onu lesson plan template - vittoria miulli...

Post on 30-Jul-2020






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ONU Lesson Plan Template

Date: Grade Level: Subject: Lesson Duration:

Title of Lesson:

Text used and pages:

Materials/Resources/Equipment required to teach the lesson

Supplied by the teacher Supplied by the students

Prior academic learning/experiences… why is this lesson appropriate for your students?


Central Focus

Lesson Objectives

Management/ Safety Issues

Cultural/home/community… what personal background do your students bring to the class that connects them to this lesson?

2-23 1st art FOUR 50MINUTE CLASSES

Color wheel animals

VA:CR3.1.1- use art vocabulary to describe choices while creating art25.A.1d visual arts -identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principals of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictoral representation26.A.1e visual arts- identify media and tools and how to use them in a safe and responsible manor when painting drawing and constructing

The students will create an image of an animal using two color wheels and complimentary colors

the students will understand mixing primary colors to creat purple green and orangethe students will be able to create a color wheel using all the colors of the rainbowthe students will be able to create a picture of an animal and use it as a color wheelthe students will be able to identify each colors compliment in the color wheel

the students are using water color markers to draw so when they fill it in with water you need to be sure to keep an eye on a bunch of first grade students with cups of water in their laps.

paper sharpieswater color pencils pencilspaintbrush water cupswater

creative mindslistening ears

Students should come knowing all the names of the colors and hopefully a general understanding of which colors are the primary colors

ONU Lesson Plan 2

Academic Language Function See planning commentary template (content specific)

Additional Language Demand Syntax or Discourse (pick one)

Knowledge of Students Complete the chart for the appropriate students in your class: IEP’s, 504’s, Gifted/Talented,

ELL’s, Struggling, Social/Emotional, etc. Describe what is needed during the lesson.

List here # of


Student needs Specific adaptation(s) to lesson to help


Research/Theory . . . Use research and/or theory to support the activities in your lesson plan

Content Specific Vocabulary / Symbols including targeted support (specific definitions)

in this lesson i plan on following the styles of Lewis Prang and Mary Dana Hicks in teaching the language of the arts to my students and teaching about differnt elements and tools to which improve a work of art.


axiety ADHD sits by the teacher so he can recieve help as he needs it. also avoid using certain words that trigger his anxiety. keep an eye on him becuase he pokes himself with colored pencils when he gets anxiety.


lots of doubt, low confidence due to poor home situation

low self confidence in art asks many questions and needs to be pushed to aswer her own questions. requres much encouragment and possitive feedback for her independent work

amyra, joselito, layton 3

all new students they are 3 weeks behind so they were given one on one help with the class helper and given an animal to draw to speed up the process.

we can classify colors according to the way they are mixed or not mixed

discourse on the students understanding of the colors and how you create them.

blend-combining two colors together to get another even third color color wheel- a wheel with differnt color sectors used to show the relationshop of colors to one anotherprimary- a group of colors from which all other colors can be attained by mixing (red, blue, yellow) secondary- a color resulting from mixing two primary colorscomplimentary - colors opposite from each other on the color wheel

ONU Lesson Plan 3

Hook/Motivator/Attention Grabber - How will you grab the student’s attention so they are interested?

Instructional Procedures / Learning Task - Provide specific details of lesson content and delivery

Include questions and/or activities that inspire higher order thinking (not yes/no questions)


Did you guys know that you can get every color in the world from these three colors (hold up red blue and yellow)?how many of you believe this is true? do any of you know how to get other colors by using these colors?

day 1- give lesson on what the color wheel is and explain to them primary and secondary colors and how you get these colors. show the students the project we will be making and have the students choose an animal to draw and draw it really big in the center of a sheet of white paper. day 2 - help the studetns divide their paper into six different section to create the color wheel. explain once again to the students what the color wheel is and how to get differnt colors. have the students practice mixing colors as a class and creat the "inside of their color wheel animal" by putting one color in each "slice" of the six sections that is inside of the animal. day 3- start class by demonstrating how the students will be coloring the outer color wheel by using the complimentary of the colors used in the wheel. show them the pattern that is created by the opposites criss crossing as they go from the center color wheel to the outter color wheel. ask the students if they remember how to blend the watercolor pencils to creat green orange and purple. trick the by saying "should i mix yellow and light blue or yellow and dark blue to get orange" and see if the students catch on. for students who are finishing today have then begin adding water over the water color pencil by painting slowly to blend the pencil. day 4- have the students finish up their peices as they finish they can do free drawing using complimentary colors at the end of class have the students use crayons and fill out a color wheel as a test to see if they know how to create a color wheel with out help from eachother or the teacher

try to trick students one more time on how to mix colors by telling them the wrong combination. remind them that they can make anycolor they want by mixing primary colors

ONU Lesson Plan 4

The following should be filled out AFTER the lesson is taught

Reflections/Future Modifications—if I teach this again…what would I do differently to help teach the central focus?

Next Lesson—briefly describe how this lesson will support the students to proceed with the next lesson

Informal Assessments Formal Assessments Student monitoring—include specifically what you will be looking for Classwork, Homework, Projects, test—Include how/where feedback

will be given

classroom discussion looking for students to catch on when i am trying to trick them as a teacher. looking for students to explain to me which color comes next in the color wheel

on the final day we will be working on this project have an assessment for the students to see if they are able to create a color wheel on their own without the help of the teachers or other students.

It was extremely clear that the students in the classroom learned alot about the color wheel and how to blend colors during this project. At the begining the students struggled to even remember all of the colors in the rainbow and by the end they were all helping eachother mix colors to make secondary colors.

this lesson helped all students learn. it was extemely flexible so modifications were able to be made very simply for more advanced students or students who were struggling more than others. i suppose this would not work to well for s student with red green colorblindness because they would be unable to identify that pair of compliments.

next time i teach this lesson i will push my students to work more quickly. i do not think it was necessary to have 4 class lessons to work on this project. i would also make sure i am showing the students more clearly how to take good care of the water color pencils so they do not all get used up quickly or break often.

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