old school brochures are still better than web

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Old School Brochures Are Still Better Than Web




At this age and time, when every data can be stored in little memory cards and communicating to people across the globe is just one click away, it’s amusing how some things conventional are still utilized. Take printed materials for example. I was craving for burritos so badly yesterday and decided to ask Google for the contact number of the nearest restaurant in my place. To my dismay, my phone or the telco had a very bad internet connection. I head to the drawer containing different brochures that I’ve (unintentionally) collected over time and YES! I’VE FOUND IT! I dialled Army Navy’s phone number and ordered burrito which I devoured in less than 5 minutes after it was delivered.

The situation led me into thinking how beneficial brochure really is for businesses, big or small, and why they should still have it available for customers.


1. Low cost promotion for your business Depending on the design, size and materials used, brochures usually costs around $1 to $4. Order in bulk and you can get it in a much lower price. You can visit AD XPRS to help you choose a design and template for your brochures and other marketing paraphernalia at an affordable price. You can ask 1 or 2 persons to distribute these in places where foot traffic is good or you can simply put these in display inside your store where customers can easily see it and grab one. I remembered getting that Army Navy brochure when I went to the mall. They were promoting a new product at that time and were actively promoting it and their other products by distributing the brochure to mall goers. While I wasn’t able to contribute for their revenue at that time, their brochure still got them some couple of dollars from me yesterday.


2. Avoids the hassle and distractions of going online The use of internet is not always convenient. Like in my case yesterday, where internet connection is bad, I could’ve waited for it to be better but then I don’t know when that will be. I may even have to call the telephone company and wait for ages to speak to a representative. Compare that to yesterday when it only took me a couple of minutes to look for the brochure and order. If for example you expect your clients to just go to your website, there is a possibility that your potential client will get easily distracted by different social media sites which will eat up your client’s time resulting to loss of potential revenue for your business.  Brochures also help avoid distractions for the customers. As in the case of the real estate agents or financial advisers, sometimes they use their laptops to show their clients what they’re getting. Using laptops have the risk of shortening your explanation or are in hurry to finish your presentation because of the possibility of your laptop’s battery draining. There is also the risk of being distracted by the different pop-ups or errors appearing suddenly on your screen.


3. Immediate and clear explanation to customers Brochures usually contain vital information about the company. It therefore explains in an instant to customers what the company is all about. These brochures also help customers be more educated about the products and services you offer allowing them more time to think about whether or not your product is worth it. I am not a fan of online shopping primarily because I don’t trust if what I’m seeing online is what I’ll be getting upon delivery. Yesterday when I called for my order, I also get to ask right away whether or not my meal is with a drink or without. If I ordered online, there is a possibility that some of the information will not be clear enough which can result to a negative feedback from me if my expectations are not met. If it were not because of that brochure where I got their phone number, who knows what could’ve happened. 


Add a little twist so you can also attract more attention to your brochure. Insert some discount coupons or other freebies inside it, make every information in it clear and concise. Put yourself in the shoes of your consumers and find out what they need to know about your company. Take advantage of some websites which offers services that can help you in making one (ex. www.adxprs.com). Look around and note that even the big and established companies still use this marketing tool. Only goes to show that this is still useful in increasing revenue. You may not see the effects right away but in time, you will surely reap the fruits of your labor.  While going digital is not all that bad, bear in mind that there are still some good in printed, tangible materials. Even everything can be done and researched online, AD XPRS still believe that consumers still want and need these pamphlets or brochures and these are still effective marketing tools because they keep potential clients in the sales cycle.

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