osita chidoka, ofr & okeke marcel · executive summary Ÿto run a visionary and transparent...

Post on 12-Mar-2020






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O S I T A C H I D O K A & M A R C E L O K E K E A D M I N I S T R A T I O N



(Summary Document)


Ÿ To run a visionary and transparent community-based government driven by the aspirations of Ndi Anambra.Ÿ To create an effective, development-oriented administration that will harness and ensure prudent

management of our resources to deliver value and improve the quality of life of our people.Ÿ To deliver a true wealth-creating state that will be a leader in innovation, good governance and infrastructural

development.Ÿ To turbo-charge and re-ignite the spirit of the people and restore the glory of the state as an enterprise hub in

Africa and transition to a knowledge economy and technology hub.Ÿ To secure the future of our children by restoring Igbo voice in Nigeria and by redirecting our energies to

productive engagements rather than primordial sentiments that divide us.

There is a significant gap between the promise of a goal and the achievement of these goals. Anambra State faces many challenges but we can overcome them. We will do this through intelligent planning and implementation.

My vision is to build the first truly world-class state in Nigeria and to trigger the processes that would deliver double-digit growth in the GDP of Anambra State and transform it into a middle-income economy by the year 2022 .



This election is a referendum on our future. It is an opportunity to choose the future that we want for Anambra and Ndi Igbo in general.

We must choose if we want an Anambra that is the leading light in the West Africa region, a self-su�cient territory with a diverse work force of educated and employable citizens

We must choose if we want an Anambra that has joined the modern age, whose people can easily connect to the new global economy through the Internet and whose schools consistently surpass the minimum standards in the West Africa region.

We must choose if we want an Anambra where the cities are liveable places, a state that ensures 'na onye obuna ritere uru na ihe otinyere na ala'.

We must choose if we want an Anambra that has invested in its most valuable resource: its human capital; one that has created an industrial base that makes it possible for its young people to be employed and economically active.

We must choose if we want an Anambra that can ensure food security by becoming the agro-processing hub for West Africa;

We must choose if we want an Anambra that will cater to the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities: the poor, old, and sick. In this election, we have the opportunity to elect a governor who has not been bought by any godfathers or interest groups, rather a governor who will represent the views of the people, address their fears, and speak to their hopes. Should I be given the opportunity to lead Anambra State as its governor, come November 2017, it is this future that we will have. Come with me on this journey, and together we will take Anambra into the future.

Chief Osita Chidoka OFR was born on 18 July 1971. He obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and a Masters of Public Policy degree from George Mason University US. He has a Certificate in Global Strategy and Political Economy from Oxford University, UK, and a Graduate Diploma in Maritime and Ports Management from the National University of Singapore.

He served as Personal Assistant to the Minister of State in the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. He was later the Personal Assistant to the Minister of Transport. Subsequently, he was the Special Assistant to the Senior Adviser to the President on Legal Matters. He joined Mobil Producing Nigeria, as a Senior Adviser on Government and Business Relations. He was later appointed as the Corps Marshal and Chief Executive of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC).

Under his leadership, FRSC built a reliable Offenders' Register and database of drivers and vehicles in the country. The organisation won the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in December 2008, and the National Productivity Order of Merit Award of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity in October 2010. Under him FRSC won Leadership

Newspapers Government Agency of the year 2012 award.

He was invested with the traditional title of Ike-Obosi (Strength of Obosi) and a member of the Ndi-Ichie, in Anambra State in May 2009. He bagged the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria Merit Award on 27 November 2010, and the Institute of Logistics Management of Nigeria Fellowship Award in July 2011. He was awarded the distinguished Alumnus Award for Good Governance and Model on Road Safety by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka on 12 November 2011. On 14 November, 2011, he was conferred with Nigeria's National Honour of O�cer of the Federal Republic, OFR. He won the Sun and Hallmark Newspapers Public Servant of the Year 2012 awards and

Osita Chidoka OFR is a strong public policy advocate. He has written many articles, essays and delivered speeches in many areas of public policy and safety management. He writes a regular column, “Bridge Builder” for Leadership Newspapers, where he outlines pragmatic ideas for good governance.

