opiniones y presión social

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  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social



    sc EllyTIF1c OFFPRINTS


    Opinions and Social


    by Solomon







    NOVEMBER 1955

    VOL 193 NO 5

    PP. 31-35


    Co py rig ht0 19 55 by Scientific American. Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. NOpart of this offprint may be reproduced by ny



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  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social


    Opinions and Social Pressure

    E x a c t l y w h a t i s


    e f e c t

    of the


    o f

    others on




    other words ho w s t rong


    the urge toward soc ial con formi ty?

    The ques t ion is app roached by me ans

    o f

    some unu sual exper iments



    E. Asch

    hat socia l influences shape every

    persons practices, judgments and

    T,l iefs is a t ruism to wh ich anyone

    will readily assent. A chi ld masters his

    native dialect down to the finest

    nuances; a member of a tribe of canni-

    bals accepts cannibal ism as a l together

    fitting an d prop er. All the social sciences

    take their departure from the observa-

    tion of th e profoun d effects that grou ps

    exert on their members . For psycholo-

    gis ts , group pressure upon the minds of

    indiv iduals raises a host of ques t ions

    they wou ld l ike to inves t igate in deta i l .


    and to what extent , do socia l

    forces cons tra in peoples opinions and

    attitudes? This question is especially

    pe r t inen t in our day .


    sam e epoch

    tha t has wi tnes sed the unpreceden ted

    technical extension of communicat ion

    has a lso brought into exis tence the de-

    l iberate manipulat ion


    opinion and the

    engineering of consent. Th ere are

    man y good reasons why, as c i t izens and

    as sc ient is ts , we should be concerned

    with s tudying the ways in which hum an

    beings form their opinions and the role

    that social conditions play.

    Stud ies of these questions bega n with

    the interes t in hypnosis aroused by the

    French physic ian Jean Mart in Charcot

    (a t eache r

    of S iqm und F reud



    the end of the 1 9 th ce n t up . Charco t

    believed that only hysterical patients

    could be ful ly hypnotized, but this view

    was soon chal lenged by two other phys i-

    c ians , Hyppolyte Bernheim and A A

    Liebau l t , who dem ons t ra ted tha t they

    cou ld pu t m os t peop le unde r the hyp-

    notic spell. Bernheim proposed that hyp-

    nos is was bu t an ex treme form



    normal psychological process which be-

    came known as suggestibility. It was

    shown that monotonous reiteration of in-

    s truct ions could induce in normal per-

    sons in the waking state involuntary

    bodily changes suc h as swaying or r igid-

    i ty of the arms, and sensat ions such as

    warmth and odor.

    I t was no t long before social thinkers

    seized upon these discoveries as a basis

    for explaining numerous social phe-

    nomena, from the spread


    opinion to

    the formation of crow ds and th e follow-

    ing of leaders.


    sociologist Gabriel

    Tard e summed i t a l l up in the aphorism:

    Social man is a somnambulist.

    Wh en th e new discipline of social psy-

    chology was born a t the beginning


    this century, its first experiments were

    EXPERIMENTTS REPEATED in the Laboratory of Social Rela.

    tions a t Harvard University. Seven student subjects are asked by the

    experimenter r ight) to compare the length of l ines (see

    di gr m

    on th nex t

    p a g e ) . Six

    of the subjects have been coached bedre-

    hand to give unanimously wrong answers.


    seventh s i x t h


    the left) has merely been told that it is an experiment in perce ptio n


  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social


    essentially adaptations of the suggestion

    demonstra t ion. The technique general ly

    followed a s imple plan.



    usually college students, were asked to

    give their opinions or preferences con-

    cerning various matte rs ; some t ime la ter

    they were again

    asked to s ta te their

    choices, but now they were also in-

    form ed of th e opinions held by authori-

    ties or large grou ps of their peers on th e

    same matters . (O fte n the a l leged con-

    sensus wa s fictitious.) Most of these

    s tudies had subs tant ia l ly the same resul t :

    confronted with opinions contrary to

    their own, many subjects apparent ly

    shif ted their judgments in the direct ion

    of the views of the majorities or the ex-

    perts . The la te psychologis t Edward


    Thornd ike repor ted tha t he had suc -

    ceed ed in mo difying the es thet ic prefer-

    ences of adu ts by this proce dure . Oth er

    psychologists reported that peoples

    evaluations of the merit of a literary

    passage could be ra ised


    lowered by

    ascribing the passage to different au-

    thors . -4pparent ly the sheer weight of

    num bers or au thori ty sufficed to change

    opinions , even when no arguments for

    the opinions themselves were provided.

