osclass installation guide step by step

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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osclassopen source classifieds

Installation Guidestep by step

IntroductionIf you have decided to build your classifieds website with Osclass but you have no idea where to start, check out this installation guide - starting from 0! Osclass is very easy to install, though you will have to do some "clicks" before starting to use the admin dashboard. Be patient and just go for it! :-)

Where do I start?

learn more belowStep 1:Download

Step 1:Upload

Step 3:Install

BonusCustomize for free

Before downloading Osclass, you have to get a server or, if you do not owe one, get a web hosting service. Why? Web hosting service is necessary to allow people to access your website via the World Wide Web - that means that anyone connecting to Internet can access your classifieds website. There are many companies that provide space on their servers, usually the web hosting goes together with other services. We have prepared a list with hostings that support Osclass here. However, for this tutorial, we have chosen Dreamhost (please note that we do not work with any of the web hosting companies). While choosing the web hosting company, it is important you do not look that much at the price of the web hosting service but on its reliability and uptime (that means the percentage of a year in which the website is publicly accessible and reachable via the internet). Once you get a hosting, get a FTP program in order to upload all the files from your computer to the server, for example: you might use a FileZilla. Once you get it, you might proceed with downloading the latest version of Osclass!

Go to the website and download the latest version of Osclass. You might want to enter your email address to receive monthly newsletter directly on your mailbox. Once it’s downloaded, unzip the file and save it anywhere on your hard disk

Step 1:Download

Use an FTP program (in this case we have used FileZilla as it’s free program) to upload the folder's content to the root of your server's hosting (in other words: move it from your computer to your server). To enter FileZilla you will need a

In this example (using Dreamhost as a web hosting provider), you will find all this information in the email correspondence once your account is approved. However, that depends on your web hosting provider - that’s beyond Osclass control. Once you have all your FTP data, go to your FTP program in order to move all the files. In this example - we use FileZilla - after opening it you will see there are many different windows: the left one are all the files and folders on your hard disk, on your right side you will see all the files on your server. Move the unzipped file with Osclass to your server. Please note: you should only move the files inside the “Osclass 3.1” folder and not the folder itself to avoid having the url address later on: www.yourdomainname.com/osclass.3.1

Step 2:Upload

Now, you need a database (that’s the MySQL). No worries, if you don’t have one, you should create one (it depends on your web hosting provider), in Dreamhost you can do it by accessing to your Panel/Goodies/MySQL Databases.

It depends on your web hosting provider how much it takes to get database work correctly - in the case of Dreamhost, it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, you can visit Osclass Showcase for some great business ideas or read our blog to learn what you can do with your Osclass installation.

Once you’re here - congratulations! It means that everything has gone well! Go to your website within your browser at: yourdomainname.com You should be able to see the following message:

“There doesn’t seem to be a config.php file. Osclass isn’t installed. Need more help?”

Click on “Install” and follow the instructions. If you experience any problems and/or some of the requirements are not met, you should contact your web hosting provider. Once all the requirements are met - green light to click on “run the install”.

Step 3:Install

Introduce your database information (that’s the mysql data). To do so, go to your web hosting provider and copy the necessary data.

Choose username and password to access your dashboard (IMPORTANT: write it down somewhere to remember it!). You should also provide a “Web title” and email address where you want to receive all the notifications related to your classified website (you can change it later on).

Tataaaam! You’re done! Now go to: www.yourdomain.com/ocadmin and start enjoying your Osclass installation.

Bonus:Customize your classifieds website for free!

Contact us anytime, consult our forum or learn more on our blog. Remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Now that you have installed successfully your Osclass, you can easily personalize it from your ocadmin at: www.yourdomain.com/ocadmin (use your access data: username & password).

In Osclass Market you will find a variety of plugins and themes available for free for your classified website.

Questions, any doubts?

osclassopen source classifieds

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