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Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™The Leader in Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation

The exclusive partnership between Dr. Ornish and Healthways represents the culmination of decades of hard work, research, and clinical studies. Dr. Ornish’s interest in lifestyle medicine began in 1977, when he wondered what might happen if people addressed the underlying causes of heart disease rather than literally and figuratively bypassing the problem with surgery or a lifetime of medications. Determined to answer this question, Dr. Ornish’s curiosity blossomed into a passion, which became a series of unprecedented clinical studies, and ultimately evolved into Ornish Lifestyle Medicine as we know it.

After developing the program and repeatedly proving that it can slow, stop, and even reverse the progression of heart disease, Dr. Ornish and his colleagues recognized that they needed a partner to help spread the program across the country. After an extensive search, Healthways clearly stood above the fray. As the long-time industry leader in disease management, population health, and network solutions, Healthways is uniquely positioned to bring cutting edge and turnkey solutions to the market while maximizing

clinical effectiveness—which perfectly complemented the Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program’s life-changing results. Both sides saw an opportunity to revolutionize the way that America thinks about heart disease and seized it; in 2012, a partnership was born.

Since that time, the program has grown from a small-scale solution into a full-fledged movement. It is now reimbursed by Medicare and many other commercial payers, offered in over 14 states across the country, and delivered with a turnkey process that has been perfected by years of operating knowledge. Most importantly, it has helped thousands of people from across the country take their lives back. Just ask Liz, Dave, Benjamin, or any of our other proud and healthy graduates.

Ultimately, between Dr. Ornish’s unparalleled program and Healthways’ comprehensive support, there has never been a better time to partner with Ornish Lifestyle Medicine – and over the course of this brochure, we’ll show you why.

Over the past 35 years, Healthways has become the global leader in well-being solutions by relentlessly striving to create a healthier world, one person at a time. In 2012, weadvanced that mission by expanding our solutions to include Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ – the first and only Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation program that is scientifically proven to reverse the progression of heart disease.

Here’s an overview of what you can expect:

Lifestyle Medicine Works – clinical results, personal stories, and operations.

Anybody Can Do It – sustainability, demographics, engagement, and enrollment process.

Financial Impact – reimbursement, revenue, and superior attendance rates.

The Market Leader – reasons and results.





We can’t wait to partner with you to make your community a healthier place, one person at a time.


Proven clinical results lie at the very heart of our program. Without them, there is no Medicare-reimbursement, no success stories, no Ornish Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Ornish has always understood this fact, so—over the past 35 years—he has published countless peer-reviewed studies which scientifically prove the transformational impact that our program has on its participants. In those studies, he has consistently demonstrated the following benefits:

• Regression of coronary artery stenosis using quantitative coronary arteriography;

• Decreased size and severity of ischemic myocardial perfusion abnormalities (blood flow to the heart) using cardiac PET , exercise thallium stress tests and exercise radionuclide ventriculography;

• Safe avoidance of revascularization procedures—such as coronary bypass surgery, angioplasty and intracoronary stents—in almost 80% of those who were eligible for these procedures, with comparable clinical outcomes;

• Significantly greater exercise capacity;

• Substantial cardiac risk factor improvements, such as reductions in LDL-cholesterol comparable to what can be achieved with statin drugs without the costs and potential side effects. Significant reductions in weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and fasting blood glucose are also common;

• Decreases in the frequency and severity of angina;

• Substantial improvements in quality of life by a variety of measures (including decreased emotional stress and depression, and increased vitality, physical function and well-being);

• 2.5 times fewer cardiac events.

In addition to the above outcomes, Dr. Ornish and his colleagues have measured significant improvements in other chronic diseases that are prevalent in the population—including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, depression, and prostate cancer.

The results don’t end there, either; Dr. Ornish and Healthways are committed to ongoing data collection to ensure that our partnered-sites are continuing to achieve clinical outcomes demonstrated in the peer-reviewed research papers. The table below represents our most recent data, which shows that the program continues to meet or exceed previously published outcomes in all clinical areas:

Percent change*

BMI -5.7%

Weight -5.8%

Total Cholesterol -15.6%

LDL Cholesterol -19.5%

Triglycerides -13.8%

Systolic Blood Pressure -5.4%

Diastolic Blood Pressure -5.8%

HbA1c (Diabetics only) -8.0%

Depression Score (CESD) -54.83%

*All percent changes are statistically significant.

