open door community health centers

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Special Insert to the North Coast Journal. September 22, 2011



Community Health Centers

In these troubled and troubling times, I am often reminded of a tale I heard as a young man. I offer it here for your consideration.

There was once a very wise and curious Rabbi, Ari Benjamin. He wanted to un-

derstand more about what our souls might encounter after our physical deaths. “ Would you show me heaven and show me hell,” he asked his Guiding Spirit. And his Spirit re-sponded, “Which do you want to see fi rst?” Ari thought about it and said, “Let’s have the bad news fi rst. Show me hell.”

His Guiding Spirit led him to hell. Ari saw a group of people and noticed that they were all starving, fi lthy, weeping, covered in sores and scars. Then Ari noticed a strange thing. None of the people could bend their arms. Ari thought about this and realized that the

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Makynna Lynne White. It may sound like just another name to you, but it means so

much more to me, her family and to the commu-nity she affected profoundly. Makynna, my third child, was born on October 16, 2005. She was six months old when I fi rst noticed something dif-ferent. At Makynna’s eight-month well child visit with Dr. Humphry I discussed my concerns. Dr. Humphry had noticed something too. He believed it could be Hurler Syndrome and after running some tests, he confi rmed his suspicions. At eight months old, Makynna was diagnosed with a rare birth defect known as mucupolysaccharidoses (MPS); insuffi cient or missing critical body en-zymes. The most severe form of MPS is Hurler’s

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McKinleyville Community Health Center

Del Norte Community Health Center

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A Tale for Our TimesJay Molofsky, Site Administrator

Heaven Porter gets a quick check-up from medical assistant Jen Busseau.

Mission Driven

The desire to work in an underserved area can be the factor that attracts talented health

care providers to a rural community. Dr. Chris-tian Holland, physician and medical director at the Del Norte Community Health Center in Cres-cent City felt that desire. “Providing services that would otherwise be out of reach for some of our patients is truly meaningful to me. Engag-ing the community in its healthcare is an es-sential part of what I do. All of us work hard to respond to the demand for service. It is satisfy-ing to know that no one is being turned away.” Jesse Vos, physician assistant, agrees. “Many of our patients face barriers to accessing quality care. Maybe they don’t have insurance or can’t

Jesse Vos, PA-C greets patient Carl Schwartz Ted Humphrey, MD with patient Addison White


travel due to fi nancial or physi-cal limitations. We are Open Door. We do everything in our power to open doors for all who need medi-cal care.”

While access to care is of ut-most importance, the type of care is essential. Dr. Alexander Wade has been the clinic’s pediatrician for fi ve years. He understands the importance of comprehensive care. “I work with children. I know that social barriers, family support, per-sonal security and mental health concerns are extremely important to the well-being of our children. These issues are a part of a child’s development and physical health. I strive to provide comprehensive and compassionate care for the total person.” Dr. Holland elabo-rates, “I practice internal medicine, mostly for adults. I provide my patients with a full scope of care for primary health needs. We want the community to know that if you are experiencing any type of physi-

cal, emotional or mental health concern, we want health and well-ness to be your goals. We are here to assist you.”

“We are dedicated to partner-ing with our patients. I believe that patients should be active partici-pants in their health care,” says Dr. Holland. Jesse Vos furthers this idea, “My primary objective is to assist patients in managing their own care. I’m here to help patients understand the elements of health and their health care plans. Our goal is to achieve wellness. It is up to our patients, through their deci-sions and actions, to be as healthy as possible. We are here to encour-age and support that process.”

Serving the Entire County“Our patients are working pro-

fessionals, homeless individuals, retirees, children and everyone else in the area,” says Hilda Yepes-Contreras, site administrator at the Del Norte clinic. “I think there was

a misconception that we only saw Medi-Cal patients, but that isn’t true. We offer high quality care and the community recognizes that.” The clinic accepts virtually every form of public and private insurance and pro-vides large discounts to those who are uninsured; no one will be turned away be-cause of fi nances or insurance. “We care for and about our patients.”

