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OMS Learning Portal Resource Guide FYE 2017

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Wal-Mart Stores Inc. All rights reserved. The reproduction or use of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, and including republication as or in connection with instructional or training seminars, and in any storage and retrieval system, is forbi dden to anyone except an authorized Wal -Mart associate doing so for the sole purpose of training Wal-Mart associates on the material contained within. Copies of this document, in any form, cannot be distributed to non-Wal-Mart associates without the written permission of the Merchant Development Manager for Wal -Mart Stores, Inc.

Printed in the United States of America

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PO Creation Spreadsheet Details....................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Search for Purchase Orders................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Edit Distribution ................................................................................................................................................................................................13

Edit Order Header .............................................................................................................................................................................................16

Edit Order Line ..................................................................................................................................................................................................17

Perishable Edit Spreadsheet ............................................................................................................................................................................18

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1. Enter required information (noted by red asterisks). a. Header section: Country, Company, Channel Method, Create Reason, DNSB, DNSA, MABD, Event, and New Store Cutoff

i. Country – defaults to US ii. Purchase Company – legal name of the company which PO is created for; defaults to company the User ID is attached to

(Walmart or Sam’s Club) iii. Channel Method – how to route the PO via Crossdock, DSD, DSDC, or Staple Stock. *Note: DSDC will not populate for

Sam’s Club users Walmart Channel Methods Crossdock- Supplier ships to a DC where product crossdocks through the DC before going to the store. (PO Type 33) DSD- Supplier ships directly to the store. (PO type 7) DSDC- Supplier ships to the DC; consolidates the items with other items/orders to ship to the store. (PO Type 73) Staple Stock- Supplier ships to the DC, where product is stored. (PO type 20) Sam’s Club Headers Crossdock- Supplier ships to a DC where product crossdocks through the DC before going to the club. (PO Type 20

(Inbound); PO Type 27 (Outbound)) DSD- Supplier ships directly to the club. (PO Type 27) Staple Stock- Supplier ships to the DC, where product is stored. (PO Type 20)

iv. Create Reason – choose option from drop-down list that best suites reason for creating PO.

v. DNSB – Do Not Send Before is optional for all channel methods, excluding DSD (Walmart only). Previously referred to

as the ship date. vi. DNSA – Do Not Send After is optional for all channel methods, excluding DSD (Walmart only). Previously referred to as

the cancel date. vii. MABD – Must Arrive By Date is mandatory for Crossdock, DSD and DSDC. This is the date product must arrive at the

DC. *Note: if system does not populate date with the Enrich tab, this value must be manually input. viii. Event – mandatory for Crossdock, DSD and DSDC (Walmart only). This tells the store where product goes.

*Note: if it is Staple Stock and Non-Perishable; process will error out with the Enrich tab, and this value must be manually input.

ix. New Store Cutoff – allows system to send items to a new store that will open before this date. *Note: valid for non-Staple Stock only (Walmart) and should be equal to or greater than the MABD (<120 days).

b. Detail section: Item Number, Distribution Location/Receiving Node, WHPK Order Qty/VNPK Order Qty

i. Item Number – Walmart/Sam’s Club specific item number

ii. Distribution Location – the Store # in which the Item is to be sent to. *Note: Receiving Node ID (DC #) will display for the Staple Stock channel method.

iii. WHPK Order Qty – the quantity of item ordered for the Store/DC. *Note: VNPK Order Qty will display for the Staple Stock channel method.

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2. Enter other information in the optional fields.

c. Header section: Seasonal, Tab Event, Override HVDC with RDC, Split PO by Store/Club, and Truckload Constraints

i. Override HVDC with RDC – enables high volume items to be written into the RDC instead of the HVDC

ii. Split PO by Store/Club – creates a new PO for each store/club iii. Truckload Constraints – ensures orders are created based on truckload constraints in Inforem

