online insurance marketing strategies that work

Post on 13-May-2015






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A transcript of one of these coaching calls done in August of 2012. The reason I post these transcripts is that I want you to see the genesis behind setting up online insurance marketing strategies that actually work.


Online Insurance Marketing Strategies That WorkBy: Jason Hornung – President

Jason Hornung Agency, Inc.I have a handful of clients that I am working directly with through my Elite Group Coaching package to help them implement the insurance marketing strategies that I teach in my Agent's Lead Machine Internet Marketing Mastery program.

Below you will find the transcript of one of these coaching calls done in August of 2012. The reason I post these transcripts is that I want you to see the genesis behind setting up online insurance marketing strategies that actually work.

It also will give you an insight into the advanced insurance marketing strategies that you can discover in my ALM program along with the benefits you can receive when you implement that into your agency.

If you'd like to start your own online insurance marketing systems, just like Robert and Russ, you can enroll in the ALM program by clicking the link below:

Enroll in the ALM Internet Marketing Mastery Program here

As a lead in here, Robert is using Facebook as one of his insurance marketing strategies, so we are talking about setting up a campaign to drive traffic to his offer.

Robert: Yeah, I apologize for the background noise, I’m working on my laptop right now, and just took a ****


Jason: Oh, no problem. No problem. All right, so what did you want to talk about?

Robert: Well, I wasn’t sure how this works. Basically where I’m at is I got that photo down with the red border. I’ve just got to figure out how to resize it a little bit and then, you know, we discussed the price. And I’m still trying to figure out how I should do that, as far as like the budget.

Jason: Okay. Well, let’s tackle the first thing. Have you done a Google search for “image resizer?”

Robert: [In the background: Hey, Dad, can you turn it down just a little bit?] Okay. I’m sorry, what was that?

Jason: Oh, have you done a Google search for “image resizer?”

Robert: No, I haven’t.

Jason: Okay. There’s a free website that shows up like when you do that search and you can

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upload your image in there and resize it to whatever dimensions you want, that’s what I use for that.

Robert: Oh, that’s perfect. Okay. That’s what I was trying to do.

Jason: Yeah.

Robert: Okay. Yeah. Because I got it, I got the red border done, I had someone do that for me, because I didn’t know how to do that, and then that’ll work perfect.

Jason: Oh, and what I do for the red borders, like if you just open up your image in Paint, you can actually just use the Paint feature to paint the border right around it, that’s all I do, it takes a couple seconds.

Robert: Oh, really? Okay.

[In the background: Let me know if you need anything. Okay. Okay. I was just letting you know if you need me, just call me.]

All right. So that answers those two questions, because that was kind of, like, “How do I do that?” Okay. So that doesn’t seem to difficult.

And I redid some pictures smiling, so that works, so I just need to resize it and it’s already got the border on it, so I’m set.

Jason: Cool.

Oh, yeah, looks like we got someone else on. Hey, welcome to the call. Who do we have?

Russ: Hi, thanks, this is Russ Sims.

Jason: Oh, hey, Russ. We got Robert on the line with us here and we’re just kind of going over some of the things that he has questions on right now with his insurance marketing strategies. So kind of how this whole thing works is it’s really just an open forum for you guys to answer your questions. So I’m going to finish running through these things with him, if you want to sit and listen and then we’ll move over to any questions that you have after that, okay?

Russ: No problem. Okay.

Jason: All right. Cool.

Yep! So, Robert, you were also asking about the budget on your Facebook campaign, right?

Robert: Yeah.

Jason: All right. What were you still trying to figure out with that?

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Robert: Well, I know you said like do 3 or 4 cents, or 5 cents above what they say, for a minimum, right?

Jason: Yeah, for the cost per click, yeah.

Robert: And so basically in my area, I got 800,000-plus people, okay?

Jason: All right.

Robert: And I was just thinking, I should run it for at least a week, what do you think would be, like on a daily thing, what do you think would be a good thing to do to just test it?

Jason: Well, typically what I’ll do is I’ll set the budget at $500 a day. And then I watch—

Robert: [Laughs]

Jason: Yeah. But then I watch that thing like a hawk. Because like I said in the email reply, because, I mean, that’s a great question. Like there’s two reasons behind that. One, if you set a really low daily budget, Facebook won’t take you seriously as an advertiser and they won’t display your ads as much.

