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A novel multi-target real-time PCR assay for the rapid diagnosis of 1

Bordetella species in clinical specimens 2



Kathleen M. Tatti1, Kansas N. Sparks1, Kathryn O. Boney1, 5

and Maria Lucia Tondella1 6




1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and 10

Respiratory Diseases, Division of Bacterial Diseases, Meningitis and Vaccine 11

Preventable Diseases Branch, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 12

Address for correspondence: 13


Kathleen M. Tatti, Ph.D. 15

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 16

Mailstop D11 17

Atlanta, Georgia 30333 18

Running title: Real-time PCR for Bordetella species 19

Keywords: Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. holmesii, multiplex real-time PCR, 20

IS481, IS1001, insertion sequences21

Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.J. Clin. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/JCM.00601-11 JCM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 21 September 2011

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Abstract 1

A novel multi-target real-time PCR (R-PCR) assay for the rapid identification and

speciation of Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. holmesii was developed

using multi-copy insertion sequences (IS) in combination with the pertussis toxin subunit

S1 (ptxS1) singleplex assay. The R-PCR targets for the multiplex assay include IS481

commonly found in B. pertussis and B. holmesii, IS1001 of B. parapertussis, and the

IS1001-like sequence of B. holmesii. Overall, 402 Bordetella spp. and 66 non-Bordetella

spp. isolates were tested in the multi-target assay. Cross-reactivity was found only with

5 B. bronchiseptica isolates which were positive with IS1001 of B. parapertussis. The

lower limit of detection (LLOD) of the multiplex assay was similar to the LLOD of each

target in an individual assay format which was approximately 1 genomic equivalent per

reaction for all targets. A total of 197 human clinical specimens obtained during cough-

illness outbreak investigations were used to evaluate the multi-target R-PCR assay. The

multiplex assay results from 87 clinical specimens were compared to the individual R-

PCR assays and culture. The multi-target assay is useful as a diagnostic tool to confirm

B. pertussis infections and to rapidly identify other Bordetella species. In conclusion, the

use of this multi-target R-PCR approach increases specificity, while decreasing the

amount of time, reagents, and specimen necessary for R-PCR reactions used for

accurate diagnosis of pertussis-like illness.

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1. Introduction 1


Pertussis, an acute respiratory infection caused by Bordetella pertussis, 3

continues to be a significant cause of morbidity and infant mortality worldwide (31). 4

Several factors have been attributed to an increasing incidence of pertussis, including 5

waning immunity, increased public health awareness and reporting and use of more 6

sensitive diagnostics such as the polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR). Among 7

several chromosomal regions utilized for real-time PCR (R-PCR) detection of B. 8

pertussis the multi-copy insertion sequence IS481 (8) is often the target of choice 9

because it is found in multiple copies in B. pertussis (50-238 copies per genome) (19) 10

making this assay highly sensitive. However, positive results with a single PCR assay 11

targeting the IS481 could lead to a false diagnosis of pertussis because IS481 is also 12

found in B. holmesii (8 to 10 copies per genome) (21), in animal isolates of B. 13

bronchiseptica (20), and less frequently in human isolates of B. bronchiseptica (17). 14

Moreover pseudo-outbreaks due to falsely-positive results using IS481 as a single PCR 15

target have demonstrated the need for defined cutoff values based on analytical 16

sensitivity and clinical relevance (3, 7, 15, 17). 17

Some data suggests that an increase in respiratory-illness is occurring by B. 18

parapertussis (28), which causes a less severe infection than B. pertussis. Moreover, 19

pertussis-like illness due to B. holmesii occurs in the United States and Canada (10, 16, 20

29, 32). Infections from B. holmesii were recently reported in England and France (N.K. 21

Fry, J. Duncan, R. Pike, T.G. Harrison, and N Guiso, respectively, presented at the 9th 22

International Bordetella Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, September 30 to October 3, 23

2010). In addition, B. bronchiseptica occasionally is isolated from the upper respiratory 24

tract of immunocompromised individuals (30). Therefore, speciation and confirmation of 25

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Bordetella spp. must occur to allow an accurate diagnosis of pertussis and pertussis-like 1

diseases in humans (9). 2

Diagnostic needs of the clinical versus public health settings are different. In a 3

clinical setting, sensitivity must be optimized while providing rapid results to ensure 4

appropriate treatment and prevention of further transmission. In a public health setting, 5

a high degree of specificity is needed to avoid unnecessary interventions. Previously we 6

developed a two target assay that allowed identification of B. pertussis; however, it did 7

not allow confirmatory identification of B. holmesii nor was it as specific or sensitive for 8

B. parapertussis (25). The aim of this study was to develop a multi-target R-PCR assay 9

using IS481, B. parapertussis IS1001 (pIS1001), and B. holmesii IS1001-like (hIS1001) 10

targets that is sensitive, specific and would allow the identification of Bordetella species 11

in a multiplex format and confirmation of these Bordetella in a ptxS1 singleplex format. 12

Although the multi-target assay was not designed for speciation of B. bronchiseptica, a 13

presumptive identification using the ptxS1 target may occur. Thus, the novel multiplex 14

assay in conjunction with the modified ptxS1 assay would form the multi-target method. 15


2. Materials and Methods 17


2.1 Bacterial strains 19

Bacterial strains were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and 20

Prevention (CDC) culture collections in the Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable 21

Diseases Branch, Respiratory Diseases Branch and other collaborators at CDC. B. 22

bronchiseptica animal isolates were obtained from Karen Register at United States 23

Department of Agriculture. Four hundred two Bordetella species isolates which includes 24

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141 B. pertussis, 93 B. parapertussis, 78 B. holmesii, 73 B. bronchiseptica (human host), 1

