oraclesoasuite12c overview

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Oracle SOA 12C overview


  • 2014 Trivadis


    2014 Trivadis

    Oracle SOA Suite 12c News Trivadis TechEvent, September 2014

    Matthias FurrerPrincipal Consultant, Application Integration & SOA

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis


    1. Introduction2. Developer Productivity3. Industrial SOA4. MFT Managed File Transfer5. ESS Enterprise Scheduler6. BAM Business Activity Monitoring7. Oracle Event Processing8. Adapters (Cloud)9. Upgrading to 12c10.Training & Certification

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview



  • 2014 Trivadis

    Marketing Drivers Oracles Analysis

    Top market trends Cloud Mobile Internet of Things (Big Data)

    Market Requirements SOA is the lynchpin for mobile & cloud SOA supporting increasingly critical business functions Customers looking for robustness, stability and performance Expectations for greater development productivity

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    4 Key Themes for new Functionality

    Industry Trends1. Cloud2. Mobile

    User Feedback3. Industrial SOA4. Developer Productivity

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    All new features in SOA Suite 12c designed to address one of these 4 defined key areas

  • 2014 Trivadis

    Key Supporting Features

    Industrial SOA Memory footprint reduction Startup acceleration Pre-tuned database profiles Active-active support

    Developer Productivity One-click install Everything in JDeveloper Debugger & tester Templates

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Mobile First class support for mobile-

    friendly standards (REST, JSON)

    Automated conversions REST/SOAP

    Cloud Cloud adapters to simplify on-

    premise to cloud integration Managed File Transfer (MFT)

    for file-based integration Certifications on Oracle Public


  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    Developer Productivity


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Developers highlights

    Template functionality, in SB even available with inheritance functionality

    Debugging in JDeveloper BPEL Sub-Processes XQuery and full XPath 2.0 support in SCA's Support for concrete WSDLs Decoupling pipelines from proxy service in SB Maven Integration in JDeveloper (POMs) Resequencer in SB Consolidating IDEs : everything (SB/OEP) in JDeveloper /

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Dev Installer and Integrated Server

    1 single package JDeveloper WebLogic Server SOA Suite (incl. Service Bus) JavaDB EM FMW Control

    30 minutes to Hello World Free Developer License Pre-Configured Machines available:

    O-Box :

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Service Bus in JDeveloper

    JDeveloper is the IDE for Service Bus in 12c

    All Adapters supported in Service Bus

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Four Service Types Proxy Service Pipeline Split Join Business Service

  • 2014 Trivadis

    SOA Templates

    Starter Template is a re-usable part of a SOA project Fully editable Store in MDS

    Three types: SOA Project Template Component Template Custom Activity


    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview




    BPEL Activity

  • 2014 Trivadis

    Service Bus Templates New artifact type Two ways to create a Template

    Generate template from existing pipeline Create template from scratch

    New pipelines are generated from the Template

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Service Bus Templates - Derivation Derived pipelines are considered concrete

    Concrete pipelines can be linked (default) or unlinked If linked, all changes in Template are reflected in derived concretes

    Templates actions can be Locked

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    BPEL Sub-Processes

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Allows business logic to be modularized and reused 2 Types of Sub-Processes :

    Standalone- Currently available within a composite (callable from BPEL component) - Permits access of data in parent process - Compensation and fault handling inherited from calling process

    Inline- Re-usable within a BPEL process- At run-time, the subprocess code is re-entrant and re-usable only one copy is stored in

    memory, even if it is called multiple times

  • 2014 Trivadis

    Mobile Service Integration

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    REST between edge applications and the middleware layer JSON translation to/from XML Virtualization of multiple end-points are supported for the same back-end




  • 2014 Trivadis

    Mobile Improved REST and JSON support

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Expose any service or reference as REST

    Wizard to configure REST interface

    Choice to use XML or JSON Map operations to existing

    services & bindings Auto-generation of test

    payloads & URLs

  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    Industrial SOA


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA 12c Enhancements

    Performance & Optimization Modularity Composite Lazy Loading WLS Work Manager Based Tuning EDN Scalability Dehydration Store Management

    Diagnosability & Manageability Task Based Enterprise Manager Endpoint Metrics Consolidated Role Model Enterprise Scheduler Service

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA Modularity

    Not all Components may be needed Improves memory footprint

    by enabling only required components

    30% differentiator between largest SOA_CLASSIC and least BPEL_ONLY profile

    Default is SOA_FOUNDATION profile at install time, and can be changed after product installation via EM

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA Composite Lazy Loading

    Not all Composites need to be loaded at start up Composites load minimally First runtime request loads

    composite resources (Schemas/WSDL/XSLTs etc)

    Up to 5x improvement in loading times for large (100s) number of composites compared to 11g

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA WLS Work Managers

    Self Tuning Thread Model Leverages work managers

    across SOA Suite, eliminating manual tuning for performance

    Resource management and scheduling is delegated to WLS

    EDN and adapters work managers do not currently use the self tuning model

    Data source connections auto adjust max thread constraint that manages relative capacity of work managers

