osfma news fall 2015

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The official publication of the Oregon School Facilities Management Association.


Silverton High SchoolSilverton, Oregon

NewsOSFMAOfficial publication of the Oregon School Facilities Management Association

Fall 2015 – Volume 29 Issue 2

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PRIntED In CanaDa | 09/2015

OSFMA News is published by


Index to Advertisers

Table of

On the Cover – Silverton High School is located in Silverton, Oregon, which serves as the center for Silver Falls School District, serving 3,700 students with 13 schools. Silverton is a community of around 10,000 that maintains its small town environment while being less than 10 miles from the outskirts of Salem. The district covers approximately 204 square miles in Marion and Clackamas counties. Silverton High School was constructed in two phases, with the final portions being completed in 2009. The school features a 600-seat auditorium, as well as a separate CTE building housing the auto, agriculture, wood and fabrication programs.

ContentsPresident’s Message .............................................................................................................................4Who We are .............................................................................................................................................52015-16 Board of Directors ...............................................................................................................62016 Conference Committee ............................................................................................................72015-16 Standing Committees .........................................................................................................8Zone 1 Meeting.................................................................................................................................. 11$1,000 Doug Lemley Memorial Scholarships .........................................................................13Buell Recreation Welcomes Regional Sales Manager Jamie Hendrickson ..................15OSFMa Member Zone Map ........................................................................................................... 16OSFMa Professional Growth Certification Recipients ......................................................... 16Professional Growth application Guide ................................................................................... 17OSFMa Mini Conference................................................................................................................. 19OSFMa Resources .............................................................................................................................20Purpose Statement ........................................................................................................................... 212016 OSFMa Conference Member Registration ....................................................................222016 OSFMa Conference Vendor Booth & Membership Registration ..........................23

A Tech/Northwest Inc .............................................. 13Buell Recreation ...................................................... 10Chown Inc. ................................................................ 7Clima Tech Corporation ............................................IFCGeary Pacific Supply Bard ......................................OBCGovernment Capital Corporation ............................... 4J.R. Johnson Inc. ........................................................ 9KCDA .......................................................................IFC

Kennedy Restoration ...............................................IFCModern Building Systems ....................................... 10Northwest Playground Equipment Inc .................... 21Pace c/o Oregon School Boards Association ............. 13Pacific Mobile Structures Inc.................................... 11Stagecraft Industries ................................................. 4TT L Sheet Metal Inc. ................................................. 9The Beresford Company ............................................ 9



By thE tiME yOu read this letter, the long, hot days of summer will have all but become a memory, the startup bugs will hopefully be mostly all worked out, and we will all be back in the groove of our normal routines that we have when our buildings are “occupied”. For me, it is one of the few times of the year when I can work and think in the moment...knowing that in a very short time I will be fully into budgeting, planning, bidding, etc. in preparation for the next round of projects throughout my district. I am hopeful that I’m not the only one of us who takes advantage of this time to get away from work for a few days and take a few deep breaths!

thiS iS ALwAyS An exciting time of year, whether it be the smile of a kindergartner stepping into their new adventure, the swagger of a senior knowing they are almost done, the excitement of teachers walking into a brand new building, or the sense of pride coming from the custodial and maintenance staffs who have somehow managed to pull off what only months ago seemed to be a near impossibility. I am writing this in early august, a time of the summer when I find it important to remind myself and the staff I work with that every year we are worried about getting things done, but somehow it always works out due to the dedication and professionalism of each and every person involved.

i hAvE nEwFOunD hOPE in the future of school facilities throughout the state and the attention they are finally starting to receive. We collectively have known for years – maybe even decades – that deferring maintenance for budgetary reasons was something that could only last so long. now, most of our districts have such a backlog and high price tag associated with deferred maintenance that we have no hope of catching up unless it is through the passage of a local bond. Recently passed legislation will start a program to provide state matching dollars to add to locally passed bonds. While there are still many unknowns about how exactly this program will work, and with the program only being funded with $125 million for the first biennium, it is at least a good positive start. Many of us have been asking for and lobbying for this type of funding instrument for years. now it is here, and like OSFMa, hopefully in 30 years the program will have experienced impressive growth and expansion impacting every student in the state!

