ortega gate 100

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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a young adult Steampunk Fantasy




Kym DeCorte

Ortega Gate 100


Whats that? I said pointing. Something sparkled at our feet in the darkness . Pip shined his flashlight toward the spot. Train tracks. He said. Train tracks were in a secret tunnel twenty feet underground in the middle of nowhere. Shouldnt this be weird? Thats weird. He said.At least I was not the only one feeling as if we had just stepped into an old Twilight Zone episode. My dad loved that old show. I had never been a fan, mostly because the endings had never been very happy or survivable. I shivered as Pip played his light over the tracks. The size of them was impressive. They looked new, and took up most of the narrow tunnel, leaving about five feet of clearance on either side. The odd thing was the tracks did not lead anywhere, except straight into a rock wall.So now what? I said. Now the real adventure starts. He answered. OMG, he thinks he is Indiana Jones. Pip pointed himself and the flashlight down the tracks and started walking. I followed a little more casually. Although I was just as intrigued about what else we might find, I was not as excited as my reckless sibling. I was miserably hot, and after a ten minute climb down a narrow hole in the ground, I was also the filthiest I had ever been in my life. Pip, do you really think there have ever been trains down here? Well, at first I thought it must be for mining carts or something, but now Im not so sure. These tracks look too big for just miner carts. He said.I studied the tracks and realized he was probably right. There was something about them that looked too important for just a mining operation, and because my little brother was completely obsessive about trains, and anything even remotely connected to them, I had to buy his story.And thats why this is just weird. He added. Muggy steam filled most of the tunnel and spiraled up the deep hole we had just climbed down. Currently I blamed the steam for my current state of sweaty disgustingness, because if we had not followed it up above on terra firma, we would not have found the hidden trapdoor that had led us here in the first place. A dim light ahead grew brighter as we walked, and I could see that the tracks took a left and disappeared from view. The light was definitely stronger so with silent agreement, we kept going. Pip was a few feet ahead of me, and when I lost sight of him around the curve I picked up my pace, but only because I was worried about him, definitely not because I was afraid to be left behind or anything. Wow! His voice echoed loudly. Pip was still alive and very excited about something. I tore around the sharp curve slipping on the moist ground. He had stopped just on the other side where the tracks straightened out once again, and was staring ahead open-mouthed at what appeared to be a train. Honestly, I was not that surprised. We had been following a set of train tracks after all. Pip, on the other hand, looked to be on his way into shock. Hey, Pip, you okay? I asked quietly. No answer. Pip, I tried a little louder. He seemed to come out of his stupor, and snapped his jaw shut, so I assumed, he could form words. As this was happening he pushed his back against the wall of the tunnel, pointed his flashlight, and peered down the length of the train car. I dont believe it. Its a Norfolk & Western. Excuse me? The train, its a genuine Norfolk & Western, a steam engine from like the forties. He paused for a much needed breath. Its only the coolest steam engine ever made. Then without another word he took off down the tunnel at a pace that seemed too dangerous for the narrowness of the cavern. Hey, I cried. Wait for me. I started off after him, but he had quite a lead while full of over-excited adrenaline. One miss-step and scraped knees would be the least of his problems. The floor was flat enough to lay train tracks but was far from smooth with jagged rocks sticking out everywhere in the mostly stone floor. It was also nearly standing in water there was so much moisture. I soon lost him in the steam coming from up ahead. I wondered if this meant the train was about to launch or whatever it was they did, but I thought something was missing. Trains like this ran on steam, which required coal to heat the water. So where was all the black smoke from the burning coal? I mean Im not complaining the steam was uncomfortable enough, but something was not right. I moved off the tracks and started up the narrow alley between the train cars and rock wall. It was a tight fit with the huge train taking most of the space. The cars looked exactly like some in Pips collection, only his of course were in miniature. They had once been painted red with gold filigree outlining the windows, but it looked as if they had not seen a paint job in decades, and they were huge, the tops nearly scraping the roof of the tunnel. The first car I passed looked like a passenger car and the second a sleeping car. I only knew this because of my brothers obsession, and because sometimes the only way to get him to shut up about it was usually just to listen. The only difference that I could discern was the large windows that lined the cars were blacked out. I passed one other car, and found Pip staring up at the engine with a look of complete longing on his face. I stepped up next to him and realized I had been wrong. The look was more one of confusion. I dont get it, he said, sensing my presence. The lettering says its the 611, but it cant be. That engines in a museum. The others dont even exist anymore. I looked up at the name and identification number, which were painted elegantly just below a small blacked out window. The engine looked old, but kind of cool in an art deco way. It had the shape of a bullet and was jet black with a red racing stripe down the side. Although the paint did not look very fresh it was still an impressive looking machine. Heat radiated from it, and up above I could see steam swirling back along the roof of the cave. Shining down from the ceiling were glass domes that ran the length of the tunnel and explained the light we had followed. Maybe its been replicated or something? I said taking it all in.Out of the corner of my eye I caught him moving toward the steps of the engine. I made to grab his arm but missed. People dont just go jumping up onto someones train. Wasnt it like jumping into a strangers car? Pip, what do you think youre doing? He completely ignored me, threw open the door to the engine compartment, and disappeared inside. Typical. Cool. Pips voice came out of the open door. I looked around nervously, expecting the engineer or other official looking person to appear magically, looking all kinds of irate, but the place looked abandoned. What I did not get was why steam was still coming out of the thing. I did not think it was running. I had a feeling it would have been making much more noise. Instead the place was as quiet as a tomb and was starting to feel a little like one. I took the steps up to the engine. I found Pip bent over and looking at the innards of the engine room. There were a lot of them. My eyes roamed over the small capsule shaped space. In the nose of the engine were the various levers, wheels, and gauges that operated the thing. In the middle, close to the floor, was a trap door, which I assumed was where the coal went to heat up the boiler. Strange, the box the coal went in was rusted shut. It looked as if it had not been used in decades. The place was quiet, but there were signs of life. Like the light bulb that was on behind a small wire cage to the right of the door and what looked like the remains of someones lunch on a small table just under the light. This was a very bad idea. Um, Pip, we should really get out of here. I bet Uncle Buster is starting to get worried... My voice choked to a stop when a small and extremely scrawny old man suddenly joined my brother and me in the engines compartment. I looked at him, and he looked at me. I am sure both our mouths were hanging open in shock. Then Pip stood up suddenly, and slammed his head on some sort of lever, which worked to tear our attention from our brief staring contest. Ow, he said and turned around. Hey, are you the engineer? he asked rubbing his head. I looked back at the old man to see his reaction. Just as I had thought, he was too surprised to respond to the strange kid who had appeared in his engine in a secret underground tunnel in backwater Georgia. I could not say I blamed him. Who the heck are ya, and what are you doing on me train? He said in a very loud scratchy old man voice with a cockney accent. I had to fight the urge not to check for damage to my eardrums. Just looking sir, Pip answered innocently. He was doing a great job with the innocent thing so I stayed quiet. The old man scratched his head, his whiskers, and his, well, you get the idea. He was an itchy guy. Hmmph. He said and looked hard at Pip. You know anything about these here monsters? Pips smile lit the whole cab. Yes sir, this is a J class Norfolk and Western, first designed in nineteen forty in Roanoke, Virginia. Its a 4-8-4 passenger locomotive and can go speeds of up to one hundred miles an hour, but shes been clocked at more. The J also has the longest combustion chamber of any 4-8-4 and the largest fire box. It also, Okay, okay I believe ya. The old man interrupted. Then he turned thoughtful as he continued to stare at Pip. Now, do ya think you can fix her? His bushy right brow lifted in what looked like a challenge. I looked at my brother in complete exasperation with no idea what he would say. Everything suddenly felt very unreal, and I could not get my head around it. Pip looked at the floor as if he were thinking about it. The suspense was killing me. I dont know, he said looking back at the old man. Maybe, lets have a look. Hello, I wanted to scream, earth to Pip, what are you thinking? Instead I kept my mouth shut. I was sure my little brother had not noticed the unusually large gun sticking out of the back of the old mans pants pocket. I for one was not about to make him any more nervous or twitchy than he appeared. The scrawny man looked Pip up and down as if sizing him up then turned to the exit. Follow me, he said. Neither the crazy old man with the giant gun, or my own brother gave me a glance. Pip was so excited he practically bounced down the steps to the ground. This was unbelievable. For all we knew this guy could be some kind of criminal for the black market, or a drug lord, and my brother had suddenly become his best friend. I stood there in the engine compartment with sweat dripping down my back and anger or fear beginning to heat my cheeks, as if I was not hot enough. I had no idea what to do. My brain functions had ceased working. Who are you? My whole body tensed as I turned slowly toward the voice behind me. It was a woman, which I had known as soon as I heard her speak in a much more refined accent than the old mans I might add, but this was no ordinary woman. Everything else around me suddenly became unimportant and faded into the background; almost as if the engine knew it could not compete. She had to be at least six-feet tall, and she was beautiful, goddess beautiful. She almost did not look real. She had golden blond hair that framed a heart-shaped face. It ended around her collar bone with an old-fashioned flip. Below this were perfect curves on full display within skin tight leather. The entire ensemble was black, her waist pinched to an alarming degree by a matching black leather corset. A very tight black shirt tucked into the corset which was lined with brass buttons and topped with puffy shoulder pads. Her pants were also black and leather, which laced all the way down the sides where they disappeared into thigh high boots, which were just as leather, just as black and just as tight. I suddenly felt strangely underdressed. The expression on her face was unreadable. I was not sure if she were angry, annoyed, or just curious. Hi, I said stupidly. Im Piper DeMoss, my brother Pip loves trains and he just had to check this one out. DeMoss, she said her eyebrow arching.The woman continued to look at me. I thought maybe she needed more, but I was