oracle defining flexfields

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oracle flexifields 11i


  • R11i Defining FlexfieldsStudent Guide


    Production 1.1

    September 2000


  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

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    Clara Jaeckel, Richard Sears

    Technical Contributors and Reviewers

    Nic Atkin, Phil Cannon, Millie Wang

    This book was published using:

    Oracle Tutor

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsi

    Table of Contents

    Overview of Flexfields ...........................................................................................................1-1Overview of Flexfields ........................................................................................................1-2Objectives ............................................................................................................................1-3Overview .............................................................................................................................1-4Customizing Oracle Applications ........................................................................................1-5Flexfield Structures and Flexfield Segments .......................................................................1-6Segment Prompts and Value Descriptions...........................................................................1-7Validating Input Using Value Sets ......................................................................................1-8Practice 1-1 ..........................................................................................................................1-9Key and Descriptive Flexfields............................................................................................1-12Key Flexfields......................................................................................................................1-13Intelligent Keys....................................................................................................................1-14Key Flexfield Example: Accounting Flexfield ....................................................................1-16Key Flexfield Example: Asset Category Flexfield ..............................................................1-17Oracle Applications Key Flexfields.....................................................................................1-18Descriptive Flexfields ..........................................................................................................1-19Using Reference Fields........................................................................................................1-20Using Different Contexts: Asset Category Flexfield ...........................................................1-21Oracle Applications Descriptive Flexfields (Partial) ..........................................................1-22SRS and Flexfields ..............................................................................................................1-23Benefits of Flexfields...........................................................................................................1-24Storing Flexfield Data Internally .........................................................................................1-25Practice 1-2 ..........................................................................................................................1-26Implementing a Flexfield Steps ..........................................................................................1-28Overview of Flexfields Summary........................................................................................1-29

    Using Value Sets.....................................................................................................................2-1Using Value Sets..................................................................................................................2-2Objectives ............................................................................................................................2-3Overview .............................................................................................................................2-4Validating Input Using Value Sets ......................................................................................2-5Planning a Value Set............................................................................................................2-6Types of Value Sets .............................................................................................................2-7Validation Type None..........................................................................................................2-9Independent Value Sets .......................................................................................................2-10Dependent Value Sets..........................................................................................................2-11Table-Validated Value Sets .................................................................................................2-12Specialized Validation Types ..............................................................................................2-13Translatable Independent Value Sets...................................................................................2-14Translatable Dependent Value Sets .....................................................................................2-15Validation Types: Summary ................................................................................................2-16Practice 2-1 ..........................................................................................................................2-17Planning Value Sets.............................................................................................................2-19Value Set Attributes.............................................................................................................2-20Planning Format Validation.................................................................................................2-21Format Types and Options...................................................................................................2-22Char and Number Format Editing........................................................................................2-23Time, Standard Date, and Standard DateTime Format Editing ...........................................2-24Format Interaction ...............................................................................................................2-25Formatting Requirements for Translatable Value Sets ........................................................2-26Practice 2-2 ..........................................................................................................................2-27Planning Validation Strategy ...............................................................................................2-28

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsii

    Planning Value Sets and Their Values.................................................................................2-30Planning Dependent Value Sets...........................................................................................2-31Defining Value Sets.............................................................................................................2-32Predefined Value Sets..........................................................................................................2-33Using Existing Value Sets ...................................................................................................2-34Value Set Usage by Key Flexfields .....................................................................................2-35Value Set Usage by Descriptive Flexfields..........................................................................2-36Defining a New Value Set ...................................................................................................2-38Defining a Dependent or Translatable Dependent Value Set ..............................................2-39Selecting a Value Set for Value Definition..........................................................................2-40Defining Values for a Dependent or Translatable Dependent Value Set.............................2-41Defining Values for a Value Set ..........................................................................................2-42Modifying Value Definitions...............................................................................................2-43Value Hierarchies ................................................................................................................2-44Defining Value Hierarchies and Qualifiers..........................................................................2-46Summary..............................................................................................................................2-47

    Defining Key Flexfields .........................................................................................................3-1Defining Key Flexfields.......................................................................................................3-2Objectives ............................................................................................................................3-3Overview .............................................................................................................................3-4Intelligent Keys....................................................................................................................3-5Key Flexfields Dual Purpose..............................................................................................3-6Oracle Applications Key Flexfields.....................................................................................3-7Implementing Key Flexfields ..............................................................................................3-8Key Flexfield Structures ......................................................................................................3-9Code Combinations .............................................................................................................3-10Storing Code Combinations.................................................................................................3-11Key Flexfield Application Tables........................................................................................3-12Key Flexfield Qualifiers ......................................................................................................3-14Types of Qualifiers ..............................................................................................................3-15Flexfield Qualifiers..............................................................................................................3-16Oracle Applications Key Flexfields Using Qualifiers ........................................................3-17Segment Qualifiers ..............................................................................................................3-18Other Key Flexfield Options................................................................................................3-19Allowing Dynamic Insertion ...............................................................................................3-20Cross-Validating Values ......................................................................................................3-21Using Value Set Security.....................................................................................................3-22Using Shorthand Aliases......................................................................................................3-23Planning Decisions ..............................................................................................................3-24Designing the Key Flexfield Layout....................................................................................3-26Designing Segments ............................................................................................................3-27Specifying Default Values ...................................................................................................3-28Planning Key Flexfield Values ............................................................................................3-30Definition Procedure............................................................................................................3-31Defining Value Sets.............................................................................................................3-32Accessing the Key Flexfield Definition...............................................................................3-33Specifying Flexfield Behavior .............................................................................................3-34Defining Segment Attributes ...............................................................................................3-35Defining Validation and Size Attributes..............................................................................3-36Defining Flexfield Qualifiers...............................................................................................3-37Freezing and Compiling the Definition ...............................................................................3-38Defining Value Set Values ..................................................................................................3-39Defining Segment Qualifiers ...............................................................................................3-40Defining Value Hierarchies .................................................................................................3-41Account Generator...............................................................................................................3-42Practice 3-1 ..........................................................................................................................3-43

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsiii

    Practice 3-2 ..........................................................................................................................3-54Defining Key Flexfields Summary .....................................................................................3-62