Joel Smallwood Director of Maintenance and Facilities, Silver Falls School District. v

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Who We Are...OSFMA iS An ORgAnizAtiOn of School Facilities Maintenance Professionals with the common goal of promoting and developing the highest degree of professionalism in the maintenance, operations, planning, development and construction of school facilities. Our association is managed by a Board of Directors, composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary/treasurer, and immediate Past President; and elected by a majority of our voting members. the Board also includes Directors from each of the five geographic zones, who are nominated by the members of said zones and also approved by the voting membership. there are several committees, with delegated responsibilities that oversee the following areas to give advice to the Board of Directors.

1. Finance2. Legislative3. Communications/Publications4. By-laws and Ethics5. Professional Growth and Development6. Membership/Elections nominations7. annual Conference8. Standardizations9. Energy Conservation

MEMBERShiP…Active Members: Oregon school and community college employees actively employed in a position of program level authority and or responsibility for Maintenance Services and Operations in an educational facility.Educational Associate Members: those persons regularly employed in a position of supervisory responsibility in the field on maintenance, operations and facility programs related to an educational institution. non-Educational Associate Members: those persons regularly employed in a position of administrative, managerial, or supervisory responsibility in the fields of maintenance, operation, and facility programs not related to an education facility. Educational Partner Membership: Supplier, vendor, contractor representative, or other agency or association who offers or provides membership, products, goods or “services for a fee” to maintenance and operations departments in educational facilities.honorary Members: Honorary membership in this association may be extended to any person whom the association approves.Retired Members: Members in good standing may retain a non-voting membership in the association upon retirement.

OSFMA zOnE inFORMAtiOnOSFMa has divided the State of Oregon into zones. For more

information regarding Zone Meetings or other OSFMa information, please contact the Zone Directors listed at the OSFMa website, www.osfma.org.


the geographic area of Zone 1 includes the following counties: Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, tillamook, and Washington. the 2014/2016 Zone Director is Jim Peterson, Hillsboro School District. You can reach Jim via email at: petersoj@hsd.k12.or.us.zone 2:

the geographic area of Zone 2 includes the following counties: Benton, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, and Yamhill. the 2015/2017 Zone 2 Director is John Gilbert at Falls City School District. You can reach John via email at: gilbert_john@fallscity.k12.or.us.zone 3:

the geographic area of Zone 3 includes the following counties: Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, and Lane. the 2015/2017 Zone 3 Director is todd Smith at Lane Community College. You can reach todd via email at: smitht@lanecc.edu.zone 4 and 5 (Combined):

the geographic area of Zones 4 and 5 includes the following counties: Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Sherman, Wasco, Wheeler, Baker, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa. the 2015/2017 Zone 4-5 Director is Dennis Whitehouse from north Wasco County SD. You can reach Dennis via email at: whitehoused@nwasco.k12.or.us.

zOnE MEEtingSthroughout the year each zone sponsors several workshops

and training designed for school district facilities maintenance professionals.

OSFMA OFFERS PROFESSiOnAL gROwth CERtiFiCAtiOn…the Oregon School Facilities Management association provides

professional certification to qualifying members based on education, achievement, and experience. two certificate programs are available which are designed to demonstrate a high degree of professional competence and growth. Both growth paths, either the Certified School Facilities Manager or the Certified School Facilities Specialist, have three focus areas:

1. Participation in OSFMa. 2. Other professional growth activities. 3. Knowledge and skill gained through experiences.

For more information contact the Professional Growth Committee chair listed at the OSFMa website, www.osfma.org.

AnnuAL COnFEREnCE AnD tRADE ShOw Each spring our association holds an annual conference in

albany Oregon, which includes workshops covering current topics that apply directly to our job responsibilities. there is also a one day vendor trade show with approximately 130 booths to exhibit the latest products that help make our jobs easier. v


2015-2016 Board of DirectorsnAME OSFMA POSitiOn


Timothy Ford

Jim Peterson

Jon von Behren

John Gilbert

Joel Smallwood Terry Taylor

Dennis Whitehouse

Melinda Shumaker

Todd Smith

Smallwood, Joel President – Silver Falls SD 503.873.5303 503.991.6572 smallwood_joel@silverfalls.k12.or.us

taylor, terry Pres. Elect – Gresham-Barlow SD 503.258.4700 503.309.4575 taylor6@gresham.k12.or.us

von Behren, Jon Past President – OES 503.768.3161 503.784.7418 vonbehrenj@oes.edu

Ford, timotthy Vice President – OCDC 971-224-1077 503-528-4090 timothy.ford@ocdc.net