incapable of speaking again because my throat had closed up.Pip is your brother? I nodded. It was the best I could do. A screeching sound tore through the small compartment and the floor lurched. I automatically stepped a foot forward to brace myself, just as the engine steadied. I looked back at the woman. She was smiling. This could have calmed me somewhat, except the smile was murdered before it reached her eyes. Voices sounded outside and the old man and Pip appeared in the doorway. Pip was beaming as the old man patted him on the back and laughed with happiness. As soon as their eyes met the goddess the old mans laughter died and Pips smile disappeared so his jaw could drop open. For some reason this annoyed me. Commander on deck, the old man yelled, jerked to attention and snapped a hand up in salute. I actually had to fight the urge to giggle. I looked back at the woman-goddess. She nodded her head, crossed her arms over her perfect chest, and stared at the skinny old man as if she expected him to explain himself. We have us a prize here Commander. He said relaxing slightly. This here boy just fixed her up for us. Shes ready to go. You are Pip DeMoss? she said.Actually Im Peter, but most everyone calls me Pip. My brother managed. She continued staring at him for a few more seconds, wearing a tiny grin that gave me the shivers. Well then Pilot, lets be on our way. She gave Otto a curt nod, which seemed to me to have a more hidden meaning, and without a backward glance she strode almost liquidly out of the compartment into the next. It was past time to say goodbye. The Pilot puffed some air, slumped visibly, and turned toward me. His hand came up and grabbed Pips shoulder in an iron grip. So, he said, how much? My eyebrow rose in question. Come on now, name your price missy. I blinked, and watched in confusion as the old man turned and spit something black and gooey onto the floor. How much, here he nodded his head toward Pip while raising his eyebrow, for the boy? Im sorry, I said finally. What are you trying to say? Are you deaf or just stupid? He nearly deafened me. I said, how much do you want for the boy? I looked at Pip as sudden and shocking understanding came to me. This old man was proposing to buy my little brother. In my shock I wondered for a moment what my little brother could be worth. Then thankfully, I came to my senses.Are you insane? I said. You cant just buy someone. Then after a short pause, I reached forward, grabbed Pip by the arm and pulled. What followed was a truly bizarre game of tug of war. The old man shifted his grip from Pips shoulder to his arm and tugged just as fiercely as I had. For a skinny guy he was unusually strong. My brother lurched back and forth between us, grunting occasionally as our idiotic game continued on for several seconds. I started to feel really stupid, but all reason had left me, and I was going to win, even if my brothers arm was torn off his body. The old man surprised me by letting go so suddenly that Pip and I fell back in a heap on the floor. I instantly struggled to free myself while sputtering some of my favorite curses. Then as I watched in horror the old man grabbed a giant lever next to him, and yanked it down. When the lever clicked in place the exit door behind us slammed shut with a head jarring clang. Finally extricating myself from Pip I ran for the door. Instead of a door handle I found a wheel. It did not budge. Oh, this was so not good. Pilot, the goddesss voice shouted from another compartment. As you well know the dimensional target must be locked in before the tunnel ends.The old man jumped in surprise with something like panic rearranging his features. He turned, flew over Pips splayed limbs, and disappeared. I decided I had not really tried my hardest at opening the door. Knuckles white, I willed extra strength into my arms, and pointlessly continued trying to turn a wheel I was beginning to think was not meant to turn. The breath I had been holding came out in a great gust when I felt Pips small hand touch my arm. The door is hermetically sealed. Its no use Piper. He said gently. Pip, I said dropping my hands. Whats happening? Im not sure, but I think weve just been kidnapped. He saidA rumble reverberated through the engine, and then it started to move.


Problem one? I am obviously not much of a thinker. I was a city girl. What did I know about finding my way in the forest? It is not as if they taught that kind of thing in school. I had been walking through this blasted swampy forest for about half an hour, and with my pace I guessed I had crossed at least a mile of ground, maybe more. That was a long way in the woods, and I knew I had not exactly made a straight line. The trail I had started out on had meandered all over the place and I had no idea when I had even left it. I was also finding it hard to concentrate because my clothing was busy sticking to every inch of my damp skin. This was just great I thought. How could my life get any worse? I know I could get lost in a giant freaking forest in the middle of a southern hell somewhere in Georgia. I turned to my right and kicked the nearest tree. I know, it was not a nice thing to do, and I did pay for it by adding an extremely painful ache in my big toe to my list of problems. The thing is I was under an enormous amount of stress. Maybe running from my Uncles house in a blind rage had not been the best idea I told myself. The blame had to go to my mother. If she had not dumped us off in the first place none of this would have happened. Why is it so hot? I yelled skyward. Its the south and its summer. I whipped around at the familiar voice. Oh goody, my little brother Pip had followed me. Reality slammed home. I looked at Pips sweaty and panting face. He had no idea how much danger we were actually in. To him this probably seemed like a great adventure, a nice distraction from his misery, but as I was the older and more responsible sibling, I was sure we were doomed.Sweat suddenly dripped into my eye. It stung. There was no need to panic I told myself, I just needed to think. I did a quick 360 straining to see anything past the acres of crowed trees and drippy, Spanish moss that hung down nearly to the ground everywhere. Although it was not even midday it looked dark. Only about half of the sunlight could penetrate the deep canopy above. The light that did get through had turned a diffused, moldy green color, which looked surreal and otherworldly. We could be anywhere. Hey Piper, come look at this. I jerked around toward my brothers voice, but all I could see was more trees. This was hardly surprising. Pip, where are you? A pale yellow head popped up twenty or so feet to my left, from behind a giant fern-like, well, fern. I screamed. Pent up frustration and stress can make one a little jumpy. After a cleansing breath I carefully tromped over to where Pip was dancing in excitement. Oh, what would it be like to be ten again, able to overcome life altering tragedy in mere days and completely clueless that you are one, hopelessly lost in a giant forest, and two that your life was most likely headed into more misery, and finally a sad and tragic death? What is it Pip? When I reached his side, I looked down to where he pointed expecting to see a slimy frog, or an interesting, to him anyway, insect. This was not what met my gaze. In fact nothing did; a small black square of nothing. On the ground was a trapdoor, which Pip had opened. A dark slab of rotted wood rested on the rocky ground next to a square hole cut cleanly in the ground. Just below the surface I could make out the unmistakable shape of the top rungs of a ladder. The rungs went on to disappear into darkness.I also realized why the area seemed even hotter than the rest of this miserably hot state. Swirling up out of the hole, and disappearing into the thick tree cover over our heads in a thick stream, was steam. Huh, I said. Pip was much more animated. Its a secret passageway, he squealed in excitement. Weve got to check it out. He said this as if there was no other choice. Um, first off, no, I said wishing I did not need to burst his bubble, and secondly we couldnt anyway, its dark down there, we dont have a flashlight, and that steam coming out could be a sign of boiling magma or something. Its just too dangerous. I knew I meant the words, but I could not help feeling a little excited about finding what was down there. I mean who didnt love an adventure? Pip nearly beamed me in the head when he yanked something out of the pocket of his shorts. It was a flashlight. His dazzling smile could have been seen from space. I could not help it I laughed aloud. The unexpectedness of it was a blow to my current mood and I felt suddenly lighter, but I knew I had to be serious here. I was older, and that meant I should look after my indestructible little brother. I should be a responsible and protective big sister, but as bad as my life had gotten, all these responsible thoughts drifted away with the steam blowing out from the hole in the ground. The hole I suddenly wanted to climb down into. Pip saw the answer on my face. He started jumping up and down and hooting like a barn owl, or maybe not because I am not sure what a barn owl really sounds like. He did seem more excited than the situation warranted, but I suppose he was attempting to take away the sting of his own worries and heartache, which I knew ran deep, maybe even deeper than mine. Pip switched on the flashlight and reached down to grab the first rung. Whoa there little bro. lets not got too fast. I said grabbing him by the arm. Lets use the light and see whats down there first. Testing the strength of that ladder wouldnt be a bad idea either. Pips shoulders drooped, but he did not argue. Although only ten he had an extremely high IQ, so of course, he knew there was no winning this argument. I reached my hand out to take the flashlight from him. He naturally pulled it farther away from my reach. I gave him my best frown. My arms are longer. I said matter of fact. Unbelievably his shoulders drooped even lower, but he handed me the light. I tried hard not to let him see how happy I was about winning. Then I took a hair band off my wrist and pulled my sweaty, black dyed hair up into a high ponytail. I knelt down on my knees and bent over the hole. Not satisfied, I finally lied down on my stomach, and stretching my arm as far as I could, I shined the flashlight down into the darkness. It was a little disappointing. I did not know exactly what I had been expecting, but all I saw was more rusty rungs that disappeared into more darkness. The hole was really deep. The sides carved out of the very rocks that were under our feet. Although it did not look to be freshly dug, it was clear of any tree roots or weeds, which I thought was unusual. Also a strange smell emanated from below. I could not quite place it. It did not smell like dirt or anything earthy that you would expect. If I could compare it to anything, I would say the smell reminded me of the inside of a factory. With my free hand I grabbed the top rung of the ladder and jiggled it. Then I tried my hardest to pull it free. It held fast. I pulled my arms out of the hole, rolled over onto my back and watched the branches above me sway sluggishly weighed down by the moss that seemed to be everywhere here. I wished the breeze up above would blow a little lower to cool my overheated face. I sighed. The oddness of the hidden hatch had not been lost on me, but I could not seem to force myself to think too hard about it. If anything it was just nice not to be thinking about something other than my own miserable situation, plus a sharp rock had started digging a crater into my back.I rolled back over and sat up. The ladder seemed secure, and we did have a source of light. I had to admit to myself it seemed relatively safe. The steam pouring out of the hole could lead to something very bad, but again I could not drum up enough concern to care. Being in this woody environment seemed otherworldly, an oasis far from reality and I really did not want to break that spell, even if the responsible thing to do would be try to find a way back to Uncle Busters house. Alright, I said aloud getting to my feet, my mind made up. You ready for an adventure little bro? His smile said it all.