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA Diagnosability

    New FMW EM Dashboard Focuses on exceptions

    rather than business-as-usual

    Better responsiveness of EM by on-request loading of data retrieval regions

    Quick access to bookmarked and pre-defined queries

    Key configurations and health check information at a glance

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA Diagnosability

    Fault Notification Alerts Notification of faults by

    criteria and aggregated over time/volume

    Supported notification channels include - SMS, Email, IM alongside EM dashboard

    Alerts contain link to corresponding queries in EM

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA Error Hospital & Fault Recovery

    Perform Bulk Operations Ability to aggregate

    instances based on various criteria

    Bulk recovery and bulk abort on aggregated instance

    Extensive filter and search panel similar to instance tracking

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA New Service Bus Console

    Clear Separation of Roles

    Service Bus Monitoring in FMW EM

    Service Bus Design and Configuration in SB Console

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    MONITOR: EM Fusion Middleware Control

    DESIGN: Service Bus Design Console

  • 2014 Trivadis

    Industrial SOA There is more.

    EDN configured with multiple JMS topics for scalability (vs. 1 topic in 11g)

    DB profile (Small/Medium/Large) in RCU enables out-of-the-box performance features Medium/Large DB profiles automatically configure DB partitioning

    Auto purge of SOA DB enabled by default for new customers Improved performance due to consolidation of Audit and Flow Instance

    data Service Bus, B2B and MFT is now visible in end-to-end flow trace

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    MFTManaged File Transfer


  • 2014 Trivadis

    MFT High Level Features

    Automate & schedule file transfers

    Highly-Available, clusterable solution Complete visibility & auditability Support for very large files (500+GB) &

    pass by reference

    Secure: SSH,SSL, PGP Encryption Integrated with SOA Suite, B2B, ODI & IdM Multithreaded

    Extensible: compression, custom actions

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    MFT Functional Use Case Patterns

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Source: Oracle Corp., 2013

  • 2014 Trivadis

    MFT Simple Design of Transfer (Browser based)

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Configure Transfers Reusable Sources and Targets Schedules, filters,

    compression, encryption Secure endpoint file access

    Endpoint Types Event: Embedded FTP, SOAP,

    SOA, B2B, SB, ODI Polling: File and remote FTP


  • 2014 Trivadis

    MFT Metrics Diagnostics and Reporting

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Metrics Dashboards

    Diagnostic & Error Handling Extensive Reporting Resubmitting failed Instances

  • 2014 Trivadis

    MFT Licensing

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    NOT included in SOA Suite License WebLogic Suite or WebLogic EE option

  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    ESSEnterprise Scheduler


  • 2014 Trivadis

    ESS High Level Features

    Meta-data based schedule and job and resource definition

    Multi-technology support for job implementation Java, PL/SQL, scripts, Web

    Services, EJB Support for job dependencies

    Sequential and parallel execution of a set of jobs

    Serialized execution of incompatible jobs

    Centralized and integrated administration console (EM)

    High availability and scalability architecture through clustering

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    ESS Schedule and Resource Management

    Support for recurring schedules Example: run payroll job twice a month

    Support for job dependencies and incompatibilities Example: run import job before report job, ensure that a payroll job does not run at the

    same time as a salary increase job Parallel execution of sub jobs

    Example: parallel process payroll for a large # of employees into sub jobs, one for each letter of the alphabet

    Throttling and Prioritization Example: No more than 70 Financials jobs should run concurrently, A newly submitted

    CRM job should not wait for 5,000 backed up Financials jobs to execute Targeting of jobs to machines during time windows

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    ESS What does ESS add to SOA

    Schedule sync or async web service SOA composites or ServiceBus web service proxy services from ESS EM. Secure with OWSM.

    Schedule file transfers with MFT from MFT UI Schedule Activate and deactivate adapters from SOA EM Schedule bulk instance recovery in SOA from SOA EM Schedule bulk error notifications in SOA from SOA EM Schedule a ESS job from BPEL

    JDeveloper support to make it easy.

    Integration with 11g possible (WSDL based)

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    ESS Sample: Schedule Fault Recovery Operations

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Schedule bulk recovery/abort operations

    Throttle bulk recovery and abort

    Monitor progress from Enterprise Scheduler dashboard

  • 2014 Trivadis

    ESS Licensing

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Included in SOA Suite License ServiceBus and MFT include limited use license for ESS.

    Can only use ESS to schedule ServiceBus web service proxy services or ServiceBus and MFT internal jobs.

