online marketing multiplier method - guaranteed results · about a year later, i had my eyes opened...

Post on 11-Jul-2018






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1 Copyright: Steve Gibson,, 2009

Online Marketing Multiplier Method by

Steve Gibson

2 Copyright: Steve Gibson,, 2009


Much of what you’re about to read isn’t original. Most of the ideas are decades old and come from the direct mail industry. And, there’s a reason why... Direct Mail is a tough industry. It’s a “nickel and cent” business where fortunes are made and lost on fractions of a percent of response rates and average order sizes. In order to survive, DM people had to learn what works and, as a result, a body of knowledge – “best practice” – was built up through decades (and £billions) of testing . When the internet came along – and people started to try to make money on it – direct marketers quickly realised that Direct Mail methods worked really well online. So, while this report is my take on how to do it, I’m happy to wear my influences on my sleeve and quote Isaac Newton by saying “If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of Giants”. Some of these giants were:

• Claude Hopkins

• John Caples

• David Ogilvy

• Drayton Bird

• John Carlton

• Jay Abraham

• Gary Halbert

• Gary Bencivenga

• Clayton Makepeace

• Joe Sugarman

And, without their teachings, I would never have figured this stuff out. Best wishes, Steve Gibson P.S. All of this stuff works for offline businesses, too. I chose to focus on online in this report, just to keep things simple.

3 Copyright: Steve Gibson,, 2009


Chapter 1: A Confession Chapter 2: Making It Easy For Yourself

Chapter 3: Working The 8th Wonder

Chapter 4: The Spiral Of Prosperity

Chapter 5: It’s Not How Much You Make, It’s How Much You Keep

Chapter 6: Sales Multiplier #1: More Visitors

Chapter 7: Sales Multiplier #2: Better Conversion

Chapter 8: Sales Multiplier #3: Higher Profit Per Sale

Chapter 9: Sales Multiplier #4: More Sales Per Customer Chapter 10: The Thing That Makes This Happen

Appendix A: My Products & Services / Subscribe To My Free Newsletter Appendix B: What My Clients Say About Me

4 Copyright: Steve Gibson,, 2009

Chapter 1: A Confession

I got into marketing by accident. In fact, not so much “accident” as “punishment”... The story goes like this: Back in 1994, I was working in a dead-end job for a big financial company. Then, one day, I said the wrong thing to my boss’ boss and, next thing I knew, I’d been banished to marketing. Having come from a bean-counting environment – my job title in my old department was “calculator” (I’m not making this up) – I experienced what you might call a “culture clash”. They were spending a ton of money on advertising – prime-time TV ads, full page ads in national newspapers etc. – but had no way to compare money spent to revenue generated. And, to me, this made no sense at all. How can you make good marketing decisions – simple stuff like “should we run this ad again?” – unless you know what is and isn’t profitable? So, when my exile was over and I left the marketing department, I left with the belief that marketing was entirely subjective, self-indulgent and unaccountable... ... And that meant it wasn’t for me.

Boy, was I wrong! About a year later, I had my eyes opened by a man named Jay Abraham. By accident, I heard him being interviewed and almost everything he said revolved around two simple concepts: Jay Concept #1 – You must measure the response you get from your marketing By doing this, you can:

• Repeat profitable marketing with confidence

• Ditch unprofitable marketing

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• Test a different approach and know whether the change increases or decreases your sales.

• Build up a body of knowledge of what works – and use that knowledge

to guide you when you create new ads . Jay Concept #2 – The 3 Ways To Grow A Business Jay says there are three ways to grow a business:

1. Get more clients

2. Increase the average profit per sale

3. Increase the average order frequency (how many times a year clients buy)

In the next few chapters, I’ll explain why this is so important to your business and why it makes growing your profits so much easier. It’s more than 12 years since I heard that interview, but his “numbers and facts” philosophy is still the basis of my entire marketing approach. And, that’s what I’m going to share with you in this report.

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Chapter 2: Making It Easy For Yourself

In the last section, I mentioned Jay Abraham’s “3 Ways To Grow A Business”. I have a slightly different take on it:

“Jay, I’ll see your 3 and raise you: four ways to grow a business!”