    Using Additional Flexfield Options ......................................................................................4-1Using Additional Flexfield Options.....................................................................................4-2Objectives ............................................................................................................................4-3Overview .............................................................................................................................4-6Cross-Validating Values ......................................................................................................4-7Cross-Validation Rule Syntax .............................................................................................4-8Data Type Specifications and Cross-Validation Rules ........................................................4-9Preparing for Cross-Validation............................................................................................4-10Defining Cross-Validation Rules.........................................................................................4-11Cross-Validation Reports.....................................................................................................4-12Comparing Cross-Validation and Security Rules ................................................................4-13Practice 4-1 ..........................................................................................................................4-14Using Shorthand Aliases......................................................................................................4-16Using Full and Partial Aliases .............................................................................................4-17Typical Key Flexfields Using Aliases .................................................................................4-18Defining an Alias.................................................................................................................4-19Defining an Alias Template .................................................................................................4-20Recompiling the Flexfield Definition ..................................................................................4-21Flexfields: Shorthand Entry Profile Option .........................................................................4-22Flexfields: Show Full Value Profile Option ........................................................................4-23Modifying Existing Alias Definitions..................................................................................4-24Practice 4-2 ..........................................................................................................................4-25Securing Value Set Access ..................................................................................................4-27Security and Value Sets .......................................................................................................4-28Constructing Security Rules ................................................................................................4-29Specifying Acceptable Values .............................................................................................4-30Using Multiple Clauses........................................................................................................4-31Rules with Overlapping Values ...........................................................................................4-32Rules Without Overlapping Values .....................................................................................4-33Implementing Flexfield Security .........................................................................................4-34Enabling Security for a Value Set........................................................................................4-35Enabling Security for a Segment .........................................................................................4-36Enabling Security for a Program Parameter ........................................................................4-38Defining Security Rules.......................................................................................................4-39Assigning Security Rules.....................................................................................................4-40Practice 4-3 ..........................................................................................................................4-42Summary..............................................................................................................................4-45

    Defining Descriptive Flexfields .............................................................................................5-1Defining Descriptive Flexfields...........................................................................................5-2Objectives ............................................................................................................................5-3Overview .............................................................................................................................5-4Planning a Descriptive Flexfield..........................................................................................5-5Using Descriptive Flexfields ...............................................................................................5-7Typical Descriptive Flexfield Information ..........................................................................5-8Some Oracle Applications Descriptive Flexfields ...............................................................5-9Identifying a Descriptive Flexfield ......................................................................................5-10Determining the Descriptive Flexfield Name ......................................................................5-11Determining Available Resources .......................................................................................5-13Planning Questions ..............................................................................................................5-14Identifying Your Information ..............................................................................................5-15Grouping Information By Usage .........................................................................................5-16Isolate Common Information...............................................................................................5-17Determine Different Contexts..............................................................................................5-18

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsiv

    Descriptive Flexfield Components ......................................................................................5-19Global Segments..................................................................................................................5-20Context-Sensitive Segments ................................................................................................5-21Distinguishing Between Contexts........................................................................................5-22Reference and Context Fields ..............................................................................................5-23Using Reference Fields........................................................................................................5-24Identifying Referenceable Columns ....................................................................................5-25Using Context Fields ...........................................................................................................5-26Planning Flexfields: Global Segments Only........................................................................5-27Planning Flexfields: Context Segments Only .....................................................................5-28Planning Flexfields: Global and Context Fields ..................................................................5-29Specifying the Flexfield Attributes......................................................................................5-30Specifying the Context Field Information ...........................................................................5-31Specifying the Segment Attributes ......................................................................................5-32Storing Descriptive Flexfield Segments ..............................................................................5-33Descriptive Flexfield Application Tables ............................................................................5-34Specifying the Segment Detail Attributes............................................................................5-35Specifying Default Values ...................................................................................................5-38Defining a Descriptive Flexfield..........................................................................................5-40Defining Value Sets.............................................................................................................5-41Locating the Flexfield Definition.........................................................................................5-42Defining the Flexfield Header Attributes.............................................................................5-43Defining Segment Attributes ...............................................................................................5-44Specifying Validation and Field Sizes.................................................................................5-45Freezing and Compiling the Definition ...............................................................................5-46Defining Context Field Information ....................................................................................5-47Defining Context-Sensitive Segments .................................................................................5-48Defining Values for a Value Set ..........................................................................................5-49Practice 5-1 ..........................................................................................................................5-50Practice 5-2 ..........................................................................................................................5-58Practice 5-3 ..........................................................................................................................5-63Practice 5-4 ..........................................................................................................................5-70Summary..............................................................................................................................5-77

    Using Advanced Validation Capabilities .............................................................................6-1Using Advanced Validation Capabilities.............................................................................6-2Objectives ............................................................................................................................6-3Overview .............................................................................................................................6-4Advanced Validation Options..............................................................................................6-5Table-Validated Value Sets .................................................................................................6-6Defining a Table-Validated Value Set .................................................................................6-7Restricting Values Retrieved from a Table..........................................................................6-8Limitations on Using SQL WHERE Clauses ......................................................................6-9Using Multiple Tables for Validation ..................................................................................6-10Practice 6-1 ..........................................................................................................................6-11Other Advanced Validation Options....................................................................................6-14Using $PROFILES$ ............................................................................................................6-15Using :block.field ................................................................................................................6-16Using $FLEX$.....................................................................................................................6-17Cascading Dependencies Using $FLEX$............................................................................6-18Practice 6-2 ..........................................................................................................................6-19Using Special Value Sets.....................................................................................................6-26Using Pair Value Sets ..........................................................................................................6-27Summary..............................................................................................................................6-28

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsv



    Before You Begin This Course

    Before you begin this course, you should have the following qualifications:

    Thorough knowledge of the Oracle Application you will beimplementing or supporting

    Working experience with navigating Oracle Applications forms andwindows


    R11i Navigating Oracle Applications

    How This Course Is Organized

    R11i Defining Flexfields is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-onexercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce theconcepts and skills introduced.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsvi

    Related Publications

    Oracle Publications

    Title Part Number

    Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide A75393-01

    Additional Publications

    System release bulletins

    Installation and users guides files

    Oracle Magazine

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsvii

    Typographic Conventions

    Typographic Conventions in Text

    Convention Element ExampleBold italic Glossary term (if

    there is a glossary)The algorithm inserts the new key.

