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OPN Workshop: BI 11g Advanced Seite | 1

Oracle Business Intelligence 11g

OPN Advanced Workshop

Lab Book

OPN: Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Advanced Workshop

OPN Workshop: BI 11g Advanced Seite | 2


Jignesh Mehta

Naresh Nemani


January 2013

Oracle Corporation

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OPN Workshop: BI 11g Advanced Seite | 3

Table of Contents


Lab 1: OBIEE 11g Advanced Workshop Setup…….………………………………………....4

Lab 2: OBIEE 11g Installation and Configuration for the Workshop……………………..6

Lab 3: Advanced Reporting, Master Detail Linking …………………………………………9

Lab 4: Building Reports with BI Publisher …………………………………………………..18

Lab 5: Deploying RPD and Webcat on BI 11g (Optional)…………………………………..31

Lab 6: Creating KPIs and Scorecards ……………………………………………………......34

Lab 7: Working with Action Framework……………………………………………………....41

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Lab 1: OBIEE 11g Advanced Workshop Setup

__________________________________________________________________________ Oracle BI 11g High Level Architecture

Typical High Level Architecture when Enterprise Install was performed:

Since we are simplifying workshop environment there’s no distinction between Admin Server and

Managed Server in the Sample App V207 Virtual Box Image (Simple Install).

For running the the Oracle Virtual Box Software is needed and can be downloaded here:

If not already done: You can download and install the Sample App V207 Virtual Box Image and

Installation / Deployment instructions from OTN here:

Also download the suitable Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools Installer ( BP1) from the homepage of your locally installed Sample App V207 Virtual Box Image and install it on your client PC. i.e.:

Please review the installation instructions of the deployment guide for the SampleAppV207 VirtualBox Image before installing the Oracle BI Client.

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Note: This workshop requires a running Sample App V207 Virtual Box Image and the BI Client.

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Lab 2: OBIEE 11g Configuration


Once browser comes up with Business Intelligence 11g login screen, you can validate the installation by login with username weblogic and password Admin123.

Open the Main Index Page of the “0.1 General Index” Dashboard from Dashboard drop down to see

sample reports if not already displayed after logon.

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Following are URLs for the BI environments that we will use throughout the workshop.

a. BI Analytics:

b. Enterprise Manager for BI: ( weblogic / Admin123)

EM shows availability of the components and allows for managing BI environment.

Logout once you verified the EM login.

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c. Weblogic Server: http://localhost:7001/console/login/LoginForm.jsp

Username / password: weblogic / Admin123

You can manage weblogic domains and security providers for BI through weblogic server control

Administration Console. Logout once you verified domain information.

d. Program Files > Oracle Business Intelligence > Administration Tool

Administration Tool allows for building and managing business model for the BI environment.

We will explore Admin Tool later in a workshop.

Note: This concludes BI11g installations. Since we are using local machine based installation,

before you shutdown your machine, please make sure that you shutdown BI services gracefully

by selecting Stop BI Services from Program Files > Oracle Business Intelligence Menu.

When you need to use BI environment again, make sure Oracle database in the VM Image is running,

and then start BI services from menu again. You have to supply weblogic as user name and Admin123

as a password during startup and shutdown BI services.

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Lab 3: Advanced Reporting, MasterDetail Linking _________________________________________________________________________________

Goal: Create Analyses, MasterDetail linking and Custom Groups.

Solution: Create an Analyses report with pivot table, bar graph. Format and modify

the compound layout components for master detail linking and add selection steps

for grouping data.


1. Access Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation services from the browser.

2. When using the browser within the Virtual Box:

Enter the following in the browser http://localhost:7001/analytics

When using the browser on your machine:

Enter the following in the browser

User name: weblogic

Password: Admin123

3. In the Home page, click Analysis in the Create section to navigate

to the Analysis Editor

4. In the Select Subject Area popup, click “A-Sample Sales”. The Sample Sales

subject area appears in the Subject Areas pane in the Analysis Editor.

5. Select the following columns from the Sample Sales Subject area.

Double click on each column to appear on the criteria section.

6. Verify your criteria same as the below image

Table Column

Products P3 LOB

Times T05 Per Name Year

Base Facts 1- Revenue

Offices D3 Organization

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7. Click on the Results tab visible on top left corner. Remove the Table view

click on the X icon as shown below from the compound layout.