    Now the ve ry ease of success in these

    experiments arouses suspic ion. Did the

    subjects actual ly chan ge their opinions ,

    or were th e experim ental victories scored

    onlv on paper? On grounds of common

    sense, one must ques t ion whether

    opinions are g eneral ly as watery



    studies indicate. Th ere is some reason to

    won der wh ether i t was not the inves tiga-

    tors who, in their enthus iasm for a

    theory, were sugges t ibie . and whether

    the ostensibly gullible su bjects were nok

    prov id ing answers which they thought

    good subjects were expected to give.

    Th e invest igat ions were g uided by cer-

    tain underlying assumptions, which to-

    day are common currency and account

    for much that is thoug ht an d said about

    the operat ions of pro pagan da and public

    opinion. The assumptions are that peo-

    ple submit uncritically and painlessly to

    external manipulat ion


    sugges t ion or

    pres t ige , and th at an y given idea or value

    can be sold or unsold without refer-

    ence to i ts meri ts . W e should be skept i-

    cal, how ever, of


    supposi t ion that th e

    power of social pressure ne

    ssarily im-

    pende nce an d the capaci ty to r ise above

    group pas s im a re a l so open to hum an

    beings. Fu rther, o ne may ques t ion on

    psychological groun ds wheth er i t is pos-

    sible as a ruls to c han ge a persons judg-

    ment of a s i tuat ion or an object without

    first changing his knowledge or assump-

    tions about it .

    plies uncritical submission f


    i t : inde-

    n what follows I shall describe some

    I experiments in an investigation of the

    effects of gro up pressu re which was car -

    r ied out recent ly with the h elp of a num-

    ber of my associates. The tests not only

    demonstra te the operat ions of group

    pressure upo n individuals but a lso i l lus-

    t ra te a new k ind of a t t ack on the p rob-

    lem and some of the more subt le ques-

    tions that it raises.

    A group of seven to nine youn g men,


    col lege s tudents , are assembled in a

    classroom for a psychological experi-

    ment in visual judgment . The experi-

    menter informs them that they wil l be

    com parin g th e lengths of lines.



    two large white cards . O n one is a s ingle

    vertica l black line-the stan dar d whose

    leng th i s to be m a tched . On the o the r

    card are three vertical lines of various

    lengths . The subjects are to choose the

    one that is


    the sam e length as the l ine

    on the o the r ca rd . One o f the th ree

    actually is of the same length; the other

    two are substa ntially different, the differ-

    ence ranging from three quarters of an

    inch to an inch and three q uarters .

    The experiment opens uneventful ly.

    The subjects announce their answers in

    the order in which they have been seated

    in the room, and on the first round every

    person chooses the same matching line.

    T h e n a second se t of cards is exposed;

    aga in the g roup i s unanim ous . The m em -

    bers appea r read:; to endure politely an-

    other boring experiment .

    O n

    the third

    tr ia l there is an u nexpected d is turbance.

    On e person nea r the end


    the grouF

    disagrees with all the others in his selec-

    tion of th e match ing line. He looks sur-

    prised. indeed incredulous , about the

    disagreement . On the fol lowing tr ia l he

    disagrees again, while the others remain

    unanimou s in their c hoice . Th e dissenter

    becomes more and more worried and

    hes i tant


    the disagreem ent cont inues in

    succeeding t r ia ls ; he moy pause before

    announcing his answer and speak in a

    low voice, or he may smile in an em-

    barrassed way.

    What the dissenter does not know


    that a l l the other members of the gro up

    were ins tructed by the experimenter

    beforehand to give incorrect answers in

    unanimity a t certa in points . The s ingle

    individual who is not a party to this pre-

    arrangement is the focal subject of our

    experiment . H e is placed in a pos it ion in

    which, while he is ac tual ly giving the

    correct answers, he finds himself unex-

    pectedly in a minority of one, opposed

    by a unanimous and arbi t rary majori ty

    with respect to a clear and simple fact.

