online communication

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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  • 1. Simon Cockell @sjcockellBioinformatics Support Unit @nclbsu Communication

2. The Internet and Science 3. Two key points 4. Isolation 5. Information 6. Social Networks are just that 7. Networks 8. Completeness Matters 9. Facebook for Scientists 10. Facebook for Scientists 11. or for the purposes of this talk 12. Facebook for Scientists 13. On the (awesome) power of Twitter 14. The long tailPopularityTopic 15. The long tail BeliebersPopularity Topic 16. The long tail Celebrity LunchesPopularity Topic 17. The long tail Actual useful stuffPopularity Topic 18. Need coverage to find rare variants 19. Folksonomies 20. On the Twitters this means 21. #HASHTAGS 22. #phdchat 23. #overlyhonestmethods 24. Tagging is useful elsewhere too 25. Social Bookmarking 26. Other networks are available 27. Google Plus 28. Circles for Categorising People 29. Communities 30. LinkedIn 31. Groups 32. Focussed communities can have utility 33. though not as general social networks 34. Stack Exchange 35. 36. Care what Google says about you 37. Reputation Management 38. Reputation Management 39. Article commentary is often distributed 40. Places to check 41. An example 42. Google 43. F1000 44. Altmetric 45. Altmetric 46. Research Blogging 47. Research Blogging 48. Fin.

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