options kinsale · from kinsale. ty alaw ty alaw is an annex to kinsale as is a semi –...

Post on 10-Nov-2020






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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Options Kinsale

Statement of Purpose

Legal Entity: Options Autism 4 Ltd Turnpike Gatehouse, Alcester Heath, Alcester. Warwickshire. B49 5JG. Responsible Individual: Richard Powers Manager of Service: Becky Farmer Name of Service: Options Kinsale

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually


1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE ......................................................................... 2

2.0 ABOUT THE SERVICE PROVIDED ........................................................................................................... 4

3.0 HOW THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED........................................................................................................... 6

4.0 STAFFING ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 13

5.0 FACILITIES AND SERVICES ................................................................................................................... 15

6.0 GOVERNANCE AND QUALITY MONITORING ARRANGEMENTS .................................................... 16

APPENDIX 1 – STAFF LIST & QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................................. 19


The Care Home has seven flats. Bran, Alwen, Helyg and Alun flats are self- contained flats which are dedicated to accommodating children with Autism with either complex needs or associated learning disability. There are two flats, Padarn & Tegid which are transitional flats supporting young people to develop their independence and building on the young people’s responsibilities further before transitioning to adult services adult services. Ty Alaw which is an annex flat that sits outside of the perimeter fence to the school. This is a four bedroom flat.

The Home is decorated and equipped in accordance with the principles of individual needs for children with Complex Needs, Autism and associated learning disability, this can include the use of low arousal environment and also puts great emphasis on maintaining safety and security. To facilitate this each child has an individual Environmental Risk Assessment. Where appropriate risks identified in their Environmental Risk Assessment may result in specific adaptations being made to an individual’s environment to help mediate identified risks. Such adaptations can include furniture being fixed to walls, doors being reversed, specialised floor coverings being installed and special glass being fitted to windows.

Each child has their own bedroom which they are encouraged to personalise either with items brought from home or purchased whilst living at Kinsale. Children are consulted when decorating their personal rooms.

Bran Flat

Bran flat is able to accommodate 5 Children. It has 5 bedrooms all en-suite for children all of which have en-suite toilet and bathing facilities. Bran flat also has a large open plan kitchen, dining and lounge area. A separate low arousal lounge and a soft play room. Bran also has its own small staff office. The flat also has a spacious outdoor area which provides easy access to our specialist adventure playground facilities. There are many areas within Bran flat that have been colour zoned to reinforce the function of the different areas, each area also has appropriate communication aids such as symbols, choice boards and staff photo boards which supports the needs of the young people.

Alun Flat

Alun flat is able to accommodate 3 children. It has 3 en-suite children’s bedrooms, a large living room containing lounge / kitchen / dining area, and an additional small lounge leading to an outside space. The flat has 1 en-suite staff sleep in rooms and a staff office. One sleep room is also an additional lounge area for a young person during waking hours. One of the bedrooms in Alun is also zoned to encourage the young people to understand the function of the area.

Alwen Flat

Alwen flat is able to accommodate 4 children. It has 4 en-suite children’s bedrooms. There is a large open plan communal kitchen/dining and lounge area. Alwen has a second lounge which accommodates the young people to access their games consoles, there is staff office. Alwen also has access to an outside play area.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Annexed to Alwen is Tegid which is a semi-independent living flat. Tegid has its own kitchen diner, lounge and laundry. There is one bedroom for a young people which is en-suite. Tegid also has access to a small outdoor area. Tegid accommodates young people who have displayed an ability to learn independence skills and is a learning flat to help them develop these skills in preparation for their transition from Kinsale.

Helyg Flat

Helyg flat is able to accommodate 2 children. It has 2 en-suite children’s bedrooms. Helyg has a large communal kitchen, dining and lounge area as well as a separate low arousal lounge. Helyg has 2 staff sleep in rooms which have their own toilet and bathing facilities. One of these sleep in rooms also functions as a staff office.


Padarn which is a semi-independent living flat. Padarn has its own kitchen diner, lounge and laundry. There are two bedrooms which are en-suite. Currently the second bedroom is a staff sleep in room. Padarn is separate from the main building. Padarn accommodates young people who have displayed an ability to learn independence skills and is a learning flat to help them develop these skills in preparation for their transition from Kinsale.

Ty Alaw

Ty Alaw is an annex to Kinsale as is a semi – independent living flat. Ty Alaw has its own kitchen diner, lounge and laundry, two staff sleep rooms/ office areas. Ty Alaw accommodates young people who have displayed an ability to learn independence skills and is a learning flat to help them develop these skills in preparation for their transition from Kinsale.

Each of the accommodation flats also has its own domestic laundry and the school also has its own larger industrial type laundry.

There are large landing areas which provide the young people with interactive spaces, there are able to read books, bowling games, listen to music, relax with their Ipads and chalking.

Brenig Brenig Is a staff only flat which contains the Head of Care / Registered Managers/Deputy Registered Managers Office, Care Staff Lounge and refreshment room and two additional staff sleep in rooms. Transportation

Transport for the children is provided by means of “People Carrier” style vehicles and three mini buses. The children are also encouraged to use Public Transport or walk to local facilities.


The Home benefits from a wide range of leisure and education facilities on site.