    Upon him we have brought to bear two

    opposed forces: the evidence of his

    senses and the unanimous opinion of


    group of his peers.


    he must declare

    his judgments in public, before a major-

    ity which has also stated its position


    The instructed majority occasionally

    reports correct ly in order to reduce the

    possibility that the naive subject will sus-

    pect collusion against him. ( I n only


    few cases did the subject actually show

    suspicion: when this happened, the ex-

    periment \vas s topped and the resul ts

    were no t coun ted . ) The re a re



    in each series . and

    on 1 2

    of these the

    majority responds erroneously.



    people respond to g roup pres-

    sure in this situation? I shall report first

    the statistical resu lts of a series in wh ich


    of 123

    subjects from three ins titu-



    highe r l ea rn ins (n o t includ ing

    m y w ~ m .Swarthmo re College were

    placed in the minority situation


    scribed :ho ve.

    Two al ternat ives nere open to the

    sub ject : he cou ld x t ndependen tly , re-

    pudiat ing the majori ty , or he could go

    along with th e majority , repudiat ing the

    evi den ce of his senses. Of the 123 p u t t o

    the test, a considerable percentage

    yielded to the majority. Whereas in ordi-

    nary circumstances individuals matching

    the lines will make mistakes less than


    per cent


    the t ime. under gro up pres-



    wo rards. One bore a standard line. The other bore three lines,

    one of which was the same length as t h e standard. The subjec ts were asked


    choose thisline.


  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social




    follows. In the top picture the subject (ce nte r) hears rules

    of experiment for the first time. In the second picture h e makes hi s first judgment of


    pair of

    cards, didagreeing with the una nimous judgment


    the others. In the third he leans forward

    to ook at another pair




    the fourth he shows the strain


    repeatedly disagreeing

    with the majority. In the fifth, af ter 12 pairs of cards have been shown, he explains that he

    has to call them as he sees them. This subject disagreed with the majority


    all 2 trials.

    Seventyfive per cent


    experimental subjects agree with the majority in varying degrees.



    minori ty subjects swung

    to ac-

    ceptance of the misleading majoritys

    wrong judgm ents in 36.8 per cent of the


    Of co urse individuals differed in re-

    sponse. At one extreme, about on e quar-

    ter of the subjects were complete ly in-

    dependen t and neve r agreed wi th the

    erroneous judgm ents


    the majority. At

    the o ther extreme, some individuals went

    with th e majority nearly all the t ime. The

    performances of individuals in this ex-

    pe r im ent t end to


    highly consistent.

    Those who s t r ike ou t on the pa th o f in -

    dependence d o no t , as a rule, succumb

    to the majori ty even over an extended

    series of trials, while those who choose

    the pa th


    compliance are unable to free

    themselves as the ordeal is prolonged.

    Th e reasons for the startlirig individu-


    differences have not yet been investi-

    gated in deta i l . At this point we can

    only report some tentative generaliza-

    tions from talks with the subjects, each

    of whom was in te r -J iewed a t the en d of

    the experiment . Aniong the indepen dent

    individuals w ere man y wh o held fas t be-

    cause of s ta unch confidence in their own

    judgment . The most s ignif icant fact

    about them was not absence of re-

    sponsiveness to the majority but



    paci ty to recover from doubt and to re-

    es tabl ish their equi l ibrium. Others who

    acted independently came to bel ieve

    that the majority was correct in its an-

    swers , but they continued their dissent

    on the F imple ground that i t was their

    obligation to call the play as they saw it.

