opensap bifour1 week 1 unit 1 presentation biio

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OpenSAP BIFOUR1 Week 1 Unit 1 Presentation BIIO


  • Week 1 Unit 1: BI Introduction andOverview

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2Public

    Creativey Use by IT and

    departmentsy Fast time to

    valuey Connection to

    the enterprise

    SAPs Strategic Focus on Business Intelligence

    Corey Core for

    innovationy Complete BI

    suitey Continued


    Socialy Ability to capture

    the decisiony Information in

    contexty Ability to

    leverage thenetwork

    Extremey Big datay Real timey Predictive

    Mobiley First experience

    for BIy Content to point

    of impacty Expansion to

    untapped users

    Innovation without disruption

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 3Public

    BI PlatformProfessional Grade


    MS OfficeOn DemandServices

    BrowsersMobile Devices

    ERPSAP Business SuiteOracle E-Business SuitePeopleSoftJD Edwards

    Unstructured data inSocial Media andHadoop


    MS ExcelOracle, IBM DB2,Microsoft SQL Serverand other relational datasources

    Universe Semantic LayerUniverse Semantic Layer

    Business Intelligence PlatformBusiness Intelligence Platform

    EDWSAP NetWeaver BWTeraDataOther data warehouses

    SAP HANA Platform

    ReportingReportingAgile VisualizationAgile Visualization Dashboards and AppsDashboards and Apps

    EssbaseMicrosoft ASOracle OLAP

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 4Public

    SAP Business IntelligenceOne Suite for All Insight


    Dashboardsand Apps

    y Deliver engaging information to users where they need ity Track key performance indicators and summary datay Build custom experiences so users get what they need quickly

    y Securely distribute information across yourorganization

    y Answer related questions by interacting withpre-defined reports

    y Build printable reports for operational efficiency

    y Discover areas to optimize your businessy Adapt data to business needsy Tell your story with beautiful visualizations

    Discover. Predict. Create.

    Build Engaging Experiences

    Distribute Information

  • Appendix

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 6Public

    Self-serviceDiscover. Predict. Create.

    Agility for business analysts and business usersy Discover trends, outliers and areas of interest in your businessy Adapt to business scenarios by combining, manipulating, and

    enriching data

    y Tell your story with self-service visualizations and analyticsy Forecast and predict future outcomes


    y Lumira*y Explorer*y Analysis*y Predictive Analysis*

    * SAP Lumira, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer; SAP BusinessObjects Analysis; SAP Predictive Analysis

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 7Public

    SAP Lumirato unleash business analyst creativity

    Provides the freedom to understand your data, personalize it, and create beautiful content

    y Download and install on your desktop in less than 5minutes

    y Insight from many data sourcesy Combine, manipulate and enrich data to apply it to

    your business scenarios

    y Self-service visualizations and analytics to tell yourstory

    y Optimized for SAP HANA for real-time on detaileddata


    y Easy to use and quick to install.y Get real-time answers on any volume of datay Connect, access and visualize data without a single

    line of code

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 8Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorerfor business users to quickly access information on their own

    Provide business users with a simple experience to independently ask and answerbusiness questions on the fly

    y Quickly and easily explore your data using searchy Easily visualize your datay Geographic and Time awarenessy Build simple, interactive views (Exploration views)y Mobile ready


    y Empower casual users to experience self-serve datadiscovery

    y Discover critical answers over the Web or on devicey Improve adoption with intuitive behavior for date, time,

    and geographical dimensions

    y Create user-defined dashboards more easily withoutdependency on IT or training

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 9Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Analysisfor OLAP analysis

    y Recommended for OLAP analysis scenarios (multi-dimensional analysis)

    y Quickly leverage your existing SAP investments withsupport for BW and HANA

    y High productivity for analysts through both Web andExcel based interfaces

    y Premium alternative for BEx customers


    Provide Business Analysts with the ability to analyze OLAP data in both Excel and over theWeb

    y Access, slide, and pivot cubes in SAP NetWeaver BWand SAP HANA

    y Access non-SAP data in Microsoft Analysis Servicesy Share analysis workspaces with SAP Crystal Reports

    and SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 10Public

    Predictive Analysisto gain an extremely deep understanding of your business

    Provide Business Analysts with sophisticated algorithms to take the next step inunderstanding their business and modeling outcomes.