13 B. bronchiseptica (animal host) and 1 each of B. avium, B. hinzii, B. petrii, and B. 2

trematum were grown for one to four days at 37ºC under high humidity on modified 3

Regan-Lowe medium containing charcoal, agar (Remel, Lenexa, Kansas), and 10% 4

defibrinated horse blood. Sixty-six non-Bordetella spp. isolates were cultured following 5

standard procedures. 6

2.2 Clinical and spiked specimens 7

A total of 197 human clinical specimens consisting of NP aspirates or swabs 8

were submitted to CDC during various cough-illness outbreaks (3-5). Of these 9

specimens, 87 were submitted for culture of Bordetella spp. upon arrival (12). 10

Specimens (n=17) spiked with the three most common Bordetella spp. from two 11

independent proficiency panels prepared by the ZeptoMetrix Corporation (Buffalo, New 12

York) and Institut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene (Regensburg,Germany) 13

were also included. After review, this project was considered exempt of Institutional 14

Review Board approval. 15

2.3 DNA methods 16

DNA extraction from isolates was performed by suspending a swab of the culture 17

in 1ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH8.0)/ 0.85% NaCl solution and boiling for 10 minutes 18

at 99°C followed with centrifugation for 8 minutes at 20,000 x g. The supernatant was 19

collected and DNA extracts were stored at -20°C until the R-PCR run. For analytical 20

sensitivity assays DNA extraction from isolates was performed using the QIAampDNA 21

Mini Kit (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA) following the manufacturers’ instructions and eluted in 22

100µl of 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH8.0). Concentrations of DNA extracted from isolates 23

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were determined with a NanoDrop® ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 1

Technologies, Wilmington, DE). 2

DNA extraction from 197 clinical specimens and 17 spiked specimens was 3

performed on MagNA Pure LC equipment using MagNA Pure LC DNA Isolation Kit III or 4

Total Nucleic Acid Kit (Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, IN). Specimens were either 5

extracted upon arrival or stored at -80°C until extracted and tested in the multi-target 6

assay. Human DNA was purchased from Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA. 7


2.4 Primers and probes 9

The primers and probes were designed using Primer Express version 2.0 for 10

IS481 (25) and version 3.0 for hIS1001 and pIS1001 (Applied Biosystems), analyzed 11

using Oligo 6.0 (Molecular Biology Insights Inc., Cascade, CO) and synthesized in the 12

Biotechnology Core Facility at CDC (Table 1). The IS481 assay targets a region 13

downstream from the inverted repeat generating a 66-bp amplicon. In the multiplex 14

assay 100nM of each primer and 300nM probe was used, while in the singleplex assay 15

the primers were each 300nM and 300nM probe. The pIS1001 for B. parapertussis 16

targets a region at the 5’ end of the insertion sequence IS1001 from nucleotides 135 to 17

199 [Accession no. X66858]. The hIS1001 for B. holmesii targets a region at the 5’ end 18

of the IS1001-like sequence from nucleotides 41 to 107 [Accession no. AY786982]. 19

The ptxS1 primers were described previously (25) and the modified probe is 20

indicated in Table 1. 21

The rnaseP primers and probe currently used are listed in Table 1 with their 22

optimal concentrations. 23

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To test cross-reactivity of B. bronchiseptica isolates, commercially available 1

analyte specific reagents (ASR) from Cepheid (Sunnyvale, CA) and Roche Applied 2

Science containing primers/probes that target the insertion sequences IS481 and IS1001 3

(B. pertussis/B. parapertussis, respectively) were obtained. 4

2.5 R-PCR assays 5

R-PCR was performed in a total volume of 25 µl in an optical 96-well plate with 6

the ABI7500 (Applied Biosystems). The multiplex amplification mixture contained 4 µl of 7

extracted DNA plus a 21 µl reaction mix using TaqMan Gene Expression PCR Master 8

Mix (Applied Biosystems) with optimized concentrations of primers and probe for IS481, 9

pIS1001 and hIS1001 (Table 1). The PCR protocol used was as follows: hold for 2 min 10

at 50ºC; enzyme activation for 10 min at 95ºC; amplification for 15 sec at 95ºC and 1 min 11

at 60ºC, repeat for 45 cycles. Positive control samples (containing DNA from B. 12

pertussis A639, B. holmesii C690 and B. parapertussis F585 strains) and non-template 13

control samples (PCR grade water) were tested in each run. 14

The ptxS1 R-PCR assay was previously described using an annealing 15

temperature of 57ºC (25) and B. pertussis strain A639 as a positive control. This assay 16

was designed for detection of B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica. 17

The rnaseP R-PCR assay was performed using the same amplification 18

conditions as the multiplex assay, and human DNA as a positive control. 19

The background fluorescence was considered to obtain the correct cycle 20

threshold (Ct) value. Thus, the threshold was drawn above the background fluorescence 21

for each run in the exponential phase of the amplification curve as recommended by the 22

manufacturer. For the clinical specimens, the threshold settings generally range from 23

0.02-0.2 for all the assays. 24

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2.6 Analytical sensitivity assays 2

The sensitivity of the multiplex R-PCR assay was measured using serially diluted 3

