organisational learning: what can we learn from crocodiles?

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Organizational Learning:

Towards Development of Sustainable Knowledge Institutions

Training Material | April 2015

What can we learn from Crocodiles ?


A World Full of Challenges

Escalating challenges

Increased competition

Excellence & Quality requirements

Increased uncertainty

Effects of external changes

Implications on internal environments

Organisational Learning

Escalating challenges

Promotes the concept of learning in institutions through people.. and to become incubators of intellects to create knowledge that will support improvement opportunities and/or in facing challenges ..

The survival of the concept of learning crocodiles link?

But is there any relations between the survival of Crocodiles and the concept

of Learning? Let us explore!

(األاز) احملدد١ غدد٠ ب٦ات يف تاددا1.

اي عدالت تباطؤ تدد اييت األخطاز نجس2٠.


ي اياع طازد٠ يضد اضتداف3.

Crocodiles are amazing creatures that were able to survive for more than 250 million years, although they: 1. live in severely limited environments (e.g., rivers, lakes, etc.); 2. are constantly threatened; & 3. are targets for hunters; its skin considered finest and best (cost $15,000 and more)..

But is there any relations between the survival of Crocodiles and the

concept of Learning?

How long crocodiles and how I managed to survive

despite the stunning belonging to the era of the

dinosaurs extinct all to stay alone?

So how Crocodiles managed to survive & outlived the dinosaurs?

Let us find out some basic characteristics of Crocodiles that differentiates them to some

extent from other species ..

Crocodiles learn to become self-dependent from birth - they are left to hunt for their own food short after they hatch; catching insects and small fish.. and their prey grow as they grow.

1. Self-Reliance [Hard Life Journey]

Self-programming (self-learning) and perseverance in

order to survive

Crocodiles enjoy the strongest immune system compared to all living creatures although they: 1. live in highly polluted water; and 2. get severely injured, but recover very smoothly..

2. Self-Programming [Self-Learning] & Perseverance for Survival

Patience and endurance: Holding its breath under

water for more than three hours

Can reduce the heart rate pulse every thirty

seconds. Bear hunger for very long

periods drag on for months

Crocodiles can : • hold breath under water for more than 3 hours; • reduce heartbeat rate; a pulse every 30 seconds; • bear hunger for long periods and sometimes up

to months!

3. Patience and Endurance

Are these reasons enough to explain its survival for this long compared to Dinosaurs?


ضدا١ ق٠ ايداصزات إال أا افتكدت كات

تعسضت يالكساض بطبب ايهازخ .. ايبكا٤

.. عا 65ايطبع١ اشبطري٠ اييت قعت قب

Crocodiles and dinosaurs? Despite the magnitude and

power of the dinosaurs, but it has lost a viable .. and exposed

to extinction because of the serious natural disasters that

occurred 65 million years ago ..

Crocodiles vs Dinosaurs?

Despite the size and force of the Dinosaurs, they were not able to survive the serious natural disasters that occurred 65 million years ago, hence were exposed to extinction!!

But how did Crocodiles managed to live this long?

Among the primary reasons is Crocodiles’: [Ability to adapt to changes]

Adaptation to the Environment It is the lessons that can

be learned from the crocodiles are:

They Although exposure to disasters continents

move and the era of Volcanology and

Seismology ice age .. Able to develop learning

capabilities .. enabled it to adapt to the

environments in which they live ..

Although Crocodiles were exposed to disasters, they developed learning capabilities that enabled them to adapt to the environments they lived in

Disasters of moving continents

Volcanoes & Earthquakes

Ice Age

SO! ADAPTATION is one of the most important reasons for Crocodiles survival !!


Adaptation: In Biology: «… is linked to the ability of organisms to evolve in their environments in order to increase the chances of survival and reproduction ..»

(1) Steven Kenney , a partner with Toffler Associates

«Adaptation is referred to the « institution's ability to sense the need for change, and be changed ».