Kidnapped? Pip nodded at me, his already big eyes practically bugging out of his face. He looked ready to bolt, or else he was on his way to a full on panic attack. All right, I told myself, I needed to think. This all had to be some weird mistake. I could not quite bring myself to believe that we were actually on a train in a tunnel under the ground, headed to who knew where against our will. The whole idea was just plain crazy. I grabbed Pip by the shoulders and squeezed gently. Dont worry Pip. Im going to get us out of here. I told him. I decided I would go talk to the Commander. She might not have intervened in our kidnapping, but she sort of looked like a reasonable person, and that was the only idea I could come up with. I took a deep breath and pulling Pip by the arm, I walked into the next compartment. The doorway was very narrow, and I automatically shifted sideways, even though I did not really need too. I took two steps inside the coal cart and stopped. The area where most steam engines stored coal was empty of any of the black sooty stones and was obviously being used for storage. Wooden barrels stacked from floor to ceiling swayed slightly with the movement of the train, and left a very narrow corridor to another door. Over the sounds and vibrations of the engine, I could just hear the unmistakable taps of someone typing away on a computer keyboard. I boldly walked into the next car, Pip right behind me. What met my eyes was something I could not make myself believe. I almost felt as if I had somehow left the antique steam locomotive and had stepped onto a science lab on a space station in the future. That was except for all the brass. The room was the length and width of a train car, but aside from that there were no other similarities. Running up the middle was a tiny walkway that led to yet another narrow doorway. Along metal riveted walls stood stainless steel counters. The counters held the most advanced looking computers and computer equipment I had ever seen. The odd thing though was that everywhere you would expect plastic, which usually made up most of todays hi-tech computers, you found shiny brass and copper instead. There were also other metals I did not recognize and could not name. No windows allowed any light, but the room was well lit with a soft blue radiance coming from small glass domes mounted overhead. It was all strangely bright and shiny, and it dazzled my eyes. The Commander was sitting in a hard metal chair with her back to us, staring at a flat paneled screen, which was displaying what looked to me like star constellations. The screen itself was unusual, almost liquid. The old Pilot was at another even larger screen and was the one responsible for the typing sounds. Pilot, the Commander said calmly, keeping her eyes on the screen in front of her. If the target interface isnt locked in the next thirty five seconds we will all die.My stomach did a strange little flip at those words, and my grip tightened on my brothers arm. Aye, aye Commander, the old man said nervously. I could not help but notice that where the commander seemed calm and serene, the Pilot looked so strung out with stress and fear he was in danger of imploding. I stayed quiet; I figured discussing our alleged kidnapping took a back seat to our imminent death. Six, five, four, the Commander spoke up.My body tensed up in anticipation. I felt as if we were in some bizarre dream. Was this it? Were we about to die, just like that? The Pilot hit one more key, and reached up and slammed a bright red glowing button on the wall. Dimensional target interface locked! He shouted in triumph. A bright light to my left flashed on drawing my attention. It came from a large round, floor to ceiling glass tube stuck in the corner. It was about a foot in diameter and contained a bright amber liquid. Several copper pipes and milky, glass tubes ran from it and disappeared into the wall. As I watched the fluid started to boil and froth. The spectral light seemed to be coming from the liquid itself. Then a strange whining sound started, and the room began to magically morph before my eyes. It looked to be shrinking and expanding at the same time or was that just me? It was very disorienting, and it took several seconds before I realized Pip was attempting to peel my death grip off his arm. I let go and pulled him behind me. I am not sure what I was trying to protect him from, but at that point I may have lost what was left of my mind. The light grew much brighter and I had to squint against the glare. My chest tightened painfully and I fought for a breath. My hand went to my throat as the light increased again. I closed my eyes sure I was about to die. The whining grew even louder becoming unbearable. Then I felt myself falling. I opened my eyes almost immediately to the scene of my little brother loosing his lunch right next to me. That was all I needed to get to my feet, fast. My head spun as I stood, but at least I had managed to miss the disgusting puddle forming at my feet. I turned toward the Commander and the Pilot. They were still studying the screens in front of them, as if nothing strange at all had happened. The tenseness that had filled the car a few moments before had disappeared. What was going on? Piper, my brother said in a weak and frightened voice. I was instantly at his side. He looked pale, but seemed fine, as long as you could ignore looking at the remainder of spew on his chin. Being the responsible older sibling that I am, I grabbed the bottom of my tank top, and ripped it off in a ragged tear. I managed to make a small washcloth out of it and cleaned my little brothers face gently. What is this place? he asked.His big blue eyes looked into mine, and I opened my mouth to answer, but I had no idea what to say. I mean, did he really think I had an answer to that? He was the one with the giant IQ and a brain like a computer. I berated myself for a moment then. Pip was only ten and was now faced with something his younger and much more inexperienced mind could not comprehend. Dont get me wrong, neither could I, but he was afraid and needed some kind of comfort from his big sister, and he was going to get it. I pulled him into my arms and rubbed his back. I dont know Pip, but I promise I wont let anything happen to you. I hoped I could live up to that promise. I stared at the back of the goddess who had relaxed somewhat, but still had not taken her eyes from the screen she studied. Excuse me Commander? I started. Could you please tell me where youre taking us?She ignored me. I tried again. Commander, I said more loudly, breaking the unusual silence. I said where are you taking us? Her chair turned slowly toward us, and she pulled off a pair of tinted goggles that reminded me of the kind airplane pilots wore during World War one. She looked me over and folded her hands in her lap. After a few seconds of intense scrutiny, where I felt as if I would scream my head off in frustration, she unfolded them, and without looking, reached to her right and pressed a small black button on a brass panel full of other mysterious buttons. There was a brief sound of static over our heads and a males voice sounded. Yes Commander? Report to the bridge, she said still staring at me.I folded my arms across my chest and cocked my hip at her. I also threw in an arched eyebrow for good measure. Then I waited. The whole scene with the eyes and the hitting a button and not looking had been cool Ill admit, but it had been a little melodramatic for my taste. Her own eyebrow lifted in a much more perfect arch. You are going to join us for a delivery. She started. Once we reach our destination we will find a real engineer to help us solve the problem of our locomotive. At that point your brothers services will no longer be needed, and we will take you back to where you came from. She stood up, and the distance between us shrunk to within a few inches. It took every bit of my will not to take a step back. For now, she went on in a commanding voice. You are a part of this crew, and you will obey everything I say. My words are the law, and right now I am tired of looking at your face. A chill rode up my spine and I took that step back. Then footsteps on the metal floor reverberated around the metal chamber. I reached back with a shaking hand and grabbed my brothers. Co-Pilot, take these children and show them to their quarters. She said without taking her eyes off me. Children? Then she turned back to her chair and the screen. I finally looked at the new arrival. A gasp escaped my throat. Hi, the dreamy boy standing in front of me said. Im Julian, please follow me. He gestured toward the doorway with his hand. I thought for a moment he looked surprised, even shocked to see us, but he quickly hid it. I studied our new arrival for future reference. About my age, he had dark brown wavy hair that surrounded a strong jaw, full lips, and beautiful violet eyes. I believe I began to melt, and that was before I noticed his incredible shoulders on display in the same skin tight leather that the goddess wore. Only instead of a corset he was wearing a military looking jacket in leather with, of course, brass buttons, and lots of tightness. Now that I thought about it, what goddess? Piper, wanna move or what? Pip said dropping my limp hand. OMG, I had nearly been drooling as I stood their gaping like an idiot at Mr. Gorgeous. I forced my feet to move. Julian smiled, and turned to lead the way. A look at his backside was enough to make me trip over my own feet. I really needed to get my priorities in order here. This guy may be a hunk of manly perfectness, but he was still the enemy, a really hot one yeah, but that was not the point. I had to figure out a way to get us off the train, but before I did that I had to figure out where it was. I mean aside from the funky light show and the hi-tech gear, we were still on a train, and steam locomotives were not the fastest way to travel, so we could not have gone far. And if I could figure out how to get this locomotive to stop somehow, maybe we could find our way back to that ladder, which led back to the forest, which