opening hours of the most important ......villa saraceno detta “palazzo delle trombe” via...

Post on 08-Nov-2020






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2017Opening hours are subject to change independently of our will. Vicenza Tourist Office does not take any responsibility for possible variations.

We suggest to contact directly the villas before visiting because most of them are private and the opening times could change.


Villa Saraceno detta “Palazzo delle Trombe” Villa Saraceno - The Landmark Trust


ALTAVILLA VICENTINA Villa Valmarana Morosini

ARCUGNANO Villa Franceschini Canera di Salasco

ARZIGNANO Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista Municipio di Arzignano (Raccolta di quadri di Achille Beltrame) Museo etnologico ed etnografico della Valle del Chiampo “S. Chiarello Monforte” Rocca scaligera del Castello di Arzignano Villa Mattarello

BARBARANO VICENTINO Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta Villa Sangiantofetti-Rigon Museo Bisson - Fordson Trattori Ford

BOLZANO VICENTINO Villa Valmarana Scagnolari Zen

BRENDOLA Oratorio di S. Maria Annunciata di Casa Revese Museo Archeologico Villa Piovene Museo d’Arte Orientale Obrietan - Villa Orna Obrietan Villa Ferramosca -Da Schio-Zanuso-Cantarella-Dal Monte

CALDOGNO Chiesa di S. Michele Villa Caldogno

CAMISANO VICENTINO Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena


CHIAMPO Santuario francescano “Grotta di Lourdes del Beato Claudio” (Pieve, Grotta di Lourdes, Via Crucis,

Chiesa Beato Claudio) Museo Francescano “P. Aurelio Menin”


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Villa San CarloCREAZZO

Castello Scola Camerini Villa Fadinelli-Suppiej

DUEVILLE Villa Monza (sede del Municipio) Villa Da Porto Casarotto Villa Da Porto Pedrotti (Del Conte)

GAMBELLARA Museo della civiltà contadina e del vino

GRANCONA Museo della Civiltà Contadina O.N.L.U.S.

GRISIGNANO DI ZOCCO Villa Ferramosca Sesso Beggiato

GRUMOLO DELLE ABBADESSE Villa Chiericati Da Porto Rigo Villa Canal

ISOLA VICENTINA Convento e Santuario di Santa Maria del Cengio

LONGARE Eremo di San Cassiano Villa da Schio a Costozza Villa Trento Carli

LONIGO Chiesa dei SS Cristoforo Quirico e Giulitta (Chiesa Vecchia) Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore (Duomo) Palazzo Pisani * dati aggiornati al 2015 Villa Pisani Bonetti Villa Pisani Ferri "La Rocca" Villa S. Fermo Santuario della Madonna dei Miracoli e Museo degli Ex Voto

MONTECCHIO MAGGIORE Castello di Giulietta o Bellaguardia Sito ipogeo Priare Castello di Romeo (o della Villa) Cappella di Sant’Antonio di Antonio Pizzocaro Chiesa di San Pietro * dati aggiornati al 2015 Chiesa di San Valentino * dati aggiornati al 2015 Chiesa di San Vitale (Duomo) Museo di archeologia e scienze naturali "G.Zannato" Villa Cordellina Lombardi Fondazione Bisazza


MONTEGALDA Castello Grimani Sorlini * dati aggiornati al 2015 Fondazione Museo Veneto delle Campane MUVEC

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MONTEVIALE Villa Loschi Zileri Motterle

MONTICELLO CONTE OTTO Villa Valmarana Bressan

MONTORSO VICENTINO Villa Da Porto Barbaran

MOSSANO Grotta di San Bernardino Prigioni Longobarde Sentiero Valle dei Mulini Villa di Montruglio (Pigafetta Camerini)

NOVENTA VICENTINA Chiesa dei Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenza Villa Barbarigo – Rezzonico Villa Manin Cantarella

ORGIANO Villa Fracanzan Piovene


QUINTO VICENTINO Villa Thiene Villa Ca’ Prigioni

SAN GERMANO DEI BERICI Villa Dolfin-Mistrorigo

SANDRIGO Villa Chiericati Milan Villa Garbinati Tecchio Zanotti Fragonara Villa Sesso Bordignon e Oratorio gentilizio dedicato a San Gaetano * dati aggiornati al 2015 Villa Sesso Schiavo Nardone * dati aggiornati al 2015

SAREGO Villa Da Porto detta "La Favorita" Villa Manzoni Valcasara Villa Trissino - Rossi – barchesse

SOSSANO Chiesa di S. Maria dell’Aiuto (Chiesetta dell'Olmo) Museo "Storia, Memoria"

SOVIZZO Complesso funerario-cultuale di tipo megalitico dell'età del rame di Sovizzo Villa Sale S. Damiano Curti

TORRI DI QUARTESOLO Villa Da Porto – Slaviero

VILLAVERLA Parco e Villa Ghellini Villa Verlato


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Villa Saraceno detta “Palazzo delle Trombe”Via Finale, 10Tel. +39 0444 891084 – Cell. +39 347 Open only the exterior from March to September on Wednesday: 14.30-16.30Exterior only Free admissionWheelchair access: yes No dogs allowedNo photos allowedEquipped toilets: noBus/car parking area: not available Public transport: bus Vicenza – Noventa Vicentina, bus line n.4, stop “Ponte Alto”, the villa is about 800 m far on foot.

Villa Saraceno - The Landmark Trust Via Finale, 8Tel. +39 0444 891371Contact: Elisabetta Opening : from 1st Apr. to 31st Oct. : Wednesday 14.00-16.00. Admission : Free donationphotos alloweddogs allowedThe villa is available for accommodation: 8 bedrooms, 16 beds, self cateringWheelchair access: noEquipped toilets: noBus parking area: not available Car parking area: 4 placesPublic transport: bus FTV, line 4. From the bus station of Vicenza, about 40 mins ride. The nearest stop to the villa is Ponte Alto, Agugliaro, about 500m far from the entrance.