Shumaker, Melinda Sec./Treas. N. Clackamas SD 503.353.6061 503.260.2885 shumakerm@nclack.k12.or.us

Peterson, Jim Zone 1 Director 503.844.1320 503.207.3985 petersoj@hsd.k12.or.us

Gilbert, John Zone 2 Director 503.787.3521 503.910.4127 gilbert_john@fallscity.k12.or.us

Smith, todd Zone 3 Director 541-463-5216 smitht@lanecc.edu

Whitehouse, Dennis Zone 4/5 Director 541.506.3430 541.993.1763 whitehoused@nwasco.k12.or.us


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2016 Conference Committee

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Bliss, Leland Sisters SD 541-549-8521 541-678-8628 leland.bliss@sisters.k12.or.us

Church, Dave Retired/Honorary Member 541.441.7925 churchdf@pacifier.com

Dehaze, Pierre Salem-Keizer SD 503.399.3761 503.550.4285 dehaze_pierre@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Evans, ted Retired/Honorary Member 971.246.0307 ted2327@comcast.net

Ford, timothy Oregon Child Dev. Coalition 971-224-1077 503-528-4090 timothy.ford@ocdc.net

Good, Vonnie Salem-Keizer SD 503.399.3070 503.881.2008 good_vonnie@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Gilbert, John Falls City SD 503.787.3521 gilbert_john@fallscity.k12.or.us

Jenney, Jim Salem-Keizer SD 503.399.3097 503.932.0344 jenney_jim@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Key, Bill Retired/Honorary Member 503.829.7243 kittyfarm@molalla.net

Long, Rich InterMountian ESD 541-966-3225 541-215-2155 rich.long@imesd.k12.or.us

Maynard, Rod Oreogn Episcopal School 503-416-9314 503-807-7556 maynardr@oes.edu

norris, Walt Bend-La Pine SD 541-355-4708 walter.norris@bend.k12.or.us

Peterson, Jim Hillsboro SD 503.844.1320 503.207.3985 petersoj@hsd.k12.or.us

Potter, Buck Lane Community College 541-463-4832 541-590-0386 potterb@lanecc.edu

Shawn, Eric Catlin Gabel School 503.203.5100 503.706.8696 shawne@catlin.edu

Shumaker, Melinda North Clackamas SD 503.353.6061 503.260.2885 shumakerm@nclack.k12.or.us

Smallwood, Joel Silver Falls SD 503.873.5303 503.991.6572 smallwood_joel@silverfalls.k12.or.us

Swanson, Clay West Hills Christian School 503-245-6688 503.961.4938 clay.swanson@whcs.org

taylor, terry – Chair Gresham-Barlow SD 503-258-4700 503.309.4575 taylor6@gresham.k12.or.us

tiller, Mike Bend-La Pine SD 541.355.4702 mike.tiller@bend.k12.or.us

von Behren, Jon Oregon Episcopal School 503.768.3161 503.784.7418 vonbehrenj@oes.edu

Webber, Jil Retired/Honorary Member 541.643.1326 djwebber@dcwisp.net

OSFMa Office – Laura 800.799.6159 503.730.3306 osfma@osfma.org


2015-2016 Standing Committees

SChOLARShiP COMMittEEDeen Hylton – Chair ...............deen.hylton@crookcounty.k12.or.us

Pierre Dehaze ............................dehaze_pierre@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Mike tiller ..................................mike.tiller@bend.k12.or.us

Dan Dummitt ...........................dan.dummitt@bend.k12.or.us

Wes Martin ................................wes.martin@bend.k12.or.us

Leland Bliss ................................ leland.bliss@sisters.k12.or.us

LEgiSLAtivE COMMittEEBruce Lathers ............................ lathers_bruce@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Gary Dahlquist ..........................gary.dahlquist@albany.k12.or.us

Joel Smallwood ........................ smallwood_joel@silverfalls.k12.or.us

Rich Long .................................... rich.long@imesd.k12.or.us

PROFESSiOnAL gROwth COMMittEEEric Shawn – Chair .................. shawne@catlin.edu

Deen Hylton .............................deen.hylton@crookcounty.k12.or.us

John Gilbert ..............................gilbert_john@fallscity.k12.or.us

Jim Peterson .............................petersoj@hsd.k12.or.us

Mark Wheeler ............................mwheeler@mesd.k12.or.us

Melinda Shumaker ................. shumakerm@nclack.k12.or.us

Jennifer Synder ........................ jennifer.synder@bethel.k12.or.us

Russ Pierson ...............................piersonr@lanecc.edu

Joe Gamble ................................ joe.gamble15@pcc.edu

ELECtiOnS / nOMinAtiOnS COMMittEEJon von Behren - Chair .........vonbehrenj@oes.edu

