online branding - how to use online media for brand building

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Online Branding

By Vaibhav Choksi




Branding is what makes millions of people assert that one cola brand tastes better than the other.

“We transfer to our sensation of the Coca-Cola taste all of the unconscious associations we have of the brand, the image, the can, and even the red of the logo.” - Coca Cola

Key Elements of Branding and Online media

When you first start a company, it may be not possible to know

exactly where you want to take the business in years to come

Bbut this is something that is vitally important when it comes to

naming the business.

The Name

What is in the Name!Re-launched as

They would still have done well as they capitalised on the market at the right time but with the name eBay.


The product became more famous than the parent company.

1996: Larry Page and Sergey Brin started collaborating on a search engine

A play on the word “googol”. A mathematical term for

the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Tokyo Telecom. Engr. Corp

What is in the Name!

iTunes started off as a platform for downloading music but in 2014.

You can now use the platform to download TV shows, books, apps, movies and more and as such, the name no longer matches their exact offering.

One of the most well-known sites in online marketing industry is Moz.

Previously known as SEOmoz that is rebranded to Moz as their product offering is no longer just “SEO”. It is about Online Marketing now.

Branding Colors

Blue, Red, Yellow, Green - The 4 basic colors. Mostly used in Toy products for Kids.

Branding Logo - not just a symbol. It is your Identity. It is the way of life/

It has everything from a to z and it also represents the smile brought to the customer's face

Represents a mountain and challenges and goals that can be achieved

Derived from the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. The bitten apple represents the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge”

It has a hidden message for the whole world hidden in the Big Blue logo that represents it’s company. The white lines passing through give the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner, representing equality

Branding Logo - not just a symbol. It is your Identity. It is the way of life/

The arrow was introduced to underscore speed and precision, which are part of the positioning of the company

The pink parts of the BR still form the number 31, a reference to the 31 flavors.

The 4 basic colors.Simplicity, Sense of playfulness.Mostly used in Toy products for Kids.

BrandingThe Message

If you let me play sports…◦ I will like myself more◦ I will have more self-confidence◦ I will be 60% less likely to get breast

cancer◦ I will leave a man who beats me◦ I will not get pregnant before I want to◦ I will learn what it means to be strong


Branding The Message: The King (Text, Images, Videos, Likes, Share and more)

Branding The Message: The King (Text, Images, Videos, Likes, Share and more)

GBP 14 Million a day for improvements

We are maintaining Railway. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We are improving your Railway. Thank you for cooperation.

Online BrandingThe Medium: Internet, Television, Video, Radio, Print

What happens in

60 Seconds on Internet?

Online BrandingThe Medium: InternetBrands are an integral part of regular conversation:

◦ 80% of the Twitter users surveyed had mentioned a brand in their Tweetsduring September 2013 and March 2014.

◦ 54% of Twitter users reported that they have taken action after seeing brand mentions in Tweets.

◦ 20% conducted an online search for the brand after seeing a brand-related Tweet.◦ 79% of respondents who viewed brand-related tweets both from the brand and a

non-brand source reported taking some kind of action online or offline.

May 2, 2014:

Twitter released a study this week, in partnership with The Advertising Research Foundation, FOX and DB5, called “Discovering the Value of Earned Audiences - How Twitter Expressions Activate Consumers.”

Online BrandingThe Medium: Internet

Key take away:◦ People don’t just follow brands, they talk about them◦ Consumers take action both online and offline after seeing brand mentions in

Tweets◦ The source of the Tweet containing a brand mention affects consumer actions◦ Since Tweet exposure drives actions across platforms including searching,

engagement and purchase, integrate Tweet messages and calls to action with campaigns on other media.

◦ Tactics like adding #hashtags to other media such as TV ads, as well as engaging key audiences in one-to-one interactions can help drive volume and quality of earned media conversation.

Online BrandingThe Medium: InternetAmerican Express - More connected experience for its cardholders on Facebook.

