicants where their needs can be evaluated and

support for these considered, and drop-in centres for applicants to meet their

employed peers and share experiences. However, it was acknowledged that

this would only operate in ‘specialist’ areas of the organisation and would not

be widely available.

Finally, one employer felt that despite the intention to look for external

resources and strategies that could provide support to people, the most

significant type of support possible is the day to day ad hoc support that a line

manager and colleagues can give.


The type and nature of support available to people is patchy and seems to

rely heavily on the personality, character and personal belief of the individual

behind the service. There are some disturbing stories of the negative

interactions people are having with professionals who are paid to provide

support, but mostly this related to individuals rather than whole services. The

one aspect of support that does not seem to be working is the employment

service and Disability Employment Advisers. In some cases, the contact

people had with this service had put them off looking for work at all. Whether

it is the way this support is offered or what it involves it is clear that further

investigation involving the employment service would be interesting.

A significantly positive aspect of support to people on Merseyside is The

Glaxo Neurological Centre including The Working Life Project. The services

provided include practical support, information and advice, and when


required, an emotionally reassuring presence for neurological patients, their

carers and families. How this type of support - getting to know affected

people’s individual situations and tailoring useful and constructive support -

could be extended to other parts of the country, is a matter demanding

serious consideration.

A repeated theme across the groups is the lack of co-ordination of support

available. The systems for informing on what’s out there and how to access it

are not working for people with neurological conditions and employers alike.

It is debatable which of the existing professionals and statutory bodies, should

or could lead this process. Maybe consideration should be given to

developing a new and independent role?

From the current comments from health professionals, there is no clarity over

where the health or medical related support ends and the social/emotional

support begins. This is likely to remain a blurred issue. However, one

professional gave an interesting perspective on the evolution of ‘health’


“After, ‘am I going to die?’, ‘can you cure it?’, ‘work’ is the third issue people

bring up when given a diagnosis of a serious neurological condition. There’s

lots around educating people with neurological conditions about their

condition, but we should change the emphasis and realise people want to

know about life planning and quality of life issues.”

Finally, there is a shared concern about the effectiveness and impact of

legislation in protecting the rights of disabled people and promoting work

opportunities. The comment regarding the ‘unhelpfulness’ of politicians

acknowledges the influences that will continue to effect the wider picture.


Section 4 - Conclusions and Recommendations

The workshops…

Our aim for the first workshop was to present back the research findings to

the group and gain clarification about key themes. We gave the group

information from the questionnaires and interview stages and prompted


discussions between people about their shared/varied experiences. The

workshop produced a list of statements about barriers to employment that

were agreed by the group. These are shown below.

The lack of accurate knowledge about disability generally and/or particular conditions leads to difficulties in the workplace. Employers tend to make assumptions about the implications of a condition with very few facts.

Experiences with employers and professionals can vary according to the individuals you meet and their personal attitudes and beliefs

A person’s condition itself could be a barrier. This is helped by other people’s knowledge and understanding and having appropriate support to manage difficulties, e.g. planning ahead, memory difficulties etc.

Being labelled doesn’t help.

There is a general unwillingness by employers to explore, understand and find out about a condition.

Finances/benefits are often a disincentive to working.

Bureaucracy/systems/structures within the workplace are another barrier – but this can depend on the person you are faced with and their interpretation of the ‘rules’.

It takes an incredible amount of time to sort problems out and get through the ’red tape’.

There have been many negative experiences with Disability Employment Advisers who often are very unhelpful and have little specialist knowledge and little time to listen.

Support from health professionals, colleagues and voluntary organisations can really boost confidence

Without knowing the detailed results of the previous stages, the first focus

group reiterated many of the issues and concerns reflected throughout the


The second workshop focused on the future – how can we overcome the

barriers that clearly exist for people. The brief was to imagine and create the


seeds of ideas which could translate into pilot projects. Whilst it was difficult

for everyone involved to feel positive – particularly participants who are

currently struggling to resolve situations of discrimination – the group

developed many interesting ideas and suggestions. Some of these are

explained below.