    y Perform statistical analysis on your data to understandtrends and detect outliers in your business

    y Build models and apply to scenarios to forecastpotential future outcomes

    y Breadth of connectivity to access almost any datay Optimized for SAP HANA to support huge data

    volumes and in-memory processing


    y Ease of use for the data analysty Visualizations right where youd expect them.y Integration: ability to share insights with other BI


    y No need to extract terabytes of data from SAPHANA to perform predictive analytics

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 11Public

    Dashboards and AppsBuild Engaging Experiences

    Build engaging, visual dashboardsy Powerful environment to build interactive and visually

    appealing analytics

    y Rich set of controls: buttons, list boxes, drop-down,crosstabs, charts

    y Use custom code to extend and build workflows


    y Design Studio*

    y Dashboards (aka Xcelsius)*

    * SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio; SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 12Public

    Design Studiofor building analytic applications on BW and HANA

    y Modern development environment and HTML5runtime

    y Native BW and HANA supporty Growing library of controlsy Recommended for BW customers (especially those

    with BEx WAD investments)


    Provides a development environment that contains a broad library of controls andvisualizations to build analytic applications on BW and HANA

    y Develop analytic applications for use on the Web ormobile devices

    y Allow users to interact with data easily in highlycustomizable interfaces

    y Fully leverage your existing investments in SAPNetWeaver BW and SAP HANA

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 13Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Dashboardsfor building custom dashboards on any data

    y Build rich, interactive dashboards and visualizationsy Broad visualization library to support KPIs and

    executive dashboards

    y Leverage enterprise BI infrastructure with support forthe semantic layer

    y Recommended for use on 3rd party data sources


    Provides a rich set of visualizations and controls to build highly interactive dashboards onthird-party data sources

    y Monitor key performance indicatorsy Perform what-if scenario analysisy Consume dashboards over the Web or embedded in

    Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDF documents

    y Use consistent data access with other BI solutionsy Take action on the insights in the dashboard

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 14Public

    ReportingShare Information

    High productivity design for report designersy Quickly build formatted reports on any data source

    y Securely distribute reports both internally and externally

    y Minimize IT support costs by empowering end usersto easily create and modify their own reports

    y Enhance custom applications with embedded reports


    y Web Intelligence*

    y Crystal Reports*

    * SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence; SAP Crystal Reports

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 15Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligencefor self-service query and reporting

    y Market-leading self service reporting solution for rapidreport creation

    y Support for multi-source semantic layer to bring togetherdifferent sources of information without having to knowthe DB structure or SQL

    y Content accessible from anywhere: Mobile, Web,Desktop


    Quickly build ad-hoc queries and reports without a knowledge of SQL or the underlying datastructure

    y Quick, self-service answers to unpredictable questions.y Universe semantic layer makes it easy for business users

    to access data.

    y Secure sharing of interactive reportsy Online and offline accessy Ability to combine corporate data with local spreadsheets

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 16Public

    SAP Crystal Reportsfor formatted reports

    y Access nearly any data source directlyy Build reports that look exactly the way you want

    through pixel-perfect positioning, layout and templates

    y Powerful API to embed reports into applicationsy Optimized for high-volume reporting and publishing


