online truths issue 1

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Bi-weekly online newspaper about celebrities, their charity work and their activities.


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Re-Launch of Skin & Body


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The Help-Net Fund and Suzuki project was launched with the purpose to involve celebrities with the Help-Net Fund. In return for the vehicles the celebrities donate a certain amount of hours per month to the Help-Net Fund and Suzuki Montana. Angelique Gerber and Jacques Blignaut (7de Laan actors) was the first two to received their vechiles at an event that was held at Kolenade Shopping Centre Saturday, 29th February.

Help-Net Fund and Suzuki Launches NEW project.


Your bi-weekly online newspaper LAUNCH ISSUE – March (issue 1)

Butterfly Cupcakes

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The Help-Net Fund is a non-profit organization that provide a safe haven for abused children, both physical and sexually. They provide housing, education as well as emotional and physical rehabilitation to children. Help-Net Fund together with Suzuki Montana sponsor vehicles to well known personalities with the purpose to give the Help-Net Fund and Suzuki Montana the necessary publicity and exposure.

Bob Skinstad’s Charity

Page 4 …………

PHOTO:- Angelique Gerber with her brand new SUZUKI ALTO sponsored by SUZUKI MONTANA


SKIN & BODY MATTERS in Pineslopes, Fourways has been in existence for just over 6 years but under the current new management for 16 months. They had their re-launch on Tuesday, 15th February 2011. The re-launch was celebrated by about 50 invited guests and included current clients, celebrities and product providers (Dermalogica, RegimA and Future Health)

RE-LAUNCH, Skin & Body Matters

Skin & Body Matters are Proud to Sponsor……….

At Butterfly Cupcakes, Elmarie Erasmus produce cupcakes tailored for every occasion

and event, from birthday parties, weddings, corporate functions or just an everyday special treat. Her optimism is that the cupcakes bring smiles to the people you care about and create treasured memories with friends and family. Contact Elmarie Erasmus on +27 82 415 7878 /

Norman Burkett (owner) welcomed all the guests and also introduced his associates to the guests. Norman also introduced the first face of Skin & Body matters, George Meiring. George is bringing out his new cd in April and announced that the Skin & Body Matters logo will be on every cd. So be on the look out for his cd. During the evening, the guests also had the opportunity to chat with the various product representatives and got some valuable tips for their skin and general health. Skin & Body Matters Tel: (011) 467 3191

With the Re-Launch of Skin & Body Matters Norman and Ghee decided they want to sponsor celebrities for a year. Their first „celeb” is GEORGE MEIRING


OVERTONE is coming to SA

The Help-Net Fund is a non-profit organization that focuses on the care and rehabilitation of abused, neglected and abandoned children in our communities. Too many innocent children are being abused physically, sexually and emotionally, neglected or abandoned on a daily basis. When a case of abuse comes to light, social structures, the CPU, and the child court take action to rescue these kids by removing them from their destructive living conditions and placing them in a place of safety. Many of the kids are also unsettled by their removal from home, since this existence is the only one they have known for their entire lives. Suddenly they have nothing left and nowhere to go. How can a child who feels lost feel safe and loved again? At SafeHouse we strive to be so much more than just another roof over their heads. We focus and apply our resources around the care, love and rehabilitation of physically and emotionally abused children. The transitional periods can last from a couple of months up to one year or longer. With a dedicated team of principle care workers and house parents, SafeHouse aims to use this valuable time to make a lasting difference to the child’s life, equipping him or her for a brighter future. SafeHouse is a Help-Net Fund Project. The Help-Net Fund works to source the financial revenue and aims to establish enough SafeHouse places of safety to enable them to become the preferred place of safety across the entire country, making a real difference in the lives of abused children across South Africa. Our growing donation-can distribution in the retail sector is one of our main sources of income, but your donation can help to further our efforts even more. You can play an equally important role in our funding structure by signing a debit order for the amount of your choice. In doing so you are empowering SafeHouse to help thousands of abused children countrywide.