    Caps andlowercase

    Buttons,check boxes,triggers,windows

    Click the Executable button.Select the Cant Delete Card check box.Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to theORD block.Open the Master Schedule window.

    Courier new,case sensitive(default islowercase)

    Code output,directory names,filenames,passwords,pathnames,URLs,user input,usernames

    Code output: debug.set (I, 300);Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)Filename: Locate the init.ora file.Password: User tiger as your password.Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projectsURL: Go to input: Enter 300Username: Log on as scott

    Initial cap Graphics labels(unless the term is aproper noun)

    Customer address (but Oracle Payables)

    Italic Emphasized wordsand phrases,titles of books andcourses,variables

    Do not save changes to the database.For further information, see Oracle7 ServerSQL Language Reference Manual.Enter,where user_id is the name of the user.


    Interface elementswith long namesthat have onlyinitial caps;lesson and chaptertitles in cross-references

    Select Include a reusable module componentand click Finish.

    This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3,Working with Objects.

    Uppercase SQL columnnames, commands,functions, schemas,table names

    Use the SELECT command to viewinformation stored in the LAST_NAMEcolumn of the EMP table.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsviii

    Convention Element ExampleArrow Menu paths Select File> Save.Brackets Key names Press [Enter].

    Commas Key sequences Press and release keys one at a time:[Alternate], [F], [D]

    Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously:[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

    Typographic Conventions in Code

    Convention Element ExampleCaps andlowercase

    Oracle Formstriggers


    Lowercase Column names,table names

    SELECT last_nameFROM s_emp;

    Passwords DROP USER scottIDENTIFIED BY tiger;




    Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

    Uppercase SQL commands andfunctions

    SELECT useridFROM emp;

    Typographic Conventions in Navigation Paths

    This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, todirect you through Oracle Applications.

    (N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve

    This simplified path translates to the following:

    1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice > Entry > Invoice BatchesSummary.

    2. (M) From the menu, select Query > Find.

    3. (B) Click the Approve button.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsix

    Notations :

    (N) = Navigator

    (M) = Menu

    (T) = Tab

    (I) = Icon

    (H) = Hyperlink

    (B) = Button

    Typographical Conventions in Help System Paths

    This course uses a navigation path convention to represent actions you performto find pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

    The following help navigation path, for example

    (Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals

    represents the following sequence of actions:

    1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the GeneralLedger entry.

    2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.

    3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.

    4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of thehelp system window.

    Getting Help

    Oracle Applications provides you with a complete online help facility.

    Whenever you need assistance, simply choose an item from the Help menu topinpoint the type of information you want.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    R11i Defining Flexfields Table of Contentsx

    To display help for a current window:

    1. Choose Window Help from the Help menu, click the Help button on thetoolbar, or hold down the Control key and type 'h'.

    A web browser window appears, containing search and navigation frames onthe left, and a frame that displays help documents on the right.

    The document frame provides information on the window containing thecursor. The navigation frame displays the top-level topics for yourresponsibility, arranged in a tree control.

    2. If the document frame contains a list of topics associated with the window,click on a topic of interest to display more detailed information.

    3. You can navigate to other topics of interest in the help system, or chooseClose from your web browser's File menu to close help.

    Searching for Help

    You can perform a search to find the Oracle Applications help information youwant. Simply enter your query in the text field located in the top-left frame of thebrowser window when viewing help, then click the adjacent Find button.

    A list of titles, ranked by relevance and linked to the documents in question, isreturned from your search in the right-hand document frame. Click on whichevertitle seems to best answer your needs to display the complete document in thisframe. If the document doesn't fully answer your questions, use your browser'sBack button to return to the list of titles and try another.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 1

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 2

    Overview of Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsOverview of Flexfields

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 3


    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.


    After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following: Explain flexfields and how they are used by Oracle

    Applications Distinguish between key and descriptive flexfields Identify key and descriptive flexfields used by

    Oracle Applications List the benefits provided by flexfields

    After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following: Explain flexfields and how they are used by Oracle

    Applications Distinguish between key and descriptive flexfields Identify key and descriptive flexfields used by

    Oracle Applications List the benefits provided by flexfields

    Lesson TopicsThis lesson describes how to use modifiable fields called flexfields to tailorOracle Applications to reflect your business needs and practices.You can use flexfields to define the structure of certain data identifiers requiredby Oracle Applications. You can also gather, store and process additional datathat may be required by your business.After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    Explain flexfields and how they are used by Oracle Applications Distinguish between key and descriptive flexfields Identify key and descriptive flexfields used by Oracle Applications. List the benefits provided by flexfields

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 4


    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.


    How flexfields operate Two types of flexfields Flexfield terminology Flexfield benefits

    How flexfields operate Two types of flexfields Flexfield terminology Flexfield benefits

    Lesson OverviewThis lesson describes how Oracle Applications uses customizable fields calledflexfields to modify and expand processing. Specifically it covers:

    How flexfields operate The two types of flexfields Flexfield terminology Flexfield benefits

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 5

    Customizing Oracle Applications

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Customizing Oracle ApplicationsCustomizing Oracle Applications

    ApplicationApplication windows windows

    User-defined flexfield windowsUser-defined flexfield windows

    Oracle General Ledger Oracle Assets

    Using Flexfields to Customize ApplicationsA flexfield is a customizable field that opens in a window from a regular OracleApplications window. Defining flexfields enables you to tailor OracleApplications to your own business environment. You can easily defineflexfields to modify or extend Oracle Applications without programming. Byusing flexfields within Oracle Applications you can:

    Structure certain identifiers required by Oracle Applications according toyour own business environment

    Collect and display additional information for your business as neededFlexfields are important because they are used throughout Oracle Applications.Flexfields provide many opportunities for easy modification and customizationof standard Oracle Applications processing. Members of the systemimplementation team as well as system administration personnel should befamiliar with the concepts and procedures of flexfields to design and support anOracle Applications environment that meets the needs of all its users.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 6

    Flexfield Structures and Flexfield Segments

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Flexfield Structures and FlexfieldSegments

