one computers overview

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Computers:Computers:Tools for an Information AgeTools for an Information Age

(An Overview)(An Overview)

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

ObjectivesObjectivesDescribe the fundamental characteristics of Describe the fundamental characteristics of computerscomputersDescribe the benefits of computers Describe the benefits of computers Distinguish data from informationDistinguish data from informationIdentify the basic components of a computer Identify the basic components of a computer system: input, processing, output, and storagesystem: input, processing, output, and storageList some common input, output, and storage media List some common input, output, and storage media Describe the significance of networkingDescribe the significance of networkingExplain the significance of the InternetExplain the significance of the InternetExplain the various classifications of computersExplain the various classifications of computers

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

What Is Computer Literacy?What Is Computer Literacy?

AwarenessAwareness: of the importance, versatility, : of the importance, versatility, and pervasiveness of computers in our and pervasiveness of computers in our societysociety

KnowledgeKnowledge: Learning what computers are : Learning what computers are and how they work – learning the and how they work – learning the jargonjargon

InteractionInteraction: Learning how to use : Learning how to use computerscomputers

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

The Need for Computer FluencyThe Need for Computer Fluency

What is computer fluency?What is computer fluency? Knowledge possessed by people who are Knowledge possessed by people who are

able to navigate the digital world successfully; able to navigate the digital world successfully; includes computer literacy, includes computer literacy, plusplus knowledge of knowledge of underlying concepts & principlesunderlying concepts & principles

Points to Ponder…Points to Ponder… How can you become computer fluent?How can you become computer fluent? Why are computer-fluent people better at Why are computer-fluent people better at

gauging the true level of risk of a virus?gauging the true level of risk of a virus?

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Benefits of ComputersBenefits of Computers

ProductivityProductivity Workers use computers to do their jobs faster and Workers use computers to do their jobs faster and

betterbetter Many processes can be more efficiently controlled by Many processes can be more efficiently controlled by


Decision MakingDecision Making Helps decision makers sort out financial, geographical, Helps decision makers sort out financial, geographical,

and logistical factorsand logistical factors

Cost ReductionCost Reduction Helps hold down costs of labor, energy and paperworkHelps hold down costs of labor, energy and paperwork

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Why is a Computer Powerful?Why is a Computer Powerful?

Speed of light...Speed of light...ReliabilityReliability low failure rate = consistencylow failure rate = consistency

AccuracyAccuracy GIGO GIGO (garbage in = garbage out)(garbage in = garbage out)

StorageStorage quick, efficientquick, efficient

Communications – SharingCommunications – Sharing input, process, output, and storageinput, process, output, and storage

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Data or Information?Data or Information?


A collection of A collection of unorganized factsunorganized facts WordsWords NumbersNumbers ImagesImages SoundsSounds


Data that is organized, meaningful, and useful Reports Newsletters Receipt or Invoice Picture Check

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Computer System IncludesComputer System IncludesHardwareHardware Equipment associated with the systemEquipment associated with the system

SoftwareSoftware Instructions that tell the hardware what to doInstructions that tell the hardware what to do

PeoplePeople Computer programmer: writes softwareComputer programmer: writes software User: purchases and uses softwareUser: purchases and uses software

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Definition of a computerDefinition of a computer

A machine that accepts A machine that accepts datadata (input) and (input) and processes it into useful processes it into useful informationinformation (output). A computer system requires four (output). A computer system requires four main aspects of data handling:main aspects of data handling:

InputInput ProcessingProcessing OutputOutput StorageStorage

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Personal Computer SystemPersonal Computer System

Peripheral Devices

ComputerComputer ComponentsComponents

In p u t D evices

S to rag e D evices

M em oryR A M

O u tp u t D evices

C en tra l P rocess in g U n it

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

The ProcessorThe Processor

Center of activity in the computerCenter of activity in the computer Consists of electronic circuits Consists of electronic circuits

Interprets and executes program Interprets and executes program instructionsinstructions

Communicates with input, output, and Communicates with input, output, and storage devicesstorage devices

Actually transforms data into Actually transforms data into informationinformation

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College


Random access memory (RAM) is a temporary Random access memory (RAM) is a temporary storage area for data to be area for data to be processed. Storage measurement basics: Storage measurement basics:

KB = 1,000 memory locationsMB = One million memory locationsGB = One billion memory locations

Memory locations usually store one character or byte Memory locations usually store one character or byte per location.per location.