we had gotten lost in. One thing at a time I told myself. Julian, the hunky Co-pilot led us out of the space station. I glanced back at the Commander who was sitting ramrod straight at her station and staring intensely at the screen in front of her. It would seem our presence was no longer required. I could not get out of there fast enough. I stopped next to Julian and watched him open the door that connected to the next car. He stepped through and waited for us to follow. I looked back to grab Pip by the arm, but he was not there. Before panic took hold, and I lost it, I turned back around to see if he had gotten ahead of me, and ran smack dab into a chest of stone. Um, oops, I mumbled as I peeled my face off his muscles. Sorry about that. Then I actually patted him. Whats the hold up? Pip said right behind me. I looked at the floor. I looked at my feet. I looked everywhere but at the granite model of the guy in front of me, or my brother. Just waiting for you little man, Julian said. I hoped I was not hearing what sounded like a smile in his voice. Julian turned back around and took a few more steps before stopping in the passageway between cars. This time I did not run into him, but it was close. With my head still down I stepped through the next doorway. I willed my cheeks to pale, and looked up. The train car we were in looked somewhat more what I expected the inside of one of these antiques should look, albeit with a few differences. Like no walls, or partitions for one. The whole car was open to the back. On one side was a small kitchenette with a small cook top and what could pass for a fridge in brass. There were also cabinets that most likely held kitchen utensils and what not. The other side held ordinary metal bunks, suspended from iron chains. The chains attached to beautifully upholstered walls in rich red and gold tones. The parts that were not upholstered or metal, were covered in an intricate cherry wood wainscoting. There were windows covered with tough looking metal shutters, which were tightly closed. The only light was dimmer than what I had seen so far, but it seemed to be the same type of an iridescent glow beneath glass domes. The place had the look of a luxury car with a few later renovations. The juxtaposition between the old luxurious train car and the new industrial additions were odd to my eyes. So, this is your quarters. Julian said while sweeping his arm around. Of course youll be sharing the place with me and Otto, but we arent in here too much really. This last was said mostly to himself. Pip tugged on the back of my shirt and I waved his hand away. I did not want him to interrupt. I was definitely in need of some answers, and I had a feeling that Julian could be a gold mine. Julian, I began calmly. Arent you wondering where we came from? I waited a few seconds for an answer or a nod, or at least some sort of acknowledgement that I had been heard. Nothing. Instead he kept looking over his shoulder at the wall next to the door. You do realize that your friend Otto and your Commander has kidnapped us dont you? What do you mean kidnapped? He said loudly looking at me.Finally, I thought, he seemed to be waking up. I went on to sum up everything that had happened to us from the moment we came across the trap door. Julian listened carefully, even raising his eyebrows in all the appropriate places. Otto, kidnapped you? He said. Really, had I just talked to myself for the last ten minutes? Was Mr. Hunky stupid or was he unconvincingly trying to be elusive? Your Commander, I could not seem to help the sarcasm in my voice as I said that title, informed us that after your next stop they would be taking us back home. Can you tell me when that might be at least? She told you that did she? He said in an odd tone.I did not like the tone. Not one bit. Neither did my stomach, and if Pip did not stop tugging on my shirt I would pop him one. Anger and fear began battling it out inside my head. I really hoped anger won. Can you at least tell me when were supposed to arrive at our destination? I asked. We should arrive at Ortega first thing in the morning. My eyebrows nearly met my hairline. By tomorrow morning the woods behind my Great Uncle Busters house would be filling with every state trooper in Georgia searching for two lost, idiotic children. It was probably too much to hope that they might stumble onto the small hole in the ground that the two idiotic children climbed down into. This could not be happening. Look, he said. Stay here and Ill go and try to figure this out. He turned toward the door, but hesitated before opening it and turned back to me. Do me a favor Piper, stay away from the Commander. You dont want on her bad side. He finished and looked at me as if he wanted to say more, but instead he gave the wall next to the door another glance, tugged the handle, and left. I stood there and watched him leave, and cringed when I heard the lock click in the door. I dont want to be on her bad side? That useless advice was about an hour late. I walked closer to the wall that had him so fascinated. Mounted on the wall at eyelevel was a small brass box. It looked like an intercom, but aside from the black, knobby buttons I had seen everywhere else there was also a glass eye about the size of a dime. A camera? Were we being watched? Who was doing the watching? Suddenly everything started to feel very real. The trampled battlefield in my head faded away and a new sensation shoved its way in. It was more than a feeling of fear I thought. If I had to label it I would have called it terror. I only hoped that the sincerity I thought I heard in Julians voice, with those last two sentences, was as real as it sounded.


Piper, Pip wailed, look. Pip had his hand outstretched toward me. I looked at his open palm, which he placed just under my nose. Then I screamed bloody murder, and leapt onto the nearest bunk. The bunk in question was evidently not built for that type of treatment, and after slamming into the wall of the train car with a metallic clang, a chain holding it up snapped, and I went sailing to the floor, landing very hard on a very sensitive spot. I was not happy. Wow, Pip said with wide eyes, sorry. Then he shoved his hand at me again. I cringed away, but seeing it was empty I realized he was just looking to help me up. I obliged, and got as far away from him as I could. Pip, what is that thing? I asked pointing at his other hand. He opened his fingers and looked down almost adoringly at what was resting in his palm. It looked like some kind of bizarre lizard, with a long thin, slimy body, and short fat legs sticking out. It also had white stripes on each side, and I was sure its eyelids were transparent. In effect, the grossest thing I had ever seen. I think its a Skink, an Asian snake-eyed Skink to be exact. He answered. I found it by the door. It was trying to go up the wall. Its weird though, he went on. These Skinks are only found in the Arabian Peninsula, and their nearly extinct. How could it be here? I dont care where it came from as long as its no where near me. I said and watched as Pip stuck it in a pocket of his cargo shorts. I threw up in my mouth a little.I am going to act as if the last minute and a half did not really happen and none of it matters anyway. Were in a lot of trouble here Pip. For all we know they could be taking us to the other side of the continent, I threw my hands up in the air in defeat. Not that mom would miss us or anything, as long as were not in her way. I mumbled this last. He just stared at me, absentmindedly fingering the lump in his pocket. Gross. Pip and I chose bunks close together. I headed to the bathroom, or maybe it was called the loo. Did bathrooms on trains have special names? Maybe I just wanted to call it that because everyone on this one spoke with a British accent. I had one choice in the walless room, and it proved correct. In the corner was a small cubicle with an accordion type door that you shut out the world with. It even had a way to lock it. The room consisted of a copper toilet, a bitty copper sink, and the smallest shower I had ever seen again made of copper. Using the toilet proved easy what with all the rattling of my bladder and all. I wished I could get out of the filthy clothes that felt grafted to my skin, but I was out of luck with that. I was also covered with thousands of minute and larger scratches, which I assumed I had picked up during my mindless trek through the woods. I did however give myself a sponge bath from the sink, cleaning out the worst of the cuts, as I tried to figure out what had happened to my life. First things first I told myself. We had to find a way out of here. I had some hopes that Julian might turn out to be a good guy, and he might be some help, but I was not about to count on that. Which would be hard I thought, because my bodys reaction to his presence made it hard to think. My brother, although only ten, was a complete genius, especially when it came to these steam engines. If I could find a way to get us out of this room and by the Commander to the engine, maybe he could shut this thing down. Of course getting by the Commander was a problem. It was not as if the locomotive came with secret passageways, or alternative routes, or maybe it did. I wondered then if there was a way to get to the engine by climbing over instead of going through. They did it in movies all the time after all.Ortega? I had never heard of a town with this name but that was hardly surprising. All it meant was it just was not a big city. I was also worried how far they were taking us. Julian had said we would not arrive until morning. I had a feeling that a train probably traveled a bit faster than a car, especially if there was not anything to slow one down. What I did not know was how far that could be after nearly twelve hours of travel. With my luck we would not even be in the United States anymore. I decided worrying about how irate my mother would be was not worth my trouble. There was not anything I could do about it and anyway she was a world away in more ways than one. I stared at my reflection in the