1. Reviews the available truckload constraints for the Supplier in the Global Replenishment System (GRS). iv. Seasonal – enable for PO Type 22 to generate in backward-sync. *Note: appears in header for Staple Stock channel

method (Walmart only) v. Tab Event – enable for PO Type 53 to generate in backward-sync. *Note: appears in header for Crossdock and DSD

channel methods (Walmart only)

d. Details section: Channel Method, DNSB, DNSA, MABD, Event, VNPK Cost, New Store Cutoff, Truck #

i. Row specific details – user can manually adjust each field as needed

c. Perishable Grocery Optional fields: Override Supplier 9 Digit, Promo Ind, WHSE Area

i. Override Supplier 9 Digit – key in 9-digit Supplier # if item is supplied by different supplier. *Note: appears in Staple

Stock channel method (Perishable Grocery only) ii. Promo Ind – place ‘Y’ if specific l ine is a promo *Note: appears in Staple Stock channel method (Perishable Grocery

only) iii. WHSE Area – override the Warehouse area with one that is valid for the DC. *Note: appears in Staple Stock channel

method (Perishable Grocery only)

d. Header Overrides: Freight Terms, Override Allowances, PO Comments

i. Freight Terms:

1. DCS 2000 Freight – Choose the freight terms that apply to how the product is being delivered. (Perishable Grocery only)

2. Non DCS 2000 – Choose Prepaid or Collect ii. Override Allowances:

1. Override Allowance Type: AA – Advertising, BH – Backhaul, CB – Central Buy, DM – Defective/Returned Mds, EB – Early Buy, FG – Free Goods, HA – Handling, ND – New Distribution Center, OL – New Store/Club, PA – Promotional, PM – Price Marketing, PR – Purchase Rebate, QD – Warehouse Distro, SA – New Store/Club, SB – Special Buy, TL – Truckload, VD – Volume, WA – Warehouse, SD – Softgoods Defective, SW – Swell (DCS2000), PU – Pick UP (DCS2000)

2. Allowance % – Key the Allowance percent 3. How Paid: OI – Off Invoice, CM – Credit Memo, CK – Check, MC – Merchandise Credit 4. When Paid: E – Each Invoice, M – Monthly, Q – Quarterly, S – Semi Annually, A - Annually 5. Perishable CTL: Net, LST, SC 6. Perishable Inventory Inc: Y (Include), No (Do Not Include) 7. Perishable Invoice Inc: NO (Do Not Include), VB (Vender Bottom), VI (Vender Item)

iii. PO Comments 1. PO Type: W (Walmart), V (Vender) 2. PO Comments: Open text

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iv. Click Save, Clear, or Cancel

3. Upon entering all the necessary information, select the Submit button. e. This will process a macro which validates the data entered and will refresh the page with enriched data and additional


i. Enriching data, please wait... – a pop up will appear to let you know the progress

ii. OMS Validations – a popup will appear if there are any errors/missing data on the spreadsheet

i. How to find errors – Use the fi lter to remove any blanks from Validation column.

ii. Click Submit again – After correcting errors.

f. Once spreadsheet validation errors are corrected. The template will validate the requested data to ensure it is possible to create an order.

i. Review Suggested Dates – This happens when not all dates are provided, or the dates do not follow the suppliers Lead

Time in the SR screens. The template will provide Suggested Dates, based on the suppliers Lead Time, but are not required to be accepted.

ii. OMS Warnings – A popup will appear providing any additional scenarios that require approval or removal. 1. Removable Traits, Non-removable Traits (require SME processing), Hard stop Traits, Supplier/item not valid for

store, Store/Club Closed, Incorrect Store/Club Type, Store/Club not found 2. Review Overrides – will take you back to the template to correct or delete rows. 3. Override and Submit – will approve all messages and send you to Results tab where POs will be provided. Additional


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i. Supplier information: Supplier #, Department #, Sequence #, and Supplier Name

ii. Item/Pack Information: WHPK Order Qty, Item VNPK Qty, Item WHPK Qty, Item Number, Item Description

iii. Distribution: Receiving Node/Distribution Location (*Note: based on Channel Method selected; automatically retrieves the DCs which the store(s) are aligned; DC POs generated based on these alignments)

5. If all data validated consists of no errors, click the Submit button. Clicking the Submit button will take you to the results tab

where PO(s) will be created.