Osita Chidoka OFR is happily married and blessed with children



Marcel Ogbonnaya Okeke was born on 12 th of October 1962. He obtained a B.Sc. (Hons) in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1985, an MBA in Finance from University of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom in 1998 and a Specialist Certificate in Financial Journalism from Centre for Foreign Journalists, Virginia, USA. Okeke’s extensive experience include: Business Editor of Punch Newspapers, Editor at Champion Newspaper. He was also the Divisional Head; Information and Media at SPDC, Editor at Concord Newspaper, Senior Economic Strategist at Zenith Bank Plc. Currently he is the AGM/Chief Strategist/Chief Economist/Head, Research Economic Intelligence and Sustainability Group at Zenith Bank Plc.

He belongs to the following professional bodies: Fellow of the; Institute of Credit Administration (FCAI), Portfolio Management Institute (FPMI), Institute of Corporate Administration (FCAI), Chartered Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC). Member of the; Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (HCIB), Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ). He is a board member of Zenith Bank’s Rep., Board of Digital Bridge Institute; Zenith

Bank’s Rep., Board of Growing Businesses Foundation; Zenith Bank’s Rep., Council ofNigeria Economic Summit Group; and Zenith Bank’s Rep., Board of Nigerian Internet Group Member, Research, Planning and Advocacy Committee, CIBN.

Okeke has been recognised and awarded severally, some which include: Service Award by CBN for contribution to the BVN project, Concord Press Award, “Distinguished Economist” by University of `Nigeria, Nsukka, Award by Risk Managers Association of Nigeria, Award for Excellent Performance by Zenith Bank and Award by “Ogbunka Brethren” for career progression / contribution to community development.

He is also a leader and member of various community committees. Okeke writes regularlyand is usually invited to be a keynote speaker.He is happily married with five children

‘Ife anyi cholu n'Anambra bu ndi nwelu Uche, ndi nwelu Uchu, na ndi nwelu egwu Chukwu’.





Collection and Analyses of Baseline Data

Citizen’s Identification Programme

Digitization of Records

Resident Identity Card

Openness and Transparency

Performance Evaluation and Monitoring


Stakeholder Identification and Engagement

Regular Residents-Government Engagement

Community Contact Centres

Benchmarked Services

Develop an implementation model

Identify the relevant state agency

Build capacity

Monitor and evaluate processes and programmes

Robust legal and regulatory framework

Strengthen institutions


Ndi Igbo originated in a region with fragile and generally infertile land, yet today we are the vanguards of education and public service in Nigeria. This uncommon feat was achieved by dint of hard work and the values of Uche (intellect), Uchu (enterprise), and Egwu Chukwu (values).








We will employ this principle of merit, equity, and fairness in all political appointments and

promotions across the state’s civil service, and also in the allocation of resources for development.

There shall be no dichotomy against any Igbo, indeed, against any person who chooses to be

resident in Anambra.

We must groom a generation of Ndi Anambra who are steeped in the sound morals of diligent

honest pursuit, enterprise, and growth. No shortcuts.

We will build a society that upholds social justice, fairness, and equity to guarantee economic

opportunities for all.

Our claim on the future depends on our ability to make investments that will harness and unlock

our ICT potential. “Our aspirations should inspire the next generation and provide them with

transcend the existential meaning of Nigeria. A meaning that ds geography, natural resources and



Our Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to transform Anambra State into a knowledge hub in the West Africa sub-region and to transform the State into a destination for quality education.


Ÿ Conduct a baseline study of all public and private schools in the state from kindergarten to tertiary institutions, Set up an Education Reform Team to source and obtain all necessary information, records, reviews and reports on Education in Anambra State and benchmark with global best practices;

Ÿ Review and revamp our education curriculum to align with the best international standards;

Ÿ Re-certify schools for foundation and A' Level preparation of students wishing to study abroad in TOEFL, GMAT etc. and prepare Anambra students and graduates for the future. The recertification will not lead to over-regulation; rather, it is to ensure an across board increase in our education standard;

Ÿ Institute an annual school certification programme and introduce compulsory state-wide testing of students and ranking of schools