tiny polished metal plate over the sink. I had looked better. I was due another dye job, and had a good inch of strawberry-blonde new growth at my scalp. The rest of my thick, wavy hair was a slightly faded black, which looked dull in my reflection. Dried flakes of leftover mascara caked the corners of my eyes. Things had been so bad lately I had not thought too much about my looks. What must Julian think when he looks at me? I proceeded to scrub my face very hard with the small bar I located. The soap had a manly scent, which instantly brought up memories of my father. I choked back a sob that suddenly rose up in my throat. Thinking of my father brought up an eruption of emotion. The next thing I knew tears were pouring down my face. I could not tell if my sudden sorrow were for the strong possibility of loosing him or if it was a side effect of the hurt and anger I had felt toward my mother since that morning. Come to think of it, maybe it was just my current insane situation. My eyes were drawn back to my horrid reflection. Had it only been a week? It seemed unfair that my nicely ordered world could so completely change in such a short time. Although it was painful to think back to that day, I could not have stopped my mind regurgitating those horrible memories any more than I could have changed my reflection. Youre father is missing. My mother had said in a dead voice. Excuse me? I stammered. I had known something was wrong the moment she had walked into the house but what she said was so far from anything I would ever have considered happening to our family it was nearly impossible to digest. What does that even mean? Missing? Things went missing, not people. I need you to take care of your brother. She went on.I followed robotically as she turned to the hall off our living room. What she had said was taking its time to penetrate, but one thing had me very bothered. For whatever reason I could not fathom at the time, I was almost sure my mother was lying. What I could not figure out was why, especially when she knew she sucked at it. The word Missing kept echoing around inside my skull, which made me feel dizzy, and I nearly bit it when my toe stuck in the worn area of carpet on the threshold. She ignored my near accident and disappeared into her bedroom, their bedroom. I hesitated before going in. I was suddenly oddly nervous. Never in my life had I felt as if my parents bedroom was off limits before. Now everything felt different. As if I was a stranger, living with strangers, and the room my parents had shared for the last fifteen years of my life was an alien landscape, inaccessible. I stood awkwardly in the doorway to her room and watched as she hurriedly packed a small bag. She looked so tired. Her usually smooth, strawberry blonde hair, identical to my own had not been brushed, and frizzy ends stuck to her shoulders in bunches. She had unconsciously tucked it behind her ears in a way I had never seen her do. Shadows marred the usually flawless, porcelain skin under her eyes, eyes that glistened with unshed tears. I suddenly could not speak. I had been struck dumb. Her words had seemed so meaningless moments before, but as I watched her trying so hard not to show how scared she was, the strange idea that my father could be missing became all too real. Sensing my sudden distress my mother turned to me and took my hands. I need you to be strong Piper, she said. I need to go and find your father. I need to make sure he gets home. A lump marbleized in my throat at the catch in her voice. I knew in that instant that my mother thought he was dead. My chest tightened in fear, or anger. You mean to London? I forced out. Yes, she said softly as she caressed my cheek. Im sure its all a misunderstanding. Well all be home and together before youve even missed us, youll see. I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming. How could she lie to my face like that? She did not believe for a moment that my father was still alive. It was written all over her face. When her hand lifted everything hit me. I realized the last few minutes had actually happened. My father was missing, maybe dead, and my mother was leaving me. My throat tightened as a well of panic raced through me, threatening to knock me to the floor. Thats it? I nearly screamed. Thats all youre going to say? What the hell do you mean hes missing? How can you walk in here tell me my dad is missing then just turn around and take off? Im your daughter, I expect a little more than the bull shit youve just thrown at me. I finished in a hateful shout. She reeled as if I had struck her. I am so sorry, she said shakily, her cheeks paling. I just cant do this right now. Please understand Piper, please be strong for me? The desperation in her voice nearly broke me. I nodded dumbly, dangerously close to going into shock. Then I stood there, unable to move and watched as she swept past me and out of the house. Only when I had heard her car back out of the driveway, and into the street, had I been able to move again. I was as clean as I was going to get and the tiny bathroom was starting to feel claustrophobic, so I made my way to the bunks. I thought I might try to talk Pip into his own sponge bath, but instead I found him sound asleep. I sighed. Then like a good big sister I grabbed another blanket off the bunk next to him and tucked him in. He did not budge. He had probably been exhausted, whether with all the excitement or the trek through the woods I did not know. When I stopped to think about it, so was I.Pip gave a little whimper as I finished tucking and I could not help reaching up and brushing his hair back from his face. I wished I had handled things a little differently after mom had left. For one, screaming at her while he had looked on from the doorway of his own bedroom probably had not been the best idea. After mom had gone I had wandered around the house in a numb daze when I had not been crying my eyes out in self-pity or worrying myself to death. Pip had kept his distance, mostly staying in his room and working on one of many computer programs he was always designing, or playing with his model trains. I am not a horrible sister. I made sure he ate, and brushed his teeth, and went to bed on time, but I had not been able to bring myself to comfort him, or soothe him in any way. At the time it had been all I could do to get out of bed. When the tears and frustration abated for short moments, the only emotion I could conjure up was anger. I am not proud of it, and I told myself I would do whatever I could to make it up to him. Dad had gone to London for business. He was in London a lot, at least twice a month. He spent nearly half his time in London and New York, and the other half home in Colorado. Although I was not sure what he technically did for a living, I knew he was an engineer who specialized in trains, hence my brothers obsession. I also knew he was really good at it. In fact he was a genius with an incredibly high IQ, which he had passed on to my brother. Sadly, the high IQ gene had skipped over me. Dont get me wrong Im no idiot; my IQ is just of the average variety. None of this could tell me why my dad could be missing. Mom had alluded to something to do with his work but that story just did not make sense. What also did not was how I knew with every fiber of my being that she had not been telling the truth, not exactly. Not to hurt me I was sure, more as if she was trying to protect me, but why, and from what? I had racked my brain for an answer, but it had gotten me nowhere. She would most likely be shocked to learn that her plan to keep us safe by sending us off to stay with a distant relative would turn into the most dangerous situation of our lives. Talk about ironic. On the third evening after my mom left she called. By that point I had been nearly frantic with worry. Rambling on and on she had seemed so different. It was almost as if she had slammed a door shut on her feelings, and the wrong word or action would throw it open with such force the hinges would break, and the threshold would crack. At first all I could hear was how fragile she seemed then her words had begun to penetrate. She was sending us away to stay with family. The investigation into dads disappearance had hit a wall. She talked about jurisdiction laws and permits. We should pack a bag. A friend was picking us up and taking us to the airport the next day. It was unbelievable. She really was not coming home. She was making excuses for something she was terrified of, and she terrified of something more than jurisdiction laws would cause. That is when the numbness of shock finally fell away and I started to get mad, really mad. I began to rant, talking over her. I unleashed all of my anger and frustration, and basically ended up sounding like a selfish, whining baby. My mouth had gone dry the moment that realization hit me, and the angry tirade died in my throat. The silence that followed had spoken volumes and only confirmed what I had already begun to feel. Shame. I knew that I was no longer dealing with a worried mother. This was something else, and I feared if I said one more hateful word it would be enough to break her. So yeah, my father was missing. My funny, strong and perfect dad, but she had lost her husband, the love of her life, and her best friend. For thats what they were to each other. Their love had always been obvious, even embarrassing at times. So I had backed off, swallowed my own fears. Even though at the time I had no idea where I was going or even where I would end up next. I figured there was time. I lay down on the bunk next to my brother, surprised how much more comfortable it was than it looked. I had no idea what time it was, but I did not think it could have been evening yet even though being underground and in a steel capsule did not permit any sunlight to say. The stress of the last several days hung heavily over me, and my mind slipped into a sort of numbness. Although I was emotionally exhausted, I figured I would never sleep, but to my surprise the sound and motion of the train quickly lulled me. I nearly fell into a coma.