Results such as these are a large reason why sites partner with the program, payers cover it, and participants enroll in it. In summary, the program works; it transforms lives both physically and emotionally, and it reverses the progression of heart disease for its participants.

Lifestyle Medicine Works Clinical Results


Personal StoriesDespite their importance, discussing clinical results is necessarily abstract and somewhat impersonal. Therefore, we’ve collected hundreds of personal stories from our participants to complement our science. Captured in participants’ own words, these stories embody the other side of the numbers that we just discussed—the real people, the real struggles, and the real transformations.

For example, Donn can take care of his father again, Gil can spend time with his granddaughter again, and Lynn can weed whack again—and couldn’t be happier about it. These stories are our science brought to life, and in addition to inspiring people to enroll in our program, they inspire us to help you deliver it.

OperationsSo how does the program work? In short, it works by helping participants optimize four important areas of their lives:

• What they eat;

• How they respond to stress;

• How active they are;

• How much love & support they have.

Participants make these lifestyle changes within small and consistent groups of people (called cohorts) who understand each other’s health struggles and share each other’s goals for the future. These cohorts are led by unchanging teams of clinicians, who—over the course of 18 four-hour sessions—guide participants through comprehensive lifestyle changes and help them reverse the progression of their heart disease.

More specifically, a comprehensive team of your professionals—including a medical director, program director, nurse, exercise physiologist, registered dietician, stress management specialist, and behavior health professional—will provide all of the support and coaching that is needed for participants to make and sustain these changes. Your expert team will be trained by Healthways Clinical Trainers during a one week retreat near Dr. Ornish’s office in California. Following the training, these clinical trainers (along with your dedicated Healthways Account Manager) will ensure that you have the continued clinical and operational support that is necessary to achieve the results demonstrated in Dr. Ornish’s clinical research.

Operational sites usually run concurrent cohorts of around 15 participants per group. Each cohort meets twice per week, for four hours each session (one hour for each of the four core elements), and graduates after nine weeks. Over the course of these weeks, your clinicians will be given all of the tools needed to provide participants with long-term, unwavering support — a unique situation for both clinicians and participants. This model makes the program sustainable for participants, who are coached through lifestyle changes every step of the way, and fulfilling for providers, who are empowered to help people make a real change in their lives.

From implementation through the first graduation and beyond, the entire process will be supported by Healthways expert staff.


Anybody Can Do ItSustainability“Can people actually do it?” That is the main question—the main doubt—that we hear from participants, sites, and anyone else who we tell about the program. The overwhelming answer, both statistically and anecdotally, is yes. In fact, our attendance rate is 91%–a far greater rate than that of other, more traditional methods—and our participant satisfaction is exceptional. Simply put, once people enroll in the program, they stay in it and they benefit from it—no matter who they are.

There are several reasons why our program is so successful at retaining participants, but the main one is this: results. Once people start the program, they feel so much better, so quickly, that they can’t imagine returning to their old ways of living. Perhaps Dr. Ornish puts it best when he says that “our program reframes the reason for making changes from fear of dying to joy of living—which makes this a sustainable approach.” That quotation certainly rings true with our participants. Donn, for example, noted in his testimonial that “really quickly, I started feeling better and losing weight. Once that started happening, my apprehensions, my doubts, my worries—all of that faded away.” For him and many participants like him, results translated into belief, which guaranteed adherence.

Donn’s program experience is not unique; participants often come into the program with apprehensions, unsure of whether they will be able to make comprehensive lifestyle changes and turn their lives around. But there are several factors—in addition to results—which ensure that people stick with our program. Those reasons are a supportive program structure, empowerment, and motivation. We’ll take them one-by-one below.

Supportive program structure: Our program is deliberately designed so participants want to attend the sessions and adhere to the guidelines. The first aspect of the program that breeds adherence is personalization; the program identifies and treats the individual needs of every participant in a comprehensive and holistic manner, and it does so with compassion and support, Whether a person’s heart disease is primarily based in poor nutrition, high stress, a lack of group support, minimal exercise, or any combination therein, our dedicated clinicians will help that person recognize their issues and overcome them—thus allowing the participants to retake control of their health. Simply put, the program empowers our participants to attack the root causes of their heart disease rather than just treat the symptoms of it; that’s what makes our program so sustainable and so successful.


