on the cover 195… · amon1 thto top slx of tus d .. fqt four ynn lit jametwwn u1mt.owml hi b...

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Mishawak•. Indiana

Vol 13, No. 7 -July, 11)4

JORph Fluey, Edttor

On the Cover On the- oowr 1 r�prochw'C'd a rK'w

U S Stam p-tht· ftn,t rtcul�t�r !llllmp ('C•mblnmc a rt-lllliOUI-�,er and tho(' Statu.· CJl l.abtrty It L& a .. ymbol of lhC' 1""--dom whtch thrtllJ Vbt\urt. to Amt.·rl('ll - whtch JUrs tht" �ill of tnlnt-cranta - w htch ('II� IKir ,... tumma tthH'I\f 10 NY to lht-m.e-1\'es., Amrr-. my natmt lancl �

Thh Jtamp wa• lntroduud to a nauun-wld«' tei�IJ.I"" and radao auda· t'nto tn April . an which PreJtdl.'nt £1M'nhowcr. S«�tary of Slatr Oullt.'5. and 1\at.m.Ht"r GtMnl SumJTM'rftt'kl par11tipatt'd vnth lndt'rl or t be M1M'ffl lhrno lartf:'!lt �h&IOUIItc.ouJ». Thot Rt\'ertnd Dr Roy G Roa. Gen. t-rill S«n-tary of thl.' N.atlonl)) Countli or Churchet. oompr ... tnJ a ft'llowlhtp f•f H dfon.onunaU•>t\1 With 34 malhon tnf"ll'lbt-t"f;; Fran.t• Canl.mal Spe-LLman. ArThbn.hop of Nt'w YMk. ttw> larant C.atholit' droct'•f" In the world: Or Norman Sa ht. Prtsldent of tlk' Syna. fCOJU«' CCK�ncll e�r Anwrlt'L lh«' nop�­M'tttall\'1.' and tOOrdanauna aroup for orthodox. conHn·atsvc and rdonn Jno·J of the- thrtT natKJnal rabb�AK"Al OflatiiUhON and the lhh'C' COf\C� &IHOttl.

Tht> new Sta\Ut' of Uberty Sutmp is symbolte but nut (OmmC'ft'IOf'&\t\·e If' the 1tnctnt � of l.bto word It "' • reaular •ue- and will M .-d pr1mar· II)' for lflh""rft4111onal n\:111-• .. �1 embo..ador" whkh Will 10 abroad at the> ratt> of 200 mllllun or nlOI't' Jlllmps a)·t-ar

Rtmtm� the lntle 11rl _.ho \l.$ll1d to ICfllltP 1 penny firmly m one hltnd and prt'"P her no&e aa:arRJt th<' Jlass In a � c.'OUtllcr' Well, W's &till around. only now 1tw L& a CrowD wom­an and C'aft br .tee"n at a meat ('C)Unler w1th tht! u.me look on ht!r !&«" a• lhe clutcheaa $10 bl\1

A•ot4 w-. lth 10 ,..,., K 11o 0/wo ..._, ..._..,, f�••-1 � & C'-t � s,..-. ...._ GMo'f'o '•'• ...,.... �·- ..,_....,._,.c.,..._.�- ....__ Mn .._..., w-. w.,..._..._..., ... ,... s..- ., • ..-. ......._ Mn. •� �h s..a..-....,. wowo ,..., s• • .- ,., .. s..n.- Do<.r•. ,.,, .,..,..., w .... s. � c_.,, f�CWt W•t<"" �""'"'-Ill t:od-.,.; '�• ""• '''"""""' ,.........,, '-*'-'·Non,,_ J.., lot. H� 1-tlth SocMol, H�. h•d-.. * ,.....,, [lfo'OI', /lvwei<C¥0 f'AIAO( Motk.w•k• 1"'11-. N..t.. �Ed·-· """"'tlO COII:o,j lA.t ..... t..o.-

As fOU may al.-....1)· know, PAaAK and AWECO Wt!ft honored rettntly by the t'rt'«<una. t'oundilt�n or Valley t'orce. '!;'our t-dnor ettcnd<'d the c.-n.•­Mnny �., ... , from RadH> St1hon WOWO. f'('f't Wa)Tto:. at ,.h,"h l.1mt· ._. .. nt, -� pnownted to a numbl>r of prf10M '" ttw Nonht'rn Indiana ai'C'a. J..,... Fl•or;J a('(ll'ptl'd t,..o Gtorar Walltungton Hnnor MtdaiJ. one on bto� half of the C'Ompiln)' and thto other !or P.utAK. I am not 10m& 10 �ny that

11 made mt' fn-1 tood tO kn.·w- that our pubiKatto n • anraeuna lttflloUoft 1n other p;�rt.t of tht C'OUntr)', a!ld 1n that cunnl'Ction I wan t to l"XJlft'Jt my ttf\("('l't' thank• to au of >·<>u ��;ho ha\·f' v.orked 10 v.·rll v.llh nw to malr.t' thiS av.ard �1bSo· No macu� w td11vr b tM'un than thco rolb •ho •".,. • hfl al.,nJ tht. way, and who U\ 1o0 doan.J furnuh thf! mJplrD.taon whte:h makl:"' )'OUr l'dttor ttriVt' JW.l a titll«' harder 1<1 do a Jood job Thanks a II of )"OU'



Cumulat1on Cumulat1on

to May 31 to May 31

1953 1954

$173,685.00 $130,477.00


in the


The Foundry Educational Founda· bon was established in 1947 w1th the !ollowmg basic: objt'Cil\'H: To foster and Improve eduC'allon in the Untied Statt"l 1n the fkld of foundry Kieoce, l'Jll(lne<!tlnf[. pMICIIC'e MOd Opt'rRhon, In rollege. and univeNitics - To en. oourage and �LSI S ludents �n a('Qwr­in��: an ('(!uC'atton and lraulln,fl: in these ftelds-To dt'velop adequate lnslfuc­tkm to carry out these purP'()M's. Thc founders ""'"re &c>\•eral related societies of the Industry.