OVERTONE will be in South Africa in March 2011 to do PR and limited public appearances! DON'T MISS OUT. BOOK NOW!!!!! Tour Scedule 13/03: SILVERSTAR CASINO 18/03: ROYAL ELEPHANT HOTEL 19/03: FIRKIN BOKSBURG 21/03: SILVERSTAR CASINO Tickets available at venues

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Cre8ive Marketing provide marketing & PR solutions for small to medium businesses. We saw a break in the market to present complete marketing and PR campaigns for SME's.

Events both large and small for individuals and companies. From intimate private parties to arenas and festivals attended by thousands, CRE8IVE Events respects each client’s needs and concerns. CRE8IVE Events takes pride in the relationships we’ve established and look forward to working with clients again and again.

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„According to the Department of Education, there are currently 7 million children

who don’t have school shoes in South Africa. Springbok Captain, World Cup winner, Media Mogul, there isn’t much Bob Skinstad hasn’t been involved with, but top of his list at the moment is the Bobs for Good Foundation, the school shoe charity he started with his lifelong friend, Ron Rutland. The Foundation focuses on donating quality, leather, South African-made safety school shoes to children who need them most. Bob himself is certainly no mere figurehead, the goofy grin and roguish smile makes him the perfect shoe giver when out visiting the poorest school children, he happily gets involved at every opportunity. However, Bob is not the only changemaker at Bobs for Good. The Foundation employs 8 young, dynamic individuals from all walks of life who work to ensure that as many children as possible receive new school shoes, and makes as much noise about our giving as possible. “For us it’s simple. Educating our youth is the key to our gift of new shoes, we can actively promote the importance of education by keeping learners happy and proud in their classrooms. And because Bobs for Good school shoes are South African made, there is the added benefit in that contribute to jobs and wealth creation in South Africa” says Bob.

The Bobs for Good Foundation aims to provide as many children as possible with their special durable safety shoes, in order to prevent children getting cold, sore feet, or infections. The school shoes all have reflective stitching on them in order to make children more visible to cars and thus preventing children becoming victims of road accidents.

There are so many ways to get involved with the Bobs for Good Foundation. Please

check out our website or email us for more information at


Willem Botha het in 2010 sy filmdebuut gemaak met

die Afrikaanse moviemusical, Liefling Die Movie, wat alle rekords gebreek het vir Afrikaanse rolprente landswyd. 2011 gaan beslis ’n jaar wees om Willem Botha dop te hou... Hy is aangewys as een van Heat en Tongelos se celebs wat gaan deurbreuk vanjaar en sy dagboek bars uit sy nate. Willem hou weer sy lyf akteur en vertolk later vanjaar die Hoofrol in Deon Opperman se musiekblyspel, die verhoogstuk Tree Aan! wat sy teaterdebuut sal merk. Opwindende jaar met baie in die pyplyn en ’n album met ’n twist waaroor ons nog nie veel kan uitlaat nie... Vir enige media navrae of besprekings skakel vir Corne Oosthuizen by CO Produksies. 083 380 3810

Corne Oosthuizen, eienaar van CO Produksies werk al

vir die afgelope 10 jaar in die vermaaklikheids industrie. Vir meer inligting oor CO Produksies gaan na OF SKAKEL Tel: 083 380 3810 E-mail:

Jay se langverwagte solo-album, SOLO, het

einde 2010 die winkelrakke betree en spog reeds met ongelooflike verkoopsyfers en byna platinum status. Jay se uitmuntende stemkwaliteit gekombineer met sy plat-op-die-aarde persoonlikheid, passie vir musiek asook pop-rock treffers vanuit die pen van SA se grootste liedjieskrywers sal maak dat dié solo-album wat nou landswyd beskikbaar is ‘n debuut-album gaan wees om te onthou! Jay is ook ‘n ou hand in korporatiewe teater en die hoogtepunt daarvan was ongetwyfeld sy deelname aan oud President Nelson Mandela (Madiba) se 85ste Verjaardagvieringe wat internasionaal uitgesaai is. Nou kan Suid-Afrika hulle regmaak vir gatskop vertonings reg oor die land met splinternuwe treffers in die pop-rock genre en natuurlik is hy sag op die oog! Jay is ook later vanjaar te sien in die rolprent PLATTELAND uit die pen van Deon Opperman en Sean Else waar hy die rol van Jakes vertolk en boonop speel Steve Hofmeyr sy pa…

Vir enige media navrae skakel vir Corne Oosthuizen by CO Produksies. 083 380 3810


Miss Modern Woman is a brand new national pageant event. Miss Modern Woman Pageant is a wonderful opportunity for young ladies to add value to the life of others, to grow and develop as future leaders, and to establish a platform from which they can contribute to society as a whole.