Working closely with Cheyenne Spetzler, Chief Operations Offi cer for Open Door Community Health Centers, Hilda was with the clinic when it opened its doors in down-town Crescent City in 1990. “I remember Cheyenne living here for months to make this clinic a real-ity. She didn’t always get home to Arcata on the weekends because there was so much to do.” recalls Hilda. Since then, the clinic has moved several times, always to larger quarters. After a multi-year effort, the Del Norte Healthcare District completed the Del Norte Wellness Center at the corner of Northcrest Drive and East Washing-ton Boulevard. In 2007, Open Door

continued from page 1Del Norte Community Health Center

moved into a brand-new home: a well-designed facility with enough space to meet the increasing de-mand for healthcare in the area.

With over 60 employees, including 10 medi-cal, dental and behav-ioral health providers, the clinic sees an average of almost 700 pa-tients each week. Hilda notes, “Del Norte County is considered a medi-cally un-

derserved and health professionals shortage area. As a team, we work hard to create enough access so that our patients, our neighbors, our friends, can get the quality care they deserve. The staff is part of this community. We are deeply affected by the lives and health of those we serve.”

Dr. Katrina Groves concurs with Hilda, “This is my community too. I want it to be the best community it can be. If I can help someone with even one little problem, I’m doing my job. As a community, we are only as healthy as our sickest people. If we do not work to im-prove the health and well-being of our most struggling citizens, the community as a whole suffers.”

The pediatrics staff, (from left) Deb Riley, MA, Alex Wade, MD, Alisha Quast, RN, Sherrie Lynch, MA, and Laura Lyons, FNP”

Christian Holland, DO, with patient Rita Moore


The Del Norte clinic is a vital part of the health care system in Del Norte County. “If we aren’t here delivering this care, who will?” asks Dr. Groves. “We are about people’s lives. It’s the person who is impor-tant.”

Hilda ex-plains that the staff takes it upon them-selves to go the extra mile to serve their neighbors. “We do what we can to meet the needs of our patients.” Sometimes this goes be-yond peo-ple’s medical needs. We have an ar-moire in the clinic lobby full of gently used cloth-ing. Patients are welcome to help themselves to what they need. It’s a small effort, but we know it can make a huge difference.” The clinic also provides assistance in applying for benefi ts and connects people with other community resources. “Health and wellness are much more than medical care,” notes Hilda.

Mission in ActionDr. Katrina Groves works to

inspire patients to be proactive in their health care. Instead of tradi-

tional fam-ily practice, Dr. Groves focuses primarily on women’s health is-sues, serves as the main provider for Teen Clinic and facili-tates the suboxone treatment program. In women’s health, the focus is on prevention

of cervical and breast cancers among other is-sues unique to women. Good health hab-its are im-portant for preventing certain problems

and regular screening can lead to early detection and treatment. Health screening has been proven to save lives.

Teen Clinic is about providing education to help young people make healthy choices and provid-ing the care and services they

need to maintain their health. “In Teen Clinic we provide patients with information on abstinence, body image, self esteem and pre-venting disease and pregnancy. We have two teen advocates, trained teens who serve as peer educators, who can talk with our teen patients” Teen Clinics are offered every Monday afternoon but, Katrina notes, “It’s important for teens to know that they can come to the clinic anytime – just let the front desk know that you need to be seen.”

Dr. Groves also leads the subox-one treatment program for opi-ate dependency. Suboxone is an effective outpatient program for people dependent on heroin and prescription medications such as methadone, Vicodin and Oxycodo-ne. The group that Dr. Groves has established focuses on the overall well-being of patients. “My medi-cal assistant, Susan Hintz, and I have worked with the suboxone group from the ground up. There continued on next page ➤

is a huge need for this program in Del Norte County,” explains Dr. Groves. “The program isn’t about passing out prescriptions. This is a structured program where we help patients realize and make progress toward their health and personal goals.” There are currently 25 people enrolled in the program. “If someone falls out, we work with them so they learn the steps to stay clean. We are helping people get their lives back together. We’ve helped people get clean and some have gotten their kids, their houses and their jobs back. This is the sort of impact we strive for. If you are serious about treating your addiction and getting clean, we want you to come here.” So that the clinic can address all of a patient’s medical needs, some-one interested in the suboxone program must fi rst become an established patient with a primary care provider at the clinic. “Then