How finaroc.d The "'EP operutf'l on !undJ donated

by tomparun �nd u\div1duals.. Con­ltlbuhon.t are held In a &t'JWirAle trust

a«<unt and arc- adrrunatert"d by a r�puwbiC' trmt company. Contribu· lions to the- endowment fund may abc:�

be made by hfe insurvn«". hvm���: trusts or by w1ll AWOCO is a donor to the FEF'

blaho"J,op of lndu•try a"d S<hooh

The Fo undatio n currently is co­operating w1th 14 reputable schools throu�thout lhl' nation in lhe c:ompre­henslve tralnmg and educating of our youth 1n foundry sc::iton� and C'IO!K'Iy related fields. The .chools arc.o: Um­�-�•ty of Alabama, CA.'IC' Institute of Te..-hnolo()'M Umvenlty of C•ncmnall, Cornell Umve�ty, llhno•s lnst•tutc:: of Teehnolou. M�,W.achusetts Jnstitutl' of T�hnology, Mu�hlg&n State Col­le.:e. Unlve.rs1ty of Mleh•£an, Missouri Sc::hool of Mines, Northwestern Uni· vers1ty, Oh1o State University, Penn· sylvania State Umvenuty and Umver• sityofWl5COnSm,

A«ompl•thmanh of f(F Tht!- tolal value of lu.borntcmes Mtab­

lisht'd at the above �hoolt ls $2 mil· lion. In 1947, 11 ml'n were engag('(( in

tht' tt'achlng o f foundry at theu: schoolt. Today w� are 50 on thf!' eombmed facu lti eJ . These faeulty members brin1 an annual valut' of teaehln& �rvlcea of almost a thlrrl of a million dollars abovt' the 1941 ll'vrl 11 no additional ro�t to the foundry mdu.stry. The ongmal H COUI"RI ha.s now expanded mto !MI. In 1947 only I� de.l)lrtmentll m the tchQul$ r<-qu•r«< .-tudenb to atudy found.ry, In other wonb, very h•w or our fuiUre engi. net!rs had to know anylhrn(C ,mbou� metal C'tillnl. Now, a total of � dt'­portments require the study of found­ry and eut melD b. The enrollment in foundry c:ou� In 19-17 was 8.� pcor· ct'nt of the student body, while today at thl' H schools it has risen to about 2(J pt>rttnt.

Cue H•tiOri••

Wh011t type of work does an t"nJi· n�nng graduate mto the Cut Mt"Lals industry do' Is tht're 111 tndmng pro· gram� What tS the opportunity and dOC'I he find an atmQSphere favor:.obleo w adv an«ment .. Thtte ((UtllwnJ •«! belt answerro by the �lie hi.ltorie�� which follow

"A" anended Casco Institute of Tech­nolOCY on 11 Foundry Educational Foun­d�;�tioo sc::holar�}up. He araduatcd in June of 1950 with a B. S. degree in Mt'tallurgleal Enl(lm:t'rlng, average. gr.ldt'L a lot of ambition.. and a job with a mcdium-111ted gray Iron (QUnd· ry 1n southern M!Chiij;an llis tramlng com1bted of from one to five weeki work 1T\ each of the plant'a variou.t: dep.��.rtments 1\al"\lf'IJt w1th cupOla fur. na� eharg1ng. At the t-nd of the $IX month traimna: pe-riod he was made !TM!Itina: forc.omon. Today he is plant metallur.cull responaible for every­thin« concerning meltmg, pouring, control, t.ntlng and 1n1pc!ctlon of the metal with additional rescuch duties

m another plltnt of the company. This man has found a �re, pleasant job and b well on his way to a br1ght future.

'"8" ei('Ct00 \o take the foundry option at Mk'hlgan Stale Collere w1th· out tx-neflt of a FEF .tcholaralup. llil fo ur summer's work in as many d1f· ferent found riC's afforded a sound bat'kpound of t'xpertent'f!" to 1upple. ment his B. S. dt'Ctee 1n Mechanical En&ineerlng when he Jraduated in June, 19:51. He acrept('d t'mployment with a penrn�nent mold foundry J.n Oh10 where hl.S training started m the l'hcm•eal analytlt laboratory 11nd led him through the v•rlous d<!partmt'nt.J of the &.hop. As • result of thit: divef1i. fied tr.;om•n���: the young man gamt"d aequamtance with the maehinmK of pt-rmanenl molds, mellin�t opent10ns conducted in thoroughly controlled hot blast cupOla furnaces. meehamzed p ouring ot metal, coremakinJ and pn�matle sand handHna. to menlion a few. He a c:urrently domt a com­mendable job as eo� room ro�man and has e5tablished h1m$e.lf as a e.;on· didate for hilh(>f production super· vision.


,.,._ ..... l'f .... .,'" ......... ,... ........ -........

Ulltoe...;.•-._..L..._. .. ......, .... ., ...... ......._ ...... " ..

Tht- Scholuship Committees of

Purdut' Un•verslt)' and Untvus•tY of

Not� Dame 1\.1\� made the-l.l' sel�·

tl• na. "t1w wmnt-n ar-e John WhitrMr

and LarrY '1elt'alf. Jo hn wtll <tenter

Purdue on the Verne E. M•n•ch

t'oundef Sc-hotanh•P while Larry wtll

anend Notre Dame on the Ouo A

Pfatf Scholanhlp. ConcntulaUona to

both dewr'VU\1 )'OURI: �· John Yl'lmrnrr il the ton of the tale

Larmon Wh1tmer. •nslnM:\01' 111 the Mllhawab 1h&h School, and llootlloe


'Aiolu,.,.r, t:n&lftHrlnl lie was a mem•

�r of lht- 195-4 JTiKIUalinl c:lus of

"'hshaiwaka IITJ,h School lie was u­IOtLitC'd WI\." tMo IU-V boy. tn school,

and wu a mem�r of \he ctee dub.

ntt ..:holaratup wmrwr has � at· uwo alao vnth vanous m�.UX r.rouJ»

of llw' F1nt Qftthrft\ Ch..udl of Soulh 8Md. John has workfd few The Senath

Bead Tr�b�a•e in the1r Mishawaka

br&ne'h f« four ye-an. ftnt u a �let' and Wn In lht otlkc'