In Management Science:

10s ? 100s ?

1000s ?

How many change variables surround you?


But .... Is variables are subject to control and can take advantage of


10s ? 100s ?

1000s ?

Many indeed! But are these variables controllable and/or can be taken advantage of?

Continuous variables surround and affect positively

and negatively institutions and individuals

“Change is the only constant in life”, and have both positive and negative effects on institutions and individuals..

Let us see some of the forces that are pressuring institutions to change:

Enormous developments in the areas of information technology has become a challenge for mental and technical skills capacity to be absorbed

Enormous developments in the field of Information and Communication Technologies has become a challenge to human skills and capacities to be absorb.

1. New & Disruptive Technologies

2. Government and Legislative Requirements

Compliance requirements have been pressuring institutions to be more efficient, effective, and efficacious.

3. Change for Continuous Improvement

Changes in external environments have been pressuring institutions to implement Total Quality Management principles, that have had in turn reflective consequences on internal systems and structures ..

Changes in the external environment for enterprises, have become reflections of no less

importance and seriousness of the internal variables

Constant changes in customers needs and expectations, impacting institutions value chain and its staff.

4. Increasing Customers Expectations

Social networking tools have become one of the primary engines of the change machine in today’s world ..

Social networking tools have become one of the main engines of change

machine in the world today

5. Social Media

Global Competitiveness

States have become more like what is like a rider in

Marathon excellence ..

Governments have been paying attention to work concepts similar to those in the private sector.. pushing for wide scale changes in how they operate and create value.

6. Global Competitiveness

Global Competitiveness

States have become more like what is like a rider in

Marathon excellence .. There are definitely many other reasons for institutions to change !!

Reasons for changes • Innovation Capacity

Development • The desire to develop, improve,

and excel • Compatibility with life variables • Increased performance levels

Maintaining Productivity

Developing Innovation Capacity

Desire to develop, improve, and excel

Adaptability with life variables

Increasing Performance Levels

Reasons for Change, in simpler terms?

BUT.. How to deal with a change as a purposeful, deliberate, and planned activity?

What do you think about Cooperative Learning?

(Cooperative learning)

Supports the ability to change at a faster pace by supporting the construction of cognitive abilities and resources capable to succeed with the change.

Supports the ability to change at a faster pace than during the construction of

cognitive abilities and resources capable of success change

Cooperative Learning

Implementation of cooperative learning in an organizational context, builds the foundations to set up a learning organisation.

But in order build a learning organisation, we need to understand the Learning Equation!


Possession of learning capabilities

Overcoming Learning Obstacles

proper management and employment of acquired knowledge to make the desired change

Learning Equation Pos

Possession of organizational learning capabilities

The point is: in order to address current & future challenges, we need to overcome learning impediments (disabilities) first !

There are many obstacles that affect the ability of both individuals & institutions to learn or slow down the process of learning .

Learning Impediments?

Let us explore what was said by the most prominent researchers in the field of organisational learning.

Learning Disabilities

Yes! The solution lies in our ability to learn and overcome learning impediments ..

We focus on what was pointed out by: Professor Peter Senge from Harvard University

Me! We ?

Focus on Self Focus on personal self .. Is the first institutional learning disabilities .. Here organizational unit focuses only on the responsibilities and duties .. Deprives the college vision and miss them understand the impact of the interaction with other units

1st Disability: I Am My Position [Focus on Self]

This disability applies to both individuals and workgroups who focus only on their small part within institutions rather than on the larger system as a whole.

This disability and apply to the individual and the work teams .. Inconsistent with the important principle of institutional learning a systemic thinking system thinking And engineering decision .. What is needed here is a shift in perspective from the parts to the whole .. Systemic thinking is thinking .. language relations and the impact of each part to other parts .

a kind of myopia in American organizations

that causes individual workers to

When the focus is limited to the responsibilities and duties with little sense of the results produced, we lose the overall vision! leading to myopic and non-systemic views of the institution.

little sense of responsibility for the results produced

- Getting used to apportion blame on others

- Consider dealing wrong his actions or lack of knowledge - Colleagues or departments

considered wrong

Second mental disability associated with mental

Usual on the distribution of the blame on others ..