The staff is part of this community. We are deeply

affected by those we serve. - Hilda Yepes-Contreras



Most of the DNCHC staff

Katrina Groves, MD


2000. “I really liked the mission of the organiza-tion.” Carolyn quickly began to feel the need to do more. “So I com-pleted my prerequisites at CR and enrolled in the Physician Assistant program at UC Davis. My husband came out of retirement and worked as a medical assistant at the clinic while I was in the PA program.” Gradu-ating in 2009, Carolyn returned to work in Del Norte. Her work covers a broad scope of ser-

vices: family practice, HIV care and Teen Clinic. “My goal is to educate patients to be self-suffi cient. Our staff is committed to helping pa-tients be as healthy as possible.” What patients do outside the clinic and the choices they make are essential to their health. The challenge to patients and to the community is to make health a real priority, and to support that

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anyone here can help arrange re-ferral into the suboxone program,” notes Dr. Groves.

Growing Our OwnCarolyn Dikes was an EMT before

becoming a medical assistant. Her interest in healthcare came natu-rally, growing up with a mother who worked as a nurse. Carolyn began working at the Del Norte clinic in

priority with action and resources. “We want you just as committed to your health as we are,” says Carolyn.

Carolyn is not the only clinic employee inspired to further their career and give more to their com-munity. Christina Fosdick started work as a medical assistant at the clinic shortly after graduating from high school, participating in the clinic’s on-the-job training program. “I absolutely fell in love with the work. I am committed to the clinic and the care we provide. I enrolled in CR’s nursing program and after that I want to become a nurse practitioner. I’ll return to the Open Door clinic. I was raised in this community. I married my sweet-heart from junior high. We are committed to giving back to this community. Providers are needed here, particularly those who want to stay in the area. I want to help fi ll that need. I’ve been inspired to push my career and my service to the community further than I ever imagined.”

Growing Your Own“The Wellness Center is sur-

rounded by open land,” says Chey-enne Spetzler. “We always thought of that space for a playground and other outdoor activities.” Thanks to a grant from Community Clinics Initiative of Tides and The California Endowment, this vision is becoming reality. In collaboration with Commu-nity Assistance Network and the Del Norte Healthcare District, a commu-nity garden is taking root. Hilda Con-treras notes, “Everyone is so thank-ful that the garden is here. Many of our patients and staff participate. We love taking a walk through the garden. People who never gardened before now grow vegetables for their families.” A true community effort involving scores of volunteers, the area will soon be expanded to include a greenhouse, more planting beds, a children’s play area, walking paths and exercise stations.

Jesse Vos remarks, “I encourage patients to become involved. I tell them ‘your body builds itself from what you put in it every day’. The garden allows people to grow and eat healthy food.” Dr. Groves agrees, “The garden gets people outdoors, learning to grow things for themselves. Fresh air, healthy food and self-suffi ciency can help on many levels. The activities of gardening, opportunities to meet new people, learning to work together – these all help ease depression, anxi-ety and contribute to the health of the whole community. The garden is a symbol of health in action. People with diabetes, obesity, and hypertension improve with healthier diets. Chronic pain and arthritis eases if people are moving around. The very existence of the garden allows nature to provide a profound healing experience.” �

Del Norte Community Health Center

DNCHC also has a comprehensive dental clinic open to children and adults. Above: Susan Wellman, DSD with a patient. The October 27th North Coast Journal Special Section will highlight Open Door dental services

Clinic staff members who are active gardeners at the Wellness Center garden


Without the trust of Dr. Humphry and the medical insight he provided our family, we would not have been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Dr. Humphry was my pediatrician when I was a child, and now all my children go to him. I am so thankful that he listened to my concerns, trusted me, and acted quickly. I have met my fair share of doctors and I only trust a few: Dr. Humphry is one of them.

I’ve found that it’s the little things in life that are the best learn-ing experiences. I cherish every day with my family. It has made every breath a little sweeter and every laugh a little longer.

Tasha White, a mother of fi ve, lives in McKinleyville. Makynna, who just started kindergarten, will celebrate her sixth birthday next month.

