ottoson medieval buildings

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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8th grade Medieval History Project. Portfolio of 3D models of castles, cathedrals and manor farms


Please take a look at all the castles, cathedrals, manor farms that were built by all students in 8th grade.

All the models could not exceed 2 feet large by 3 feet long. Each model had to come with a blue print, a

bibliography and a key word definition sheet.

Enjoy your visit!

First made out of wood, castles were merely forts built to lodge garrisons. Trouble times brought the need for more sturdy structures. Medieval people began to build castle for small armies. The need to defend themselves turned into competition between lords to build the most magnificent, efficient, and impregnable design.

The word Cathedral derives from the Greek Kathedra and the Latin Cathedra meaning “Chair or Throne”. Soon enough the Christian world built churches for their bishop, containing his chair, symbol of his authority. Medieval cathedrals could be monastic (Monk-bishop) or secular (Priest-bishop). All of them were magnificent, specially the Gothic ones. Sculpted ceiling, statues, paintings, murals, mosaics, stained glass were essential components of these churches.

Each manor was largely self- sufficient, growing or producing all of the basics needed for food, clothing, and shelter. To meet these needs, the manor has buildings devoted to special purposes, such as mill for grinding grain, bake house for making bread, and blacksmith shop for fashioning metal goods. Notice that one of the fields has been left fallow, or unplanted so that the soil can replenish its nutrients.

Album designed by Edith Moisand

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