8. Add a pivot view to the compound layout as shown in the below image.

9. Click on the Edit icon (pencil) to modify the pivot table

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10. Under the layout section drag P3 LOB from Rows to Column area,

Click on the sum icon on the Columns area and select after to display totals per rows.

11. Click Done now your compound layout should be similar to the below image

column properties

12. Click on Criteria tab , select the Per Name Year properties and choose

column properties

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13. Select the Interaction tab, For Value choose Send Master Detail,

Enter MDY03 for channel

14. Go to Column Format tab, Check Custom Headings and rename the column

to Year click ok.

15. Click on the Results tab, Add a Bar (graph) view to the compound layout

16. Click on Edit icon (pencil) to modify the graph view

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17. Under layout section, Drag Year to Sections area and select Display as slider.

Drag the P3 LOB on top of Vary Colors By (Horizontal axis). Your Layout should be

similar to the below image.

18. Click on the graph properties

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19. Check zoom options for X and Y axis, enter MDY03 for event channel.

Click OK and click done


20. Graph view should be similar to the below image

21. Click on the preview icon, to confirm the masterdetail events.

Click on the year column from the pivot table and below graph

should display the corresponding year and their results.

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22. Expand the Selection Steps section, Add a new step for D3 Organization

create a new group as shown in the below image.

23. Create a Sales group select the first three organization as shown

in the below image and click ok.

24. In step 3 then select Members

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Select Remove Action and choose the first three organizations and click ok.

25. Create another group Development similar to Steps 22, 23, 24 and 25. Select the last three

organizations in this group. After creating this group remove the last three organizations,

Verify your steps with the below image.

26. Save Your Analysis as Organization Revenue under My Folders.

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28. Click on the preview icon the results should be similar to below image. You should able to

zoom in/out on the graph. The other cool feature is you can change the view of the pivot

table from the dashboard no need to edit it from analyses. Drag the year or Organization

column on top of the revenue. The results are aligned based on your customization.

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Lab 4: Building Reports with BI Publisher _________________________________________________________________________________

Creating a Data Model

In release 11g, Oracle BI Publisher introduces the Data Model Editor, a graphical user interface

for building data models within the BI Publisher interface. It enables you to perform the

following tasks:

Create Data Sets – Access data from a wide range of sources: RDBMS, OLAP,

WebServices, BI Analyses, XML files, Excel and others.

Query data – Build SQL or MDX queries to extract data from relational or

multidimensional (OLAP) data sources.

Structure data – Define masterdetail relationships between data sets to group data at

multiple levels to optimize document generation.

Aggregate data – Create group level totals and subtotals.

Customize data – Modify data field names to conform to business terms and reporting


Create calculations – Compute data values that are not stored in the underlying data

sources that are required for reporting.

Advanced tasks – Define parameters and lists of values (LOV), triggers, and other

advanced elements as required by reports and report users.

In this topic, you are guided to create Data Model based on SQL query using the JDBC

connection you defined in the previous topic. Also, you will learn how to add parameters and

LOVs to the data model.

Defining Default Data Source, and Output Options

Note: Before starting the creation of Data Model, you will first create a folder to save all your objects

such as reports, data models and so on.

In the Home page, click Catalog link under the Browse/Manage section. In the Catalog page

that is displayed, select the My Folders node, click the New icon on the tool bar.

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Select Folder from the dropdown menu to create a new folder.

Enter Learn as the name of the folder, (optionally enter a description), and click Create.

You can see that the folder gets listed in My Folders.

Now, you can invoke the Data Model editor in one of the following ways

From the Home page Create section, select Data Model.

From the Catalog page, click New icon and select Data Model from the dropdown menu.

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Observe the Data Model Properties page that is displayed on the right. Select a “Oracle BI EE” as a

Default Data Source. Optionally, add a description to the data model.

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Ensure that in the XML Output Options, Include Parameter Tags is checked, and Include Empty Tags for Null Elements and Include Group List Tag check boxes are not checked.

To save the data model with a name, click Save As icon found at the top right corner of the page.

Navigate to the folder (“Learn” in this example) that you want to save the data model object, enter an

appropriate name for the Data Model , and click Save.

Creating a Data Set out of a report

1. From the Data Model task pane on the left, select Data Sets.

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2 From the Data Set dropdown menu, select Oracle BI Analyses as the type of data set.

3 In the the next Step search for the Report

/shared/1. Quick Demos/Simple Demo Dashboard/Order Details

and name the Data Set “DS_1”.

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Now you can see the Groups of the Report. Please look at the structure Pane:

And name the Data Source as it is in the Business View.