“When the doctors went into my heart, they not only found that my heart disease hadn’t progressed, and that the stent hadn’t failed, but that the 30-40 percent blockage in my artery had all but disappeared after just 5 weeks on the program. 5 weeks. I haven’t had any pain since. On top of that, I’ve lost over 30 pounds on the program. All in all, it’s been exactly what I needed; 5 weeks for reversal is—my doctors assure me—pretty amazing. I will continue to follow this program for the rest of my life.”

Benjamin Heart attack, family history of heart disease California Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Participant

“For the first time in my whole life, I feel like I’m in control. Before the program, I looked at my life with grim resignation. I never married or had kids partly because, quite frankly, I didn’t think I’d be around for them. But now, that’s all changed. You know that feeling you get when you go to an event or a football game, and you’re so happy about what might happen? You’re so excited for the future? For the possibilities? This may sound trite, but that’s how I feel every day. This program is a totally new start for me. Moving forward, my goals are to walk a 5k for a charity, continue to lose weight, and see my nephew graduate from college. I can hardly believe that I’m including that last goal in the list because its four years away, and I normally never would plan that far ahead. But I’m actually planning for the future now, because I’m planning to have a future now—and I fully expect to make each one of those goals come true.”

Liz Five heart attacks and eight stents Indiana Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Participant

“The way that I feel today, after graduating from the program, is almost indescribable. I’ve lost 40 pounds, I’ve dropped 5 sizes on my waistline, and my stamina is so much better. I have a sister who hadn’t seen me since I started the program, and when we finally got together last weekend, she looked at me and said ‘Holy smokes, I want some of what you’ve got. You look unbelievable!’ It’s so humbling to hear people that I love say things like that.

To anyone who is thinking about joining, here is my advice: Don’t walk to this program—run. Get here as quickly as you can, and I’ll give you a ride if you need one. This program is what you need. This program is going to add time to your life. I really believe that, and I hope you believe it too.”

Steve Three heart attacks and two additional episodes Kentucky Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Participant

Stories From Our Participants


Our program’s unique cohort structure further guarantees that once a participant enters the program, he or she adheres to it and enjoys it. All participants start the program together, attend every session together, and graduate together—and because of that, over the course of 18 sessions, they often form a deep social bond with one another. Furthermore, participants’ shared histories and goals for the future allow them to understand each other in a way that facilitates deep connections. These social connections motivate participants and create a team atmosphere for them, in which everyone works together towards one goal: reversing their heart disease.

When asked about the cohort structure, many participants say that it is the most important element of the program. Joe, for example, said that “the group is a community of really terrific people that I have an incredible bond with. I suppose it’s the bond of shared suffering and difficulties. I feel closer to that group than just about any other group on the planet, really. It’s wonderful.” Feeling loved and supported in that way is a powerful step towards success.

Our clinician structure, in which participants experience every aspect of the program with an unchanging group of clinicians, generates adherence in much the same way that our cohort structure does; it creates invaluable bonds among clinicians and participants that could not be replicated in another setting. These social bonds motivate people to attend the program and stick with its guidelines. A quotation from Steve, a participant from California, sums up the importance of the clinical structure better than we ever could; “To my clinicians,” he wrote, “I want to say thank you. Thank you for all of your help, your knowledge, your unceasing care, and your good cheer. It’s abundantly clear that each of you simply want to help people, and with me, you’ve helped so very much. I could not be more thankful for you or for the life that you’ve given me.”

