opening sequence analysis - sima

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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FilmsSe7en-crime psychological thriller

Shutter island- psychological thriller

The girl with the dragon tattoo-crime thriller

The opening scene opens up with an image of a book which creates a mysterious and the credits flash which shows a disorientation for the audience and as the pages are being flicked by it shows that the pages are blank. Also when the image is shown the music at the background is quite sinister and dark which sets the scene.

'Line' and 'Scene' are more clearer than 'new' and 'presents' and the writing is typed; also bold shows the audience that the message they're trying to put across which is probably going to surprise them.


The extract than fades into this image where it shows a pair of hands. This image shows as if all the fingers are almost broken and it also the veins are really prominent. Also how it shows that the left hand is darker than the right hand which symbolically represents the devil’s hand. It could also symbolize good and evil.

The darker shaded hand shows mystery and because you can’t see the person’s face it makes the audience want to carry on watching

The scene then carries on and then the screen fades to black and Brad Pitts name appear. There is a big gap between the ‘brad’ and the ‘Pitt’ and because the background is black is shows an emphasis on the name; it has no imagery on the back and it draws an attention because Brad Pitt is a famous celebrity.

When the image flashes towards the end it shows a mysteriousness and shows almost as we aren’t meant to see that it happened.

This image shows that this person is cutting of his own skin from the top of his fingers and shows that it is quite disturbing. It shows as if this person is trying to get rid of his fingerprints; his identity. Maybe he doesn’t want to be found of his wrongdoings.

The title also appears on the extract. Even though the font looks typed up it almost seems a little messy as it shows the effect of it being splattered. Also because the background is black it shows an emphasis on the word ‘SE7EN’ and shows an importance of the title.

The extract then later shows the following image, with a background. The background contains a notebook maybe a typewriter on the right and also the bandaged fingers. This shows from the previous slide when the person was cutting his skin from the tops of his fingers.

Shutter island

Shutter island opens up with this image and then it fades to a spiral staircase quite fast . This disorientates the audience as it’s really fast and it also feels like being hypnotized as it’s spinning around.

The extract fades to a scene of an empty corridor with water dripping down from the ceiling. The titles are in red capital letters and this represents the theme thriller, and also red can signify blood and death and it therefore shows that something bad is going to happen and it makes the audience more anxious to what is going to happen.

In this particular image it shows a close up of someone struggling to use their fingers and it lets the audience wonder on what is happening in the scene and who is that person. This image creates a lot of questions while watching this particular scene.

The extract than shows a shot of a gate opening with a loud music at the background, then the camera moves towards the gate and this adds to the suspense as to what will be behind the gates and what the audience will find.

The extract then moves onto this scene where the scene is much longer than the other scenes shown in the beginning which signifies that this could be an important scene and allows the audience to take it in more than the other scenes.

Then the extract fades to another shot where a fire is shown as the background. The name of the cast also appears on the scree, but instead of being in red like the previous credits, they are in white. This contrasts with the dark background and build more suspense and danger.

The girl with the dragon tattoo

The extract opens up with flashes of different image quite quickly and as theImage changes you can hear that the background music is quite upbeat and fast. The extract is also all black which could be associated with power, death, evil and mystery.

The scene then introduces a character that’s struggling as her mouth is tied and her hand too. This lets the audience wonder who this character is and what is happening to her/him and why ?

The extract then shows a scene where a fire is lit and this signifies that probably someone is in danger and it could also show destruction; the symbolism of chaos and war. It burns everything, bringing nothing but ruin.

Fire can be interpreted as another thing which could usually be seen as hell.

This image shows that two people who were bonded together are now separating and this causes the audience to wonder what is happening and why it is happening. It causes mysteriousness on who the two people are and causes the audience to see more.

This image shows the character has caught on fire and it also represents that maybe he is being punished for his wrongdoing. The fact that his eye catches on fire first shows that he could’ve seen something bad and he didn’t inform anyone when he should have.

In this image it shows that the flesh has been completely burned and only the skeleton is left. The skeleton could represent death and that the danger is disappeared. However it could also represent life because the bad has left and a new life could come. This could make the audience more interested on what is happening and would want to know more.

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