This pageant is for single women between the ages of 21 and 30 with Christian values who want to experience personal growth and make a difference within the community. For more information regarding Mrs & Miss Modern Woman Pageant 2011 please contact. Kotie Potgieter +27 82 465 6260 I

Hoërskool Florida hou Fondsinsameling saam met Gerhard Steyn vir hulle o/15 Rugby Span Toer.

25 Maart 19h00 Hoërskool Florida Buitelugverhoog H/V Louis Botharylaan & Havenga Straat,Florida R100 P/P Biertuin, Kosstalletjies, Veilige Parkering Kontak Magda 082 889 9502 / 011 673 2821

Bestuur en Besprekings Agent Eksklusief vir Gerhard Steyn: Tilla Enslin - 083-739-8986 / 083 407 8127 011-823-1771

Mrs. Modern Woman Pageant

Mrs Modern Woman is a national pageant event since 2006. The Modern Woman is beautiful in so many different ways, she express it, embraces it, feels it but most of all – she is beautiful in the way she gives, it reflects in everything she does. She is a real woman who is married and acts as a role model with a passion to encourage other woman and knows her self-worth and purpose.

Miss. Modern Woman Pageant


SOCIAL PAGES LAUNCH – Skin & Body Matters




cre8ive marketing I pr I events

Trudi Stander – 072 307 1413

marketing I pr I events

Events both large and small for individuals and companies. From intimate private parties to arenas and festivals attended by thousands, CRE8IVE Events respects each client’s needs and concerns, we takes pride in the relationships we’ve established and look forward to working with clients again and again.

072 307 1413



Vehicle Sponsorship The Help-Net Fund with Suzuki Montana are embarking on a vehicle sponsorship programme handing a total of 10 vehicles to well known personalities, TV actors and singers. The aim of the campaign is to raise the awareness amongst the public of both organizations in aid of Child abuse.

The first two vehicles were handed over to Angelique Gerber and Jacques Blighnaut from 7de Laan on 29/1/2011 at Kolonnade Centre in Montana.

The guest artists for the day was Priscilla Smith and Kobus Muller. For more information regarding the

Help-Net Fund contact Jaco Meintjies on +27 12 348 1030

Next in line to receive their vehicles were Vilje Maritz from Binnelanders and Donnalee Robers from 7de Laan.


Sanger, TV aanbieder en vele meer, TOBI JOOSTE is besig

om Suid-Afrika op sy kop te draai. Hy is ambassadeur van die ACVV (Afrikaanse Christilike Vroue Vereeniging).

Tobi se projek wat hy geloots het vroeër die jaar, „KLERE VIR ALMAL” is om klere in te samel vir minderbevoorregtes. Soos Tobi sê, „almal verdien om mooi te lyk”. Klere vir almal se doelwit is om 100 000 kledingstukke en R1 miljoen vir die ACVV in 365 dae in te samel. Tobi toer deur die land, hou konsert en samel klere in. Mense betaal met ou klere `n minimale fooi om na `n optrede van Tobi te kom kyk. (minimum 4 items) Vir elke kledingstuk wat jy bring, kom jou naam in aanmerking vir 'n gelukkige trekking. Pryse ter waarde van meer as R60 000 is op die spel. Die betrokke dorp hou Fashion sale soos in NEW YORK. Klere word in die middel van die straat uitgehang, en word verkoop tussen R10 en R20. Op die manier help Tobi die organisasie en minderbevoorregtes om bekostigbare mooi en goeie klere kry. DIE LAND IS IN REP EN ROER OOR DIE PROJEK. Selfs 7de LAAN se mense het ingespring en klere ingesamel.

Die afskop konsert vir Tobi se projek, KLERE VIR ALMAL was op die klein dorpie Laingsburg, hulle het R40 000 met die ou klere ingesamel.