    Build pixel-perfect formatted reports for printing and operational reporting

    y Convert data into formatted, easy-to-read reportsy Schedule, secure, and share in any format.y Add formatted reporting to custom applications with

    modern Web APIs and standards

    y Take action from within your reports for closed-loopoperational reporting

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 17Public

    Mobilizing the SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite






  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 18Public

    SAP BI MobileMobilizing the SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite

    y Make informed decisions with instant access topersonalized information

    y Ensure secure access to information across a rangeof devices

    y Receive alerts on critical events


    Mobilize Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, Dashboards (Xcelsius/Design Studio) andExploration Content

    y Access SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for bothiPhone and iPad

    y Analytics and GPS technology via Google Mapsy Visual map overlay on point-of-interest datay Data overlay through on-device camera visualsy Mobilize Dashboards (aka Xcelsius and Design Studio

    Models) to Mobile Devices

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 19Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorer On MobileExplore Your Business at the Speed of Thought

    Self-service, simple and fast

    Smart search and explore

    Augmented reality and location-based analytics

    Share insights with SAP Lumira

    Access and explore big data

    Now in the same app of Mobile BI(version 5)

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 20Public

    Agility for business analysts and business usersDiscover trends, outliers and areas of interest in your business

    Adapt to business scenarios by combining, manipulating, andenriching data

    Tell your story with self-service visualizations and analytics

    Forecast and predict future outcomes

    Discovery and AnalysisDiscover. Predict. Create.


    Visual Intelligence (Lumira)



    Predictive Analysis*

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 21Public

    Visual Intelligence (Lumira)to unleash business analyst creativity

    Provides the freedom to understand your data, personalize it, and create beautiful content

    y Download and install on your desktop in less than 5minutes

    y Insight from many data sourcesy Combine, manipulate and enrich data to apply it to

    your business scenarios

    y Self-service visualizations and analytics to tell yourstory

    y Optimized for SAP HANA for real-time on detaileddata


    y Easy to use and quick to install.y Get real-time answers on any volume of datay Connect, access and visualize data without a single

    line of code

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 22Public

    Visual Intelligence (Lumira)Key Benefits

    y Near-instant value for businessuser

    y Ability to access and manipulateheterogeneous data sources

    y High performance on big datay Powerful visualizations for

    interactive analysisy No IT or developer dependency

    and no scripting requiredy Ability to leverage existing

    investments in SAP HANA or SAPBO Business Intelligence

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 23Public

    Visual Intelligence (Lumira)Interactive Charts

    yIn place filteringwithin charts

    yCreate trellis chartswith simple drag-drop

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 24Public

    Visual Intelligence (Lumira)On the Fly Forecast and Regression

    Apply quick forecast and regression algorithms on your data

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 25Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorerfor business users to quickly access information on their own

    Provide business users with a simple experience to independently ask and answerbusiness questions on the fly

    y Quickly and easily explore your data using searchy Easily visualize your datay Geographic and Time awarenessy Build simple, interactive views (Exploration views)y Mobile ready


    y Empower casual users to experience self-serve datadiscovery

    y Discover critical answers over the Web or on devicey Improve adoption with intuitive behavior for date, time,

    and geographical dimensions

    y Create user-defined dashboards more easily withoutdependency on IT or training

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 26Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorer OverviewEveryone is using Search

    Use familiar key-word search to findbusiness information Answers on-the-fly and investigative

    questionsSearches directly on pre-indexed dataor directly on HANA No previous reports or metrics need

    exist Provides fast search and explorationSearches across all data sources Any universe accessible source Any Accelerator accessible source

    Use keywordsearch

    Results ranked bydata


  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 27Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorer OverviewNo data model knowledge required

    yFaceted navigation

    yBest chart typeauto generated

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 28Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Analysisfor OLAP analysis

    y Recommended for OLAP analysis scenarios (multi-dimensional analysis)

    y Quickly leverage your existing SAP investments withsupport for BW and HANA

    y High productivity for analysts through both Web andExcel based interfaces

    y Premium alternative for BEx customers


    Provide Business Analysts with the ability to analyze OLAP data in both Excel and over theWeb

    y Access, slide, and pivot cubes in SAP NetWeaver BWand SAP HANA

    y Access non-SAP data in Microsoft Analysis Servicesy Share analysis workspaces with SAP Crystal Reports

    and SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 29Public

    Analysis, edition for OLAP is a self-service, multidimensional analysis tool for business analystsin mid to large enterprises who want to quickly answer their complex questions. It is the go-toanalysis tool for BW & HANA customers and also caters for selected 3rd party OLAP providers.