Larry Metctolf is the ton or Mr. -.M

Mn. ,_,.,.",,.. .. "J'"""'' M...tr .. lf. Jack Is

a fo�man In the Machme Shop. Larry

hal rn•un lamcod a trnolluUc sundmJ

amon1 thto top SlX of tus d .. fQt four

ynn lit Jametwwn U1mt.owml Hi�b

&hool from whK'h M cradu.U·d in ).lay. H• •al'ft.tplll'ntorthf-AIIwl"taaft

l..<tiJUn School Awnd. and."""'� thUI

)'8r on the su�Mnt Counnl ol tu•

.tlthoOl tArry hu � an ouutand"'i

a\hleu. part JculariJ' tn track and

bllsltrtt.ll. lind wu \"'«d most ,-a}u­

ablc: bukctbtll pla�r thw put seuon-


TOM AND HAROLD lll:'rl' art' '"''O mol'f' of our folks ,.,.ho

t'C!k-bralt" th1•1r ''y.l]vrr anmvrn.ane,'' w1lh AWtX:O thla munth. 'lm11 Jlaml'­u,. ... Mo!U�tl'r of PnrUi S.•rviC'f', c:-amt' with lht' wmpany on July 3, 19i9, •nd lho"'ld "'"'"'·· D•rt'ti.Qr of Purchll$1n1 bt-jtan on July 10 bf the .arM yra.r, WI' want to con�eratulatc- both of� youn1 ·old lllnt>n"' on the ot't'UIOn

Tom • a uth·r of Utlt'a. N(.._. Vcwk Ht- rame wt�>t lO auf'ftd Noc� O.me. •Ad pjuat �·rr "'""' batit t"AJ.I to llvt'"' Tom 1rad1.a.lc-d from Notrr O...mr 1n lt29 and nnw l.o •wk � al� amnwcha�l)'. lit' ftnt worted m ltv Coat �nmrnt. lnMff'fTUI& to V.rU SrrvK'f' In 1131 Tom a. a mf'mMr of St Monu�•'• church. KnsJhtl of Columb1u, EaiiC's and A WECO AthkUc AMorlliiiOft. Hell a rab1d lf)Ortl fan and panldJliiiH 1n bo•dm• and r:olf, �'"'I qu1te pro­ficient an both lilt oth(or IJ)eelal m-


Market Relt'U<'h EnJinHr, l..u � .._.._. ..... •�O bl"!ort' 30 Ollf'nlhtll SI.IPtnnt.encH-nlJ: ot OW 10 aubod� �p.notf of tM CoZumbY �· Com· p.ny on Na.Y li '"'-a«uaon was tM annual 1)-stt'm•,., teSt' rnl't'tln& hckl '" the New York C1ty �. HI" t.lked on th<' uw of tM Wht.'C!'I..brator for r-... c-ond1110nanc pipe The prnn.Jry use thc-sco c-omp•nlc-1 would hav<" for

W�l.lbnuor equipme-nt ""''ould br to tc'\VrnhUon the1r I& thouund mala of traJUmw�n p1pco.

llou1mo ll.rniitd ls a mNnbl!r of the lnvr•IIKatlnJ cornmlttet< forth(' Shrm e Club. Thll croup makn prt!'llmlnary lnvn.llptlOM for admltttna c-hildn:on to the- Shnrwo h01pttal for cnpplt!d c-htldn-n. lie .. •bo he"lpln,C ... uh the arnnJ'('mtnU thl" Shrine it m.kmJ to takor uappll"d childre-n to au thor South lknd 81� Scuc play

w .. would hk� to •lute •::-t ��:;-.-, parmt of 11 ch1ldrt-n--M-\� boys •nd flw Jitl.._ Sl"\•m of thl" dukllftl ue

ll'"""'t • A.hU\1 on ...-hscch "''t aR' unablr to �trt an unblUf'd fi"P''fL

ll.arold ._ • IIOO.tn'. hann& � bom a.n DkharL lkfor. tommc: lO .,.ork at AWECO ht> .... u t-mpluyt'd by Stud�b•k�r. Wl"lllnahouH and An'loH"�n Raod..,tor &: St.lndard San•· ta.ry CotnplniH. l..ik<" Tom llamhnc­hl" work<'d rlnt 1n lh<' COI't Ikpart-

'lt "71apft«d


st1ll at homt'. y,·htl<' 1M othe-rs are .._..ttc--n!d around, IP'I'm u far as lM 11land of Guam 1n thf' Pac-11\c-. Earl ll proud of th� fact that onl y Jut Mother'a Day htl w1fe wu ttll"('ted •• one- of the th� honortl')' motht-fll�f­tke.yeor ln M..Nwaka.

TEN YEAit5 AGO u .... ,O)f' ""........,"· Ma.c-hme Shop, hu

won$$ 00 '" W•r Stamp. 1n a ('Uflle-t:t pu t on by Radio CorporatiOn of Amcru:• to nam .. th .. lr ni"W t r a d l" m.ark fl a uf'f' Thf' namco AICJC"Stt!d by lft'dur .,..,.. VICtor V1m •

1st l..Jtout ......... � (....-._,. Jr. � bftn ••-ardc'd • cluttl"t 10 tht' OlaUD·

rnent. t.Mn trans!l""rrf'd to Pu�••na m llt37. H•rold 11 a M_.. •nd G a mMnbrr •nd 'T'nl.tM ot tJMo Yu·-.t PrH­byttrlMI Churd\ of ;,.h_,w�y,·•k• lhs main spcN1 o.- "''-x•uon ts tblunr­.-h.JC'h II'K'kirnUIII)' II thf' 1"l'11Mm Wt' tan't 41th('r m'k"h b.tkuound m.­tcNI on h11n ti,&ht now lit' cot away on a fWiinJlfip lx'fo� Wf' r ould ror­nc'J" h im for thil •kcleh.

au•sbfti J.1ym1 C� awardfd tum for

hts part tn tht< att.Hk on the PIOI"'III otl hl'lds an Rum•nia l•u Auaust Gtt'l. •·ho now l'<'nw u -'-Unt Wma r.iiHIIItor. •bo hokll IM Arr Mt'Cbl. duw Oak l..Nf Clllattn lind 1M Dtsli111!Uiahtd Unol Ribbon lit" il: a Nav•aator on lht· · Ulastt'd E\'""� and hils ftv• n m*-l<>ns 14 Romeo. Va­c.'rma. Dndl"n. Dn-m<-n. Mun•tl"r. J.ud­•'lphnen •nd K�l lit ...,.,('mplo,·ed m Engnk'ttml •t Ar£<..'0

The AH:CO wrtball tMim, mana«t'd by Jvlm '1\<ilt hOI •11011n tnken to the field Our boys won n,..t plate tn the.' Mlt:ha\\·ak• A LUJfUC" In lll.fl and 11HZ. lh4-n p lo��ortd third ln 19-13

J_. 111-..h...- ralM'd 10 rabbitl and bad to muc-h trvubl<• k1lhn1 1M ftnt oev .,.101 • bowhn1 p1n that M 601d tM rftnlolnUIJ � 'A hi n they •·e� old �&h to me.rht.

