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The Laws of Success

A Self-Directed Program

Dawn Armstrong and Napoleon Hill

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The Law of Success A Self-directed Program

By Dawn Armstrong

A Revised and Abridged Edition of

The Law of Success

A Course

By Napoleon Hill 1928

C OPY R I G HT 2011

Dawn Armstrong


All Rights Reserved

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General Introduction

to the


A Self-directed Program In 16 Courses

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W H O s a i d i t c o u l d n o t b e d o n e ? A n d w h a t g r e a t

v i c t o r i e s h a s h e t o h i s c r e d i t w h i c h q u a l i f y h i m t o

j u d g e o t h e r s a c c u r a t e l y

A Personal Statement by Napoleon Hill

Sometime at the end of the 19 th century, a young clergyman by the

name of Gunsaulus announced in the newspapers of Chicago that he would

preach a sermon the following Sunday morning entitled: "What I would do if I had

a mill ion dollars.”

The announcement caught the eye of Phil ip D. Armour, a wealthy business

man, who decided to hear the sermon.

In hi s sermon, Dr. Gunsaulus pictured a great school of technology,

where young men and young women could be taught ho w to succeed in

l ife by developing the ability to THINK in pract ical rather than in theoretical terms,

where they would be taught to “ learn by doing.” "If I had a mil l ion dollars,"

said the young preacher, "I would start such a school."

After the sermon was over, Mr. Armour walked down the aisle to the

pulpit, introduced himself , and said, "Young m a n, I bel ieve you could do

all you said you could, and if you will com e down t o my off ice tomorrow

morning I wil l give you the million dollars you need. "

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That was the beginning of the Armour Institute of Technology. The school

was born in the " imagination" of a young man who never would have been

heard of outside of t h e community in which he pre ached, had it not been for the

"imagination,” and a practical plan, plus the capital of Phil l ip D. Armour.

Every outstanding financial institution, every great business enterprise,

and every great invention, began in the imagination of some one person.

Thomas A. Edison c r e a t e d the movie camera, the l ight bulb and

many other useful inventions in his own

“ imagination” before they became reality.

Fortunate is the young man or young

woman, who learns early in l ife, to use

imagination, and doubly so at a time of great

opportunity. Imagination is a faculty of the

mind which can be cul tivated, developed,

extended a n d b r o a d e n e d b y u s e .

Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever i s y o u r occupat ion,

there is room for you to make yourself m o re useful, a n d in that manner more

productive, by developing and using your "imagination."

Success in this world is always a matter of individual effort, yet you wil l

only be deceiving yourself, if you believe that you can succeed, without the co-

operation of o t h e r people. Success is a matter of individual effort only to the

extent that each person must decide, hi s or he r own mind, what i s wanted.

This involves t h e use of “imagination." From this point on, achieving success is a

Wherever you a r e, whoever

you are, whatever i s y o u r

occupat ion, there is room for

you to make yourself m o re

useful, a n d in that manner

m o re productive, by

developing and using your


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matter of skilfully and tactfully inducing others to co-operate.

Before you can secure co-operation f rom others and before you have

the right t o ask for or expect co-operation from other people, you must first

show a willingness to co-operate with them. For this reason the eighth lesson o f

this course, the habit of doing more that paid for , is one which should have

your serious and thoughtful attention. The law upon which this lesson is

based, would, of i tself , practical ly insure success to all w h o practice i t in al l

they do.

At the end of Course 1, The Mastermind , you will observe a Personal

Analysis Chart in which ten well known men in history have been analyzed for

your study and comparison. Observe this chart careful ly and note the

"danger points" which mean failure to those who do not observe these signals.

Of the ten men analyzed, eight are [were] known to be successful, while two

were considered fai lures. Study careful ly, the reason why these two men fai led.

Then, study yourself . In the two columns which have been le f t blank for that

purpose, give yourself a rating on each of the Fif teen Laws of Success,

each of which will be later covered in one of the 16 courses. At the end of the

p r o g r a m , a f t e r y o u h a ve t a k e n a l l 1 6 c o u r s e s , rate yourself again a n d

observe t h e improvements you have m a de.

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The purpose of the Law of Success program is to enable you to

find out how you may become more successful in your area of business or more

capable in your chosen field of work. You m a y not like t h e work in which

you are now engaged. There are two ways of gett ing out of that work. One way is

to take but l i tt le interest in what you are doing, aiming merely t o do enough

with which to "get by." Very soon you wil l f ind a way out, because the

demand for your serv ices wi l l cease.