Feite oor Tobi..... Tobi het groot geword op ‘n skaapplaas in die karoo. Sy eerste konserte het hy gereël op hoërskool deur van huis na huis in die Paarl te stap met ‘n draagbare radio en as mense nie ‘n kaartjie wou koop, het hy sy demo opname vir hulle gespeel – en so sy sale vol gekry. Tobi het al 4 albums uitgereik. Hy doen konserte landswyd, en het al 4 Europese toere agter die rug. Tobi se eerste boek, INLUISTER, is in sy DERDE DRUK. Hy was aanbieder van sy eie TV reeks, REIK NA DIE STERRE, op kykNET. Tobie is tans aanbieder van Paparazzi op TopTV. Hy’s lief vir wyn en skryf wynresensies vir ‘n internet tydskrif. Hy’t sy eie grafiese ontwerp besigheid. Hy stel binnekort sy eie klerereeks bekend, naamlik Royal Labels Active, ‘n gym reeks vir mans. Hy’s ook die gesig van MARIA GARCIA INTERNATIONAL velsorgreeks. Hy’s ambassadeur vir ACVV en toer nou landswyd saam met hulle om klere in te samel vir mider bevoorregtes. Hy tree op as motiveringspreker vir kinders, en is besig om te werk aan sy tweede boek. Tobi is ‘n koffie conneseur. Hy ken die bone by die naam en het sy eie koffiemasjien by die huis. Hy’s lief vir Espresso en drink gemiddeld 14 dubbel espresso’s per dag. Dit alles – en hy’s maar nog 28 jaar oud.


Hermien du Toit 2010/11


Hermien du Toit is die laaste jaar betrokke by Suikerbekkies Kleuterskool in Nantes, Mamelodi. Sowat vyf jaar gelede het Campus Crusade for Christ 'n behoefte in Nantes geidentifiseer om kindertjies gereed te maak vir skool. Baie van die kleingoed het in die strate rondgedwaal en teen die tyd dat hul laerskool toe moes gaan was hulle nog glad nie gereed vir die eise wat "groot skool" aan hulle sou stel nie.

Campus Crusade for Christ huur tans 'n gebou by die regering en daar is sowat 130

kindertjies in die ouderdomsgroepe 3-6 jaar oud wat daagliks daar geleer, versorg, gevoed en voorberei word vir laerskool.

Die kindertjies kry daagliks twee maaltye, ontbyt, middagete en 'n versnappering. Vir baie van hulle is dit die enigste kos wat hul kry tot die volgende dag. Daar is wel 'n skoolfonds betaalbaar maar bitter min van die ouers kan dit bybring, dus is Suikerbekkies in 'n groot mate afhanklik van die publiek se oop hand en groot harte. Kostes per kind beloop min of meer R200 per maand.

Om die kindertjies vir 'n dag op 'n uitstappie dieretuin toe te neem, kos in die omgewing van R3500. Dan is daar altyd 'n behoefte vir vars groente en vrugte, ander nie-bederfbare kosprodukte, speelgoed, skryfbehoeftes en natuurlik kontant donasies vir die lopende uitgawes soos huur, water en ligte, salarisse, onderhoud van die geboue en speelterrein. Die personeellede is tans besig met hul onderwysdiplomas en werk vir 'n minimum betaling. Vir hulle is dit werklik 'n roeping en dis hartroerend om daar te sit en te sien hoe mooi die kindertjies geleer en opgevoed word. Belangrikste van alles, hulle word van die Here en Sy woord geleer Soos Hermien self se; “ kinders is ons toekoms en my hart se punt”. Geen belegging is te groot wanneer dit by die welstand van kinders en hul opvoeding kom nie. Dit is vir Hermien baie kosbaar om by hierdie skooltjie betrokke te wees. Hermien loods binnekort 'n fondsinsamelingsprojek om hierdie kosbare mensies se nood 'n bietjie te verlig. Hou hierdie spasie dop!

Vir meer inligting of om betrokke te raak by Hermien se liefdadigheids organisasie stuur email aan

For more information on how to advertise in ONLINE TRUTHS please contact us on +27 72 307 1413 or send a mail to I

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