MEMBERShiP COMMittEE timothy Ford – Chair ............ taylor6@gresham.k12.or.us

Leland Bliss ................................ leland.bliss@sisters.k12.or.us

Wes Martin .................................wes.martin@bend.k12.or.us

Dan Dummitt ............................dan.dummitt@bend.k12.or.us

EnERgy COnSERvAtiOn COMMittEE Mike tiller – Chair ...................mike.tiller@bend.k12.or.us

Jim Peterson .............................petersoj@hsd.k12.or.us

Vonnie Good ............................good_vonnie@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Leland Bliss ................................ leland.bliss@sisters.k12.or.us

Jennifer Synder ........................ jennifer.synder@bethel.k12.or.us

Dee Maddux ..............................dmaddux@woodburnsd.org



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10 OSFMA FALL 2015

vEnDORS: wAtCh thE OSFMA website

for vendor information. We

will be updating forms, booth

layouts, magazine information,

conference program, trade

show information, new vendor

information and more prior to

the 2016 OSFMa Conference and

trade show. Go to the OSFMa

website – www.osfma.org, click

the Vendor link on the left side,

and you will be taken to the

Vendor Membership, Conference,

and trade Show Resources page.

Vendors, Vendors!

R e a d a l l

a b o u tI t …

OSFMA FALL 2015 11

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• Brian Smith – Purchasing Manager for Multnomah County

• Shawn Postera – Sustainable Purchasing Coordinator for Multnomah County

• Presentation on processing and disposal of surplus property: Opportunities for government entities to sell and share

surplus through www.govdeals.com

• Q&A for Brian and Shawn

• Glen Collins – Department of Homeland Security – Discussing vulnerability assessments and related topics

• Zone 1 Member Meeting and Discussions

astoria School District • CMH Field1800 a Williamsport Road • Astoria, OR 97103

FRiDAy, SepteMbeR 18, 2015 • 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

OSFMA Zone 1

RSVP Jim Petersonpetersoj@hsd.k12.or.us

12 OSFMA FALL 2015

OSFMA is partnering with the Northwest Water and Energy Education Institute to make

Building Operator Certification (BOC) training more affordable in 2015-2016. Schools with

OSFMA members can qualify for BOC training at a 10% discount from the usual $1,595 cost.

Additional discounts for groups of three or more may apply. Contact Erik Westerholm at

westerholme@lanecc.edu with any questions and for further details.

Register at http://www.nweei.org/register-today.

Be sure to contact facilities colleagues in other schools and invite their facilities supervisors

and managers to join OSFMA so they can obtain Building Operator Certification at this

discounted cost.

OSFMA Members



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the Oregon School Facilities

Management association

(OSFMa) consists of members

from schools throughout

Oregon. We are facilities

managers, custodial,

maintenance and grounds

supervisors dedicated to

the upkeep of our school

facilities and providing for

the appropriate educational

environment for our students.

Here is an opportunity to

compete to apply for the 2016

$1,000 Doug Lemley Memorial Scholarships.

the scholarships are being

offered by the Oregon School

Facilities Management

association. the association will

award five annual scholarships

of $1,000 each. awards will be

distributed from all areas of

Oregon to students attending

schools with active OSFMa

members. the successful

candidates will pursue an area

of study that will enhance

their abilities in Facilities

Management, Maintenance,

Support Operations,

Engineering, or technology.

Scholarships may be used at any

accredited institution.

Graduating seniors wishing to

apply for a scholarship need to

submit the application form, and

any supporting documentation,

to OSFMa before January 15, 2016.

Scholarship Requirements and Application Forms are located on the following pages or at the OSFMA website, www.osfma.org.

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OSFMA FALL 2015 13

14 OSFMA FALL 2015

Comfort Suites 100 Opal Court nE albany, Oregon 97322RESERvAtiOn PhOnE:

541-928-2053Mention OSFMA for 2016 group rates:(this rate ends March 29, 2016)Single $107.00 + tax Double $107.00 + taxThis is a non-smoking hotel.

holiday inn Express 105 Opal Court nE, albany, Oregon 97322RESERvAtiOn PhOnE: 541-928-8820Mention OSFMA for 2016 group rates:(this rate ends March 29, 2016) Single $107.00 + tax Double $107.00 + taxThis is a non-smoking hotel.