The other and better way i s by making yourself so useful, efficient and

pleasing in what you are now doing that you wil l attract the favourable

attention of those who have t h e power t o help you get a position that is more to

your l iking. You can take your choice as to which way you wil l proceed.

Again you are reminded of t h e importance of Course 10, Pleasing

Personality, which you may focus on a “better way” of promoting yourself.

You never know what great success is in front of you. Thousands of people

walked over the great Calumet Copper Mine in Michigan, without discovering it.

In his lecture on "Acres of Diamonds," Russel l Conwell tells us that we need not seek opportunity in the

distance; that we may find it right where we stand.

Th is i s a t ru t h wel l wort h rememb er in g !

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Just one lone man used his “imagination," dug down into the earth a few feet,

investigated, and discovered one of the richest copper deposi t on earth, in the


You and every other person walk, at one time or another, over your

"Calumet Mine." Discovery is a matter of i nvestigation and use of

"imagination." This course on the Laws of Success may lead the way to your

" Calumet," and you may be surprised when you discover that you were

standing right over this rich mine, in the work which you are engaged. In his lecture

on "Acres of Diamonds," Russell Conwell tel ls us that we need not seek

opportunity in the distance; that we may f ind it right where we stand. Th is

is a t ru th we l l wor th remember ing !

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Personal Acknowledgement and Introduction By Dawn Armstrong

The content of this book is based on “The Law of

Success Course,” written by Napoleon Hill, and published in

1928. I am tremendously grateful to Napoleon Hill and

others, for doing the work to produce, quantify and making

accessible, the original work

Napoleon Hill‟s ground-breaking work was the result

o f ca re fu l ana lys is of the life-work of over one hundred

men and women who have achieved unusual success in

their respective callings. I cannot imagine how long this

original work must have taken Hill to complete, for it is over

one thousand pages in length. I can but thank him and the

great men who supported him, such as Andrew Carnegie

and Thomas Edison, for they have left us a gold mind.

Napo leon H i l l spen t more t h an twenty yea r

s i n ga ther ing , c lass i f y ing , tes t ing and

o rgan iz in g t h e the Laws upon wh ich the courses

in t h i s p rogram a re based. He received va luab le

ass is tance in person or by studying the life-work of the

various of the world`s most successful men, including Hen ry

Fo rd, Thomas A . Ed ison, Ha rvey S . F i res ton e,

John D. Rockefeller, F .W . Woo lwor th , and A lexander

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Graham Be l l .

Napo leon H i l l s tud ied t h e ma jo r i ty o f these

individuals at c lose range , in pe rson . He ga thered

from their philosophy f ac t s tha t wou ld no t have been

ava i lab le unde r o the r cond i t ions . To these men, I

give thanks, for sharing their insights, and revealing ways for

the achievement of our greatest desires.

The original work was done in the early 20th century,

yet the lessons gathered and taught, are timeless. In the

early 20th century, we saw many of greatest inventions,

motion pictures, electricity, motor vehicles, and more.

Imagine the minds, the confidence, the where-with-all of

those men who created from nothing. They created things

which are now the source of our creation. For example, so

much of what we do is built upon of Alexander Graham

Bell`s invention of the telephone or Thomas Edison‟s

invention of the light bulb.

The men whose live produced these laws are the

Obama, Trump, Gates, and Oprah of our time. Yet they can

be argued as even more powerful, for they thrived on their

basic genius; they did not have today`s information,

technology, and resources to fuel their partnerships and their

success. These pioneers included Dale Carnegie, Henry

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Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Harvey

Firestone, and so on.

What particularly called me to this work, is that it is

intended as a vehicle for teaching „how to‟ achieve success.

As an educator, I found this compelling. It is one thing to

read about success. It is another thing to know how to put

what we learn into action, and feel the impact on our lives.

Many people have read “Think and Grow Rich” and

watched “The Secret;” both these resources borrowed a lot

from The Law of Success. But I will go out on a limb and say

not many really prospered from the first two resources just

mentioned; because most of us need help in putting what we

learn into action, taking the necessary steps to achieve what

we most desire. That is the gift of The Law of Success. It

provides lessons to apply the laws learned and applied in

this program, stay the course, and get results.

According to Hill, any person who pursues this course

with an open mind, and sees to it that his or her mind

remains “open” until the last lesson must find reward.

Likewise, I have found that when we stick wholeheartedly to

principles know to underlie the success of the most

successful people, we find some aspects of greatness in


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In the Introductory course, which follows, I introduce

the 15 laws of success, introduce basic concepts, and

outline requirement for application of the lessons learned.

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