And consideration for other wrongdoers are

always .

uncertainty of others

Associated with a state of mind that is used to be suspicious of others and on passing blames .. [Others “screw up” and we have to protect ourselves].

2nd Disability: The Enemy is out There

إهاز املطؤي١ املػازن١ ال تفد

تعل ايف ث ايتع

Denial of responsibility and participation does not benefit

and deepen understanding and then learning

This kind of disabilities .. More like they can be represented in a denial of responsibility .. They do not benefit .. and hinder understanding .. but also learning .

This kind of disability is more like a “denial of responsibility”.. that tend to “see the problem outside us”; due to the non-systemic ways of looking at the world and inability to see how our actions extend beyond the boundary of our positions.

Differences that are expressed and not to put the blame and discuss opinions, may lead to the failure to detect the justifications and assumptions that made this dispute .. which leads to lack of team benefit and not for learning. You must pay attention to it and when the expression of differences blame and not to discuss the views ... May lead to the failure to detect the justifications and assumptions that may be made of such differences Which leads to lack of team benefit and not for learning!

Expressed differences that passes blames and do not allow open discussions, may lead to failure in detecting the root cause and assumptions behind a given situation..

The feeling that all things under control

has been successfully handled - at this level

stops learning.

The illusion of leadership Third disability associated with some administrative beliefs to which it refers Sangay Peter Boehm leadership. This highlights the disability when the belief and feeling that all things under control and be handled successfully! At this level, stop learning!

3rd Disability: Illusion of Taking Charge

Associated with feelings and beliefs of management that everything is under control and handled appropriately. At this level, learning stops!

اى كع فط

أ قسازات اضتباق١

يطتكب، اسبكك١

أ غازم يف ايتفاع

.ع اياقع

This 3rd disability convinces one that he/she is futuristic and their decisions are proactive, despite reality, which indicates that their actions as merely reactions! (passive or reactive) ..

True “proactive orientation” comes from seeing how our own actions contribute to problems.

يف املػه١ ايرتنص

د ايظس ملطبباتا


4. Occupy events and details Focus on the problem without considering the causes and consequences Disability fourth .. They engage in events and details .. Which may distract the focus of the organization .. The focus here is the problem .. without considering the causes and consequences ..

4th Disability: Fixation on Events

Associated with focus and engagement in events and details.. distracting the focus of the institution.. The focus usually is on the problem not on causes and consequences ..

Not to link things together Focus on short vision and long-term neglect In this disability institution are not able to connect things to each other .. The focus is usually on seeing short and long-term neglect!

In this disability, the institution is unable to connect things to each other.. Focuses on short-terms, and neglects long-term targets !

Not to link things together Focus on short vision and long-term neglect In this disability institution are not able to connect things to each other .. The focus is usually on seeing short and long-term neglect!

This disability distracts us from seeing the longer term patterns of change that underlie events and from understanding the causes that underlie the patterns. Thus, generative thinking can’t be sustained if people focused on events!

ايص يتفاقا ع إا املػان ايبطط١ قد ؤد

5th Disability: The Parable of the Boiled Frog

Appears when an institution overlooks small but constant changes.. and get used to neglect minor changes, which may lead to aggravation, threatening it overtime.

؟ ميه ضع ضفدع يف إا٤ طبد

Can you put a frog in a pot and cook without jumps

to the outside?

Can you put a FROG in a pot and cook it without it jumping to the outside?

Let us explain this with a Frog!

أثبتت ايتذازب ايع١ أ ايطفدع إذا ضع يف

إا٤ ب ا٤ ث مت زفع دزد١ حساز٠ املا٤ بػه

بط٤ طتس، فإ ايطفدع ضعتاد را

!حت٢ ميتباشبطس ايتػري ض ي ػعس

Scientific experiments have shown that if a frog placed in a pot with water and then was lifted water temperature slowly and continuously, the frog get used Sémlh this change and will not feel the danger until it dies!