I had slept deeply, but I did not think it had been long. Something had awakened me. I reached across the twelve-inch span, which separated my bunk from my brothers, and felt for a body part. When my hand swept across the narrow mattress, and found empty space on the other side, I sat up in alarm. Pip? I whispered loudly. I fell off the bunk in a very undignified way, and tore across the car, toward the only place he could hide. The tiny bathroom was empty. My eyes found the exit. No, he could not have, could he? I approached the door and grabbed the latch. Locked. Now what? Panic was beginning to take a stranglehold on my throat. The idea that I could loose my brother so soon after my dad was almost too much. Straight ahead and nearly camouflaged by the upholstered walls and wainscoting, was another door. How could I have missed that? Of course there was another door. We were on a train. Passenger cars did not just have one way in. There was probably even a law about it. I hurried across and ripped the door open without once thinking it could be locked. I am actually glad it was not, because I probably would have sprained some fingers with the force I had used on the handle. The light was even dimmer than the sleeping car but the difference that stood out the most was the smell. They had a zoo on this train I thought, a really smelly one. I clamped my fingers over my nose as I stepped across the small vestibule to the next car. If the smell were this bad with the door closed, I was afraid I would not be able to go any farther. Grabbing the latch and not giving myself any time to hesitate, I jerked the door open. Oh yeah, it was much worse. I swayed a little as the barnyard smell enveloped me. The door swung shut behind me and my eyes took in a strange scene. Shiny, brass cages lined the walls of the car. The floor was bare metal, covered in straw, and bits of debris I had no wish to inspect close enough to name. The sizes of cages varied, and snorting, low growling, shifting, and yipping sounds issued forth. The room was too dim to see clearly what the cages held, but I was not unhappy. If I were surrounded by violent animals, I would rather not know about it. I looked along the length of the train car and thought I caught a glimpse of a small tennis shoe shuffling across the floor. I sighed in relief and raced down the narrow aisle, ignoring the protesting animals around me. I found Pip kneeling on the floor with his head inside a cage. I grabbed an ankle and pulled. A squeal rewarded my effort, and Pips dirty face appeared, wearing an ugly scowl. What do you think your doing? I asked. I was trying to get Pepsi. He answered indignantly. You have a Pepsi? I was almost jealous. No, he said and stuck his dirty hand in the air, which held an even dirtier lizard, which was trying to squirm out of his fingers. Pepsi got scared and ran into this cage. You know Im really sorry I asked. I backed up a few steps before going on. Pip, you can not just take off and snoop around. And Pepsi is a ridiculous name for a rodent I added to myself. I know, he interrupted, but Piper everyone of the animals in these cages is either extinct or close to it. I think these people have stolen them. Why would they do that? I looked around and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I thought he might be right. First I could not say I recognized any of the animals around me. They seemed very exotic. One cage in particular drew my attention and I stepped closer to it. It held the most adorable monkey. It had a wooly, and very dense dark gray coat, with a chestnut colored tinge sticking straight up on its head. Its eyes were very dark and round and seemed to be pleading with me. I wanted to open the cage door and cuddle with it. My hand went to the bars. Ive been thinking Piper, that weird light show in the Pilots room? I nodded automatically. I think maybe were a lot farther from Georgia than we think. I tore my gaze away from the sad monkey. What are you talking about? Just before he started to answer the door behind us slammed open. I nearly jumped out of my skin. The animals around us started calling and neighing, or whatever it is animals do when they are annoyed. Otto the Pilot stomped into view. I had both hands on my chest as I wheezed heavily. This area is off limits. He bellowed. You two gotta get outta here now. Then he nervously looked over his shoulder as if he expected someone to sneak up on him. Why was he nervous? He was the one with the huge gun. Okay fine, I yelled back just as loudly, but first tell me why these cages are filled with endangered species. I hardly think thats your business. He gave the last word three syllables. Okay, well he was the one with the gun. I grabbed Pip by the arm, walked him by Otto, and back into the sleeping car. Otto grunted in approval and followed. I sat down on the cot I had taken and pulled Pip down beside me forcibly. Otto walked to the kitchen area and started rummaging around. We watched in silence as he opened cabinets and pulled out a copper sauce pan and ladle. I was still worried about our situation but for some reason I could not scrape up a lot of fear when it came to Otto, even with the gun jammed into his back pocket. He had this whole scruffy, moonshine loving, John Deere cap wearing, crabby grandpa thing about him that just made me want to smile inwardly. Maybe I was loosing it? You two like beans? He asked over his shoulder. Beans? Beans, he bellowed and slammed a tin can onto the counter. Ya know girl, I am beginnin to believe ya do have a hearin problem. He said, and grabbing a brass can opener, he proceeded to peel open a can of beans. I could hear Pips stomach growl.Beans sound great. I said. The door to the car lurched open suddenly, making me jump. Mr. dreamy strolled in carrying two clothing bags. I stopped slouching.Beans, he said suddenly, dropped the bags on a bunk and headed straight to Otto, who immediately spooned some into a bowl for him with a smile. I slouched. We all watched in silence as Julian slurped up his dinner in fewer than two seconds. Then he wiped his mouth across his sleeve, put his elbows on the counter, and looked at me. Shouldnt he belch his name in the alphabet now? In two hours we will arrive at gate one hundred in Ortega. The Commander has ordered me to tell you, I raised my eyebrows, I mean ask you, the boy was learning to get cleaned up, dressed and report for inspection in one hour and fifteen minutes. He stood and walked to the clothing bags. You will find appropriate clothing here. He thanked Otto, ruffled Pips hair, gave me a nod and left. Hmm, did extremely bad manners make him any less cute? Sadly, no. More out of curiosity than anything, I walked over to the clothing bags piled in a heap on the cot. I yanked the brass zipper open on one and peeked inside. Fine silver toned silk met my gaze. Intrigued, I pulled the garment out and held it up. It was the coolest leather and silk jacket I had ever seen, at least I thought it was leather. It looked almost metallic and shimmered in the light like polished metal. The waist came in very tight and was wrapped in beautifully embroidered silk. The sleeves ended in large cuffs with brass buttons that matched those running down the front. It had a puffy Pinocchio type collar. I so wanted to wear this. Even more intrigued, I jumped back into the bag. There was more. Out followed a white blouse with a high ruffled collar, and a matching knee length skirt that ended in more ruffles. Next was a leather corset with a large brass button near the bottom. Otto, whats this? I asked holding the garment up for his inspection. Otto blushed scarlet. I gave him a view of the back. Put that away, its not for a mans eyes. He said offended. Its a womans under-things as you well know. And the button? I asked pointing. Is self-adjusting, the Commander said behind me. I whirled around. How in the world had I not heard her come in? She looked me over disdainfully then walked to the garment bag and pulled out a pair of extremely cool knee high, low-heeled boots. Then she proceeded to fondle the leather. It was a little offensive. A very important person wants to meet you and your brother, she said in disapproval.Who would want to meet us? I interrupted. I do not know and I do not care. She snapped then she went on as if I had not spoken. You will be suitably dressed and clean, and you will behave admirably. I felt my eyebrows lift. You will have no choice. If you embarrass me in any way there will be consequences. Dropping the boots on the floor, she turned, and slithered out of the room. I really did not think this woman had any idea who she was talking too. I was officially fed up with Ms. Uber Bitch. Unconsciously I started wadding the jacket up in my clenched fists. How dare she order me around like that? Just who did she think she was? I lifted the mass of metallic silk in preparation to throw the garment across the train. Piper, no Pip said suddenly. I whipped around on him in anger, seconds from exploding. Then I saw his face. My anger slipped away. I gave him a nod and slowly lowered the jacket to the cot in front of me. Otto was staring at me with his mouth hanging open, a spoonful of beans halfway to his gaping maw. Was steam coming out of my ears or what? I took a breath, forced a smile, and walked to the tiny bathroom. I managed not to slam the partition door, but only just.


