on page quality checklist

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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On-page Quality Checklist

By : Amici Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

What is in an on-page quality checklist?There are many things an on-page quality checklist can have. It all depends on the rules set and also on what all the company wants to put on its site.

A few of them are:1. Build your site primarily for mobile and

secondarily for a desktop. This will help you a lot of traffic, as the users now are moving from desktops to their phones. A site that can be opened quickly on phone, will have more customers stay on it. These customers may then move to the desktop site if they need a bigger screen.

2. Using google analytics to measure your site’s performance will help you get more descriptive information. Google analytics can be used by adding your tracking code to your website.

3. Create a sitemap to give to google. This will help Google’s crawler to quickly find pages that are searched. This will increase the chances of your page to appear in the search, otherwise, if a sitemap is not submitted to google, the crawler has to make a sitemap by itself, which will take a lot of time.

4. Create a robots txt file. This file is also important, as it is used to limit the crawler to specific pages. The robots file is used to let the crawler know, which directories are open to crawl and which are not.

5. Increasing your page load speed is always necessary. This will keep the number of users on your page. If the site loads slow, the user will move on to some other page where the load speed is high. High speed helps reduce the bounce rate.6. Audit your site, and use the help of auditing sites to audit your own site. Before editing your site, audit it, so that you know if your site actually needs editing.

7. Your META title and description are what the user sees first, and then the user sees your site. Your META title and description should be compelling and unique, as it helps bring more users towards the site. 8. Monitor your social media movement, if it is going up or if it is going down. This movement will tell you which post was most viewed, so you can make such posts in the future.

Getting the right mix of all these checklist points are important. If the mix is right, then the site will rank up in the Google search. This requires good SEO service, which can be found at AMICI. You can contact us at contact@amicicorp.netWebsite: https://www.amicicorp.net/

Thank You.

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