only notams explicitly including covid-19 related ......liechtenstein and luxembourg, as well as to...

Post on 12-Oct-2020






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VALID ON 09 APRIL 2020 – 1000 UTC

Disclaimer: The information provided in this document is for general informational purposes only. It is publicly

available information that has been generated by the States and authorities concerned or that has been created by

EUROCONTROL on the basis of information generated by States or authorities. EUROCONTROL makes no

representation nor gives any warranty of any kind, express or implied, on the completeness, accuracy, reliability,

suitability for any purpose or availability of the information. In case of any type of use of any or all information

provided in this document, EUROCONTROL shall not be held liable or accountable for any loss or damage, be it direct

or indirect, arising from the use of the information, its incorrectness or its incompleteness.

Only NOTAMs explicitly including COVID-19 related

information are summarised. All operational stakeholders

are requested to consult the most up-to-date AIS


Text highlighted in green indicates information with European ATM network


Changes from previous edition highlighted in yellow

Country NOTAM No.

NOTAM VALIDITY Specificity Pax restrictions Flights restrictions

Albania A0049/20 2003271328-2004302359EST Airport availability

LAAA airport closed to all intl. flights to/from Italy, Greece, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary and Belgium, with exemptions granted for emergency, cargo, technical, repatriation, UN flights HUM/MEDEVAC

Algeria A0895/20 2004011137-2007011100EST Flights prohibited

All international flights to/from Algeria prohibited

Armenia A0046/20 2003271120-2006052359 General Declaration filing No

Armenia A0045/20 2003251620-2004141300 Pax prohibited

Pax from the following countries forbidden to enter Armenia; All pax returning from the above countries must undergo 14 days quarantine; some exemptions granted;

Armenia A0048/20 2004071735-2004141959 Flights prohibited

All scheduled international pax flights are prohibited;

Austria A0643/20 A0644/20

2003130621-2005280800EST 2003130624-2006050800EST

General Various requirements


Austria A0899/20 2004090636-2004302359 Flights prohibited

Flights between Austria and China/Iran/Italy/ South Korea/France/ Switzerland/Spain/United Kingdom/The Netherlands/ Ukraine/Russia are prohibited; exemptions granted for cargo, emergency, ambulance, ferry,

repatriation flights Austria B0452/20

B0427/20 B0451/20 B0373/20 B0450/20 B0389/20 B0430/20 B0431/20 A0745/20 B0396/20 B0397/20 B0442/20 A0890/20 A0768/20 B0409/20 B0411/20 B0413/20 A0824/20 A0821/20 B0427/20 B0475/20

2004020702-2004131823EST 2003271456-2004130800EST 2004020609-2004301500EST

2003190833-2004132359 2004010835-2004131700

2003240752-2004130800EST 2003300608-2004190800 2003300612-2004190800

2003230001-2004301500EST 2003241429-2004301500EST 2003241431-2004301500EST 2003310925-2004301500EST 2004080856-2004150700EST 2003250840-2004132359EST

2004110600-2004131800 2004180600-2004191800 2004250600-2004261800 2004010000-2004302200 2004010500-2004161900

2003271456-2004130800EST 2004061200-2004131800

Airports availability

LOGO/LOKL/LOAU/ LOGG/LOAS/LOLO/ LOLC/LOAB/LOLS/ LOLK/ LOLU/LOAN/ LOIJ/LOLW closed with some exemptions granted; LOWI Ops hours suspended-full airport operations on request only; LOWS, LOWG availability; LOLG closed;

Austria A0742/20 2003211408-2004102359 Pax prohibited

Non-EU pax except from UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland not allowed to enter Austria from outside Schengen area, with exemptions granted; 14 days quarantine for all arriving Austrian citizens or pax holding a valid residence permit in Austria;


Azerbaïdjan A0019/20 2002292354-2005292359 Flights prohibited

All flights from Azerbaijan to and from Iran are prohibited until further notification

Azerbaïdjan A0030/20 2003221320-2004222359EST Pax requirements

The issuance of e-visas and visas on arrival at

International Airports suspended. Arriving pax requirements and quarantine possibility

Azerbaïdjan A0029/20 2003151545-2004152359EST Flights prohibited

International flights to/from Azerbaijan restricted except cargo flights

Belgium B1584/20

2004031204-2004192359 Flights prohibited

VFR flights prohibited, with exemptions granted;

Belgium A0789/20 A0811/20 B1511/20

2003291115-2004202159 2003311434-2004192359EST 2003272030-2004192200

Airport availability

EBBR - Pax flights only allowed to operated btn 0500UTC and 1900UTC; exemptions given for ACFT in emerg, cargo flights, technical landing, HUM/MED/REP flights after coordination with airport authorities, UN flights, MIL flt; general aviation flights, PPR handling company required; EBCI – operational hours, with exemptions granted for emerg, cargo, Mil, state, Medical, ferry and main flt; EBTX closed to all traffic;


A0855/20 2004020928-2004302359EST Pax prohibited

Foreign Pax prohibited to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina with exemptions granted; All arriving pax and crew must complete a public health pax locator form (PLF); All arriving nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be put in 14 days quarantine;

No explicit flights ban


A0875/20 2004031955-2004302359 Flights and Pax


International borders closed for all pax at international airports (LQSA, LQMO, LQBK, LQTZ) in Bosnia and Herzegovina; all international pax flights prohibited except transport of goods and mail,

No explicit flights ban

SAR, HUM, medical, tech landing, positioning acft for BH registered acft, emergency, flight calibration, technical without disembarkation, state, special

purpose flights. Bosnia-

Herzegovina A0771/20 2003261829-2006012359EST General Requirements

based on EASA SIB 2020-02



A0828/20 2003310000-2004152359EST Airports availability

Int airport Sarajevo operational hours

Bulgaria A0386/20 2004071554-2005132100 Pax prohibited

Air operators are allowed to transport pax when transit to return to their country of origin for the following cases: EU citizens incl San Marino, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican and their family members; Non-EU citizens authorized to travel transit to an EU country for long period, incl San Marino, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican and their family members; Citizens of Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey;

Bulgaria A0387/20 2004071706-2005132100 Pax prohibited

Pax from Italy, Spain, France, UK and Northern Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg are prohibited to enter Bulgaria; exemptions granted;

Bulgaria A0388/20 2004071902-2005132100 Crew restrictions

Restrictions for crew operating on flights from/to: Italy, Spain, France, UK and Northern Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Iceland,

Liechtenstein and Luxembourg, as well as to the aerodromes of third /Non-EU/ countries;

Bulgaria A0286/20 2003231509-2004132200 Airports opening hours

LBGO opening hours

Croatia A1442/20 2003310856-2004302359EST General Actions when arriving in Croatia


Croatia A1445/20 2003310928-2004302359EST General TCO must follow EASA safety directive (SD Nr. 2020-002)


Croatia A1444/20 2003310914-2004192359 Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter Croatia for 30 days, except citizens of Croatia and long term residents; return to their domicile states allowed for EU, Schengen and Schengen associated States citizens and their long term residents; other exemptions granted