Now it is easy to use the fields in the template. It is very useful to have a naming convention for this.

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Viewing the XML Output and Saving the Sample Data

1. You may have observed that In the current version of the BI Publisher, you can preview the XML data

for the data model.

Click the XML icon (found at the right top corner of the

page), to see the XML output for the data model you defined in previous topic.

Select All for the number of rows, and click Run to see the XML data output for all the departments: (the

query execution may take approx. 1 minute, a portion of the XML data is displayed here in the screen)

2. To save this as sample data, click the Open Menu dropdown list icon, and select Save as Sample


You can see that a file “sample.xml” is listed in the Sample Data section of the Data Model (as shown in

the picture below).

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Note: It is very important to save sample data for a data model, else when creating Layouts, the

previews do not appear correctly.

Creating a Report

In this topic, you learn to create a report using the Data Model that you defined in the previous

topic. You also create a simple layout using Layout Editor, and edit parameters.

Note: The steps in this topic are all continuous, so do not close any window or logout from

BI Publisher unless you are asked to do so.

1. If not logged in, login into BI Publisher, and go to My Folders>”Learn” folder in Catalog pane.

Click New (found at the top left corner of page) to see the dropdown menu and click Report

to create a new report.

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2. Use Option “Use Existing Data Model”: Navigate to My Folders> Learn. Select OrderDetailDM

data model and click Open.

It displays a wizard. Select “Use Report Editor”, then Save the Report as “OrderDetailReport”

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Select Blank (Portrait) under the Basic Templates section to create a simple report layout.

3. This opens Layout Editor, with a blank page:

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4. Click Insert > Data Table from the menu to insert a data table in the layout page.

5. Select and drag the elements in the following order from the Data Source DATA_DS > G_1 pane to

the [Drop a Data Item Here] area of the table.

As you drag an element, position each successive item directly to the right of the previous element and

release to create each column, so that the data table, after adding all the columns it looks like this:

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Change number format of the Column “Base Facts”.”1-Revenue”

6. Click the Save icon found on the top right corner to save this layout. Enter Default Layout as the name of the layout, and click Save.

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7. Click Return in Layout Editor to return to the Edit mode of the report.

Observe the various links on this page that will help you edit the data model, parameters, properties, and layouts for the report. You can also display the layouts as Thumbnails or as a List.

9. Click Save icon (found at the top right corner of the page) to save the report.

(You can also click Save As icon ).

Next choose view report to see the result of the work and test different view options.

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Lab 5: Deploying RPD and Webcat on BI 11g (Optional) __________________________________________________________________________Deploying RPD and Webcatalog

Login to the EM administration screen using the url http://localhost:7001/em

Expand 'Business Intelligence' node on the left and choose Coreapplication.

Now click on the Deployment tab on the right. Next, go to the Repository tab.

Click on 'Lock and Edit Configuration' to enable you to change the default settings.

In the 'Upload BI Server Repository' section, click on the Browse button and

locate the SampleApp.rpd from directory Student_SampleApp.

Enter Admin123 as the password (this is the offline password for SampleApp.rpd)

Keep on the same configuration screen to update webcat selection

Change the catalog at the end of the path to SampleApp in a catalog text box:



Click on Apply (top right corner of screen)

Visit the Capacity Management on the same page and uncheck the Cache box.

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Click on 'Activate Changes

To restart BI components to take effect of changes we made,

Expand 'Business Intelligence' node on the left and choose Coreapplication.

Click on the Overview Tab

Click on blue button to Restart under the Manage System category, middle of screen,

Click yes on dialog box to confirm the move. Wait for message that confirms successful restart.

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Following screen shows SampleApp dashboard of index page, this page allows you to navigate to various reports/dashboard pages to explore more about OBIEE 11g features and its explanation on how to implement such feature. BI 11g Home page:

BI 11g SampleApp’s Index Dashboard:

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Lab 6: Creating KPIs and Scorecards

Creating KPIs

A KPI represents the result of a business measure (Product Sales or Operational Costs, for example)

evaluated against a target for that measure. You can use KPIs to assess the performance of the

strategic objectives and initiatives that form levels of organizational strategy. Although the actual and

target values for KPIs may exist in the database referenced by the subject area you can also calculate

these values using formulas or by entering a literal value.

