online session materials and assignments theme/theme_menu.swf

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Online Session Materials and Assignments

You have to go to

Check the announcement and assignment everyday.Of course you have to submit your work everyday before mid-night.

Everyday assignment content

Study themes or topics(each day has an assigned theme or

topic) and you have to complete exercises or writing essays.

www.chineseliteracy.netSelected 10 words with your conversation tutor from the

assigned themes or topics. Study the words in the correct stroke

order and Then making 10 sentences with each word and post

them on your blog.

Therefore all together you will have 2 blogs.

Blog 1: For making 10 sentences with the vocabularies that your tutor selected for you to study everyday.Remember to write down the date before you starting to write the sentences.

Blog 2:

Final project with your pen pals.

Online Conversation practice:

Everyday you and your tutor will spend 20-25 mins on grammar and vocabularies base on the Elementary Chinese15 mins on the characters that you want to post on or from the blogs and reflection but you do not know .

Online Conversation practice: Rest of the time :(1) finish the task assigned for you everyday, answer question and do the exercise with your tutor.(2) Read one lesson with your tutor everyday at (3) choose something that you want to learn related to the target language, e.g. a Chinese song, video, other people’s blog, street sign….., etc.

Reflection:You have start to write at least 2 sentences in Chinese for your reflection. You may write in English including one or two sentences in Chinese.If you would write your reflection in Chinese only are very welcome.

Final projects:First draft due on August 10th

Blogs with Pen Pals (1) Decide your topic: e.g. art, music, pop song, food, culture, traveling area,…..etc related to Taiwan.

(2) Get information from your pen pals. Work on blog project with your pen pals. Details refer to the assigned task each day.

Use your target language to ask and answer your pen pal.

All assignments including the online conversation will be

counted for the scholarship.

Talent Show: For closing ceremony, all the students have to give presentations, songs, music instruments, commercials, rap, Chinese talk show, dances or …..etc. It could be a group or an individual. If you have already planed what you will perform, please contact Prof. Chao on July 27th.

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