Croatia A1372/20 A1373/20 A1375/20

2003280500-2004301000 2003280500-2004302200 2003282300-2005312200

Airports availability

LDPL, LDSP, LDZD flights obliged to obtain approval and agree schedule with the airports

Cyprus A0388/20 2003080932-2006072359 General Actions at airports in Cyprus


Cyprus C0009/20 2003201149-2004302359EST Flights prohibited

All local flights prohibited with exemptions granted;

Cyprus A0539/20 A0540/20 A0541/20

2004021254-2004172100 2004021254-2004172100 2004021255-2004172100

Flights prohibited

All flights between Cyprus and EU including Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland are prohibited; exceptions granted for cargo, emergency, ferry; humanitarian, ambulance, repatriation flights or other urgent flights only with prior permission

Czech Republic

A0239/20 2003140000-2004111359 General health



Czech Republic

A0205/20 2003050848-2005092359EST

Flights prohibited

Pax flights between Czech Republic and China are prohibited with no exemptions

Czech Republic

A0238/20 2003140000-2004111359 International flights

to/from Czech Rep allowed

only to Prague (LKPR) airport

International pax flights to/from Czech Rep allowed only to Prague (LKPR) airport

Czech Republic

A0352/20 2004031628-2004242159 International flights

to/from Czech Rep allowed

only to Prague (LKPR) airport,

including Schengen,

border control applied;

exemption for cargo and

ferry flights

International flights to/from Czech Rep allowed only to Prague (LKPR) airport, including Schengen, border control applied; exemption for cargo, ferry flights, SAR, firefighting, medical, repatriation, positioning, technical

Denmark A0885/20 A0797/20 C0157/20 B0761/20

2004081212-2005102300 2003201202-2004132359 2003231218-2004101400 2003260553-2004132300

Pax travel restrictions

Non-Danish citizens will not be allowed to enter the country unless they have clear reason; observe new entry requirements from 14MAR20 1100UTC with exemptions granted;

No explicit flights ban

Denmark B0656/20 B0836/20 B0896/20 B0672/20 B0775/20 B0853/20 B0679/20 B0886/20B0766/20 B0910/20 D0279/20 B0836/20 B0861/20 A0887/20

2003160821-2004140600EST 2003310846-2004221300EST 2004071002-2005110500EST

2003161225-2004132300 2003271039-2004141100EST 2004011037-2004141100EST

2003170608-2004132300 2004060620-2004270400

2003261156-2004141200EST 2004081354-2005032359

2003221151-2004151200EST 2003310846-2004221300EST

2004011507-2010251600 2004130400-2005042000

Airports availability

EKEB, EKHG, EKSB, EKVD, EKVJ, EKKA, airport availability under certain conditions with exemptions granted; EKAH-PPR 24 for all flights, commercial scheduled expected to be approved; EKHG, EKSN closed for public; EKEL restricted access; EKOD hours of operation; EKCH – pax flt allowed to operate btn 0400UTC and 2000UTC, exceptions given to acft in emrg, cargo flt, technical ldg, HUM/MEDEVAC/REP flt after coordination with airport authorities, UN flt, Mil flt, general aviation flt, PPR handling company required;

Denmark A0865/20 2004030751-2004271200EST Flights prohibited

Foreign training military flights prohibited in Danish military installations,

exemptions granted with special request;

Denmark - Greenland

A0160/20 2004071718-2004300300EST Airport availability

BGBW – non-scheduled flights need prior authorization;

Egypt A0139/20 2003291425-2004152200EST Flights prohibited

All international flights prohibited to/from Egypt, except cargo flights, ACFT in state of emergency, technical landing, HUM/MED/REP flights, UN flights, domestic flights;

Estonia A0557/20 2003311207-2004301500EST Pax travel restrictions

Foreign pax not allowed to enter Estonia with some exemptions; transit allowed provided no COVID-19 symptoms


Finland A0781/20 A0782/20

2004022100-2004132059 2004022100-2004132059

Flights prohibited

All international flights prohibited from 22:00 UTC on 18 March 2020 to 20:59 UTC on 02 April 2020, exemptions granted for cargo flights (at some airports), returning flights for Finnish citizens (at some airports), state, SAR, firefighting, medical, overflights; provisions for pax returning from Finland; additional flight approval procedures

Finland A0783/20 2004022100-2004132059 Pax General

Passport controls are into force for all international flights

France F0510/20 2003302021-2004202359 General Repatriation of carnivore animals

France F0521/20 2004071719-2004152359 Pax travel restrictions

Foreign pax not allowed to enter France except citizens and their spouses or children from EU and UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Andorra, Monaco, Switzerland, Vatican and San Marino; exemptions also for citizens who have long term resident


permits/visas in France and EU and who return home; other exemptions granted

France B1573/20 A1552/20 B1481/20 A1465/20 A1462/20 B1476/20 A1473/20 E1161/20 B1487/20 D1385/20 B1502/20 B1524/20 B1517/20 A1492/20 B1521/20 A1508/20 A1510/20 A1515/20 B1542/20 A1551/20 B1560/20

2004071530-2005031930 2004061532-2004282359

2003301713-2004302359 2003301244-2004122200 2003300938-2004122359 2003301450-2004302359 2003310659-2004302359 2004010000-2004162200 2004010500-2004302359 2003290600-2004302159 2004010000-2004152359 2004020641-2006301550 2004010900-2005010000 2004020400-2005102100 2004011406-2004301800 2004021624-2004302200 2004021642-2004302200 2004030802-2004170700 2004041155-2006042359 2004061523-2004282359 2004061038-2004302359

Airport availability

LFSL CTR temporary deactivated, possible activation on PPR 24HR the last working day before 1600 by mail sna-s-agents-brive(a); LFOB can’t be chosen as alternative AD; LGOB limited availability; LFCR airport closed, exemptions granted for rescue, sanitary, public safety, missions, state, other authorised aircraft; LFMP airport only available for rescue, sanitary, public safety, missions, state, other authorised aircraft, availability for technical, school and based aircraft, others PPR; LFMT – all flights closed with exemption granted for emergency aircrafts, technical landing, HUM/MED/SAR flights, state pax flights need authorization, crew can land but must respect quarantine requirements; LFNE closed; LFBT, LFML, LFLC operational hours; LFOP availability; LFAV, LFRH closed with exemptions provided; LFPO closed to commercial TFC, with exemptions granted to state ACFT, MEDEVAC, technical, ferry flights, HUM/REP/Cargo and etc; LFBT- ATS not provided within CTR Lourdes; LFBA, LFBI flights restrictions; LFBZ handling hours; LFRG hours of operation; LFQQ open only for ACFT, emergency, MEDEVAC, Hosp and diversion

flights, LFQQ is authorized to the following flights upon PN 6HR to the AD manager – flights carrying out pax for repatriation of French or foreign nationals; flights carrying out freight transport needed for the crisis, flights ensuing the continuity of essential economic activities; LFPO closed for commercial traffic, exemptions granted with special authorization for state acft, MEDEVAC, technical, ferry, HUM/REP/Air cargo and etc. flights; LFTH availability and operating requirements for various categories of flights;