Best western Prairie inn1100 Price Rd., SE, albany, Oregon 97322RESERvAtiOn PhOnE:

541-928-5050Mention OSFMA Conference for 2016 group rates:(this rate ends March 29, 2016)Single $79.99 + tax Double $89.99 + taxThis is a non-smoking hotel.

O f f i C i A l H Ot e l S f O r t H e 2016 O r e G O nS C H O O l fAC i l i t i e S M A n AG e M e n t


Mention OSFMA When Making Reservations!!

OSFMA FALL 2015 15

Jamie Hendrickson, LEED® a.P., CPSI, has over 10 years’

experience in park and playground design. With her strong

design background, she is passionate about creating

unique, memorable spaces that challenge the mind as

much as the body. Jamie heavily focuses on the principles

of sustainable and inclusive design and has also been very

active in Learning Landscapes and nature Play projects.

Jamie graduated from texas a&M University with a B.S. in

Landscape architecture and Planning. after graduation, she

moved to Colorado and began her career as a landscape

architect and planner. In 2003, Jamie earned her LEED®

accreditation from the U.S. Green Building Council and had

the opportunity to work on one of the first LEED® Certified

projects in Fort Collins, Colorado.

In 2008 Jamie was lucky enough to land in the world of

playground sales. She has had the opportunity to create

many amazing play spaces and educate designers on

current trends to keep playgrounds relevant and exciting

for the iPad-loving children of today.

Jamie believes that the value of play should be emphasized,

shared and hold great importance in every community. She

looks forward to each and every opportunity to share the

gift of play!

Buell Recreation is a family owned business, with headquarters

in Portland, Oregon. Our expertise is in creating special outdoor

play environments for children and families to enjoy. Buell

Recreation is a full service, CPSI certified provider of commercial

quality park and recreational products, representing the

highest standards of integrity in the industry. We can assist with

your project from demolition, custom design and installation

of quality performance products from safety surfacing,

playground equipment and site furnishings. Ask about our

cooperative purchasing programs and funding solutions.

Buell Recreation welcomes Regional Sales Manager Jamie hendrickson

16 OSFMA FALL 2015

professional Growth

Certification• 1999–JohnRexford(Dec20)• 2000TanaStewart(April5)• 2000TedEvans(Feb24)• 2001EricShawn(Feb20)• 2001PaulEggleston(April9)

• 2002ChuckVolz(April)• 2003DeenHylton(April8)• 2005RonStewart(April13)• 2006MelindaShumaker(April13)

• 2007TimSeery(March16)• 2009JoeGamble(April)• 2009TimKaufman(September)• 2014MarkWheeler(April)

OSFMA Certified School Facilities Managers

• 2000TanaStewart(April5)• 2001EricShawn(Feb20)• 2001GaryKing(April9)

• 2007MikeWilson(March16)• 2007MikeTiller(March16)• 2008MikeRiseling

• 2009TimKaufman• 2009JoeGamble• 2012JohnGilbert(April11)

OSFMA Certified School Facilities Specialists

ZONE 4/5




OSFMA Member Zone Map

OSFMA FALL 2015 17


The Oregon School Facilities Management Association provides professional certification to qualifying members based on education, achievement, and experience. Two certificate programs are available which are designed to demonstrate a high degree of professional competence and growth. Both growth paths, either the Certified School Facilities Manager or the Certified School Facilities Specialist, have three focus areas:

1. Participation in OSFMA 2. Other professional growth activities 3. Knowledge and skill gained through experiences

While the topics within the areas are different, what is needed to demonstrate proficiency in each area is similar. Some topics you may have previously completed. There may be others that you will still need to accomplish. There is no time limit to follow for completing your certification program. Part I: Participation in OSFMA To be brief, if you want to be certified by OSFMA you need to be active in the organization.

Required Elements: Provide a page describing your activities in OSFMA while you have been a member. Be as specific as you can on the conferences you have attended and the workshops in which you participated. If you received certificates of attendance you may include copies. If you have items in this area yet to complete you can contact the Conference Committee Chair to find out how you can get involved. Do the same for Zone Meetings and other OSFMA activities. Elective Elements: From the list of topics you will need to complete a minimum of two. Here again you need to give dates and describe the activity that demonstrates the completion of each topic selected.