B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. holmesii isolates. A stock concentration of 20 4

ng/µl of DNA from B. pertussis strain A639, B. parapertussis F585, and B. holmesii C690 5

was determined based on the absorption at A260 and 10-fold serial dilutions were tested 6

in triplicate in the R-PCR assays to determine the linear dynamic range and the lower 7

limit of detection (LLOD) per PCR reaction based on genome equivalents for the 8

ABI7500 assay. Each target DNA with the three sets of primers and probes were 9

compared to each target DNA with one set of specific primers and probe in the same 96-10

well plate. Experiments were run on three separate days. Within days, two plates were 11

run at three separate time points. Each plate contained 2 or 3 replicates. A mixed 12

model analysis of variance was used to derive means and confidence intervals. The 13

replicate nature of the data was accounted for in the models which treated day, time 14

point, and plate as random effects; dilution was treated as a fixed effect. 15

A positive control for the multiplex assay containing all three DNAs (A639, C690, 16

and F585) with the three sets of primers and probes was compared to each target DNA 17

with one set of specific primers and probe in the same 96-well plate. The experiments 18

were performed the same as for the multiplex sensitivity experiment to determine the 19

linear dynamic range. 20

The LLOD of the ptxS1 assay was performed as the individual target assays 21

using DNA from B. pertussis strain A639. 22

A model of non-linear regression (Sigma Plot version 9.0) was used for the 23

dynamic range analysis and the regression line represents data in the linear range. The 24

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PCR efficiency (E) of the primer pair and probe was calculated using the equation E = 1

10-1/slope -1 (27). An E of 1.0 indicates that the amplicon quantity is duplicated every 2

cycle. 3

2.7 Analytical specificity assays 4

The specificity of the multi-target real-time PCR assay was assessed by testing 5

DNA extracts from a collection of non-Bordetella spp. (n=66) for cross-reactivity with 6

each individual R-PCR target including the ptxS1 assay and in the multiplex assay. This 7

collection included Aerococcus viridans, Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, Chlamydophila 8

pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, C. ulcerans, C. accolens, C. jeikeium, C. 9

minutissimum, C. pseudodiphtheriticum, C. pseudotuberculosis, C. striatum, 10

Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Flavobacterium meningosepticum, Gemella 11

haemolysans, Haemophilius influenzae serotypes a, b, c, d, e, f, NT, H. haemolyticus, H. 12

aegyptius, H. parainfluenzae, Legionella pneumophila, L. longbeachae serogroup 1 and 13

2, Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis serogroups A, 14

B, C, W135, X, Y, Z, 29E, NT, N. sicca, N. lactamica, N. subflava, N. cinerea, 15

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, S. 16

agalactiae, S. canis, S. anginosus, S. equi, S. zooepidemicus, S. porcinus, S. 17

constellatus, S. iniae, S. intermedius, S. pseudopneumoniae, S. mitis, S. oralis, S. 18

sanguinis, S. salvarius, S. pyogenes, S. agalactiae, S. bovis, and S. dysgalactiae. In 19

addition, cross-reactivity with serial dilutions of human genomic DNA (Applied 20

Biosystems; 10ng/µl) was tested for all R-PCR assays. 21

A total of 402 Bordetella species DNA were used in the individual evaluation of 22

each R-PCR target assay and in the multiplex assay for cross-reactivity at a 5ng/µl 23

concentration. 24

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2.8 R- PCR of clinical and spiked specimens 1

One hundred ninety-seven clinical and 17 spiked specimens were tested with the 2

multiplex and the ptxS1 assays in duplicate and with one 1 to 5 dilution of the specimen. 3

Eighty-seven clinical and all spiked specimens were evaluated with both the singleplex 4

and multiplex assays on the same 96-well reaction plate according to the algorithm in 5

Table 2. The ptxS1 assay was performed in a separate reaction for all specimens. A 6

water control was placed between every sample. An average Ct value of the duplicate 7

R-PCR assays was calculated to give a final value. If a specimen was positive in two of 8

three tests, it was considered positive. If a specimen was positive with a Ct value ≥35 in 9

only one of three tests for IS481, it was considered negative. Clinical specimens were 10

also tested for the human rnaseP gene using the R-PCR assay to monitor the quality of 11

DNA in the specimen and to check for inhibition. To be considered positive for rnaseP, a 12

specimen had to have a Ct value <40. If rnaseP is negative, a single 1 to 5 dilution of the 13

specimen in water was tested by the rnaseP assay. 14

2.9 DNA Sequencing 15

PCR primers, IS481-5 [5’- GATTCAATAGGTTGTATGCATGGTT-3’] and IS481-16

12 [5’- TCGTCCAGGTTGAGTCTGGA -3’], were used to amplify 1014 bp fragment of 17

the IS481 by conventional PCR (20). PCR primers IS1001-135F [5 -18


were used to amplify a 1023 bp fragment of IS1001 from the pIS1001 R-PCR positive B. 20

bronchiseptica strains. The Expand High Fidelity PCR system (Roche Applied Science) 21

was utilized with 300 nM of each primer. The DNA was denatured at 95ºC for 5 min and 22

subjected to 40 cycles of amplification (95ºC, 30 sec; 55ºC, 30 sec; 72ºC, 45 sec) 23

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followed by a final extension of 7 min at 72ºC. The PCR products were purified with the 1

QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). 2

The fluorescence-based cycle sequencing with Big Dye ®Terminator v3.1 3

(Applied Biosystems) was performed for both DNA strands in the presence of 1.0 M 4

betaine, and 5% DMSO. The sequencing reactions were purified on Centri-sep 96 well 5

gel filtration plate (Princeton Separations, Adelphia, NJ) and were separated on the 6

AB3130xl system (Applied Biosystems). The data was analyzed with the GCG or 7

Lasergene 8 (DNASTAR) software package. 8

2.10 Southern Analysis 9

Two µg of purified genomic DNA from B. pertussis A639, B. parapertussis F585, 10

B. bronchiseptica BBE001, D982, F579 (human isolates), B. bronchiseptica MBORD731, 11

MBORD668, RB50 (animal isolates) were digested with Pst I and Nar I (New England 12