    Amo ng the extremely yielding persons

    w e f o u n d


    group w ho qu ick ly reached

    the conclusion:


    am wrong, they are

    right. O ther s yie ded in ord er not to

    spoil your results. Xany of the


    dividuals w ho wen t a long suspected that

    the m ajority were sheep fol lowing the

    first responde r, or that the majority were



    an opt ical i l lusion; neverthe-

    less, these suspicions failed to f ree them

    a t t h e m o m e n t of decision. %ore dis-

    qui eting were th e reactions of subjects

    who cons trued their difference from the

    majority as

    a sigv

    of some general

    deficiency in themselves, w hich a t all

    costs they must hide. On this basis they

    desperate ly t r ied to merge with the ma-

    jority, not realizing the longer-range

    consequences to themselves.



    yie lding subjects underes t imated the

    frequency with which they conformed.

    hich aspect of the influence of


    w m a j o r i t y


    m ore im por tan tAhe



    the majori ty or i ts unanimity? Th e

    experiment was modified to examine this


  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social


    ques t ion. In one series the s ize of t h e op-

    posit ion was varied from on e to


    per -

    sons . The resul ts showed a c lear t rend.

    IVhen a subject was confronted with



    s ingle individual who contra-

    dic ted his answers , he \vas sway ed l i t t le :

    he con t inued to answer independen t ly

    und correct ly in nearly a l l t r ia ls . When

    the opposit ion was increased to two, the

    pressure became subs tant ia l : minori ty

    subjects no\v accep ted the wrong an-

    swer 13.6 per cent of the t ime. Under

    the pressure of


    majority of three, the

    subjects errors jumped to 31.8 per cent .

    But further increases in the size of the

    majority appare nt ly did not increase the

    weight of the pressure subs tant ia l ly .

    Clearly the size


    the opposi t ion is im-

    Dis turbance of the majoritys unan im-

    i ty had 1 striking effect. In this experi-

    m ent the sub jec t was g iven the suppor t

    of a t ruthful partner-e i ther anothe r in-

    dividual who did not -moly


    the p re -

    a r ranged a s reem ent am ong th e re s t o f

    the group, or


    person who was ins truct-

    ed to give correct answers throughout .

    Th e presence of a suppo rt ing partner

    depleted the majori ty


    much of its

    power. I ts pressure on the dissent ing in-

    dividual \vas reduce d to one fourth: that

    is. subjects ans\vered incorrectly only

    one four th ;s often as under the pressure

    of a unanimo us majo rity

    [ s e e

    chart a t

    h e r

    kf t o fuci t rg puge] .

    T h e

    weakest persons did not yield



    \ los t interes t ing were the react ions to

    the partner. General ly the feel ing

    toward him was one of u.armth and

    closeness; he


    c red i t ed


    th inspir ing

    confidence. However. the subjects re-

    pud ia ted the sugges tion tha t the pa r tne r

    dec ided them to be independen t .


    the pu tne r s e f fec t a conse-

    quence of his dissent, or was it related


    his accuracy? W e now in t roduced in to

    the expe r im enta l g roup a person who

    was ins tructed to dissent from th e major-

    i ty but a lso to disagree with the sub ject .

    In some experiments the inajori ty was

    always to choose the w ors t of the com-

    parison l ines and th e ins tructed dissenter

    to pick the l ine that was c loser to the

    length of the s t anda rd on e ; in o the rs the

    majori ty was cons is tent ly intermediate

    and the d i s s en te r m os t in e rwr . In th i s

    m anner we were ab le to s t d y t h e r ela-

    tive influence of com prom is ing and

    extremist clpsenters.

    Again the resul ts are c lear . When a

    mod erate dissenter is present , th e effect

    of the majority on th e subjec t decreases

    by approx im a te ly one th i rd , and ex-



    yielding disappear. Moreover,

    m os t of the e r ro rs the sub jec t s do m ake

    portant only


    to a point .

    . .

    are moderate , rather than flagrant. In

    short, the dissenter largely controls the

    choice of errors. To this extent th e sub-

    jects broke away from the majori ty even

    while bending to it.

    On the o the r hand , when the d i s s en te r

    always chose the line that was more fla-

    grant ly different from the s tandard, the

    results were of quite I different kind.

    The extremis t dissenter produced a re-

    markable freeing of the sub jects ; their

    errors dropped to only 9 per cent .