Example:Example:64 MB RAM holds 64 million bytes (characters64 MB RAM holds 64 million bytes (characters) )

before it becomes full.before it becomes full.

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Primary StoragePrimary Storage

Used to temporarily hold data (volatile)Used to temporarily hold data (volatile) After it is retrieved from input device and After it is retrieved from input device and

before it is processedbefore it is processed After it is processed and before it is released After it is processed and before it is released

to output deviceto output device Data in memory lost if power is lost or Data in memory lost if power is lost or

program closedprogram closed

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College


System SoftwareSystem SoftwareUser Interface User Interface

-a graphical user interface (GUI).

Uses pictures/icons to give commands.

Operating SystemOperating System Controls the operations

of the computer. Translates hardware

and software.

Utility ProgramsUtility Programs Specific tasks

Application SoftwareApplication SoftwarePackagedPackaged

Meets needs of many users

CustomCustom Unique requirements

SharewareShareware Distributed free for a trial


Freeware/Public DomainFreeware/Public Domain No cost Freeware is copywrited Public Domain has no

copywrite restrictions.

Software DevelopmentSoftware Development Programmers Systems Analysts

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Storage DevicesStorage DevicesAlso known as auxiliary or secondary storage. Also known as auxiliary or secondary storage. Floppy disks hold 1.44 MB dataFloppy disks hold 1.44 MB dataZip disks = approximately 70 floppy disksZip disks = approximately 70 floppy disksHard disks hold 4 GB to 75 GBHard disks hold 4 GB to 75 GBCompact discs hold 650 MBCompact discs hold 650 MBCD-R (compact disc-recordable)CD-R (compact disc-recordable)

CD-RW (compact disc-rewritable)CD-RW (compact disc-rewritable)

Digital video disc-ROM hold 4.7 to 17 GBDigital video disc-ROM hold 4.7 to 17 GBUSB Flash Drives 16 MG – 2 GBUSB Flash Drives 16 MG – 2 GB

What size hard drive does your computer


CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College


A network is a collection of computers and A network is a collection of computers and devices connected through devices connected through communications media and devices such communications media and devices such as cables, telephone lines, modems, or as cables, telephone lines, modems, or other means.other means.

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Types of NetworksTypes of Networks

Local Area Networks Local Area Networks (LAN)(LAN)

Connects computers Connects computers in a limited in a limited geographic area.geographic area.Commonly used in:Commonly used in: SchoolsSchools OfficeOffice Groups of buildingsGroups of buildings

Can be small or Can be small or extensive.extensive.

Wide Area Networks Wide Area Networks (WAN)(WAN)

Covers a large Covers a large geographical area such geographical area such as:as: District offices of a District offices of a

national corporation.national corporation.

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

The InternetThe Internet

The largest and most far-reaching networkThe largest and most far-reaching network Connects users worldwideConnects users worldwide Not actually a network, but a collection of thousands Not actually a network, but a collection of thousands

of networksof networks

Began as a means for Department of Defense Began as a means for Department of Defense and its research institutions to share informationand its research institutions to share information Information was text-onlyInformation was text-only Commands to navigate were obscureCommands to navigate were obscure

Now, much more visually basedNow, much more visually based Use browser to explore the InternetUse browser to explore the Internet World Wide WebWorld Wide Web

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

The World Wide WebThe World Wide Web

A subset of the A subset of the InternetInternet Actually, a standard Actually, a standard

for displaying and for displaying and transmitting transmitting informationinformation

Web site: a location Web site: a location on the Webon the Web Home page: the main Home page: the main

page of a Web sitepage of a Web site

Accessing the World Wide WebAccessing the World Wide Web

Step 1: Use your computer and modem to make a local telephone call to an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Step 2: With your browser on the screen, enter the address or URL of the Web site you want.