These include 2 sensory rooms to support the development of sensory awareness and associated skill development. One Soft Play Room to support movement activities to develop proprioceptive and vestibular senses and a SPOT room which is used with the young people and the Clinical team for individual sessions. Both rooms will also support the development of touch, each in different ways.

A sports hall with a fitness suite, facilities for five a side football, badminton and a trampoline.

There is a bistro also hosts theme nights, discos and parties and children are encouraged to assist in every way. There are also horticulture facilities, a domestic technology room and a craft room, An art room, Life skills room. In addition there are extensive grounds, which include a well- equipped floodlit and adventure play area with all-weather surfaces and there is an additional grassed play area to the front of the sports hall.

Kinsale’s location lends itself well, enabling children to take advantage of a wide range of offsite activities within the local area including: bowling, swimming, horse riding, golf, climbing and cycling as well as visiting

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

the local beaches and beauty spots for walks, picnics and other leisure activities. The home is located between Chester and Llandudno, each of which have a wide range of shopping and leisure facilities. Children placed at the home also have the opportunity to join various youth clubs located in nearby Prestatyn, Holywell and Connah’s Quay, whilst greater cultural diversity can be accessed in the cities of Liverpool and Manchester around an hour away. Each child placed at the home will be supported to access an annual holiday with staff.

Kinsale provides a comfortable, safe and nurturing home, with areas individualised to meet the young person’s needs. Staff provide a feeling of emotional safety through a high standard of care. The home has robust safeguarding procedures and all staff receive regular training in this area. The home also accesses an onsite Clinical Team. This includes a clinical psychologist, an assistant psychologist, a speech and language therapist, an occupational therapist and a psychotherapist. This helps us ensure that all our children’s emotional wellbeing is supported. In addition, the home’s management team has engaged other key professionals in the area to ensure a robust locality risk assessment process supports a safe community for all our young people to access and engage in

Children placed at Kinsale attend Options Kinsale Independent School. The school provides a wide ranging curriculum which is tailored to meet the needs of each individual pupil. Pupils are able to work to nationally recognised educational awards in a broad range of subjects. Pupils are able to access local Forest Schools, outdoor activities education and work experience placements. Options Kinsale also has links with local schools and colleges which enable us to provide further education opportunities for our pupils. Any children placed in the home who source their education from another education establishment will be supported to do so. In every case the Childs Keyworker will act as the link person between the home and the school to ensure the child’s educational needs are being met and that the child is appropriately represented at any school meetings/events.

(tick the area where the service is provided)

Gwent regional partnership board

North Wales regional partnership board

Cardiff and Vale regional partnership board

Western Bay regional partnership board

Cwm Taf regional partnership board

West Wales regional partnership board

Powys regional partnership board


Range of needs we can support Kinsale offers an integrated care, education and clinical service to children aged between 8 and 19 years with both a range of Complex Needs and / or Autism and associated learning disability. The intended age range is 8 to 18 years however children with Autism and associated learning disability may be accommodated until they are 19 years of age if this is consistent with their Statement of Educational Needs. Kinsale provides a highly structured and supportive environment which supports our children to manage their behaviour and develop personal care, social interaction and independence skills. The service is able to safely care and educate children with complex needs and / or autism and associated learning disability; this is achieved by having specific designated areas within the care and school environment designed to meet their individual needs and enables children to develop within an appropriate peer group.

The aim of the Home is to provide a child-centred approach identifying each young person’s needs, working to enable children to achieve their full potential, and assist them to develop the skills they will need to live as independently as possible. This is achieved by providing a positive caring environment in which the children are encouraged to develop their own interests.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Kinsale offers an integrated service with staff from Care, Education and the Clinical team all working together to ensure a consistent and structured approach to support each of our children

Kinsale is registered to accommodate 19 young people in the residential area.

The home provides accommodation for children with Complex Needs which can include Autism and Learning Disabilities; such children may experience a range of disability from mild to severe in some or all of the following areas:

• Cognitive and/or social impairment as a result of early life trauma.

• Learning

• Language

• Medical

• Emotional

• Mental health

• Physical and sensory

• Behavioural disability.

Many of the children will meet the diagnostic criteria for one or more psychiatric disorders; these may include:

• Autism

• Mental and Behaviour disorders such as ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, OCD, Attachment, Psychosis and Self-Injurious Behaviour

• Medical or Genetic disorders such as Epilepsy, Fragile x

• Neurodevelopmental disorders such as Global Delay, DCD,

• Functional Problems and disorders such as Dysphagia, PICA, Enuresis

Unfortunately for some of the children placed their lives have also been additionally traumatised through experiences of abuse and neglect, separation and loss, and or unhelpful family relationships and dynamics.

The living and learning environment at Kinsale recognises that children require individualised, child centred, flexible, and responsive, intervention and educational programmes within a highly structured low arousal and containing environment.

The home is able to provide care and education for children who would benefit from the highly structured and supportive environment that the service offers.

Any children accommodated would be subject to a pre admission assessment process which would confirm that they would benefit from the service that Kinsale provides.

Some adjustments have been made to the Home with regard to Disability Discrimination Act compliance and consideration would be given to accommodating children who have a physical disability.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Kinsale recognises that we care and accommodate children with very different needs. As a result the home and school do have very clear defined areas where such children are accommodated and educated. Notwithstanding this the service actively promotes inclusion whereby our children with different needs are given the opportunity to mix with each other.

