our lady of lourdes parish lesmurdieololesmurdie.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/7th-april... ·...

Post on 29-Jul-2020






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Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Lesmurdie 207 Lesmurdie Road, Lesmurdie 6076 PO Box 3160, Lesmurdie 6076

Ph 9291 6282 Fax 9291 8952 Website: www.ololesmurdie.org.au

Parish Office: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.00am—3.00pm Please Note: Monday is Father Michael’s DAY OFF so, unless it is urgent, please wait until Tuesday to contact him. Thank you.

Parish Priest: Father Michael J Separovich pp.lesmurdie@perthcatholic.org.au Parish Secretary: Mrs Pam Rushton


Pastoral Committee Chairperson: David Vallis 0408 922 456 Safeguarding Officers: Chris Lewis chrisjlewis104@gmail.com Ann Page annpage66@gmail.com


06/04 6.00pm Joe Rodrigues (Ann)

07/04 8.00am Holy Souls

9.30am Mass for the People

5.30pm Fr Joseph Tran R.I.P.

09/04 10.00am Funeral Mass

10/04 9.45am

Villa Maria Fr. Denis Edwards R.I.P.

11/04 - NO MASS

12/04 9.00am Improvement of Health (Private Int)

13/04 6.00pm

14/04 8.00am



Catholic Schools: St. Brigids College: 9290 4200 Mazenod College: 9291 6500

Parish Religion Education Program (PREP) Sue Di Marco: preplesmurdie@gmail.com

PLEASE PRAY FOR: THE SICK: Louise Miller, Philip Everett, Ron Sprehe, Keith Hawkins, Lyn Sole, Sean O’Connor, Janine Webster, Anne Slavin, Antoinette Wernicke, Jane Merrick, Holly Shanassy, Colleen Searle, Lesley Paravicini, Mairead Stewart, Mark Blackwell, Elvin Fernandez, Fiona Mackenzie-Round, Rosa Maria Santos, Steele Serramondi, Christopher Wyrewenaden, Fr Maurice Toop, Ronald Bennison, Caroline Payne, Pat O’Brien, Maria Pelinski, Diana Retel, Marie Lloyd, Brian Clark, Barbara Chodorowski, Reece McCutcheon, Carmel Suart, Martina Stokovich, Nigel Payne, Joyce Powell, Rosemary Clarke, Brett Montgomery, Leo Klein, Fiona Ball, Chris Hocking, Patrick O’Brien, Peter Joseph, Mary J Wilson, Adrian Gavranich, and all those who have asked for our prayers.

RECENTLY DECEASED: Colin Spencer, ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: Joe Rodrigues Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may Perpetual Light shine upon them.

DATES TO REMEMBER 6th/7th April Commitment Mass Weekend For all Reconciliation students Sunday 7th April Morning Tea @ Parish Hall Everyone is invited for morning tea in the Parish Hall following the 9.30am Mass. All welcome! Wednesdays @ 7.30pm Easter Choir Rehearsal Thursdays During Lent, 11.00am Lenten Prayer Group Thursday 11th April 7.00pm 2nd Rite Reconciliation Holy Family Kalamunda Friday Morning After Mass during Lent Stations of the Cross Saturday 13th April 8.00am Busy Bee

SUNDAY MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil 6.00pm at Our Lady of Lourdes

Sunday 8.00am, 9.30am, 5.30pm at OLOL

Sunday 8.00am at Our Lady of Grace – Pickering


Children’s Mass 1st Sunday of month 9.30am


NO Monday Mass

Rosary after Mass each day

Tuesday 8.00am or 9.15am (School Mass)

Wednesday: 9.45am at Villa Maria

Thursday 8.00am

Friday 9.00am

1st Wednesday of month at 9.45am at Villa Maria

(Rosary before Mass & Anointing during Mass)

DEVOTIONS Divine Mercy

Tuesday after 9.00am Mass

Miraculous Medal Novena

Thursday after 9.00am Mass

Adoration & Sacred Heart Devotion

Friday before Mass from 8.00am

RECONCILIATION Saturday No Morning Reconciliation during March 5.00pm - 5.45pm at OLOL

Sunday Before Mass at Our Lady of Grace – Picker-ing Brook


Baptisms: Contact Parish Office Weddings: Contact Father



09/04 Fernandes 20 Rooth Rd Lesmurdie 92917717 16/04 Ouwendyk 35 Warlingham Drive Lesmurdie 92919067


Jesus you are the Good Shepherd who is always mindful of your Church.

Watch over those who are baptised in your name and grant peace and harmony to all families.

We ask you to choose from the families of our Parish many priests, deacons, sisters and brothers

who will gladly spend their lives making you known and loved. Amen.

5th Sunday of Lent / C 7th April 2019


Parish News We are pleased to announce another Parish Dinner and Dance to be held in the Parish Centre on Saturday 25 May. The band is booked so make sure you circle this date in your calendar now so you don’t miss out. More details in coming weeks. 2nd Rite of Reconciliation in Preparation for Easter An invitation is extended by Fr. Suresh to join him and the parishioners of Holy Family, Kalamunda on Thursday 11th April at 7p.m. to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance in preparation for Easter. Please pass the good word around to family and friends of this great opportunity to be spiritually healed and restored! EASTER ROSTERS Palm Sunday and Holy Week and Easter rosters can be found on the table in the church foyer. Please

add your name. Many thanks for your assistance.

Busy Bee Saturday 13th April 8.00am Parishioners are asked to please join a working party to prepare the Church exterior, parking area and grounds for the Easter celebrations. Volunteers please bring your own gardening equipment. Thank you. Next Sunday (14th April) will be Palm Sunday. Before the 9:30 Mass, there will be a procession from the front car park into the church, as in previous years. Please do not park your car in that area for the 9:30 Mass.

5th Sunday of Lent 7th April 2019 Salma was just 18 years old, pregnant and fearful for her life and that of her unborn child, when she featured in Project Compassion 2013. In Bangladesh, maternal and infant mortality rates are tragically high. During her first pregnancy, Salma was very sick and in distress, she sought the help of a midwife trained by Caritas’ Safe Motherhood Program. Six years on, she’s now a healthy mother of two strong, happy children. Salma is committed to giving her children the education they need to provide them with the future she hoped for. Please donate to Project Compassion 2019 and help reduce infant mortality rates in countries like Bangladesh and provide hope to pregnant women in remote communities for happy and healthy families. Lives change when we all give 100%. You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413. Invitation from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB to the Annual Chrism Mass I invite you to attend the Chrism Mass which I will concelebrate with the Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday 16 April at 7.00pm During this Mass the Holy Oils will be blessed and the Oil of Chrism consecrated. The Priests will also renew their Ordination commitment. The Laity are invited to renew their commitment to holiness of life and to service of the Church and society. Most Reverend T Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth

Nicene Creed

The Planned Giving program is an important part of the Parish as it allows us to maintain all aspects of the Church, Presbytery and Parish Centre. In order to keep the Parish viable we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week.

This week’s giving was 74% of the target. Thank you!

APRIL 13 14 14 14

MASS 6PM 8AM 9.30AM 5.30PM


Volunteer Chris Gibson


Chris Downey Claire Heeney Chris Lewis

Volunteer Melanie D’Silva


Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer

ACOLYTES Dermot George Lou Martin

ALTAR SERVERS Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

COLLECTION McClure Family Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers


Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

MUSIC Quiet Mass

CHCH CLEANER Katherine Zuvela

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the

Virgin-Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen.

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