Scientific experiments have shown that if a FROG is placed in a pot with water, and you lift up temperature slowly but continuously, the FROG will get used to the change and will not feel the danger until it dies !

The importance of deep analysis of the changes and awareness and the use of real and serious and rigorous performance management systems. This example points to the importance that organizations recognize the need for a deep analysis of internal and external variables and the use of accurate and serious and rigorous performance management systems.

This example points to the importance that institutions need to carry deep analysis of any GIVEN CHANGE in internal and/or external environments, by implementing rigorous management systems for detection, impact evaluation, and response development.

ميه إهاز أ١ اشبرب٠ اييت ال

تته خال ايتذسب١

اشبطأ، يه تتكاد

؟خرباتا ع سز ايص

rely on previous experience and intelligence Profile

You can not deny the importance of

expertise that formed through trial and error, but is out of date, our experience

with the passage of time?

6th Disability: Delusion of Learning from Experience

Associated with dependency on previous experiences and personal intelligence to deal with situations.. Though we can't deny the importance of experience that we develop through error and trail scenarios, but do you recon that past experiences will yield same results in different times, places, and people?!

Disability associated with mental sixth also dependent on previous experience and intelligence to deal with personal renewable positions .. We can not deny the importance of the experience component, which consists in a private life of trial and error ... But you can experience to ensure that the same result in conditions vary in time and place and people ??

ليمون ك

15تفاح أمريكي سكر

علب 4منجستين

برتقال بو صرة

أكياس 4أبيض أندومي

زيت العافية

اسفنج صحون غسيل

بروش طويل للحوش

كلينكس مسافي

Building new experiences (b systemic thinking), which recognizes the mutual influence between the various regulations and administrative, social, psychological and technological components of the external environment

There is a constant need to build new experiences from the perspective of “systems thinking’; that recognises the mutual influences between different systems; social, psychological, organisational, technological, external factors, etc.

عك١ ايهجري اإلدازني، تعتكد بأ

ايذا دبب احملاضب١ يف حاي١ اشبطأ

اإلداز١تشع املداطس

7. legend says that the committees always right

The mentality of a lot of administrators, believes that the committees to avoid accounting

error in the case of distributed management risks

Disability seventh and final .. Is also linked to a mentality that believes teams and committees

breather to avoid accountability in case of error ..

Mentality here think that teams and committees distributed risks and

make them feel safe!

7th Disability: Myth of Management Team

Associated with beliefs and assumptions that teams and committees are breathers to distribute risks, avoid accountability, and make them feel safe!

Most teams operate below the level of the lowest IQ in the group. The result is “skilled incompetence”--teams of people who are proficient at keeping themselves from learning, which should be accomplished through “Dialogue”.

Many management teams assume that group and committee decision will be more appropriate.. “if you have a problem, then call for a meeting, or form a committee and pass the problem to the group”!!

With this 7th disability, management spend their time fighting for turf, avoiding anything that will make them look bad personally, and pretending that everyone is behind the team's collective strategy.

Do you think teams, groups and committees decisions will always be right ?

ايفسم نجري

تذب ايذا

.. اسبازاتاملاقف

مي الرباذ

قسازات تفك١

تسض ازبع

تتذب األصات


If we look at the type of detail in the work of teams and committees within our institutions .. We find that a lot avoids situations and dialogues that might make them look bad and prone to blame, and tend to make decisions satisfy everyone! Do you think that there could be learning with compliments?

If we look into how teams and groups normally work, we find many members avoid conversation dialogues that may make them look bad or prone to blame, and tend to make decisions that will satisfy everyone! Do you think that we will be solving problems or learning by such an act?


Let us go back to Crocodiles and check how they overcame Senge’s 7 learning disabilities?!