Placements are available on the following basis:

1. 52 weeks Residential and Education Placement 2. 38 to 52 week Residential and Education Placement. 3. 52 Care only placements.

Kinsale does not take emergency placements. a) Age range of people using the service

8 years to 19 years old

b) Accommodation Based services Maximum Capacity

19 Beds

c) Community based services only

Number of Care Hours delivered Detail the average number of care hours delivered per week. (tick the relevant box)










Have a flying start in life

The aim of the Children’s Home is to provide an innovative positive caring environment that promotes development of the whole child and demonstrates understanding in practice of their individual needs. Emphasis is given to developing social and life skills including recreational and leisure skills, both within the home and outside.

Key-workers liaise closely with the school staff to provide an extended curriculum and consistency in approach throughout the child’s life.

The young people are provided with a children guide which is available in a number of different versions to meet the preferred needs of the young person – welsh, easy read, video, visual format, and preferred language. This guide also provides the young person information regarding the responsible individual and the advocate if they need to raise any concerns or discuss any issues.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Have a comprehensive range of education and learning opportunities

The school provides a wide ranging curriculum which is tailored to meet the needs of each individual pupil. Pupils are able to work to nationally recognised educational awards in a broad range of subjects. Pupils are able to access local Forest Schools, outdoor activities education and work experience placements. We have links with local schools and colleges which enable us to provide further education opportunities for our pupils.

Enjoy the best possible health and are free from abuse, victimisation and exploitation

Children are encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle and are supported in this by physical exercise programmes, a healthy diet and monitoring of health needs. All children living at the Home are treated as individuals, who have their own unique relationships, experiences, strengths, needs and future.

Staff, where possible, involve children in decisions affecting them and the running of the residential provision. Individual programmes of communication and opportunities to ‘speak out’ are in place to enable the children to be involved in decision making and make a positive contribution.

Kinsale has its own onsite Professional Clinical Team who work with our staff and children to ensure that their emotional and physical needs are met.

Have access to play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities

Kinsale offers a wide range of onsite and offsite activities. The school has its own sports hall and gymnasium, outside sports area, adventure playground, cinema and bistro, as well as access to arts and crafts facilities. The location of the school lends itself well enabling children to take advantage of a wide range of offsite activities within the local area including: bowling, swimming, horse riding, golf and cycling as well as visiting the local beaches and beauty spots for walks.

Are listened to, treated with respect and have their race and cultural identity recognised

Children are encouraged to be aware of their rights and responsibilities through an on-going programme of meetings with their key-workers. Children are supported in how to make a complaint, and we seek to empower them to do this. Staff may make a complaint on the child's behalf. Children are encouraged to keep in contact with parents, family and friends by telephone, e-mail and visits.

Children have input to developing all aspects of the Home. This includes planning of activity programmes and menus. Children are encouraged to plan their week. Key-workers work in partnership with children in planning all aspects of the Home. This may include deciding what activities they take part in and what meals are provided as part of the menu. Successful planning involves knowledge and understanding of an individual child’s needs taking into account the child’s communication needs; their understanding of choice and need for structure and predictability. It is therefore essential to have in place individual approaches linked to the needs of each child enabling the child to help plan and participate in activities they enjoy as well as expressing opinions and choices with regard to these activities. Additional support and advice on child centred developmental activities is provided by the clinical team.

A key part of the assessment procedure is the determination of religious, ethnic, cultural and/or dietary background and requirements. Where desired by the child and/or family, arrangements are made for children to follow any preferred religious persuasions.

Where certain diets, or exclusions of foods from the diet, are required the home will make every attempt to follow these, following medical or cultural advice.

All reasonable steps will be taken to enable children to attend their preferred place of worship. The home celebrates the diversity of cultures and religious traditions represented in its own community and elsewhere.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Have a safe home and a community which supports physical and emotional wellbeing

Complementing the physical environment, staff provide a feeling of emotional safety through a high standard of care. The home has robust safeguarding procedures and all staff receive regular training in this area. The school has its own onsite Clinical Team which includes a clinical psychologist, an assistant psychologist, a speech and language therapist, an occupational therapist and a psychotherapist. This helps us ensure that all our children’s emotional wellbeing is supported.

Are not disadvantaged by poverty

The aim of the Home is for children to develop skills through a range of experiences to enable them to live as independently as possible. At Kinsale we understand the importance of treating each child as an individual and the need to teach skills discretely by provide our children with small steps within a structured programme.

Not with-standing the aforementioned all our children are provided opportunities to have their own bank account, as well as learning to travel on public transport, looking after their home, shopping and budgeting. Children are also encouraged to develop skills in activities they enjoy which could help them achieve employment in the future.

The living and learning environment at Kinsale recognises that children require individualised, child centred, flexible, and responsive, intervention and educational programmes within a nurturing and structured environment. Consistent routines and boundaries support emotional containment.

The home is able to provide care for children who would benefit from the structured and supportive environment that the service offers, but within a framework that supports constructive risk taking and develops emotional and social resilience in line with longer term plans to return to a family, semi, or independent living settings.

Admissions, Transitions & Pre Placement Assessment and Planning.

The Home accommodates children who attend the school which shares the site or attend external further education and or work experience placements. Consideration may be given to children who need a care only placement.