Cà BrusàStrada Lovolo, 24/25Tel. +39 339 84 27996Open by telephone booking.Wheelchair access: noBus parking area: yesparking area: available


Villa Valmarana Morosini Via G. Marconi, 103

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Tel. +39 0444 333711 – Fax+39 0444 333999direzione@cuoa.itwww.cuoa.itOpen all year on Wednesday 9.30-12.00 e 14.30-17.00, except those periods that CUOA business school closes for holidaysExteriors, ex stables (now main hall) can be visited no photos allowedno dogs allowedFree admissionwheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partialThe Congress Centre is available for meetings and conventions tel. 0444 333711 Available for accommodation (College Valmarana Morosini, 50 single rooms, with restaurant and bed & breakfast service)Car parking area: In front of the villa Car Park “Il Brolo”Public transport: bus AIM, line 12, direction Altavilla, or line 14, direction Creazzo


Villa Franceschini Canera di SalascoVia Roma, 4no visits allowed


Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista *Updated to 2016Via Monte Grappa, 1Tel. +39 0444 670456Everyday 7.00-19.00Wheelchair access: yes

Municipio di ArzignanoRaccolta di quadri di Achille BeltramePiazza Libertà 12Tel. +39 0444 476543 fax +39 0444 450377Contact: Ufficio Cultura Comune di all year long by booking: Monday 8.30-12.30, Tuesday 8.30-12.30, Wednesday 10.00-12.30 e 15.00-17.30, Thursday 8.30-12.30, Friday 10.00-12.30Free entranceWheelchair access: totalEquipped toilets: yes

Museo etnologico ed etnografico della Valle del Chiampo “S. Chiarello Monforte”Via Monte Grappa, 2

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Tel. + 39 349 3839477, fax+39 0444 484735Contacct: Mr. Giuseppe Dal Ceredosumetrsnc@gmail.comUnder restoration in 2017

Rocca scaligera del Castello di ArzignanoPiazzale della Vittoria, 35Tel. +39 0444 The exterior can be visited when the gate is open.The interior can be visited only during special events organized by Pro Loco di Arzignanowheelchair access: noequipped toilets: no

Villa MattarelloCorso Mazzini, 22Parrocchia Ognissanti, tel. +39 0444 670029Only the outside and the park can be visited.


Chiesa di Santa Maria AssuntaPiazza Roma, 10Contact: Unità Pastorale Barbarano – Mossano, tel. +39 0444 896553Opening hours: every day from 8.00 to 17.00Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: noPublic transport: FTV-bus stop in front of the church

Villa Sangiantofetti-RigonVia F.Crispi, 2 – Ponte di Barbarano VicentinoTel. +39 0444 795319 www.villarigon.itOpen every working day fron April to November by telephone booking.In the villa can be visited the main hall, the park, the small church and the colonnade.Free donationno photos alloweddogs allowedAvailable for conventions, exhibitions, concerts and wedding banquets. Wheelchair access: partial (barn only)Equipped toilets: yes (barn only)Accommodation: a flat for 3 peopleBus parking area: the public car park in the square in front of the villa Car parking area: available (48 parking spaces)Public transport: FTV-Bus stop Ponte di Barbarano

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Museo Bisson - Fordson Trattori FordVia Capitello, 1 -Ponte di Barbarano VicentinoContact: Gianfranco BissonTel. +39 0444 795328 Fax +39 0444 795312gfbisson www.museotrattoribisson. comOpening: all year long, previous bookingfree entrancephotos allowedno dogs allowedwheelchair access: noequipped toilets: noAccommodation: agreement with Agriturismo “Canova” Via Canova, 6 – Barbarano Vicentinotel. +39 0444 886283 info@agricanova.itCar parking area available (40 parking places)Bus parking area: available (3 parking places)Public transport: bus FTV line Vicenza-Sossano, stop at Ponte Barbarano and Casearia


Villa Valmarana Scagnolari Zen Loc. Lisiera Via Ponte, 1Closed.


Oratorio di S. Maria Annunciata di Casa Revese Via ReveseTel. +39 0444 406567 Ufficio Cultura, Comune di Brendola, +39 3498564654 Pro Loco di BrendolaOpen only for events or on request at the Pro Loco and every first Sunday of the month from April to October from 10 to 12Free admissionWheelchair access: no

Museo ArcheologicoPiazza Marconi, 1Tel. +39 0444 406567 - Fax +39 0444 Open all year long: Tuesday-Saturday 09.00-12.30; Tuesday 9.00-12.30/17.00-18.00Free admissionWheelchair access: yesequipped toilets: partiallyBus parking area: availableCar parking area: availablePublic transport: bus FTV, stop in front of the townhall

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Villa PiovenePiazza Marconi, 1 – Sede Comune Tel. +39 0444 406567, fax +39 0444 401099 (Ref. Sig.ra Marta Grotto) bybooking Tuesday-Saturday 09.00-12.30; Tuesday 9.00-12.30/17.00-18.00free admissionWheelchair access: partialequipped toilets: partiallyBus parking area: availableCar parking area: availablePublic transport: bus FTV, stop in front of the townhall

Museo d’Arte Orientale Obrietan - Villa Orna ObrietanVia L. Einaudi 24Tel: +39 0444 490413 – Fax +39 0444 Open all year round from Monday to Saturday 10-12.30 / 16.00-19Admission full price € 5,00 Admission for groups min 15 pax: € 3,00Free entrance: children under 14, over 65, disabled people, University students with cardWheelchair access: noequipped toilets: noAvailable for cultural events, exhibitions Bus parking area: available (2 places)Car parking area: 40 places

Villa Ferramosca -Da Schio-Zanuso-Cantarella-Dal MonteVia Cantarella, 70Not open to the public


Chiesa di S. MicheleVia Marconi (c/o il Cimitero Comunale)Tel. +39 0444 905054 – Fax +39 0444 585385 (Library) No visits allowed.