One Roof – One Mission – Many Generations

The McKinleyville Community continued on next page ➤

Health Center was established some years ago to serve a mostly adult population from the area. In 2007, when Ted Humphry brought his pediatrics practice to Open Door, McKinleyville had the avail-able space. With separate entrances, it may seem like two clin-ics, but they share much in common. This site offers a comprehen-sive array of pediatric and primary care family medi-cine. It still has the small clinic feel that Dr. Carlson discusses below, and remains committed to its long-standing patients. As Glo-rie Williamson, RN, notes, access is always an issue.

continued from page 1McKinleyville Community Health Center

Through One Door“I came here in 1980 to join the

Humboldt Open Door Clinic in Ar-cata when it was still in the Tin Can Mailman building. I was interested in family practice and obstetrics,”

says William Carlson, MD. When Open Door opened the McKin-leyville Com-munity Health Center, Dr. Carlson, now the site’s medi-cal director, moved to the new location. “I wanted to work in the commu-nity I lived in.

This feels like a small clinic, but we fi ll a big need in this community.” In reality, the McKinleyville site has

Syndrome. Dr. Humphry told us that if untreated, Makynna would pass away between fi ve and eight years of age. As a team we acted fast. Makynna was admitted to Stanford Medical Center on December 10, 2006 and began her fi rst course of needed chemotherapy the following morning. Thankfully, Makynna was diagnosed extremely early. Hurler’s Syndrome is often detected when the child is between two and eight. Makynna was only 14 months old when she received her bone marrow transplant.

I’ll never forget walking through the fi rst door to the isolation room where Makynna was staying. When-ever I looked through the window her face would light up, her smile melting my heart and any sadness. Because of her light and love I was able to support her and give her the extra love she needed to get bet-ter. Makynna is progressing toward a happy, normal life, well on her way to recovery.

It has made every breath It has made every breath a little sweeter and every a little sweeter and every

laugh a little longer.laugh a little longer. - Tasha White- Tasha White



Some of the staff of McKinleyville Community Health Center Dr. Bill Carlson with patient, Lyle Ocheltree


almost as many medical appoint-ments each year as most other Open Door clinics. One possible explanation for the more relaxed feel: “We’ve been working with many of the same patients for several decades. They appreciate the continuity of care from being together for so long.”

“Small is beautiful. We don’t have all the services right here, but we’re hooked into the other resources of Open Door and can connect patients to specialists and the bigger medical commu-nity,” continues Dr. Carlson. Like other Open Door clinics, McKin-leyville uses a team concept. Dr. Carlson explains, “Two or three providers work together as a small family practice unit. We rely on our nurses quite a bit.” Team work is essential to an effi cient working environment. All members of the staff help to address pa-

tients concerns, facilitate commu-nication and create access.

The McKinleyville clinic offers patient-centered care, with strong relationships between patients and providers. Glorie Williamson, RN Clinic Coordinator, explains, “Rela-tionships are what we’re here for, what we want. Our care is about follow up, health maintenance, keeping up with our patients and protecting their health.”

Glorie notes, “I came here from Sacramento , graduated from the nursing program at CR, and taught clinical nursing. I have worked at Mad River and St. Joe’s.” When Glorie explored Open Door she found, “Open Door stood for what I believed in as a nurse: access to patient-centered care.” After several years at the McKinleyville clinic, Glorie feels the collaborative effort among all Open Door clinics. “The clinics work closely with one

another. We all work hard for our patients to be seen. And if we’re short of appointments, we’ll work to have them seen at another Open Door clinic. We’re always working to get new patients into care.”

“We do our best to calm and re-assure those who call us. Our job is knowing how to approach the patient and comfort their woes,” says Sarah Kohndrow, front desk lead at MCHC. Sarah knows it takes experience to understand that forming relationships with patients is both an important part of the clinic and an understated perk. “We know our patients as people. We greet them by name. That makes a big difference.” Sarah explains that the front desk is entrusted to make the fi rst impression of the clinic and to help the patient have a successful clinic visit.

continued from last pageMcKinleyville Community Health Center

Through Another DoorTheodore “Ted” R. Humphrey, fa-

ther of seven, husband of Cindy for 30 years, and the pediatrician many families in this community have grown to trust, received his medi-cal degree from the USC School of Medicine in 1971. He completed his pediatric residency at the University of Oregon in Portland and worked at the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital and the U.S. Indian Health Services Hospital in Alaska before settling in Arcata to open his own practice in 1977.