Step 3: The Web browser locates the Web site for the entered address and displays a Web Page on your screen.

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Getting ConnectedGetting Connected

To access the Internet, connect to a To access the Internet, connect to a server computercomputer

Server receives, processes, and transmits informationServer receives, processes, and transmits information

Computers use a standard (aka protocol) to Computers use a standard (aka protocol) to communicatecommunicate

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) used on the Internetused on the Internet

Allows different types of computers to share dataAllows different types of computers to share data

Need an Internet Service Provider (ISP)Need an Internet Service Provider (ISP)

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Internet Service ProvidersInternet Service Providers

The owner of a server computerThe owner of a server computer Charges a fee for access to the InternetCharges a fee for access to the Internet

Fee can provide unlimited access or be based on Fee can provide unlimited access or be based on usageusage

Provides the user a means to connect to Provides the user a means to connect to the serverthe server Once connected, you can connect to the Once connected, you can connect to the

Internet and all other server computersInternet and all other server computers

Web page is a document that contains text, graphics, sound, and/or video, and has built-in connections or hyperlinks to other web documents.Web site is a related collection of Web pages stored on computers throughout the world.Web browser is the software program that allows for accessing and viewing Web pages.Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the unique address for a Web page consisting of a protocol and domain name.

http://stands for hypertext transfer protocol www stands for World Wide Web Domain name identifies the web site on a Web server. Web server is a computer that processes and delivers the requested web

pages. protocol domain name

Web TermsWeb Terms

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

Electronic MailElectronic MailE-mailE-mail

Transmission of messages via a computer network.Transmission of messages via a computer network.Electronic mail software enables you to create, send, Electronic mail software enables you to create, send, receive, forward, etc. email message. For example: receive, forward, etc. email message. For example: OutlookOutlookE-mail address is a combination of a username and E-mail address is a combination of a username and domain name. For example: domain name. For example: free email accounts try For free email accounts try

For more information on the Web and email, go to For more information on the Web and email, go to

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

If Asked, Can You…If Asked, Can You…Describe the fundamental characteristics of Describe the fundamental characteristics of computerscomputersDescribe the benefits of computers Describe the benefits of computers Distinguish data from informationDistinguish data from informationIdentify the basic components of a computer Identify the basic components of a computer system: input, processing, output, and storagesystem: input, processing, output, and storageList some common input, output, and storage List some common input, output, and storage media media Describe the significance of networkingDescribe the significance of networkingExplain the significance of the InternetExplain the significance of the InternetExplain the various classifications of computersExplain the various classifications of computers

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College



? ???

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

BrowserBrowserCentral Processing UnitCentral Processing UnitComputer LiteracyComputer LiteracyData Vs. InformationData Vs. InformationHardwareHardwareHome PageHome PageInputInputInternetInternetISPISPMemoryMemoryModemModem

OutputOutputPeripheral EquipmentPeripheral EquipmentPrimary And Secondary StoragePrimary And Secondary StorageSoftwareSoftwareTCP/IPTCP/IPWeb SiteWeb SiteWWWWWW

Terms to Know: Computer OverviewTerms to Know: Computer Overview

CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College


Capron; Computers: Tools for An Capron; Computers: Tools for An Information Age, 8Information Age, 8thth Ed. 2003 Ed. 2003

Pfaffenberger; Computers in Your Future Pfaffenberger; Computers in Your Future 20032003

Microsoft Clipart Microsoft Clipart


CIS 105: Mesa Community CollegeCIS 105: Mesa Community College

If Asked, Can You…If Asked, Can You…

1.1. Describe the fundamental characteristics of Describe the fundamental characteristics of computerscomputers

2.2. Describe the benefits & challenges of Describe the benefits & challenges of computers computers

3.3. Identify the basic components of a computer Identify the basic components of a computer system: input, processing, output, and storagesystem: input, processing, output, and storageList some common input, output, and storage List some common input, output, and storage media media

4.4. Describe the significance of networkingDescribe the significance of networking5.5. Explain the significance of the InternetExplain the significance of the Internet6.6. Explain the various classifications of computersExplain the various classifications of computers

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