Ÿ Introduce special schools and sport academy

that will train students in sports, technical skills, and entrepreneurship;

Ÿ Introduce entrepreneurship training in school curriculum from primary school to raise a generation of young people who will be attuned to creating opportunities rather than just seeking employment;

Ÿ Establish education infrastructure support loans for private and missionary schools. Benchmark Anambra secondary schools by joining the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA);

Ÿ Increase education access for students with special needs. Where possible, we will insist on training our children with special needs in the same schools as the other kids to ensure they and the other kids learn how to support each other;

Ÿ Strengthen school inspection framework and agree on the metrics and benchmark for

inspection and re-certification of schools with all stakeholders;

Ÿ Implement a state wide electronic result system to monitor students performances in public and private schools and take immediate action where disparity exist;

Ÿ Connect all schools with high speed broadband internet services, digitalize their records, and create access to online educational resources;

Ÿ Review Salaries and other benefits accruable to teachers, education administrators, and other workers in the sector;

Ÿ Provide lifestyle support programmes such as health insurance schemes (upon recruitment), car purchase schemes (after 2 years of service), housing scheme (after 5 years of service), and ensure strict adherence to contributory pension scheme that will benefit the sector

We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….


OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to provide quality, safe, accessible and affordable healthcare services to residents of Anambra State and to make the State a destination for medical tourism.


Ÿ Conduct a baseline assessment of medical facilities in all the public and private hospitals and healthcare centres in the State

Ÿ Set up a Healthcare Reform Team made up of stakeholders to source and obtain all necessary information, records, reviews and reports on healthcare delivery in Anambra State and benchmark with other states within and outside the country

Ÿ Conduct a quality audit of the services rendered by medical institutions in the State with the view to standardize and create uniformity in healthcare services in the State

Ÿ Create a state-wide medical patients and diseases database

Ÿ Partner with the World Bank, development partners and the private sector to upgrade healthcare infrastructures with modern facilities and access to NAFDAC-certified medications

Ÿ Certify traditional birth attenders (midwives) to improve their services

Ÿ Create free and compulsory immunization for all children in the state

Ÿ Create a free healthcare programme for the vulnerable (children 0–7 years and the elderly 75 years and above) to reduce infant and maternal mortality

Ÿ Create an ambulatory/ emergency pick-up systems equipped with First Aid Services and linked to the healthcare cenrtres around the state

Ÿ Create a robust, comprehensive and affordable Health Insurance Scheme across the public and private care centres and hospitals at an amount that is payable by Ndi Anambra 

Ÿ Ag r e e m e t r i c s a n d b e n c h m a r k w i t h stakeholders and apply the benchmark in re-certification of Care Centres and Hospitals on a regular basis.

Ÿ Implement a state wide electronic result system linked to the Central Database to monitor Care Centres, hospitals both public and private, in

urban and rural areas etc. in terms of performance and compliance and immediate action taken where disparity exist

Ÿ Upgrade selected existing facilities to Specialist Hospitals and Care Centres for treatment and management of specific type of diseases to promote the State's Healthcare Sector and attract competent personnel and patient patronage to boost the economy of the State.

Ÿ Re-certify care centres and hospitals (public and private) and categorise them on the basis of service provided, capacity, competence of personnel, treatment history, state of facilities, and other indices. This information will be made available to the general public and also to the ambulatory service

Ÿ Review salaries and other benefits accruable to medical practitioners, other professionals and health workers in the sector and link it to agreed performance indices


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to build a world-class public service that delivers on its mandate and ranked among the top three best performing public service in the country.


Ÿ Set up a Public Service Reform Team to source and obtain all necessary information, records, reviews and reports on Anambra state public service and develop a roadmap for the reform process

Ÿ Set up and manage a benchmark Anambra state public service to the best performing public service in Africa

Ÿ Set up a Public Service Academy to facilitate training and development of all Anambra State government employees in the various sectors and introduce service contact with residents of the State

Ÿ Conduct Skills and Manpower audit for a rebalancing of the service and also to identify the critical skills gaps that must be addressed

Ÿ Set up certification and training programme for all staff on the relevant skills including ICT, budgeting, project implementation planning and execution, etc.