  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    BAMBusiness Activity Monitoring


  • 2014 Trivadis

    BAM New Features Highlights

    Business Friendly Dashboard Design Analytics on Event Streams Process Analysis - Actionable

    Dashboard and Metrics

    Active-Active HA; Administration inline with SOA

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Coherence for Cache: Report cache, Metadata cache Performance Enhancements

    Transaction Support: DO operations span multiple DOs operation in one txn Multi-browser support : IE, Chrome, Firefox and Mobile support

  • 2014 Trivadis

    BAM Composer Object Hierarchy

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Source: Oracle Corp., 2013

  • 2014 Trivadis

    BAM Business Friendly Dashboard Design

    New Visualizations Geo Map Scatter Chart Tree Map Bubble Chart KPI Watchlist

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Role BasedAccess

    One Dashboard for Modeling, View andAdministration Source: Oracle Corp., 2013

  • 2014 Trivadis

    BAM Analytics on Event Streams

    Template Driven Temporal Queries Monitoring

    Key Performance and Risk Indicators (KPI & KRI)- KPI: Processing Time for a process- KRI: Event volume over N consecutive minutes

    Trending Detection Example: Event handling time has increased by > 10% over (N) minutes

    Top N for a time period Example: Top 10 objects with faults over last hour

    Duplicate Event Detection Example: More than N calls for same customer for same object within M


    Missing Event Detection Example Event not followed by action in N seconds

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    OEPOracle Event Processing


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Oracle Event Processing 12c Solution overview

    Why use Oracle Event Processing? high throughput and low latency processing continuously streaming data Real-time correlation between multiple

    incoming data sources. Time-sensitive alerts, aggregations and


    Needs to look for patterns in data stream

    Data does not need to be stored, if there is nothing of interest in it.

    Problem is more easily solved by analyzing before storing in DB.

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Oracle Event Processing 12c Whats new

    New development environment (JDeveloper) Big Data extensions Library of patterns to choose from (i.e. missing

    event rule) Easily connects with SOA infrastructure (incl.

    graphical browsing of events and their structures)

    Supports integration with SOA Suites Event Delivery Network (EDN)

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Oracle Event Processing

    Oracle Event Processing for

    Java Embedded

  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    Adapters(Cloud and more)


  • 2014 Trivadis

    New Adapters in SOA Suite12.1.3

    Cloud Cloud SDK

    On-Premise Enterprise Applications SAP R/3 JD Edwards World

    On-Premise Technology MSMQ Coherence LDAP UMS (Not new but new Channels IM, SMS)

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Cloud Adapters

    Aimed to accelerate and optimize integration with Cloud Applications by providing intuitive design-time experience and smart runtime capabilities.

    All Cloud Adapters are built on top of a generic Cloud SDK. Customers can build and use their own adapters on top of this SDK (both

    design-time and runtime). Oracle Adapter for available in 12.1.3. Adapter for

    RightNow will be available as a patch on top of 12.1.3. All Cloud Adapters from Oracle certified against SOA, Service Bus

    and BPM

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    Upgrading to 12c


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Upgrading to 12c SOA Domains

    Upgrade Assistant for SOA Domains In-place domain upgrade and re-configuration No need to re-deploy composites after upgrade Long-running instances resume after upgrade

    Prerequisites Starting point: SOA Suite or ( supported only) 64-bit OS and JVM Dehydration store DB must be supported version 11g or 12c

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Upgrading to 12c SOA Domains

    Unsupported scenarios No-downtime upgrades there will be downtime during automatic

    upgrade process For 12c features, open 11g projects in 12c JDeveloper Developer domain upgrades not supported

    Alternative scenarios Create new 12c domain and run it in parallel to 11g domain. Let long-

    running processes finish on old domain Export / Import composites to 12c No downtime on production environment

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Upgrading to 12c OSB Domains

    Upgrade Procedure Export projects before upgrade and re-import after upgrade Migration from Eclipse design time to JDeveloper design time with

    import/export If OWSM Policy Manager was not deployed in 11g, there is a pre-

    upgrade step to do so

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Upgrading to 12c BAM Domains

    BAM 12c based on a new architecture and many components were rewritten -includes new schema, new data objects, business query and dashboard metadata, query processing using OEP, new ADF charts etc.

    Significant differences between 11g and 12c in terms of schemas, binaries etc. Dashboards and Alerts migration is not possible. Customers will create new dashboards based on migrated Data Objects for proprietary UIs

    Upgrade Procedure Creating new domain or upgrading existing domain to 12g Data objects can be exported / imported using existing Icommand utility Re-create Dashboards and Alerts (manually..)

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    What about support for 11g ?

    SOA Suite 11g support timelines extended, giving customers ample time to plan upgrade Premier Support ends December 2018 Extended Support until December 2021

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview

    Training and Certification


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Training and Certification

    Training Free Trainings available for partners : Subscribe for Oracle SOA

    Community newsletter Self-Study Workshops :

    Certification Sales and Pre-Sales certification available :

    Implementation certification available in September/October

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


  • 2014 Trivadis

    Further Information

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


    Sales Kits :

    Partner Resource Kit :

    Whitepapers :

    Documentation :

  • 2014 Trivadis

    Questions and answers ...

    2014 Trivadis


    Matthias FurrerPrincipal Consultant, Application Integration & SOA

    September 2014Oracle SOA Suite 12c - News & Overview


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