    Furthermore, all the errors were of the

    inoderate varie ty. W e were able to con-

    clude that dissent pet sc i n c r e s e d i n -

    dependence and moderated the errors

    that occurred, and th at the direct ion of

    dissent exerted consistent effects.

    a l l the foregoing experiments each

    In sub jec t was observed only in a s ingle

    se t ting . We now tu rned to s tudy ing the

    effects upon


    given individual of a

    change in the situation to which



    cxposed. The first experiment examined

    the consequences of losing


    gaining a

    pnr tne r. The ins t ruc ted pa r tne r began b y

    answering correctly on the first six trials.

    \Vith his sup por t the subject usually re-

    sisted pressure from the majorit -: 18 o

    27 subjects were complete ly independ-

    ent. Bu t after six trials the pa rtne r joined

    the m ajority.


    soon as h e d i d so, the re

    was an abr upt rise in the subjects errors.

    Their submission to the majority was just

    about ;is f requen t


    Ivhen the minorit .

    subject w a s opposed b?. a unan im ous

    miijoritv throu ghou t.


    w a s

    surprising to find that the es-



    h a t i n g had n par tne r and


    having bra\:ed the majority opposition

    \\-ith him h,id failed to streng then th e in-

    dividuals independence. Q ues t ioning a t

    the conclusion


    the experiment sug-

    ges ted that we had overlooked an im-

    portant c ircum stance; namely, the s t ron?

    specific effect of desert ion


    the pa r t -

    ner to the other side. \Ve therefore

    changed the condit ions so that the part-

    ner would s imply leave the group a t the

    proper point . (T o al lay suspic ion i t was

    announced in advance that he had an

    appoin tm ent wi th the dean . ) In th i s

    form of the exp erime nt, the partn ers ef-

    fect out las ted his presence. The errors

    increased after his departure , but less

    markedly than after a partnbr switched

    to the majority.

    In a variant of this procedure the trials

    began with the majori ty unanimously

    giving correct answers . Th en they grad-

    ually broke away until on the sixth trial

    the naive subject was a lone and the

    grou p unanimously agains t him.



    as the subject had anyone on his s ide, he


    almost invariably independent, but

    as soon as he found himself alone, the

    tende ncy to conform to th e majority rose

    abrup t ly .


    might be expected, an individuals

    resistance to grou p pressure in these ex-

    periments depen ds to


    considerable de-.

    gree on how wrong th e majori ty is. W e

    varied the discrepancy between the

    st:indar d line and t he other lines system-

    atically, with the hope of reaching


    point where the error of the majori ty

    \vould be so glaring that every subject

    u.ouId repudiate i t and choose inde-

    pendently. In this we regretful ly did no t

    succeed. Even when the difference be-

    tween the lines was seven inches, there

    were still some who yielded to the error

    of the majority.

    Th e s tudy provides c lear answers to


    few relatively simple questions, and it

    raises many others t hat ^await investiga-

    t ion. W e would l ike to know the deg ree

    of consistency of persons in situations

    nshich differ in con tent an d stru cture. If



    independence or conform-

    ity in behavior is shown to be a fact, how

    is it functionally related to qualities of

    character and personality?


    what ways

    is independence related



    or cultural conditions? Are leaders more

    independent than other people , or are

    they adept at following their followers?

    These and many other ques t ions may

    perhaps be answerable by inves t iga-

    tions of the typ e described here.


    i n

    society requires consensus as an

    indispensable condition. But consen-

    sus . to be

    product ive , requires that each

    individual contribute independently ou t


    his experience and insight. IVhen con-

    sensus comes under the dominance of

    conformity, th e social process is pollu ted

    . ~ n d he individual a t the same t ime sur-

    xn de rs the powers on which h is func -



    a feeling and thinking being

    depends . Tha t we have found the t en-

    dency to conformity in our society so

    strong that reasonably intelligent and

    u.ell-meaning young people are willirig

    to call white black is a matt er of concern.

    It rxises cluestions abo ut ou r ways of edu-

    cat ion and about the values that guide

    o u r conduct .