Ÿ Produce monthly and yearly report on the state manpower data, career progression and promotion, retirement schedule and plan.

Ÿ Introduce online, electronic and transparent Annual Performance Evaluation and a Performance Management system (PMS)

Ÿ Set-up an independent disciplinary committee or body to review cases of staff indiscipline across the state’s public service;

Ÿ Review salaries and other benefits accruable to public servants and link them to performance;

Ÿ Introduce and enhance health insurance scheme, car purchase scheme, housing scheme, and ensure strict adherence to pension contributions that will benefit the workers


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to make Anambra State a self-su�cient territory and to systematically wean the State of its dependency on Federal Government allocation.


Ÿ Encourage prompt remittances and self-assessment of taxes by individuals, businesses and organizations

Ÿ Recover outstanding taxes and arrears owed to the government by individuals and businesses in the state

Ÿ Implement state developments funds and sovereign wealth investment with competitive returns

Ÿ Create State Lottery programme and use the proceeds to fund social investments such as sports development, education, scholarships for indigent students, etc.

Ÿ Give tax rebate to allow registration of old and new businesses on the electronic taxpayer database

Ÿ Continue to expand the tax net to register more individuals and businesses in the state and Increase number of employees per registered business,

Ÿ Increase number of tax payers assessing government services

Ÿ Increase compliance with tax payment and remittances to the state government

Ÿ Increase Public Private Partnership (PPP) and encourage employment of ndi Anambra and Anambra residents


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to make Anambra State a major logistics hub in West Africa through the provision of safe, accessible and clean transportation network and logistics infrastructure.


Ÿ Conduct a baseline of all the existing routes and grid in Anambra State and carry out a geo-mapping of the routes to identify each location and ascertain the approximate time it takes to move from one location to another

Ÿ Optimise travel times between key agricultural Centres and markets, so that farmers can get real value for their produce.

Ÿ Develop an intra-state taxi and bus system along with the private sector and promote the gateway status of the State.

Ÿ Develop an industrial logistics park in the three senatorial zones with linkage and network of roads and encourage the establishment of inland container terminals in the three senatorial zone

Ÿ Develop a road maintenance strategy that minimizes road accidents and enhances safety of our roads and upgrade the State tra�c enforcement agency

Ÿ Agree on metrics and benchmark for inspection with all stakeholders and apply the benchmark in the re-certification and management of the transport sector in the state

Ÿ Collaborate with neighbouring States and the Federal Government to develop the Onitsha seaport.

Ÿ Collaborate with the private sector, states and federal government to dredge the River Niger and create wealth through water transportation.

Ÿ Build a linkage with our regional airport Ÿ Re-develop our motor parks through a PPP



We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to make Anambra State the centre of e-Commerce and the preferred business destination in Nigeria and the number one trading hub in West Africa


Ÿ Conduct a baseline study of all the markets in Anambra State, identify them by their location, number of shops, traders and apprentices, main type of trade, state of facilities in each market, capital flow, capital requirements, etc. and digitalize these records.

Ÿ Remodel all markets in Anambra so as to improve infrastructure around the market including the shops, access to and within the markets, water supply, waste management, sanitary utilities, electricity, ambience, fire prevention and control, safety and security; etc.

Ÿ Create motor packs and parking lots in each market to facilitate ease of movement in and out of the market

Ÿ Provide internet hotspots in all key markets to facilitate connectivity between the traders and their international counterparts and also to facilitate e-Commerce activities

Ÿ Transform the markets into modern business

hubs and a destination of first choice in trade and commerce

Ÿ Review, upgrade and digitalize inspection and regulatory framework in trade and commerce sub-sector and continue to improve regulation and inspections to ensure business are conducted within the set guidelines

Ÿ Agree on metrics and benchmark for sanitary and other inspection with all stakeholders and apply the benchmark in the re-certification of shops, markets etc.

Ÿ Create an apprenticeship support scheme and create grants, soft loans at low interest rate and extend same to individual businesses and trained apprentices as take-off or start off capital to their individual businesses

Ÿ Establish entrepreneur academy in the state to identify and train apprentice regularly in business and book keeping to enable them compete in the global market


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to rebuild confidence in the Justice System and ensure the security of lives and properties of residents in Anambra State.


