on why isis is now being decimated

Post on 23-Jan-2016






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An astrological analysis


On why ISIS is now being decimated

“We can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world.” President Vladimir Putin

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a Salafi jihadist extremist militant group and self-proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate, which is led by and mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria. A horoscope for the Islamic State is provided by Astro-databank [1].

Notice the powerful Grand Cross with Pluto on the Ascendant square Mars-Zeus opposite Uranus. Ebertin [2] gives us the following keywords for the combination which describe the terrorist organization perfectly:

Uranus-Pluto-Mars: Fanaticism, an act of violence, the mania of destruction; “the stage of bending or breaking”.

So what in this horoscope shows the sudden attack by Russia which may actually threaten its existence? Pluto stationed direct in Capricorn on September 25th ( at 12 degrees) right on the ISIS chart Ascendant. Things that have been simmering under the surface during the retrograde are brought out . Toxicities that were buried and decaying must now be faced. The following keyphrases about Pluto over Ascendant and Pluto-Zeus are provided by Martha Wescott [3]:

Pluto-Ascendant: To face people and situations that threaten to overpower or overwhelm; others are confrontational or defiant.

Pluto-Zeus: Use of weapons to dominate threaten or confront others.

[1] http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Islamic_State_(Caliphate)[2] The Combination of Stellar Influences; Reinhold Ebertin (p.198-99)[3] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang Wescott (p. 97)

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