6. The PO Results tab will display with the created PO(s).

i . Results can be pulled at PO Header & Line Level ii . Results can be exported to Excel.

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Input Search Criteria for specific PO information to be retrieved. Can retrieve order information using Common Search Criteria or Additional Criteria. *Note: at least one of the required fields (noted by a red asterisk) must be included.

1. Common Search Criteria –

a. Search Name i. User supplied name to identify the saved search criteria. *Note: There is a 20 character l imit.

b. Header Level or Line Level i. If Header Level is selected, it is optional to ‘View Totals at Header’ for all PO lines in the search results screen.

c. Order Type i. If PO is selected, it is optional to retrieve Domestic and/or Import POs

d. *Order # i. Can retrieve POs by selecting OMS Order #, HOST Order #, OMS Order & Line, HOST Order & Line.

1. OMS Order and HOST Order – input order # one per row or separate using commas/spaces 2. OMS Order & Line and HOST Order and Line – input order # and line # separating using a tab; one order/line

combination per row. *Note: must search at Line Level to retrieve results. e. *Item #: Walmart/Sam’s Club specific item number *Note: Maximum 500 unique Item Numbers.

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i. Optional to select Exclude function, to search for POs that exclude the provided Item Number(s) *Note: This function requires a vender number.

f. *Supplier #: i. Can retrieve POs by selecting 6-digit or 9-digit vender numbers. *Note: Maximum 500 valid vendor numbers.

1. 6-digit Walmart/Sam’s Club specific number assigned to supplier. 2. *Supplier # (9-digit): Supplier # included with two-digit Department #, and one-digit Sequence # 3. Optional to select Exclude function, to search for POs that exclude the provided Vender Number(s)

*Note: This function requires a Department Number. g. Create User ID: user who created the order. *Note: if PO was system-generated, the system name will display h. Header Status: the current status of the PO

i. Active, Cancelled, Closed, Deleted, Draft, History, Pending Sync, Reserved, Split Import i. Event:

i. Can drive the actions transportation may take to expedite an order or notifies the store what to do with the merchandise upon arrival (i.e. TAB, Store Request).

1. For Walmart:10-character Event Code used during PO creation. 2. For Sam’s Club: free form, non-required, text. *Note: has a begin with wild card

j. Recv Node ID: the DC # in which the item is to be distributed through/to (the 1 st Walmart node the item arrives at) k. Distribution Locations: the Store/Club # in which the item is to be distributed to l. PO Line Status: the current status of the PO line

i. Approved, Cancelled, Closed, Draft, Exception, Partially Received, Received, Rejected, Waiting for Approval m. Create Reason: why the PO was created. *Note: defaults to ‘All’ n. Order Create Date: when the PO was created (MM/DD/YYYY); can search for specific date or date range. *Note: a text box

will appear with a calendar icon will appear for date(s) selection for ON, AFTER, BEFORE, or BETWEEN values

o. MABD: Must Arrive By Date. *Note: defaults to ‘Any’ p. Channel method: how to route the PO via Crossdock, DSD, DSDC, or Staple Stock q. Quote ID: This is the Import Quote number assigned to import POs. *Note: From MPA r. Department: the department number the PO is created for. *Note: select multiple departments by holding “Shift” to select

range or by holding “Ctrl” to select specific departments

2. Additional Search Criteria *Note: select Expand All to expand all sections or Collapse All to hide the sections. Click on the Twistie arrow next to each section to expand one at a time.

