
Post on 20-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Ms. Wummel
    English 9 Honors
    Of Mice and Men Vocabulary

2. junctures
points of joining
3. mottled
marked with spots of different colors
4. stilted
artificially formal, stiff, pompous
5. morosely
done while being sullen or gloomy
6. imperiously
extremely overbearing
7. relish
to take great pleasure in
8. mollified
soothed, or appeased
9. pugnacious
looking for a fight, combative, belligerent
10. ominously
11. slough
to cast off
12. plaintively
mournful and expressing sorrow
13. brittle
fragile, frail, easily damaged
14. complacently
done with the state of being self-satisfied
15. derision
scoffing at, mockery, ridicule
16. scuttled
sunk (as in ship)
17. reprehensible
deserving blame or reprimand
18. bemused
confused or bewildered
19. reverently
done with honor, regarding with respect
20. appreciation
the increase in value
21. aloof
apart, indifferent
22. apprehension
the seizure, arrest, of taking into custody; the understanding or becoming aware
23. indignation
anger as a result of something unjust
24. wisps
A small amount of something that is fragile or slight
25. belligerently
waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness
26. monotonous
done with a repetitive sameness
27. woodenly
something done stiffly or clumsy

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