Villa Caldogno Via Zanella, 3Tel. +39 345 9302084 (Pro Loco Caldogno)

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From April 2nd to November 30th: Saturday 9.00-12.00 e 15.00-18.00. Sunday 9.00-12.00Ticket: € 3,00; Groups min. 10 people: € 2,00;reduced: € 1,50 over 65, students, children up to 10 years of ageFor groups (more than 10 people), the villa can be visited all year long by written booking to prolococaldogno@gmail.comphotos allowedNo dogs allowedwheelchair access: partialequipped toilets: noFree entrance for disabled peopleBus parking area: Via TorinoCar parking area: 50 places The parking area in Piazza Europa is not available on Saturday because of the market. Cars can park in via Zanella (next to the villa) or in Via Torino.Public transport: bus AIM to Caldogno, line 9, stops in Via Zanella or Piazza Europa


Chiesa di S. Maria MaddalenaLoc. RampazzoVia ChiesaTel. +39 0444 610218, +39 324 8366826 (mobile of the Pastoral Community)open by bookingWheelchair access: partial


Villa Repeta BressanPiazza Vecchia, 1Contact: Margherita Gnesin BressanTel.: +39 320 0632828E-mail: info@villarepeta.itweb: From May to September on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 3-6pm by previous booking (per mail or telephone).Entrance: donationEntrance for groups min. 20 people: € 100,00photos alloweddogs allowedAvailable for concerts, conferences or exhibitions.Wheelchair access: noBus parking area: available(2 parking places)Car parking area: available (20 parking places)Public transport: bus FTV, stop in the centre of Campiglia, 1km far from the villa


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Santuario francescano “Grotta di Lourdes del Beato Claudio” (Pieve, Grotta di Lourdes, Via Crucis, Chiesa Beato Claudio)Via Pieve, 170Tel. +39 0444 623250 – +39 333 2744781Fax +39 0444 Open every day, all year long.Church: 8.00-12.00 / 15.00-19.00Lourdes cave: 8.00-18.30 (in winter), 8-21 (in summer)Via Crucis: 8.00-18.30 (in winter), 8-21 (in summer)Group booking is more advisable the form is available on the website)Free admissionNo dogs allowed in the places of worship.Wheelchair access: partial to the Via Crucis, total to the other places.WC for wheelchairs: yesCarpark: for 500 carsBus parking area for 20 busesPublic transport: FTV bus Vicenza-Chiampo

Museo Francescano “P. Aurelio Menin”Via Pieve, 158Tel./ Fax +39 0444 (link: Museo)Open all year long everyday except Monday: 9.00-12.30/14.30-18.00 (in winter) – 9.00-12.30/14.30-19.00 (in summer)Free admissionWheelchair access: partial (groundfloor only)WC for wheelchairs: yesCarpark: for 500 carsBus parking area for 20 busesPublic transport: FTV bus Vicenza-Chiampo


Villa San CarloVia San Carlo, 1 Contact. Tamiozzo Mons. GiandomenicoTel+39 0444 971031 Fax +39 0444 only by telephone booking, open every day from 8 to 20.Wheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: yesAvailable for special events

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Accommodation: 65 bedroomsCar parking area: available for 100 carsBus parking area: available, 5 placesPublic transport: bus AIM, line 6, nearest stop is 50m far from the park


Castello Scola CameriniVia Marconi, 9No visits allowed

Villa Fadinelli-SuppiejVia Pozzetto, 38Tel. +39 0444 546824, +39 349 8360114Open from 15th June to 15th September by telephone booking.Free admissionWheelchair access: noEquipped toilets: noAvailable for concertsCar parking area: available for 5 carsAIM bus and 20-minute walk


Villa Monza (townhall)Piazza Monza, 1Tel. +39 0444 367211 - Fax +39 0444 367382 Open all year long: Monday 9.30-12.30 ,Wednesday 9.30-13.00, Thursday 8.00-12.30, 16-18.The townhall is closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidaysClosed on 3rd August 2016Free admissionWheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: yesCar parking area: available (public car parking)

Villa Da Porto Casarotto Via Da Porto, 89 Tel. +39 0444 590709/ 514458 - Fax +39 0444 360821 All year long, only by photos alloweddogs allowedWheelchair access: partial Equipped toilets: noAvailable for weddings, company dinners.

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Carpark for 100 cars.Public transport: train (line Vicenza – Schio). The railway station is 2 Km far.

Villa Da Porto Pedrotti (Del Conte) Via Da Porto 7, loc. VivaroVisible from outside.


Museo della civiltà contadina e del vino Museum ”A history of grapevines, men and lands of the Zonin Family”Via Borgolecco, 9Tel.+39 0444 640111 – Fax +39 0444 640201Contact: Ufficio Ospitalità tel. +39 0444 All year long (apart from a week in August and at Christmas time): Monday-Friday 8.30-18.00; Saturday, Sunday and holidays only by booking Free admission photos allowed.No dogs allowed.Wheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets : totalCar parking area: available (for about 100 cars) Bus parking area: available(for 10 buses)Public transport: bus FTV stop at 200m; railway station in Montebello,5 km far


Museo della Civiltà Contadina O.N.L.U.S.Via Cà Vecchia, 10Tel. +39 0444 889533 - Fax +39 0444 831459Contact: Etenli every day 8.00-12.00 and 14.00-18.00 free donationWheelchair access: yesAvailable for cultural events, picnic, meetings, exhibitions Car parking area: available (for about 50 cars) Bus parking area: available1-2 placesPublic transport: bus FTV, nearest stop is only 500m far


Villa Ferramosca Sesso Beggiato

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Loc. BarbanoVia Vittorio Veneto 105Contact: Alberto Marzarocell. +39 349 3531847, Open all year long by telephone request.The villa is being restored. Therefore, visits have to respect safety regulations.Free admissionphotos allowed.dogs allowed.Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: noTicket for disabled people: gratisCar parking area: available (for 20 cars) Bus parking area: 1 busPublic transport: bus SITA/FTV, line Vicenza-Padova. Nearest stop only some metres far from the villa


Villa Chiericati Da Porto Rigo Loc. Vancimuglio - Via Nazionale, 3The villa can be seen from the street.