Biolabs, Inc., Ipswich, MA). Each set of DNA digests were separated on a 0.8% agarose 13

gel, and transferred to a nylon membrane. One kb digoxigenin-labeled probes were 14

prepared from PCR-amplified products of the IS481 region from B. pertussis A639 IS481 15

variant 1 and B. bronchiseptica BBE001 IS481 variant 2 with a DIG DNA labeling kit 16

(Roche Applied Science). Hybridization was performed under stringent conditions with 17

each probe and DNA bands were visualized using the DIG DNA Detection kit (Roche 18

Applied Science). 19

3. Results 20


3.1 Bordetella species differentiation by the multi-target R-PCR assay 22

The multi-target R-PCR assay allowed discrimination between Bordetella spp. 23

isolates as predicted by the algorithm (Table 2). All 141 B. pertussis isolates were 24

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positive for IS481, ptxS1, and negative for pIS1001 and hIS1001. All 93 B. parapertussis 1

isolates were positive for ptxS1 and pIS1001 and negative for hIS1001 and IS481. All 78 2

B. holmesii isolates were positive for IS481 and hIS1001 and negative for pIS1001 and 3

ptxS1. B. avium, B. hinzii, B. petrii, and B. trematum isolates were negative for all 4

targets. 5

Of the 73 human-derived B. bronchiseptica strains, 72 were negative for IS481, 6

but one human isolate B. bronchiseptica strain, BBE001, was positive for IS481 with a 7

high Ct value [38.5], ptxS1 with low Ct value [27.0] and negative for pIS1001. DNA 8

sequencing demonstrated that three differences were found between the IS481 reverse 9

primer and the sequence in the strain explaining the high Ct value (Fig. 1). Sequencing 10

of the 1kb IS481 fragment from the B. bronchiseptica human isolate demonstrated the 11

presence of IS481 variant 2 that is found in B. bronchiseptica animal isolates (20) and is 12

available in the Gen Bank database BankIt1410611 BBE001 HQ692885 13

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/index.html). Southern blotting confirmed the 14

presence of the IS481 in the B. bronchiseptica human isolate (data not shown). Forty-15

seven of B. bronchiseptica isolates were ptxS1 positive and 26 were negative. 16

Of the 13 animal-derived B. bronchiseptica strains, 6 were IS481 negative and 7 17

were IS481 positive. Among the 7 IS481 positive, one had a low Ct value [IS481 variant 18

1] and 6 had a high Ct value [IS481 variant 2] (20). Twelve were ptxS1 positive. Five B. 19

bronchiseptica strains (4 human-derived and 1 animal-derived) were negative by IS481, 20

but cross-reacted with pIS1001. The strains were also positive for ptxS1 and could be 21

misidentified as B. parapertussis based on the algorithm. These strains were confirmed 22

as B. bronchiseptica by biochemical tests. The same 5 B. bronchiseptica isolates and 23

one additional B. bronchiseptica human isolate reacted with the IS1001 primers/probe 24

from the two commercial sources. These commercial kits detect both B. pertussis and B. 25

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parapertussis with IS481 and IS1001 primer/probe sets, respectively. Partial DNA 1

sequencing of IS1001 regions from 2 of 5 B. bronchiseptica strains that cross-reacted in 2

the pIS1001 assay demonstrated that the strains contained the same nucleotide 3

sequence as found in B. parapertussis (data not shown). 4

All 86 B. bronchiseptica isolates were negative with hIS1001 primers/probe. 5

3.2 Analytical specificity of R-PCR assays 6

All 66 isolates of non-Bordetella species and human DNA were negative by 7

IS481, pIS1001, hIS1001 and ptxS1 targets. 8

3.3 Analytical sensitivity of R-PCR assays 9

The IS481 assay achieved >99% efficiency with linear amplification over a 6-log 10

dynamic range for B. pertussis in singleplex and multiplex formats (Fig. 2A) and over a 11

5-log dynamic range for B. holmesii in singleplex and multiplex (data not shown). The 12

pIS1001 and the hIS1001assays achieved >99% efficiency with linear amplification over 13

a 5-log dynamic range for B. parapertussis (Fig. 2B) and for B. holmesii respectively 14

(Fig. 2C) in the singleplex and multiplex. The regression coefficients (R2= 0.99, 0.99, 15

0.99) and the amplification efficiencies (E=1.08, 1.27, 1.27) for the IS481, pIS1001, and 16

hIS1001 assays, respectively, demonstrated an exponential amplification of DNA with 17

primer and probe sets (Fig. 2A-C) for the multiplex assay (-•-). The regression 18

coefficients (R2= 0.99, 0.988, 1.00) and the amplification efficiencies (E=1.06, 1.24, 1.03) 19

for the IS481, pIS1001, and hIS1001 assays, respectively, demonstrated an exponential 20

amplification of DNA with primer and probe sets (Fig. 2A-C) for the singleplex assays 21

(-×-). 22

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The LLOD for IS481, pIS1001, and hIS1001 targets is <1 genome equivalent per 1

R-PCR reaction for the singleplex and multiplex assays (Table 3A and B, respectively). 2

The combination of the three DNA targets with three primer/probe sets achieved 3

efficiencies in the range from 81% to 99% over a 7-log dynamic range demonstrating the 4

utility of this assay as a positive control for the multiplex assay (data not shown). 5