Descend from 250 million years ago (before the dinosaurs) Characterized by cold and need blood warm and hot atmosphere to continue alive (found on all continents except Europe) There are about 23 types of crocodiles Evolved and changed some of the characteristics and extinct species of them ..

Some Facts about Crocodiles:

• Can weigh over 1200 kg. • Can live up to 100 years. • Crocodiles are cold-blooded. • Need hot atmosphere to stay alive; lives in

continents except Europe. • There are about 23 types of crocodiles. • Changed characteristics as they evolved, and

some got extinct. • When crocodiles lose teeth, they are quickly

replaced. They can go through 8,000 teeth over a lifetime.

• Descended from 250 million years (prior to Dinosaurs)

Ways of coping and learning with crocodiles Crocodiles learned different ways to cope and adapt .. Let's see some of them ..

Crocodiles learned different ways to cope and adapt .. Let us see some of them :

علمية من جامعة دراسة : المصدر

بريستول وجامعة ديوك البريطانية في


Re-inventing Self

Transformed from ground reptiles to amphibians swimming oceans.. also from eating plants to meat eaters!

علمية من جامعة دراسة : المصدر

بريستول وجامعة ديوك البريطانية في


Transformed from reptiles ground long lists and

quick to amphibians and locked the ocean .. and turned types of feed on

plants and herbs to meat eaters ..

a crocodile can move

alarmingly fast. Speeds of

around 18 kilometres per


Building New Capabilities

A Crocodile can move alarmingly fast; up to 40 mph per hour!

His change and planning sensor Because cold blood for being the winter they need to come out of her body and the uniqueness of the sun for long periods, and in the summer resort of the water and catch the shadows and darkness .. Like what we said .. that crocodiles cold blood .. He graduated in the winter in the sun for long periods .. In the summer resort of the water and catch the shadows and darkness ..

The Sense to Change and Plan for it

Because they’re cold blooded, Crocodiles need to come out of water in Winter, and stay out for long periods.. But in summer, it stays in water or in shadows, and hunt in darkness !

Self Consciousness and Understanding

Crocodiles swallow their food out of water (even the fish) to prevent water entering their stomach.. Which may drown them .. [they have a filter valve that prevents water entry when swallowing].

.. ذبتفظ يف عدتا ببعض اسبذاز٠

!يف طخ ايطعاتطاعدا حح

Building new capabilities through creativity and innovation Retains some of the stones in the stomach .. where help in grinding food! It is strange that the crocodiles in the stomach retains some stones .. Assist in the movement of intestinal flipping process grinding food!

Creativity and Innovation

Crocodiles retain some stones in their stomach, to help them in grinding the food !!

تطع بطا بأعػاش أع٢ طت٣ املا٤

تذأ اإلاخ يسش .. يتذب اجنساف

األعػاش باملا٤ حح حيتاج ايبض أ ظ

!زطبا حت٢ ال جيف ميت ايفكظ

and females resort to spray the nests where eggs needs to remain moist so as not to dry up and die hatching water! Crocodiles lay their eggs nests above the water level to avoid flood-shelf or when the high water level, And eggs needs to remain moist so as not to dry and die hatching, The female spray water on the nests continuously!


Crocodiles lay their eggs in nests above the level of water to avoid drift.. Females spray water on nests continuously to remain moist so they don’t dry and help the eggs to hatch.

فكظ بعد ايضػاز بسعا١ اإلاخ تك

%99 ذيو ع غز يعد٠ ايبض

!ايفكظ بعد متت ايتاضح

The spirit of perseverance and not giving up The female under the auspices of the young after hatching eggs for several months, however, 99% of crocodiles die after hatching! Did you know that the survival rates of crocodiles on their eggs or young does not exceed one percent The weaker in this period of her life .. Valshala periods, mice and birds are considered enemies .. This means that 99% of crocodiles die at the beginning of her life ..