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a. Supplier

i. Supplier Name: name of supplier attached to 6-digit supplier number. *Note: has a begin with wild card and a 30

character l imit. ii. Transmission Status: status of transmission of PO information to supplier

Not Transmitted, Retransmitted , Ready for Transmission, Transmission Successful, Transmission Failure, Transmitted

iii. Transmission Receipt: receipt status of transmission Received By Supplier, Not Received By Supplier

iv. Import Supplier ID: ID number of Import Supplier *Note: from MPA

b. Item

i. Vendor Stock #: assigned Vendor Stock #, also Supplier Stock #, of the item(s) *Note: There is a 15 character limit

ii. UPC/GTIN#: assigned UPC or GTIN of the item(s) *Note: Check Digit required iii. Promo Indicator: orders that are destined for promo bucket *Note: Perishable grocery only iv. Assortment: item(s) listed in Like-Item Assortment or Unlike-Item Assortment v. Country of Origin: country in which the merchandise was produced/manufactured

vi. Total VNPK Ordered Qty: amount of Vendor Packs ordered

vii. Total VNPK Received Qty: amount of Vendor Packs received

viii. Item Description: description of item (i.e. Item Description 1) *Note: has a begin with wild card and a 30 character l imit.

c. Order

i. Header Activity: if PO has an Appointment Scheduled or has been Gated in at the DC

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ii. Line Activity: if Shipping Notice Received at Line-level iii. Orders: search for orders l inked to Purchase Agreements or orders with no lines attached iv. PA#: search for order(s) linked to specific Purchase Agreement(s) v. Work Order #: Search for orders that are split from a specific Work Order to be distributed to individual DCs/stores

*Note: similar to Host functionality on the Pall screen. vi. Order Entry Method: order created manually or systematically

vii. Grocery Indicator: Perishable or Non-Perishable items; POs that have enabled McLane’s flag for DCS2000 vendors viii. Appointment Date: orders with or without an Appointment date. *Note: Perishable Grocery Indicator required

*Note: future functionality will not require Perishable Grocery Indicator. Field will be removed and added as a check box under Orders as ‘without an appt date’

d. Dates

Drop-down selections for Dates Drop Down selections for OTB Calendars

i. DNSB: Do Not Send Before: previously the Ship Date ii. DNSA: Do Not Send After: previously the Cancel Date

iii. DNRB: Do Not Receive Before: window for PO to be received at DC iv. MAAP: Must Arrive At Port: date the merchandise should be received at port. *Note: Import-specific v. In Store Date: date which the PO order is to be received in store *Note: Import-specific

vi. Origin DNSB: Import vender’s ship date *Note: Import-specific vii. Origin DNSA: Import vender’s cancel date *Note: Import-specific

viii. Gregorian OTB: Open to Buy month and year based on Gregorian calendar ix. 4-5-4 OTB: Open to Buy month and year based on 4-5-4 calendar

e. User

i. Co-Managed Created: if PO was created by Co-Manage Supplier

ii. Create Reason: selected reason the PO was created iii. Edit Reason: if maintained, selected reason the PO was edited iv. Buyer User ID: User ID of the item’s Buyer

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f. Distribution/Transportation/Receiving

i. Distribution Location Traits: assigned trait(s) of the Distribution Locations (i.e. store/club)

ii. Freight Terms: if merchandise has payment terms that are Collect or Prepaid iii. Allocation: purchase orders have Firmed (i.e. non-adjustable) Allocation or Not Firmed Allocation *Note: this field is

being removed due to all fields showing as not firmed in tables. iv. Backhaul Indicator: indicates loads picked up by Walmart Private Fleet or by third-party v. New Distribution Location: This allows the user to search for orders with new stores in the distribution

vi. Loading Port: location of the Loading Port for the order *Note: Import-specific vii. Credit Office: location of the Credit Office for the order *Note: Import-specific

viii. Logistics Office: location of the Logistics Office for the order *Note: Import-specific ix. Destination: destination information *Note: Import-specific x. Carrier Code: SCAC code of the transportation company used

3. Click Search. You will be redirected to the work bench, where you can find your search submission under the Job Summary.

*Note: the information retrieved can be cancelled, exported to Excel, or printed to PDF. a. View a single PO by selecting the hyperlink under the ‘PO Nbr’ column. The Order View screen will display.

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1. Enter necessary information (noted by red asterisk) into the required Header fields.

a. Edit Distribution Defaults: Distribution Change Type, Edit Reason, Transmit to Supplier, Which Order # is Provided? *Note: click on the cell to prompt the drop-down box. Choose from listed values.

2. Input the required PO specific information (PO Line Level and Location Level) into the Details s ection (noted by red asterisk).