Mort' b.t "�""',. tor J,..,. .... ,livid. nus tmw il ,.,..,. 1M Mumpt'

Off the Reporters' Cuffs

"f'�" w.,.,.·· Fri .... , the Fly-we•&hl Champ1on of tho Jo'uundry, has tinally n\C'I h�• matt::h lie took on ''Got'&eout Ceora� .. �� w�lbarTow, 1n a .me fall bout and ta!M' out the loK-r AA the bout optned PeeWee apPhtd a qu.ck arm lotk and 11arted George few the door "'COI'INUI� let Fr�k Nlnd\c> him until dwy """"' wttlilk, tMn M promptly put f'tidt Into an aft1JPIIM �·n and thrtow h1m ap.lft&t the bwld· IRI For IWhl� U � U � they m'f.hl M'� to M:npe Pc!oeWee oft 1M ..,.II wnth a hoP, but 1M' ftnally camt' out of 11- In all fa1� to f'nck 11 mkJ.ht br .. w:� that hoi! pve • ._., a httli!! "''ellhl 1n W bout u "'C«M"ItOUI �It" with a lc.d on Wf'i&hs about tlve hul\drt'd poundl to a �N.k� •·et OM hund� and tll"n for PtoeWeoe. But thlf ill tho 1\n:t tlmt' tMta•vmt a In tic< wtlchl 11way h"' ever OOthert"d the kid. frick adm llil �rll«' 11 the IK-st htt hll met 10 far

The mann(.'r In whach J;m ll•u,.., Foundry fott:rnan. hu bH:n 'lo'obbhn& around the latt ff'W weeks. m�t ea\Jie IIOrM prople to thank � •·u lll�hHy IMbfUted or his m.�tabohsm .-u otf But to c:oi"I"(!Ct thLJ lmp�Kin. �� 11 be kno•-n that lh .. wobbLe- 11 aU dUot to Cl'ftltly 1nftated dwst •·hdl J1m'a tall, ap1ndly fram� cannot balai'K" 1lM' uUM" or !.hJS :wddm that 1nftataon WU tbe ap�arance of T�rue l,.ft, �llht I lb. 13 01. on May 11 Dtftauon of .. id chest w-Ill t11k11" p� about OW ftn:t ru1M T!1'rtta rNkH the welkin nne walh tid- �IPI for lmmt<hate attenuon. espe<'ially a· bout 2 A M In the nJ.cht. Jim wall muutr ''The Lillie Tllro!U".

Ch•-..:1. \'•n Udlet�tk .. no b :Ill shining example of tha-e early bird-t that � aiWIIYI looklnc for 1\ah bait. A t the recent tlsh fry put on by t� AUtletic AaoclatJOn. Chuck det:Wied t o be ther. Nrly and b. wu- Just onr week nrly He load�d the family and rnenct. ln\0 the ear and too1t ott fqr the eon.trvauon Club. On atnrlnl lhey boldly walbd In whh Chudl'l noM atwl�hln& with lhe thoua;bts of delkiWI ftah He not ordy fO\ltld notb­lq IJ\ the ""' dcpart.nWnt but alao ran 1nto a lUI party In full pro&rHL lhl fK<e wu no\ rt4. It wu cnmaon

blvtdwd w1th w-rmtlhon On top of that he> ,ot a-tuck for fPII&ht'ltl duuw-n: for thto wh ole crew walh ham. And, brother, whfon you t:Uck t.lut lad 1n that pilrt of hll 1!\lllomy known u hit b111fo!d you am lettanc hUI ltfe-'11 blood drap aw-.y lie! h111 bt:f!n hard to Ullk to ever tin«'

Boy. halve you ICt'R that new car be· Son&IRI to t..hln (), tr. .. ll,l It he had a �nd you woold fW("ar h� was run­"'"1 for Govtr�: •

AJonc w1th that � of chest ln­ftatMX1 thtorl!' w abo a � or hrad an­ft.atiOR m the Foundry nus .,.rtiC'ULar cue ••-u dUll' � \hto fact that .. �­"n_.u,·. N•rtha Sufo. born M;ay t$ ou t wea&twd Jl• u .... • Tereu t-. 7 lb 5 cu tot lb IS tu No Nit eom.,.ny �n thto U S.A could ftt tNt knob of Mac'l nlht now Now t-UK't'" Jam tiiO tall that Mac'• hftd romn only to J1m'1 c-hf-lt, If that h ... d and that dlest lhould t\.»ppt-n t.o �� In the amall Foundry Lab, lhco •·JI" bomb •·ould be a minor ('KI)IOIIOn, comparN to wh31 would luippen hrr\' L.e\ all that hot air out at on� t�mo and thcrt' would be 111:1"• Ill OYI'f thtl piA«'. Purt' dc­tolatlont

Well. the ahop el«ttOn and nm-oll t1 0'-� and by the tunf' you read lhas. the rww and �� ot!'kfts wllJ ha\·e takM oftk.-oe Con,:n�tulat_,. to all winners. A• utual ..-�of Uw: unton I'I"'C!mbcrshlp put our trwt an you. Ali molt of you know "Yours Truly" wa1 amonc the •-: �"'.

um .... n,nt " honw' from the hol.­pllal aftt•r a ht�'-

. o�rat10n.

An expert is a fellow who hal p�­vloualy made many miltakea.

-Warren Nelson. &vfl" 1t0p to ttunk what 1M wont

(Ptnew-reneel mH.nt• Hert' t1 one example of the true msnmJ- l.ro·i m- came to worll at A WECO on M.an::h 31. lt41 He �tatted ln u a ••M91!'" f'rom 1�r he went to � metal makP-up and on up llll cvent�lly he wu dUI 8 Layout. When Levi haT«� out hue hf- asked \0 k-Im Wtl<hn&- About CYU)" 10 often

he ··ould ff11Und hil IUJ)("fl� h<l"­._,ant.t'd a v.·e:lchnc )ob

M.-nwne M w• ��� anto tJw M'f'V� and _... tn thtft y�n. two of whxh were�� oW'f"'t'*L But -.hen be camP t.ck hr rcnt-•t'd ha. bid for a -ld1n1 job. lie ftnally ··�nt to • lhop oulMde lO lf't tht �ry U· IW� to qwhfy and afu-r 11 ,....n llf pcrwve-� Lfovl II; rww • full ft� -·elder at A WECO.