The LLOD for ptxS1 target is <10 genome equivalents per R-PCR reaction for 6

the singleplex assay (Table 3A). The ptxS1 assay achieved >99% efficiency with linear 7

amplification over a 5-log dynamic range for B. pertussis in singleplex assay (data not 8

shown). The regression coefficient (R2= 0.99) and the amplification efficiency (E=1.03) 9

for ptxS1 assay, demonstrated an exponential amplification of DNA with primer and 10

probe set (data not shown). 11

3.4 Detection of Bordetella spp. in blinded study of spiked specimens 12

Of the 17 samples, 8 contained B. pertussis with concentrations ranging from 1 13

to 10,000 genomic equivalents; 2 were B. holmesii with Ct values <35 for both targets; 2 14

were B. parapertussis; 1 was a mixture of B. pertussis and B. parapertussis and 4 were 15

negative for Bordetella spp. The Ct values in the multiplex assay for the samples were 16

within 1 Ct value of that found in the singleplex assays. Every specimen was correctly 17

identified with the multi-target assay. 18

3.5 Detection of Bordetella spp. in NP specimens by culture and R-PCR 19

In the blinded retrospective study, 87 NP specimens collected during 6 cough- 20

illness outbreaks were tested using the multi-target assay. A total of 19.6% of the 80 NP 21

specimens were positive for Bordetella spp. by culture, whereas 24% of the 87 NP 22

specimens were positive for Bordetella spp. by R-PCR. Moreover, all 25 specimens that 23

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generated Ct values gave comparable results in both the singleplex and the multiplex 1

assays supporting the accuracy of the multiplex assay. Of the 25 clinical specimens that 2

generated Ct values, 4 specimens had 2 of 3 replicates with a high Ct value (Ct≥ 35) 3

with IS481 alone and were interpreted as indeterminate. One PCR indeterminate was 4

culture positive, while four PCR-positive NP specimens were culture negative 5

demonstrating the greater sensitivity of PCR. Sixty-two (71.3%) clinical specimens were 6

R-PCR and culture negative. 7

Fifteen (17%) of the specimens showed amplification of IS481, but no 8

amplification of either hIS1001 or pIS1001. The specimens were confirmed as B. 9

pertussis by the ptxS1 assay. Ten of the specimens were positive by culture, 3 were 10

negative and 2 specimens were unavailable for cultivation. 11

Two clinical specimens were culture positive for B. parapertussis and R-PCR 12

positive for both B. pertussis by IS481 (Ct<35), and B. parapertussis by pIS1001. The 13

specimens were also ptxS1 positive suggesting the presence of both B. pertussis and B. 14

parapertussis. Two samples were positive for B. holmesii by hIS1001 and IS481 in the 15

multiplex R-PCR (Ct<35) and negative by the ptxS1 which is interpreted as an infection 16

by B. holmesii. 17

Two specimens were negative in the multiplex, but positive by ptxS1. These 18

specimens were suggestive of B. bronchiseptica, although no confirmatory tests were 19

performed due to an insufficient quantity of the specimens. The rnaseP results, with a 20

range of Ct values from 21.7 to 36.4, demonstrated amplifiable human DNA in all 21

specimens. 22

3.6 Detection of Bordetella spp. in NP specimens by R-PCR 23

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Of the remaining 110 clinical specimens tested at CDC from pertussis-like 1

outbreaks occurring during 2008 to 2011 with the multi-target R-PCR assay, 89 NP 2

specimens were from US and 21 were from other countries. A total of 36 (32.7%) of the 3

110 NP specimens were positive for Bordetella spp. by the R-PCR assay. 4

Of the 24 positive specimens for B. pertussis, 4 were ptxS1 negative but had 5

IS481 Ct values of 32-34 and were considered positive (Table 4). Seven specimens 6

were positive for B. holmesii and one was positive for a co-infection of B. pertussis and 7

B. holmesii with Ct values less than 35 for IS481, hIS1001 and ptxS1. Four specimens 8

were positive by both pIS1001 and ptxS1 which were most probably B. parapertussis, 9

but B. bronchiseptica cannot be excluded. Five specimens were considered 10

indeterminate with IS481 Ct values greater than or equal to 35 and 69 were negative for 11

Bordetella spp. 12

3.7 R-PCR interpretation 13

The interpretation criteria for R-PCR results during outbreaks of cough illness 14

based on the multi-target assays are stated in Table 4. The R-PCR assay result was 15

considered negative if the Ct value was greater than or equal to 40. A specimen was 16

considered positive for B. pertussis DNA by R-PCR if it was positive (any Ct value less 17

than 40) for IS481and ptxS1, while negative for both pIS1001 and hIS1001 targets. If a 18

specimen was ptxS1, hIS1001 and pIS1001 negative with IS481Ct value less than 35, it 19

was considered B. pertussis. If a specimen was ptxS1, hIS1001 and pIS1001 negative 20

with IS481 Ct value greater than or equal to 35 but less than 40, it was considered 21

indeterminate. If a specimen was positive for both IS481 and hIS1001, and ptxS1 22

negative, it was considered B. holmesii; however, a very low level of B. pertussis cannot 23

be totally excluded. If a specimen was negative for IS481 and positive for pIS1001, it 24

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was most probably positive for B. parapertussis DNA, but B. bronchiseptica cannot be 1

totally excluded. If a specimen was positive for ptxS1 but negative for IS481, pIS1001 2

and hIS1001, then it was suggestive of B. bronchiseptica. 3


4. Discussion 5

This manuscript documents how a multi-target approach, incorporating a 6

multiplex and singleplex assay, can be used to increase the specificity of PCR testing for 7