KPIs have these characteristics:

Have measurable values that usually vary with time

Can be evaluated using targets to quickly determine a score and performance status

Can be compared over time for trending purposes that enable you to identify performance


To create a KPI:

1. On the global header, select New and then KPI. In Oracle Scorecard, click the New icon

in the "Scorecard Documents pane" or the "Catalog pane" and then select KPI.

2. Select the “A-SampleSales” subject area. The KPI wizard appears.

Select the Actual and Target Values:

a. In the Actual Value dropdown list, click on the function (fx) icon an copy the following


FILTER("Base Facts"."1- Revenue" USING ("Time"."T05 Per Name Year" > '2007'))

b. In the Target Value dropdown list, click on the function (fx) icon an copy the following


FILTER(avg(ago("Base Facts"."1- Revenue",1)) USING

("Time"."T05 Per Name Year" > '2007'))

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c. Select the Enable trending option. The Compare to prior and Tolerance fields allow you to

compare KPIs for prior periods and indicate an increase or decrease in performance.

d. In the Compare to prior dropdown list, expand the Time folder and select

"Time"."T02 Per Name Month" to compare with the prior month.

e. Enter 2 in the Tolerance field and select % Change from the dropdown list. The tolerance

can be entered as a percent or an actual number that represents a difference (change) from

the prior period. In this case, a tolerance of 1% is acceptable before the value is considered

to be worsening or improving.

e. The General Properties pane should look like this:

3. The Dimensionality pane allows you to aggregate KPI values, target values, and ranges, using

dimensions in the subject area. You can set specific values which essentially filter the results, a

process called pinning. For this exercise, all dimensions should have the “Not Pinned” value.

Add the following dimension as per the below image.

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4. The Thresholds pane allows you to indicate whether high, low, or target values are desirable; to

specify ranges and status symbols for performance; to create or assign actions based on KPI

status, and so on.

The Goal section provides a dropdown list that indicates a specific level of performance. Ensure

that the defaults, High Values are Desirable, are selected.

The Threshold section allows you to specify numerical values or measures that separate

performance levels. In the first dropdown list, which is associated with the WARNING status,

select the function image fx icon an

d copy the following expression

(Ago(FILTER("Base Facts"."1- Revenue" USING ("Time"."T05 Per Name

Year" > '2008')), 1 ) * 1.05 ) * 0.95

c. In the second dropdown list, which is associated with the CRITICAL status, select the

function image fx icon and copy the following expression

(Ago(FILTER("Base Facts"."1- Revenue" USING ("Time"."T05 Per Name

Year" > '2008')) , 1 ) * 1.05 ) * 0.85

Your thresholds should be like below:

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5. Click the Finish button and save the KPI as Revenue KPI under My folders. Open the KPI from

the home page to see the results. Your results should be similar to below image.

6. Save the KPI in the “My Folders” > “Learn” Subfolder with the name: Sample KPI 1.

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Create a Watchlist

Create a KPI watchlist to view and investigate the performance of KPIs that may not have been

created in Oracle Scorecard, to measure the progress of strategic objectives or initiatives. Add KPIs to

the watchlist by dragging and dropping them from these locations in Oracle Scorecard:

The "Catalog pane"

The "Scorecard Documents pane"

The "Strategy Tree pane" or "Initiatives pane”

The data is displayed for each KPI in the watchlist is an immediate reflection of its performance.

This includes:

Current status

Trend status indicating if performance has increased, decreased, or remained the same,

and if any changes are desirable

Current and target values

Variance value and percent by which the current value deviates from the target.

Change value and percent identify how much the current value differs from that from

the previous period.

The number of KPIs in each performance range you defined is also summarized

in the header of the watchlist.

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To create a watchlist:

1. From the global header, select New and then KPI Watchlist , or In the "Scorecard Documents

pane", click the new icon, and select KPI Watchlist.

The "My KPI Watchlist Performance tab" will display.

2. Select the KPIs to add to the watchlist from the pane on the left and drag them to the Label

column. This will display the "Add KPI dialog", change the KPI name displayed on the watchlist

(optional) or specify the dimension values to use for KPIs that are dimensioned. Add KPI just

created from the “My Folders” > “Learn” subfolder

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3. Hit the Save button and Name your watchlist, save it under PT Lab folder.

Your watchlist will now be saved in the OBIEE Catalog and be available to drag onto any dashboard


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Lab 7: Working with Action Framework __________________________________________________________________________

Creating an Action Metadata

In this section we will create new Action to navigate to external web content that can be accessed by

clicking on action link from a report. Also, later we will create another action on the fly to navigate to a

detail report from a master report. These are the example and process to develop actions and attaching

an action to a report. Similarly, once can create action to invoke web service and/or attach similar action

to report or scorecard, etc. Once you have full scale sample app installed as mentioned on OTN, you

can experiment with more options for an action.