How does American Express make its exclusive Card-member offers a more social experience? The “Link, Like, Love” application securely synchronizes a Cardmember’s Facebook account with their card loyalty programs.

◦ Customized offers based on people’s likes and the likes of their friends. To sweeten deals for

◦ Lets them redeem offers without having to print coupons or enter special codes.

◦ The App allows them to shop as they usually would and then automatically credits the discount on their monthly statement.

◦ Every time a person redeems a reward, they can share it with their friends.

Online BrandingThe Medium: Mobile

Ads on Mobile


Online BrandingPlatform



HangoutTranslateBooksApps MapsMobile

Your Circles Your Groups


Connect with videos, photos, emoji

Statistics, sources and measures conversions

Online BrandingOwning brand conversation in the digital landscape is critical to converting customers from all marketing channels

Lowry porter ophthalmologyDr. Isaac Porter uses social media site Google Plus, which has more than 300 million active monthly users.

Online Branding

Online BrandingGoogle+ helps your brand connect with your audience across Google, by letting you reach customers in new ways on Search, increasing the social relevance of your AdWords ads, and surfacing recommendations from loyal fans where they’re the most useful.

Online BrandingExperience &Engagement

Online BrandingWhat Google does right to create a brand that makes it successful today

◦ Innovation Management: 20% for innovation◦ Emotional Branding: Playfulness. Jokes (logo, April fool jokes)◦ Continues User Research: Real time User Studies (Google Trends)◦ Swiss Army Knife Model: Give user what they want, when they want◦ Best Search Experience: Simple, Fast, Fun, Relevant

Personal Branding

Engage with your audience, with same tone of Voice and Act.Every where. Every time.

The Brand: Modi

The message: Abki Baar Modi Sarkar

Value: Development

The result that affects: Acche Deen Aane Wale Hai

Engagement Platform: Digital media, Television, One to One

Engagement Program: Chay Pe Charcha, Talk over Tweets

Personal Branding

Personal Branding

Online Branding - Personal Branding How to build your personal brand?

Use social media - fast, real time, wide spread◦ Share valuable and helpful Content◦ Change your Profile photo◦ Upload photos frequently◦ Communicate - Don’t make Statements - Have conversations◦ Right message at right time◦ Engage your audience◦ Respond to as many as you can◦ Call to action - free stuff, ask for next action or feedback◦ Let people see and hear you◦ Play the long game

Online Branding - Personal Branding An advert on for a music teacher:

Interesting resumes came to the top…while searching on Google…

◦ 1. MySpace page - A picture of the applicant, drinking beer. Under hobbies, the first entry was, "drinking."

◦ 2. A personal blog - The most recent entry said something like, “I am passionate about music and teaching.“ There were good comments on the videos on the page.

◦ 3 and 4 - From the local police department, indicating that the applicant had been arrested for shoplifting two years ago.

Google never forgets!

Everything you do now ends up in almost permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good and useful stuff (to others) and to always act as if you're on Candid Camera, because you are.

I am my projects We identify and distinguish ourselves, intentionally or not, as a Brand

◦ By the schools we attended, the degrees we earned, where we teach.

◦ By the clients we work for, by the projects we produce, by the articles we write.

◦ By the conferences we attend, by the organizations we volunteer for, by the committees we contribute to, by the positions we’ve held.

◦ We identify and distinguish ourselves by the clothes we wear, by the cars we drive, by how we style our names, by our public and private identities.

Build your Brand actions

◦ Articulate: Define the brand’s social identity so you communicate with a unique, compelling, and authentic voice.

◦ Connect: Find your best and most likely customers and give them a reason to like or follow you in social channels.

◦ Engage: Interact with people by making brand communications and content more personally relevant and participative.

◦ Influence: Inspire and enable people to share stories and messages about your brand. Give the reasons to share what you share with them.

◦ Integrate: Build social into the brand and product experience to make it more cohesive and useful.


Beyond the Brand Beyond the Brand: When Brand becomes the verb.

“Perform Online Search” is now…

Google it

Branding by doing

Thank you


GBG Ahmedabad

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