Children may be funded by the Local Education Authority, Social Services, Health Authority, or any combination of the above. Children accessing all aspects of the service would be subject to a pre admission assessment process and impact risk assessment to confirm that the service could meet their needs and that they would benefit from being placed at Kinsale.

Further details on assessment and admissions are provided in Options Group Admissions Policy.

In accordance with regulations for the educational and care aspects of all placements, the Home cooperates in all statutory reviews organised by referring agencies, taking a positive stance to facilitating reviews, helping in the arrangement of dates, reminding interested parties of the timescales involved and producing comprehensive and informative reports on time. Once a young person has transitioned into the service, Personal plans, risk assessments and core documents are reviewed with seven days. Personal plans are reviewed every 3 months. LAC reviews are facilitated on a six monthly basis as are the annual reviews of the Education Health Care Plan. Where appropriate the young people are consulted through key working sessions and asked to attend the LAC review. Be Healthy The aim of the Home is to provide a child-centred, nurturing approach identifying each young person’s needs, working to enable children to achieve their full potential and assist them to develop the skills they will need to live as independently as possible. This is achieved by providing a positive caring environment in which the children are encouraged to develop their own interests in addition to being supported to maintain positive group and peer relationships.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Residential Care at Options Kinsale is fully supported by an embedded Multi-disciplinary Clinical Team. The Clinical Team currently comprises: The Clinical Team are involved with a child/young person throughout their placement overseeing a continuous process of assessment, individualised intervention and outcome monitoring. Our multi-disciplinary pre admission assessment process provides an initial understanding which is used to create the initial documents to support the child/young person in placement. Throughout the first twelve weeks of a child/young person’s placement further assessments are undertaken to gain an understanding of a child/young person’s developmental, communication, sensory, behavioural, environmental, physical, educational and mental health needs. This understanding then forms the basis for each child/young person’s individual clinical plans which will include a formulation of the child, intervention strategies and identified team needs. Recognising the developing and changing needs of the children and young people the Clinicians continuously assess the intervention plans in place ensuring they continue to support the achievement of desired outcomes. Baseline psychometric measures are also carried out as part of the assessment process and these are repeated on a 6 monthly or annual basis, the results are then analysed, discussed and reported upon within the child/young person’s review and planning meetings. The ongoing administering of psychometric measures helps to identify change and growth within the individual child /young person and to monitor the effectiveness of the service delivery. Information gathered from the outcome measures will inform a review of the child/young person’s clinical plans, risk assessment and positive behaviour support plans. All documents are held within the child/young person’s file or for those where this would be inappropriate, they can be accessed via the Clinician assigned to the home. All our Clinicians are registered practitioners and professionally supervised. Members of the Clinical Team receive supervision from the Clinical Lead and /or from an appropriately qualified external professional. The Clinical Lead receives supervision from Options Head of Governance & Clinical Services. The clinical team support the wider team around the child; their teachers, care practitioners and sometimes their parents / guardians to develop and deliver an individualised and evidenced-based plan of intervention which will best enable the individual to access their learning and development opportunities. Each child with a 52 week placement is registered with a local GP, Dentist and Optician. Regular health checks are arranged in consultation with parents/guardians and as per the Looked After Child requirements for annual medicals. Arrangements are made as necessary for any child receiving specialist medical care to pursue their course of treatment. Consent is obtained from parents/guardians for all medical treatment including first aid and a multi-agency approach is utilised to ensure the best possible outcomes where appropriate. Records are maintained of all visits to hospital, doctor, dentist etc., and of any medication given. The storage, administering and recording of medication is monitored by the Registered Manager. Health promotion strategies remain at the centre of the approach utilised, with physical exercise, healthy eating plans and emotional wellbeing built into weekly programmes Be Safe Kinsale provides a comfortable, safe and nurturing home. Staff provide a feeling of emotional safety through a high standard of care. The home has robust safeguarding procedures and all staff receive regular training in this area. Having the ongoing support from the Clinical team helps us ensure that all our children’s emotional wellbeing is supported. In addition, the home’s management team has engaged other key professionals in the area to ensure a robust locality risk assessment process supports a safe community for all our young people to access and engage in. Through the implementation of highly structured routines and boundaries staff at the home seek to keep to a minimum the occasions on which physical controls and restraint are used. However, at times methods of physical control and restraint are required in order to protect children and staff from harm, and serious damage to the environment.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Physical restraint is used as a last resort to maintain the safety of children and staff, and the approaches used are BILD accredited. Any use of physical restraint is recorded and monitored by the Registered Manager. All staff are trained in the PRICE method of physical restraint techniques. Protecting Rights in a Caring Environment utilises a Behaviour Support Approach with an emphasis on Functional Analysis and Proactive and Preventative Strategies. All therapeutic input or techniques delivered to children placed at Kinsale School are delivered by appropriately trained practitioners. The service’s Professional Clinical Team is led by our Clinical Psychologist who oversees the therapeutic practice for each individual child. This includes individual Clinical Supervision with CLINICAL staff as well as staff training sessions for all care and education staff. All therapeutic techniques used included in individual children’s personal plans and consent for using techniques/input is obtained from parents (if appropriate) and/or Placing Authorities More information can be found in the Physical Interventions and Behaviour Management policies which are available on request. The Home has an electronic door access control system that is activated by a key fob. Individual and groups of key fobs will be programmed to suit the needs of children and staff members. Bedroom doors may also be fitted with keyed locks to give children the opportunity to develop skills in managing the security of their room. Where appropriate individual children can also be provided with key fobs to enable them to move between permitted areas appropriately. The restriction of access/egress within the building and its external facilities will be subject of individual restrictive practice audits for each individual child/young person. Where appropriate action plans are also agreed with the aim of reducing individual restrictive practice measures which apply to individual children. In order to safeguard children who are not supervised by waking night staff their bedroom doors and entrance doors to individual flats are fitted with alarms so that staff sleeping in can be alerted when children’s flat or bedroom doors are opened. These arrangements are made known to both parents and placing authorities on a child being admitted to the service and consent for their use is obtained. Auditory and visual surveillance equipment is only used in the home if its use and purpose is known to the child or children to be monitored. Such equipment if required is used solely for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare or development of a child and if its use is a requirement of the personal plan and approved by the placing authority. The Home has a policy on unauthorised absences from the home and follows the All Wales Protocols Missing Children. The home will also comply with requirements with placing local authority missing from care policies. Kinsale has developed relationships with North Wales Police local to the school and share information with them in respect of any child who is deemed at risk of going missing from care. The Home operates within the overall Options Group policy framework and adheres to the www.safeguarding.wales. In summary:

• The Home has a detailed Child Protection Policy.

• All staff receive training in Child Protection Procedures

• The Registered Manager is the designated Safeguarding Officer.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

• Information regarding Child Line and what to do if you have a worry or cause for concern

is displayed in the home, including the use of a private telephone.

• The child's key-worker also acts as an advocate for that child and children have a right

to an ‘independent’ advocate with access to this service provided by Tros Gynnal

• Cause for Concern forms are used to report suspected bullying.

• Where appropriate children are given support with understanding and using self-

protection strategies.

• Children or their representatives can contact CIW; Government Buildings, Sarn Mynach,

Llandudno Junction, LL31 9RZ. Tel: 0300 790 0126. Kinsale’s inspector is Alison


• Children or their representatives can contact, The Children’s Commissioner for Wales,

Penrhos Manor, Oak Drive, Colwyn Bay, Conwy. Tel: 01492 523320.

• Children have access to Tros Gynnal Advocacy Service. Tel: 01248 600622. An

appropriate advocate from Tros Gynnal visits in the role of Kinsale School’s Independent


• Children or their representatives can make a complaint to the Social Care Wales if a

member of staff is not caring for them in respect of the standards in the Code of Practice

for Social Care Workers and their Managers. Tel: 0845 0700 399.

Be Involved Kinsale offers an integrated service operating alongside Education and Clinical this ensures that Care, Education and the Clinical team all work together to ensure a consistent and structured approach to support each of our children. Due to the nature of children with Complex Needs children at the Home often need extra support in order to participate in the above. Recreation and free time need to be structured to encourage participation and maximum benefit from the activity. A weekly programme of activities both within and out of the Home is provided. Members of staff seek to ensure that programmes are broad, balanced and reflect the needs of both the group and the individual allowing for free time and choices. The Home seeks to offer a range of books, games, DVD and IT facilities to enable the children to access resources that would enable continued learning outside of the school context on a regular basis. Homework if set, can be undertaken in the child's own room or communal areas of the home. Due to the nature of children with Complex Needs and Autism and associated learning disability children at the Home often need extra support in order to participate in the above. Recreation and free time need to be structured to encourage participation and maximum benefit from the activity.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

A weekly programme of activities both within and out of the Home is provided. Members of staff seek to ensure that programmes are broad, balanced and reflect the needs of both the group and the individual allowing for free time and choices. Staff working in the home seek to implement and promote anti-discriminatory practice and perspectives, ensuring that every individual's worth is reflected in the care and consideration given to them in terms of their life experience, sense of culture and racial identity. Staff will seek to recognise culture as a living and changing state, allowing for individualism and idiosyncrasy and avoiding, social stereotypical views of disability. Have Control Due to the individual needs of our children, their ability to communicate and their levels of understanding may be impaired. This will often require a key worker to advocate on behalf of the child. We encourage each child to participate in a weekly key-worker meeting or a group meeting. The following approaches are used to enable children to make their wishes and needs known:

Group meetings

Individual meetings with their key worker

Child evaluation of activities and provision.

Monthly advocate visits

Child contribution to Quality of Care Review where possible.

Individual approaches will be tailored dependant on the needs of the young person and the approaches will have been identified as being appropriate by the services’ Speech and Language Therapist. Maintain Identity A key part of the assessment procedure is the determination of religious, ethnic, cultural and/or dietary background and requirements. Where desired by the child and/or family, arrangements are made for children to follow any preferred religious persuasions. Where certain diets, or exclusions of foods from the diet, are required the home will make every attempt to follow these, following medical or cultural advice. All reasonable steps will be taken to enable children to attend their preferred place of worship. The home celebrates the diversity of cultures and religious traditions represented in its own community and elsewhere. Family Contact Any restrictions on contact between the child and those significant to them will be detailed in the personal plan and will be strictly adhered to. Procedures are in place to enable and encourage the child to remain in contact with those significant to them. It is the right of the child to remain in contact with those significant to them, and due to differences in communication and social understanding of children with complex needs, staff will usually need to provide encouragement and facilitate this. Contact may take the form of letter, phone call, email or visits. Visits may be supported or supervised by staff. All contact is recorded.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language therapy support the service as part of the Clinical Team. The Clinical Team are involved with a child/young person throughout their placement overseeing a continuous process of assessment, individualised intervention and outcome monitoring. Communication assessment helps to determine a person’s strengths and difficulties and to identify appropriate communication strategies which may include augmentative and alternative communication systems, such as visual aids. Assessment findings are compiled into a SALT report and a Communication Profile is created which is used by staff and shared with external bodies. To ensure that a person’s developing and changing communication needs are met, speech and language therapy regularly review the intervention plans in place to check that they continue to support the achievement of desired outcomes.