Georgia G0045/20 G0046/20

2004010001-2004302000 2004010001-2004302000

Pax travel restrictions

Restrictions for all foreign pax, exemptions granted for nationals of Georgia and other categories; any person entering the country will go in 14 days quarantine, airlines are obliged to return home people with denied entry; crew requirements;

Georgia G0039/20 2003270832-2004302000 Flights prohibited

International scheduled flights to/from Georgia prohibited; exemptions granted

Germany B0453/20 B0510/20

2003300504-2006282359EST 2004031017-2007022359EST

General Various requirements


Germany A1876/20 2003231702-2006211600 General Random checks at EDDK airport for pax and crew


Germany B0382/20 2003211534-2004302359 Pax travel restrictions

All Non-EU nationals are prohibited to enter Germany for non-essential travel; return to their domicile


states allowed for EU, Schengen and Schengen associated States citizens and their long term residents; other exemptions granted

Germany E0730/20 E0753/20

2003201306-2004171800 2003211145-2004192159EST

Airports closure

EDRA closed for not home based aircraft; EDMY closed, exemptions granted for business and maintenance flights;

Germany A2372/20 C1204/20 A2019/20 A2113/20 C1111/20 A2144/20 C1151/20 C1245/20 E0881/20 C1187/20 C1189/20 C1207/20 E0937/20 E0951/20 C1229/20

2004081428-2007062359EST 2004050001-2004192359 2003271236-2004302159

2003301422-2004302030EST 2004010000-2004302359 2003311118-2005232200 2004010000-2004302359 2004061157-2004302200 2003311802-2004171100 2004040700-2004192200 2004040000-2004262359

2004031205-2005032359EST 2004041526-2004191834 2004061355-2004202200 2004060927-2005312359

Airport availability

EDDC airport with daily exemption of operational duty H24 with exceptions granted; EDJA availability; EDDL – ground handling availability needs to be checked; EDDR closed to intl flights with exemptions granted for ACFT in state emergency, cargo, technical, HUM/MEDEVAC/REP, UN flights; EDLW CTR and ATS only available during amended AD OPS HR; EDDP flight restrictions flw PPR regulation applied; EDLP – closed for all inbound international flights except emergency, cargo, technical landing, HUM/MEDEVAC, repatriation, UN and scheduled flights with all ops PPR; EDNG – closed, with exemptions granted for police, rescue helicopters and armed forces; EDHK, EDVE operational hours; EDVK operational hours and exemptions; EDLH closed for non home based acft; EDTF – LDG prohibited for all flights departing outside Germany, exceptions granted for ambulance and medical flights; EDTL hours of operation changed;

Germany B0500/20 2004011738-2006282359EST

Flights/Pax prohibited

Flights from Iran prohibited to land at Germany;

Germany A2236/20 2004030955-2004192159 Pax in quarantine

All pax flying to the German State of Berlin quarantined, other health rules requirements

Greece A0953/20 A0952/20

2003232200-2004151200 2003232200-2004151200

Flights prohibited

Flights between Spain/Italy/UK/ Turkey and Greece are prohibited with exemptions granted for: repatriation, cargo, ferry, humanitarian, sanitary, emergency, FRONTEX, technical without pax disembarking

Greece A1019/20 2003290300-2004150300 Flights prohibited

Flights between The Netherlands and Greece are prohibited with exemptions granted for: flights supporting Hellenic national healthcare, repatriation, cargo, ferry, humanitarian, sanitary, emergency, FRONTEX, technical without pax disembarking

Greece A1021/20 2003290300-2004150300 Flights prohibited

Flights between Germany and Greece are allowed only to LGAV airport; flights to/from Germany to/from any other airports in Greece are suspended; exemptions granted for: flights supporting Hellenic national healthcare, repatriation, cargo, ferry, humanitarian, sanitary, emergency, FRONTEX, technical without pax disembarking

Greece A1087/20 2004041130-2004262059 Flights prohibited

All GE and charter flights (airplanes and helicopters) within Athinai FIR operating domestic from/to any airports, airfields, heliports and provisional landing fields are prohibited. exempted are: sanitary, police, SAR, state, military,

FRONTEX, technical inspection flights, flights related to the function of the state.

Greece A0910/20

2003181334-2004180300 Pax travel restrictions

All pax arriving from Non-EU countries are prohibited to enter Greece; some exemptions granted


Greece A1082/20 2004052101-2004262059 Pax travel restrictions

All pax arriving from all countries quarantined for 14 days; exemptions granted


Hungary A1231/20 2004032200-2004172200EST Pax prohibited

Arrival at Hungarian airprots allowed only for Hungarian citizens, EEA citizens with permanent residence permit; limited exemptions with PPR for neighbouring states citizens and humanitarian transit

Hungary B0031/20 A1162/20 A1201/20 B0034/20 A1318/20

2004010708-2004112359 2003271322-2004302359

2003310900-2004301400EST 2004090600-2007082359EST


Airports availability

LHDK closed except for emergency, cargo, technical, repatriation, UN flights, government, local, HUM/MDEVAC flights; LHSM closed except cargo flights with PPR; LHPP restricted to all inbound flights, with exemptions granted; LHLI, LHDC closed;

Iceland A0145/20 2003241427-2004162359 Pax prohibited

All pax prohibited to enter Iceland except nationals from EU/EEA, EFTA, UK; other exemptions granted


Iceland A0138/20


Airport availability

BIRK hours of operation;

Iran A0964/20 2004090809-2004192359EST Flights /Airports


All international, national flights and traffic over flying Tehran FIR are permitted to insert the following AD only as the alternate AD in their FPL: OIII, OIMM, OIFM, OISS, OIKB,


Iran A0905/20 2003301453-2004192359EST Flights restrictions

International flights only accepted at OIIE, for usage of other airports special approval needed, exemptions granted

Ireland B0186/20 B0194/20

2003191015-2006121630 2003202005-2006202359

General Various requirements


Ireland A0598/20 A0699/20 A0690/20 A0696/20 A0700/20 A0703/20

2003281208-2004102000 2004061125-2004122100 2004051103-2004191910 2004060844-2004142359 2004061230-2004301945 2004081900-2004110700

Airport availability

EISG available for general aviation only PPR; EIDL restricted to scheduled and essential aircraft only; EINN only operational during 0500-2100UTC daily; EIKN closed; EIWF – strictly PPR for all operations: int flights a min of 24HR PPR required, domestic flights a min of 1HR required; EICK - firefighting and rescue downgraded to cat 4 operations restricted to SAR, MEDIVAC, HEMS and transplant flights with prior notice

Israel A0719/20 A0714/20

2003311731-2004302059 2003271043-2004302059

Pax travel restrictions

Pax from any other countries except Israel are prohibited to enter the country; exemptions granted; crew members restrictions;

No explicit flights ban

Israel A0715/20 2003271045-2004302059 General For additional information visit the ministry of health website


Israel A0751/20 A0756/20 A0757/20

2004071830-2004120500 2004071922-2004120500 2004090600-2004120600

Flights prohibited

Persons on board except crew shall not be permitted to disembark without authorization. Crew members may disembark but shall undergo strict mandatory quarantine.