Villa CanalVia Piave, 25Contact: Paolo PeruzzoTel. +39 338 Open all year long by appointment from 9.00 to 19.00photos allowed.dogs allowed.Wheelchair access: partialequipped toilets: totallyAvailable for eventsCar parking area: available (120 cars)Bus parking area: not available


Convento e Santuario di Santa Maria del CengioVia Convento, 17Tel. +39 0444 976131 Contact: Padre

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from Tuesday to Sunday: 7.30-12.00/15.00-19.00.Free admissionFor groups ask to the prior. No visits during masses, silence is welcome.Wheelchair access: partialequipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for events, spiritual exercises, for small groups or retreats. In August (14-25) traditional Agosto a Santa Maria with cultural and spiritual events.Bus parking area: availableCar parking area: available Public transport: bus FTV, line Vicenza-Schio. Nearest stop 10 minutes walk


Eremo di San CassianoScogliere di Lumignano – 36023 LongareContact: Club Speleologico ProteoTel. +39 3889945331csproteo@gmail.com Open the first Sunday of the month, closed in case of bad weather.The hermitage can be reached only on foot through dug-up paths. The main path, leaving from the church in Lumignano, is closed at the moment (with signs and barriers) because of a landslip. This is beingrestored by the end of spring 2014. It takes less than 20 minutes on foot. Gym shoes or hiking boots are recommended. The other path, the only one which can be followed at the moment, leaves from the slopesof mount Brojon. This path can be entered at the end of via Brojo and, keeping to the left at the various forks, you go on looking out in order not to rise in height. When you reach the brook in the middle of the valley, turn left again and then you will find the signs to the hermitage. Gym shoes or hiking boots are recommended.Public transport: leaving from Vicenza railway station, aim bus line 8, bus stop Lumignano centro (about 1 km far from the hermitage).Price for individuals: € 2Public carpark in the centre of Lumignano (not guarded)Bus parking area: noAvailable for cultural events, conventions and conferences.

Villa da Schio a CostozzaPiazza da Schio, 4 – 36023 Costozza di Longare Tel. +39 340 4854568 / Fax +39 0444 953195Contact: Giulio da Schioinfo@villadaschio.itwww.villadaschio.itEntrance from the Bar La Botte del Covolo, Piazza da Schio, 2.Opening hours for the garden Working days: SUMMER- 10-14/17-19 WINTER- 10-14Sunday and holidays: open no stop. Closed on Monday.

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guided visit for groups by bookingPrice for individuals: € 5 park only.Price for groups: minimum € 50 – per person € 10 for park, villa and cellar.Groups min 5 persons.Free admission for children up to 12 years of age.Photos allowed.dogs not allowed.Wheelchair access: noAvailable for accommodation and/or events.21st-22nd May: Gardening FestivalAccommodation: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, max. 6 peopleCar parking area: available (for 40 cars)Bus parking area: not availablePublic transport: bus AIM, line 8 to Lumignano, bus stop Costozza.

Villa Trento CarliVia B. Bixio, 8 – 36023 Costozza di LongareNo visits allowed.


Chiesa dei SS. Cristoforo, Quirico e Giulitta (Chiesa Vecchia)Piazza MatteottiContact: Mon-Sat: 8.30-12.00/15.00-18.00 Sunday and holidays 9.00-12.00/15.00-18.00Wheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: noCar parking area: available Bus parking availablePublic transport: bus FTV. Train station is 4,5 km far

Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore (Duomo)Piazza 4 NovembreTel. 0444 Open all year longFrom Monday to Friday: 9-12 Saturday: 9-12, 15.30-18Holidays: 15.30-19.30For group visits in the afternoon is required to call the sacristan Mr. Gianfranco +39 3493789552Wheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: noAvailable for concertsCar parking area: available Bus parking available Public transport: bus FTV. Train station is 1,5 km far

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Palazzo Pisani Piazza Garibaldi, 1Tel. +39 0444 720237(Uff. Cultura - Comune di Lonigo) – Fax+39 0444 834887 Open only during exhibitionsWheelchair access: yesequipped toilets: noPublic transport: bus FTV, nearest stop only 50m far, in Piazza IV novembre; railway station 5 km far, connected to the center (200m from Palazzo Pisani) by busBus parking area: available in the surroundings (150 m)Car parking area: available in the surroundings (150 m)

Villa Pisani Bonetti Via Risaie, 1 – Bagnolo di LonigoTel. +39 0444 831104 - Fax +39 0444 835517villapisanibonetti@alice.itwww.villapisani.netopen (first floor with contemporary art exhibition,cellars, garden) everyday, only by telephone booking.Admission: € 8,00groups over 15 people: € 7,00Free for disabled people, licensed guides, children up to 5 years, teachers with schoolclassesreduced: soci FAI e TCI €6,00/FAI and TCI members €6,00Wheelchair access: partialequipped toilets: noAvailable for events, concerts, conferences, meetings.Bus parking area: available 10 placesCar parking area: available 200 placesNext opening: conference hall and accommodation.