    Flexfield Structures and FlexfieldSegments

    __ Item Information _______________Category


    ComputerMonitorLight tan


    Item Information FlexfieldItem Information Flexfield

    Structure:Structure:(Category Segment + Item Segment + Color Segment)(Category Segment + Item Segment + Color Segment)

    Segments:Segments:(Category, (Category, Item, Item, Color)Color)

    Flexfield ComponentsA flexfield is composed of segments. The segments of a flexfield contain theflexfield values. Flexfield segments are combined in a grouping called astructure. The segments that make up a particular structure are logically orfunctionally related. A single flexfield can have more than one structure.When you implement a flexfield, you decide how many segments you need fora particular structure and whether you need multiple structures. Being able todefine different structures for the same flexfield allows you to tailor the sameflexfield to the needs of different end users.The example on the slide shows three segments:

    Category Item Color

    These three segments together form a structure.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 7

    Segment Prompts and Value Descriptions

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    __ Item Information _______________Category


    ComputerMonitorLight tan


    Segment Prompts and Value DescriptionsSegment Prompts and Value Descriptions

    Flexfield segment promptsFlexfield segment prompts

    Flexfield value descriptionsFlexfield value descriptions

    Customizing the Flexfield AppearanceIn addition to defining the segments and structures that make up the flexfield,you can define the appearance of the flexfield. You can specify names anddescriptions for the segments appearing on the window. You can also specifythe display size for the fields.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 8

    Validating Input Using Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    __ Item Information _______________



    ComputerMonitorLight tanLTN

    Validating InputUsing Value SetsValidating Input

    Using Value Sets

    ItemItem value setvalue set

    755 876 933


    CategoryCategory valuevalue setset


    Using Value Sets with FlexfieldsValue sets allow you to control the values for a segment or a report parameter.A value set is a definition of the values approved for entry or display by aparticular flexfield segment. A value set may also contain a list of actualapproved values although this is not required. You may be able to define theappropriate values after you define the value set.

    Value Sets Describe Acceptable Types of Values Some value sets permit a limited range of values; others permit only

    certain values; others have minimal restrictions. Different flexfields can share the same value set. For example, a value set

    containing the names of regional offices could be used by many differentflexfields.

    Different segments of the same flexfield can use the same value set, forexample a date value set. Segments defined to different structures of thesame flexfield can share value set. Many of the report parameters usedwith SRS forms are tied to shared value sets.

    Value sets do not have to have the actual values defined for them.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 9

    Practice 1-1

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Practice 1-1Practice 1-1

    Explaining how Oracle Applications uses flexfields Describing the components of a flexfield Explaining how Oracle Applications uses flexfields Describing the components of a flexfield

    Practice 1-1 InstructionsAnswer the following questions.

    1 You can extend and customize the processing of Oracle Applications byusing customizable fields called __________.

    2 Flexfields are composed of __________.3 The fields that appear on a flexfield are combined in a grouping called a

    __________.4 List two ways that flexfields enable you to customize the operation of

    Oracle Applications.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 10

    Practice 1-1

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Practice 1-1Practice 1-1

    __ Sales Information ______________________



    Payment Type

    Customer Jane Doe

    [ ]745-876-LTN


    __ Item Details _______________Type

    Sales RepComputerJane Reed


    COM Computer

    APPL Appliances

    FURN Furniture





    Practice 1-1 Instructions (continued)5 Match the numbered elements in the diagram above with the appropriate

    names from the list. Flexfield title: __________ Value set: __________ Descriptive flexfield indicator: __________ Flexfield segments: __________ Value set values: __________ Flexfield window prompt: __________ Value descriptions: __________

    Practice 1-1 Solutions1 You can extend and customize the processing of Oracle Applications by

    using customizable fields called flexfields.2 Flexfields are composed of segments.3 The fields that appear on a flexfield are combined in a grouping called a

    structure.4 List two ways that flexfields enable you to customize the operation of

    Oracle Applications. Define the structure of required identifiers

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 11

    Gather additional information5 Match the numbered elements in the diagram above with the appropriate

    names from the list. Flexfield title: 3 Value set: 5 Descriptive flexfield indicator: 1 Flexfield segments: 2 Value set values: 7 Flexfield window prompt: 6 Value descriptions: 4

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 12

    Key and Descriptive Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    __ Item Information _________Category


    ComputerMonitorLight tan


    Key and Descriptive FlexfieldsKey and Descriptive Flexfields

    Key flexfieldsKey flexfieldsbuild uniquebuild uniqueentity identifiersentity identifiers

    Descriptive flexfieldsDescriptive flexfieldsgather additionalgather additionalinformationinformationStore

    DeptNumberExp. Dt

    Payment Type CC543219874958-2938-474712 - 99

    Different Types of FlexfieldsThere are two types of flexfields, key flexfields and descriptive flexfields. Eachtype is discussed in more detail on the following slides. The main differencesare:

    You use key flexfields to define your own structure for many of theidentifiers required by Oracle Applications.

    You use descriptive flexfields to gather additional information about yourbusiness entities beyond the information required by Oracle Applications.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 13

    Key Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Key FlexfieldsKey Flexfields


    Key Key flexfieldflexfieldwindowwindow

    __ Sales Information ______________________



    Payment Type


    Customer Jane Doe

    Computer - Monitor - Light Tan [ ]



    __ Item Information _______________


    ComputerMonitorLight tan



    Key FlexfieldsIn Oracle Applications you use key flexfields as identifiers for entities.Generally, the identifier you create using a key flexfield is required by theapplication (for example, the Accounting Flexfield builds the account numberused by Oracle General Ledger).A key flexfield appears as a normal field on a form. Any existing value for thekey appears in the field as a concatenated value having segment separators.You can use the Flexfields: Open Key Window profile option to specifywhether you want the key flexfield window to be opened automatically whenyou navigate to the key flexfield on the base form. This profile option is visibleand updatable at the user level.A key flexfield structure usually consists of multiple segments, each of whichcontains meaningful information. The resulting combinations of values fromthese segments therefore function as intelligent keys.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 14

    Intelligent Keys

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Intelligent KeysIntelligent Keys