Robert: What about $100, you think about $100, would that be okay?

Jason: Yeah. You could even do $100. What I found in the testing is if you set it at 500, they’ll actually show your ad more. And the thing with Facebook is, the click-through rates are going to be really low compared to other, you know, other advertising platforms. So you need your ad to show a lot in order for you to get clicks coming to your site.

So the thing you want to be careful of is you just want to monitor how many clicks that you’re getting. So even if you set your budget at $500 a day, you may only spend 10 bucks in clicks.

Robert: Got it, got it.

Jason: But if your ad’s doing really well, you could get a lot of clicks, you just have to watch that and if you get to a point where you’re like, “Oh, crap, I’m getting too many clicks, not enough leads are coming through,” then you just pause the campaign real click so you don’t spend a whole butt load of money on something that’s not working.

** Insurance marketing strategies note **

You have to really understand the medium that you are using when running advertisements online.

Robert: Okay. So the next thing after that, what should I do after I have that one all set up as far as, you know, doing more insurance marketing strategies?

©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved

Jason: Sure. So you’re going to want to run your Facebook campaigns and optimize your funnel, you’re going to want to run that for a while, probably a month.

Robert: Okay.

Jason: Or two.

Robert: Okay. Okay.

Jason: You may be able to get, you know, you’ve got 800,000 prospects that you can go after, you may be able to continually get the lead flow that you’re looking for and are comfortable with, just off of that one traffic source.

Robert: Okay. So basically, just stick with that and then in about a month or so, just, you know, get on another call, talk to you about maybe my next step. Because I know there was that one thing you had about the free traffic from the other sites, which I thought was really cool. So I want to kind of play around with that, too.

Jason: Yeah, you really, when you start with a traffic source and you’re, because we developed a, you know, you developed an entirely new concept, right? That hasn’t been tested yet. So you have to go through the testing and the optimization process before you start moving on to other traffic sources and other insurance marketing strategies because if you keep jumping around from thing to thing to thing, you’re not going to get the results that you want out of anything. You know, you’ll get a little bit here, a little there.

Robert: **** basically slow down. Okay.

Jason: Yeah.

Robert: No problem, I hear you loud and clear, that makes a lot of sense. So I’ll just stick with this and work on it.

Oh, by the way, did you get my email with the life insurance awareness month stuff?

Jason: Yeah, I glanced it over, I didn’t read it thoroughly yet, to be honest with you.

Robert: No, I just thought some of your guys might like it because there’s a lot of good material that people could use for their marketing efforts, that’s all.

Jason: Oh, okay. Yeah. Absolutely, yeah.

Robert: That was a **** clients, that’s all.

Jason: Okay, cool. Thank you. Appreciate that.

©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved

Robert: Okay, cool. Well, that’s pretty much, I think that’s all I got right now because as long as, you know, I’m there, so I just need to start testing it, it sounds like, and that’s about it.

Jason: Yep. And so as you’re testing, you want to make sure that you’re monitoring all of the data and you want to try to achieve those conversion metrics that I sent you on the last email.

Robert: Yeah, yeah.

Jason: That’s really where things start to make sense for you financially.

Robert: Okay. That’s what I need to know. So just stick with this plan and work on it. All right.

Jason: Yep.

Robert: Well, that’s good to know. Makes me a little bit easier, so, that’s all I got.

Jason: You’ll really get yourself overwhelmed if you’re trying, especially when you’re just kind of getting into doing online marketing if you try to drive multiple insurance marketing strategies in to your website. Because if you don’t have really good tracking systems in place and you don’t really know what you’re doing yet, you won’t be able to know what’s working and what’s not working and you won’t be able to optimize your funnel properly. So, you know, now it’s send traffic in, see what happens, make little changes here and there, resend more traffic in, see what happens, and just get it to where it’s giving you the leads that you want.

Robert: That’s perfect. That’s what I need to know. Okay. So, just slow down and work on this for a while. That works for me.

Jason: Yep, yep. You’re past the rapid fire working stage now.

Robert: Thank God, huh?