The final feature of the program’s structure that facilitates success is its habit-forming design; our program is just long enough to provide the support and education necessary to guarantee long-term success. Doctors and clinicians across the country recognize the need for this type of comprehensive and deliberate model; for years, they have been inadvertently (and largely unsuccessfully) telling people to follow the program’s components—“eat better, stress less, love more, and get more exercise”—but when patients leave their offices, caretakers can only hope that their patients will follow these recommendations, or even take their prescribed medications. Some patients do, but according to statistics, most don’t. That’s where our program comes in. Rather than waiting a year to remind patients about lifestyle change,

clinicians get to see their patients twice a week; rather than blindly hoping that patients are taking their medications, clinicians get to guarantee it; and rather than waiting for the next physical to see the benefits of their suggestions, clinicians get to evaluate their patients on a weekly basis. To sum things up, the program fills the gaps of traditional medical care; it works and it’s doable because it creates muscle memory—because it replaces participants’ old, unhealthy habits with new, healthy ones—and because it gives their clinicians the opportunity to provide more support than was previously thought possible.

Empowerment: One common theme that arises among participants is the idea of taking control through the program—the idea that, for the first time since their health began to deteriorate, they actually have the tools and the resources to have a say in their future health. This feeling is addictive, cathartic, and—for most heart disease patients—elusive. Often times, when someone has a family history of heart disease or has struggled for a long time, they feel like their health is beyond their influence. All they can do, they think, is take a pill and hope for the best. But the program provides participants with the knowledge, tools, and support to retake that control—and that feeling of empowerment breeds success.

“I wanted a program which would give me

some hope—give me some control over the

future—and Ornish Lifestyle Medicine turned

out to do just that.”- Tina

Motivation: One final reason why anybody can do our program is motivation. When someone struggles with heart disease, they often begin to think about their own mortality, and that brings the important aspects of life into sharp focus. When those important aspects of life are threatened—whatever they may be—participants are uniquely motivated to make a change in their lives. Jim, for example, couldn’t golf anymore before he entered the program; now, he golfs regularly. Barbara was physically unable to spend time with her grandchildren; now, she actually has more energy than her granddaughter; Lynn, as we mentioned earlier, was going to sell his favorite weed whacker because he couldn’t get it out of the garage; now, he can use it for hours at a time. Whatever their motivation, from family time to yard work, our participants are exceptionally positioned to make a change in their lives—and once they feel the results that our program brings about, they never look back.


DemographicsWho can be successful in the program? Anyone. As is proven by our latest Outcomes Report, our research, and outside lifestyle medicine research, programs such as ours work across all populations. For further proof, a quick overview of our demographics is provided below:

• 62.5% are male; 38.5% female; (greater female participation than

traditional cardiac rehabilitation)

• 53.9% >65 years old, 28.8% 55-64 years old, 11.3% 45-54 years old;

• 28.3% advanced degrees, 36.4% college degree, 17.5% have some college, and 11.8% high school.

EngagementTogether with your marketing team, we will develop a comprehensive marketing and engagement plan to ensure that you are identifying eligible customers and getting them into the program. You will also have access to a comprehensive library of co-branded materials, developed by Healthways, which includes brochures, videos, testimonials, and other collateral necessary to engage your community.

On a broad level, our marketing platform is built around our participants; we use their stories, faces and voices to teach others about our program and inspire them to join our movement. Once your site is operational, we will help you collect and leverage stories from your own participants. In addition to testimonials, our platform rests on four primary pillars of engagement: national media, targeted outreach, local media, and clinical education.

Each of these four concentrations will generate awareness for your facility and educate your community. For your purposes, however, clinical education and targeted outreach will be the primary drivers of qualified referrals.


National Media

Local Media

Clinical Education

Targeted Outreach


Enrollment ProcessFor participants, enrolling in the Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program is unlike any other health-related change that they could make in their lives. It’s not scary like a surgery, it’s a non-invasive step towards a healthy future; it’s not temporary like starting a new diet, it’s sustainable; and it’s not burdensome like a new medication, it’s empowering. From the moment that they first speak with our clinicians, participants are given the guidance that they need to successfully make lifestyle changes—and instilled with the requisite confidence to believe that they can actually turn their lives around.

The first step in this process is completing assessment questionnaires, which personalize the program by providing each of the element-specific clinicans with important information about participants’ baseline health. Clinicians then use that baseline information to formulate their approach for coaching each specific participant.

Upon completion of the assessments, the delivery team invites all of the new cohort members to an orientation. At this time, participants become acquainted with the full delivery team, meet other cohort members, and get an introduction to the program. It is at this point where many of our participants begin to feel that they chose the right program; the feeling of love and support embraces them from the first point of contact, reinforcing their hopes that personal transformation is imminent.