When there are specific areas of communication need or difficulty, both indirect and direct SALT support and therapy is made available, if appropriate, either in a group or on a one to one basis.

To ensure that the staff have the required knowledge and experience to work with children with communication difficulties, they receive training both during induction and on an on-going basis. Training includes Total Communication, Makaton (Welsh and English), and Dysphagia.

Welsh Language

Once the communication needs of an individual is established the service will be adapted to meet their needs. Initially we will provide Welsh language editions of the Statement of Purpose and the Young Persons Guide where necessary. We will then produce communication tools to promote Welsh as a 1st language and support none Welsh speakers to converse. The service also encourages the use of the Welsh language by offering a basic introduction to none Welsh speakers.

Kinsale has a small number of staff who are welsh speakers and who have supported any young people who are first language welsh. We have provide bi lingual visual aids and routines. We have a number of welsh language DVDs and story books, and where possible we provide the young person with a keyworker who is able to communicate in welsh.

The advocacy service Tros Gynnal is also able to support any young person who is welsh speaking by communicating in welsh during their visits.

4.0 Staffing Arrangements

Staff Levels Day time ratios: The home operates 3 care teams each working a one day on two day off rota pattern. Their working day starts at 0700 hours and ends at 2300 hours the same day. Some staff will then be required to sleep in each night before starting work at 0700 hours the next day completing a handover with the oncoming shift and finishing work at 0730 hours. Each care team consists of a House Manager (not included in staffing numbers), Four Team Leaders (one for two flat) and a number of Care Practitioners. The number of Care Practitioners is dependent on the number of children accommodated in the home. Standard staffing levels for children being 1:1 support. All Team Leaders and Care Practitioners will be expected to fulfil the role of Key-Worker or Link Worker as part of their responsibilities. There are 6 staff that sleep in per night who are available to assist the waking night team if required. Night time ratios: Kinsale has a small team of dedicated waking night staff. Each waking night team is managed by a Waking night Team Leader. This waking night cover is necessary as some of our children with autism and

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Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

associated learning difficulties learning require 24 hour constant supervision in order to meet their health and wellbeing needs.6 waking night per team Specialist Staff

Clinical Lead Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychology Society. Society. No. BPS 015216. HCPC Registration No. PYL 16003

Consultant Speech & Language Therapist


RCSLT RC0007650

HCPC SL04577

Occupational Therapist

BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy

HCPC No. OT70724

Assistant Psychologist

BSc (Hons) Psychology

Art Therapist


Staffing for the home consists of a Head of Care, 2 x Deputy to the Registered Manager, 3 x house managers, 12 x Team Leaders and 2 x night team leaders, 2 x part time night staff, 9 full time night staff, 72 x day practitioners.

The home operates 3 care teams each working a one day on two day off rota pattern. Their working day starts at 07.00 hours and ends at 23.00 hours the same day. Two staff will then be required to sleep in each night before starting work at 07.00 hours the next day completing a handover with the oncoming shift and finishing work at 07.30 hours.

The night staff work 4 shifts on four shifts off shift pattern, with their shifts starting at 22.00 – 08.00.

Arrangements for delegated tasks

Each care team is led by a House Manager.

The standard staffing levels for the home are one staff member to one child in waking hours. These staffing levels may be increased on a short term basis if an individual child’s needs and risk assessment dictates it is appropriate to do so. All Team Leaders and Practitioners will be expected to fulfil the role of Key-Worker or Link Worker as part of their responsibilities.

Staff and children placed in the home have access to the Professional Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Team who are based at Options Kinsale to ensure that their emotional and physical needs are identified and routinely met

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Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Supervision arrangements

All new staff receive supervision at least every 2 weeks during their first 6 months in post. This is usually carried out by their line manager. All other staff receive supervision for 1½ hours each month.

The Operations Manager receives professional supervision from Head of Complex Needs Services Mark Williams. He is also the Responsible Individual for the service.

The Head of Complex Needs Services is supervised by Options Group Managing Director Jane Worsley Staff Training & Qualification

All new staff follow an Induction Programme during their first 12 weeks of employment, which is linked to the Social Care Wales Induction Framework. This includes a full two week induction and a period of shadow shift working. The mandatory training for staff is listed in the table below:

Fire safety Manual Handling First Aid Equality & Diversity Health & Safety & COSHH

PRICE Safeguarding

Prevent Duty

Infection control Food hygiene Medication

In addition to the mandatory training we also prepare the staff with the following training:

Child development Positive Behaviour Support Plan

Autism Awareness Peer on Peer Abuse Prevent Bullying

Risk assessment Online Safety GDPR Attachment & trauma


As part of the probation period staff must complete the Social Care wales Framework and have a completed application prior to successfully completing their six month probation period. Once the registration process with Social Care Wales has been completed any unqualified staff are able to sign up for the he level 3 diploma in Health & Social Care, the staff are given timescales of two years from there enrolment date of the qualification.