Jason: Yeah.

Robert: I appreciate your patience, I was just like AHH! You know. Okay. Cool, well, I’m there.

Jason: No, I understand, it’s a lot in the beginning.

Robert: Yeah, I was, I’m like, “Oh, my God, what am I doing?” So, that’s all I got, the other gentleman’s on the phone, so I’ll stick on here and listen to what he’s got to say, too.

Jason: Okay, great. So, Russ, why don’t you let me know what questions you got at this point?

Russ: Yeah, well thanks. You know, when I first purchased the course, I dove in and started looking at course content. Everything looked great and then you helped me work through a

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couple of technical glitches I was having as far as getting my website, you know, landing page, website, and so forth.

But then I got really busy at work and so I kind of had to put it on hold for the last couple of weeks. So I’m just now getting back into it, I suspect that probably next Thursday, I’ll probably have a whole slew of questions because I’ve got specific time donated, or devoted, to implementing, and that’s what it’s all about now, as I just need to implement.

Jason: Yep.

Russ: But one question I have is, when it comes to optimizing, I know that can be, you know, a science. And is there any help available on your end as far as helping us do that?

Jason: Yeah. So we have the optimization videos in the members website. And so with each traffic source, you get three videos. You get setting up campaigns, managing campaigns, and then optimizing campaigns. So that’s optimization on the campaign level. Then we also have some optimization strategies, videos, I think it’s module eight. It’s locked right now because—the reason, the reason I lock is you need to get your stuff up and going first before you start watching optimization videos, because that stuff can really kind of like screw up what you’re doing in the set-up process, if you know too much.

Russ: Yeah. Yeah.

Jason: So that stuff will be released at like day 45 of your membership and then you’ll be able to go in there and look at those.

But the other forum for helping with optimization is the group coaching that you’re on. So, you know, we can get on these calls, you can ask questions about optimization, I’ll help you with that. You can send emails to that personal email account of mine that you got, you know, with links to your pages and a description of what, you know, what troubles you’re having. And I’ll take a look at what you’re doing with your insurance marketing strategies and give you some suggestions and, you know, ideas on what you can do to optimize.

But just to give you kind of a general overview of optimization. Really, when you’re outside of the campaign level, there’s a few things that you would optimize. So the first thing is going to be your offer. So when you’re building a new concept and a new marketing funnel from scratch, it’s all about your offer. And that’s what you’re getting, you know, what you’re using to get people to opt into your list, it’s what you’re using to get people to try to, you know, to become an appointment or to contact you, that’s your offer. So you always want to start there first if you’re not getting the conversion you want. You know, change up the language you’re using on the offer, change up the way you position the offer. Maybe add in some bonuses or additional things to make the offer more attractive, that’s where you start first with optimization. Okay?

Then you have optimization with the actual design and layout of your website. That doesn’t have as big of an impact on conversion in the beginning, but, you know, once you’re to the point where you know your offer’s converting well and when I say, “well,” you’re getting, you know

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—depending on how you have your funnel set up, I’ll use Robert’s funnel, for example. What we’re doing is we’re sending people to a squeeze page and then he’s getting them to give their email to get a video mini course series. And then each video, his offer is to have them contact him via phone, email, or another web form for a consultation. Okay?

So what we’re striving for on his funnel is to get 25% of the people that give their email to be on the mini course. We want 25% of those people at minimum to contact him for that consultation. Okay?

So, you know, what you’re going to be doing there is trying to optimize that offer until you get to the point where you’re at that kind of conversion rate that you want. Okay?

The design will play into that a little bit, but it’s not nearly as much as the offer. So, I mean, there’s things you can do on, you know, where you put buttons on the site and, you know, where you put phone numbers and lay things out and colors and stuff like that. I mean, there’s a lot of different things that you can test to try to optimize that, but I mean, they have a small impact compared to the offer.

Russ: Yeah.

Robert: Okay, by the way, what line of business are you targeting with your insurance marketing strategies?

Russ: I am going for life insurance, specifically index universal life.

Robert: Okay. Okay. I was just wondering.

Russ: How about you?