Part II: Other Professional Growth Activities You most likely have participated in a number of formal or informal growth and training opportunities to get the position you now hold. As a professional, it is important that you continue to take advantage of growth opportunities throughout the year.

Elective Elements: This area has three elements labeled I, II, Ill. You need to complete two of the three. Where individual items are listed below the element heading you must demonstrate completion of at least One. The lists are not intended to be all inclusive. You may submit other items that you feel will meet the requirements of the element.

Part III: Knowledge and Skill Gained Through Experience Another area that provides growth is on-the-job exposure. A lot of knowledge is gained through reading books and pamphlets that includes:

A. Codes and regulations B. Operations and maintenance manuals C. Brochures from suppliers D. Standards published by trade groups

Working with people who possess more knowledge and skill on a subject than you do is another valuable way to grow. This area recognizes these important paths to improvement. Over


18 OSFMA FALL 2015

OSFMA FALL 2015 19


Mini ConferenceOctober 2015 – Zone 3

Do you want to become a supervisor? This mini-conference is for you!

The annual Mini Conference will be located in Zone 3. The mini conference is open to all school districts, member and non member, and is directed towards current facilities employees that are interested in becoming Lead or Supervisory professionals in the educational facilities field.

OSFMA members need to encourage employees to attend the mini conference.

The Mini Conference qualifies as an element towards the Professional Growth Certification.


Please Print Date: __________________________________________________

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________________________________________

School District: ____________________________________________________________________

Work Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: ______________________ State: ___________ County: ___________ Zip: _______________

Email (required): _______________________Phone: ( ) ____________ Fax: ( ) ____________

Mail the registration form to: OsFMa

PO Box 1474 scappoose, Or 97056-3106

800.799.6159 * osfma@osfma.org * www.osfma.org

20 OSFMA FALL 2015


Provides up-to-date information and support on a

variety of facilities and operations topics.


the annual directory is a great networking tool for

all members and vendors with lists of membership,

vendor members, resources, and association



OSFMa holds its annual conference in april at the Linn

County Fair and Expo Center in albany, Oregon. the

conference is filled with numerous workshops and

speakers focused on facilities management. there is

a vendor trade show with over 120 booths exhibiting

the latest equipment, products, and services.


OSFMa provides professional certification to qualifying

members based on education, achievement, and

experience. two certificate programs are available

which are designed to demonstrate a high degree of

professional competence and growth.

zOnE MEEtingS

Each zone conducts training opportunities throughout

the year. Check the future meetings section at the

OSFMa website or contact the zone director.


www.osfma.org – the OSFMa website provides

members and vendors resources, forms,

job hotline, and information.


to post job listings send position information, and

attachments, to osfma@osfma.org. to view open job

positions, click the Job Hotline link on the OSFMa



Laura nichols, Executive assistant

Phone: 800.799.6159

Email: osfma@osfma.org

Oregon School Facilities Management Association (OSFMA)Resources

OSFMA FALL 2015 21

• Topromoteanddevelopthehighestdegreeofprofessionalism in the maintenance, operations, planning, development and construction of school facilities.

• Toassistassociationmembersindealingwithcommon problems and promoting the exchange of ideas, technical data, and other information with the purpose of raising the standards of public school maintenance and operations throughout Oregon.

• ToprovideanorganizationwithinthestateofOregon which will encourage, develop, and promote methods, materials, and procedures designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of school maintenance operations.

• Tocollect,organize,publishanddistributeeducational material and statistical data which

promotes effective and efficient maintenance,

operations, planning, and construction of public

schools within Oregon.

• Topromoteanddevelopnewandinnovative

procedures and practices which may be

advantageous to the members of the association

and/or their respective school districts.

• Toencourageandpromotepassageoflegislation

deemed beneficial to statewide maintenance and

operations programs and/or the members of the


• Todisseminateinformationtoassociation

members, school district officials, officials of local,

state, and/or federal agencies, and members of

legislative departments as appropriate. v

OSFMA Purpose Statement

DEL Communications Inc.has in excess of 100 years combined

experience working for you.We offer outstanding personal service

and quality in the areas of:





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Linn County Fair & Expo Center * 3700 Knox Butte Rd * Albany, OR 97322-6576

Please print DATE: ______________ NAME: ____________________________________________________________TITLE:__________________________

BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________


SCHOOL DISTRICT:_____________________________________________COUNTY:___________________________

PHONE:( )___________FAX:( )___________ CELL:( )____________E-MAIL(required):_________________

2016 - 2017 Membership Dues Enclosed qq New Member Application –$35 ** Please answer the questions at the bottom of this form. q Renewing Member - $35 (member since ______________) _______ 2016 Conference Registration Enclosed

q Member Fee $100. Fee includes meals, President’s reception, Casino Night. Fee does not include annual membership dues which are required to attend. _______

2016 Conference Registration - Thursday Only Enclosed q Member Fee $50. Fee includes workshops, luncheon, and vendor trade show.