LLBG closed for all international pax flights, exceptions granted to acft in state of emergency, cargo flts, technical landing, humanitarian/MEDEVAC/repatriation flts, mil flts; LLHA and LLER closed for all traffic

Italy A0574/20 2001301321-2004282359EST Pax with symptoms in


Previous travel to infected areas

Landing to LIRF and LIMC only

Italy A1990/20


Flights prohibited

Flights between China, Hong Kong and Macao, are prohibited with some exemptions for overfly, STATE/ MEDEVAC/HOSP/

HUM, medical eqpt cargo flights. Cargo flights require special approval;

Italy A1999/20 A1993/20

2004021634-2004282337EST 2004021509-2004282359EST

Pax prohibited

All pax prohibited to enter Schengen area till 28/04/2020; return to their domicile states allowed for EU, Schengen and Schengen associated States citizens and their long term residents; other exemptions granted; All pax entering Italy by air must check the entry conditions;


Italy B1689/20 B1658/20 C0478/20 C0349/20 B1697/20 C0350/20 C0431/20 C0351/20 C0360/20 C0362/20 C0364/20 C0367/20 C0368/20 B1387/20 C0466/20 A2030/20 B1648/20 B1664/20 C0393/20 C0424/20 C0390/20 C0391/20 C0392/20 C0423/20 B1659/20 C0396/20 B1474/20 B1699/20 B1700/20 B1696/20 C0463/20 C0461/20 C0464/20 B1690/20 A2031/20 B1692/20 B1686/20 B1682/20 B1687/20 B0946/20

2004031940-2004132200 2004021437-2004132359EST 2004071055-2004192359EST 2003211046-2004192359EST 2004032116-2004132200EST 2003211556-2004191845EST 2003311106-2004192359EST 2003221255-2004192359EST 2003231703-2004192200EST 2003231725-2004192359EST 2003231735-2004192359EST 2003231739-2004192359EST 2003231739-2004192359EST 2003221258-2004192359EST 2004031634-2004131800EST

2004032026-2004132159 2004021045-2004232100EST 2004031016-2004132259EST 2003251610-2004192359EST 2003281417-2004301300EST 2003251603-2004192359EST 2003251609-2004192359EST 2003251609-2004192359EST 2003281416-2004301300EST 2004021438-2004132100EST 2003251622-2004192359EST 2003251736-2004192359EST

2004032130-2004132200 2004032139-2004132200 2004032112-2004132200

2004031404-2004132200EST 2004031359-2004132300EST 2004031454-2004132200EST 2004032030-2004132100EST 2004032035-2004132159EST 2004032034-2004132159EST

2004031627-2004132200 2004031441-2004131900EST 2004031751-2004131800EST 2002271128-2005211200EST

Airports closure

LICC closed for all pax flights except authorised carriers; LIPB, LIPH, LIMW, LILI, LIMA, LILM, LIDE, LIMB, LIAP, LILQ , LIQS, LIQB, LIQL, LIRL, LIML, LIPQ, LIEA, LIPV, LIPD, LIRQ, LIDA, LIPU, LIDB, LIPG, LIDH, LIDT, LIEO, LIBF, LIME,LIPX, LIPO (availability hours for traffic except cargo and mail flights), LIDV, LIDR, LIPM, LIPK, LILE closed to all traffic; LIMP closed except military, state, ferry, NAVAIDS check operated by ENAV, emergency, medical, based aircraft for maintenance flights with PN; LIDU closed except helicopter, emergency, medical, state, military flights; LIDG closed except helicopter, rescue, state flights; LIRI closed except rescue, emergency, medical, state, military flights; LIMZ closed except rescue, emergency, medical, helicopter, state, military, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, firefighting, SAR flights; LIDP closed

B1708/20 B1450/20 B1681/20 A1957/20 B1567/20 B1570/20 C0468/20 C0462/20 C0467/20 C0469/20 A2036/20 B1703/20 B1704/20 C0471/20 C0472/20 B1707/20 B1710/20 C0473/20 B1667/20 A2021/20 C0460/20 C0448/20 C0477/20 B1725/20

2004041340-2004132130EST 2003251249-2004131600EST 2004031438-2004131600EST 2004011020-2004182159EST 2003272154-2004302159EST 2003290400-2004301800EST 2004031642-2004132000EST

2004031403-2004132300 2004031640-2004131700EST 2004031644-2004131951EST 2004040756-2004132159EST 2004040948-2004132159EST 2004040957-2004132000EST 2004040830-2004192359EST 2004041113-2004192359EST 2004041317-2004132359EST 2004041423-2004151830EST 2004041952-2004132200EST 2004031100-2004132159EST

2004031101-2004132159 2004031357-2004132200EST 2004030700-2004132359EST 2004061252-2004132159EST 2004061841-2004132000EST

except HEMS, state, military flights; LIEO closed except HEMS, state, military, HUM, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, cargo, ferry, firefighting flights with PPR; LIQN closed for all traffic; LIRL closed to all traffic with no exemptions; LIRU, LIAF closed except state, military, EMERGENCY, SAR flights; LIRV closed to all traffic, no exemptions; LIMG closed except state, sanitary, ferry, nav flt checks ops by ENAV, EMERGENCY flights; LIRV closed to all traffic, no exemptions; LIRA closed except HEMS, state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, cargo, ferry, firefighting flights, rescue and maintenance flights; LICB closed except HEMS, state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, ferry, firefighting flights, rescue, ambulance, emergency state and military, buster air traffic and public service obligations flights; LIBG closed except military base, cargo, Blackshape – state, ,military, HUM, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, ferry, emergency flights allowed with PN; LIBR closed except Babcock - state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, military, HUM, cargo, ferry, emergency allowed with PN; LICR closed except HEMS, state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, ambulance, military, emergency, buster air traffic, cargo, ferry, public service operations allowed

with PN; LIPR closed except HUM, ambulance, medical state flights with PN; LIRZ closed except HEMS, HOPS, ambulance, emergency, state, military, firefighting, navaids check flts by ENAV, ferry flts with PN; LIBC closed except HEMS, HOPS, ambulance, emergency, state, military, buster air traffic, navaids check flts by ENAV, cargo, ferry flts and public service obligations with PN; LICJ closed except for authorised airlines, territorial connections with Lampedusa and Pantelleria airports not affected; LICT closed except HEMS, emergency, state, military, buster air traffic, navaids check flts by ENAV with PN; LICD closed except emergency, state and territorial connection flights; LIPN closed to all traffic; LIDL closed except state, emergency, medical, SAR flights; LIRS closed except emergency, state, medical and ferry flights; LICG closed except territorial connection, emergency, HEMS, buster air traffic, security air traffic, NAVAIDS flt check ops by ENAV, public service obligation flights; LIDR closed except HEMS, state, military flights; Exemptions can be granted for many airports – check detailed NOTAMs;

