opinionice...will be attending the pride month drag-queen events, loving my neighbors however they...

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||||| OPINION |||||

-Established 1977-

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“As a Christian who takes seriously our Lord’s commandment to love God and love our neighbor, I will be attending the Pride Month drag-queen events, loving my neighbors however they dress and appreci-ating the amazing diversity of God’s creation.”

“To the person asking why ODOT can’t just pro-vide fill dirt for the bike-path-extension project east of Athens. The answer is wetlands. Much of the prop-erty the bike path borders is protected wetland. This requires strict storm-water permits and is a lengthy one- to two-year process. It’s not an easy fix.”

“Why are summer camps for children in Athens so expensive? Does OU not realize they are in Appala-chia? Yes, let’s expose our children to many fun forms of art and music... but only the children from wealthy families!”

“Many people do not want to compost... Maybe they have a super-small backyard or are elderly or have a landlord who forbids it. This project does not preclude people doing their own heap. But, as seen across the country, food waste is a large part of landfill waste. If you can reduce food waste being thrown away and can compost it, there are numbers of benefits. Even with a truck driving around.”

“Yes, I would much rather use the regular check-out lanes to help keep people in business, but unfor-tunately, I have dealt with numerous errors over the years (at more than one store) and have learned, if I want to be charged correctly, I need to use the self checkout lanes. I am on a very limited budget, and every penny counts. I base my purchases on the sales and cannot afford to pay extra.”

“People need to remember that Hocking College isn’t a jobs program for teachers. It exists to teach people skills to help them become more employable.

The details of these grievances reveal that they’re all about the HCEA (faculty union) squawking about changes that were made to help offer better programs for students.”

“According to the Sham-Bala Tourism Guide: Athens, Ohio - Somewhere East of Oz, considerably West of Shangri-La and ostensibly South of Camelot. Elevation thought to approach Axis Mundi. Believed to be populated by Alfheimerians, an odd assortment of hillbippies who have stepped off their path and hilljacks who didn’t securely tie off before venturing into the mist.”

“Nice little Pride parade, Athens. Thanks to all who planned, participated and came out in support. However, with the exception of Mayor Patterson (thanks Mayor Steve!), no local office holders showed their support. I hope everyone remembers this come election time.”

“Using Hocking College funds, President Betty Young ‘traveled to a labor law and labor arbitration conference in Miami Beach, Florida, for two days in 2018. […] Young said… the college had to prepare for the next round of labor negotiations.’ So, Hocking College funds were used to help prepare the president to further destroy the small number of remaining faculty members and staff?”

“A backyard compost ‘heap’ becomes a banquet for everything from roaches to raccoons. Works great if you have your own back 40, but gets ugly in a dense housing area. Composting needs to be done in a container of sorts. A managed composting facility can do it right, but you have to believe that the costs of hauling stuff around and keeping it segregated from all the other stuff getting hauled around is worth the effort (and fees).”

“John Dean is a hero, no doubt about it.”

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