Each staff member receives a Personal Development Review which addresses individual training and career development needs. Support in the provision of high-quality training and development is provided by Elen Rhiannon Williams who is the Learning & Development Officer based at Options Kinsale. 5.0 FACILITIES AND SERVICES

a) Number of single and shared rooms 19 Single bedrooms for children 9 Staff Sleep in Rooms

b) Number of rooms with en suite facilities 15 ensuite for children

c) Number of dining areas 6

d) Number of communal areas 9

e) Specialist bathing facilities 17 standard bedrooms

f) Specialist equipment 0

g) Security arrangements in place and use of CCTV

The service does not operate any CCTV monitoring. Security arrangements for the service are met via key operated locks on all windows and doors. In addition we have movement activated outside lighting to provide additional security during the hours of darkness.

h) Access to outside space and facilities at this service

six of the seven flats have direct access to outside patio areas, there is also access to a playground, a

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

large play park, sports hall, gym, horticulture area and a secure driveway with gates.

At the home we store records in the main office in lockable cabinets and archived documents in an external secure container. All keys are stored in a lock able key cabinet in the office which only accessed by appointed individuals.


Responsible Individual.

The Responsible Individual for Kinsale is Richard Powers who is a Managing Director. Richard provides Supervision to the Head of Care. The responsible individual completes quarterly monitoring visits to the service, making sure that the service is meeting the required RISCA regulations.


Senior Managers from the home attend a weekly Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting with the Responsible Individual, the Clinical Lead Head Teacher and Manager of each home which form part of the Options North Wales Complex Needs Services to discuss ongoing issues and progress with individual children. These meetings follow a set agenda and are minuted so that progress on agreed actions can be monitored. These meetings are open forums so can be attended by staff and teachers from the Options Complex Needs Services.

The home continues to have monthly visits from an independent monitoring visitor who provides a written report on her findings and recommends actions to be addressed. This report is submitted via the Home Manager and Responsible Individual to the Care Inspectorate of Wales. An annual children’s home audit is completed by the Options Group quality assurance team and throughout the year a self-assessment audit is completed.

Through team meetings the staff team are involved in providing feedback regarding changes to the service, what has gone well, what has not gone well. This is completed twice a year and the information is included in to the Quality of Care process.

The home is also subject of monthly visit from an independent advocacy service the details of which are Tros Gynnal Advocacy Service. Tel: 01248 600622. Becky Lloyd from Tros Gynnal visits in the role of Kinsale’s Independent Person. She prepares a written report of her visit for the Home Manager and Responsible Individual.


Due to the individual needs of our children, their ability to communicate and their levels of understanding may be impaired. This will often require a key worker to advocate on behalf of the child. We encourage each child to participate in a weekly key-worker meeting or a group meeting. The following approaches are used to enable children to make their wishes and needs known:

Choice boards

Group meetings

Individual meetings with their key worker

Child evaluation of activities and provision.

School Council

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

Monthly advocate visits

Child contribution to Quality of Care Review where possible.

Individual approaches will be tailored dependant on the needs of the young person and the approaches will have been identified as being appropriate by the services’ Speech and Language Therapist.

Annually the home manager conducts a Quality of Care Review and as part of this review he consults with staff, young people, parents, professionals and other stakeholders to gain their views. An action plan to improve the quality of care within the home is then agreed with the Responsible Individual and actioned.

Options Complex Needs Fee Schedule. The following fees are inclusive of Care, Education and Clinical input at Kinsale. Standard Staffing Levels at Kinsale are 1:1 during waking hours ie from 0700 hours to 2300 hours daily. Night tie supervision is either via waking night staff at a ratio of 1:4 or sleep in staff dependant on needs of individual children. 52 week Care and Education Placement Fees £5145 per week 38 week Care and Education Placement Fees £207,007 per annum Day Placement Fees. £79800 per annum

Terms and conditions including circumstances in which the service may cease to be provided and

notice periods

The service for any child may be withdrawn after discussion and consultation with parents and relevant professionals in the event of a Serious Safeguarding Issue, or in the event that the service can now longer meet the child’s education, health and Care Needs. A minimum notice period of 28 days would be issued other than when the issue was a serious safeguarding event in which case the period may be reduced to 7 days. The service would always work closely with parents and professionals to secure a smooth and successful transition from the service.

How individuals can access their own records

Individuals are able to access their own records via a Subject Access Request. The organisation has a formal subject access request process which forms part of our Data Protection Policy which would be made available to any individual or their representative on request.


It is recognised that children with Complex Needs may find it very difficult to complain, and in some circumstances realise that to make a complaint is a reasonable course of action for a given situation. The key worker system that operates within the home encourages key workers to advocate for children and make complaints on their behalf. All complaints made within the home are dealt with seriously.

Children, relatives and referring agencies are encouraged to discuss any areas of concern at the earliest opportunity with a member of staff, who will do their best to resolve the matter or seek the assistance of a senior colleague if they are unable to help. If efforts at this level are unsuccessful, or if the person making the complaint feels unwilling or unable to make an informal approach, reference can be made direct to the Registered Manager who is responsible for the local operation of the Complaints procedure. Where the Registered Manager is unable to resolve the matter or in the event of a serious complaint concerning the Registered Manager, the matter may be referred to the Responsible Individual.