    _____Account Entry __ _____Account Entry __









    Business ABusiness A Business BBusiness B

    Using Key Flexfields to Build Intelligent KeysIntelligent keys are multipart codes where the value in each individual partcontains meaningful information. Each combination of values can thereforeidentify a particular business entity or class of entities. Such intelligent keystructures are used throughout Oracle Applications. Because you define yourkey flexfield structure yourself, it reflects the organization of your business.Accounting Flexfield ExampleOne important key flexfield is the Accounting Flexfield. The example on theslide shows how two hypothetical businesses could define Accounting Flexfieldstructures that reflected their different accounting structures. Business Asaccounting structure has five segments, while business Bs accounting structurehas four segments.Additional Key Flexfield FeaturesYou can define value sets to control the allowable values for each segment ofthe key. You can also define cross-validation rules to control the allowablecombinations of segment values within the key.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 15

    Intelligent Keys

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Intelligent Keys Intelligent Keys

    Serial numberSerial number Job grade Job grade

    Asset numberAsset number Account numberAccount number

    Intelligent Key ExamplesThere are many areas in business where you can use intelligent keys. Someexamples are shown. Many such intelligent keys are used in OracleApplications to represent such entities.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 16

    Key Flexfield Example: Accounting Flexfield

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Key Flexfield Example:Accounting Flexfield

    Key Flexfield Example:Accounting Flexfield

    The Accounting FlexfieldThe Accounting Flexfield is used to create and display account numbers. TheAccounting Flexfield is owned by Oracle General Ledger, but AccountingFlexfield values are used by many of the financial applications. The exampleshows an Accounting Flexfield structure consisting of five segments.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 17

    Key Flexfield Example: Asset Category Flexfield

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Key Flexfield Example:Asset Category FlexfieldKey Flexfield Example:

    Asset Category Flexfield

    The Asset Category FlexfieldYou use the Asset Category flexfield in Oracle Inventory to identify majorgroupings of inventory. The example shows a key flexfield structure that hastwo segments.

  • Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 18

    Oracle Applications Key Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Oracle Applications Key FlexfieldsOracle Applications Key Flexfields




    Account AliasesItem CatalogsItem CategoriesSales OrdersStock LocatorsSystem Items

    Bank DetailsCost AllocationPeople Group

    Grade JobPersonal AnalysisPositionSoft Coded

    TerritorySales Tax Location



    Oracle Inventory




    Key Flexfields Within Oracle ApplicationsMany Oracle applications have key flexfields. The slide shows some of theapplications and the key flexfields they use. In many cases, you must implementthe key flexfield to implement the application. Many key flexfields are used bymultiple applications. For example, the Accounting Flexfield is used by bothOracle General Ledger and Oracle Payables.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 19

    Descriptive Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Descriptive FlexfieldsDescriptive Flexfields



    Payment Type



    Jane Doe

    Computer - Monitor - Light TanCOM-876-LTN

    [ ]

    Second IDNumber

    Payment TypeStoreDept



    Exp. Dt

    Payment TypeCK CC543219874958-2938-474712 - 99

    543219871028MC 4565-3939

    __ Sale Information ____________________

    Descriptive FlexfieldsYou use descriptive flexfields to collect information beyond that collected byOracle Applications. Using descriptive flexfields allows you to gather additionalspecialized information required by your business. The use of descriptiveflexfields is optional.A descriptive flexfield appears on a form as a single-space field enclosed bybrackets. You can use the Flexfields: Open Descr Window profile option tospecify whether you want the descriptive flexfield window to be openedautomatically when you navigate to the bracketed field, if the flexfield isenabled. This profile option is visible and updatable at the user level.A descriptive flexfield typically uses multiple structures. You can:

    Define a basic structure that gathers additional information for all entities. Define several different structures that gather specialized information for

    different types of the same general entity. Define a combination of the preceding two. This structure can gather

    general information about all entities and then optionally gather certaininformation about certain types of entities.

    The example shows a descriptive flexfield that gathers different paymentinformation based on the type of payment: check (CK) or credit card (CC).

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 20

    Using Reference Fields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Second IDNumber

    Payment TypeStoreDept



    Exp. Dt

    Payment TypeCK CC543219874958-2938-474712 - 99

    543219871028MC 4565-3939

    __ Sale Information ____________________



    Payment Type



    Jane Doe

    Computer - Monitor - Light TanCOM-876-LTN

    [ ]

    Using Reference FieldsUsing Reference Fields


    Using Context and Reference Fields to Control Descriptive FlexfieldsThe same descriptive flexfield often uses multiple structures. Each of thesestructures can have different segments and gather different data. When youdefine multiple structures for a descriptive flexfield, you can make the choice ofstructure either dependent on the value of another field or selectable by the user:

    If the value in a preceding field elsewhere on the form determines whichstructure is used, the preceding field is known as a reference field.However, if the descriptive flexfield is used in another form, then the twoforms must have the same name for the reference field.

    If the value in a field within the flexfield itself determines which structureis used, that field is called a context field.

    The example on the slide shows a hypothetical window containing salesinformation. One of the fields on this window, Payment Type, is used as areference field for a descriptive flexfield that contains information about howthe customer will pay.In this example, the buyer is using a credit card so the credit card information isgathered by using the descriptive flexfield structure shown on the right. Ifpayment is by check, you could gather check-related information by using thedescriptive flexfield structure shown on the left.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 21

    Using Different Contexts: Asset Category Flexfield

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Using Different Contexts:Asset Category Flexfield

    Using Different Contexts:Asset Category Flexfield

    The Asset Category FlexfieldThe example on the slide shows the Asset Category descriptive flexfield. Thedescriptive flexfield is gathering further information about an office buildingasset. You can see this both by the value in the reference field, and by the typeof information being requested on the flexfield.Note: In this example, the reference field is itself a key flexfield.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 22

    Oracle Applications Descriptive Flexfields (Partial)

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Oracle Applications DescriptiveFlexfields (Partial)

    Oracle Applications DescriptiveFlexfields (Partial)

    Calendar TypesBonus Rates

    Price Indexes

    Daily Rates

    Activity InformationItem Cost InformationShift Time Information

    Bank BranchPayment TermsSite Address

    Employee Labor RateShop Floor StatusWIP Parameters

    Credit History Information



    Oracle Bills of Material


    OracleWork in Progress


    Partial List of Oracle Applications Descriptive FlexfieldsNumerous descriptive flexfields are available throughout Oracle Applications.The slide shows only a partial list. In contrast to key flexfields, descriptiveflexfields are not shared between applications.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 23

    SRS and Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    SRS and FlexfieldsSRS and Flexfields

    Using Flexfields as Parameters Within Standard Request SubmissionReports and concurrent programs submitted with Standard Request Submissionoften have parameter windows that pop up. These parameter windows behavesimilarly to descriptive flexfields.Parameter Windows Are Context Sensitive

    The window that appears and the segments that are contained in it dependon which request is being run.