,.l.,,d..,oollft, t'l(•\"ltof"Weldt"r.� a Mt'm<•r1al Day "'K"kt-nd tr1p t.o Southt"m IUtnoi•. llr did t<'ln'l� tl.lhmg ond vWlt.>d N�w !;ll�m V\111111(�. at Ilhnol1 Sllotl• Jlark, wheriP Abraham Llnooln hV\"6 for maany ye•n.

Mlln II not tht' Cl"t"AitU"f' of Clft\lm· sta�. Ci�umstanct' Ia the n•ntu«" of man. - Durae-h

St..t Stocl!

JuiH'htll""'•,...n ......... �.arwdon hJA !ttb yc..r f<>t' U... tornpany. lit' aa wdchnJ ln Ste-t! S�p at p«Wnl but hal handled about all tht- J"ba m the Stttl Shop'" tht' put

J...,,. lludin• or Steel Shop otrlee seotml to b4" loamc kt•yl tO oM was mad� for h<'r that 1he 'houldn't mll­plare too !lOOft

n ..... l 1•...-.. muat � pttanl popular Seotm11 like a ('OUI)le of frwnds :111n1 hhal)l).f bl.rthda.y" on the phoN- to her. Clal.fl'lifd she: didn't hke u but v.e know bet14':r H�l has �fliP of 1M wmplate room

If I •vn- act srnan �noucb 1.0 keoep m,.- b11 mouth .nut. I �ld not take near u mu.t:h razz•"- about the ttupd tbmpldo �l.atei\WIIIItcBpbe-­twecn • prdnl trKtor and mysoelf. I thoucbt for a • hilt' I wu co•na to cet. plo"'C'd under for &ood

Office Memos

To Ye Edi\Qr Fdh fr-. akaunc pilrt�. encaae­

moents and cnduaOOM made up the month of May

Ove:r 300 hunlfY A WECO employ­waltt!d 1n • nrndar hnt' for ftlh. slaw, Fff-nc:h frwt and a chotet of dnnks at \hit bll part.T ht'kl '" Ow Mishawaka ConRn'at� Club May I. Don't know how much of �PW"rythlnlll: •-as c-on­aumrd. but reporu .,. the potatots

Not too �!ul. but • kot of fun anyway to thOM" ,.,-ho .,.Ttrc- t.htno, •••• ttw- roUrr ahtml JN.rtY �ld at Doc-lui t•n May 17. Thrtlls and sp1llt furnW'Ic!d an llltC'�UnJ rve1nna: to fl'llow tm• piOYt't'l.

llooMot J,. O'IIIO'ni� �IVC'd t1 dill· mond from G1t.on f:Mrb.arL

u.m.. .... \h•f"lllina kft to m)vy. two t�W>nlh vac.llun at Camp twfort- f'l'l· rothna at Ball Sute Tochrrs Ct•llfol,p �nlM'Foll

Quttf' a IV.J' as (M.Ir l!'dttor. J- n...., I tMII qu .. w htm on "''hat he h..S to MY al»ut thto nM•dal tHo ,.,-un "'Mn I lntl'l""nt'l••ed him h•tely ''I n>«·n·t-d lhe GtoOra(' WashmMtOn Honor Ml'dal fn•m t·�onu FoundatiOn of Vallt')' t�ora:._., J>conn., for 'outstandlnJ at'hl(lv('mt-nt In helplnl to brine about 1 bc.'ttl'r un­dt-I"'WndlnJ of tiM! Am('nt'lln v.·ay t•f hrco durm.c 19$3' l was oo a Pf'Oinlm �t from lbd•o St.uon WOWO. f'ort w.,.,.. at whldl hmt' � atunt. wt-� nwdto 1o totvtoral PI'OPk- fur t� �"rtht-m lnchanll "'1100 Whatto\ff ho nor PAitAbC lll C"ntttk<d to IS d\M" to lhP f(IIOPf'niiJOn -.nd undt-ntandma of � follr.s at AWOCO who "'-ork wtth me tu mak� tt a better maaal:tn�" �l't all l'Ontr'lltulat� J{)(!', how about ,,,

Your ftovma: Reporter, ea .. ,

'Why Forfeit Your DESSERT?-

In ba.wball, tlw boltk'r •·ho t&kn ha t')e otf 1M t.U II hkf-11 to 1ti tl Of! lhfo bad. The 181"1k' hoJcU t� tn our mdus:I.J")" and tn all othc.-r tndwtt� T'houAnd$ of .c-c-tdt'IIUI Mcl1 )"ear nn bt' bLarMd upon psy�hoiOiiCII factora.

Th� worker whoK' mind It dll· lr!IC'ted by worry, by mi�undt-nlllnd­ln.c, by qultrr('l.l wtth hi- ft>llow work­ers or wtthm hiJ o� n hom(', by a IM!nse of tftJUStiC'I! or anter, or by any on� of a doz� other J)n'-oc.'C'Upat!Orul. 11 •·orkmg unckr a btl hlltrwha.p. •·ear, tllnna. fatt�andborfltornalton� man1 IK'ndcnll.

A nudy of the at tu.atiOft b1 Nfety t'� rc'VC'OIIJt that a a-11. of eon· �·unttOn on lbe JOb or a failure m p ro�rly �o-ordmattna mt'ntal and ph)"UC;�l dt'ort are the- t•·o ni(J6:1 dan­�:erow: ei�UI In prod1X"tfti a«l· d('nts tn oftiees and fiK'tOr!Ctl.

In ord�r to prevent auch a«:tdenUI, f�:�ulty �rthnlillton and IMitentton mu:Jt I» detected and 0\'f'�mt' whE-n· ever tMy .1ppear Thlf ff'IC'i.rU that aafe ty t'Ommittet't and tuperv�" have added rtspontlbtlltiet. The)' ahould watt'h lht' atttt� and �-110ft of tlwlf" feUow-worken. ftpec"t.ally

"-t! enaa«t'd m haurdous IC1JVtttH, j-' • k«nl) u tl'lf' trw'd� �" and cotnrnandt'n of ftt&ht 5qUadi'Oftl "'atc"b O\'t'r thc-tr plane a-e•-s.