Today Ted works full time at Open Door’s McKinleyville Com-munity Health Center. “After 30 years of private practice I wanted a change. I couldn’t afford to pay new providers, though they wanted to be here, it was expensive. And it’s hard to ask new providers to be on call twenty-four/seven.” Open Door helped recruit two new pediatri-cians, Drs. Wirthlin and Heise to join Ted at the McKinleyville clinic. While Dr. Heise recently moved on, Dr. Ed Kody is fi lling in until a permanent replacement is found. Having three pediatricians helps share the work while bringing a variety of talent to the MCHC family. Being on call is an important in a pediatrics clinic. Parents call with all kinds of con-cerns. They need to know someone will listen and respond. Open Door pediatricians are also on-call to the hospitals for newborns and unusual or emergency situations involving infants and children.

In the case of Makynna’s ordeal, Ted has been an important fi gure in the family’s support team. As Tasha White, Makynna’s mother, explains, “When something is wrong, any-

Teen Clinic Teen Advocate Rachel MaxwellRNs Cynthia Graves (left) and Glorie Williamson


thing, I call him. Naturally I worry about Makynna, and Dr. Humphry would always calls me back. He is a laid back guy, and his calmness helps to keep me calm.”

Ted has a passion about his medical practice. He also has a passion for his community. “I raised my seven children here, all graduating from local high schools.” He chose Ar-cata as the place to start his practice because he wanted to work and raise his family in a rural envi-ronment. “I had a list of criteria, 32 points to judge a community on,” and this community won.

In what spare time he has, Ted is a volunteer for the Redwood National State Park, “I am what they call a ‘rover’, I walk around and talk to people, do trail reports, things like that. The people I meet in the park tell me I have the best job in the world. I have to smile, because although I love my volunteer work, the best job in the world is being a pedia-trician. I am at the age of retire-ment, but I plan to work indefi -nitely, I just enjoy it.”

The staff at the McKinleyville Pediatrics clinic echo Ted’s en-thusiasm. Theresa Sawatsky, pediatrics offi ce manager ex-plains, “We’ve all had pregnan-cies, births, and our time raising children. We understand what our patients are going through.” The team has a strong connection

Tara Vu, MD

Dr. Tara Vu McKinleyville's Newest Team Member

Tara Vu, MD, recently completed her residency at UC Davis Medical Center. So did her husband, Kelvin Vu, DO. “We have been thinking about where we would go after our residencies for quite a while. We have been looking for a place to call home. We wanted to work in a small community and just loved this area. We were lucky enough to fi nd positions for both of us.” Tara is the newest family physician at McKinleyville Community Health Center. Kelvin is the newest family physician at Open Door’s NorthCountry Clinic in Arcata.

“It seems like a huge percentage of the population uses an Open Door clinic. I’m sure I’ll be running into patients more and more. That’s a reassuring feeling. When you’re involved in peo-ple’s lives it’s a real advantage to know them well. That is defi -nitely something I am looking forward to.”

The Drs. Vu are a valuable addition to the health care com-munity and a great addition to their respective Open Door clinics. Notes Tara, “We would like to be here for quite awhile. It seems like a great environment. I really like the small close-knit feel. It is so different from where we were.” Tara has only been in the community for a few months but she feels at home, “Everyone’s been really welcoming. I already feel part of the team.” �

to the families that step through the door. “One way or another, we have all been there.” The ulti-mate joy of their job? “We get to hold babies; then we get to watch them grow up.”