    The request name acts as a reference field. Many request parameters have value sets associated with them to control

    the allowable values for that parameter. Such value sets are often sharedby many other flexfields. You should always be careful when modifyingany value sets that are also used by SRS processing.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 24

    Benefits of Flexfields

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Benefits of FlexfieldsBenefits of Flexfields

    Flexfields provide the following benefits: Customize applications to support your own

    accounting, product, and other codes. Enable the construction of intelligent keys. Customize applications to capture additional data. Use the application to validate values and value

    combinations entered by the user. Support multiple field structures depending on

    data context.

    Flexfields provide the following benefits: Customize applications to support your own

    accounting, product, and other codes. Enable the construction of intelligent keys. Customize applications to capture additional data. Use the application to validate values and value

    combinations entered by the user. Support multiple field structures depending on

    data context.

    Benefits of FlexfieldsYou should now have a basic understanding of how flexfields are used byOracle Applications. The ease of customizing flexfields provides many benefitsto users. The main benefits are listed on the slide.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 25

    Storing Flexfield Data Internally

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    Storing Flexfield Data InternallyStoring Flexfield Data Internally

    Attribute1Attribute1 Attribute2Attribute2

    Oracle Applications base tablesOracle Applications base tables

    Descriptive flexfieldDescriptive flexfieldKey flexfieldKey flexfield

    Segment1Segment1 Segment2Segment2...... ...... ............

    Storing Flexfield Values in Database TablesThe values entered through an applications flexfields are stored internally inthat applications database tables:

    Each segments value is stored in a column in one of the base tables. The column name reflects the type of flexfield data it holds. In general,

    key flexfields store their data in columns called SEGMENTn, where n is anumber. In general, descriptive flexfields store their data in columns calledATTRIBUTEn, where n is a number.

    The number of SEGMENT and ATTRIBUTE columns available for useby a flexfield varies between flexfields. Not all flexfields can have thesame number of fields defined. When implementing a flexfield,determining the number of fields available for use is an importantplanning step.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 26

    Practice 1-2

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Practice 1-2Practice 1-2

    Distinguishing between key and descriptiveflexfields

    Identifying key flexfields within OracleApplications

    Identifying descriptive flexfields within OracleApplications

    Distinguishing between key and descriptiveflexfields

    Identifying key flexfields within OracleApplications

    Identifying descriptive flexfields within OracleApplications

    Practice 1-2 Instructions1 List the two types of flexfields used by Oracle Applications.2 List two key flexfields used by Oracle Applications.3 List two descriptive flexfields used by Oracle Applications.4 A phone number has multiple parts. Does that make it an intelligent key?5 Give an example of an identifier at your business for which you will

    define a key flexfield.6 If possible, give an example of information you gather by using a

    descriptive flexfield.7 Which of the two types of flexfields is optional?

    Practice 1-2 Solutions1 List the two types of flexfields used by Oracle Applications.

    Key Descriptive

    2 List two key flexfields used by Oracle Applications. Accounting Flexfield Item Categories (Any of the other key flexfields listed on the slide dealing with

    Oracle Applications key flexfields)

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 27

    3 List two descriptive flexfields used by Oracle Applications. Accounting Calendar: Periods Asset Category (Any of the other descriptive flexfields listed on the slide

    dealing with Oracle Applications descriptive flexfields, or anythe student may have obtained directly from the application)

    4 A phone number has multiple parts. Does that make it an intelligent key? No, not all segments contain meaningful information.

    5 Give an example of an identifier at your business for which you willdefine a key flexfield.

    Answers will vary.6 If possible, give an example of information you gather by using a

    descriptive flexfield. Answers will vary.

    7 Which of the two types of flexfields is optional? Descriptive

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 28

    Implementing a Flexfield Steps

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Implementing a FlexfieldSteps

    Implementing a FlexfieldSteps

    1. Plan flexfield segments, structures, value sets andvalues.

    2. Define value sets and values.3. Define flexfield.4. Define security and cross-validation rules if


    1. Plan flexfield segments, structures, value sets andvalues.

    2. Define value sets and values.3. Define flexfield.4. Define security and cross-validation rules if


    Implementing a Flexfield: General ProcedureUse the following steps when defining flexfields, both key and descriptive:

    Plan your flexfield structure and layout. Remember that many flexfieldsuse more than one structure, and that each structure can consist ofdifferent segments. Also plan any value sets and their values.

    Define flexfield value sets. Value sets describe the allowable values forthe flexfield segment. If you create your value sets first, you can refer tothem while your are defining your flexfield segments in the followingstep.

    Define flexfield segments and structures. Use the plan you designedearlier.

    Define values for your value sets. For key flexfields, define security and cross-validation rules as necessary.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 29

    Overview of Flexfields Summary

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Overview of FlexfieldsSummary

    Overview of FlexfieldsSummary

    Flexfields are customizable fields. The user defines the content and structure of a

    flexfield window. Key flexfields create entity identifiers required by

    Oracle Applications. Descriptive flexfields gather additional information

    required by the business environment.

    Flexfields are customizable fields. The user defines the content and structure of a

    flexfield window. Key flexfields create entity identifiers required by

    Oracle Applications. Descriptive flexfields gather additional information

    required by the business environment.

    SummaryFlexfields are Oracle Applications fields that you can customize. You candefine the content and layout of the flexfield to reflect your own business needs.There are two types of flexfields:

    Key flexfields are used to create entity identifiers required by OracleApplications. You can use key flexfields to structure these identifiersaccording to your business environment. The definition of many keyflexfields is required by the application.