These four ways are:

1. The number of website visitors

2. Conversion rate

3. Average profit per sale

4. Average number of purchases per customer

Using these 4 factors, Net Income = Visitors x Conversion Rate x Profit Per Sale x Purchases So, if you get 100,000 people to your website and 2% convert, you’ve 2,000 new customers. If these 2,000 buy an average of 3 times each with an average profit per sale of £20, then these customers will be worth £120,000.

Some Other Important Numbers Here are a few useful terms: Website Visitor Value = Conversion Rate x Average Profit Per Sale Lifetime Visitor Value = Conversion Rate x Average Profit Per Sale x Average Number Of Purchases Lifetime Value of a Customer = Profit Per Sale x Purchases

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Chapter 3: Working The 8th Wonder

Einstein called compound interest the “8th wonder of the world”. Let’s see how improving 4 different areas of your business gets this “8th wonder” working for you:

Let’s imagine a website that has: 100,000 unique visitors 2% Conversion rate Average £20 profit per sale Average 3 sales per customer Net Sales = £120,000. Then, if we improve each of the 4 steps by just 10%, we have: 110,000 unique visitors 2.2% Conversion rate Average £22 profit per sale Average 3.3 sales per customer Net Sales = £175,692. Net sales have increased from £120,000 to £175,692 – an increase of 46.4%O just by improving by 10%. This is the first point behind the “4 ways to grow a business” model: by working on four different metrics, small improvements compound to create exceptional growth. (it’s far easier to find four 10% improvements than to improve any one of them by 46%)

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Chapter 4: The Spiral Of Prosperity

Compound interest isn’t the only thing that starts to work in your favour, there’s also what Drayton Bird calls “The Spiral Of Prosperity”. Here’s how that works: when you increase your conversion rate, profit per sale and average number of sales per customer, you increase your “visitor value” (if you have a website, or “lead value” if you’re generating leads via ads). And, by increasing your visitor value/lead value, you can then spend more to get a visitorO OAnd that means you can expand the amount of advertising you doO OWhich increases the number of visitors you getO O Which increases your sales again.

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Chapter 5: It’s Not How Much You Make, It’s How Much You Keep

In the 3rd chapter, I gave an example of a business increasing net sales by 46.4% by improving the four factors by 10%. It’s worth making this point: this is an increase in net sales, the percentage increase in profits will usually be far greater. Example: Let’s go back to the website that has: 100,000 unique visitors 2% Conversion rate Average £20 profit per sale Average 3 sales per customer Net Sales = £120,000. But, they don’t get to keep that money. They probably have costs that have little to do with their level of sales (premises, staff, office equipment, rates, utilities). If they’re doing newspaper advertising or direct mail, they pay a fixed amount that has nothing to do with their response rates. (even PPC advertising costs aren’t really proportional to the number of clicks you get – Google’s “bid price x click rate” formula means you’re really paying for your ad to be shown – just like newspaper ads) Let’s say these costs are £60,000. That means the profit is £120,000 - £60,000 = £60,000 Now, let’s look at the business after the 4 steps were improved by 10%: Profit = £175,692 - £60,000 = £115,692 ... 92.82% higher than before.

Now I’ve explained the strategy, it’s time to look at ways of improving the returns from each of these four areas of your business.

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Chapter 6: Sales Multiplier #1: More Visitors

Getting more visitors breaks down into 3 parts:

1. Improve what you’re currently doing.

2. Do more of what’s already working.

3. Try additional forms of marketing.

Improve what you’re currently doing

If you want to increase your visitor numbers, this is the obvious place to start. With many forms of visitor generation – PPC, banner ads, email marketing, offline ads etc. – you pay a fixed amount that has little or nothing to do with the number of responses you get. (as I said in the previous chapter, with Adwords, you’re really just paying for your ad to be shown, not for the clicks) So, if you can get more visitors from the same spend, those extra visitors are “free”. The best way to do this is by “split testing”. Split-testing works like this (simplified version): You take an existing ad, you call that “Ad A”. You change something about that ad and call the changed version “Ad B”. You then show one half your prospects “Version A” and the other half “Version B”. You count how many sales (or enquiries or visitors) you get from each ad and that tells you which version is better. You keep the “winning” ad and dump the loser. (and then test the winner against another alternative) And, it’s not just ads, you can test email subject lines and body copy, your web pages, sales letters etc. You’ll often find that you can double or triple your original response rate through repeated testing.

