our pillar

Post on 21-Aug-2015






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Melissa Frye21st Century EducationCharacter Education

Our pillar, Character Education, is the teaching of morals, manners, ethical reasoning, conflict resolution, and respect. As a future teacher, it is important that I realize it will be my job to teach my students about the importance of good character because they always can’t get the proper teachings of that at home from their parent or guardian. The different types of technology a teacher can use to teach character education would be YouTube, QR’s, Facebook, Voki, and Posters. Using YouTube, the class can make different PSA’s on topics such as bullying or good hygiene. QR’s can be made for students to scan to look up websites on manners and respect for your parents. A Voki can be used as a fun character children will be interested in listening to on a variety of topics, such as respect, saying please and thank you, and being kind to others in spite of differences we may have. A poster can be made to show the proper steps to wash your hands, or you can make one on diversity to show that everyone is different. As a group, we made a Character Education Facebook page that allows the teacher to post comments, questions, or videos and links to the wall, and students can respond back with whatever comments they have. They can also use this page as a confidential place they can tell the teacher about possible bullying going on or any other type of problem the student may be having or witnessing. Overall Character Education is something all teachers need to incorporate in their classrooms. It is something that children need to learn early in order to be a citizen, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, or daughter with proper character.

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