It lakes kf'l.'n pt'r«-ptaon and dth· tenet! to dc.--tm and l"'JM' ,.-,th the emottonal UP"'-''' �toh1ch freqt1t'ntly no­wit tn 11«'1dcnll 11 work. There 1.-e two kmtb Of fAUjjUC which contribute to tUch •ttid<'tHt. Fn·tt, lhere as the ph)·liOiotl('al fltiiUt' that may bt' due to under-nour�ment or to t'XceMI\'C hours of olf·the-job ac-Uvthol'$; M"C"'nd• ly, t� tt IM ment.ll fau,-ue �It­'ll� from lonJ pnMMi• of conccft\tts• lion. The � may be 'nlh.rtJ but the nund It C'Xha�lf'CL

The �•t •·•>· to rop4' w1th th4' probl('m of loC'l'•dfonts u the result o r falJJUt' 11 to follow thn4' fe-w llmple NIC'I of cood mmmon-k"n.e hvmg The right •mount or li('C!-J) cwry niJhl I• an Important ue.m on the hst and. ot COUr'M', • Nhmced diet It another

If you haw troublt' tn C'Or\Ct'.ntnt. IRJ. ftnd 04.11 why. Th"" do :10mettuna about II Con«nttaUOn at the riiJ'It orne may •\'t' you a acx of fnt'f 1t the wnma unw

American at the Foundrv Show Our c»ml)llny waS VR"Il rt·pl'ftlrftted

both 1ft C'qUII)ITW'ftl and l)rr"t�Gf\M'I II tM Foundry Show brld 1n May at th� Pubhc Auduor1um, Clevt•land W• had OCK'rllllnlll models of the follow me mac:hmH: Wh<-.labrator Twm Table, Wht-elabrator Conunuou. Tumbtast

and a Who!'C'llbntor Muncorall Cal)uwt Abo t•n dt$play ..... a nat .. ��oay un1t of an Ktu.l fullo$1l'l'd No. 5 model Du..tubco Collector Thla l�>ht uhlbJtC!'d 1n tueh a wit) that JX"'O)Ie wert" abll' to walk ln:ude the- nlt,·rlniJ rompar1-mt'nt and oblervt' the opeoratkm

Anul.hn" atlrkh\-. fMUln- of our .,.....lh WU thto IRinWI!il!d duplay of Wh('t'l.abrator StC'col Shot Typ1eal m .. t.l t'a&tmp •• d<'lln«< by our Rla• t'hmt"' w�rt' on hand fw •nsPf"CIIon /lere art' two plchlrf« wh1c:h IIV(' a aood Idea of the layCJut of our booth

Your JOB - Your COMPANY- and YOU SuppoR you had a mo� o f wOfil.

1111 for on. of tv.o C'Ofl'lp&n� OM 1.11 constantly kloll1n1 for Nf;M'f. quldtn. and bt-tt� \lo'l)"'l of do•n& thlnp; tM other �""U In dmnc lh1n1a the hard "'IY w1th no ln\('tHI 10 ch.ana.(' or tm­provf'ment Whtch company would youc�"

Ch..nc'N art- f"\'tr)'OM v.ould rat�r •wk fur 1M ftnt compt.ny Nn� they know. ll'l 1M kJI'I& run. t.hl-y ptt· tON.II)' 'Alii bt �tff oft The com­pany wtth an ryf' for ahort tutt and leu weated motion w11\ br ablf' to produc:e tiJ product wtth lf!M l'mploy� fettgul' and at lea cc.L

ObvtOUaly If prod�hon notU a� MIICt"d 1M tompany •·til bto better able to 'Atth.ttan d C'Wfl�t tt � and ton��urntl)' W t n bi.Utflh• wben OlMn Mv� bten «-hmuuatt'd. h (an ofter • qu.hty product at lowl'r ptlefl whif'h wt\1 naturally l'lllrof't a arC'ater volume of bUJitnl'U and t•arn lat�er profits. putunc It lnlo • beotler J)OIIltOn lo proVl� mon! btneftts.

t-8oyH M11M f'tt c-�ny II a pUtoOn }otnlf • corn)Miny he! bf'.

lif'\' H to be- Proti'Hll\'lt, h� mwt ask himself 1f he wtll tlt tnto tUC'h a pi8C't' He htmiM:'If muJ"t be procreuive and �xtble. He must at all In� kH<p an

op('n mind to �U<•NI Hf' hunR"Ir muat b.>k for bl-'nt-r "'ayf or dotng lhtnp

In ordtr tu k�p 111he:-ad of tompett­uon, bual11t'U llrnu lt('OC''lilly rdy on two thmp - their own Jtudt...., and tht'tr C'Mplo)·er't JU.U<'•ItOnJ. If on t>mpl">'� can- hov.- lhanp c:"'Uid b. ctu.w btltf:r thfOU&h cb.ln�. tliC' com­PliO)' Will probably V.t•k-'urnfo I� S\11-CCSlldn, but IOtneUmf:l lh<f' problnn b lnJ obvkJus and C$n <only tw Jpottt'd by dOte •tudy,

T•rft411 and Mot.on

()n(' ot lhe nw.t t•ornrt� ways of - rrl1 1n 1 for unproo.·nl'llf-'n�lllthrouC}I • lft('\I'Kod kno--n as 'futw and Mol.lon Stud�H-. Uaually �·nl" Crom out­lid(" a departm-ent w1ll � mC' m and rN-ord the tm� and moUmH• tn\-oh...-d tn a('(()mpllstung a «rtAin Job. Aftl•r 1M �nformation has bet'n tffOrdf'd,

('('fUtn lmptoV('ffi(-'nlll c-an bf' .ugestt'd usually rcot:ultm,J an '"- filt\lut" for tM f:mplo)·N Fftquo·ntl)· tM c:�N

propoa"CCa� mcchan�l1n filii�. By �nJtn& nort.tn •watdt� supply btM, and 10 forth. much Urm11 rrwuon can be t'l11111n•ted Sonwtirn('J an f:'l't'l· ployrt' C"an aC'C'Ompli"h twir-l' u mut'h with half the l'lfort