Jordan A0075/20 2004060001-2004272059 Flights prohibited

All flights to and from Jordan prohibited, with exemptions granted to emergency, cargo, HUM/MEDEVAC/REP/

UN and state/diplomatic flights, technical stops, as alternate airports;

Latvia A0360/20 2003311111-2004142059EST Flights prohibited

International pax flights to/from Latvia prohibited with exemptions requiring pre-approval

Latvia A0397/20 2004081001-2005122059 Flights prohibited

International pax flights to/from Riga EVRA prohibited with exemptions for emergency flts, requiring pre-approval

Latvia A0273/20 2003161540-2004142159 Pax measures Mandatory isolation for arriving pax

Latvia A0285/20 A0290/20

2003180745-2004142159 2003182000-2004142159

General Various requirements


Lebanon A0040/20 2003270900-2004122100 Airport closure

OLBA closed for all flights with exemptions granted

Lithuania A0949/20 2004090844-2004272100 General Various requirements


Lithuania A0896/20 A0941/20 A0890/20 A0942/20

2004030855-2004132100 2004090715-2004272100 2004021323-2004132100 2004090737-2004272100

Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter Lithuania with some exemptions; rules for nationals of Lithuania; updated rules for transit; arriving pax shall stay in 14 days quarantine, with exceptions granted;

No explicit flights ban

Lithuania A0907/20 B0016/20

2004031200-2004142059 2004031100-2004132100EST

Airport availability

EYPA airport – closed during parts of he day for all traffic; All flights to EYKS airport prohibited;

Lithuania A0943/20 2004090755-2004272100 Flights prohibited

Pax flights to/from the international airports of the Lithuania shall be performed only subject to an individual permission to operate issued by the Lithuanian transport safety administration;

Libya A0020/20 2003300001-2004152359 Flights prohibited

Flights to/from Libya prohibited; with exemptions requiring pre-approval for emergency, VIP, MEDEVAC, cargo, UN flights

Luxembourg B1502/20 B1501/20

2003270908-2004152159EST 2003270900-2004152159EST

Flights prohibited

All VFR, IFR leisure and training flights

prohibited exemptions granted;

Malta A0272/20 2003202359-2006302359 Pax restrictions

All Pax arriving from abroad should quarantine 14 days, some exemptions granted


Malta A0264/20 2003202359-2004102359 Flights prohibited

All passenger flights inbound to Malta suspended; flights departing before 2359UTC on 20th March 2020 exempted; exemptions granted to cargo, humanitarian and repatriation flights;

Moldova A0080/20 2003251525-2005152059EST Flights prohibited

All scheduled and regular charter flights to/from Moldova prohibited; no exemptions granted;

Moldova A0078/20 2003251458-2005152059EST Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed, except for Moldavian citizens; other exemptions granted

Moldova A0083/20 2003260757-2005152059EST Airport availability

Flights to LUKK that are not restricted by NOTAM A0080/20 shall be notified 12H in advance to LUKK OPS division; exemptions granted

Montenegro A1258/20 2003180938-2004302159EST Flights prohibited

Restrictions for all foreign pax, exemptions granted for nationals of Montenegro and other categories

All international flights with the purpose of public transport of passengers prohibited; exemptions granted

Montenegro A1259/20 2003180941-2004302159EST Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter the country, except for permanent or temporary residence;14 days mandatory isolation for all pax arriving from abroad;

Montenegro A1304/20 2003191314-2004300900EST Airport closure

LYTV closed for all flights with exemptions granted

Morocco A0061/20 A0082/20 A0305/20

2002041533-2005042359EST 2002141521-2005132359


General Various requirements


Morocco A0306/20

2003311105-2004302359EST Flights prohibited

All international flights to/from Morocco prohibited; with exceptions granted for over flights and cargo.

Morocco B1963/20 2003261233-2004112200 Flights prohibited

All flights between Spain and Melilla airport are prohibited

Morocco B2058/20 2003290732-2004291830 Airport availability

GEML hours of operation

Morocco A0307/20 2003311109-2004302359EST Flights prohibited

All private flights to/from Morocco prohibited; VIP flights required authorization

North Macedonia

A0171/20 2003242001-2004162200 Airports closure

LWSK closed for all flights with exemptions granted

North Macedonia

A0175/20 A0176/20

2003290000-2004162259EST 2003290000-2004162259EST

Airports availability

APP/TWR service hours modified, ouside new hours PPR required

North Macedonia

A0163/20 2003241326-2004162159EST Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter North Macedonia with some exemptions;

North Macedonia

A0164/20 2003241331-2004162159EST General Pax declarations, crew declarations


Netherlands A0677/20 2004011613-2004281200EST General Physical distancing measures, exemption for police, HEMS and SAR flights

Netherlands A0631/20 2003270921-2004101600EST Flights prohibited

All pax flights to/from Italy, China, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Austria; exemptions granted for cargo, repositioning, medical, repatriation flights

Netherlands B0243/20 B0201/20 A0684/20 B0229/20 B0198/20 B0209/20 B0227/20 A0675/20 A0723/20 A0682/20 B0232/20

2004051000-2006010800 2003251042-2006030800EST

2004021436-2005302100 2004010626-2004281600EST 2003240700-2006011600EST

2003290800-2005311400 2003311902-2004281916

2004011509-2005311500EST 2004081515-2004301700

2004020711-2004282000EST 2004011300-2004281700EST

Airports availability

and/or closures

EHAL limited to home based ACFT, HEMS flights exempted; availability, EHDR, EHTW closure, EHGG, EHBD opening hours/ operating requirements and exemptions, EHTE, EHHO, EHRD opening hours; EHST PPR availability only; EHEH – restricted to all civil non-scheduled flights, gen aviation and business flights, 24H prior notice required; EHLE operational hours changed;

Netherlands A0572/20 2003191731-2004181700EST Pax prohibited

All Non-Schengen nationals are prohibited to

enter Netherlands; exemptions granted


Norway A1196/20 2004080952-2005041200EST Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter the country, except for residents of Norway, EEA citizens, family members who reside in Norway; airports open for international flights enabling people leaving Norway

No explicit flights ban

Norway A1195/20 2004080948-2005041200EST Pax measures Pax travelling from abroad will be returned to origin or quarantined for 14 days with exemptions granted

Norway A1011/20 A1104/20 A1105/20 A1108/20

2003261043-2006021200EST 2003310400-2004092100 2004100400-2004102100


Airports availability

General use of AVINOR operated aerodromes

suspended outside opening hours; ENTO

airport availability; ENRM closed with avbl

40 mins request Poland C0332/20 2003201137-2006192359EST General Various


Poland C0344/20 2003251255-2004112359EST Flights prohibited

Pax prohibited with exemptions

Flight ban for all international pax flights with exemptions granted for cargo, empty flights, HOSP, HUM, HEAD and other urgent medical flights, protect public order

Poland E1315/20 2004101200-2005032259EST Airports availability

EPLB closed; not possible to plan as alternate;