    Analyze your datay Highly interactivey Powerful visualizationsy User defined calculationsy Native online connectivity to OLAP sources

    Multiple sources in one workspacey SAP NetWeaver BWy SAP HANAy SAP EPM providers: SAP BusinessObjects Planning and

    Consolidation, SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and CostManagement, SAP BusinessObjects Financial Consolidation

    y Microsoft SSASy Teradatay Oracle OLAP & Oracle Essbase

    Integrated with BI suitey Interoperability with Design Studio, Web Intelligence and Crystal


    SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for OLAPProduct description

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 30Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, Edition for OLAPThe best web client for SAP BW and SAP HANA

    Pervasive web-based analysis

    Modern look-and-feel withintuitive drag-and-drop

    Few simple clicks tofast business insights

    SAP BW, HANA, EPM,Teradata, ORACLE Essbase,ORACLE OLAP and Microsoft

    Analysis Services

    Interoperate withDesign Studio,

    WebI and CrystalReports

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 31Public

    Simpler and More Intuitive User Experiencefor Fast Business Insights

    Modern and familiarMicrosoft Officeuser experience

    Simplified drag-&-drop to filter, and


    Few simple clicksto fast business


  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 32Public

    More Powerful with Live Presentations

    Live analyses embedded intoPowerPoint presentations

    y Export current analysis from Excel

    y Insert BEx query results directly

    y Analysis embedded as live object

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 33Public

    OverviewSAP BusinessObjects Analysis

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 34Public

    Predictive Analysisto gain an extremely deep understanding of your business

    Provide Business Analysts with sophisticated algorithms to take the next step inunderstanding their business and modeling outcomes.

    y Perform statistical analysis on your data to understandtrends and detect outliers in your business

    y Build models and apply to scenarios to forecastpotential future outcomes

    y Breadth of connectivity to access almost any datay Optimized for SAP HANA to support huge data

    volumes and in-memory processing


    y Ease of use for the data analysty Visualizations right where youd expect them.y Integration: ability to share insights with other BI


    y No need to extract terabytes of data from SAPHANA to perform predictive analytics

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 35Public

    Build engaging, visual dashboards

    Powerful environment to build interactive and visually appealinganalytics

    Rich set of controls: buttons, list boxes, drop-down, crosstabs,charts

    Use custom code to extend and build workflows

    Dashboards and AppsBuild Engaging Experiences


    Design Studio

    Dashboards (aka Xcelsius)

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 36Public

    Design Studiofor building analytic applications on BW and HANA

    y Modern development environment and HTML5runtime

    y Native BW and HANA supporty Growing library of controlsy Recommended for BW customers (especially those

    with BEx WAD investments)


    Provides a development environment that contains a broad library of controls andvisualizations to build analytic applications on BW and HANA

    y Develop analytic applications for use on the Web ormobile devices

    y Allow users to interact with data easily in highlycustomizable interfaces

    y Fully leverage your existing investments in SAPNetWeaver BW and SAP HANA

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 37Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Design StudioPowerful analytical & planning apps on SAP BW and HANA PREVIEW

    Direct Access to BWand HANA via BICS

    State of the artrendering: HTML5

    Eclipse-basedapplication design


    iPad Apps

    Premium alternativeto BEx WAD

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 38Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Dashboardsfor building custom dashboards on any data

    y Build rich, interactive dashboards and visualizationsy Broad visualization library to support KPIs and

    executive dashboards

    y Leverage enterprise BI infrastructure with support forthe semantic layer

    y Recommended for use on 3rd party data sources


    Provides a rich set of visualizations and controls to build highly interactive dashboards onthird-party data sources

    y Monitor key performance indicatorsy Perform what-if scenario analysisy Consume dashboards over the Web or embedded in

    Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDF documents

    y Use consistent data access with other BI solutionsy Take action on the insights in the dashboard

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 39Public

    Today: Two Experiences to Cover Customer Needs

    SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

    Visually compelling dashboards acrossmultiple sources and kinds of data

    SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio

    BI applications and guided analysis ontop of multi-dimensional data

    In the Future, one single Dashboard Application

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 40Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Dashboarding StrategyWhat does this mean for existing customers in 2013 ?

    Current use ofBex Web Application


    Current use ofSAP BusinessObjects

    Dashbords (formerXcelsius)

    Multi-Source,Non-SAP BWSAP BW only

    Use SAP BusinessObjects DesignStudio as primary tool for creatingdashboards and applications, both

    on the web and on device

    Continue with SAPBusinessObjects Dashboards and

    leverage the upcoming HTML5functionality for on-device


    Consider building new dashboardsin SAP BusinessObjects Design


  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 41Public

    High productivity design for report designers

    Quickly build formatted reports on any data source

    Securely distribute reports both internally and externally

    Minimize IT support costs by empowering end users to easily createand modify their own reports

    Enhance custom applications with embedded reports

    ReportingShare Information


    Web Intelligence

    Crystal Reports

    Crystal Reports forEnterprise

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 42Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligencefor self-service query and reporting

    y Market-leading self service reporting solution for rapidreport creation

    y Support for multi-source semantic layer to bring togetherdifferent sources of information without having to knowthe DB structure or SQL

    y Content accessible from anywhere: Mobile, Web,Desktop


    Quickly build ad-hoc queries and reports without a knowledge of SQL or the underlying datastructure

    y Quick, self-service answers to unpredictable questions.y Universe semantic layer makes it easy for business users

    to access data.

    y Secure sharing of interactive reportsy Online and offline accessy Ability to combine corporate data with local spreadsheets

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 43Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Web IntelligenceProductivity Improvements

    Harmonized User ExperienceOffice-style Ribbon ToolbarMinimal-to-no training required

    Improved Interactivity & AnalysisWorkflowsStreamlined guided analysis - answers to most commonquestions are a click awayContent copy & paste b/w docs and into MS OfficeData manager for browsing query results on the flyNew User Experience for slicing/dicing & what-ifRelieve IT & power users from most common requeststo personalize reports

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 44Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Web IntelligenceData Manager

    Provide business users a quick way to understand the data behind simple reports Enable power users to gain a deep understanding of multiple data sources Provide Desktop Intelligence users with another superior user experience

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 45Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Web IntelligenceDimensional Query Panel

    Hierarchies displayed in singlecolumn with controls to expandlevels

    New formula functions for formattingand calculation control overhierarchical data

    Dimensional concepts integrated intorich reporting model

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 46Public

    SAP Crystal Reportsfor formatted reports

    y Access nearly any data source directlyy Build reports that look exactly the way you want

    through pixel-perfect positioning, layout and templates

    y Powerful API to embed reports into applicationsy Optimized for high-volume reporting and publishing


    Build pixel-perfect formatted reports for printing and operational reporting

    y Convert data into formatted, easy-to-read reportsy Schedule, secure, and share in any format.y Add formatted reporting to custom applications with

    modern Web APIs and standards

    y Take action from within your reports for closed-loopoperational reporting

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 47Public

    SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprisefor formatted reports

    y Easy-to-use, new design environment for novice andprofessional designers

    y Create simple reports to represent complex datawithin a few minutes

    y Streamlined experience across the suite


    Create Stunning Documents faster than ever before

    y Leverages improve suite wide connection to SAPNetWeaver BW

    y Direct connectivity to SAP BEx Queries using theBICS connectivity

    y Connectivity to SAP ERP via Universes with FeaturePack 03

    y Multi-lingual capabilities via SAP BusinessObjectsTranslation Manager

    Key Benefits

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 48Public

    SAP Crystal Reports in BI 4.0

    With the release of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) 4.0 , there willbe two versions of Crystal Reports available for use with the BI Platform.