Unfortunatt"ly whl['n � .,_ud�t-'t v.t-� mad(' )·ean 11110 ..-.me emp)o)t'ft mt•undcoutood tht"tr purpost •• • nw.nt uf enttc&tllll t.ht"ar WQfk_ Today t·mplo� kno• that •uch stud•es art" m.lldt' for th('lr �nent u well •• for thr 14hulc rompany. No OM JK'I"If>n hi' lx-•na picked out. but tht"� 111r" fC-'W jubli • hlCh an nut tHo 1-1mphfied

1br f:N't 11:1 that t'mpi•J)·� an nm �It o•rn Tun ... and WotiQin Stud­b)' I•JOltn' '"' btttrr mt'thocb. A c:vtn• pany ts not "«'"Urlly Pf'Off't"bW'f' ju1t llot'auSt' t\Jo manajllt·nwnt •• If f.'m plo)'CH are no t th�x•biC' to chunt�co. the)' are at"tually l't-'tardmg the ad \an('t-'nwnt of thor wholil" ora:an1zahon

... ..,..,......." lviU i-t-.-gat c. B� ftrmt .... not much dtf·

ff'f'f'nl from tnd.tvtdu..l$. llou.wwtvn co.n ti«''mph�h wondl"" In their work by plannmc. It follow• thaat mdus1ry f'ln do tht- &amto 1-"'t'l be- selfish about thfo �m�tlcr If )OU dnn'l nl't-' put)("U· !Jtrly about thf' futurw of tht' f'Cmpany, If)' lfunkmc ot )'OUI"Mif By a.amphfy. Ifill )OUr o-n work. and ht'.lp•nt: ,._ «Jtht'f ft'IIOW lO dO t� •mr. )"OU Will bto do•nc a cood turn for your rom. p:any at thr lllmt' tilTH!. So tht' lund of rompany you work fur depend$ • lot <on you

N EW S EATS from OLD Our mariu "'" mnllnU(' to bt- lbl'd

tn t>nll�ly fiC'W lk•lct. of apphn� tiOft.. A fttW and ln�tnJ 4I!M' Ul that <tf lftOnd!hOfU.q th.-atn' llftt.. � 1'M-. atl't' SNt &n·� Company of N.uh· Ville, Ten�. l't'ft'ntly purch»M a Whc:('labutor Swlna Tabl� for thJt.

., ...... &.:tid� the mllnu.fccturln& of fo;,m

rubber and 1prm1 cu,hiOnll. t.h\1 ftrm •n•talls and rrhab1htate.1 seatl or many \YPH· With the WhHLibrator they can cldn ..0 C'halra �r hour Prev.ousl.T t.h1.1 )ob woukt MN� A'· Quli'Cd It to It man houn 1Mtftd of .....

fonnrrt,. ttw ciNnml room at th .. ftrm • a1 ah ... y• ttw bottle nrock.. and .)9b.. lhlt would nurmall7 �W"-' a moath \0 �piC'\t' ""'" no..- be nan an W. tUn two '�·�ks nus me.n. tlult thtoy non at"ffpt )obi wludl befoR' tllcy ('O!Jid not lind ll!IW t o handle �ldcs the 81lbJtantJal tlnanc,lal U.V• m1s aa a l'l'lult of us.mc ttu- Whcelll· brator, lhdil' I• an 11dded wtafgchon m kno<A 1na that thfoy 111'4! tumma out the ftrM.'IIt de;�nma job posstbiC! -whkh a&aln r"ulls In I� bust· nea fmm otMr C'l.lltomcn who have hHrd or ttw Mw nw:t.hod

The photo •how• four p artially deentd Me .. Ofl tM SWIII.I Table

How to relax

Whton the Red emu Bloodmobtle vu.ited Mtshawaka May II, nh�lHn A WECO folks answered the call. These �pie volunteered bc!cause tht'y real­�ttd th•t they micht .omlt'day be on the ··�1vlnc" mstead of the •·atvlnl ..

end ot the! donaoon. None or w know w� or under what ClrC\UTif\11\Ce we mieht IW'ed • pint or MOre ot blood. Whit 1! wt •·ere the-n \Old that I'Mrttl­an, could be done fOI' ut b«ttute � Md *" t.oo matiJ' peep� who had


Tbe piC.'turH � show how somt' of the shop •·orkcon a.kco advantqe of a few �r.- mt>mf't\\1: dur1n1 lunch hour-if ttwl ram II �l 100 Mtvy 'l"bclr thf'Ory ._ thtlt k�pln1 tit (hold· in• down Ole wal•thn(') lt morf' tm· portant th.Dn alnlnc down while the food dJCMU, When our A WECO kidl make up thelf' mlndt to do a thinr that'l aU \hcooft II to it. Ht>N they a�. wnh ball, net. C'OUrt and two U>aJnJ II the ftWI of t)w. �IVIRI dodr;. U you would hkco to L u .. a !cow pouncb. or Amply aa and look on. why not uunter out that ._....,. aDd .no wbilt happens�


Did The i r Duty refused at bloodmobd<t tui'IC' becao.de they did not WlUU \0 be •uworn�­lt'noed.." FoUowmc .,.. the folks wbo

at lunch time

. . tad a hHrt and a pmt'" for thf'lr brotht'f1 and t.llters J(HIWWt\ct m the world who IN)' � !lur.t hq�ud hft' - Wdo.y, torm;rrow or 1\('.Xt year

Oro•l,.... 111.-lr.•, 1\brJ Ju 11.-ru>&, "'lolr-14-,llillmlln, l••t i'I•_.I, • .,�. '••..-,<A ...