Villa Pisani Ferri "La Rocca"Via Rocca, 1Tel. +39 0444 831625laroccapisana@gmail.comwww.laroccapisana.comOn March, April, October, November open on Saturday 10-12, 2.30-5.pmFrom May to September, everyday only by booking via mail and for groups only (min. 15 people).Admission: € 5,00.No photos allowed.No dogs allowed.Wheelchair access: partialBus parking area: not availableCar parking area: availablePublic transport: bus FTV to Lonigo. Follows 1km by walk up to the hill

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Villa S. FermoVia S. Fermo, 17 – Contact. Padre Piergiusto CornellaTel. 0444 830067 – Fax 0444 830710amministrazione@liceopavoniani.itwww.villasanfermo.comOpen from 25th August to 15th July (closed from 24th Dec. to 6th Jan.). Always open by booking.Shuttle bus from the railway station to the centre of the village. Then 10 minutes on foot.Visits only for groups (min. 20 people) € 50Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for conventions, meetings, anniversaries.Accommodation: 53 bedrooms, 81 beds.Bus parking area: availableCar parking area: available

Santuario della Madonna dei Miracoli e Museo degli Ex Voto c/o Parrocchia S. Maria dei Miracoli, Via Madonna, 18Tel./Fax +39 0444 830502 (parish - call before sending the fax ); +39 347 8861074 (Doct. Simona Tozzo, museum curator)Contact: dott.ssa Simona Tozzo (museum information and booking, guided tours to the sanctuary, students and researchers hospitality); priest (for events or special celebrations in the church) www.madonnadeimiracoli.orgChurch: everyday 8.00-12.00/14.00-18.00Museum: on Sunday afternoon 16.00–17.30 (October-March); 17.00-18.30 (March-October)Closed on Feast Days and Bank HolidayFor other days and times, please call the phone number above or send an e-mail.The groups requiring a guided tour to the sanctuary and/or museum have to book per e-mail or telephone in advance (at least 15 days before).Entrance fee: donationGuided tour fee: €2,00 per personWheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: noCar parking area: availableBus parking area: available (for 2 buses)Public transport: bus FTV, stops in front of the Sanctuary. From Lonigo railway station, reach Lonigo centre(shuttle bus at each arrival); going on 2 km towards S. Bonifacio-Verona (SP XIII), the sanctuary is on the right.


Castello di Giulietta o Bellaguardia– Castelli Giulietta e Romeo RestaurantVia Castelli IV MartiriTel. +39 0444 490979

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info@castelligiuliettaeromeo.itwww.castelligiuliettaeromeo.itOpen every day except Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm until March. From Spring time open from 10 am to 10 pm. Panoramic rooftop open also on Thursday.Free entrancephotos allowed.dogs allowed.wheelchair access: partialequipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for events organised under the sponsorship of the local governmentcar parking area: available for 100 cars

Sito ipogeo PriareVia Salita Castelli IV MartiriTel. +39 0444 696546 – Fax +39 0444 1770175 Contact: Pro Loco Alte Montecchiosegreteria@prolocoaltemontecchio.itOpen from February to November on Sunday afternoonFor groups open by booking also during the weekAdequate clothes gym shoes, sweater are recommended.Ticket € 3,00Groups, over 60 and under 18 years of age and disabled people (upon agreement) € 1,50School classes € 1,00Available for eventsBus parking area: available (for 5 buses)Car parking area: available (for 20 cars)

Castello di Romeo (o della Villa)UNDER RENOVATIONVia Castelli IV MartiriTel. +39 0444 492259 – Fax +39 0444 694888 Contact. Ufficio Cultura on Sundays and/or holidays, depending on the weather, 14.30/17.30 in winter (from November to March) and 15.00/19.00 in summer (from April to October).For groups free guided tours can be booked.Free admissionWheelchair access: partiallyEquipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for shows, theatre, concerts, balletsBus parking area: available (for 1-2 buses)Car parking area: available (for 80-100 cars)

Cappella di Sant’Antonio di Antonio PizzocaroVia Lovara, 36No visits allowed.

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Chiesa di San Pietro Piazza S. Pietro - Corso Matteotti, 40Tel./ fax +39 0444 696044 (parrocchia) Everyday only on request 10.00 –12.00 Free donation for the parishWheelchair access: partiallyEquipped toilets: noBus parking area: availableCar parking area: available

Chiesa di San Valentino Via S.ValentinoTel./ fax +39 0444 696044 (parrocchia)sanpietro.montecchio@parrocchia.vicenza.itwww.cinemasanpietro.comEveryday only on request 10.00 –12.00 Free donation for the parishWheelchair access: partiallyEquipped toilets: noBus parking area: available Car parking area: available

Chiesa di San Vitale (Duomo)Piazza MarconiTel. e fax +39 0444 696026 Open all year long 8.00-11.00 e 15.00-18.00 Free admissionWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: noAvailable for celebrations and cultural events.Bus parking area: availableCar parking area: available

Museo di archeologia e scienze naturali "G.Zannato" Piazza Marconi, 17 (vicino al Duomo)Tel. +39 0444 492565 fax +39 0444 Open all the year roundSaturday: 15-18.30; Sunday: 9.30-12.30 / 15-18.30Admission: € 1,00Reductions (until18 years of age): € 0,50 Free entrance for people over 65

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photos allowed.No dogs allowed.Wheelchair access: noEquipped toilets: noPublic transport: FTV bus, line Vicenza-Valdagno, bus stop Montecchio Maggiore Duomo. The bus stop is 200 m far from the museum.

Villa Cordellina LombardiVia Lovara, 36 Tel. e fax +39 0444 696085Contact: Sig.ra Cristina From 1 st April to 31st October: on Tuesday and Friday 9.00-13.00; Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 9.00-13.00 / 15.00-18.00. The Villa is not open to the public during conferences or other events From 1st November to 31st March: visits only for groups min. 15 people from Monday to Friday 9.00-13.00; advanced booking is requested. When there are conferences or other events, the villa is closed.Admission: € 6,00 Reduction € 4,00 : Citizens over 60, students with school or university documentFree admission for children up to 12 years of age, disabled people, teachers accompanying pupils.Groups up to 15 people: € 4,00Students: € 2,00In different opening hours for groups by booking € 6,00No photos allowed.No dogs allowed.Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partialAvailable for institutional conferences, charity dinners, concerts in villa of classical and chamber music, popular shows in the park.Bus parking area: available (for 6 buses)Car parking area: available (for 60 cars)FTV bus stop about 2,5 km far (Altavilla Vicentina) - Buses FTV lines: Vicenza-Lonigo; Vicenza-Valdagno;Vicenza-Montebello Vicentino. From the bus stops to the villa busy roads without sidewalk.