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However, this report isn’t about making more money by doubling or tripling your response rates/website visitors, it’s about combining small improvements, so set a target of 10-20% higher response and be pleasantly surprised if you beat it by a wide margin.

Do more of what’s already working Often with paid marketing, you can roll out your ads to similar media. Examples:

• If you’re making a profit with your Adwords ads, also run the ads on Overture. Think about running the ads on the Adwords content network. Find more keywords to bid on.

• If you’ve got a banner ad that’s doing well on one site, what similar sites could you advertise on?

• If you’re running magazine ads, are there similar magazines could you advertise in?

• If you’re mailing to a direct mail list, what other mailing lists could you rent?

...And so on.

Try additional forms of marketing This is the risky part, so do it last. If you’ve improved your existing marketing and then rolled it out to similar media, you’ll have increased your profits. It makes sense to take some of these extra profits and use them to trial other forms of marketing. When you do this, spend enough money to get a meaningful answer – i.e. do it long enough to answer the question “does this work?” – but don’t bet the farm. You’ll find that some of these tests are dead-ends, but others will be a success and will generate profitable sales for your business. Obviously, you stop the things that don’t work and keep the things that do. That way, each failure is a one-time loss and each success is a repeated profit. So, even if you have far more losers than winners, you’ll find the winners still far outweigh the losses.

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Chapter 7: Sales Multiplier #2: Better Conversion

One of the great benefits of doing business online is that it’s really easy to test different ideas on your site.

As a result, there have been a number of large tests of design, layout and copywriting factors to see what increases sales.

I’ve seen conclusive tests of over 50 different web elements. Here are 5 of those:

(1) Body Text size and font

Every study I have seen has shown that sans serif fonts beat serif fonts for readability of body copy online (on average, by around 31%).

Sans serif fonts are fonts like Ariel. They don’t have those little footers you get with serif fonts like Times New Roman.

And, when it comes to font size, Ariel 12pt appears to be the best. I saw a study where it beat Arial 10pt by 17%.

Two points to make:

(1) This is for body copy. For headlines or really short copy, this isn’t so important.

(2) This is readability, not conversion. Sometimes improving readability reduces sales. This can happen if your copy is poor. If that’s the case, don’t ditch the font, improve the copy.

(2) Testimonial Headlines

Placing headlines on your testimonials increases conversion by around 34%. This is something like (using a testimonial on my own website):

(without headline)

“Steve has delivered a cost saving to us in excess of £100,000 since taking over our campaign. He has improved the campaigns immensely and always backs up his claims with clear stats. He is a true professional.”

Yan Gabay, Endowment Express

(with headline)

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"Saved Over £100,000"

“Steve has delivered a cost saving to us in excess of £100,000 since taking over our campaign. He has improved the campaigns immensely and always backs up his claims with clear stats. He is a true professional.”

Yan Gabay, Endowment Express

See how the key benefit stands out. You don’t have to read the whole

testimonial to see it.

(3) Checkout Pictures

Putting a picture of the product on the checkout pages reduces cart abandonment and increases conversion by an average of 15%.

(4) Price Points

Prices that end in “7” have been shown to convert roughly 13% better than those ending with other numbers.

(5) Price Changes

Having a higher price with a strikethrough (like this: £99) next to the current price may seem corny but produces roughly 14% more sales.

There are dozens of other things you should test:

• Headlines

• Product Pictures

• Prices

• Offers

• Graphics

• Body Copy

• Calls To Action (ways of asking for the sale)

• Layout

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• Buy button - wordings, colours, shapes, sizes

But these five suggestions should get you started.

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Chapter 8: Sales Multiplier #3: Higher Profit Per Sale

Are You Charging Too Little?