Fee does not include annual membership dues which are required to attend. _______ Sign me up for:

q Larry King Memorial Golf Classic, Wednesday, April 13th at 1:00 PM No Charge Plan on my attendance at the following meals:

q Lunch Wednesday q Breakfast Friday q President’s Reception Wednesday q Lunch Friday q Breakfast Thursday q Lunch Thursday q Member Appreciation Hospitality Casino Games

Make checks payable to OSFMA and remit to PO Box 1474, Scappoose, OR 97056-3106 800.799.6159 * osfma@osfma.org * www.osfma.org *CANCELATION: Full refund of exhibitor or conference attendee registration fees will be granted provided written notification of cancellation is received at the OSFMA office at least 30 days prior to the event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** New Members - Briefly answer the following questions: 1. List areas of responsibilities. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Are you responsible for: (check all that apply) q budgeting q evaluations q operations q supervision 3. Check one box:

q Classified/Hourly q Confidential Exempt q Administrative 4. Who referred you to OSFMA? ___________________________________________________

TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED $ ___________ Payment enclosed includes annual membership

dues and conference registration fees.

2016 OSFMA CONFERENCE Vendor Booth & Membership Registration

APRIL 14, 2016 Linn County Fair & Expo Center * 3700 Knox Butte Rd. * Albany, Oregon 97322

Please print DATE: ____________________ COMPANY: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

NAME: __________________________________________________ TITLE: __________________________________________

TYPE OF BUSINESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________

BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________

CITY: ____________________________________ STATE: _______ COUNTRY: _________ ZIP: _____________________

E-MAIL (required): __________________________________ PHONE: ( ) ______________ FAX: ( ) ______________

DESCRIBE YOUR PRODUCT or SERVICE _____________________________________________________________________ Each Participating Vendor Receives:

� 10’ x 10’ booth with an 8’ high drapery backdrop and 3’ high sides, 8’ draped table, 2 chairs � Two complimentary coffee mugs for each booth � Vendor Appreciation Luncheon: 2 complimentary tickets per booth. Additional tickets are $15.00 each.

(Please reserve and pay for any extra tickets on this invoice) � Golf Tournament – Complimentary Golf on Wednesday, April 13, 1 PM _________ # of Participants

Trade Show Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016, Exhibits & Demonstrations from 9:45AM – 4:00PM

THURSDAY: Attending Member Appreciation Hospitality? Yes____ No____ _________ # of Participants DOOR PRIZE: Will you have a door prize available for the drawing at the show? Yes____ No____

Choice of booth location will be assigned in the order of the receipt of payment at the address below. List number of booth choice. If the requested locations are taken, a booth will be assigned as close to the requested location as possible.

BOOTH CHOICES: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

WORKSHOP TOPIC: The Conference Committee will select topics for vendor workshops from those offered, based on interest to OSFMA members. Provide a brief, accurate description of your topic. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

FEES: � 2016 Vendor Member Fee (Required): New Member_______Renewal––Member Since: ________ $ 50.00 � 2016 Booth Rental Early Deadline Registration Fee: $500.00 (received by February 29) $ _________

$550.00 (after February 29) $ _________ $600.00 (after April 10) $ _________

� Additional Tickets for Vendor Appreciation Luncheon: $15.00 x ______ $ _________ Total Payment Enclosed: $ _________

Make checks payable to OSFMA and remit to PO Box 1474, Scappoose. OR 97056-3106

Phone: 800-799-6159 E-mail: osfma@osfma.org *CANCELATION: Full refund of exhibitor or conference attendee registration fees will be granted provided written notification of cancellation is received at the OSFMA office at least 30 days prior to the event.

NOTE: 2016 Trade Show Booth Fees

Geary Pacific Supply4286 NE 185th AvenuePortland, OR 97230

Phone: 800-510-0038 Fax: 503-262-8204


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