open kent

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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Open Kent

User Testing

List of Icons in Mashup Hub

• Catalogue

• Go to Edit

• Go to View

• Open Menu of options

• Send

• View hidden Widgets

• Wire Widgets


• You have been asked to present a presentation on Schools in Kent.

• In the presentation you are required to use a visualisation to show where each of the schools are located.

• You will therefore need to download the Kent Schools dataset from the catalogue, add it to your test page and link this to a map.

Getting Started: Logging in

1. To Log in to the IBM Mashup centre you will need to type Test1 in the User ID field and test1 in the password field.

2. This should take you to the Welcome Space where you will need to create your own page.

Creating Your New Page

1. To Create a new page, click on the ‘Welcome’ tab, scroll down and click on ‘Create a New Page’.

2. Next type in this field ‘User Testing Page’ and press ‘Enter’

3. Your ‘User Testing page’ should automatically appear.

Task 1: Download Open Data

You have been asked to do some comparative research regarding different schools in Kent. To do this you will need

to download the Kent Schools dataset in the Open Kent catalogue which will provide you with this information.

Download Open Data

1.To download the dataset onto your ‘User Testing Page’ you will need to go to the Mashup Hub’s Catalogue.

2.To do this click on the ‘Catalogue in a New Browser’ icon on the top right hand corner of your page.

3.This will open up the Catalogue page in a new browser.


4. Once you are in the Catalogue, you need to find your Kent Schools data. In the search engine type ‘Kent School’.

5. When this dataset comes up place the curser onto it and it should turn yellow.

6. Next click on the blue drop key ‘Add to’ and select ‘Mashup Builder’.

Add to the Browser

1. This will take you to a new browser called Add to mash up Builder.

2. In the ‘Category’ field, make sure your data will be moved to ‘Collaboration’. Once you have done this, click ‘Finish’.

3. A message should then display ‘Kent Schools has been added to mashup Builder.’ You now need to close this browser down and return to your ‘User Testing Page’.

Task 2: Create visualisation of your dataset

Having successfully found the data you wanted on Kent schools you now wish to view this data in a new table which you could copy into a spreadsheet. You are therefore going

to open up this dataset onto your test page.

User Testing Page

1. Once you are back on your ‘User Testing Page’ you need to click refresh or (F5).

2. To be able to add the data on to you ‘User Testing page’ click on the ‘Go to Edit’ button the top right hand side of the page.

Open Datasets on Your Page 1. To open your Kent

school data, click on the drop key ‘Collaboration’ button and scroll down to Kent Schools.

2. Next click on the screwdriver icon and select ‘Add to Current Page’, and the dataset will appear on your page.

Task 3: Adding a Map tool

Now that you have downloaded your Kent Schools dataset from the Open Kent catalogue and opened your dataset onto your ‘User test’ page you have been asked to add a Google

map to your page so that you can link it to the dataset.

Add a Map Widget

1. To add a Google map widget to your page click on the dark grey drop key ‘Tools’ in the panel and select.

2. Click on the Screwdriver icon and select ‘Add to Current Page’.

Linking your Data to your Map

1. To link your Schools data to the Google map tool, click on the Kent Schools dataset. Next click on the ‘Click to wire widgets’ icons which is blue and green arrows.

2. This will open on a new box called ‘Wiring’. Next click ‘send data’, then scroll down and click on ‘Postcode as text’. Next click on ‘Google Map’ and you should see the map tool turn pink. Finally check the ‘Location using text’ box and click ‘Done.

Test & Save

1. Your visualisation should now be complete. Click on a field in the Kent Schools dataset and the map should show you it’s location.

2. Finally save your work by clicking on the save icon in the right hand top corner.

End Task

• If you’re testing this with one of our facilitators, please let them know and you can end the session

• If you’re testing this at home, please now complete the survey

• Thanks for testing! If you have any queries, please contact

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