Sometimes the easiest way to increase the average profit per order is simply to increase your prices. If you’re selling products, you often only need a small increase in price to get a meaningful percentage increase in profit. e.g. an item costs you £50 and you sell it for £80. Profit = £30. You increase prices to £85 (6.25% increase). Profit = £35, a 16.67% increase. For that to be a bad idea, your sales would have to go down by over 14%. If you’re selling services, price tends to be far more subjective, with a wide range of prices charged within a single market. Most businesses just guess at a price without ever doing any testing. And, most of the time, that price is too low. If your sales process involves quoting to customers, there’s a rule of thumb you can use: “if no-one says it’s too high, it’s too low.” On the other hand, if your prices are fixed and you use online ordering, you should be split-testing price. You’ll be amazed at how often price increases make no difference to conversion rate. (And, if your prices are far too low, an increase in price may actually increase your conversion rate)

Increasing Profit Per Sale Through Up-Selling Another way to increase your net sale is through “up-selling”. There are 3 basic forms of up-selling: Up-sizing: offering larger quantities at a better “per unit” price – e.g. if you buy a coke at McDonalds, they might ask “can I make that a large?” In supermarkets, the larger packs of washing powder work out cheaper per kilo. Packaging: if they buy item A, they can buy related item B at a discount. Examples: “meal deals” in sandwich shops or PC stores where, if you buy a PC, you can add a printer at a discount. Up-grading: offering a better quality or higher spec alternative at a higher price. Not everyone wants the cheapest: some people fly first class, stay in 5

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star hotels, eat in the best restaurants etc. If you create a deluxe version of your offer, some people will choose to buy it. & Their 4 Upsells, one of the most effective sites on the web – and one of the companies that does the most online conversion testing – currently uses 4 upsells:

a) Super Saver Delivery – add more items to your order to get free shipping.

b) “Frequently Bought Together” – a list of products often bought along

with the product you’re browsing.

c) “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” – more products that relate to the one you’re browsing.

d) After you add something to your cart, you get yet more products

suggested to you. Do you really think these up-sells aren’t making Amazon a lot of money? You know they are. And, up-sells can work for you, too. You might not have the sophisticated algorithm that Amazon has, or their huge database of customer information, but you can add a point-of-sale “offer of the month” to your site and expect some visitors to add it to their purchase. I’ve created simple up-sells for clients that have increased the average net sale by up to 60%. You might not manage that much, but if you do 10-20% and combine it with the other three ways to grow a business, it’ll make a big difference to your bottom line profit.

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Chapter 9: Sales Multiplier #4: More Sales Per Customer

Prolonging/Preserving The Customer Relationship

Dan Kennedy said, “If you go a month without communicating with your customers, you lose 10% of them.” I don’t know where he got that number from, but I’m willing to believe it. If you don’t already have one, you should think about starting a monthly newsletter for your existing clients. All you need for this is a $20 a month autoresponder (I use Aweber) and something to say each month. You can give your clients information that will help them, tell them about new products or offer discounts. At the very least, you’ll prolong your relationship with them and, by doing that, you’ll increase the average number of sales per client.

Finding More Products and Services To Sell

You already have the trust of your customer, how can you use that relationship to benefit you both? One way is to recommend other products and services to him. These can be things you provide directly, or it could be done by joint venturing with other companies. Let me give you a couple of examples: Example A: Estate agents partner with mortgage advisers. When someone wants to buy a home, the agent recommends the customer talks with the broker. In return, the estate agent receives a commission from the broker. (They could do similar deals with removal companies, decorators, furniture shops, burglar alarm companies...) Example B: There’s an accountant who recommends me to his clients. In return, he gets a finder’s fee (because he did some “marketing” for me and saved me some time) and the satisfaction that he’s helping his clients. Could you set up similar arrangements? Are there businesses you know that could help your clients and would pay you for introducing them?

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Chapter 10: The Thing That Makes This Happen

These ideas work, but they only work if you have the desire for success and the time to implement them. It’s like if you wanted to get fit: you could buy the best exercise equipment and workout clothes, but if you never have the time to exercise, you’re not going to be any fitter than when you started. It’s the same for business owners: so many of them are consumed by the day-to-day running of the business they never take the big steps that would get them to the next level. They’re caught in a “monkey trap”...

Monkey Trap: In Africa, monkey hunters drill a hole in a hollowed coconut and put some nuts inside. The hole is just big enough for a monkey’s hand to reach inside. A monkey comes along, puts his hand inside and grabs the nuts. However, as his hand is now clenched as a fist, it’s too large to come back out through the hole. The monkey doesn’t want to give up the nuts, so he doesn’t let go. Then the hunters come along and capture him.

Does this describe your business?