To produce an information resource for employers and Human Resources managers – covering neurological conditions, current regulations on employing people with disabilities, support available, penalties for non-compliance, case studies of successfully employed disabled people.

To develop a programme of retraining for health and safety officers and other professionals involved in interpreting rules and regulation around disability awareness.

To produce an information resource for people with long term neurological conditions and people who are newly diagnosed.

To produce ‘real life’ fact sheets – with constructive but honest perspectives about employment written by and for people with neurological conditions.

To develop and run awareness sessions for employers about neurological conditions.

To create and run a ‘mentorship’ project - developing workplace mentors who are ‘in-house’, objective sources of support.

Out of work – to set up a database that can be a resource of ‘buddies/mentors’ of other people who are going through similar situations.

Reflections on the research

This research project has explored barriers to employment and the issues

surrounding them for people with neurological conditions from the

perspectives of people with neurological conditions themselves, professionals

and employers. We acknowledge that this project is limited geographically as

it is confined to the Merseyside area and involved people with neurological


conditions known to 2 projects and professionals connected to one major

specialist health support provider.

We have not therefore gained perspectives from people with neurological

conditions who did not need or want (or know about) either of these projects.

This may be significant in that there may be many people either successfully

supported in employment or who have given up hopes of working that have

never needed the support of these types of projects. In addition, we have a

limited professional representation.

The low response by employers was expected, partly because of the other

demands and time pressures employers have and partly because of their

concerns about what the project may involve. This too will affect our results

as negative and unsupportive professionals are unlikely to respond to a

project which may reveal their discrimination. The employers that were

involved in this project however, were open, honest and able to give a frank

view of the difficulties they face. However, whilst we have reported back what

the small number of employers said, it is too small a group to generalise our

findings to other employers.

Despite the limitations, this project represents an ambitious and exciting first

step into considering the issues around employment for people with

neurological conditions. It has shown that the barriers are real and complex.

The reality of coping with a neurological condition and managing the effects

this may have on everyday life is a mountain to climb in itself. Having then to

deal with exclusion from working life or having continual battles to fight in your

workplace is harmful and unfair.

We take an incredible amount from our jobs besides money – self-worth,

relationships, sense of achievement. The feelings and emotions expressed

by the people who took part in this project illustrated the frustration of being

denied these opportunities and the ripple effect this can have on the rest of

your life. Within the current support systems for people with neurological

conditions and employment there are undoubtedly incredibly passionate,


inspired, hard working individuals. But there is clearly a missing link, or

gaping hole, in the way support is arranged and failure in the way it has


Whilst this project has merely touched the surface of these issues, it has

exposed deeply felt confusions and frustrations. Perhaps most importantly it

has allowed the people most involved a voice to ask the questions that need

to be answered. The perceived and experienced barriers to employment are

identified and issues around why these exist are raised. Potential avenues for

future development and investigation include:

Evaluation of the pilot project ideas with a view to selecting a small

number to develop, review and implement

A wider ranging investigation of barriers to employment focusing

on the views of professionals within the employment service,

social services and voluntary organisations

Imagining and developing alternative ways of seeking out the

views of employers in a non-threatening way

Focusing future investigation on human resource professionals

and health and safety professionals and the guidelines that govern

their roles

And some of the issues waiting to be explored are:

What is the definitive picture of the support options currently

available to people, how do they access them and what are the

most effective ways of communicating this information and any

changes that may occur?

What are the barriers for employers in accessing information and



How can the support services work in partnership more effectively

with people with neurological conditions?

How can professionals and employers connect and offer joint

support to people with neurological conditions?

What are the implications for the training and development of

professionals in all areas?

What are the most effect means of raising awareness and

educating employers, colleagues and society in general?

Is there a need for a new professional role – co-ordinating access

to advice, support, information and representation for disabled

people facing barriers to employment?



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