Spirit of Perseverance and Determination

Female Crocodiles look after the hatched eggs for several months, however, 99% of crocodiles die as they become easy targets for snakes, lizards, mice, and birds!

تطع بطا بأعػاش أع٢ طت٣ املا٤

تذأ اإلاخ يسش .. يتذب اجنساف

األعػاش باملا٤ حح حيتاج ايبض أ ظ

!زطبا حت٢ ال جيف ميت ايفكظ

and females resort to spray the nests where eggs needs to remain moist so as not to dry up and die hatching water! Crocodiles lay their eggs nests above the water level to avoid flood-shelf or when the high water level, And eggs needs to remain moist so as not to dry and die hatching, The female spray water on the nests continuously!

Team Building

Crocodiles use teamwork to trap their prey; capable of coordinating their actions in sophisticated ways and assuming different roles according to each individual’s abilities.

ايتاضح صد٠ بأدات صد دباز٠

.. مته قت إكاف كا١ فسا٥طا

يتػب ع٢ ايفسا٥ظ ايطد١ تطتدد

دزا١ ضسع١ ددا بسمي١حسن١

..إلغساقا غ حسنتا ايتاا بد٤

Selection of appropriate strategies Crocodiles fitted with a powerful hunting able to kill their prey and stop resisting .. To overcome the huge prey using rotational movement Fixing very quick movement and dumping Shell diners quietly .. Crocodiles powerful fishing machine .. In addition to her jaw .. They are used to spin very fast Fixing to sink their prey and paralyzing movement!

Selection of Appropriate Strategies

Crocodiles are fitted with an incredible hunting capabilities to kill their prey .. & to overcome large prey, they use fast rotational movement in water to paralyse its prey movement and draining it!

تكب ايتاضح األن ازباع ػازن١

..ازباع١ يفسط١ ايهبري٠

Expected to participate and support the ethics and values of teamwork Accept collective eating crocodiles and share the group of large prey ..

Expect Participation and support the ethics and values of Teamwork

Crocodiles accept collective eating and sharing of large prey ..

ال تادس خف املا املطس ج باق

فبعض أاع ايتاضح ميها .. اسباات

يف حفس بايرتاب أ نف ! اي يعد٠ غز

..صػري٠ ع٢ ضفاف األاز ازباف١

Intelligent interaction with environmental variables Do not migrate behind water and rain as the rest of the animals .. Some types of crocodiles can sleep for several months! Digging in dirt or small caves on the banks of the rivers dry .. And wait for the fullness of floods and rivers

Intelligent interaction with changes in the environment

Crocodiles do not migrate behind water and rain as the rest of animals.. Some types of crocodiles can sleep for several months in caves near dry rivers!

تطبح بعض ايتاضح

طافات ط١ يتته

إجياد اط بد١ با املا٤

فال كضس د١ .. ايػرا٤

ظس خف ايضز٠


Commitment to the logic of continuous development and improvement Some crocodiles swim long distances to be able to find alternative out water and food citizen .. not shorten his point of view behind the narrow image. Some crocodiles swim long distances to be able to find alternative citizen out of water and food .. Outlook on the narrow image is not limited.

Commitment to the Logic of Continuous Development and Improvement

Some Crocodiles swim long distances to find alternative places for water and food.. They do not accept narrow view points!

What did you learn from Crocodiles so far?

• Spirit of Perseverance and Determination

• Team Building • Selection of Appropriate

Strategies • Expect Participation and

support the ethics and values of Teamwork

• Intelligent Interaction with changes in the Environment

• Commitment to the Logic of Continuous Development and Improvement

• Self-Reliance • Self-Programming • Patience and Endurance • Re-inventing Self • Building New Capabilities • The Sense to Change and

Plan for it • Self-Consciousness and

Understanding • Creativity and Innovation • Commitment

What can we learn from Crocodiles?