If so, there are 3 obvious solutions:

Time Management

Most people manage their time poorly. If you suspect you’re one of them, then pay attention to how you spend your day.

If you find you’re spending a lot of time on things that aren’t important, then better time management should be able to free up enough time for you to work on your marketing.

Outsource/Delegate Low-level Tasks

How much of your workload actually needs to be done by you?

The most successful people in business delegate as much as possible. If you’re spending your time doing things you could delegate for £5-£10 an hour, then you’re working for £5-10 per hour during that time.

Learn to delegate and use the time you save to improve your business.

Outsource/Delegate Marketing Work

One way to make sure the marketing gets done is to pay someone to do it.

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This may seem expensive, but it often works out to be a lot cheaper than doing it yourself.

Example: say you want a salesletter, but you don’t know how to write effective copy. You have two choices:

(A) Write it yourself: read a few books on writing copy, practice by writing out successful salesletters by hand (a training method recommended by almost all of the copywriting experts), then you write a few letters that fail before you get good enough to get it right.

(B) Hire someone who knows how to write successful copy.

The cost?

Choice (A): about 200 hours of your time at, say, £20 per hour (or however you value your time) = £2,000...


The money lost because it took approx 6 months to learn (assuming you studied for an hour a day). Let’s say the letter generates £400 per month in profits = £2,400...


Your letter probably isn’t as good as the pro’s would have been. Let’s say the pro’s would have made an extra £100 per month. That’s £100 during the 6 months you were learning to write copy, plus £100 per month thereafter...

Total Cost: £5,000 + £100 per month for as long as you use the letter.

Choice (B): Pay the pro something in the range of £300-£500.

So, it was about 10-20 times more expensive to write the copy yourself.

As Red Adair, the legendary firefighter, used to say: "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."

If you want to be a copywriter – or an SEO – by all means, learn to be a copywriter(/SEO). If you want to be a business owner, spend your time running your business.


The ideas in this report are fairly simple. And, they don’t require brilliant execution to make them work.

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What they require is:

• Consistency of action.

• The discipline to track the results of your marketing.

• The willingness to regularly test different ads, salesletters, web pages, prices, offers, upsells etc.

I you’re willing to do these things, you can expect to see a rapid increase in sales.

And, when you do, I’d love to hear your success story. So, please drop me an email.

Best wishes,

Steve Gibson.

21 Copyright: Steve Gibson,, 2009

Appendix A: My Products & Services

As a professional marketer, I offer four types of service:

• Copywriting – websites, salesletters, ads, flyers, emails

• Split-testing – improve the conversion of your web pages by testing my version against yours. There’s a “pay per results” version of this service.

• Marketing Management – I work as your business’ part-time marketing manager.

• Marketing Coaching – On-going coaching and consulting. By phone and by email.

• Pay Per Click – campaign management, setup and optimisation.

For information about my Pay Per Click services, please visit:

For the other services, please visit:

Subscribe To My Free Monthly Marketing )ewsletter

If you’d like to receive my monthly marketing newsletter, please visit:

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Appendix B: What My Clients Say About Me

Below are comments from some of the businesses owners I've helped:

"Saved Over £100,000"

"Steve has delivered a cost saving to us in excess of £100,000 since taking over our campaign. He has improved the campaigns immensely and always backs up his claims with clear stats. He is a true professional." - Yan Gabay, Endowment Express

"A 100% increase in the amount of orders"

"We have made all the changes you suggested in the last week. The results so far have showed a 100% increase in the amount of orders." - Asif Mohammed,

"Enquiries Up By 30%"

"Many thanks Steve for all your help, I am more than pleased with the level of enquiries we are getting now through PPC which has risen by at least 30% and also the quality of the enquiry has improved too, reaching a more targeted audience. I would recommend you to anyone who is looking for a cost effective & professional maketing consultant for PPC services." - Anne Malone, Noiseair Consultants

"Your services have been paid for several times over"

"I am extremely pleased and grateful for the work that has been done. As you know, the enquiries I have turned into sales will bring in over £1200, so your services have been paid for several times over!" - Matthew Evans -

"Our sales have increased... A VERY VERY big thank you!!"