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

If the complaint cannot be resolved by discussion within the company’s procedures, or if the complainant does not wish to pursue this route, they may have recourse to the complaints procedure operated by the referring authority or to the local Social Services Child Protection Team.

The procedure follows the key principles of the regulatory requirements for addressing complaints as found in the Children’s Home (Wales) Regulations 2002 and its subsequent amendments as set out in the Home’s local policy.

Complaints about registered services can also be made to:

Responsible Individual – Richard Powers, 1 Merchants Place, River Street, Bolton, BL2 1BX

Phone: 01204 927628 , Mobile: 07901 202695

Government Buildings, Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction, LL31 9RZ. Tel: 0300 7900126.

The Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Penrhos Manor, Oak Drive, Colwyn Bay, Conwy. Tel: 01492 523320.

Tros Gynnal Plant Advocacy Service. Tel: 01248 600622. Becky Lloyd from Tros Gynnal visits in the role of Kinsale’s Independent Person. Children or their representatives can make a complaint to the Social Care Wales if a member of staff is not caring for them in respect of the standards in the Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and their Managers. Tel: 0845 0700 399.

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Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually


Staffing list as at 20th September 2020

Staff Initials



Blue – Qualified, Pink – working towards Orange – awaiting to sign

Experience within Health

and Social Care / Education Setting

BeFa Operations Manager NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP Level 5 Leadership & Management in Health and Social Care


11 + years

NaGr Deputy to the Registered Manager

NVQ Level 5 leadership for H&SC Adults, L3 Cert in Assessing Candidates A1, L3 H&SC Children and YP

11 + years

CUJO Deputy to the Registered Manager

NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP – working towards Level 5 Leadership in management

8 + years

ArJo House Manager QCF Level 2 Team Leading, NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP, NQQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Adults

11 + years

ElHu House Manager NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP, Level 5 Leadership & Management in Health and Social Care Children

15 + years

JuJo House Manager QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP Working towards Level 5 Leadership & Management

4 + years

PaWr Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

4 + years

LeWh Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

10 + years

LoRo Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

3 + years


Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 3+ years

DaWa Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

3 + years

MaRo Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

4 + years

RoBe Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 ½ + years

RoSi Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

5+ years

GeBr Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

6 + years

AmMc Team Leader QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

6 + years

ChRo Team Leader

QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

3 + years

MiMo Team Leader

QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

3+ years

HeSa Team Leader

QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP Working towards Level 5 Leadership & Management

5 + years

JaSc Practitioner

QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

10+ years

TaHa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

4 + years

SeDo Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

4 + years

AmDa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

12 + years

JaHi Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1+ years

PaEl Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

KaRo Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1+ years

AlRo Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 3 + years

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

DeGa Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 years

LaEd Practitioner Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 2 months

ThBa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 ½ + years

AnWi Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1+ years

SiGr Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

6 months

ChHo Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 ½ years

RoPe Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 + year

SaTh Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 year

DeJa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 ½ years

TrRo Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 ½ years

LaJo Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

DaEd Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

4 + years

CaSh Practitioner Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 month

AlRo Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

ChMi Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 + years

ReEd Practitioner Awaiting to sign up Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1 month

JoHa Practitioner Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

6 + months

DaKe Practitioner Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

6 + months

LaRe Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + year

ThBa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 + years

EmMc Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

DeCa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 + years

ElGi Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 + years

MeTa Practitioner Working towards Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP

8 + months

StRo Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 ½ + years

CoHu Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

2 ½ + years

MaRo Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + year

MaBu Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

DaHa Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

MaJO Practitioner Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 month

LiWa Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1+ years

TiRe Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1+ years

SaMe Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1+ years

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Document Type Statement of Purpose Version Number 1.0

Document Owner Head of Service Last Review Date 22 September 2020

Date First Issued May 2018 Next Review Date At least annually

EmBr Practitioner Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 2 months

DaNe Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 3 + years

SiDu Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + years

ShMa Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 + months

AnTwI Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 + months

LeJo Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 + months

DoGu Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1+ years

ChSt Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1+ years

EmSt Practitioner QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 2 ½ + years

ClJo Team Leader Nights QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 2 ½ + years

RiLe Team Leader Nights QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 + years

ShJo Practitioner Nights NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP 9 ½ + years

MaSt Practitioner Nights QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1 + years

GeLe Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1+ year

KaCo Practitioner Nights NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP 10 ½ + years

NaCo Practitioner Nights QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 11 months

RiWe Practitioner Nights NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP 3 ½ years

BeKe Practitioner Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

1 + year

MaEv Practitioner Bank Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1 ½ years

JoEd Practitioner Bank NVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care Children & YP 2 + years

JoRi Practitioner Bank Working towards QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1 year

ElWi Practitioner Bank QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 3 + years

AnPo Practitioner Bank

Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 9 months

AbSe Practitioner Bank

Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 months

KeHi Practitioner Bank

Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 months

EvHo Practitioner Bank

Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 6 months

LoEd Practitioner Bank

Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 1 month

HeRi Practitioner Bank

Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP 9 months

KiCr Practitioner Bank Awaiting to sign up QCF Level 3 Health & Social Care Children and YP

6 months

Practitioner Bank

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