Fondazione BisazzaViale Milano, 56Tel. +39 0444 707690info@fondazionebisazza.itwww.fondazionebisazza. comOpen from Wednesday until Friday 11-18. On Monday and on Tuesday only by booking, no during holidays.Extraordinary opening every first Saturday of the month 11-18 (guided visit at 15.30 by booking)Free Entrance, guided tours by feeFor groups of more than 10 people booking required info@fondazionebisazza.itPhoto allowedDogs are not allowedWheelchair access: yes

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Equipped toilets: partialAvailable for events Bus parking area: yesCar parking area: available ( for 52 cars)Bus parking 3 bus


Villa Da Schio Cita *Updated to 2016Via S. Rocco, 19Tel. +39 338 6050348 - Pro www.proloco-montecchioprecalcino.itThe villa is open for local events or by booking.


Castello Grimani Sorlini * dati aggiornati al 2015Via Castello, 030601031Not open to the public. Open only by booking for groups or for cultural eventsWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: no

Fondazione Museo Veneto delle Campane MUVECVia A. Fogazzaro, 3Tel. +39 0444 737526 - Fax +39 0444 735623 Contact: Donà Opening hours:From November until March from Tuesday to Saturday 13.30-17.00, Thursday and Friday 9.00-12.30 and 13.30-17.00From March until October from Tuesday to Saturday 15-18, Thursday and Friday 9-12.30 and 15-18. Closed on Sunday and Monday.No photos allowedDogs not allowedAdmission € 5,00 Reduced for groups: € 4,00 School-classes €3,50Reduced disabled €3,50Free entrance for teachers, journalists and researchesWheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for concerts

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Bus parking area: available (for 4 buses)Car parking area: available (for 50 cars)


Villa Loschi Zileri Motterle Viale Zileri, 4/6 – Località: BironTel. +39 0444 964190 - Fax +39 0444 964210Contact: Cesare Open all year round Mon-Fri 8.30-12.30/14.30-18.30. (close on Friday afternoon)Photos allowed (no flash)No dogs allowed Admission: € 5,00groups (min 10 people) : € 4,00 (booking required)Reduced: € 3,00Free: people with disabilitiesWheelchair access: partiallyEquipped toilets: partialAvailable for special events Bus parking area: available Car parking area: available


Villa Valmarana Bressan Loc. VigardoloVia Vigardoletto, 33Contact. Alessandro Bressan, Marco AbateolaTel. +39 339 5361523, +39 335 8445396 Open from March to September: Wed. – Sat. – Sun. from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 18.00.Open all year long for groups (6 people) by booking.Public transport: bus line 11 from viale Giuriolo (near Piazza Matteotti), VicenzaAdmission: € 8,00Groups: € 5,00Photos allowedDogs allowedFree admission for children up to 8 years of ageWheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for conventions, concerts, temporary exhibitions, wedding.Carpark for 100 cars.Bus parking area for 3 buses.

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Villa Da Porto BarbaranVia L. Da Porto, 8Resp: Geom. Ceretta FrancescaTel. +39 0444 685402 Fax +39 0444 Open from April until OctoberVisits available by bookingPhotos allowedDogs allowedWheelchair access: noEquipped toilets: noAvailable for ballets, theatre, concerts, art exhibitions, conference and work shops.Bus parking area: not availableCar parking area: available(150 cars)


Grotta di San Bernardino Comune di MossanoTel.+39 347 2914152 (Presidente Pro Loco) Contact: Sig. Giorgio Vaccherelli Guided tours: on Sunday 19th February at 9.00am, Sunday 26th March at 14.30, Easter Monday 17th April at 9.30am (open all day), Sunday 14th May at 14.30am, Sunday 11th June at 9.00am, Sunday 3rd September at 9.00am, Sunday 22nd October at 2.00pm, Sunday 19th November at 9.30 am. Departure from Mossano main square at the time written above.Booking is welcome for groups of at least 15 people calling tel 347 2914152Wheelchair access: noBus parking area: available, small parkingCar parking area: available

Prigioni Longobarde Tel. +39 347 2914152 (Presidente Pro Loco)Contact: Sig. Giorgio Guided tours on Sunday 12th March at 9.00am, Sunday 26th May at 2.00pm, and Sunday 27th August (departure from Mossano square)Visits on request all year long calling 347 2914152Booking is welcome for groups of at least 15 peopleWheelchair access: noBus parking area: available(3-4 places)Car parking area: available for 60/70 cars

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Ghiacciaia e Sentiero Valle dei Mulini Tel.+39 347 2914152 (Presidente Pro Loco) Contact: Sig. Giorgio Guided visit on Sunday 2nd July at 9.00am (departure from Dalla Pozza Farm).Visits on request all year long calling 347 2914152Booking is welcome for groups of at least 15 peopleWheelchair access: noBus parking area: available(3-4 places)Car parking area: available for 60/70 cars

Villa di Montruglio (Pigafetta Camerini)Via Montruglio, 9Tel +39 0444 886838, +39 0444 886222 May-June-September on Wed.: 9.00-12.00Other days visits only by telephone booking.Admission € 6,00 Groups (min.20 people): € 5,00Reduction for disabled people: € 5,00Children up to 10 free admissionNo photos allowedDogs allowedWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for concerts, weddings, conventions, party and other events Bus parking area: available for 5 busesCar parking area: available( for 800 cars)Bus from Vicenza to Noventa Vicentina and return. Nearest stop: Ponte di Nanto.


