oral grp ppt report assignment

Post on 29-Feb-2016






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After completing this assignment, you will be able to develop an effective oral communication presentation using PowerPoint.


Read and study Chapter 16 of the Lesikar/Pettit textbook.

Read and study the following material in Nelsons Study Notes.

Developing an Effective PowerPoint Presentation (under chapter 11)Instructions for Using Selected Functions of PowerPoint 97/2000 (Computer Software Guides and Tutorials)

Complete the PowerPoint Tutorial (Computer Software Guides and Tutorials) in Nelsons Study Notes.Develop a PowerPoint presentation with your group on conducting business in a particular foreign country. Your group selects the country and notifies me of the country name. Countries can only be chosen once per class, so the first group that selects any particular country is the only group that will present on that country. You may select any country except the United States or Canada. Assume your audience is composed of sales people from your company who will be leaving shortly for that country, and your group is responsible for giving these sales people a brief orientation to the country. Therefore, your group will gather information about conducting business in the country you selected, determine the topics you will need to cover about conducting business in that country, and develop the presentation. Your presentation is about doing business in the foreign country, not about any particular product or service. You and your group have credibility with the sales people. Assume the presentation would take no more than 20 minutes.The assignment has two parts. First, the group writes a memo containing an outline for the presentation. Second, the group prepares a PowerPoint presentation that will be used as a visual aid for the presentation. The outline of the presentation should contain an introduction, message (or body), and closing. For the PowerPoint portion of the assignment, each group member must prepare at least five PowerPoint slides, and the group prepares a title slide for the presentation. The title slide and the presentation design is the responsibility of all the team members. Clip art (appropriate to the topic) must be used on the team title slide. Clip art may be used on individual slides as long as it (1) is relevant to the content of the slide, (2) helps communicate the message, and (3) is an appropriate size. This assignment is due on Wednesday, April 19. At that time, each group is required to hand in 1) one copy of the memorandum, 2) two electronic copies of the PowerPoint presentation, and 3) completed individual Peer Evaluation forms(see last page). Copies of the PowerPoint presentation must be on 3 1/2 floppy disks or ZIP disks. All memory devices will be returned to you. Failure to turn in a completed peer evaluation form will result in major point deductions.Groups not presenting will be assigned to evaluate a presenting group. During the presentations, all students must be present both in the presenting group and in the evaluating group. Absent members will result in point reductions.Use the following guidelines when working with your group on this project:

1. Select a project leader, and identify the project leader to your instructor.

2. Select a country to discuss and notify me of the country name.3. Determine the method of group communication (email, phone, face-to-face meeting, etc.).

4. Determine and assign the tasks for the project (remember to assign proofreading and editing)

5. Set deadlines for research data and drafts.

6. Determine the number of articles each team member is to gather.

7. Write an outline for the presentation.

8. Determine the content of the visual aid.

9. Determine the slide design/colors.

10. Identify the format and organization of the presentation.

11. Write a draft of the assignment. Each group member is expected to make substantial comments/revisions to the presentation draft. Proofread and edit the draft.

12. Complete, proofread/edit, and practice, practice, practice!13. Copy your PowerPoint presentation onto two (2) diskettes.

14. Complete the attached Peer Evaluation for yourself and your teammates/

15. Turn in the assignment (two diskettes and the word-processed outline) and the Peer Evaluation at the beginning of class on Wednesday, April 19. Grading

Your group report will be graded on content (depth and details), and writing techniques (each student getting the same points for the report). In addition, each of you will receive individual points for group interaction and assignment participation as determined by the peer evaluation. NOTE: If you do not turn in your Peer Evaluation, you will loose five points.

Group Report: PowerPoint Oral Presentation Your Points

10 pts.


(depth of content and content reflecting use of effective oral reporting techniques )0-6 pts.


7 pts.


8 pts.


9-10 pts.

Very good

5 pts. Writing Techniques

(grammar, arrangement of ideas, style, tone, visual aid techniques)1 pt.


2 pts.


3-4 pts.


5 pts.

Very good

5 pts.

Group Interaction and Assignment Participation

1 pt.


2 pts.


3-4 pts.


5 pts.

Very good

Total points possible =20

Instructor Comments:

Your Name: ____________________________________________________________________________PEER EVALUATION FORM

Group Report: PowerPoint Oral Presentation Directions

Complete and submit the Peer Evaluation Form to assess group members and yourself. First, identity group members by name. Second, evaluate each group member according to the listed criteria. Third, assign a score to each group member from 1 (low) to 5 (high), and place that score on the lines provided. Fourth, sum the scores, and place the sum on the line provided. Fifth, determine the average for each score. Sixth, submit the completed Peer Evaluation Form at the same time the assignment is due.Your instructor will determine an average score for each student based on the scores provided by group members, and that average score will be awarded to each student as points for group interaction and participation. Note: Individuals who assign all group members 5 points for each criterion must provide a justification statement on the form. Your instructor will then determine whether or not to accept the 5 points for each student.

NOTE: If you do not follow the steps above in preparing this document, your evaluation will be invalidated and you will loose Peer Evaluation points.Group Names

Group Member #Group Member Name

Self - #1

Group member #2

Group member #3

Group member #4

Group member #5

Peer Evaluation

CriteriaEvaluation Scores








Depth of group interaction

Depth of content added to assignment

Quality of writing skills provided for report

Perceived attitude toward group and assignment

Responsiveness to communication

Total scores

Average Score

Place the justification statement here for awarding any group member 5 Points for all areas.

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