    You use descriptive flexfields to gather additional information for storageor processing. You can define descriptive flexfields in multiple ways toaccommodate the needs of many different groups of users. The use ofdescriptive flexfields is optional.

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    Overview of FlexfieldsChapter 1 - Page 30

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 1

    Using Value SetsChapter 2

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 2

    Using Value Sets

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    Using Value SetsUsing Value Sets

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 3


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    After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following: List options for validating flexfield segment values Choose the appropriate validation option to use

    with a particular flexfield segment Identify issues for consideration when planning a

    validation strategy Define value sets Specify allowable values for a value set

    After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following: List options for validating flexfield segment values Choose the appropriate validation option to use

    with a particular flexfield segment Identify issues for consideration when planning a

    validation strategy Define value sets Specify allowable values for a value set

    Lesson TopicsThis lesson describes planning and using value sets to control input withflexfields.At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

    List options for validating flexfield segment values and report parameters Choose the appropriate validation option to use with a particular segment Identify issues for consideration when planning a validation strategy Define new value sets Define allowable values for a value set

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 4


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    Using value sets to validate input Describing types of value sets Planning value sets and values Defining value sets

    Using value sets to validate input Describing types of value sets Planning value sets and values Defining value sets

    Lesson OverviewValue sets are definitions of allowable values for use with a flexfield segment orreport parameter. This lesson covers the different types of value sets and howeach is used. It also describes how to plan the value set as well as the actualvalues for those sets that require a list of values. Finally, it covers the definitionprocess itself.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 5

    Validating Input Using Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Validating InputUsing Value SetsValidating Input

    Using Value Sets

    __ Item Information _________Category




    CategoryCategory value set value set

    Item value setItem value set

    876755 933

    Value Sets Define Allowable ValuesYou can create a value set and assign it to a flexfield segment or reportparameter to control what values that segment can use.

    Value Sets Check User InputDefine a value set for each flexfield segment. A value set is a general definitionof the values that are acceptable for a particular flexfield segment or reportparameter. A value set can also have a list of actual values available to thesegment, although this is not required.

    Other Advantages of Value SetsValue sets control which segments can use special features such as Longlist,value security, and segment value combination checking.The example in the slide shows two value sets:

    The Category value set specifies the allowable values for the Categorysegment.

    The Item value set specifies the allowable entries for the Item segment.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 6

    Planning a Value Set

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Planning a Value SetPlanning a Value Set

    1. Determine basic attributes of the set.2. Select the appropriate validation type.3. If appropriate, specify actual allowable values.

    1. Determine basic attributes of the set.2. Select the appropriate validation type.3. If appropriate, specify actual allowable values.

    Planning Your Value SetThere are several steps to planning your value set:

    1 Determine the basic attributes for the set. Choose what conditions allvalues must fit to be considered valid values. Such criteria include datatype (Character, Numeric), value length, and minimum and maximumvalues, if appropriate.

    2 Select the appropriate validation strategy. Choose the type of validationmost appropriate for the data. Validation types are discussed in thefollowing pages.

    3 Identify approved values, if appropriate. For some value sets, you knowahead of time the acceptable values. In these cases, in addition to definingthe value set, you can also specify the values that appear when the userenters the flexfield segment. The segment accepts only values explicitlydefined for that value set.

    For some value sets, it does not make sense to try to provide a complete list ofall the approved values. For example, a segment containing customer telephonenumbers probably does not need a list of values, because each new customerwill have a new telephone number which you do not know at design time.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 7

    Types of Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    None Independent




    None Independent




    Types of Value SetsTypes of Value Sets

    Validation is minimal. Input must exist on

    previously defined list ofvalues.

    Input is checked against asubset of values based on aprior value.

    Input is checked againstvalues in an application table.

    Value set uses a flexfielditself.

    Validation is minimal. Input must exist on

    previously defined list ofvalues.

    Input is checked against asubset of values based on aprior value.

    Input is checked againstvalues in an application table.

    Value set uses a flexfielditself.

    Types of Value SetsYou can define several types of value sets depending on how you need yourvalues to be checked. All value sets perform minimal checking; some value setsalso check against the actual values, if you have provided any.None - A value set of the type None has no list of approved values associatedwith it. A None value set performs only minimal checking of, for example, datatype and length.Independent - Independent type value sets perform basic checking but alsocheck a value entered against the list of approved values you define.Dependent - A Dependent value set is associated with an Independent valueset. Dependent value sets ensure that all dependent values are associated with avalue in the related Independent value set.Table - Table value sets obtain their lists of approved values from existingapplication tables. When defining your table value set, you specify a SQL queryto retrieve all the approved values from the table.Special - This specialized value set provides another flexfield as a value set fora single segment.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 8

    Types of Value Sets

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    Types of Value SetsTypes of Value Sets

    Two flexfields togetherspecify a range of validvalues.

    Input must exist onpreviously defined list ofvalues; translated value canbe used.

    Input is checked against asubset of values based on aprior value; translated valuecan be used.

    Two flexfields togetherspecify a range of validvalues.

    Input must exist onpreviously defined list ofvalues; translated value canbe used.

    Input is checked against asubset of values based on aprior value; translated valuecan be used.

    Types of Value Sets (continued)Pair - This specialized value set provides a range flexfield as a value set for apair of segments.Translatable Independent - A Translatable Independent value set is similar toan Independent value set in that it provides a predefined list of values for asegment. However, a Translatable Independent value set can contain displayvalues that are translated into different languages.Translatable Dependent - A Translatable Dependent value set is similar to aDependent value set in that the available values in the list and the meaning of agiven value depend on which independent value was selected in a prior segmentof the flexfield structure. However, a Translatable Dependent value set cancontain display values that are translated into different languages.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 9

    Validation Type None

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Validation Type NoneValidation Type None

    Values are checked for expected data type,length, and so on.

    Values are not checked against an approvedvalues list.

    Examples include credit card number, streetaddress, phone number.

    Values are checked for expected data type,length, and so on.

    Values are not checked against an approvedvalues list.

    Examples include credit card number, streetaddress, phone number.