Portugal – Lisboa and

Santa Maria FIR

A1101/20 2004071300-2004152359 Flights prohibited

Flights between Portugal and Italy/Spain are prohibited with exemptions for State, emergency cargo, ferry, etc., on 07 April 1300-2359, 08 April 0000-2359, 14-15 April 0000-2359

Portugal – Lisboa and

Santa Maria FIR

A1103/20 2004071300-2004172359 Flights prohibited

Flights from/to Non-EU. Exempted are Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-

Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Canada, South Africa, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Brazil, Brazil – Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro; other exemptions granted for repatriation, Head of State, cargo, mail, HOSP, HUM, MEDEVA, tech stopovers non-commercial purposes on the following dates 07 April 1300-2359, 08 April 0000-2359, 14-17 April 0000-2359

Portugal – Lisboa and

Santa Maria FIR

A1104/20 2004090000-2004132359 Flights prohibited

Commercial flights, general aviation and aerial work flights to/from Portuguese airports are prohibited, exemptions granted for acfts in state of emergency, Hospital/MEDEVAC, firefighting, civil protection, cargo/mail, HUM/REP, technical landing where pax do not disembark, UN flights;

Portugal A0893/20 2003151624-2004151800EST Military flights pax

confinement at LPLA

All pax obliged to isolate at the military airbase

No explicit flights ban

Portugal - Madeira

A1067/20 A1068/20

2004011158-2004172359EST 2004011202-2004172359EST

Pax restrictions

All pax landing at Madeira airports will be subject to 14 days quarantine

Portugal A1034/20 A1035/20 A1053/20 C0125/20 C0126/20 C0127/20 C0128/20 C0129/20 C0131/20 C0132/20 C0133/20 A1071/20 A1025/20

2003300824-2004152359EST 2003300830-2004152359EST 2003310856-2004302359EST 2003301102-2004302359EST 2003301220-2005312359EST 2003301447-2004302359EST 2003301502-2004162359EST 2004010000-2004162000 2003301848-2004302359 2003311035-2004302359EST 2003311502-2004302359 2004011740-2004302359EST 2003272230-2004301800EST

Airports closed

LPCS, LPBG, LPVL, LPIN closed, LPVR, LPSO, LPVZ, LPCB, LPPM, LPCO, LPSC closed with exemptions granted; LPMA – emergency services not available; LPLA closed for international commercial flights; exemptions granted for emergency, cargo, technical, repatriation, HUM, MEDEVAC, UN flights; crew and pax disembarking follow mandatory quarantine;

Portugal A0968/20 2003220000-2004162359EST

Airport opening hours

LPEV opening hours changed(exemptions granted);

Romania A0957/20 2004041000-2004192059EST Flights prohibited

Flights between Romania and Italy are prohibited; exemptions granted for state aircraft, cargo, mail, HUM/MED flights, non-commercial landings;

Romania A0911/20 A0912/20

2003311353-2004142059EST 2003311401-2004142059EST

Pax prohibited

Foreign Pax travelling from Italy, Iran, China, Korea to Romania, including layover/ stopover flights not allowed on any airline; Romanian pax travelling from those countries obliged to quarantine

No explicit flights ban

Romania A0913/20 2003311403-2004142059EST Pax prohibited

All asymptomatic people coming from countries with over 500 confirmed COVID-19 cases will be quarantined

No explicit flights ban

Romania A0799/20 A0800/20

2003241355-2004142100EST 2003241359-2004142100EST

Pax prohibited

All foreign pax not allowed to enter Romania, exemptions granted as follows: family members of Romanian citizens and of EU citizens, EEA citizen and Switzerland residing in Romania, long term Romanian residents; other exemptions granted

Romania A0987/20 A0977/20 A0961/20

2004061222-2004132059EST 2004061000-2004212059EST 2004052000-2004182059EST

Flights prohibited

Flights between Spain, France and Germany and Romania are prohibited; exemptions granted for State, cargo, HUM, medical, non-commercial tech flights; Flights between Austria, Belgium, Iran, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA, and Romania are prohibited- exemptions granted for State, cargo, mail, HUM, medical, non-commercial tech flights

Romania A0962/20 2004041500-2004302059EST Specially permitted


AOs allowed to perform charter flights with seasonal workers from Romania to any other states subject to approval by countries of destination. These provisions do not apply to health and social assistance workers.

Romania A0809/20 A0947/20

2003251000-2004142100EST 2004022100-2004142059EST

Pax/crew measures

All pax entering Romania will be isolated into quarantine; crew coming from red zone code (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Iran) or with epidemiological risk shall opt for quarantine for 14 days;

Russian Federation

A2003/20 2003281430-2004302100 EST Pax prohibited

All foreign pax prohibited to enter Russian Federation till 0000 01MAY2020 (local time); exemptions granted

Russian Federation

A2077/20 2003301220-2004302100EST Flights prohibited

All permissions for non-scheduled pax flights to Russian Federation with arrival to the aforementioned locations after 0000 lt 31.03.2020 are revoked, with exemptions granted;

Serbia A1479/20 2004081006-2005122159EST General Information relevant for prevention and protection

Serbia A1482/20 2004081021-2007312159EST Sanitary requirements

for aircraft

Sanitary measures

Serbia A1480/20 2004081008-2005122159EST General requirements

Information for pax: nationality, destination and etc., needs to be provided to SMATSA

Serbia A1439/20 2004040838-2004302159EST Flights prohibited

All international pax flights prohibited with exemptions granted for transport of goods And mail, SAR, HUM, urgent medical, technical landings and positioning of Serbian registered acft,

emergency landings, state flights

Serbia A1481/20 2004081011-2005122159EST Pax travel restrictions

All foreign pax prohibited to enter Serbia, exemptions granted for nationals of Serbia and other categories

No explicit flights ban

Serbia A1376/20 A1373/20 A1374/20 A1497/20 A1498/20

2003271121-2005122159EST 2003270826-2005122159EST 2003270827-2005122159EST 2004081443-2004221400EST 2004081447-2004122300EST

Airports closure

LYNI airport open for domestic traffic only; LYKV, LYUZ, LYVR airport closed for international traffic; LYKV open for domestic traffic only on request 24H before;

Slovakia A0588/20 2003270800-2005272359EST General Various requirements


Slovakia A0578/20 2003252042-2006122359EST General Crew is obliged to report for any suspicion of COVID-19 on board

Slovakia A0613/20 2004031125-2004162359 Flights prohibited

All international flights to/from Slovakia are prohibited; exemptions granted for cargo, postal flights, search and rescue mission, firefighting, emergencies, HUM/MED, technical and positioning flights of aircraft, repatriation flights with pax with Slovak citizenship;

Slovakia A0615/20 A0596/20 A0614/20 A0580/20

2004031745-2004301700 2003281900-2004100600EST

2004031730-2004301700 2003261254-2006232359EST

Airport availability

LZTT operation hours changes; LZSL services not provided; LZIB operational hours changed, exemptions granted for cargo, postal, SAR, fire-fighting, rescue, humanitarian, medical, tech flights