    Yet anyone inclined to d raw too pessi-

    mistic conclusions from this report w ould

    do well to remin d himself that th e ca-

    pacit ies for independen ce are no t to


    underes tim a ted . He m ay also draw som e

    consolation from


    further observat ion:

    those who participated in this challeng-

    exception that ind epend ence was prefer-

    able to conformity.

    ing experiment agreed nearly without


  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social


  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social



    E. ASCH


    professor of

    psychology a t

    Swar t hmore

    College. H e

    was born i n \Vnrsaw


    1907, came t o t h e

    U.S. in his youth a n d graduated



    College of the City of S e w York in 1928.

    =\fter taking his

    l l .LL

    ncl P1i.D. from




    taug it at Brook-

    lyn College


    t h e

    S e \ v

    School for So-

    cial Research before joini i ig the S \vnrth-

    more faculty ill 19-17.


    E F F E C T S r G H O U P R E S S U R EPOX


    ~ ~ O D I F I C A T I O SASD




    S . E. Ascli



    Leudersliip und

    M e n ,

    ed i ted

    by Har-



    Curneg ie





    I M I T A T I O S . .


    a n d J . Dollard. Yale University

    Press . 1941.

    SOCI;\LP S Y C H O L O G Y .olomon E. Asch.

    Prei i t ice-Hd1,

    Inc. ,




  • 7/23/2019 Opiniones y Presin Social




    Prepared by


    P. J. PINEL U N I V E R S I T Y O F B R IT I S H C O L U M B t A


    S o l o m o n E . A s c h NOVEM ER 1955



    How, and how m uch , do soc ia l fo rces cons t ra in peop le s

    op in ions? Th e s tud y o f th i s ques t ion began w i th in te re s t in

    t h e p h e n o m e n o n of h y p n o si s . I t w a s s h o w n t h a t m o n o t o n o u s

    re i t e ra t ion o f ins t ruc t ions cou ld induce in norm a l , awake

    pe rsons invo lun ta ry re sponses , such as sway ing or r igidi ty of

    t h e a r m s , a n d s e n s a ti o n s , s u c h a s w a r m t h a n d o d o r . W h e n t h e

    d i s cip line of soc ia l psycho logy was born a t t he beg inn ing of


    cen tury , m any of i t s f i r s t expe r im ents were dem ons t ra -

    t ions o f how sugges t ion cou ld a f fec t op in ion . The usua l fo r -

    m a t w a s fist to a sk the sub jec t s the i r op in ions conce rn ing

    v a ri o u s m a t t e r s . S o m e t i m e l a t e r t h e y w e re a s k e d t o s t a t e

    the i r op in ions aga in , bu t th i s t im e they were first told of

    op in ions he ld by au th or i t i e s o r l a rge g roups of the i r pee rs .

    C o n f r o n te d w i t h o p i n i o n s c o n t r a r y t o t h e i r s , m a n y s u b j e c t s

    sh i f t ed the i r judg m en ts in t he d i rec t ion o f the oppos ing v iews.

    E v i d e nt l y t h e s h e e r w e i g h t of n u m b e r s o r a u t h o r i t y w a s

    suf fi c ien t to chan ge op in ions , even when n o a rgu m en ts fo r the

    op in ions them se lves were p rov ided . The au thor desc r ibes a

    se rie s of exp e r im ents which have no t on ly conf i rm ed the

    f ind ing th a t g roup p res sure c an sh ape op in ion , bu t a l so ra is ed

    som e in te re s t ing new ques t ions .

    Th e s am e gene ra l fo rm a t was a lways fo l lowed .


    group of

    seven to n ine sub jec t s w as a s sem bled in a c las s room -sup-

    p o se d ly t o t a k e p a r t i n a n e x p e r i m e n t o n v i s u a l j u d g m e n t .

    These sub jec t s were f i r s t shown a whi te ca rd wi th a s ing le

    b lack l ine. F rom a s econd ca rd wi th th ree l ines the sub jec t s

    w e r e a sk e d t o c h o o s e t h e l in e w h i c h w a s t h e s a m e l e n g t h a s

    t h e l i n e o n t h e f i r s t c a r d . T h e s u b j e c t s a n n o u n c e d t h e i r

    answers one

    at a

    t im e ,


    th e o rde r in which they were s ea ted .

