omeka sc4l

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Omeka S != Omeka 3 No upgrade path from Omeka 2 series Omeka 2 and Omeka S will continue together in parallel
  2. 2. Basic Principles Linky Multisite
  3. 3. Basic Principles Linky JSON-LD (mostly) API
  4. 4. Basic Principles Linky Connect better to other systems Fedora DSpace CollectionSpace? Other?????
  5. 5. Basic Principles Multisite One installation, many 'sites' NOT the way WordPress does it Sites are super Exhibit Builder Items are shared throughout the installation (with some public/private permission settings)
  6. 6. RDF-based dcterms, dctype, bibo, foaf RDF/OWL vocabs can be uploaded OWL restrictions get reduced to RDF/S No inferencing or enforcement of rules No sub-Class or -Property data recorded
  7. 7. Data Entry Text literal Optional language value Internal Resource External Resource Expanded Media concept
  8. 8. Technical good stuff to know Zend Framework 2 Events/Triggers Plugins ZF2 Modules Doctrine ORM PHP 5.5+ Traits Namespaces (Not so WordPressy)
  9. 9. Omeka S Patrick Murray- John Omeka Director of Developer Outreach @patrick_mj patrickmjchnm Google group: Omeka GitHub: omeka/omeka-s

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