As the cohort moves along the journey to better health, the delivery team is right there with them delivering a turnkey program that has been developed using adult learning principles. Specifically, our program includes a mix of digital, didactic, and interactive modules designed to engage each participant. Additional coaching and explanations are provided by the delivery team as needed, which sets the participant up for success.

During the delivery of the program, the element specialist and clinicians on your team are provided with ongoing support from the Healthways team. Each month, every delivery team member will attend an element specialist call that reviews all new research or media, special cases, and any other questions that may come up during the delivery of the program. In addition to these monthly meetings, Healthways Senior Clinical Trainers and Account Managers are available for support at any time. Neither your team nor the participants will ever feel lost or alone; Healthways will be with you every step of the way.

“If people give me 9 weeks of open-mindedness, then within 3 or 4 weeks

they’re going to start feeling so much better that they will want to stay

with the program. That’s been the huge selling point for this; as Dr. Ornish

says, change happens so fast if you will allow it to happen. And the cost

savings for the insurer, and the patient, and their family are dramatic—

even at a year. I just think everyone would be crazy not to figure out how

to incorporate this into everybody’s treatment.”

Dr. Richard GuynesMedical Director, Cardiologist

St. Dominic’s Hospital


Dr. Ornish has demonstrated again and again that this program provides clinical value for patients, and now, research is conclusively showing that the program creates financial value for providers as well. In 2011, Medicare made the unprecedented decision to reimburse for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine under Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation (ICR), and today, Medicare and other commercial payers (such as Anthem, Aetna, Highmark West Virginia, HMSA, and Blue Shield of California) reimburse for 72 hours of the program at a national average of $107/hour. This rate of reimbursement establishes Ornish Lifestyle Medicine as an opportunity for new service line revenue that makes financial sense for providers and clinical sense for participants.

Although the hourly rate of reimbursement is usually the same for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine as it is for Traditional Cardiac Rehab, the total per-participant amount of reimbursement is not. Since Ornish Lifestyle Medicine is a 72 hour program, the maximum level of reimbursement per participant is $7,704, whereas Traditional Cardiac Rehab (TCR) is a 36 hour program, so the maximum level of reimbursement per participant is $3,852 – meaning that one Ornish Lifestyle Medicine participant can create double the revenue that one TCR participant can create. Furthermore, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine is delivered in cohorts of about 15 participants, meaning that the group revenue for our program could be $115,560, while the individual-focused TCR has no group revenue rate.

Financial Impact


Traditional Cardiac Rehab

72 - ICR hours allowed by CMS

$7,704* - Maximum Per-Participant Reimbursement

$115,560* - Maximum Group Reimbursement (15 people/group)

The unparalleled financial impact of the program becomes particularly clear when one accounts for attendance rates. While the revenue numbers discussed above are useful for the sake of demonstration, providers are only able to reimburse for the hours that participants actually attend – which is why it’s so important to look at the average amount of actual reimbursement for each program. To do this, let us first revisit the maximum per-participant revenue for each cardiac service option. The breakdown is as follows: Ornish Lifestyle Medicine and other Intensive Cardiac Rehab programs - $7,704, and TCR - $3,852. But the attendance rate for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine is 93.5% - which is far superior to that of Traditional Cardiac Rehab, 55.56%, and that of Other Intensive Cardiac Rehab Programs, 66.67%. This means that the actual average

reimbursement amount for an Ornish Lifestyle Medicine participant is $7,203, which is $2,067 more than the average for Other ICR Programs ($5,136), and $5,063 more than the average for TCR ($2,140).

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine is, therefore, an unmatched financial opportunity in the field of heart disease treatment due to its 72-hour structure, its Medicare and commercial reimbursement, and most of all, its 93.5% attendance rate. It also sets apart the providers who offer it because it gives their patients another option, besides medication or surgery, to re-take control of their lives. Combined, these factors prove Dr. Ornish’s longstanding contention that this program’s clinical impact in grounded in a similarly transformational financial one.