    SAP Crystal Reports for enterprise

    Major update & re-design of theCrystal Reports Designer andassociated processing servers

    Focus on the needs of the LargeEnterprise & customers with SAPdeployments

    Provides the foundation for allfuture releases of Crystal Reports

    SAP Crystal Reports 2011

    Incremental update to CR 2008 witha few new features

    Focused on serving the needs ofstandalone customers (Partnersand Volume customers)

    Continue to deliver existingfunctionality with no regressions

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 49Public

    Crystal Reports for Enterprise vs Crystal Reports 2011Data Connectivity

    y Improved Direct Access to SAP BW Query via MDXy Migration path for existing BW Query Crystal Reports

    2008 reports

    y Set database location to Crystal Reports 2011 BWMDX Driver

    Crystal Reports 2011

    y SAP BusinessObjects 4.0 suite consistent DataAccess to SAP BW

    y Access SAP NetWeaver BW via dimensionaluniverses

    y Direct Access to BEx Queries via transient universes(BICS)

    y Access SAP ERP via universes

    Crystal Reports for Enterprise

    Differences about Data Connectivity

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 50Public

    SAP BI MobileMobilize Crystal Reports and Web Intelligence Content

    Make informed decisions withinstant access to personalizedinformation

    Leverage existing BI investments& skills to quickly reach mobileusers

    Ensure secure access toinformation across a range ofdevices

    Receive alerts on critical events Investigate problems and

    opportunities Take immediate action

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 51Public

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorer On MobileExplore Your Business at the Speed of Thought

    Self-service, simple and fast

    Smart search and explore

    Augmented reality and location-based analytics

    Share insights with SAP Lumira

    Access and explore big data

    Now in the same app of BO Mobile(version 5)

  • Exercises

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 53Public

    Exercises: Scenarios

    1. Imagine that you work for the FAA and wantto track all the flights in the US by count,hour, busiest airport etc. The dataset that isavailable to you is from the year 2011, forQuarter 1

    2. Now imagine that youre a business user atthe FAA and you have access to flight andpassenger data for the San Francisco Airportavailable to you in csv format. You want toanalyze on this data and perform self-analysis

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 54Public

    Exercises: Scenario

    y Entry point to monitor key performanceindicators

    y Need: interactive dashboard andvisualizations

    y Build ad-hoc queries and reports withoutknowledge of SQL or the underlying datastructure

    y Need: quick, self-service answers

    y Self-service visualizations and analyticsy Need: get real-time answers, freedom to

    understand the data, and personalize it

    y Easily visualize your datay Need: self-serve data discovery

    Dashboards and AppsDashboards and Apps


    Discovery and AnalysisDiscovery and Analysis

    Discovery and AnalysisDiscovery and Analysis

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 55Public

    Exercises: Scenario 1

    Imagine that you work for the FAA and want to track all the flights in the US bycount, hour, busiest airport etc. The dataset that is available to you is from theyear 2011, for Quarter 1


    Web Intelligence

    ExplorerDiscovery and AnalysisDiscovery and Analysis

    Dashboards and AppsDashboards and Apps


  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 56Public

    Exercises: Scenario 2

    1. Now imagine that youre a business user at the FAA and you have access toflight and passenger data for the San Francisco Airport available to you in csvformat. You want to analyze on this data and perform self-analysis

    Visual IntelligenceDiscovery and AnalysisDiscovery and Analysis

  • Thank you

    Contact information:

  • 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 58Public

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