If (ADAPTATION) is one of the secrets behind the survival of Crocodiles for more than 250 million years,

If (adjustment) is one of the secrets of survival of crocodiles to more than 250 million years .. Can the assumption that we are going to learn which other secrets through swimming with it? .. What we have learned is that adaptation is one of the secrets of survival crocodiles .. Crocodiles have used the concept of learning to overcome the challenges faced by .. To adapt to the environments in which they live .. We tried to expose some of the secrets of crocodiles .. Showing that crocodiles are already using the concept of organizational learning and we are trying to apply it in our institutions .. We believe that there are other secrets .. detectable only by swimming with alligators! Thank you .. long as you save in Allah ..

• We also learned that (ADAPTATION) is one of the secretes behind the survival of Crocodiles.

• Crocodiles have used the concept of learning to overcome the challenges they faced over more than 250 million years.

Learning methods and theories .. and that will

help overcome obstacles that may slow down the

learning or the paralyzing! But we have to

understand that learning his methods and theories

.. Through our

understanding of such methods and theories we

can overcome the obstacles that might slow

the learning path or endure often paralyzed!

Learning has its methods and theories that we need to comprehend in order to overcome learning obstacles, without which the path of learning may be slower or get paralysed!

If (ADAPTATION) is one of the secrets behind the survival of Crocodiles for more than 250 million years,

If (adjustment) is one of the secrets of survival of crocodiles to more than 250 million years .. Can the assumption that we are going to learn which other secrets through swimming with it? .. What we have learned is that adaptation is one of the secrets of survival crocodiles .. Crocodiles have used the concept of learning to overcome the challenges faced by .. To adapt to the environments in which they live .. We tried to expose some of the secrets of crocodiles .. Showing that crocodiles are already using the concept of organizational learning and we are trying to apply it in our institutions .. We believe that there are other secrets .. detectable only by swimming with alligators! Thank you .. long as you save in Allah ..

Do you reckon if we follow Crocodiles learning methods in our institutions, will we succeed in implementing a learning organisation?

Learning Act One In all parts of life

Remember: The Law of Learning is same in all parts of life

.إزضا٤ ثكاف١ إجياب١ طاق١ إجياب١ يف قع ايع

The imperative of addressing the obstacles? Organizational Learning Establish a positive culture and positive energy in the workplace. Here we want to stress the importance of addressing the institutional constraints of learning The starting point here: Is through the establishment of positive culture based on institutional base .. and positive energy ..

The starting point need to be: the establishment of a workplace culture that addresses organisational learning disabilities and supports positive energy, and thus positive learning ..

Do you think we need leaders to succeed with learning?

فل عا٤ ايفظ

فط .. ايباحج

نجري دد قا٥د كف

زا٤ ايتد االضرتاتذ

يفسل حيافظ ع٢

.ظس ايفسل املتاضو

According to psychologists and researchers .. Many prefer the presence of the commander behind the strategic direction of the team and maintains a cohesive team appearance. Many psychologists and researchers in this institutional work .. and found that for the most part, the difference .. looking for leaders in its ranks ..

According to psychologists and management researchers, the majority of people prefer the presence of a LEADER behind any strategic direction.. who would maintain a cohesive team appearance.

املبادئ تعصص يتجبت اإلجياب١ ايطاق١ يف ايكد٠ تكد ايكاد٠ ع٢ جيب

ايطب١ يطاق١ يد ايطيب ايطى أ حبط إثبات اإلجياب١، ايطنات

.يؤضط١ يظف يطسز طبب

Role of a leader? Leaders must provide positive role models in power to install and promote the principles of positive behaviors, and prove decisively that negative behavior generator of negative energy and cause of damage to the employee and the organization. Here comes the role of leaders .. By bringing them to lead by example in promoting the principles of positive behaviors, And address the negative behaviors generating negative energies ..

The Role of Leaders

WE need Leaders who can promote the principles of positive behaviors through leading by example.. and in addressing negative behaviours generating negative energies..