Robert: I’m going to be going after the, more of the whole life, using a couple different things. I love that UL stuff you have, Jas, so I can’t wait to get that from you, by the way. I just didn’t know if you have anything for whole life as well, but I love that stuff that I saw when I got the email. I’m probably going to offer **** from you.

Jason: Actually there are some presentations like that for whole life that are up in the member’s site in the tool section, in the pre-done Power Points.

Robert: Oh, okay.

Jason: Yeah, there aren’t any scripts to go with it because the language is all right on the slides.

Robert: Okay.

Jason: But yeah, so you can use those. If you’re looking for something more than that, I do have some other ones that I use personally that I could probably package up for you, like I did for the UL one.

©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved

Robert: Yeah, I love that. Because, you know, I was going to do both and then I just wanted to pick one, so I thought I’d do, start with whole life first and then maybe do another in six months from now, for IUL, so, that would be cool.

Jason: Okay. Cool.

Robert: I just want to focus on one thing, you know, get it down.

Jason: Absolutely.

Robert: Cool, appreciate it.

Russ: Jason, you know, right now my offer, as far as, you know, attracting people to my landing page and focused on IUL, would be, you know, you have produced a really good webinar, be inviting people to that. Or also your book, you know, the short e-book.

Jason: Okay.

Russ: Do you see that as being feasible offers?

Jason: Yeah, absolutely. You know, the e-book is a great one and the whole, I don’t know if you opened it up and read it or not, but the whole thing really—

Russ: I haven’t.

Jason: Yeah, okay. So the whole thing is really positioned to get people to make, you know, cash value life, particularly the IUL, really attractive. So, you know, the messaging is still very relevant right now. What I would do on your landing page is, you know, take some quotations and a lot of proof sources from—

Robert: Was on my second computer, had totals—sorry.

Jason: Some of the prognosticators that are, you know, predicting that the market’s going to, you know, totally tank again. And so if you’re going to use something like that, you got to really have a lot of proof sources from credible places to back it up, to get people to opt in.

Russ: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And boy, that’s not hard to do this day and age.

Jason: No, no. No.

Russ: So, okay, that does make sense. Okay. Like I said, probably I’ll have, you know, quite a few questions on our next call, but that, you know, that’s helpful to me for right now.

Jason: Okay. Great. Do either of you guys have anything else you want to cover today? Otherwise we’ll call it a call and we’ll talk again next week.

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All right, cool.

Robert: I’m good. Thank you, sir.

Jason: All right. You’re welcome, guys, happy selling.

Robert: All right, you, too.

Russ: Thanks, Jason. Bye.

Jason: All right, bye.

I hope you enjoyed this Elite Group Coaching session with my clients Robert Eldridge and Russ Sims.

I'm sure you can see that insurance marketing online is a process and that it's hard to accomplish that process successfully on your own.

That's why I create my Agent's Lead Machine Internet Marketing Mastery Program - it's the most comprehensive training on online insurance marketing strategies available.

Normally I charge $97/month to be a part of my ALM Internet Marketing Mastery program. And if you use the link at the top of this post it will take you to the order page for that price.

But I have a special offer page where you can get into the program for a one time payment of only $277.

If you enroll at the special one time discounted price, I'm going to give you two HUGE bonuses to help you achieve your goals with annuity marketing online.

Bonus #1 - 2 Free 30 Minute Jumpstart Coaching Calls ($194 value)

You'll get two calls just like this transcribed call with Robert where I'll help get you on track with your internet annuity marketing so you can be successful like him.

Bonus #2 - Free IUL Sales Presentation & Ads ($47 value)

You'll get a complete online sales presentation for IUL that I created for the largest producer of Aviva IUL's back in 2010.

It includes a full powerpoint presentation and script to go along with it. You can record it into a video to put on your website or use it with a client one on one over Go To Meeting.

Plus, you'll get a full marketing package with several ads that you can use to drive traffic into your funnel and turn them into leads.

©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved

All you have to do is enroll in my program by clicking the link below and completing your enrollment on the next page.

After you have successfully completed payment, please forward your Paypal receipt to support [at] safemoneyoption [dot] com with the subject line "Send My Bonuses".

One of my staff members will contact you within one business day to arrange for your bonuses.

Enroll in ALM for the discounted price and get your annuity bonuses here

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