    Validation Type NoneA validation of type None performs only minimal checking of the data inputthrough this flexfield segment. Use the validation type None when the actualvalues to be input cannot be anticipated in advance but the data entered mustconform to a particular data type, length, or any other formatting criteria.Examples of such values include credit card numbers, street addresses, andphone numbers.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 10

    Independent Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    __ Item Information _________Category




    Category value setCategory value set

    Independent Value SetsIndependent Value Sets

    Validation Type IndependentUse the validation type Independent when you know the allowable values aheadof time. With an Independent validation type, you typically also define a list ofthe actual values that are approved for use. The user selects these values from apop-up list.In the example in the slide, the Category value set contains the only threeallowable values for the Category segment of a hypothetical Item Informationflexfield. The category segment value must indicate a computer item, anappliance item, or an item of furniture.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 11

    Dependent Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Dependent Value SetsDependent Value Sets

    Category value setCategory value set Item value setItem value set

    COM Computer

    APPL Appliances

    FURN Furniture

    755 Modem

    876 Monitor933 Printer

    320 Microwave

    560 Refrigerator876 Washer

    877 Desk

    154 Table677 Bunk Bed

    Validation Type DependentA Dependent value set is also associated with a list of approved values. In thiscase however, the values on the list can be grouped into subsets of values. Eachsubset of values is then associated with a value from an Independent value set.Once a value from the Independent value set has been specified, the list ofvalues for the Dependent value set displays only the values that are approvedfor the value selected from the Independent value set.In the example in the slide, once a value from the Category value set has beenspecified, only the appropriate values from the Item value set are displayed.The segment or parameter using the dependent value set must appear after thesegment or parameter using the independent value set.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 12

    Table-Validated Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Table-Validated Value SetsTable-Validated Value Sets

    WHERE REGION = Western

    Cities_West value set

    Customer table

    Acme ComputersNorth Bay FoodsMidwest GrainSouthern MillingRockies Mining

    San JoseBostonChicagoCharlestonDenver


    Name CityRegion

    San Jose Denver

    Validation Type TableIf an application table already contains all the allowable values, you can definea table-validated value set to retrieve them from the table. You can specifyselection criteria in the form of an SQL WHERE clause if you need to restrictthe values for some reason.Table-validated value sets are very useful when the set of approved values isvery large, changes frequently, and is maintained by the application.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 13

    Specialized Validation Types

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Specialized Validation TypesSpecialized Validation Types

    Special: uses entire key flexfield combinations asvalues

    Pair: links two flexfields

    Special: uses entire key flexfield combinations asvalues

    Pair: links two flexfields

    Specialized Validation TypesTwo additional validation types are used for more specialized validation needs:

    Special value sets can accept an entire key flexfield as a segment value ina descriptive flexfield or report parameter.

    Pair value sets are a specialized form of Special value sets.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 14

    Translatable Independent Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Translatable Independent Value SetsTranslatable Independent Value Sets

    HiddenHiddenvaluesvalues Appliances Furniture


    Gerate Mobel Appareils Meubles

    Kategorie Mobel Categorie Meubles

    Validation Type Translatable IndependentTranslatable Independent value sets are similar to Independent value sets exceptthat translated values can be displayed to the user. Translatable Independentvalue sets enable you to use hidden values and displayed (translated) values inyour value sets. In this way your users can see a value in their preferredlanguages, yet the values will be validated against a hidden value that is nottranslated.A Translatable Independent value set can have only Translatable Dependentvalue sets dependent on it.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 15

    Translatable Dependent Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Translatable Dependent Value SetsTranslatable Dependent Value Sets

    Desk Schreibtisch BureauTable Tisch Table

    Microwave Mikrowellenherd Four a micro-ondesRefrigerator Kuhlschrank Refrigerateur

    Appliances Gerate Appareils

    Furniture Mobel Meubles

    Category value setCategory value set Item value setItem value set

    Hidden valuesHidden values Translated Translated (displayed) (displayed) values values

    Validation Type Translatable DependentTranslatable Dependent value sets are similar to Dependent value sets exceptthat translated values can be displayed to the user. Translatable Dependent valuesets enable you to use hidden values and displayed (translated) values in yourvalue sets. In this way your users can see a value in their preferred languages,yet the values will be validated against a hidden value that is not translated.Translatable Dependent value sets must be dependent on a TranslatableIndependent value set.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 16

    Validation Types: Summary

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Validation Types: SummaryValidation Types: Summary

    *Application Object Library*Application Object Library

    Type List of ValuesAvailable

    Values Stored In




    Depends on value set


    AOL* TableAOL* Table

    YesYesYes Application Table


    AOL* TableYes

    AOL* TableYes

    Depends on value set

    Summary of Validation TypesThe chart in the slide shows a comparison of the various validation types. It alsoshows where the lists of acceptable values are stored.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 17

    Practice 2-1

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Practice 2-1Practice 2-1

    Using value sets Describing types of value sets Using value sets Describing types of value sets

    Practice 2-1 Instructions1 Briefly explain how a value set can control the values used in a flexfield

    segment.2 Which validation type would be appropriate to use for the following data?

    Customer postal codes The ID numbers of your salespeople The weight of various standard inventory items Department number

    3 Does a Dependent validation type provide a list of values to the user?What about a validation type of None?

    Practice 2-1 Solutions1 Briefly explain how a value set can control the values used in a flexfield

    segment. A value set is a definition of the values that are acceptable for a

    flexfield segment. As such, it specifies the minimumrequirements that data must meet. This includes data type,length, and other such attributes. Additionally, you can providea value set with a list of approved values. In this case, onlyvalues from the approved list can be entered or displayed in thesegment.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 18

    2 Which validation type would be appropriate to use for the following data? Customer postal codes: None The ID numbers of your salespeople: Table The weight of various standard inventory items: None Department numbers: Table (Answers to the above questions may vary. There are several

    possible answers.)3 Does a Dependent validation type provide a list of values to the user?

    What about a validation type of None? Yes, Dependent value sets consist of several groups of values

    with each group associated with a particular value from anIndependent value set.

    No, value sets of type None perform minimal value checking.They do not have a list of approved values.

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    Using Value SetsChapter 2 - Page 19

    Planning Value Sets

    Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2000. All rights reserved.

    Planning values validation

    Planning format validation

    Planning Value SetsPlanning Value Sets

    Planning value set attributes

    Planning Your Value SetThere are three major areas you should consider when planning your value sets.

    Planning the

top related