Slovenia A0386/20 A0388/20

2003302200-2004132200EST 2003302200-2006162200EST

Flights prohibited

All flights from EU and Non-EU countries prohibited; exemptions granted for mail, cargo, emergency, ambulance, HUM, ferry, State flights

Slovenia A0403/20 A0404/20 A0405/20 A0406/20

2004030700-2007162200EST 2004030700-2007162200EST 2004030700-2007162200EST 2004030700-2007162200EST

Airport availability

Parking of all aircrafts possible at all int airports (LJLJ, LJMB, LJPZ)

Spain – Barcelona,

Madrid, Canarias FIRs



Flights prohibited

All flights prohibited to land in The Balearic islands; exemptions granted for State,

cargo, ferry, HUM, medical emergency

flights Spain –

Barcelona, Madrid,

Canarias FIRs



Flights prohibited

All flights prohibited to land in The Canary islands; exemptions granted for State, cargo, ferry, HUM, medical emergency

flights Spain –

Barcelona, Madrid,

Canarias FIRs



Flights restrictions

Pax internal public air transport and public air transport subject to Public Service Obligations shall be reduced by at least 70%

Spain B1862/20 2003231630-2004212359 Pax prohibited

Pax from third countries not allowed to enter Spain with following exemptions: residents of EU or Schengen associated states going directly to their place of residence; long term visa holders; cross-border workers and some others;


Spain B2177/20B1985/20 B1984/20 B1983/20 B1987/20 A1968/20 B2093/20 B2242/20

2004061100-2004112359EST 2003270747-2004112359EST 2003270746-2004112359EST 2003270745-2004112359EST 2003270756-2004112359EST 2003270756-2004112359EST 2003301151-2004301630EST


Airports opening hours

LELC opening hours, LEBZ opening hours, LEVD opening hours, LESA opening hours, LELN opening hours, LEMG MIL opening hours, LECH opening hours; LEPP accept ops PPR during indicated opening hours;

Spain B2082/20 2003300813-2004090500EST Airports availability

LERI closed with exemptions granted via officer on duty

Spain B1996/20


Flights prohibited

All direct flights from Italy to Spain prohibited, exemptions granted for State, stopovers for non-commercial purposes, ferry, cargo, HUM, medical emergency flights

Sweden A0347/20 2004060736-2004171300EST Pax prohibited

All pax prohibited to enter Sweden, except pax from Austria, Belgium,


Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, UK; exemptions granted

Switzerland A0193/20 2003251208-2006132359EST Pax prohibited

Foreign Pax not allowed to enter Switzerland; exemptions granted

No explicit flights ban

Switzerland B0354/20 B0362/20

2003181132-2006182359EST 2003191105-2004192159EST

Flights prohibited

All international flights prohibited to from LSZC, LSZN

Switzerland B0376/20

2003290000-2006202359 Airport opening hours


Switzerland B0427/20 2004060600-2004192359EST Airport availability

All flights prohibited to/from LSZK, exemptions granted for SAR, HEMS and maint flt;

Switzerland B0381/20 2003230400-2004192000 Flights prohibited

LSZA closed for aircrafts up to 3 tons MTOM, exemptions granted

Switzerland B0384/20 B0385/20 B0388/20 B0391/20 B0415/20 B0345/20 B0356/20 B0363/20 B0364/20 B0365/20 B0369/20 B0374/20 B0377/20 B0421/20 B0423/20 B0427/20 A0219/20

2003240700-2004200700 2003290001-2004302000

2003241527-2006242359EST 2003260800-2004192359EST 2003300500-2004192000EST

2003290400-2004192100 2003181533-2006172200 2003200700-2004301800

2003191127-2004302359EST 2003201200-2004302359EST

2003201900-2004192000 2003210700-2006212359EST

2003211000-2004192100 2003301116-2004192359EST 2004010716-2004192000EST 2004060600-2004192359EST 2004070833-2006061200EST

Airport availability

LSZL, LSZW, LSTZ, LSZI - AD closed, exemptions granted LSZG operating hours, LSZB, LSZA, availability, LSZQ closed except rescue and acft based; LSGB PPR mandatory; LSGE opening hours and restrictions; LSZF all flights prohibited, minor exemptions PPR; LSZT all flights prohibited, minor exemptions PPR; LSGY all flights prohibited, minor exemptions PPR; LSZX closed, exemptions granted for technical flt with prior permission; LSZK

closed except for SAR, HEMS and maint flt; LSZH avbl as altn with ltd gnd handling;

Syria A0041/20 2003291630-2004091800EST Flights prohibited

All international commercial flights to/from Syria are prohibited, with exemptions granted for mil ACFT, refuelling provided that pax and crew are not permitted for overnight stay or leave the ACFT, flights with permission from ministry of transport, Ambulance/HUM/MED; emergency landing, Syrian airspace open for overflight traffic;

Tunisia A0778/20 2004070600-2004192259EST Flights prohibited

All pax flights to/from Tunisia prohibited; exemptions granted for emergency, HUM, medical, relief, alternative aerodromes, technical flights without disembarking, cargo and other safety related operations flights

Tunisia A0759/20 2004041059-2004192259EST Flights prohibited

Repatriation flight to/from Tunisia suspended by 10 April 2020 at 22H59UTC

Tunisia A0762/20 2004041101-2004192259EST Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter the country, except for citizens and permanent residents of Tunisia that will be put in quarantine;

Turkey A1839/20 2003272300-2004302359EST Flights and pax


All Turkish citizens arriving into Turkey quarantined for 14 days

All flights regardless seat configuration, including business jets, prohibited; authorisation required for repatriation of Turkish citizens; exemptions granted for repatriation flights, ferry flights, cargo, governmental, emergency medical and emergency for tech reasons

Turkey D0509/20 2003231202-2005231000 Flights and pax

prohibited at LTAG airport

Pax from Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Iran,

All flights from Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq,

Iraq, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ireland, UAE, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Cameron, Canada, Chad, Colombia, Czech, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Panama, Niger, North Macedonia, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Oman, Taiwan, TRNC, Ukraine, Tunisia, Uzbekistan not allowed to LTAG airport; exemptions granted

Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ireland, UAE, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Cameron, Canada, Chad, Colombia, Czech, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Panama, Niger, North Macedonia, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Oman, Taiwan, TRNC, Ukraine, Tunisia, Uzbekistan not allowed to land at LTAG airport; exemptions granted

Turkey A1825/20 A1847/20 A1848/20

2003271211-2004261400 2003291031-2004171020 2003292101-2004170530

Airport availability

LTAI airport – all flight requests shall not be accepted without the airport authority permission and slot approval; exemptions granted for state aircraft, ambulance, diplomatic flight, HUM, SAR, emergency, flight check; LTFG, LTAS – closed with exemptions granted with 3H prior the flight for state acft, mil, ambulance, firefighting, VIP, organ

transplantation, martyr carrying, ministry of health flights;