"Deciding to use you Steve was the best decision I made in ages!! Your rock solid Money back guarantee tipped me over the edge and all I can say is thank you. Our sales have increased, both clients and potential clients are for the irst time EVER giving us 'unsolicited' praise for the changes we made - and your suggestions were smart and have made the difference within 4 weeks of the time we spent together. A VERY VERY big thank you!!" Rob Holmes –Matrixx Hosting

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"Proved to be invaluable to us"

Thank you very much for all your help to date, your understanding of the internet, PPC, Google and marketing in general has proved to be invaluable to us. We look forward to continuing to work with you Steve and will always value and listen to your input." - Keith Rogers, Pickhill Building Solutions

"I experienced more sales than ever before"

"I decided to use Steve's expertise in PPC management to improve my Adwords campaign. In a few short weeks, I experienced more sales in my process service & surveillance campaigns than ever before. Definitely the smartest marketing move I ever made." - Jorge Salgado-Reyes, Salgado Investigations

"Clear, concise, focused and highly recommended"

"Steve took a look at my PPC campaign and his insight and advice was spot on. Clear, concise, focused and highly recommended. And he understands the bigger marketing picture too, which is very important." - Alex Bellinger,

"I’m getting lots of enquiries – and more importantly, business!"

"My website wasn’t bringing in any business. I turned to Steve Gibson. He made changes to my site and marketed it online. As a result, I’m getting lots of enquiries – and more importantly, business! – through my website and Steve’s work has already made a profit for me. The quality of Steve’s work, combined with his integrity and willingness to go beyond the call of duty means I’d encourage anyone to talk to Steve about their marketing." - Ian Gallagher, Classic Sinatra

"Sales conversions were up and costs were down"

"Steve immediately grasped our business aspirations & PPC objectives and organised our campaigns accordingly, with a wealth of marketing knowledge and PPC know how Steve improved our campaigns performance almost immediately. It wasn't long before the benefits started to show, CTR was up, positioning was up, sales conversions were up and costs were down. Because of these factors we have decided to give Steve full control of our PPC campaigns enabling us up to concentrate on what we do best, selling holidays." - Iain Williams, Williams Holidays

"You kind of have this knack of going for the jugular with your advice"

“Thanks for your feedback on my marketing idea. You've made some great points and definitely earned your fee. As ever, your incisive style is easy to

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take in and makes lots of sense. You kind of have this knack of going for the jugular with your advice and this is just what I need!” - Matthew Stroud,

"More enquiries mean more profits!"

"Thank you Steve for the excellent and professional service in the re-writing of my website. Most importantly, it’s already making a difference to the number of visitors contacting me after reading. More enquiries mean more profits! Thanks." - Sandy Hristov, Bulgaria Next Big Thing

"Will explode my company's turnover"

"Steve Gibson has shown me a new way to market and service my customers that will explode my company's turnover. I would recommend that any company wanting to improve their marketing contact Steve." David Wilson, Time Business Appointments

"A sales letter that hits all the key selling points"

"Steve quickly grasped the complexities of my rather niche business, and produced a sales letter that hits all the key selling points" - Matthew,

"He improved my adverts"

"Having created a google adword campaign for my site but not being able to manage it myself, I called upon Steve for help. In two months, he reorganised my keywords, and monitored and improved my adverts. The best part was when he managed to cut my PPC twice by 1 penny on all my keywords, hence making my budget work harder for me!." - Bea Pozzera,

"Absolute first class advice"

“Absolute first class advice. Within one session I was able to connect with what was missing from the company.From the advice that Steve has given to me, the value of my company (along with my self confidence) has gone sky high!! Thank you very much Steve, will continue to use your services.” Chelsea Patterson, owner, Yummy Mummy Events!

"The result is a much improved and more effective sales message"

“I would like to thank Steve for the assistance he provided us by means of a very helpful critique of our sales letter. The flaws he pointed out to us have been rectified on his advice and the result is a much improved and more

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effective sales message.” Roger Thompson, TPS Test & Inspection Services

"Constructive solutions that do not cost the earth to implement"

“I was very impressed with the support and service offered by Steve Gibson, we have a mammoth task marketing our business and it was refreshing to work with someone that could immediately identify our issues and think outside of the box to come up with positive and constructive solutions that do not cost the earth to implement!” Russell Brigden – Managing Director, Appoint Direct Ltd

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