1. Click on New > Action link under Actionable Intelligence from BI Menu.

2. Action selection criteria shows options for action type, Navigation or Invoke. Select Navigate to a

Web Page action.

3. Enter following information for web navigation action:

Enter as a URL and clicking in Define Parameter.

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Edit Parameter Name and Prompt to ‘Ticker’. You can add ORCL or any other ticker as a default value or leave it blank. Optionally, one can pass analysis column value as a parameter for action. In our example, we do not really have ticker as analysis column, therefore we will keep it available for user to enter the value.

4. Use the previously created subfolder “Learn” in “My Folders “”to save the action.

5. Now we will add action to an existing report. Open dashboard from index page and go to the dashboard “1.3 Sample Sales” > “Brand Analysis”

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6. Edit Dashboard page by clicking on Edit menu from dashboard properties link. We will add newly created action to Product Line Analysis report.

7. Mouse over the top right corner for the report container (Product Line Analysis) in the middle column to see edit report menu item and click on Edit Analysis.

8. Once Report editor – Analysis Design windows opens, select criteria tab.

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Criteria Tab shown here:

9. Click on Column Properties of Products to add action to it.

10. Select Interaction Tab and select Drill+Action Link.

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11. Select green + icon to add action.

12. Click on second icon of folder to open catalog and select action we just created.

13. Click OK to save action with report.

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14. Save the report and go back to dashboard “1.3 Sample Sales” > “Brand Analysis”.

15. Click on Total Product values. Click on Get Stock Price Action link.

16. Enter valid ticker of your choice and click execute to see the action!

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Scheduling an Agent

Agent in an Action Framework is very much same as iBot creation in a 10g environment.

Agent allows one to schedule report refresh or delivery or more generically, creating alert condition.

Agent can also be used to execute an action when alert condition occurs or at predefined schedule.

We will create simple agent to generate alert condition and look at the details and report that alert


1. From New menu, select Agent under Actionable Intelligence category.

Selecting Action takes you to BI Delivers component to define agent’s parameters:

On a General tab, select Priority to Normal and Run As to Specified User to weblogic.

This could be a default setting based on logged in user.

2. Let’s set the alert’s schedule. Select Schedule Tab.

Make sure Enabled is checked; this setting allows you to enable or disable particular agent as required. Set Frequency to Once for our lab purpose and set Start time to about 7 to 10 min after the current time on your system so that once we are done with agent definition, we can see the alert. Notice that you can select frequency of occurrence and set the end time as well, if needed.

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Also, notice the enhancement on selecting a calendar type by clicking on Default icon near the start filed; this allows for selecting different time zone for scheduling purpose instead of relying on BI server or Database server time only.

3. Select condition tab. An agent can also check condition on a given frequency to send alert or take an action. We will create unconditional agent at this time, make sure to select Do not use condition.

4. On Delivery Content tab, Select Content as Analysis. Click on Browse button to select a report that agent will deliver as a part of alert condition. Select /Shared Folders/3. Analysis and Dashboards/Query Elements/Attribute

Columns/Order Status Calculated Sum

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Also, select Format to PDF and Delivery as ‘Delivery as attachment.’

5. Leave default Recipients to weblogic user. This tab also allows you to enable an agent to be available for other to subscribe to and if subscriber can customize agent. Leave the default setting for this tab and click on Destination Tab.

6. Select Home Page and Dashboard as a User Destination criteria on Destination Tab. This will send alert notification on user’s dashboard/homepage. Uncheck the option for Devices since we will not send any notification to any devices for the workshop lab. Each user can enter the devices information and also can define the default device for him/her to receive notifications. Alert can also be sent to predefined devices based on priority. One can also select System Services check box to refresh the cache for a report if needed.

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7. Visit Actions tab. We will not any action to our agent. But, optionally, one can add action to be

executed when agent execution completes. Also, this tab allows to define different set of actions to be executed for conditional agent. Leave the tab with defaults and click on Save button to save the definition of an agent.

8. Save the agent in the “My Folders” > “Learn” subfolder and give it a name Order Status Agent.

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9. Once alert agent is executed based on start time you defined, you will see alert notification on Home page and Dashboard.

Clicking on Alert shows, details as well as attachment we defined during the agent creation.

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