Ÿ Conduct a baseline study of courts in Anambra state to identify their locations, number of personnel, and ascertain the state of facilities in each court. The baseline data would be used to decide how to overhaul the system and providing modern facilities in the courts in a bid to facilitate quick dispensation of justice

Ÿ Set up a Judiciary Reform Team to source and obtain all necessary information, records, reviews and reports on Judiciary in Anambra state and benchmark with other states within and outside the country

Ÿ Improve access to justice by creating a three-pronged approach to the dispensation of Justice in Anambra State by;

Ÿ Creating or strengthening an Alternative Dispute Resolution System and locating it in each federal constituencies of the state to reduce the number of cases that get to the court. The major duties of the ADRs will be to resolve common / petty issues of little financial values.

Ÿ Reform the Customary Court (CC) System for expeditious dispensation of justice by creating an Upper Customary Court (UCC) to adjudicate on cases from the Customary Court and the Customary Court of Appeal (CCA) as the apex court on cases that it presides over. The Customary Court will be established in each of the Federal

Constituencies. The Upper Customary Court will be established in each of the three Senatorial Zones while there will be only one Customary Court of Appeal in the State. Experienced lawyers will be appointed to adjudicate on matters at both the UCC and CCA while CC will be constituted by distinguished members of the community such as reputable elders, retired school principals, clergypersons, and others who are experienced in the customs and traditions of the people.

Ÿ Reform the Magistrate Court System to adjudicate on cases with significant monetary value. Cases from the Magistrate Court goes through the Federal/State High Courts through the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court. Experienced Judges will be appointed to adjudicate on matters in these courts.

Ÿ Review, standardize and certify judicial delivery practices to create uniform and standard judicial services and practices in each court and in the Citizens Rights Centres (CRC). The CRC will mainly educate the residents of Anambra State on their rights, handle their grievances, and recommend the appropriate procedures to follow to address their issues.

Ÿ Digitalize and deploy Internet access and services in all the CRCs, ADRs, Customary Courts, Upper Customary

Court, Customary Court of Appeal, Magistrate Courts, and State High Courts. They will link all their records to the central database system in the state showing daily, weekly, monthly and yearly records of all litigants, cases and judgments of the courts on a regular basis etc.

Ÿ Create a programme for free or subsidized judicial services for children (minors) under 18 years, for the extremely poor, and the aged (75 years and above) to enjoy free legal services for civil cases.

Ÿ Initiate judicial financial autonomy and grant the judiciary a first-line charge on the state budget and the consolidated revenue with oversight by the Accountant General and the Auditor General of the state

Ÿ Review salaries and other welfare benefits accruable to judges, judicial o�cers and other workers or stakeholders in the sector and align with the plans for the public service in the state.


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to upgrade the existing Master Plan, re-build the poor neighbourhoods in our cities, and create liveable cities that will attract a diverse middle class.


Ÿ Review the existing Master Plan for Awka , Onitsha, and Nnewi, to change the faces of our cities, and create a new layout with modern appeal.

Ÿ Conduct enumeration of residents and their dwellings for development planning using geo-mapping tools, naming and numbering of streets and building in our cities, and create a state-wide online registry of street names and house numbers

Ÿ Identify houses and buildings that are in breach of our urban or estate laws and develop a protocol for correcting the breach to realign with the Master Plan.

Ÿ Review our current urban plan to ensure access to social amenities like schools, hospitals, borehole water scheme, shopping complexes, markets, parks and recreational facilities as input for the process of building an inclusive prosperous liveable and sustainable cities in the

stateŸ Develop and enforce new sanitary standards and

ensure full compliance with the physical urban Master Plan of the state to create a liveable city in the state

Ÿ Develop an urban plan and maintenance strategy that minimises infractions and enhances compliance and implementation and create citizen’s right centres in each of the 21 LGA to partner with the government to monitor breeches to our physical urban laws and report appropriately.