    However , on ly th e l a s t ind iv idua l in the s equence was a s u b -

    j e c t ; t h e o t h e r s w e r e i n l e a g u e w i t h t h e e x p e r i m e n te r a n d

    responded accord ing to a p rea r ranged p lan . Wha t d id the

    s u b j e c t d o o n t r i a l s w h e n a l l t h e o t h e r m e m b e r s o f t h e g r o u p

    se lec ted a l i n e t h a t w a s n o t c o r r ec t ? Two a l t e rna t ives were

    open to the sub jec t : he cou ld ac t independen t ly , repud ia t ing

    t h e m a j o r i t y ; o r h e c o u l d go a l o n g w i th t h e m a j o r i t y ,

    repud ia t ing the ev idence o f h i s s enses . Unde r o rd ina ry c i r -

    cum s tances ind iv idua l s m ade m is takes le s s tha n pe r cen t of

    t h e t i m e , b u t u n d e r g r o u p p r e s su r e t h e s u b j e c t s ac c e pt e d t h e

    w r o n g j u d g m e n t s i n


    per cent of the cases . Of course ,

    individu als differed mark edly in th eir responses ; some sub-

    jec t s were com ple te ly independen t , neve r agree ing wi th the



    t e s t t r i a l s , whereas o the r sub jec t s conform ed a l -


    a l l t h e t i m e .

    W h i c h a s p e c t


    group in f luence is m o s t i m p o r t a n t - t h e

    s ize o f th e m a jor i ty o r i t s unan im i ty? Aschs expe r im enta l

    p rocedures were m odi f i ed s l igh t ly to exam ine


    ques t ion .

    In one s e r ies o f s tud ie s th e s i ze o f th e oppos i t ion was varied

    f r o m o n e t o


    persons . Th e effect iveness of the group pres-

    s u r e i n c r e a s e d m a r k e d l y u p t o a group size of th ree , bu t

    fu r t he r inc reases adde d l i t t l e to th e ove r -a l l e f fec t. Bu t even

    when groups were l a rge , d i s tu rbance of the g r o up u n a n i m i t y

    had a s t r ik ing e f fec t. Th e p resence o f a suppor t ing pa r tn e r

    dep le ted th e m a jo r i ty o f m uch o f i t s power . S ub jec t s con-

    fo rm ed to group p res sure on ly one - four th a s o f ten in th e

    presence o f one suppor t ing pa r tne r . Even when one of t h e

    expe r im ente r s co l labora to rs w as ins t ruc ted to d i s agree wi th

    b o t h t h e g r o u p a n d t h e s u b j e c t , t h e r a t e o f c on f o rm i ty w a s

    reduced . In such cases, if the p a r tn e r began to conform t o

    t h e g r o u p , t h e n u m b e r of e r ro rs m a de by th e sub jec t inc reased

    i m m e d i a t e l y ; b u t i f t h e p a r t n e r s im p l y w i t hd r ew f r o m t h e

    group , the inc rease in e r ro rs was m u ch m o re g radua l .

    Consensus i s an ind i spens ib le cond i t ion in a com plex

    s o ci e ty . b u t c o n s e ns u s , t o b e p r o d u c t i ve , r e q u i re s t h a t e a c h

    ind i l idu a i con t r ibu te independen t ly ou t of exper ience and

    ins igh[. W hen c onsensu s is produced by conform ity, the socia l

    process is po luted.



    a concise statement of a principle.


    rance-like state produced


    a subject by suggestion.

    hystencai imulating rhe symptoms of organic illness in the absence of any

    somnambulist a sleepwalker.

    organic pathology.





    What effect did the size


    the majority and its degreeof unanimity have on


    The support


    a partner was removed in two ways. What were they and


    \-hen consensus comes under the dominance of conformity, the social


    T$.e author concludes that the capacities for independence are not t o be


    Briefly describe che research on suggestion which preceded Aschs ex-

    2. Describe the results of Aschs experiments.

    3. Under group pressure a subject may say that he has changed his opinion.

    hut it is difficult to determine whether he really has. Discuss with respect


    Aschs experiment. What experiments could be performed to deal with this


    its degree of influence?

    what effect did the loss


    support have?


    is polluted. Discuss.

    ;.lyiiereStjmated.What evidence is there






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