Chiesa dei Santi Vito, Modesto e CrescenzaVia MatteottiTel./Fax +39 0444 787159E-mail: Everyday : 8.00-19.00 Sunday : 8.00-12.00 e 16.00-19.00Free admissionWheelchair access: yesAvailable for cultural events Bus parking area: not availableCar parking area: available

Villa Barbarigo - RezzonicoPiazza IV Novembre, 1 – Sede Municipale

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Tel. +39 0444 788550 - Fax +39 0444 760156 all year long with free admission during the opening times of the townhall officesFrom Monday to Friday: 10.00-13.00, Monday and Thursday 15.00-17.30Visits are on payment if in other hours Up to 15 people € 50/€ 70 on holidays, more than 15 people € 70/€ 100 on holidays.Guided tour (if available) €50, on holidays €80,00Photos allowedNo dogs allowedWheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets. yesBus parking area: availableCar parking area: available Public transport: bus FTV. Nearest stop in via C. Porta, 200m from the townhall

Villa Manin CantarellaVia Masotto, 32Cell. +39 348/3669215 fax +39 0444 open from February until November by phone or e-mail booking min 48 hours in advanceentrance €5,00Reduction for groups, min 3 pax €.3,00/€2,00Photos allowedDogs allowedDisabled people: free admissionWheelchair access: only porches and park Equipped toilets: yesAvailable for events.Bus parking area: 1 available in the public carpark in via dei Martiri.Car parking area: available for 50 cars in public carparks in via Umberto Masotto.


Villa Fracanzan PioveneVia S. Francesco, 2Tel./Fax.+39 0444 874589 - Tel./Fax. +39 02 72003658 Contact: Francesca Giusti Piovene www.villafracanzanpiovene.comIndividuals from 1st April to 31st October open on Sunday and holidays 3pm-7pmGroups and school classes (at least 20 people) all year long by booking (phone or e-mail).Admission € 8,00 adults; € 4,00 children up to 14Groups (min.20 people): € 7,00Free admission for disabled peopleOnly professional photographers can take photos on request

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No dogs allowedWheelchair access: partiallyEquipped toilets: yesAvailable for weddings, ceremonies, location for films/ advertisements, cultural activities, fashion shows, meetings, concerts.Bus parking area: available( for 4 buses + 2,3 200metres far from the villa)Car parking area: available( for 300 cars)


Villa Pojana Via Castello, 43Tel. Villa (from April to 2nd November) +39 0444 898554Tel. IRVV (Istituto Regionale Ville Venete) +39 041 Opening: from 15th May to 2nd November 2016 Villa Pojana will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00 or by booking in advance by mailTicket for individuals: € 5Children from 6 up to 14 years old € 2, free for children up to 6 years olddisabled people € 2Over 65 € 3Groups (min. 20 people) € 3 Family ticket € 12Non-professional photos allowedWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partiallyReduction for disabled people: yesAvailable for events, weddings, congressesBus parking area: availableCar parking area: available


Villa Thiene Piazza IV Novembre, 4Tel. +39 0444 584235 (Ufficio Cultura)Pro loco di Quinto Vicentino tel.+39 0444 356053 (Saturday 10.00-12.30)Fax +39 0444 357388 from January until December from Monday until Friday 9.30-12.45, Monday and Thusday 16.30-18.30For visits on Saturday and Sunday for groups advanced booking is kindly requested.On Saturday and Sunday the visit is managed only from authorized tourist guides, appointed by municipaladministration, in collaboration with Pro-Loco.

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Groups: €40,00 For booking and information is necessary a written communication via mail within the preceding Thursday.Free admissionGuided visits only on Saturday and Sunday - Leaflets and guidebooks are available for tourists.Wheelchair access: yes Equipped toilets: yesBus parking area: public carpark in front of the villaCar parking area: public carpark in front of the villa

Villa Ca’ Prigionivia Monte Grappa, 30tel./fax +39 0444 356544 Contact. Pierino Open every Wednesday from April to December from 8 to 20, advanced booking by phone or mail requestedFree entranceWheelchair access: partial Equipped toilets: yesAvailable for theatre performances and cultural events, private events, conferences. Bus parking area: available (20 places)Car parking area: available (300 places)Public transport: bus AIM, line nr 5 Vicenza-Ospedaletto and then bus AIM, line nr 51 Vicenza-Lanzè-Valproto. Nearest stop: 50m far from the villa


Villa Dolfin-MistrorigoVia Campolongo, 6Tel. +39 0444 868034Contact: Mistrorigo LucianoOnly the outside can be visited on the first Saturday of every month by booking.Wheelchair access: noPublic transport: FTV bus. Nearest stop only 500 m far


Villa Chiericati Milan Loc. AncignanoVia Soella, 7Contact: Rizzi Miriam in Milan (348 8107185) – Luigi Milan (340 2429137)Tel. +39 0444 510626 fax +39 0444 510626mail. miriam.rizzi@libero.itApril to September (closed in August)Open only by booking for groups, guided tours

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Groups of min.25 people: €.5,00 each.Free access children and disabled peopleWheelchair access: noEquipped toilets: noAvailable for events (cultural events, meetings and exhibitions)Car parking area: available (for 20-30 cars)Bus parking area: 2 place available.

Villa Garbinati Tecchio Zanotti FragonaraVia Lupiola, 3Contact: Rigo Avv. Maria TeresaTel. e fax +39 0444 751193, +39 339 4556311studio_rigo@libero.itstudio.mtrigo@gmail.comwww.villa-garbinati.comOpen every month except August and December.Open every Monday (from 9.00 to 12.00) and every Friday in May (9-12).Visits only on phone request tel. +390339 4556311.Free admission.No photos allowed.No dogs allowed.Group min. 6 people.Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partiallyCar parking area: available (for 10 cars)Bus parking area: not available.

Villa Sesso Bordignon e Oratorio gentilizio dedicato a San Gaetano Via San Gaetano 20-22Tel. +39 0444 1460680, cell.+39 340 8797203, +39 349 5758468Contact: Paola Bordignonbor610pa@hotmail.itVilla opens to visits from April until September, the Oratorio all year long. Opening hours by agreement. The Oratorio is open on 7th August 9.30-12 and 16-19 on occasion of S.Gaetano holiday.Photos allowed.Dogs allowedBus FTV line Vicenza-Bassano del Grappa, stop hundred meters from the villa.Entrance ticket by agreement.Free entrance for disabled, senior and disabled.Wheelchair access: partial in the villa, no Oratorio, yes the parkEquipped toilets: noAvailable for events. Conferences (40 people in the main hall, 150 open air), exhibitions, weddings,photo shootings,open air theatre, lunches and dinners open air, faschion shows.Car parking area: available (for 10 cars)Bus parking area: available (two places in a public area).