B. pertussis diagnosis by distinguishing between three Bordetella species: B. pertussis, 8

B. parapertussis and B. holmesii. A few assays using more than one target per reaction 9

have been published (1, 6, 10, 22, 23, 26). The region of IS481, pIS1001 and hIS1001 10

targeted in our assay is sensitive with LLOD of ≤ 1 Bordetella genomic equivalent per 11

reaction (Fig. 2A-C) and is also specific as no cross-reactivity occurs with non-Bordetella 12

species or human DNA. 13

Interpretation of the single target IS481 R-PCR assay is problematic when high 14

Ct values are obtained. Since IS481 is a multi-copy insertion sequence, it is a potentially 15

advantageous target because it may be more sensitive; however, this feature also may 16

make it more prone to generate false positive results. False positive results are more 17

likely with high copy number targets because contaminating DNA is more readily 18

amplified to give a positive result. These results can lead to a misdiagnosis particularly 19

during outbreak investigations when large numbers of samples are tested in a short 20

period of time (3, 7, 15, 17). 21

In our study we found 9 (4.6%) clinical specimens that had high positive IS481 Ct 22

values (35≤Ct<40) but were negative for hIS1001, pIS1001, and ptxS1 targets. The R-23

PCR results of these specimens were considered indeterminate (Table 4). Based on our 24

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analytical sensitivity data in Table 3, where the average Ct value for 1 genomic 1

equivalent is 33.0, IS481 Ct values in the range of 35≤Ct<40 indicate the presence of 2

less than 1 bacterium per reaction which we consider uninterpretable. For a single copy 3

target of ptxS1, the average Ct value for 1 genomic equivalent is 39 (Table 3). Thus, for 4

single copy targets, a Ct cutoff of 40 was implemented including the rnaseP target. In 5

outbreak settings, R-PCR results must be correlated with other laboratory tests such as 6

culture, serology or with clinical and epidemiological data before the outbreak is 7

considered confirmed as B. pertussis. This strategy may avoid over diagnosis of 8

pertussis and consequently unnecessary implementation of extensive public health 9

response and control measures (3, 15). For these reasons, we propose using the four 10

target algorithm for determining the presence of B. pertussis by R-PCR in outbreak 11

situations and inclusion of IS481 cutoff values for results interpretation (11, 18, 24). In a 12

clinical laboratory, sensitivity is a more critical parameter and the implication of high Ct 13

values may be addressed less stringently. In either an outbreak situation or a clinical 14

laboratory, the interpretation of high Ct values is difficult as these results can be real 15

positives or false positives due to contamination from the environment or laboratory. 16

These challenges reaffirm the need to adopt cutoff values based on sensitivity of the 17

assay. 18

As shown in Table 4, the combination of four R-PCR targets in two separate 19

reactions is a useful approach to detect Bordetella spp. in clinical specimens collected 20

during respiratory outbreaks. For this reason, in addition to the insertion sequences, 21

primers and probe that target the coding region of subunit 1 of the pertussis toxin gene 22

(ptxA gene), are maintained in our diagnostic algorithm to enhance species 23

determination, to increase the accuracy of B. pertussis DNA detection by R-PCR (25), 24

and to determine co-infections (Table 2). One potential limitation of the multi-target 25

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assay occurs if very low levels of B. pertussis are present with B. holmesii which would 1

give the same pattern as B. holmesii alone: ptxS1 and pIS1001 negative, IS481 and 2

hIS1001 positive. However, the clinical relevance of this situation with very low levels of 3

B. pertussis DNA is unclear. 4

Co-infections of B. parapertussis with B. pertussis have been documented (14). 5

In our clinical specimens two co-infections of B. pertussis and B. parapertussis were 6

potentially identified with IS481 Ct values less than 35, and pIS1001 positive results 7

suggesting that the specimens were most probably co-infections of the two species and 8

exemplify the robustness of the multiplex assay. Although we identified 1 co-infection of 9

B. holmesii and B. pertussis (IS481, hIS1001 and ptxS1 positive with pIS1001 negative) 10

using our PCR multi-target assay, it was not culture confirmed. However, we recently 11

identified a co-infection of B. holmesii and B. pertussis by culture (unpublished data). 12

For co-infections of B. pertussis and B. parapertussis or B. holmesii, our R-PCR data is 13

very limited; however, Ct values less than 40 with ptxS1 positive for the appropriate 14

targets are suggestive of co-infections. 15

The results from testing of 402 characterized clinical isolates substantiate the 16

value of our algorithm to discriminate among Bordetella species. Since our pIS1001 17

primers/probe cross-reacted with 4 human-derived B. bronchiseptica isolates (5.5%), all 18

B. bronchiseptica may not be distinguished from B. parapertussis by this algorithm. In B. 19

bronchiseptica, the presence of IS481 is host dependent (20) and human isolates of B. 20

bronchiseptica may contain IS481 as well (17). Using our primers, we found only 1 of 73 21

human B. bronchiseptica isolates (BBE001 isolated in 1956) with IS481 homology, but 22

the amplification results were atypical and none of the more recent human isolates in our 23

collection had IS481 detectable by our R-PCR assay. Genome sequencing of two B. 24

bronchiseptica human-derived isolates, BBE001 and BBF579 (isolated in 2007) was 25