....... ..... ,. . ...... nlo., \110rllo10Ht>�.M•rioo

l'u.,o·U, t • ......,.O.nna 1-ln<rh...-, J- "lllrl•· lr.•uf, 'fo11hf'f' J•..O••ior-.., Aout, 'M�rft ... '--.. Ru,_-, & .. , ......... Jwt. U..."' Ri.-t.•..t , ... ,�,. � .. Smtt. 'r .. u.�e lboO,. and I'••• ,.,_

People and Events in the News

FUnny. awl't ll. how qukkly a II'VUP o.r n,u� �MMn" bdlft: n.n )'l('ld to �ptatluft--• hftl nkt" ll thoto WTnP.. ,,,,. llf'f't" wt- � four of oor fait tont­('(x•l)(·nun.: \llilth \bra•n-t 11 ... &. .... ,, &"("N·tary tu \lr. t•r.tr. on lht" f)('(11•1on of ht>r rt)('('"nt birthday. t'rom h<·rt' 11 look• •• U Mnrxaf1't would hDn· Sl ratht'r tough lime" rtUiktnJ thl' cakt- au ar'V\.Ind. but ar �:he ll\·o up to h<:r rt-putati(H\ for tnll"ftUit)' and �rmc�t-ncy

t'\'l'I'YDnt" Ulould bt> .. 11..�1\f'd. lll'r rel­low-workcrt ht'r<'. lt"ft to r11:ht, <o�re Jllll• lb.,Jthrr, lt•rlo•rll l'rrl.., llrurl u .......... and .,,.,�..�,. Jo.o�.,,_..,, &·r•OUIIy. 1\brcard.. w• don't thmk Lt waJ w nll:e alorw whM.'h dnollli aUl'ntl"n Con· l(ntulatiOI\S on )OUr b1MN'by'

,.._.o A WECO f, !kJ. Uftldtod lJwo 7th AnnWII r>otN' Oilon'W' World Tradf' Con.. Ct·n-0«' b.ld at that '""lllutlun May 11 Tht')' ••l'rco um um�r ..... Crt'1.ht Ot>­part�t and li<oh IUoonl40n, t:ll"I)Or1 On·l,JOn. The tht:nw- of tht• tvnfcro.·n� wu "Export Sail., and 8.\1('11 Promo­lton. ..

A WECO �d • mow;k-1 Ou tuM- Col· lt-e;tur on di"-PI8f It tM 40th Ann�! Ml'otlU>C ol the- A•r Polluhun Control A� ... ,_. br-ld In )l.ay .at Chana­nooca. T� PLt.II J'.....,• prt'W'ntl"d • 1)11Pf'1' on ··Fallnlhun of lint GU�P�.. R 0\Mr A•u•r•('(llll fnlk• ant·nd•na '"'�r� krn Ocihir . ..... d l.h11•11t.l and lrr "''-"""""'

t• • .,t n •• ld ... ,.,, om� Mana1�r. at­lt·ndl>d tht> 3.5th lnu�rnatk•tl.:lll Confl·r­n\C'e of NatK)n��l Oftlce ManA,:cmn\1

AJIIOt"latl(ln In St. l...ou"- �by 23-27 Tbto ht.dq .... M('f'f ._. 1ft lJw lt'fttT· .,... Hnl�l \a.hllt' thfo mft'hr\p: and buNII("'II �h<JW \a.Uf" hdd In w KJC-1 Alid•t••r•um. 1lM' anMWI•nc"t .... -u I� PI"'P� from thiS country and CJiht'f' puiJ l r the ,..c,rld Paul reports that mort' than I 00 roml)lln!M e:JCh•b•t� (lffic::e mt�c::hmery and equ1pmt'nl or the latl'!il typt". m�h or 11 never bef(lre h.av1n1 tk>tn thuwn pubhc:ly

At lhfo rtn-nt �'-...-t••>n twld by Local So. tt6 UAW-CJO, lbe follow&nl bl· ftrrrs •t"r. \vt«i 1ft fur thP 19$4-..H prriOd Pn-•d• nt I"'""' """"' v­Prt ... Mknt, Jnhn t•a.,lu-•t.h Fu\IU'K"ISI Srtrl'tary. t.t .. " l w h .. crt R«"C'rdlnl S..'f'f\"to.n· ""' u ... rt.ln•l SC'rlltolnl 11 Arms. I ol I rn•U Cu!dt'. C luorl� .,. , \Uti...-, Trur.tet"t;, u .. � 11.-thl. J<1• ''h•· ....... lh•••rtl \\ ,., ... , D.argMnm� Com­nuttfi'. Jut. ""t•lrr, -. .. h llrl,...r, '1\111! L,,.,mrr"'""·

V I S I T O R S F R O M F R A N C E WI! had ,,...o unportant "'''tort rt"«ntly In the pe-� of

Mr limn Pt:nhat, On·«tor of Fc"'mdrM"t. •nd Mr r�nnm t: Rondo p!t'fn'. EnJ_lneff, CJf lknauh Auturnobd<e Wo.-4 Par ... t·"'� ThiS COtnJIUlY • tM La�t manufartu"'r of •u'-'>P'II'I-balf-1: an f""'nn-. •nd h• IC"'\c:"'l of our �UW!S In UM'. Tht'ar maan plant In �ru C'mplu)"N 40.000 • .-.th tht' add•twnal branch..-. t'mpl<�yan.a •not.hc-r IU*

At th«o Ptbetll llmt" R�n.ault • prod�•n.t 800 \"l'inc:k-s a day, •n('lud•na $SO of th<e .mJ�U 4-c"yhndcr, re.r t"fllinc car. whkh haVf! found w•de •cttp�nct thruu&hout f'l1ll:lce and odwr countrtet.

Mr Pel'('h�o�t •nd Mr. Rondcplt'rr.t ·�t " month m thit wuntry Vi-JUIMI var1out foundnt'f and foundry eq•.upment manufi>C\Urc'rt-. hopifll to bent'fh frorn our technaquo to Ult' uttnt that tht-y can I.Mr-MM' thtar own output of dirt


In th!$ p!Ctu�. left to raghL a� I� Ki.wtbn. Mr PYr­C'hal, t-...,:oe �r,cOk. &nfe Y""- and llolr. Ronck-pten-e.


YMdoy ---. $elft. .- ..... 101 ,_,, t•.u #n<fly ·- ......... ,_ � ,_.,.,.. � SdroMI Mif ­... . _.,.. ......_ ,... 5tlft .. ...... ......... ......... .... ............ ._.. ,._ O.....,. Wto.- .t. • M ... '- 1-.­- � . ""-,..., .. -"- � ... ..,._ ..... ..,.... .... N.doft � _ ... ..........

, ...... h·-· $ood •-. "" _ ..... ,.. AWlCO oii'KI S... ...... •. tUO Kf wor\H Md 1...-..d 101 10. .-.....lei INI.,, '"•' 1•"'• N•l•- wotlo •• • "'S1.c\ o.-... ... .. ...... "''"' Ill ......._. ........ . ...d •"oo r..,.. ,_ ,. ._ ,. _.. ��o.ooo .. �....,. r�1 ..w M-· ·-

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