Mostly dressed in the clothing Julian had provided, and relatively clean, I stared at my reflection in the bathroom. I wished I had a hairbrush. A toothbrush would not have gone amiss, either. This was crazy. How had I suddenly lost complete control of my life? In two days I had gone from trying to deal with the possible loss of my father. Then trying to understand what had happened to my emotionally wreaked mother, which had resulted in being dumped in the bayou, and if that had not sucked enough, I had been kidnapped by S&M Nazi weirdoes in a spaced up, antique, steam engine rocketing down a secret underground tunnel. This had to be some kind of bizarre dream. I jumped when the partition rattled suddenly. Was this someones idea of a knock? Whos there? Your Commander, I rolled my eyes. Please unlock the door Piper. This had to be some kind of trick. Maybe she was trying reverse psychiatry? I mean she had almost sounded nice. I unlocked the door. The Commanders perfect body filled the opening. May I come in? Was she kidding? The place could barely fit me and I was not by any means stocky. Without waiting for an answer the Commander squeezed her slim self in behind me, and slid the partition door closed. At least she did not lock it. Because I could not turn to face her in the confined space I watched her in the mirror. I tried to refrain from flinching when I felt her breath on the back of my neck. She was at least a head taller than me. I stood up straighter wishing my mouth had not suddenly gone dry. Do the garments fit? she asked sweetly. I started to answer, but snapped my jaw shut when I felt her arms reach around me pulling my jacket apart, which I had not buttoned yet. She went right for the brass button at the bottom of the corset I had managed to get into. She pressed the button. Breathe in please. She said.I had little choice. I screamed silently as the corset shrunk fast, putting major pressure on my ribcage. I waited in alarm, breath held, as the thing grew tighter and tighter. Was this how they killed meddling girls where she came from? Now exhale. Air exploded out of my lungs, and I was sure I grew two inches when my ribs remained in the same inhaled position. Oh, I said. The Commander smiled over my shoulder. Comfortable? I nodded. Incredibly it was. My waistline had shrunk by at least two inches, but I felt fine. A touch confused, it took a moment before I realized the Commander was running a brush through my hair. I am sorry things had to be this way. She said, twisting my curls into coils around her fingers. But we are on a very important mission that could possibly save lives, and I could not let you and your brothers appearances interfere. Suddenly pins appeared in her hands, and she started coiling my hair up high on my head. It was quite soothing. Once we arrive at Ortega I will do everything within my power to make sure you and your adorable brother get home. her hands dropped away and the partition door opened. She stepped outside. Wait a minute. Adorable? Pip? You will make sure your brother gets cleaned and dressed? Boys are so helpless. Still speechless I watched her leave the car. I looked back at my reflection. She had loosely coiled my hair in to an intricate chignon, which I could never have duplicated in my wildest dreams, much less have created in a few seconds. Just who were these people? Pip, time to get cleaned up, I yelled as I leaned out of the bathroom. Okay Commander, well play it your way for now, but dont you think for one second you had me fooled. I knew for sure she would throw us to the curb the first chance she got, and I was not about to let her think she could get away with it. *

Pip and I stood still while the Commander inspected us. I took it very calmly. Pip, did not. Im not wearing this. He screeched, pointing to the offending garment he was clad in. The only reason he was even wearing it was because I had threatened him to within an inch of his life. When he had stepped out of the tiny bathroom, I had nearly exploded with the effort it took not to roar with laughter. I think a bit of moisture even escaped my sealed lips. Oddly, this had not helped the situation. Piper, he begged. Tell her I cant wear this. He looked so pathetic I looked to the Commander and started to open my mouth. One look from her and I knew I could not win. I might have tried harder if I had not thought he looked precious. I could not understand if the problem were the brocaded dark gray vest or the short pants and hose that bothered him more. Maybe it was the giant brass buckles on his shoes? I took Pips hand and knelt down in front of him. The pleading look had not left his face, but he seemed to relax a little. Pip, I dont think we have much choice here. But, I will tell you that I have a feeling the clothes you had on would probably not have made the best statement This was true because he had been filthy, and if we want to get out of here quickly its probably best we dont annoy the kidnappers. He did not look convinced. And maybe when we get to Ortega, or whatever, we could find you something else. This last seemed to work, and he nodded at me in resignation. I gave his hand a squeeze and stood back up.Anyway, at least youre not in a skirt. That got a small smile. The intercom buzzed static suddenly, making us both jump. Commander, please report to the bridge. Julians voice rang through the train. The Commander walked to the small brass box mounted on the wall, and pushed a small black button. On my way, she said and turned back to us with a stern look. You both look as close to presentable as we could get you. My eyebrow rose. Remember what I told you earlier and everything will be fine. You will be home before you know it. She clicked her heels and glided out of the car. I was not sorry to see her go. Where are we going that people dress like this? Pip said still staring at his assemble. Hmm, I mumbled. Thats a good question. A rattle tore through the train making us both catch ourselves. Then the floor began to reverberate. It felt as if we were slowing down from a speed I did not think a train could even achieve. Then things got weird, again.The room around us morphed. The walls bulged toward us then away just as fast. I felt dizzy and sat down hard on the floor. Pip joined me. Again my chest tightened, and it felt hard to breathe. I did not know how long it went on, but I was so glad when it ended. What was that about anyway? As far as I knew I had never been car sick, of course I had never been on a train before; may be this was some kind of train sickness? Please tell me its over. I said getting shakily to my feet. Its over, Julian said appearing magically. Ready to disembark? he asked formally, at the same time he nodded jerkily toward the intercom over his shoulder. Was he trying to tell me someone was watching? I stared at the brass box, but it was not giving any answers. I decided to play along. Why, yes Julian that would be lovely. I said and took his proffered arm.Pip groaned behind me. Before taking a step Julian eyed me up and down in what I am going to decide is approval. I thought he even trembled slightly. A pleasant shiver rode up and down my spine. Ahem, he said. Please follow me. I tried hard not to smile as he led us to the exit. Once inside the vestibule Julians hard body and dreamy shoulders took a backseat and I started to get nervous. I am not sure why. I had done some traveling but not a whole lot. I was not sure what I expected. Would we get a tour around the city, even offered lunch or would they quickly escort us to the nearest dungeon while we waited as they discussed where to hide our dead bodies? The whole kidnapping thing was new, and all I had to go by was what I had seen in movies or read in books. This, of course, was not at all helpful or comforting. I did not mind when Julian kept a hold of my hand as I stepped off the train, and got my first look at Ortega. Huh. Through the two-foot thick layer of choking smog surrounding us, the weirdest train station I could ever have imagined, loomed over me blocking the sky. A strange mix of architectural styles warred with one another like a haphazard pile of blocks. A circular, Asian looking, towering structure leaned heavily against a Victorian era estate, which itself tightly neighbored what looked to me like an old industrial warehouse. I am also positive that the front end of a giant ocean liner jutted out the side. Then, incredibly, the whole metal plated faade was held up by roman columns. The smell was perhaps the worst. I had been to L.A. once so I knew about smog, but this miasma went way past anything I have ever been forced to endure. Something was very wrong. I reached out and grabbed Julian by his sleeve. Where exactly are we? I asked through pinched lips. Were on planet Ortega at gate one hundred. I waited for his words to register, hoping they would make more sense when they did. They did not. Pardon, but did you just say the word planet? He nodded uncertainly. My head began to spin.Planet, as in an orbital body other than Earth? I squeaked out dropping his hand. He nodded again. I waited for the punch line, for him, or anyone for that matter, to tell me it was all a joke. The serious expression he wore on his face mocked my dizzying ride into complete astonishment. Panic took the drivers seat. Really? I screeched at his cool composure. Because when you said Ortega I thought you were talking about some place in freaking Canada. He just stared at me. I was on another planet? I could not be could I? It had to be impossible. I looked back to the train station, the weird, alien looking train station, and I think I went into shock. My eyes darted everywhere, desperately trying to take it all in. There were people or were they aliens? Those I could see through the murky air wore clothing similar to ours, but several of them were wearing what looked like goggles over their eyes and masks over their mouths. The masks had hoses that connected to large brass boxes on their backs. Any type of weirdness could be hidden behind those masks I realized. Everyone that went past us seemed to be in a big hurry to get wherever they were going. Was the air poison? Was that why they were all wearing a breathing apparatus? I started taking shallower breaths, and nearly developed asthma when I realized Pip was nowhere to be seen.Pip, I yelled across the platform.Everyone in the general area stopped to stare. I did not care. Why should I? I had been kidnapped by aliens and taken to their planet against my will. I had seen loads of movies, I knew what happened next.Pip! I yelled louder. Julian stepped toward me. I put my hand up and gave him a look he could not have misunderstood. He stepped back, looking unsure. Good boy, er, alien. I spotted Pip. I started quickly toward the rear of the train, not caring who I pushed out of my way, where I could see several familiar brass cages getting unloaded by large burly men. Pip stood with them, his mouth going nonstop. When I was close enough I grabbed his arm and yanked him around to look at me. Piper, what are they... Mouth closed Pip, I interrupted. Were on an alien planet and were in big trouble. I shut up when he started nodding in excitement.I know, he said I tried to tell you. When that light show went on? I nodded robotically. I think they somehow opened up a wormhole in space time, my eyebrows went skyward. Piper, I think weve traveled light years through space. Light years through space, I repeated dumbly. He nodded excitably. I let him go, stood up straight, and stared into the murky air. I tried to think. Then I tried at least to absorb. Nothing. Had the poisonous smog flowing into my lungs fried some important brain cells? My head began to spin even faster. I probably should have sat down. The excitement on Pips face disappeared, and he began to look worried as he watched the many emotions play across my features. Then he saw something over my shoulder, which took over his entire attention, and his eyes widened in fear? Disbelief? I turned around. I wish I hadnt. A confusing mix of bodies was rushing toward us. I could just make out Julian behind them all, waving his arms, and yelling incomprehensible things. The smog obscured everything else. I had not realized I had walked so far. I turned back to Pip but what I saw over his shoulder was almost too much to comprehend. I think my heart attempted to punch through my breast bone. Unbelievably, weirdly oversized men, plated in brass from head to toe, flashing red lights for eyes, and with steam spurting out of the top of their heads, were clanking very quickly our way. I screamed loud enough to wake the dead, and then things got weirder. I turned back toward the crazy, normal-sized running men, for some reason they seemed the least threatening. I screamed again when I realized how close they were. I had a few glimpses of grubby looking men wearing goggles, reaching toward me, as I stood frozen in fear. The lights went out when someone shoved a nasty smelling coarse sack over my head. I screamed a lot more, kicked and punched but all it got me was dropped hard on the ground, knocked senseless, and then dragged by my leg for several feet, before someone picked me up again and threw me over their shoulder. I grew very quiet and very still. Then I passed out.