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performed (13). These results confirmed the IS481 sequences (Fig.1) for BBE001 and 1

demonstrated that BBF579 did not contain IS481 sequences. 2

Some laboratories use virulence genes in R-PCR assays to determine the 3

presence of B. pertussis DNA. Recently it was found (2) that one B. pertussis isolate did 4

not express pertussis toxin while 4 isolates did not express pertactin because these 5

genes were deleted. Isolates such as these would confound diagnostics based solely on 6

these virulence genes. Our multiplex assay would alleviate any discrepancy by 7

incorporating the IS481 and additional targets for B. holmesii and B. parapertussis which 8

would allow the clinical laboratory to more accurately diagnosis B. pertussis infection 9

and discriminate among other Bordetella species. Thus, a multi-target assay including 10

the multi-copy insertion sequences for the 3 Bordetella spp. is advantageous. 11

In summary, a new multi-target approach which includes a multiplex R-PCR test 12

in combination with ptxS1 assay was developed to improve pertussis and pertussis-like 13

diagnosis. The multi-target approach as well as the R-PCR recommendations for cutoff 14

values will be further validated using culture and serologic assays in an ongoing 15

prospective clinical study involving CDC, state and local public health departments and 16

emerging infections program sites. 17


Acknowledgements 19

The authors want to thank Brian Plikaytis for statistical analysis, Leta Helsel for the B. 20

holmesii isolates, Pamela Cassiday for culturing of Bordetella species and Karen 21

Register at USDA for the B. bronchiseptica animal isolates. We also thank the 22

personnel from the public health departments of Arizona, California, Colorado, 23

Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New 24

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Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, St. Croix, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and 1

countries of Haiti, Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago that sent isolates and clinical specimens 2

as well as other institutions that were involved during the public health response to the 3

outbreak investigations mentioned in this study. 4


"The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the author(s) and do not 6

necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/the 7

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry."8

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Figure legends 1

Figure 1. Sixty-six nucleotides of DNA sequence from IS481 region of B. pertussis 2

targeted with the IS481 R-PCR primers used in this study. Three nucleotide changes are 3

observed in IS481 region from B. bronchiseptica (Bb) [BbIS481v2] compared to IS481 4

from B. pertussis (Bp) [BpIS481v1] where the B. pertussis IS481 real-time reverse 5

primer anneals. Bp=IS481 region of B. pertussis and Bb=IS481 region from B. 6

bronchiseptica human isolate BBE001 with three nucleotide differences indicated. 7

Arrows indicated where the B. pertussis IS481 forward and reverse primers and probe 8

from the IS481 R-PCR assay anneal. 9

Figure 2. Linear dynamic range of the singleplex and multiplex R-PCR assays using 10

Bordetella DNAs. Dynamic range analysis of R-PCR assays. (A) IS481 primers/probe 11

with B. pertussis A639 DNA, singleplex (-●-) the threshold settings for the IS481 12

primer/probe set range from 0.05-0.15; IS481/hIS1001/pIS1001 primers/probes with B. 13

pertussis A639 DNA, multiplex (-x-) the threshold settings for the IS481 primer/probe set 14

range from 0.07-0.11; (B) pIS1001 primers/probe with B. parapertussis F585 DNA, 15

singleplex (-●-) the threshold settings for the pIS1001 primer/probe set range from 0.04-16

0.07; IS481/hIS1001/pIS1001 primers/probes with B. parapertussis F585 DNA , 17

multiplex (-x-) the threshold settings for the pIS1001 primer/probe set range from 0.04-18

0.05; (C) hIS1001 primers/probe with B. holmesii C690 DNA, singleplex (-●-) the 19

threshold settings for the hIS1001 primer/probe set range from 0.06-0.09, 20

IS481/hIS1001/pIS1001 primers/probes with B. holmesii C690 DNA multiplex (-x-) the 21

threshold settings for the hIS1001 primer/probe set range from 0.03-0.05. The 22

regression line represents data in the linear range. Error bars equal the 95% CI. 23


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Table 1. Sequences and optimal concentrations of primers and probes used in the R-2

PCR assays 3

Target Primer/Probe Sequence 5’→3’ Amplicon

Length (bp)


Concentration (nM)

IS481a 852U18






66bp 100



hIS1001c BHIS41U20






67bp 100














ptxS1g 402U16






55bp 700










80bp 400



a Accession no. M28220. 4

b Probe 5’ end labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein (FAM) and 3’ end labeled with Black Hole 5

Quencher 1 (BHQ1). 6

c Accession no. AY786982. 7

d Probe 5’ end labeled with Quasar 670 and 3’ end labeled with Black Hole Quencher 3 (BHQ3). 8

e Accession no. X66858. 9

f Probe 5’ end labeled with HEX and 3’ end labeled with Black Hole Quencher 1 (BHQ1). 10

g Accession no. M14378 11

h Accession no.NM_006413 12

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i Probe 5’ end labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein (FAM) and BHQ1 is at position 14 T indicated in 1

quotes. Previously (38), the probe was 3’ end labeled with BHQ1. 2

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Table 2. Real-time PCR algorithm of the multi-target assay 1


Multiplex Species Singleplex

ptxS1 IS481 hIS1001 pIS1001

B. pertussis + + - -

B. parapertussisa

+ - - +

B. holmesii

- + + -

B. pertussis and


+ + - +

B. pertussis and

B. holmesiib

+ + + -


a Specimen positive for pIS1001 may be considered most probably B. parapertussis, but 4

B.bronchiseptica cannot be totally excluded. 5

b This co-infection has been documented by culture in our laboratory. 6

Table 3A. Lower limit of detection (LLOD) of the individual real-time PCR assays 7




B. pertussis IS481

Cta (95%, CI)

B. holmesii IS481

Ct (95%, CI)

B. holmesii IS1001-like

Ct (95%, CI)

B. parapertussis IS1001

Ct (95%, CI)


Ct (95%, CI)

1000 22.3 (18.0-26.9) 24.6 (18.9-30.2) 24.6 (19.3-29.9) 25.5 (22.8-28.1) 30.1 (29.9-30.2)

100 26.0 (21.1-31.0) 28.1 (21.9-34.3) 28.1 (22.0-34.1) 28.8 (25.8-31.8) 33.4 (33.1-33.6)

