osa management

Post on 02-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 OSA Management




    Racho, Kim Szydney

    Ramos, Celber Vic

    Reburon, Eva Maricon

    Sarno, Myrem JesameSibayan, Danyka Danielle

    Tabin, Charmaine

    Tjakraa!ira, "#nes

    $jano, S%ehen

    $ano, Celimar Mone%%e

    Objectives for te to!ic:

    To kno! %he #eneral mana#emen% o& obs%ruc%ive slee anea

    To e'lain %he uses o& %he di&&eren% seci&ic %rea%men% modali%ies o& obs%ruc%ive slee anea


    Trea%men% imroves sym%oms, sleeiness, drivin#, co#ni%ion, mood, (uali%y o& li&e, and blood

    ressure in a%ien%s !ho have)

    E!or%h Score *++, %roublesome sleeiness !hile drivin# or !orkin#,

    E!or%h Score *+ aneas -hyoneas er hour o& slee.

    /or %hose !i%h similar de#rees o& sleeiness and 0+ even%s er hour o& slee,

    RCTs indica%e imrovemen%s in sym%oms, includin# subjec%ive sleeiness, !i%h

    less s%ron# evidence indica%in# #ains in co#ni%ion and (uali%y o& li&e. There is no evidence o&

    blood ressure imrovemen%s in %his #rou.

    There is no robus% evidence %ha% %rea%in# nonsleey subjec%s imroves %heir

    sym%oms, &unc%ion, or blood ressure, and so %rea%men% canno% be advoca%ed &or %his lar#e#rou, al%hou#h %his may chan#e !i%h &ur%her RCTs or less ob%rusive %heray.


    "ll a%ien%s dia#nosed !i%h 1S"2S should have %he condi%ion and i%s si#ni&icance

    e'lained %o %hem and %heir ar%ners.

    accomanied by !ri%%en and3or 4eb5based in&orma%ion and a discussion o& %he imlica%ions o&

    %he local drivin# re#ula%ions.

    Rec%i&iable redisosi%ions should be discussed6 %his o&%en includes !ei#h% loss and

    alcohol reduc%ion bo%h %o reduce !ei#h% and because alcohol acu%ely decreases uer5air!ay

    dila%in# muscle %one, %hus redisosin# %o obs%ruc%ed brea%hin#.Seda%ive dru#s, !hich also imair air!ay %one, should be care&ully !i%hdra!n

    Co&ti&'o's Positive Air()* Press're $CPAP%

    !orks by blo!in# %he air!ay oen durin# slee, usually !i%h ressures o& 078 mm2#

    sho!n in randomized lacebo5con%rolled %rials %o imrove brea%hin# durin# slee, slee

    (uali%y, sleeiness, blood ressure, vi#ilance, co#ni%ion,and drivin# abili%y as !ell as

    mood and (uali%y o& li&e in a%ien%s !i%h 1S"2S

  • 7/26/2019 OSA Management


    "n overni#h% moni%ored %rial o& C9"9 is used %o iden%i&y %he ressure re(uired %o kee %he

    a%ien%:s air!ay a%en%. The develomen% o& ressure5varyin# C9"9 machines has made

    an in5lab C9"9 ni#h% %rial unnecessary, bu% %rea%men% mus% be ini%ia%ed in a suor%ive

    environmen%. 9a%ien%s can be %rea%ed !i%h &i'ed5ressure C9"9 machines se% a% %he

    de%ermined ressure or !i%h a sel&5adjus%in# in%elli#en% C9"9 device.

    I&iti)tio&+ &indin# %he mos% com&or%able mask &rom %he ran#es o& several manu&ac%urers and %ryin#

    %he sys%em &or a% leas% ;8 min durin# %he day %o reare &or %he overni#h% %rial

    Si,e effect) air!ay dryin#, !hich can be coun%ered by usin# an in%e#ral hea%ed

    humidi&ier C9"9 use is imer&ec%, bu% around o& a%ien%s !i%h severe 1S"2S are

    s%ill usin# %heir %heray a&%er years on objec%ive moni%orin#



    Fo'r forms of s'r.er* i& OSA#S

    ? B)ri)tric s'r.er* 5 cura%ive in %he morbidly obese

    ? To&si//ectom* 5 hi#hly e&&ec%ive in children bu% rarely in adul%s

    ? Tr)ceostom*5 byasses %he si%e o& uer air!ay obs%ruc%ion

    5 makes seech di&&icul% and is reserved &or only %he mos% severe cases and &or

    a%ien%s !i%h concomi%an% hyoven%ila%ion syndromes %ha% do no% resond %o noninvasive &orms

    o& 9"9

    ? 0)( ),v)&ceme&t s'r.er* $m)1i//om)&,ib'/)r osteotom*%

    5 e&&ec%ive in %hose !i%h re%ro#na%hia @os%erior dislacemen% o& %he mandibleA

    5 should be considered ar%icularly in youn# and %hin a%ien%s


    9rocedures %o reduce uvular or ala%al %issue

    no% recommended as &irs%5line %heray %o %rea% sym%oma%ic 1S" a%ien%s

    References: Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine,18thedition

    Goldmans Cecil Medicine, 24thedition

    2r'. Ter)!*

    5 $n&or%una%ely, %here are no dru#s clinically use&ul &or reven%ion or reduc%ion o& aneas or

    hyoneas. Thou#h...

    Mo,)fi&i/ $Provi.i/%

    5 Classi&ica%ion) 4ake&ulness5romo%in# a#en% or Eu#eroic

    5 B% is believed %o !ork by chan#in# %he amoun%s o& cer%ain na%ural subs%ances @monoaminesA in

    %he area o& %he brain %ha% con%rols slee and !ake&ulness. @Medine 9lus, 78+A

    5 9romo%es mar#inal imrovemen% in sleeiness in a%ien%s !ho remain sleey desi%e C9"9

  • 7/26/2019 OSA Management


    5 Clinical value is deba%able and &inancial cos% is si#ni&ican%

    5 Classi&ied as ca%e#ory BV con%rolled subs%ances, indica%in# %ha% %hey have a o%en%ial &or abuseand can lead %o hysical or sycholo#ical deendence. @$S a%ional ibrary o& Medicine, iverTo')Clinical and Research Bn&orma%ion on Dru#5Bnduced iver Bnjury, 78+=A

    Coice of Tre)tme&t

    ? C9"9 and MRS are %he %!o mos% !idely used and bes% evidence5based %heraies.

    ? S%udies sho! be%%er ou%comes !i%h C9"9 in %erms o& aneas and hyoneas, noc%urnal

    o'y#ena%ion, sym%oms, (uali%y o& li&e, mood, and vi#ilance.

    ? "dherence %o C9"9 is be%%er %han MRS, and %here is evidence %ha% C9"9 imroves


    ? C9"9 is %he curren% %rea%men% o& choice.

    ? MRSs are evidence5based second5line %heray in %hose !ho &ail C9"9.

    ? Bn youn#er, %hinner a%ien%s, ma'illomandibular advancemen% should be considered.

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