36 - TCR hours allowed by CMS

$3,852* - Maximum Per-Participant Reimbursement

$3,852* - Maximum Group Reimbursement (1 person/group)

Traditional Cardiac Rehab

Other ICR Program

Maximum Billable Revenue Per-Participant*Average Attendance RateAverage Actual Revenue Per-ParticipantAverage Revenue Per Group

$7,704(72 hours @ $107/hr*)


$108,045*(15 per group)

$7,704(72 hours @ $107/hr*)




$3,852(36 hours @ $107/hr*)




*Based on the national average Medicare reimbursement rate.

*Based on the national average Medicare reimbursement rate.

The Market Leader ReasonsOrnish Lifestyle Medicine is the clear leader in the Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation market for two main reasons:

1. It is the only program that is scientifically proven to reverse the progression of heart disease.

2. The strength of the partnership between Dr. Ornish and Healthways.

The first reason is self-explanatory; Dr. Ornish’s ground-breaking research has proven, time and time again, that the Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program achieves unprecedented results for its participants. It helps people feel better, regain control of their health, and get back to doing the things that they love. And not only does it work, but it is designed in such a way that makes it easy for participants to follow. No other program can hope to offer that level of care or have that type transformational impact on your population.

The second reason is somewhat more intricate. As we mentioned in the introduction of this brochure, the partnership between Dr. Ornish and Healthways is a collaboration between two market leaders—Dr. Ornish, a pioneer of lifestyle medicine, and Healthways, the industry standard in well-being solutions. We joined forces to maximize the effectiveness of our complementary capabilities; Dr. Ornish brought a revolutionary program and unmatched scientific evidence to the table, and Healthways brought operational excellence, commercial experience, and marketing expertise to the table. Together, we knew that we could spread Ornish Lifestyle Medicine across the country and transform the way that America treats heart disease – and since the partnership began, that’s exactly what we’ve done.

“The Holy Grail for us really is a healthy

community, and without the Ornish Lifestyle

Medicine program and Healthways, we

were not going to be able to achieve that

goal very quickly or efficiently. But through

this partnership that we’ve developed,

we are going to be able to move quickly,

efficiently, and effectively to change the

whole trajectory of health in our community.

So together, Healthways and Beacon

can really do some things that neither

one of us could do separately. Beacon

is the delivery arm of the partnership,

and Healthways provides us with data

analysis and the interventions that are

so important. Together, we’re going to

make a big difference in population health


Phil NewboldCEO, Beacon Health System


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In recent years,, both sides have cemented their positions as industry leaders and worked tirelessly for the benefit of the program. Dr. Ornish, for example, has continued to do research and evaluate our program to guarantee that it reflects his most recent scientific findings. He has also written about the program in such media outlets as the New York Times, Time, and Forbes, and spoken about the program at countless conferences. For his efforts, Dr. Ornish was recently granted the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award by The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)—an acknowledgement that Dr. Ornish has not only helped further our industry, but actually create it.

In that time, Healthways has also dedicated itself to improving and growing Ornish Lifestyle Medicine. The engagement team has captured hundreds of testimonials, developed videos, and written brochures to ensure that—when you decide to partner with the program—you will have everything you need to make it successful in your community; the operations team and account managers have gathered and leveraged years of operational feedback from our partnered sites; and the clinical team has perfected the implementation and training processes. Together, the collaboration between Dr. Ornish and Healthways has been a resounding success—and the program has followed suit.

ResultsSince CMS’s 2011 decision to create a new benefit category for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, the program has taken off. The Healthways–Ornish partnership began the next year, and shortly after, many commercial payers followed CMS’s lead and began reimbursing for the program. In fact, many payers decided to exclusively cover the Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program, recognizing that it remains the only ICR program proven to actually reverse the progression of heart disease.

This level of coverage has allowed the program to quickly spread across the country—to health systems, health plans, and physician groups alike. At each new location, the program has been warmly received by the population and the results have exceeded expectations. It is clear that our program is creating financial value for our sites and clinical results for our participants.

Ultimately, with the growing consumer demand for lifestyle medicine and the industry’s shift towards a value-based model, there has never been a better time to partner with Ornish Lifestyle Medicine. We hope that you’ll join us on the forefront of the healthcare movement—let’s work together to make your community a healthier place.















For more of the science behind our program, visit OrnishResearch.com.

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