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Oregon Public Transportation Plan PAC Meeting #9

June 16, 2017


Topic Time

Welcome and Introduction 9:00

Planning Updates 9:10

Review Full Set of Policies 9:20 Break (lunch) – continue policy discussion

Outreach Plan 12:50

Discussion: Setting the Stage for Next Steps 1:10

Public Comments 1:40

Meeting Wrap Up and Next Steps 1:50

Planning Updates

Project Schedule

Status Update

Incorporated comments from previous PAC and TAC meetings into policies Outreach planning and early

presentations Beginning work on

performance measures Planning for fall PAC


PAC Discussion and OPTP Chapters

Meeting Topics Plan Chapter

#1 Kickoff Ch.1: Introduction and Ch.2: Background

#2 Vision workshop

#3 Review Vision & Goals draft

#4 Finalize Vision & Goals Opportunities and Challenges

#5-8 Policies and strategies work Ch. 3: Policies and Strategies

#9-11 Revise Policies, Key Initiatives, Performance Measures, Investment Scenarios, Implementation

Ch. 4: Investment Considerations and Ch. 5: Implementation Considerations

#12 Review Draft OPTP All

#13 Final OPTP

Review Full Set of Policies


Today’s goal: Highlight revisions and recent changes and review intro text in advance of upcoming public outreach this summer

Discussion: Did we capture the intent? Is this draft ready for public review?

The PAC will revisit policies/strategies in the fall after summer outreach has concluded

Overview of Changes

Overlapping review process with multiple staff

Revised policy and strategy language to be more direct

Worked to reduce/eliminate redundancy

Screened for language that may unnecessarily “date” the plan

Added bullets summarizing introduction contents for the policy chapter and each goal

Overview of Changes (Policy Cover Memo)

Reviews global changes made Describes key PAC concerns and discussion points,

and where they are addressed:

‒ Reducing barriers to transit use for everyone

‒ Safe ped/bike access to transit

‒ Creating a culture of public transportation

‒ Planning coordination

‒ Development coordination

‒ Tech/societal change ‒ Service coordination ‒ Information availability ‒ Congestion

Specific Changes: Mobility and Accessibility

Mobility – Addressed aligning fare policies with community needs – Clarified policy relating to traffic congestion – Grouped roadway and infrastructure planning and design

Accessibility/Connectivity – Goal re-written for clarity; moved broader ideas to the

introduction – Strengthened strategies to emphasize multimodal

coordination and intercity connections – Added strategy supporting passenger rail’s role

Specific Changes: Community Livability/Economic Vitality and Equity

Community Livability and Economic Vitality – Made language clearer and more action-oriented: avoid

“consider,” start with active verbs, etc.

Equity – Made language clearer and more action-oriented: avoid

“consider,” start with active verbs, etc. – Structured policies to move along a continuum:

Engage > Understand/Communicate > Identify disparities and barriers > Address disparities and barriers

Specific Changes: Health, Safety/Security

Health – Emphasized the link between public transportation and

health but cannot “ensure” access to services – Reordered policies so that narrowest is last

Safety and Security – Revised Policy 6.1 for clarity and to emphasize the

importance of providing safe multimodal access to transit

Specific Changes: Environment, Land Use

Environmental Sustainability – Called out funding for and communication about

greenhouse gas reduction investments in separate strategies

– Broadened strategy relating to low/no emission vehicles to include both infrastructure and vehicles, combining related ideas

Land Use: – Strengthened and clarified strategies to integrate public

transportation and community planning

Specific Changes: Strategic Investment, Communications/Collaboration/Coordination

Strategic Investment – Renamed goal Funding and Strategic Investment

– Revised strategies for clarity to emphasize the importance of creative investment and partnerships to provide technical assistance and efficient service

Communication/Collaboration/Coordination – Strengthened strategy calling for a statewide one-stop

information source – Clarified and combined strategies around open source

software and data collection

Summer Outreach

Summer 2017 Outreach

Outreach goal: share draft policies and strategies early and gather feedback to help refine policies and shape investment and implementation chapters Stakeholder group presentations

– ACTs, statewide advisory committees, state commissions, others

– Take informal comment and direct to online open house

Online Open House – Available in early July – Can comment on any or all policies/strategies

Discussion: Setting the Stage for Next Steps

Overall Discussion

Given our discussion today and work on the policies: – What are priorities for investment?

– What are priorities for implementation?

– What plan outcomes might be important to measure?

Public Comments

Wrap Up and Next Steps

Update policies and strategies based on discussion today Prepare online open house Next PAC meeting: late September or early October

Expected topics: – Outreach results – Proposed policy/strategy revisions – Draft Performance Measures – Investment Chapter

Thank You!

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