األفهاز ب١٦ حاز١ يتباد تفري

املعسف١ ف.. يتعصص ثكاف١ املعسف١

ازب .. كطاايطاق١ ايطب١

ايطاق١ ايطب١ غككا بايػ٤


Providing for the exchange of ideas conversational environment and to promote a culture of knowledge and knowledge is power .. negative opposites .. and ignorance thing and negative energy brothers are inseparable! The leaders have to establish a work environment that encourages dialogue and the exchange of ideas and promote a culture of knowledge .. Knowledge and negative energy opposites .. and ignorance thing and negative energy brothers go hand in hand ..

We need leaders who can establish a culture that encourages dialogue and the exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge.. Remember, knowledge and negative energy are opposites.. while ignorance and negative energy go hand in hand ..

ايتع اإلجياب ستبط بف

ذيو تأت٢ .. ايضز٠ ايه١

خبسدا دا٥س٠ ايتع املعتاد٠

(comfort zone) إىل

.اضتهػاف دا٥س تع ددد٠

Positive learning is linked to the concept of the overall picture .. and it comes from the usual Boukrojna Learning Circle (comfort zone) to explore new learning circles. We must be aware that positive learning is linked to our understanding of the overall picture .. And must get out of here circuits that we used them to explore new learning circles

Positivity and learning are associated with our comprehension of the overall picture..

This requires that we stretch outside our usual learning circles (comfort zones) to explore new learning circles.

ايتع اإلجياب ستبط بف

ذيو تأت٢ .. ايضز٠ ايه١

خبسدا دا٥س٠ ايتع املعتاد٠

(comfort zone) إىل

.اضتهػاف دا٥س تع ددد٠

Positive learning is linked to the concept of the overall picture .. and it comes from the usual Boukrojna Learning Circle (comfort zone) to explore new learning circles. We must be aware that positive learning is linked to our understanding of the overall picture .. And must get out of here circuits that we used them to explore new learning circles

Thus, we need leaders who can support staff to stretch outside their usual learning circles (comfort zones) to explore new learning circles.

2 important characteristics of leaders that we need to search for !

تد املظفني طاعدت يذاح

يف ا ساقب١ أدا٥ عازب١


Interactive commander works to guide staff and help them succeed in their tasks and monitors the performance and handling failures

Interactive leaders who can guide and work with their staff to help them succeed in their job duties.. [ They monitor performance and handle failures ].

زض ايطسل حن املطتكب يؤضط١

أ اإلداز٠ تفر خط١ ايتػري حن

()اهلدف املسض

Chart the way toward the future of the institution or

the management and implementation of the

change plan toward the goal Decree (future commander)

Future leader is able to draw a path toward the

future of the institution or its management plan and

implement change towards the target decree

.. & Futuristic leaders who can draw paths for their staff showing them the future of their institution.. They participate in development and implementation of the desired change.

If you are unable to find such a leader, try to hire a Crocodile!!

How much you know about Crocodiles?

Let us check!

What is the reality of crocodile tears?

What is the real story behind Crocodile tears?

A chemical process to get rid of excess salt in the body, since the skin has no pores.. Therefore they perspire from their eyes!

Crocodile tears are only but a sweat !

ي فسص فال ايتع ته ي

قاصس غري ايكا را باملطتكب

ب .. اسب١ ايها٥ات اإلطا ع٢

.املؤضطات إىل تعداا

Those who will not master the secret of Crocodiles and their methods, will surly miss their opportunities to evolve and survive the uncertain future..

Final Note:

This is not limited to

Crocodiles or humans, but all living creatures!

Societies and Institutions are

no different .

By positive learning, we can create the knowledge necessary to make us as individuals, or organizations survive the challenges of ever-changing environments. Unfortunately there is no other option! Thank you.

Dr. Ali M. Al-KhouriProfessor and Fellow,

British Institute of Technology and E-commerce London, United Kingdom

@DrAliAlKhouri Email: Slide Share:\dralkhouri Academia:\dralkhouri

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