I leaned against the concrete wall next to the tiny airports only exit, where we had agreed to meet our ride. I squeezed my eyes shut, and tried hard not to groan. Five hours of flight time and one transfer, and Pip and I landed somewhere in Georgia. Exhausted, emotionally, and physically I had gathered Pip and gone through the disembarkation process mostly on autopilot. Waiting for our ride, I stood swaying slightly, my luggage at my feet. Pip had collapsed in a heap on the sidewalk, and even though I was sure the ground was filthy and mom would never have allowed it, I could not blame him. In fact if I could have moved, I might have joined him. I had fallen into a weird, numb state. My only hold on the outside world the thinnest thread. The airport in Georgia was not exactly a hub, and deserted at three in the morning. The only sound the buzzing of the fluorescent lights over our heads and the hundreds of insects buzzing around the fake moon it created. With no breeze the air felt muggy and close. I regretted not dressing for a southern summer. Evidently my black skinny jeans and combat boots had not been the ideal clothing selection for the 99 percent humidity that was so common in Georgia in the summer. Think thats him? Pip said suddenly. I looked to where he indicated and saw headlights approaching. Although I had only met our Great Uncle Buster once, I did not think I would have trouble recognizing him. I seemed to remember he was somewhat unique. An army green, tank-like, four-door car from a bad seventies police show pulled up and stopped right in front of us. Parked, the driver turned the engine off, and we waited while the thing choked and coughed, as if it was fighting with its last breath to take over control. The door opened and out squirmed a tall and very skinny man, his skin so tanned it looked like leather that had been left out in the sun and forgotten for a lifetime. His face was a roadmap of wrinkles, and on top of his head waved thin wisps of hair that looked to be struggling to escape its tenuous hold. Yep, he was definitely unforgettable. Once he was completely unfolded from the car, he stood, and stared at us in silence. The car gave off one more loud, choked off scream before it finally gave up and died. Are you Uncle Buster? Pip asked from his seat on the ground. I am, and I suppose youre Piper and Pip, although the last time I saw you both you werent in such a sorry state. He said without the hint of a smile. Was he joking?Of course, you were just a stinky little bald kid in diapers and your sister was a scabby kneed, booger picking rug rat. My mouth fell open. Booger picking? Really? I looked down at Pip, his own mouth was open, and he was staring at our delusional uncle as if he had suddenly morphed into a creature of legend. Then incredibly, a light came to his eyes and the next thing I knew he was laughing hysterically while rolling around on the pavement clutching his sides.When I looked back up at Uncle Buster he gave me a wink as if we co-conspirators or something. Although the comment had been way below the belt, I had a feeling no harm had been meant. It was hard to get mad when my brother, who had hardly spoken more than a handful of words in the last week, was hiccupping as he giggled out the last of his mirth. Booger-picking, he said aloud still smiling. Okay, I said loudly, time to go. I grabbed my bag and tossed it into the back seat. I let my brother take shotgun and stretched out on the giant bench seat in back. The car started with a crack and a mini-mushroom cloud of black smoke. Once we were off I rolled down both windows, and using my bag as a pillow, I stretched out. One thing the giant car had going for it was plenty of space. I did not even have to bend my knees. Let them bond all they want up front I told myself. Clearly they were already well on their way.I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. Mostly to past events I did not want to think about. It was a relief when exhaustion took over and the motion of the car, combined with the wind washing across my face, lulled me to sleep. A car door slamming shut was my alarm clock. I woke with a start. I was alone in the car while it choked out its last breath, vibrating everywhere. I groaned. Although it was dawn and I could see the sky turning blue, I felt as if I had not slept all night because really, a few hours of fitful dozing on a plane, and another two in a car could not possibly count. I crawled out stiffly and stretched, while mysterious things popped and cracked. In front of me was a tall, skinny Victorian house taken right out of a horror movie. The place loomed over me like a gothic cathedral. Steps led to a wide, columned porch with stain glassed windows. A transom sat above the heavy wooden door. The roof pitched steeply, and to the right was a round tower sticking up like a rude finger. Ornamental spindles and brackets lined the porch and the gable. It had once been beautiful, but over time and neglect the yellow paint had faded and begun to peel off in places. Several shingles were missing on the roof. The siding and the porch floor looked to be sagging in the middle, aside from this though; the place was cool in a spooky, turn of the century kind of way. My bag had made its way to the top step and I bent over to pick it up on the way through the open door. The inside did not disappoint. The furnishings in the first room reminded me of a nineteenth century parlor, with a red settee in the corner near an ornamental fireplace, and a small armchair in gold with diamond tufts sitting just in front. All the wood was delicate and dark with walls wrapped in dark floral wallpaper. Just like the exterior the furnishings were slightly shabby, but they did look clean and more cared for. I stood in the entryway and took it all in thinking briefly that the last person to decorate the place must have had a severe Queen Anne fetish and hoping my uncle had not been that person. I could hear my brothers voice chattering away somewhere in the back of the house, but before I could locate the source; my eyes were drawn to a portrait over the mantel. I was across the room before I realized I had even moved, a thud sounded when my bag fell to the floor. The portrait was huge and painted in oil. A beautiful woman with golden blond hair piled high on her head was sitting on the same settee that stood next to me in the room. She was wearing an old fashioned, high neck dress in champagne lace. On her right was my father. He was very young, maybe a little younger than me, probably thirteen, or fourteen. Dressed in an old fashioned suit his pale blonde hair was combed straight back off his forehead. My vision got fuzzy, and I realized with surprise I still had some tears left. I looked at the women. She could be my grandmother, but I was not sure. I had never seen a photo of her, and she must have died not long after this image was painted. Although my hair had been dyed a flat, blue black to match my attitude, its usual color was a light strawberry like my mothers, but as I studied the womans face I felt as if I was looking into a mirror. I had only a moment to wonder if a grandfather had ever been in the picture when footsteps sounded behind me. As I turned toward the sound, a tear escaped, and slid down my cheek to my chin. I hastily wiped it away. You look just like her, my Lizbeth, Uncle Buster said peering over my shoulder. Elizabeth? I said. Yes, my sister, your grandmother. She was a remarkable woman. I wished you and your brother had known her. with that he turned and started to leave, but after just two steps he stopped and turned back. You can take the first room at the top of the stairs; Ill have lunch ready around noon. He smiled. A comfy bed and a few hours sleep is all you need I bet. He might have looked like an ancient, parched scarecrow I decided, but I liked him. I returned the smile, probably my first in a week, and went to find my room. I woke with the morning sun peeking through the heavy curtains next to my bed. With a groan I rolled over and tried to escape the layers of brocade draped all over the huge poster bed. I located the old-fashioned alarm clock on the side table and tried to force the numbers to make sense. Finally giving up I reached for my bag on the floor next to the bed. A bit of digging and I located my cell phone. It was just after seven in the morning. I had slept the entire day and night. With no signal in the backwoods of Georgia I tossed the useless phone back in my bag. With no Internet or even a computer in the house I would be lucky if any of my friends spoke to me again after no word from me for two whole weeks. Before I let the cushy bed suck me in again I got up, collected my toiletries, and headed to the bathroom. When I got downstairs I let my nose lead me to the amazing smell of sizzling bacon. The kitchen was in the back of the house. I found Pip at a small dinette table, his nose stuck in a book as he spooned oatmeal into the side of his mouth. Uncle Buster was standing in front of a very large range in the corner. Well Piper, I guess you needed a few more hours than a few. He said over his shoulder. How do you feel? Better, I said and realized in surprise I meant it. I glanced at the book Pip was reading as I took a seat. It was some sort of manual and seemed to be written in German. I was about to ask if he knew how to read German, but decided against it. If I knew my brother he not only could, but also could probably tell me why its writer was wrong in French. Uncle Buster placed a plate in front of me loaded with bacon and scrambled eggs, I dug right in. Your mother called earlier. he said. My fork froze halfway to my mouth. She was sorry to have missed you, but asked me if I could keep you both until the end of the summer. Wha...what? I spit out. She wasnt able to speak long, but it sounded as if something serious had come up. She did say she would call back in a few days. He finished softly then studied my face. I put my fork back down on the table, my appetite gone. We were supposed to stay here the whole summer? What was she playing at? Had they found my dad? Did they even have any leads? Anger, like nothing I had felt before tightened my chest painfully. I wanted to explode with it. I wanted to scream and yell and break things. My breath even began to come out in short gasps. Uncle Buster began to look alarmed. I stood up stiffly, the chair I had been sitting on squealed in protest as it was forced roughly back. I had to get out of there before I did something I would later regret. Excuse me, I managed. Without another word I turned, located the back door, and stormed out of the house. I was down the steps and halfway across the backyard before I even paused to see where I was going. In front of me was a break in the tree line. I could just make it out between the red splotches of color flashing across my eyes. For the first few dozen yards, I stumbled along blindly nearly eating the ground several times. I just kept going taking huge strides, determined to put as much distance between myself and the unwanted future waiting behind me.


I was cold, and my head hurt, and my stomach rumbled and not in a good someone just set a heaping plate of something delicious in front of me kind of way. Too afraid to move, I opened my eyes. When they focused the first thought I had, was that I was in jail. Not that I knew what one looked like, but I had a good imagination, and the metal riveted walls and ceiling around me looked about rig

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