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Villa Sesso Schiavo Nardone * dati aggiornati al 2015Via San Lorenzo, 7Tel. +39 0444 659344Contact: Cristina Ghiselli www.villasessoschiavo.itOpen by bookingWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: yesReductions for disabled people: yesAvailable for weddings, photographic services, business events.Public transport: bus station 500 m far


Villa Da Porto detta "La Favorita"Via F. Muttoni - Loc. Monticello di FaraTel. +39 335 7685710 – Fax +39 0444 421271 www.villalafavorita.comOpen only by booking. Admission € 5,00groups € 2,50Free admission for disabled people.Wheelchair access: noEquipped toilets: noAvailable for weddings,business events, etc.Bus parking area: availableCar parking area: available

Villa Manzoni ValcasaraVia Manzoni, 7Tel. +39 0444 830519 30, cell +39 340 1228252 info@villamanzonivalcasara.itwww.villamanzonivalcasara.itall year long by bookingAdmission: € 2,50Free admission for disabled peopleWheelchair access: yesEquipped toilets: yesAvailable for weddings, fairs, exhibitions, fashion shows, gala dinners etc.Bus parking area: not available Car parking area: available ( for 80 cars)FTV bus stop in Sarego in front of the villa.

Villa Trissino - Rossi – barchesse Via Sabbadini, 20 – Loc. Meledo

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Tel. e fax +39 0444 820194 Open all yearOnly by booking everyday 9.00-12 e 15-18Admission: € 6,00/€10.00 for a guided tour offered by the owners. Last about 1 h.Groups (min.10 max. 30 people): € 5,00/€8,00 or a guided tour offered by the owners. Last about 1 h.Free admission for children max. 6 years old, companions of groups, journalists and disabled people.Reduced ticket: €3,00 children 7-13 years old. €5,00 FAI and TCI members and students max. 25 years old. €2,00 school groups .€15,00 VillaTrissino Family: 2 adults an max. 3 children max. 16 years old.Photos are not allowed.Accepted dogs on leads only outside.Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partiallyAvailable for concerts, tasting events, exhibitions, cultural events, shows, meetings, conventions, team building, markets, photo shootings, galas, business dinner, weddings and other events. Accommodation: three rooms with bathroom and breakfast (max. 3 people per room), or gothic house (apartment of 13 century next to the Villa ) available for 4 people, with bathroom and kitchen.Car park: 3 places in the property of the Villa. Possibility to park also outside.Bus parking area: only outsidePublic transport: bus FTV, line Vicenza-Lonigo. Nearest stop is Meledo, only 100m far from the villa


Chiesa di S. Maria dell’Aiuto (Chiesetta dell'Olmo)Via Roma, 1Tel. +39 0444 885221 Fax. +39 0444 Open everyday from May to September: 7.30-20From October to April: 7.30-18Wheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: noBus parking area: availableCar parking area: available

Museo "Storia, Memoria"/Museum “History, Memory”UNDER RENOVATION UNTIL JUNE 2017Via Colloredo, 11Contact: Sig. Giovanni Fattori- Giuseppe MizzonTel. 0444 88869 / Fax 0444 Open all year on Sunday: 10.00-12.00Other visits by booking 348 5357564 or 0444 785191Photos are allowed

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Dogs allowedFree admissionWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: partialAvailable for events promoted by Sossano Town hall Bus parking area: available 3 places Car parking area: available 20 placesPublic transport: bus FTV, line Vicenza-Sossano. Nearest stop is Collaredo Highway A31 Valdastico – exit Agugliaro


Complesso funerario-cultuale di tipo megalitico dell'età del rame di SovizzoVia Tiepolo, 19 – Loc. San DanieleTel: +39 0444 1802100 (Urp Comune Sovizzo) / +39 0444 1802107(Ufficio Segreteria)Fax 0444 The archaeological site can be seen from the road every day all year long (entrance not allowed)Wheelchair access: yes Equipped toilets: noThere are no toilets, as it is an open-air place with no rooms. In front of this funeral complex there is a bar.The adjoining parking places belong to the commercial activities

Villa Sale S. Damiano Curti Via Roma, 64Tel. +39 347 3657180 Sig. Giovanni , www.villacurti.itMonday-Wednesady-Friday-Saturady-Sunday by telephone booking: 10.00-12.00/15.00-18.00Free admissionWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: yesCar parking area: availableBus parking area: availablePublic transport: bus AIM, line 14, nearest stop in front of the villa


Villa Da Porto – SlavieroVia Roma, 97 – 36040 Torri di QuartesoloTel. +39 333 Contact: Valeria SlavieroOpen by booking all year long Admission for groups: € 3,00

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Groups: min 10 personeFree entrance for children and disabled peopleWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: yesAvailable for exhibitions, weddings, concerts and theatre showsCar and bus parking area: availablePublic transport: bus number 1 to Torri di Quartesolo


Parco e Villa GhelliniVia S.Antonio, 6Contact: Nadia Dal Cengio - BibliotecaTel. +39 0445 355520 (Comune) – Fax +39 0445 355599mail: site: only by previous bookinggarden: free entrance Free admissionPhotos are allowedDogs not allowedWheelchair access: partialEquipped toilets: noCar parking area not availableBus parking area not available

Villa Verlato Piazza del Popolo, 9Contact: Lorenzo PutinTel. 348 The villa is not open to the public

INFORMATIONVicenza Tourist Office – Piazza Matteotti, 12, Vicenza tel. +39 0444 320854

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