*Note: l imit of number of PO lines that can be entered is 1,045,000. a. PO Line Level: PO #, PO Line b. Location Level: Distribution Location, WHPK Ordered Qty

3. If needed, input any Optional/Default Overrides in the Details section if the value(s) are to differ from info in the Header section.

a. Distribution Change Type, Edit Reason, Transmit to Supplier, and PO Line VNPK Order Qty

4. Upon entering all the necessary information, select the Pre-Validate button. *Note: enter User ID and Retail Link password in

pop-up box when prompted.

a. If there are format errors with characters/numbers, the aligned cell will highlight with the error(s) l isted under the

Error Details column. Correct the error(s) and then select the Pre-validate button.

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5. Upon validation, the Submit button will display in Header section. Click Submit and the requested edits will be submitted for processing. Click OK to close screen. *Note: Edit is not completed. Must review under Job Summary in OMS Workbench.

6. The submission will populate under the Job Summary in the OMS Workbench. Once in ‘Done’ status, select the Description link

to open the confirmation screen.

a. If the Edit request does not consist of error(s), the submission will list under the Successful section. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to review summary.

b. If the Edit request consists of hard-stop error(s), the submission will list under the Failures section. A reason for the failure will prompt in red font. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to display the incorrect information.

c. If the Edit request consists of soft-stop errors, the submission will l ist under the Warnings section. A reason for the

warning will prompt. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to display the information.

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i. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ under the Edit Distro? Column. If ‘Yes’, then click the Edit Distribution l ink to align the distribution order quantities. Click Save and then click Submit on the Mass Update Confirmation screen.

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1. Enter necessary information (noted by red asterisk) into the required Header fields. *Note: May enter optional values into the

Event, DNSB, DNSA, and/or MABD fields.

2. Input the required PO specific information into the Details section (noted by red asterisk). *Note: l imit of number of PO lines

that can be entered is 1,045,000. a. Header Level: PO #, PO Line, VNPK Cost, and PO Line VNPK Order Qty

3. If needed, input any Optional/Default Overrides if the value(s) are to differ from information input in the Header section.

a. Edit Reason and Transmit to Supplier

4. Upon entering all the necessary information, select the Pre-Validate button. a. If there are format errors with characters/numbers, the aligned cell will highlight with the error(s) l isted under the

Error Details column. Correct the error(s) and then select the Pre-validate button.

5. Upon validation, the Submit button will display in Header section. Click Submit and the requested edits will be submitted for processing. Click OK to close screen. *Note: Edit is not completed. Must review under Job Summary in OMS Workbench.

6. The submission will populate under the Job Summary in the OMS Workbench. Once in ‘Done’ status, select the Description link to open the confirmation screen.

a. If the Edit request does not consist of error(s), the submission will list under the Successful section. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to review summary.

b. If the Edit request consists of hard-stop error(s), the submission will list under the Failures section. A reason for the failure will prompt in red font. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to display the incorrect information.

c. If the Edit request consists of soft-stop errors, the submission will l ist under the Warnings section. A reason for the

warning will prompt. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to display the information.

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1. Enter necessary information (noted by red asterisk) into the required Header fields. *Note: May enter optional value into the

VNPK Cost field.

a. Edit Line Defaults: VNPK Cost, Edit Reason, Transmit to Supplier, Which Order # is Provided? *Note: click on the cell

to prompt the drop-down box (excluding VNPK Cost). Choose from listed values.

2. Input the required PO specific information into the Details section (noted by red asterisk). a. Line Level: PO #, PO Line, VNPK Cost, PO Line VNPK Order Qty

3. If needed, input any Optional/Default Overrides if the value(s) are to differ from information input in the Header section. a. Edit Reason and Transmit to Supplier

4. Upon entering all the necessary information, select the Pre-Validate button.

a. If there are format errors with characters/numbers, the aligned cell will highlight with the error(s) l isted under the

Error Details column. Correct the error(s) and then select the Pre-validate button. 5. Upon validation, the Submit button will display in Header section. Click Submit and the requested edits will be submitted for

processing. Click OK to close screen. *Note: Edit is not completed. Must review under Job Summary in OMS Workbench.