10 29.4 (24.9-33.9) 31.7 (25.5-37.9) 31.4 (25.7-37.0) 32.2 (29.3-35.2) 37.1 (36.9-37.4)

1 33.0 (28.2-37.9) 34.8 (30.3-39.3) 34.9 (28.8-41.0) 35.8 (32.6-39.1) 38.9 (38.5-39.4)d

0.1 35.9 (33.4-38.4) 36.7 (34.8-38.6) 37.0 (34.4-39.5) 37.5 (35.5-39.5) NDb

0.01 38.0 (35.8-40.3) NDb

38.5 (37.4-39.6) NDb ND


0.001 NDb


b ND

b ND



a Ct = cycle threshold values mean. 10

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b ND = Not detected. 1

c ptxS1 probe has BHQ1 on the 14”T”. 2

d 17 of 32 tests gave Ct values generating this mean. 3

Table 3B. Lower limit of detection (LLOD) of the multiplex real-time PCR assay 4




B. pertussis IS481

Cta (95%, CI)

B. holmesii IS481

Ct (95%, CI)

B. holmesii IS1001-like

Ct (95%, CI)

B. parapertussis IS1001

Ct (95%, CI)

1000 22.4 (18.0-26.9) 25.1 (19.0-31.1) 24.4 (19.1-29.6) 25.8 (20.8-30.8)

100 26.1 (21.3-30.9) 28.6 (22.3-35.0) 27.8 ( 22.0-33.6) 29.3 (24.4-34.2)

10 29.5 (25.0-34.0) 32.1 (26.3-38.0) 31.1 (25.9-36.3) 32.9 (27.8-38.0)

1 33.3 (28.5-38.1) 35.8 (30.4-41.1) 34.8 (28.3-41.2) 35.9 (30.8-40.9)

0.1 36.5 (33.3-39.7) 37.6 (35.3-40.0) 36.5 (33.6-39.4) 38.7 (35.6-41.8)

0.01 37.4 (36.1-38.8) NDb 37.9 (32.3-43.6) ND


0.001 NDb ND

b ND

b ND



a Ct = cycle threshold values mean. 7

b ND = Not detected.8

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Table 4. Interpretation of real-time PCR algorithm during pertussis outbreaks 2



IS481 pIS1001a




Ct < 35 cycles negative negative positive or negative B. pertussis

35≤Ct<40cycles negative negative negative Indeterminateb

positive negative positive negative B. holmesii

negative positive negative positive B. parapertussisc

negative negative negative positive B. bronchisepticad


aCt<40 cycles is considered a positive reaction; Ct≥40 is considered negative. 6

bRequires confirmation by other means (culture, serology or epidemiological linkage). 7

cSpecimen positive for pIS1001 may be considered most probably B. parapertussis, but B. 8

bronchiseptica cannot be totally excluded.


d64.4% of human-derived B. bronchiseptica isolates were positive with ptxS1.

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Bb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C- - - - - -C - - - - - - - - - - - -A- - - - - -



Figure 1. Nucleotide differences observed in real-time primer and probe regions of IS481 region between B. pertussis (Bp)

and a B. bronchiseptica (Bb) human isolate (E001). Sixty-six nucleotides of DNA sequence from IS481 region of B. pertussis

targeted with the IS481 R-PCR primers used in this study are illustrated. Three nucleotide changes are observed in IS481

region from B. bronchiseptica [BbIS481v2] compared to IS481 from B. pertussis [BpIS481v1] where the B. pertussis IS481real-time reverse primer anneals. Bp=IS481 region of B. pertussis and Bb=IS481 region from B. bronchiseptica human isolate

BBE001 with three nucleotide differences indicated. Arrows indicated where the B. pertussis IS481 forward and reverse primers and probe from the IS481 R-PCR assay anneal.

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genome equivalents

-2 0 2 4











log genome equivalent A639 vs IS481 Ct-multiplex

log genome equivalent A639 vs IS481 Ct- singleplex

Figure 2A. Linear dynamic range of the singleplex and multiplex IS481 R-PCR assays using B. pertussis DNA.

IS481 primers/probe with B. pertussis A639 DNA, singleplex (-•-); IS481/hIS1001/pIS1001 primers/probes with B. pertussis A639 DNA, multiplex (-×-). The regression line represents data in the linear range. Error bars equal the 95% CI.

on July 27, 2019 by guesthttp://jcm



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genome equivalents

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4


















log genome equivalent F585 vs pIS1001 Ct-multiplex

log genome equivalent F585 vs pIS1001 Ct-singleplex

Figure 2B. Linear dynamic range of the singleplex and multiplex pIS1001 R-PCR assays using B. parapertussis DNA.

pIS1001 primers/probe with B. parapertussis F585 DNA, singleplex (-•-); IS481/hIS1001/pIS1001 primers/probes with B. parapertussis F585 DNA , multiplex (-×-). The regression line represents data in the linear range. Error bars equal the 95% CI.

on July 27, 2019 by guesthttp://jcm



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genome equivalents

-2 0 2 4


















log genome equivalent C690 vs hIS1001 Ct-multiplex

log genome equivalent C690 vs hIS1001 Ct-singleplex

Figure 2C. Linear dynamic range of the singleplex and multiplex hIS1001 R-PCR assays using B. holmesii DNA.

hIS1001 primers/probe with B. holmesii C690 DNA, singleplex (-•-) , IS481/hIS1001/pIS1001 primers/probes with B. holmesiiC690 DNA(-×-) . The regression line represents data in the linear range. Error bars equal the 95% CI.

on July 27, 2019 by guesthttp://jcm



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