And Still Another DoorOn Monday afternoons the usu-

ally unused south waiting room of the McKinleyville Community Health Center is abuzz with activ-ity. Every Monday, from 3:00 to 5:00 is Teen Clinic. “Teen Clinic provides a great place to get in-

formation even if you don’t want to be seen by a health care pro-vider,” explains Darci Ray, medical assistant and Teen Clinic Supervi-sor. “I want our teens to know this is an absolutely confi dential service. Access to health infor-mation and care is important to maintaining well-being, whether for reproductive health or simply as support for the changes teens go through.” Darci recalls, “When I was in high school there was noth-ing like this. It is so neat to see kids, and hear all their questions

and all that they know. It is excit-ing to meet this need.” Teens can come in and pick from a display of brochures and educational materi-als, and they are encouraged to take as much as they want. Cyn-thia Johnson, nurse practitioner, is available to provide health exams and care; however, in many cases teens choose to use Teen Clinic as a place for communication. Darci explains, “While they can be seen by a provider if they wish, a lot of the time they just hangout and discuss what’s on their minds.” �


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• Arcata HUMBOLDT OPEN DOOR CLINIC 770 Tenth Street, Arcata, CA 95521


NORTHCOUNTRY CLINIC 785 18th Street, Arcata, CA 95521 707-822-2481


Arcata, CA 95521 (in the Shaw Pavilion of Mad River

Community Hospital) 707-822-1385

• Crescent City DEL NORTE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 550 East Washington Blvd,

Crescent City, CA 95531 707-465-6925 - Medical 707-465-4636 - Dental

• Eureka BURRE DENTAL CENTER 959 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, CA 95501 707-442-7078

EUREKA COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 2412 Buhne Street, Eureka, CA 95501 707-441-1624

TELEHEALTH & VISITING SPECIALIST CENTER 2426 Buhne Street, Eureka, CA 95501 707-442-4038


HEALTH CENTER 1644 Central Avenue,

McKinleyville, CA 95519 707-839-3068 - Medical 707-839-2677 - Pediatrics


HEALTH CENTER 38883 Route 299,

Willow Creek, CA 95573 530-629-3111 - Medical

530-629-1941 - Dental

All clinics will do their best to accommodate your immediate needs; however, there may be a waiting list at some clinics to establish care for new patients at this time. Open Door clinics offer either family practice/primary care medical services or dental services for children and adults. Several clinics offer both medical and dental services. While not available at all sites, other services provided to patients of Open Door Community Health Centers include:

• Behavioral Health and Counseling Services• Evening and Saturday Hours• HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Care• Nutritional Counseling• Opiate Dependency Treatment• Pediatric Services• Psychiatry• Specialty Medical Care• Teen Health Clinics• Transgender Health Clinic• Urgent Care (Walk-In Services)• Wellness and Health Maintenance

suffering and horrid condition must be because these people couldn’t bend their arms to feed or clean or tend to themselves.

After a few minutes, Ari had seen enough. “Please let me see heaven,” Ari asked of his Guiding Spirit.

Upon reaching heaven, Ari saw another group of people. This time he noticed that all of the people were clean, well-fed, healthy and happy. Upon further observation, Ari again noticed the strange phenomenon that none of these people could bend their arms – just like the people he had seen during his vision of hell.

Ari asked his Guiding Spirit, “What is this I have seen? The people in hell were all diseased, suffering and unfed. I thought it was because they couldn’t bend their arms to care for themselves. But here in heaven, everyone is happy, healthy, and well-fed, yet they can’t bend their arms either. What’s going on?”

Ari’s Guiding Spirit replied, “Did you not notice, Ari? It’s simple. The people in hell are only focused on themselves. The people in heaven are focused on each other. They take care of each other, feeding the hungry, washing the dirty, clothing the ragged.” Ari thought for a long time before speaking to his Guiding Spirit, “So, while each individual may not be able to take care of his or her own needs, when we work together we can take care of each other and make life better for all, including ourselves.” His Spirit smiled.

Jay Molofsky relocated from Austin, Texas to Humboldt County in 2003. He is the site administrator at both Humboldt Open Door Clinic and NorthCountry Clinic. He is also director of the Open Door HIV Early Intervention and Treatment program.

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Articles by Breanne Sorrells, Development Associate, and Julianne Barnum, Advancement Assistant, Open Door Community Health Centers; editorial contributions by Christopher Peters, Chief Advancement Offi cer, Open Door Community Health Centers

Most Photography by Paul Swenson Photography, www.paulphoto.comLayout and graphic design by Siobhan Calderwood, North Coast Journal

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This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254(b), and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n)

OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERSAdministrative Offi ces: 670 Ninth Street, Suite 203 • Arcata, CA 95521 • 707-826-8633

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