Ukraine A0632/20 2003202100-2006192359 General – safety

directive on COVID-19

Ukraine A0806/20 A0808/20

2003301330-2004242359 2003301400-2004242359

Pax prohibited

Foreign pax not allowed to enter the country, except for residents of Ukraine and other categories; exemptions granted; checkpoints for international pax are closed, with exemptions granted;

Ukraine A0809/20 2003301430-2004242359 Flights and pax


Prohibited are: arriving and departing flights transporting tourists; pax flights except the ones arriving at Boryspil int airport or via Lviv int airport, some exceptions granted;

Prohibited are: arriving and departing flights transporting tourists; pax flights except the

ones arriving at Boryspil int airport or

via Lviv int airport, some exceptions


United Kingdom

B0541/20 G0046/20

2003131700-2006111200 2004010001-2006302359

General Various requirements for ops into UK and at individual airports


UK – Bailiwick of Guernsey

C1678/20 C1679/20

2003191300-2005010001 2003191300-2005010001

General 14 days quarantine for all pax arriving at EGJB, EGJA airports


UK – Bailiwick of Guernsey ;


C2089/20C2103/20 C2407/20 C2311/20

2003310700-2004302030EST 2004010530-2004302000 2004081758-2005312000 2004060600-2004062030

Airport availability

EGJJ; EGJB, EGJA hours of operation;

UK – Jersey C2020/20 2003271938-2004272000EST General 14 days quarantine for all arriving pax and other rquirements;


UK – Isle of Man

C1760/20 2003230900-2004230900 General Various requirements for all arriving pax;


United Kingdom

L1798/20 E0043/20 I0768/20 E0054/20 L1812/20 L1829/20

2003241109-2004301800 2003241900-2004141900 2003241236-2004141200 2004012023-2005312359 2003241400-2004200800


Airport availability

EGBN, EGSX, EGTR, EGHL, EGBO, EGPA, EGTK, EGGD, EGBG, EGFD closed with exemptions granted; EGAB, EGNW closed

L1891/20 L2060/20 C1838/20 L1861/20 I0807/20 U1576/20 A1191/20 I0874/20 I0873/20 L1939/20 I0876/20 C1998/20 C2170/20 C2048/20 C2073/20 C2074/20 A1241/20 I0924/20 D0396/20 H1042/20 U1576/20 L2010/20 B0702/20 L2015/20 B0698/20 C2141/20 L2013/20 C2076/20 C2380/20 U1593/20 L2019/20 C2176/20 C2175/20 C2172/20 C2169/20 C2180/20 L2041/20 I0996/20 C2298/20 L2086/20 C2204/20 C2202/20 A1209/20 U1637/20 U1653/20 L2063/20 U1647/20 L2065/20 C2264/20 C2291/20 C2279/20 C2296/20 C2327/20 I0978/20 L2078/20 I0979/20 U1659/20 E0055/20 L2079/20 A1351/20 C2318/20 C2319/20 L2070/20

2003261438-2005311845 2004031403-2004301700 2003250830-2004131800 2003251410-2004130900 2003251800-2005311900 2003292101-2004170530 2003300730-2005312000 2003290000-2005300000 2003290700-2005311700 2003271700-2004301800 2003290820-2005301645 2003300615-2004302100 2004011008-2004092015 2003292200-2004270600 2004010800-2004301900 2003301241-2006302259 2004011300-2005312100 2003301244-2005012000 2003241434-2006241300 2003272032-2004132359 2003310944-2004140900 2003311542-2004271630 2004010001-2006302359 2004010000-2007012359

2003311600-2006291200EST 2003312100-2004300600 2004010700-200430100

2004010800-2004301700 2004070947-2004302359 2004040700-2007041930 2004011800-2004302130 2004140515-2006242030 2004100515-2004102015 2004011012-2004092015 2004130515-2004132015 2004110515-2004122030 2004020740-2006301600 2004021245-2005312359 2004041445-2007041445 2004081138-2005021615 2004021200-2005010800 2004031200-2004270800 2003290000-2005312359 2004060000-2004132359 2004060902-2004140800 2004040724-2004262000 2004041155-2006010800 2004060800-2004301600 2004031153-2005311700 2004041304-2004152115 2004060745-2006281800 2004061700-2004300700 2004070800-2005311600 2004061300-2004300900 2004061255-2004301700 2004061302-2004121430 2004061258-2007061300 2004061311-2006010800 2004061417-2004301300

2004060950-2005312145EST 2004061400-2004301730 2004061400-2004291900 2004071230-2004100930

with exemptions granted for emergency and essential flights; EGBP, EGHH, EGSH, EGPR, EGHQ, EGHI, EGBE, EGUB, EGPM, EGPE , EGNV, EGWU, EGNM, EGNS, EGHH, EGTE opening hours; EGSV, EGFH, EGNE, EGOW, EGGP, EGNO, EGNT, EGMC, EGFF, EGNC, EGKA, EGPG, EGTH closed; EGBK not avlb for ops requiring licensed airport, EGET, EGBK, EGMD, EGPN, EGBP, EGHR with restricted availability; EGPB, EGPI, EGPL, EGEC only PPR and limited to emergency and essential flights related to COVID-19; EGCM and EGCN minor flight restrictions; EGOS no visiting aircraft permitted; EGKK operational hours and exemptions granted, EGKK not avbl except for emergency, for transit need authorization; EGCC hours of operation, with exemptions granted, for ACFT in state of emergency, cargo flights, technical landing, HUM/REP flights, private flights; EG D207 Holbeach awr; Open for booked traffic only; EGMD overfly restrictions; EGHC no general aviation flights accepted; EGLC – flight restrictions helicopter operations for NHS nightingale; EGFE closed for non-essential traffic; EGUB opening hours; EGXE opening hours; EGNR opening hours; EGDN closed with no exemptions granted; EGTC only accepts traffic for COVID-19 response with authorisation given by AD authorities; EGSH

A1316/20 U1673/20 L2105/20 L2089/20 U1701/20 C2422/20 U1708/20 A1389/20 C2173/20

2004052301-2006302259 2004140000-2004172359 2004091700-2004301700

2004081316-2007080800EST 2004081359-2007071300 2004090926-2004302100 2004170830-2007041930 2004090335-2004090530 2004100500-2004102015

opening hours; EGNJ opening hours; EGNH closed with exemption for emergency air ambulance; EGUN crew/pax restrictions; EGLL - single runway operations (SRO) are in force at the aerodrome. Weekly runway alternation pattern for local community respite available at ; EGBJ closed with exception granted for emergency flights and pre-approved flights; EGWE- north side helicopter landing area not available;

United Kingdom

A1184/20 C2134/20

2003271146-2005302359 2003311428-2006301428

Airport requirements

All arriving flights will be subject to 20 nm spacing on approach from other traffic as directed by ATC. This is to support passenger social distancing measures within the arrival terminal. arriving crews may be subject to on stand delay in passenger disembarkation in support of social distancing measures in force in the UK; EGNX – requirements for pax flights;

Uzbekistan D0180/20 2003250637-2004302359EST Flights prohibited

All international flights to/from Uzbekistan are prohibited; exemptions granted

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