Ÿ Agree on metrics and benchmark for inspection with all stakeholders and apply the benchmark in the re-certification and management of the urban and physical plan laws in the state

Ÿ Review salaries and other welfare benefits accruable to approving o�cers and other workers and align with the welfare package for the rest of the public service.


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: Chidoka - OkekeThe Administration covenants to build an environmental friendly state, reverse the impact of pollution and create a framework for sustainable waste management by 2022.


Ÿ Reverse the trend of heavy pollution in some part of the state and reduce the carbon footprint of our transport and industrial activities

Ÿ Designate some areas as protected land to maintain bio diversity and preserve the ecosystem

Ÿ Energise a tree planting programme to reduce the impact of ozone layer depletion

Ÿ Develop an environmental management strategy for all public, industrial and private buildings and neighbourhoods and utilise churches, age grade and town unions to propagate good environmental practices and waste disposal at the community level.

Ÿ C r e a t e a f r a m e w o r k f o r s u s t a i n a b l e management of waste and develop guidelines for handling the treatment and disposal of solid and liquid waste

Ÿ Create a framework for the use of renewable energy to meet the energy need of the state and

include energy e�ciency in building plan approvals

Ÿ Build and support existing car emission testing centres across the state and adopt emission standard for greenhouse gases and air pollutants

Ÿ Develop a comprehensive water resources management strategy and promote availability of safe drinking water

Ÿ Adopt sustainable and low cost measure to manage the challenge of erosion and engineer landfill at designated locations to control and reclaim erosion ravaged areas


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to make Anambra state a destination of choice for the youth by promoting sports and recreation activities.


Ÿ Inculcate the habits of sports and recreation as a means of creating a healthier population

Ÿ Draw up excellent sports programmes and curriculum to improve skills, knowledge and performance of each student in the academy

Ÿ Build and manage a sports academy that will prepare the youth and students for future competition within and outside the state and the country

Ÿ Seek other avenues to continue to raise funds through partnership, sports lottery, development levy

Ÿ Create the rules and regulations guiding the admission, training and performances of students in the academy and conduct regular performance tests and competition to wean students who perform below expectation

Ÿ Continue to improve on students performances to achieve the set target of having at least 10 students from the academy playing in top

European leagues, while others are representing Nigeria in global competitions that is football, athletics, tennis, basket ball

Ÿ Make Anambra state a destination of choice for young people and introduce mentorship programmes that benefits the youth in the sport academy

Ÿ Designate three secondary schools (one per senatorial zone) as centres of excellence in sports

Ÿ Implement a skill acquisition support scheme that prepares youth and students in the academy of a professional life after years of studies and intensive training in the academy


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….


Ÿ Carry out massive expansion of ICT infrastructure in the state

Ÿ Liaise with network operators and data service providers to build hotspots, data centres and deploy data services in all the 21 LGAs in the state to facilitate financial transactions and business, education, social interaction, awareness and information

Ÿ Create a central database management system and portals linking all government o�ces and institutions in the state for easy access to information and records.

Ÿ Key Anambra into the global ICT movement and activate state capacity in e-governance and e-commerce

Ÿ Implement an ICT governance policy that makes it compulsory for all state institutions to provide its operations online and provide the rules and regulations guiding upload, download and operations of the data centre

Ÿ Declassify information and make available public records.

Ÿ Create technology incubation hubs across the three senatorial zones of the state and unlock the human resource potential of resident of the state, by preparing Anambra residents for the world

Ÿ Hold frequent ICT conferences, Expos and Trade fair to further deepen ICT penetration in the state and create business and employment spin-off for both government and the private sector

OUR Goal: The Chidoka - Okeke Administration covenants to provide low-cost access to data and deploy ICT infrastructure to unlock the human resource potential in the state to make Anambra State the ICT hub in Nigeria.


We will achieve this goal through the execution of the following key initiatives….

For more information, please contact:

Bright NebedumDirector-General, Osita Chidoka Campaign Organisation

Osita Chidoka Campaign Headquarters34a Aguawka LayoutAwka, Anambra State

info@ositachidoka.com.ng+234 (0) 708 069 9200

Viola Ifeyinwa OkolieDirector, Media


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