6. The submission will populate under the Job Summary in the OMS Workbench. Once in ‘Done’ status, select the Description link to open the confirmation screen.

a. If the Edit request does not consist of error(s), the submission will list under the Successful section. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to review summary.

b. If the Edit request consists of hard-stop error(s), the submission will list under the Failures section. A reason for the failure will prompt in red font. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to display the incorrect information.

c. If the Edit request consists of soft-stop errors, the submission will l ist under the Warnings section. A reason for the

warning will prompt. Select ‘Expand Detail’ to display the information.

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1. Open Perishable Edit Spreadsheet (Workbench toolbar > Template tab > PO > Perishable Edit Spreadsheet).

2. Click on Perishable Edit Spreadsheet. This will initiate the “GroceryEditSpreadsheet.xlsm” to prompt to Open. The User will be

prompted to input Retail Link login credentials.

3. Perishable Edit Spreadsheet will open upon log-in validation. Consists of two tabs: Template and Results.

a. Four buttons in Header section: Export Results, Clear, Submit, Retrieve Data

i. Export Results: retrieve results in a separate Excel spreadsheet

ii. Clear: remove any entered PO information

iii. Submit:

iv. Retrieve Data: once PO entered, populates further PO details including Header Status, Appointment Date, Gate In Date,

Channel Method, Receiving Node ID, Vendor Nbr 9-Digit, Vendor Name, DNSB, DNSA, MABD. *Note: currently not

available for Work Orders.

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4. Several drop downs are required for PO Cancellation. Values required are l isted below:

a. Country: defaults to US

b. Company: legal name of the company which PO was created for (choose from Walmart or Sam’s Club)

c. Order Type: Type of order which was created (i.e. OMS PO, HOST PO, Work Order)

d. Action: the function to be processed to the PO *Note: once selected, respective columns will populate

i. Cancel, Edit, Add a Line

e. Header/Line: level of PO to be cancelled *Note: if Line is selected, PO Nbr column and Line Nbr column will populate.

If Item is selected, Item Nbr column will populate.

i. Header, Item, Line

f. Edit Reason: reason the PO is to be cancelled or edited

5. Depending on the selected Action and Header/Line, different column Headers will build to display the required PO information.

a. To Cancel a PO (Action: Cancel, Header/Line: Header)

i. Built Column Headers: PO Nbr

b. To Cancel a PO Line (Action: Cancel, Header/Line: Line)

i. Built Column Headers: PO Nbr, Line Nbr

c. To Edit a PO (Action: Edit, Header/Line: Header)

i. Built Column Headers: PO Nbr, New DNSB, New MABD, New WHSE Area, New DCS2000 Freight Terms

d. To Edit the Order Quantity of a PO Line (Action: Edit, Header/Line: Line)

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i. Built Column Headers: PO Nbr, Line Nbr, New VNPK Order Qty, New Promo Ind

e. To Edit an Item Order Quantity on a PO (Action: Edit, Header/Line: Item)

i. Built Column Headers: PO Nbr, Item Nbr, New VNPK Order Qty, New Promo Ind

f. To Add a Line to a PO (Action: Add a Line)

i. Built Column Headers: PO Nbr, Item Nbr, Order Qty, VNPK Cost Override Amt, Promo Ind

6. Enter the PO # to maintain and click Retrieve Data.

a. If system error prompts, User can click Report an Issue to notify OMS Business Development team. A blank Outlook

message will prompt for User to enter specific details of error and attachment of spreadsheet.

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7. Enter the required PO Information to be maintained. Once all new values entered, click Submit to process validations. A

BatchID will prompt and should be saved for reference.

8. Upon validations, User will be directed to the Results tab.

a. Select Refresh Batch to pull back result details.

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b. Select Find My Submissions to retrieve a l isting of the Batch IDs that have been submitted by the respective User ID. Select

the Batch ID to retrieve details of the completed maintenance.

i. User may Export List to an Excel spreadsheet.

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